View Full Version : A News Update from the Absent Assassin

08-24-15, 09:19 AM
Hello Athanians,

As you know, I've been absent for some time. Mostly, this is because I'm playing way too much Destiny and watching way too much TV. The second portion of this is due to the fact I become a homeowner for the first time tomorrow. These last six weeks have been high octane stress and work to manage finances, find a home, and lock down a good rate on a loan. I'm also being hinted by my colleagues at work that I may be finding myself a promotion in the next few weeks. Apparently, my work ethic has caught the eyes of some of my superiors.

What that means to you folks is uncertain at the moment. That may mean more or less downtime to tend to my duties here. It also may mean a formal resignation as admin. It's too soon to say.

I just wanted to stop by and let those who were curious know what is going on with your favorite white-haired assassin.

Until things settle, I'll be seeing you all topside.



Alydia Ettermire
08-24-15, 10:18 AM
Congrats on getting yourself a house!

08-24-15, 10:21 AM
Agreed congradulations on the home, and stop playing Destiny its slowly stilling your soul... yeah, that sounded like nonsense to me as I was typing it.

black shadow
08-24-15, 12:03 PM
Destiny is amazing so I can see why that's why you're here less! ;) haha! But congrats on the house man! We hope to see more of you soon! :)

Cards of Fate
08-24-15, 12:08 PM
Congrats on the house! Heres hoping you get an awesome promotion and get more free time to write and draw adorable ferret pictures

08-24-15, 12:09 PM
Play less Destiny.

Play more Splatoon.

08-24-15, 12:16 PM
Everybody keeps talking about this Destiny thing, I don't have an Xbox to play it...

Congratulations on the house! Your own home you can decorate, nail, and paint any way you want! Exciting!

08-24-15, 05:04 PM
Sounds like you're doing some amazing adult things! Congratulations on the house, and my fingers are crossed for that promotion!

Take your time. If you need to talk at anyone, you know how to reach me.

08-24-15, 05:27 PM
Many hugs to you. You know I love you Jack. xx

09-01-15, 01:34 PM
News Update:

Moved into the house and had a blast on vacation. Somehow scored second degree sunburns on my shoulders. Who would have thought?

Also, I got the promotion! I'm now on track to being the branch manager of the Denver Area. After training, I'll have the full fledged title!

I got that news just minutes before I signed on my first house. By far, the best day of my life.

We have yet to unpack and there are some things to get set up/fixed in the house before I can really be comfortable. Until then, I'll still be on hiatus. I'm still around though and expect to be back firing on all cylinders soon.

Keep it up, Althanas! Good to see you guys still writing!

Cards of Fate
09-01-15, 02:21 PM
Awwwwwww Yissssss

Jacks movin on up in life! Gratz on all the awesome things that came/are coming your way!