View Full Version : Trouble Introducing.. Help

08-17-15, 02:28 AM
Hello all you lovely creative minds out there, I am seeking help on creating a thread of my character Camille. http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29773-Camille-Dark

There is her link if you would like to take a gander at her, I want to do a thread with her but I am not honestly sure how to introduce her to this world. So I will give you the gist of her back story.

Camille at a young age lost her parents, they were murdered for being Lycan and her twin brother whisked them away and they traveled until landing in a world called Sheinara, there she thrived as the fun, flirtatious and carefree soul. She saved the lands Queen and became the high personal guard of the Queen. Than one day that came back to bite her in the bum when a witch took everything that she loved away from her, first her fiancé Josh in war and than her brother with a plague. Leaving her to be alone and her wolf retreating away from her. So with what seems as half her soul missing and no where to settle she wondered and stumbled upon this land.

She is no longer the same person she was, she is a shattered beautiful woman that can't seem to cope with her loses to recover and be the bright marvelous spirit she once was. So as you can tell not really sure what to do with her but I want it to be full of action, maybe romance in the long run and for her wolf and soul to reunite and she can return to her former glory of being beautiful and full of life.

08-17-15, 05:30 PM
And she fleeing for her life found herself in a town, or perhaps it was a city, she could not say which. She discovered though, after a few inquests, that the place was a port, a deep harbor port, and that passage could be obtained on the Dawn's Chaser. A ship bound for lands unknown. Thus, after storm tossed nights, and sun kissed days, she arrived.

More to come expect PM.