View Full Version : My arms can't hold back the lonliness, I've felt since I lost sight...

10-28-06, 11:49 AM
Full Name: Liliana Ambria
Race: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height/Weight: 5'4" 150 Lbs.
Occupation: Demon Hunter


Liliana grew up in a small village in the lands of Berevar. Still young of age she doesn't remember the events of the night that would change he whole life. All she knows is that night has serverely scarred her brother, and left her an orphan. Knowing nothing of her parents, she had no measure to judge them as good or bad. All she knows is that the murderer was the Demon Amiya, and that her brother had vowed to kill her.

Growing up in the Order's monastery, she chose to go a different route than her brother. While as Taviri was consumed by bitterness and vengeance, Liliana let logic rule her actions, choosing to follow the teachings of the god Dumas. The patron god of night seemed to smile upon her as while Taviri was stuck without a god to call upon, he was at a serious disadvantage.

Liliana took to her studies seriously and eventually passed the Rite of Inquiry making her a full fledged Demon Hunter. She explores the world with new determination to best her brother, who she sees as nothing more than a moping emotional useless wreck.
Level 1

Liliana has undergone many things, from a simple meeting with the thief Seth Dahlios, to hunting Demons with the order. As she continues to grow in her strength, she has found her faith irrevocably shaken. She now questions things she accepted as fact and never thought about, since meeting the former thief extraordinaire. Having seen him fall to darkness she even sought out information about him in the hopes of bringing him back alive.

Even now she is in search of him, hoping to rescue him from the wrong hands before he is killed, or even worse, used as a weapon of destruction. This view on the thief has caused a rift to slowly form between her and her brother, separating the two Ambrias even further. No one knows now what she is doing, and even she is beginning to question her actions, but even still she presses on in the hopes of preventing the death of a man she truly cherishes.

Level 2

Liliana has forgone all that she ever held sacred in the hopes of reuniting with Seth. Finally catching up to her friend it became clear she could no longer function as she had before him. Being kicked out of the Seraphs she put all her hopes in Seth, and the gamble paid off, for Seth finally agreed to settle down with her. As they travel through Reven in order to reach Lavinya and start their quiet life, Liliana can’t help but wonder how long the peace will last.


Liliana has a bright and bubbly personality. Often trying to make friends she is only hostile to those that threaten her goals and plans. Logic and reason rule her actions, so to some she may come off a bit cold, but once you get to know her she can be a good person to be around.


Sense Presence - Like most members of the order, Liliana cans sense the presence of Demonic, Undead, or Familiar people (friends family other seraphs). She can tell where they are approximately, and often times their conditions.

Cloak of Shadows - Praying to her god Dumas Liliana gains the benefits of being invisible in the shadows. Should she make even the slightest contact with light the cloak drops and she becomes garishly obvious. She can manifest this ability twice a day.

Aura of Acquiescence – People tend to be drawn to being calm around Liliana. Because of this people not focused on anger or the need to hurt someone often become tranquil. However those committed to their rage will be able to maintain it. Should she fight it will take as long as it takes her heart to steady for the aura to return as the heat of battle causes her to lose it.

Word of Banishing – Dealing with the demonic and undead has caused her to plea to her god for more power. Dumas has answered her call in the form of the Word of Banishing. By stating the simple word she attempt to banish a demon of SIntyre or Undead to the realm from which they came. In the case of the Sintyre Demon, they would be sent to Sintyre, and the undead would be returned to the place of siring, or if the master outright killed. However, she is far too weak to summon more than minor demons and minion undead. The chart below will show the strength of her ability to use this power;

2 Levels below – Kills undead, Banishes Demon’s to Sintyre.
1 Level below – Causes Serious Wounds to the Demon, can cause undead to be stunned for 2 posts.
Same Level – A push the strength of a strong man against a Kender.
1 Level above – A normal Shove
2 Levels Above – A weak push
3 Levels above – No effect.

Note: Demons and Undead CAN attempt to negate this power. If by sheer force of will they attempt to overcome the word of banishing, they can actually count as a higher level monster than they really are. (For the most part, this is the loophole PC characters can jump through, making it no more effective than a same level against them, unless they wish to go weaker)

Shadow Staff - Much like her brother Taviri she can manifest a weapon out of apparently thin air. Praying to the god Dumas gives her the ability to manifest a staff made out of seemingly pure shadows. As her mastery grows so does the relative strength of this weapon (at this point trakym is about as strong as she can manifest it.), however, any contact lost with the weapon causes it to dissipate until she calls it again.

Sanctuary - While holding the shadow staff in hands, she can invoke the prayer of Sanctuary. Slamming the butt of the staff into the ground she projects a bubble of holy energy in a ten foot radius about her. Demonic and Undead enemies cannot enter the bubble though they may still cast projectiles into it. However, to keep the bubble of safety up Liliana must continue chanting prayers of exultation to her god. Lasts until she loses grip ont he prayer or until she is injured.

She has average staff capabilities and average abilities with her sword.


Long Sword (Steel) - Being a cleric of Dumas gives birth to an unusual precedent in the Order. Being able to wield swords is the trademark of Clerics to Dumas, and are trained in basic use of them.

Tome of Demons - An ancient tome that gives the Order's information on Demons from Sintyre or the Demon Realm. Also includes some limited information (very limited) on the gods and the demon wars so many years ago.

Cow Hide Bag - Holds all the basic traveling necessities, and the tome when not in use.

She wears the Linen robes of her order. With a small cord wrapped around her waist to serve as a belt she appears modest. On the back of her robes is the Order's symbol of night. She also wears the trademark Burlap cloak of her order. As anything more would be a waste and indulgence.

She also speaks and writes Homanic the language of the Order. She can speak and read Trade speak, but can't write very well in it, making it difficult for her to leave messages for anyone but Order Members.

Liliana Ambria
10-28-06, 11:51 AM
Damnit, the profile is for this character.

Cyrus the virus
10-29-06, 11:24 AM