View Full Version : The Stars at Night, are Big and Bright

08-24-15, 05:02 PM
"All I know is the cards point to this little town in the Eastern side of Corone," Logan said as he pointed to the map. Vincent Cain looked down at the map then lifted the right lens of his most ridiculous-looking ocular device.

"Ahh, yes, I see. Well, if the cards said to go, you're free to go. No clue what you should expect there, though."

The psion shrugged.

"Whatever I find there I can handle. I just know the cards haven't steered me wrong yet, and I sincerely doubt they would do so now. Although, I am curious why they wanted me to go, but who am I to argue?"

Vince nodded as he patted his Tarot subordinate, and friend, on the back.

"That is the question now isn't it, Logan?"


The countryside of Corone was peaceful and serene, something Logan grew less and less accustomed to seeing. In the early days of his time on Althanas, the Coronian empire was strong, but it was also weak out in the countryside where the government and armies rarely made visits. Especially during the Demon War, and even more so this far out from Radasanth.

The trees gently swayed in the breeze. A small flock of birds took flight into the sky above. The sun set along the horizon as dusk began to arrive across the land. The flickering light of the small town of Ostervale settled into a steady glow as day became night. The final mile or so of the trek into Ostervale was even quieter than the hundreds of miles before it.

A thin, tall man with a yellow straw hat holding onto a pitchfork tipped his hat to Logan. "Greetings stranger," he said to the psion.

"Where can a traveler find a good night's rest in a small town such as this," Logan asked.

The stranger smiled softly, "Why, you'll want to hit up the Starry Home Inn and Tavern just up the road here a short ways. Tell'em ol' Jameson sent ya, and they'll give ya a mighty fine discount!"

The psion smiled wide.

"Well, thank you good sir. I certainly appreciate the countryside hospitality."

The old man nodded and waved as Logan continued. The Starry Home Inn and Tavern was old, rickety and run down, but it still stood. The building's two floors stood in stark contrast to every other building which all contained only a single floor. Flames could be seen through the stained glass windows on either side of the first floor. As the psion neared closer, he could make out the sounds of pub tunes sung by the patrons within.

"The stars at night
Are big and bright
Deep in the heart
Of Corone.

Reminds me of
The one I love
Deep in heart
Of Corone."

Logan smirked as he began to hum with the tune. As he entered, he was welcomed by the five patrons save one off in the corner. He or she, the psion couldn't really tell from the distance between them, seemed to keep to herself and was well and truly out of place. Everyone else was bubbly and joyous, and she seemed not so much.

"What'll it be, stranger," the innkeeper asked the psion.

"I'll take a whiskey, straight."

Logan peeked over at the person in the corner once more with a curiosity that did not seem to wane, no matter how long he looked. A glass and liquid formed before the psion, and he sipped with a smirk before tossing a few coins on the counter. He looked back to the person once more. His curiosity finally got the better of him, and he stood and approached them.

"This seat taken," the psion asked as he motioned to the chair across the table from the person he was then able to determine was, in fact, a girl.

08-24-15, 06:09 PM
Music, horribly out of tune music was being sung by tone deaf patrons of the tavern she sat in. McKinley thumbed through her sketch pad trying to find a page that was clear enough for her to start drawing. Though the stench of stale ale and cigars filled the air around her she tried to shake it off by taking another drink of her vodka on the rocks. The warm almost burning sensation slide down he throat into her stomach and warming her entire body. A sigh parted her pink lips as she bent over to the floor searching in her satchel for her lead pencil.

Sitting up when she heard the tavern bell chime meaning another customer had come in to enjoy the atmosphere of liquored up people around her. She watched as a man neared the counter and ordered something, she gripped her lead pencil a little too tightly as he looked towards her. A small gasp left her lips as she quickly ducked her head down. "Don't be silly McKinley he was just looking around the bar not at you specifically," she whispered harshly to herself shaking her head. Taking a longer sip of her drink, her beautiful innocent face twisted as the drink was a little harsher than the one before. Tucking her long slightly wavy red locks behind her left ear to get a clear view of her blank canvas. What to do, what to do... She thought silently as she tapped her pencil on the table a few times.

Piercing blue hued eyes glanced up at the open window in time to see two beautiful sparrows flying next to one another. With that picture fresh in her mind she started to sketch. Slow fluid like strokes with her pencil, a few mistakes caused her to erase the flaws before she started once more. Shading she made shapes of the clouds that were there, they were large and fluffy like cotton balls. As she heard someone speak to her she look up and saw the male that had walked into the place not that long before. Her long fiery red locks fell into her face before she ran a hand through her mane, pushing it to cascade over to the left side.

"Umm... I guess it's now?"

08-27-15, 09:33 PM
Logan nodded approvingly as he sat down and then set his glass of whiskey on the table.

"Guess it is."

His pack found its way into the seat next to him, and he opened it. A worn, leather bound book with his name embossed in silver along the spine, found its way onto the table along with a pencil. With a deep, satisfied exhalation, he lifted his whiskey and sipped, his eyes momentarily sneaking a peek at her sketch.

She wasn't half bad; one of the better sketchers he'd seen in his time on Althanas. Truth be told, he was more intrigued by her presence in the tavern than in her artistry.

"You're pretty good," he said as he nodded toward her sketch. Something tugged at him to take it easy on her, probably by her subtle awkwardness and lack of conversation earlier.

"I doubt you wondered, but the name is Logan," he added after a few moments of strung-out silence. As he waited on the answer, he scribbled down a couple of notes in his book.

08-27-15, 11:44 PM
McKinley tried desperately to focus on her sketch, she would let her pencil move across her paper for a brief moment than steal a look at the male. This happened for a few minutes before he spoke to her once again. Her freckled cheeks danced with a pink blush as he complimented her sketching skills. Twirling her pencil in between her fingers skillfully, "thanks..." Her voice was soft and gentle as she looked before she picked up her glass taking another swig of the liquor. Finally finishing the out line of her sparrows she started to shade them in with fine detail. Every so often closing her eyes to draw the image back up in her memory on how dark she should shade and where the light had accented the feathers of the birds.

When the daunting silence had been broking by the male once more she offered him a small smile, "Nice to meet you.." She started back up on her sketching before she had realized that she hadn't given her name in return. Blurting out rather loud and awkward, "I'm McKinley!" Her face grew as red as her locks as she covered her mouth with her hand muffling the sound of nervous giggling. After her laughter had stopped she pressed her pink plump lips together, her dark piercing blue eyes looked as if she was thinking hard on what next to say. "I mean I am McKinley or you can call me Kinley... Which ever..." Ducking back down into her sketch pad she was almost finished with her sketch. Softly smiling down in admiration at what she had created in a matter of mere minutes.

Noticing that the male named Logan was jotting down a few notes she tilted her head side ways not entirely understanding what he was writing she watched him for a few more moments. Taking a long swig of her drink, shivering slightly from the sudden warmth of the liquor. "What are you writing in your book?"

09-08-15, 05:22 PM
The girl was bashful to the point of being a nervous wreck, and all the poor psion wanted was a simple conversation. Granted, the conversation was purely a cover to find out as much about her as possible, but still a conversation nevertheless. Logan took a deep breath and scribbled a couple of additional notes. His fingers traced down the page before closing the leather-bound book and replacing it into his pack. He looked over the girl in silence for a few moments longer with the full knowledge doing so would only add to her discomfort, and then he replied.

"Pleasure to meet you McKinley. I will be right back."

He made his way over to the bar, whispered something to the bartender, and then shortly thereafter returned with a couple of full of a dark red liquid. The psion sat down in his seat, and then set one of the glasses in front of the shy girl.

"Alerian red wine, vintage 1805 from a vineyard just beyond the outskirts of Ettermire. Far better to ease one's nerves than whiskey or whatever that was in your glass," Logan pointed to her nearly empty cup. He smiled softly, an attempt to put her more at ease, if it was truly possible with one so on edge and so flighty.

"So, Ms. McKinley, you asked me about the notes in my book, and when the time is right I will let you see them. For now, just know I have traveled a ways to find a very special person, and it seems to me only one very special person currently resides within this tavern."

Logan lifted the wine glass to his face, swirling the glass expertly, before wafting the aromas to his nose. A smile accompanied the glass meeting his lips as he took a sip of the wine, and then returned the glass to the table.

"Might you have any guesses to whom that person might be?"

09-08-15, 06:11 PM
Knowing there was not any hope for her to finish her sketch she placed a small piece of fabric to mark her spot so that she wouldn't lose it. Taking the last bit of her drink she down it placing the glass in front of her as she drummed her thumbs against her thighs. Her attire was causal as she wore dark denim blue skinny jeans with a simple white camisole and leather black jacket the sleeves pushed up half way. Fidgeting with her sleeves some what tapping her open toed strappy black high heels. Kinley always seemed to fidget when she was nervous or uncomfortable which was almost all the time. Taking a peak at the male between her thick lashes she chewed on her lower lip when she noticed he was staring at her. The pink color on her cheeks danced to a dark shade of red as she chewed a little harder on her lower lip. Tucking her long red locks behind her ear she looked up at the male when he spoke to her.

"Oh.. um pleasure is all mine Logan.."

Testing the sound of his name on her lips as he disappeared for a moment, letting a sigh out she relaxed for a moment as the pounding that was coming from her chest settled for a moment. Her eyes involuntary followed the male as he made his way over to the bar. Arching her eyebrow she tilted her head slightly as he whispered something in the bar maids ear. When he started to turn she looked out the window and notice that the sun was now casting colors all over the sky as if someone had spilt paint across it. Jumping slightly when he set the glass down in front of her, her attention drawn away from the window to the male once more. She offered him a small kind smiled that seemed to make her piercing dark blue eyes sparkle as she took a tentative drunk. Not sure if he should trust him she watched as he took a drink of the liquid first for all she knew he could be trying to drug her and sell her into the slave market. Her body went ridged as she fought the flash back of having actually been sold before to a human slave market, her body still bared the brand of a slave. Taking a large gulp she hoped that he was as genuine as he seemed. "Um thanks.." Chewing on the inside of her cheek McKinley sat there quietly unsure of what to say but before the silence got to overly awkward the male broke the silence once more. Her innocently beautiful features twisted with confusion as he answered her question like a riddle almost. Than as if the answer of his riddle slapped her in her face, the color from her cheeks drained as she squirmed in her seat.

"If you are taking about me sir I can assure you that I am nothing special... I never have been and nor will I ever be special. I am a socially awkward girl that can't even seem to have civil conversation with a good looking guy."

She froze as she had just called him good looking out loud, squirming even more in her seat she took her cup in her hands before taking the contents in it and chugging it. The liquid slowly leaked out the sides of her mouth as she emptied the cup and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Her expression twisted as the yeasty taste of wine over took her mouth sending a shiver down her back. Though as the alcohol worked through her system she could feel her body relaxing slowly as she sagged a bit more in her seat now.

09-18-15, 09:45 AM
Logan wasn't actually talking about her, and he chuckled softly at the thought.

"Oh, I didn't mean you, Kinley. I was referring to him," the psion said with a smirk as he lifted his glass and pointed with an index finger off to another corner where a tall man, with a wide-brimmed yellow hat pulled down very low sat drinking alone. "You see, dear, that is one very special individual with a certain skill set only a very select few in Corone possess. If you're lucky, you might even see him use it."

The yellow-brimmed hat lifted to meet the psion's pointing with a contorted look of confusion, and then shock. Without a word from the man, he blinked in a split second from the corner where he sat to a couple of feet from McKinley and Logan's table. With both hands on the table, the psion clenched his fists and the man in the hat flinched, the muscle atop his forehead bulging. After a few moments, the psion's fists released and the man stumbled a step and then dropped to one knee.

Logan turned back to McKinley. "Where were we? Ahh yes, the very special person in this bar. This is Jansen, and he has a particular item that belongs to a good friend of mine, and," the psion said as he slid from his seat, lowered to grab Jansen's collar, and lifted him forcefully to his feet before continuing, "I want it back."

A medallion affixed to a silver chain around Jansen's neck began to glow green. His eyes grew big as saucers as the psion's eyebrows furrowed with displeasure. Logan's hand released the man, but not before gripping the medallion and tearing the chain with a hefty tug.

"Fine, you can have it, man. I didn't want that cursed thing anyways," Jansen said as he blinked away, except he didn't reappear across the room.

The psion took a deep breath, and clenched the medallion in his fist for just a moment. He muttered something entirely incoherent under his breath before sliding back into the booth, and slipping the medallion into his pack. Logan looked over at the girl with a smirk.

"Don't get me wrong, Kinley. You are most certainly quite special, and I am certain quite unique. I am pretty gifted at sussing out these things. And even though you weren't my express reason for being here, I am certainly glad to have met you. Now, how about you tell me what it is you're doing this far out in the country, because a girl travelling alone around here is a sure sign of someone with a story to tell."

09-20-15, 01:13 AM
McKinley's angelic features twisted with embarrassment when he said she wasn't the person that he was searching for. Feeling the blood in her face drain as she stuttered an apology that was sort of hard to follow, "I mean of course you weren't speaking about me.. Why would you by. Oh my I probably sound so self conceited right there just assuming oh look at me you must be talking about me being the special person..." When she saw his questioning stare she caught her lower lip in between her teeth nervously before she sighed and awkwardly blurted out "Sorry!" Sighing with relief as he moved on with the conversation, following the direction of the male's finger. She noted that the male he was pointing at sat alone in the corner.

Drinking in his attire she froze when he made eye contact with the two sitting at the table letting out a small yelp when he appeared a few feet from where she was seated. Licking her lips nervously she watched as Logan clenched his fist, Kinley's body started to shake slightly as the nerves set in. As the aggression grew in the male that she had kind of befriended. "Logan.." Her voice squeaked as he slide from his seat gripping the male a picture of both of her old Masters flashed in her mind, first Ernest the mean rugged looking male and than there was Joel the one that had fooled her into thinking he actually cared for her maybe even loved her.. The threat of tears stung her piercing blue hued eyes as she blinked rapidly. When the horror was over she found herself shaking like a leaf uncontrollably, looking into her eyes the male know as Logan would be able to see the sheer horror and fear in her eyes.

Wrapping her arms around her chest she tried to force air in and out of her lungs so she could concentrate on her breathing. Slowly she could feel her body start to relax, starting with her stiff posturer to her constricted chest. Avoiding eye contact with the male she heard the one that had just been man handled say something about having it and than hurrying off. When he spoke to her again she started at the table letting her arms drop on to the table as she played with the glass in front of her. For a moment she thought of disappearing into the shadow behind her but new that it was more than likely not a good idea seeming how when she used to disappear when either of her Masters were doing unspeakable things to her that the lashing and torture were ten times worse.

Clearing her throat she looked at her glass watching the liquid slosh around as she tipped it and swirled the liquor to and fro before taking a drink. A pregnant moment seemed to pass she looked at him the brim of her eyes were red, her lovely piercing blue hued iris were surround by blood shot veins from holding the tears in, "I used to be a slave..." Her words were barely audible before her gaze dropped back to the table.

10-21-15, 11:30 AM
Logan took a deep, calming breath and nodded understandingly.

"Ahh, well yes, of course you were. I take it you are on the run then, or at least attempting to keep a low profile as to not be discovered?"

His response was genuine and there was an easiness to his expression, which he hoped would bring her back down to her own sense of calm. She wasn't the first former slave he had met, and no doubt she wouldn't be the last either. Memories of an old friend from many years before flooded his mind, and his rage was reborn. The muscles in his neck and shoulders tightened as blood boiled, but somehow he managed to keep control. His eyes settled on her once more with a calm and collected ease.

"I suppose I should explain what happened a few moments ago with Jansen," the psion said as he took one more deep breath.

"Jansen is a thief and a swindler who stole a precious family heirloom which so happens to be a magical artifact of quite some power from a good friend of mine. Unfortunately, that put Mr. Jansen in my sights. While I am not a bounty hunter by any stretch of the imagination, in fact I pretty much never take bounties to begin with, this was a good friend and also an organization I closely associate with requesting my particular set of skills."

He took a look at the cup of liquid before him, and then downed the remainder quickly before he continued, "my particular set of skills are simple, really. I have an innate control over certain things, namely liquids and air. Here, let me show you."

Logan made his way to the bar to retrieve a glass of water which left Kinley to her own thoughts for a few minutes.

10-23-15, 02:08 PM
McKinley froze for a moment when he spoke of her being in hiding, nodding slowly she took a raspy breath before playing with the mug in front of her before forcing the words from her lips.

"I can't let him find me, he will kill me or worse."

Her voice was trembling, taking a shaky hand to hold her lips from quivering any more. Though the attempt was feeble for her hand shook just as much as her twitching lips. Finally she dropped her hand, it landing on the table with a soft thud she caught her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment. Looking up she caught sight of the kind look that he was giving her. Taking one last shaky breath her body slowly eased from it's stiff stance, though when he stiffened once more she thought it was from the fact that she had briefly touched his hand whens he saw that he had gone ridged for some reason. With drawing her hand quickly she tucked her fiery mane behind her ear as she felt her cheeks heat up with blush. "I... I am sorry I was just uhm.. Never mind." Awkwardly she scratched the back of her neck before averting her gaze from the male.

With her gaze averted from the male she nodded her head slightly causing her locks that she had tucked behind her ear to fall over her face once more. The curtain of hair that fell in front obscured the vision of any one to see her face clearly. As she listened to the reasoning for his out burst and what had happened between the two and why. She wasn't sure if his skills frightened her more or spiked her interest in the male known as Logan. As he finished off his story and left her she sat uneasy fidgeting in her chair.

Chugging the rest of what was in her mug she set it down, peering through the strands of her hair that still fell in her face she watched as the male walked to the bar. Her mind wondered slight at what he could be really doing which made her fidget more in her seat. What if he was sent here by Master Joel and he is just buying himself some time until he gets here? What if he knew she was a slave and wants her all for himself? Or what if by some small chance he really is telling the truth? All the doubts in her mind sent her body on over load which made her disappear from any ones sight for a brief moment before she returned back. Taking a shaky breath she gripped the table to get her bearing before he returned but when some one cleared their throat to grab her attention she froze the breath hitching in he lungs.

11-11-15, 02:38 PM
Logan looked Kinley over and smiled as he formed small waves in the cup of water with his mind. A moment passed, and the waves shifted into an intricate dance of bubbles, bouncing to and fro across the surface of the liquid. If she was on the run, most likely she had good reason. If she really had been a slave, it wouldn't be right for him to just leave her, so he offered another option.

The psion gave the girl a quirky stare, and then queried, "I'm pretty certain whomever may be after you would find it rather difficult to do much of anything so long as you're in my company. Since my business otherwise is done here, would you like to join me on my trek back to Radasanth where we can talk more at length?"

The clearing of a throat caught him offguard, but only just so. It hadn't come from him, but from someone else. The thought sent chills down the elemental warriors spine, tensing his muscles at the back of his neck and sending his fists to the hilts of his weapons. He looked across at Kinley, and then up at the one who had approached.

"Friend of yours," he asked her telepathically before the realization he had yet to share the fact he was also a telepath with her. A smirk crossed his lips.

"Oh, and by the way, I am a telepath. And if this guy's no good, let me take care of him. I promise you won't regret my help."

11-11-15, 06:50 PM
McKinley closely watched as the water did rather weird things but as the waves turned into dancing bubbles the sound of laughter rang from her part lips. Oh how it had been so long since the last time she had laughed and sounded so care free to the world. Popping one of the bubbles too closely to her face as the left over residue splattered onto her freckled cheeks and nose, the sound of laughter only grew than as she wiped her face off. Laughing and snorting always happened when she laughed to hard and that was just what happened, her cheeks heated a bright crimson as she covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. Her laughter was cut short when he mentioned about people looking for her. Her innocent features grew grim as she sunk into herself a little bit at the thought of Master Joel finding her.

As the male asked if she wished to accompany him back to a different, she stopped and pounded if she really should. Tucking a lock of her red mane behind her ear she chewed on her lower lip which she tended to do when nervous or unsure about something. "I... I don't wish to be a burden.." Her eyes fell to the table once more as she played with her fingers, her attention so intense on the table someone might think she was thinking hard.

When she heard him in her mind, his deep rich voice echoing almost as her eyes widened in shock, and fear. Though when her eyes met the stranger that had cleared his throat he was no stranger at all. Her hand flew to Logan's mid thigh as she had a death grip on it, her breath hitched in her chest as it was none other than Joel's right hand man Ramsy. The male grinned as his dark brown eyes met her wide eyed doe look, "Ah so you do remember me little dove-ling. So good to see you again, you are missed." Shaking her head rapidly causing her fiery locks to whip back and forth as she stood up abruptly bumping into the table the impact making her cup to fall over.

"Time to leave McKinley, you are needed back at the homestead of Joel and he wouldn't be pleased if I returned home with out his favorite little bird."

The nickname of what Joel used to call her sent uninviting shivers down her spine as she hurriedly grabbed her things shoving them into her satchel. Her piercing blue eyes filled with fear as the threat of tears stung, a small whimper left her lips tossing a few coins onto the table for her drink. Finally looking at the male that she had just befriended the tears that had welled up finally fell over her cheeks as a small sob racked her body when Ramsy grabbed her hand a little forcefully.

12-08-15, 11:10 AM
The sob was all the telepath needed to see to put the pieces of the building puzzle together. The newcomer was a less than welcome addition to Kinley's life it seemed, especially her life on the run. Logan began to figure out the rest of the details bit by bit, and there remained only one course of action.

Faster than the Ramsy fellow could respond, the psion unsheathed one of his swords from beneath his coat and severed the arm attached to the psion's new friend. Blood sprung forth, squirting this way and that, leaving crimson spatters over all three.

"We haven't been formally introduced, Mr," Logan smirked as he spoke, "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name. Not that it matters."

The psion's eyes flared a deep purple color, which hadn't happened in quite some time. A rage boiled inside, and it took every ounce of control he had left to not end the man's life right then and there. Logan took a deep breath.

"All you need to know is I am Logan McCloud, and whomever is after Kinley will have to go through me before they get her. And if you think losing a hand is bad, let your boss know I will have zero problem taking heads, too."

Ramsy stood still, almost too still. The ghostly white complexion of the man foretold enough the psion turned, reaching out his hand to Kinley.

"Kinley, let's get out of here and get you somewhere safe. And let's talk about who is after you and why," the would-be hero said telepathically before continuing, "Oh, and you're most certainly not a burden."

12-09-15, 01:55 PM
As Ramsy's grip grew tighter she wasn't even paying attention to what was happening until the severed hand still clung to her arm. McKinley's mouth was hung open as small little sobs that were broken up as her breathing was staggered and forced. "L-Lo.." She could feel herself slowly slipping into a panic attack. Her chest was slowly constricting as she gaped at the scene before her, the blood squirted on her. Tears collected in her eyes as Mr. Ramsy screamed in agony from the loss of his arm. She could feel the warm crimson liquid spray on her face as her milky complexion was bathed in another's blood.

A hand gripped hers as she was starting to struggle against the person that was pulling her. "No, no!" Than the familiar voice of Logan caressed her mind as she let him all but drag her out of the bar. Before the exited the tavern Ramsy's ghostly voice croaked out, "He will find you Kinley! Mark my words!!" Looking over her shoulder she could only make out the shape of the man as he dropped to his knees.

They ran for what seemed like for an eternity, before Kinley's legs give out she pulled away from the psion's grasp, stopping in what looked like an opening maybe a meadow. "I-- I can't breathe!" Hunching over she sobbed curling into herself only to wipe the tears away, on her hands, face and clothes was the evidence of what had just happened. "I- I need to bathe, to get clean.. I am dirty I need a bath.." She was mumbling and fumbling to form her words as she looked up at the man that had just saved her life, by the look on her face any one could see she was going into shock. The tears were the only thing that were warm on her cold body until she felt two hands hold her cheeks wiping the tears away.

"Calm, deep breaths Kinley," his voice was calm and soothing as she focused on it trying to get a grip on herself. Finally her chest loosened a bit more allowing her to breathe. "Good, now we are going to keep moving and find a new place to wash up and rest." Kinley simply nodded her head before taking his hand into hers and making there way deeper into the forestry. After a few moments passed of silence Kinley spoke finally her voice horse and soft, "once we get settled in and this blood is off of me.. I will tell you everything as long as you promise not to leave.."

12-09-15, 09:15 PM
"I won't leave, I promise," Logan stated softly before continuing, "no matter what you have to tell me."

He didn't wait for a response, quickly setting off toward the direction of the Concordian Outpost of the Corone Rangers, although the psion had little desire to explain where they were headed, or why. Thankfully, the short distance wasn't much, especially considering how far into the Concordian Forest they'd already travelled before stopping previously. After a short little bit of silence, he pointed ahead through the trees to the oaken fortress ahead.

"Corone Ranger Outpost," he said pausing for a moment to check on his companion. She seemed okay, but clearly shaken by the earlier confrontation. The telepath took a deep breath as he turned to her for a second before continuing, "I'm sorry you had to witness that back there, but just know I'm more than capable of keeping you safe. I won't always be around, but I will always be there for you."

Logan shook his head as he ran his hand through his hair.

"The Rangers will offer temporary protection for both of us while we clean up and talk. I'm friends with the Marshal, and I can insure he'll offer his services as you need. If you're ready, we should get to the Outpost as quickly as possible. I'm certain the guy we met back there," he said as he motioned behind them, "will be hot on our trail. He seemed less than pleased at your departure."

12-14-15, 08:44 AM
The lump that was in McKinley's throat as she waited for his answer dissolved almost instantly when he promised not to leave her. She had been left alone all to many times and though she had just met this man the thought of being alone made her heart ache. Too deep into her own thoughts she almost ran into the wall of muscle that was Logan when he stopped all of the sudden, her piercing blue orbs blinked rapidly as she stopped before running into him. Glancing up at the large building ahead than back at Logan, her legs felt like jello her head was pounding from gritting her teeth and every time the images of Ramsy's arm being hacked off flashed into her mind her stomach flipped. His voice drew her attention back to him as she watched his mouth speak about something before she forced herself to listen closely.

Apologizing, he was apologizing for saving her life? "I-.." Her lips trembled as she took a shaking hand to steady them, tears filled in her eyes as she blinked them away. "I don't know how to thank you.. You- you saved me!" Before she knew it she flung herself into his arms hugging him tightly. After a few moments she dropped her arms her gaze averted towards the ground as she chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment before growing enough courage to speak, "I am so sorry. I should have never invaded your personal space, it won't happen again I promise!" Her voice was laced with the sound of panic before they started walking again.

Simply nodding as she stared down at ground until he turned and started walking towards the fortress that was built out of wood and was marvelous. As they stepped up to the gates a guard called out making Kinley cringe and sinking back a little. As her companion called back the answers the overly large door opened slowly, a few Rangers filing out to pat them down. Whimpering Kinley tried to pull away only for Logan to call out to her, "It's okay McKinley they are just checking to make sure that we don't have anything that could threaten the security of their post. Calm down, close your eyes and it will be over soon I promise." Doing as Logan said, shutting her eyes tightly as small squeak came from her as she was patted down and frisked to make sure she held nothing to threaten the Rangers lives. A hand grasped her shoulder as she wrenched backwards with surprise before she opened her eyes only to see the stars coming into view as she fell. The only perplexing thing was that you body never met the hard ground below.

12-16-15, 03:57 PM
The psion patiently waited for the weapons check to conclude.

"Tell Stormcrow this is urgent," the telepath commanded before switching to his telepathy for the last bit, "and tell him Logan says hello."

One of the guards ceased all movement and backed away from him slowly, turning as quickly as possible and scampering his way through the small opening between the large oaken gates. A smirk crossed Logan's features as he looked at the other guards and shrugged. Apparently the psion's name still carried some weight around the Outpost, even if he wasn't immediately recognized by the younger recruits.

When his friend tumbled to the ground, he rushed over and helped her up, eyeing the guards dissatisfied with their treatment and totally unaware it wasn't their fault.

"Guess your friend had important business to attend to. You can feel free to check me over if you're that concerned about me, but if you intend to further injure or harm my friend here, you will answer to Stormcrow himself," the telepath said through gritted teeth, a hint of seriousness in his voice.

A guard eyed him cautiously, then approached, hands outstretched and quickly patted down his chest and arms. He paused and eyed the weaponry at Logan's waist.

"You'll have to check your blades and bow. Otherwise, you're free to enter," the guard said stoicly, clearly unfazed by the idle threat.

Logan removed the requested weapons, handing them over to the other remaining recruit.

"Are we good now? Man, I tell you, kid, I remember back in my day, I could walk into this place without any concern over what I had on me at the time," the psion began to regale the youngsters with a short memory of the previous Corone Ranger Outpost before the Civil War brought it crumbling to its knees. Before he could carry on much further, though, the Marshal slipped through the open doorway. The two guards quickly snapped to attention once they saw him approach.

"You can drop the act, boys. I will never run this place like the damned Empire. Each of you are far more valuable than the commodities those damn Imperial bastards treat their soldiers," the Leader of the Corone Ranger forces said with a gentle smile as he placed his hand on one of guards' shoulder.

"Things must be pretty bad if you've resorted to weapons checks, Storm," the telepath said as he approached Stormcrow, arms outstretched.

The two embraced, all the while Kinley stood mostly wide-eyed at the whole ordeal.

The Marshal let out a long, deep sigh, "Logan, old friend, you really have no idea. The Empire has no intention of letting the Civil War end without the absolute destruction of every inch of the Coalition. Sometimes, I feel like we're not making any progress at all, just reinforcing their prejudice of who we are."

Logan nodded. He understood the plight of the Coalition, and especially that of the Rangers. His short stint as leader of Vice provided unfettered access to the inner workings of the Corone Empire, and he knew all too well the price the opposition to the Empire paid for their treason. He shook his head for a moment, loosing the cobwebs of hundreds of memories of death, destruction, and devastation before he turned and motioned for McKinley to approach.

"This here is Kinley. She is in need of a temporary refuge from someone in hot pursuit of the pair of us. I don't know anymore of the story, but I am under the impression this dear girl will offer more information once she, and I, are safe."

The Commander nodded and barked out orders to the guards to allow the pair inside, and to offer anything they should need during their entire stay. Logan motioned for her to enter, but he stayed behind for a moment longer to whisper a quick word to his old friend, "Do me a favor and make sure she is guarded both from pursuers, and from herself. I'm sure she can take care of herself, but she seems far to reticent to my assistance."

Stormcrow eyed Logan with a curious smirk of his own in response and then nodded. He clearly understood the request, but he did have one question of his own in response.

"I haven't seen you this worked up over a girl in quite some time, McCloud. Don't let her break your heart like the last one."

12-17-15, 02:27 AM
Name of Judgement: The Stars At Night Are Big And Bright
Judgement Type: No Judgement
Participants: Logan and loves.blessing


Logan (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?51-Logan) receives:
1190 EXP
100 GP

loves.blessing receives: (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?18390-loves-blessing)
645 EXP
90 GP

01-07-16, 01:38 PM
All EXP and GP have been added!