View Full Version : ... I guess apologizes are due

08-21-15, 09:08 PM
The one time I went on LOA, I did not post. Wow. I meant to post, never did for some reason... Gah. Why? Why did I not post?


Hi, Althanas! *ducks behind door for cover from flying tomatoes* I think I'm back. I went on an LOA because of mental issues :/ I decided to step away from several sites (various types) I was on for various reasons. Once again, should have posted here about it. For some crazy reason I never did. Bleh... So yeah, I might be back. I would like to work on stories and stuff again, but... ... ... where do I start? Will be popping up in chat and annoying people again anyways xD So... yeah.

Once again, I apologize for never giving any heads up for the absence.

~ Ashla.

08-22-15, 01:19 AM
I have no tomatos, I am empty handed.
So, as I said in chat I've got a PM that should be coming your way in a day or two, where that leads, is entirely up to you.