View Full Version : The Kinshara

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
08-12-15, 09:23 AM
The Kinshara

The Kinshara started off in Corone as a small assassin’s guild. Its original purpose was to offer shelter, protection and work to those with special skill sets, and although the guild’s membership stagnated somewhat in the last few years the guild existed in that format for decades. However, when Shinsou Osiris arrived from Telgradia and joined the guild, he realised the potential that the group had and helped its founder, Null, expand upon both its physical presence and ideals to create something much bigger.

As it exists now, The Kinshara has gone from being a simple band of rogues to an institution. It is a brotherhood of warriors, assassins, mages and healers united as a collective under one banner. Those who join are afforded food, money, accommodation, training and work. They are encouraged to improve, to flourish at their chosen profession, whilst at the same time helping to spread the influence of the Kinshara across Althanas, staving off threats and undertaking missions where appropriate.


- To provide protection and security to those who serve the Kinshara banner.
- To address and eliminate threats as and when they arise to the security of the Kinshara and the people of Corone.
- To expand, both physically and in influence, across Althanas
- To have representation at major tournaments

*Additional to these goals is the all important mission of obtaining the HQ for Kinshara.


All forms of violence against members or allies must be in officially sanctioned matches only. The Kinshara encourage competition, but do not kill their own out of cold blood.

Show respect to other Kinshara members, and help them when they are troubled.

If the Kinshara call upon you to perform a task, you must be able and ready to perform it.


The Kinshara have a relatively “open door” policy when it comes to recruitment, although all decisions are final and made by the Kinshara council. When a member wishes to progress up the ranks, certain tests will be administered by the council. These tests may range from a quest to a battle, or some other writing based task.


Shinsou Vaan Osiris is in command of the Kinshara and chairs the council.


Gnarl and Root

There are currently no other members nor appointed officers.

08-12-15, 01:36 PM
count me in. We could steer our thread towards it :)

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
08-13-15, 02:44 AM
Awesome man! We can work out how our battle will evolve into it, and i'll make sure to get a post up soon. Having someone of your experience will be a big boost. The recruitment thread is here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29766-Kinshara-Provisional-recruitment) just until the PG gets approved. I posted it in the wrong forum because I am so dense light bends around me.

Max Dirks
08-13-15, 08:40 AM