View Full Version : Returning Old Member? Come say hi!

08-28-15, 02:41 PM
With the email being sent out inviting our old members to return and give us a look, I figured it might be advantageous to give them a thread to pop in and say hi. This is that thread. Feel free to include character names you wish to share, what you've been up to since you've been gone, and any names of people you hope to reconnect with.

Character: Logan/Logan McCloud
Real Name: Sean

I've been part of the Alth community since around '03, maybe earlier. Way back when it was still part of the allrpg forums. Feel free to say hi in the chat or here!

Storm Veritas
08-28-15, 02:44 PM
Holy mackerel, it feels like this thread was written for me!

If you know who I am, congratulations on being old-school here.

Anyway, I love what you guys have done with the joint. I dearly missed writing with all of you. Work has been good but hectic. Home life has been better, and crazy. Wife. Two kids. Home with a white picket fence. Older than high hell and finally got myself in shape.

Hope to write with you, but plan to start slow - baby steps! Let me know if you are interested.

08-28-15, 05:18 PM
Holy shit! Storm! It's great to see you again!

08-28-15, 07:32 PM
Of all the boards to be, you walked into mine. Alright...multiple points on this thread.

1) welcome back all other Vets. Even if I was a jerk to you in the past I miss you all equally much.

2) I'm backish. I had a brief lapse through GenCon but I'm back on this crazy train. Dissinger be me.

And away we go!

Storm Veritas
08-31-15, 09:14 AM
Dissinger! There's a name I haven't seen in ages; great to see you!

Skie and Avery
08-31-15, 12:14 PM
Storrrrrmmmm we still need to write together! :D

Rehtul Orlouge
08-31-15, 07:39 PM
Storm, long time no see!

Character: MetalDrago Scorpio/Rehtul Orlouge
Real Name: Bobby Gilbert
Member Since: the /iw

09-03-15, 11:43 PM
It has been a long time indeed! Name's Kryos. I was around from '06 to '09. Great to see you, Storm and Dissinger. I echo Storm's sentiment; I would love to get back into things, but probably need to come back slowly. If any one who knows what has been happening on Althanas is willing, I would love the chance to be updated so I can find out where Kryos has been all this time!

Edit: Dang. Am I the only one without an experience bar??? Shows how long I have been away. I think I am level 2 or 3? Haha. And what are those shiny awards? Any for a Judge's Choice recipient? Everything is so, new looking!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-03-15, 11:50 PM
This thread is the "who's who" of Althanian history with people like Logan, Storm and Diss knocking about!

I rejoined before the email but I've been on and off Althanas ever since the demise of the Interactive Village on Allrpg in 2002.

Names: Falcon / Falcon Darkflight / Canen Darkflight / Shinsou Vaan Osiris
Real name: Chris Burton

Now a proud homeowner and in three weeks a married man. Good to see so many familiar faces!

Just need Cyrus and Letho to drop by now!

Slayer of the Rot
09-04-15, 03:33 PM
Character: Dan Lagh'ratham
Name: Dan

Still making munitions for police and military. Still rolling around in poverty.

Storm Veritas
09-05-15, 07:36 AM
Wow, it is a freaking reunion!

09-05-15, 06:34 PM
I just want to say that it's fucking phenomenal to see all of these old faces.

Character: Jasker Lightfoot
Real Name: Jacob

Other possibly recognizable accounts: Vampiric Angel (VA), Bearded Gnome, Farmboy, Alden

Been around since... I want to say late '05 to early '06. Hopped ship from a sister/rival board at the time, GiveUpAlready.com (GUA), and set up camp here. Came and went a lot, didn't make much of an impact on the site as a whole, but I like to think I contributed a few minor things that helped move the site towards what it is now (the Crystal Ball section, and overall cleanliness of the threads therein, to name one).

I can't stress enough how wonderful it is to see older faces again. I come and go a lot, but it's always nice to see.

Tobias Stalt
09-06-15, 12:52 AM
It has been a long time indeed! Name's Kryos. I was around from '06 to '09. Great to see you, Storm and Dissinger. I echo Storm's sentiment; I would love to get back into things, but probably need to come back slowly. If any one who knows what has been happening on Althanas is willing, I would love the chance to be updated so I can find out where Kryos has been all this time!

Edit: Dang. Am I the only one without an experience bar??? Shows how long I have been away. I think I am level 2 or 3? Haha. And what are those shiny awards? Any for a Judge's Choice recipient? Everything is so, new looking!

How's that look on ya, buddy?

09-06-15, 02:21 AM
Good to see yall.

Storm, I used to be on GUA under Hysteria (or earlier than than DarkLight). Good to see you kicking around :D

09-06-15, 02:57 AM
Wow. GUA. Haven't heard that one in ages.

(I used to be on GUA back around the 03/4's as Circe. Modded the T'L RP forums for a bit. I was thirteen. :'))

09-06-15, 05:13 AM
I remember you! I wasn't on T'L for very long, probably only a few months before it was shut down. I was mostly in the Battle Arena and a trainer for the Dark Element (which I maybe had to fight Rehtul under the name MetalDrago to get the position??), then modded Divine Salvation for quite a while.

Visla Eraclaire
09-06-15, 06:06 AM
I have to say I'm slightly surprised this place still exists.

Character: Visla Eraclaire/Arius Mephisto/Nijin Bosche

I've been married for 3 years now and have a wonderful 1 year old son. I'm an in house attorney for a construction and property management company. I judge Magic tournaments in my spare time, which I don't have a lot of.

Storm Veritas
09-06-15, 06:36 AM
Circe! Of course I remember you, although I was already old by then. I actually wrote most of the lore for T'L alongside JinTheLegend and a few others. :)

09-06-15, 07:32 AM
I don't feel old now :cool:

09-06-15, 08:08 AM
I feel old. :'D

Good ol' familiar faces.

09-06-15, 09:08 AM
My god, Andrew, I thought I'd only see you again posting on my DS9 facebook statuses.

Visla Eraclaire
09-06-15, 02:04 PM
Don't forget about your Bro Slowbro shirts.

All it takes is like 3 emails reminding me constantly about some event I don't care about and hey, you get some OOC posts from someone like 4 people remember and only 2 of those people actually like :P

Artifex Felicis
09-06-15, 02:35 PM
I suppose I should formally say hello again too! Though I came back a few months ago, rather than just for Althanas Day.


Also known as: Maia or nekoprince

Cards of Fate
09-06-15, 04:46 PM
Original account: Jack Frost
Join date: Some time back in 2011 I think?

I joined back and became a moderator here sometime around last november/december. I've been pretty active but sometimes I vanish for a couple of weeks because work is kicking my ass.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-09-15, 08:26 AM
I have to say I'm slightly surprised this place still exists.

Character: Visla Eraclaire/Arius Mephisto/Nijin Bosche

I've been married for 3 years now and have a wonderful 1 year old son. I'm an in house attorney for a construction and property management company. I judge Magic tournaments in my spare time, which I don't have a lot of.

Also known as ISOS in the original IV!

Good times. The Castigar War was a fun little scenario back then. Practically created the basis for Canen (a.k.a Falcon Darkflight) in the Althanas era.

Good to see you are well after so long.

-Falcon / Canen / Shinsou -

Gnarl & Root
09-09-15, 08:47 AM
Well spotted Chris, I didn't realize it was ISOS! Awesome!

Raslin / Ayithe / Gnarl

Visla Eraclaire
09-09-15, 05:19 PM
Sorry, forgot about that one. That's been, 15 years? Give or take?

I think I have more people who know me from my high school years online than in the real world at this point.

Apologies to everyone I was a huge dick to as ISOS and to a lesser extent as Visla. There's a reason my best writing piece on this site is a story where Arius ISOS Mephisto literally kills himself by being such an asshole.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-10-15, 01:01 AM
Sorry, forgot about that one. That's been, 15 years? Give or take?

I think I have more people who know me from my high school years online than in the real world at this point.

Apologies to everyone I was a huge dick to as ISOS and to a lesser extent as Visla. There's a reason my best writing piece on this site is a story where Arius ISOS Mephisto literally kills himself by being such an asshole.

I think it was around 2000/2001, so that would be about right.

No need to apologise. For at least three people I know on here, ISOS and the castigars were the springboard we needed to kick start our own writing.

Plus you gave us one of the funniest tournament moments in history against Kai when you were battling over a lava pit with him. He spent half his post backflipping and running off walls, and jumped at you in some Dragonball Z style attack and you just sidestepped out of the way casually, causing him to plunge to his demise. He was furious but had no argument against it and lost.

So, a huge welcome back to you!