View Full Version : The Golden Autumn Inn (IC Only)

Max Dirks
09-06-15, 10:59 PM
The Golden Autumn Inn in Radasanth held a hearty mix of dregs. It was dingy enough to serve the scum of the city, but popular enough to catch of the attention of some of Radasanth’ more prestigious citizens. To those who were often considered prestigious scum, it was the place that offered the best Lornian ale outside of Lornius itself. "Ey, barkeep, pass me another one of those ales" Dirks called out to the bartender. He was ready for an adventure, even though he was already slurring.

09-07-15, 12:08 AM
"Whiskey," John said, and as the tender turned back to the shelf to grab a bottle, John pulled a stool out next to a smaller man with short black hair. It was busy tonight, but John didn't care, as long as he could get his whiskey and cigar uninterrupted. His size usually prevented that.

John began to put his weight on the stool, and just as he placed most of his weight on it, he heard a crack, and he tumbled to the floor, splintering the chair and dashing any hopes John had of having a drink in peace. He stood quickly hoping quietly that no one but the bartender noticed the seven and a half foot giant crashing to the floor. The bartender stared up blankly, sliding a small glass of whiskey his way. He took a swig, which was the entire contents of the glass, and spoke.

"Leave the bottle."

09-07-15, 12:34 AM
"Seriously, John. Can I take you anywhere without you breaking furniture?"

Logan knew traditional wooden furniture was not made for men the size of giant's, and John was certainly a giant. The psion gave John a witty smirk and then patted his on the shoulder before helping him up to his feet.

"Make that two bottles, on me."

09-07-15, 12:52 AM
The girl, a tiny thing, was practically hopping into the inn. She had an entire room all to herself for the first time! She didn't need to share it with her snoring uncle Reznik, or her aunt Jess and her weird hugging. It had a bed, like a hundred blankets, and even a place where her big chest with ehr clothes could sit! It was just the best day on Althanas ever for her! She couldn't think of how it could get much better!

"Could I have a hot dinner?" She hops onto one of the empty booths, brightly beaming at everyone else in the inn, her eyes blinded by the bright lights! She wave a hand for the innkeeper, putting down entirely too much gold for just a dinner. "and whatever those guys want! Yeah!"

Star Strike
09-07-15, 01:29 AM
"GIVE ME CHOCOLATE!" Stella sang like a couple of twelve year olds forced into a metal band. Although uncharacteristic, the blame was with Vincent since he forgot about packing sugar and mistakenly introduced the star to a small bite of chocolate.

Slamming their head onto the counter next to the small grounding that was short like her, "Sugar, chocolate, honey. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeetneeeeeeeeeeees..."

Slowly lifting their head, their wide eyes lock on Hawl. "Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugar..."

Cards of Fate
09-07-15, 01:54 AM
The young man scowled slightly as he followed after his charge. He saw several familiar faces already at the bar, and chuckled slightly. It seemed like this new bar was going to be interesting. Sliding up next to Logan and John the scholar nodded to the bartender. "Ale please my good man."

09-07-15, 02:17 AM
My hurried steps clicked through the streets of Radasanth, dancing to and fro, before I finally peered an open window to a bar with enough counter space for my needs. I walked through the doors with such a creak that I was sure all eyes would turn towards me, but the collection of ruffians and societal cream seemed too enamored in their own affairs to waste the neck turn. Good, I needed that solace of anonymity. Approaching the bar with all the focus of a man possessed, I held up two fingers and tried to order an appetizer of shots for my debauchery, yet I found my words muffled by a familiar restraint. My mask was till on my face. Blush red though no one could see, I removed it before attempting to order again. "Two shots of your cheapest, strongest liquor."

It was then I spied the empty spot at the bar, and took to emptying a pouch on my side of its glistening, obsidian contents. It was finally ground, and save the shimmer of dim light in the room, completely black. My eager hands scrambled to arrange it in some sort of line, before I fell face first into it, inhaling what I could into my nose. I managed half the feat before the desperate plight of my lungs sent me gasping back a bit, hacking with some fervor into my arm. I checked my suit's sleeve with a fine tooth combed, carefully searching for any sign of distress, like a professor grading a hated student's paper.

"Fire, no blood this time," I said without thinking far more loudly than the intended mumble. I eyed around the room again, noticing I piqued just a bit of interest. "Uh, anyone want some? It's cool, I got it off some guy with no teeth, you just know he has the good stuff."

09-07-15, 10:07 AM
Leaf walked in, looking a little sheepish, a small grin on his face. Cheeks tinted rosy it was clear that he had already visited several public houses this fine evening. What had led him to do such was quite a mystery, for it was very unlike him to be drunk, let alone a little tipsy. If his sister had been here she would have grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out before he could utter a word to the kindest looking barmaid.

As it was Philomel was not here. She was elsewhere, anywhere, whatever where, it did not matter. What mattered was that Leaf was here, without his pigs and in a state that was so very different from his usual timid nature that - well.

Well clearly there was a problem today. Clearly there had been something going on, but no one knew him here, and so no one would not know. He rocked up, ignoring all the happenings and goings on at the moment, straight to the bar and he hiccuped before throwing some odd coin on the table.

"Stuff. Drink," he chuckled. "I want drink."

Max Dirks
09-07-15, 10:13 AM
"Ugh, Logan McCloud and Vincent Cain," Dirks whined as he took a long swing of his ale. "Could this day get any worse?"

The criminal got up and walked over to the pair. His hand was in his trench coat digging around. When he arrived, he pulled out a small sack of 50 GP. "Let's arm wrestle," Dirks smirked at he sat down. "Winner get's to take her up to his room," Dirks motioned to Star Strike. "The loser gets the faun."

09-07-15, 10:17 AM
Logan stood from his stool, wobbled a moment. After he regained his balance, he took a deep breath and pointed over to John.

"I volunteer," he said with a nod to John, "John as tribute."

The psion sat back down onto my stool and looked to the bartender, "I'm going to need something less heavy. Do you have some milk?"

09-07-15, 10:19 AM
Hawl stares at the suddenly vibrating little girl beside her. Her eyes dart one way, then the other, then she leans back. There's a pause, one of her hands patting herself as a big smile creeps across her face. She puts a small bag onto the table, her smile into a full mischievous beam!

"I have so much sugar..." She opens it, popping a chocolate bonbon into her mouth! "Have some!"

Star Strike
09-07-15, 10:28 AM
Stella takes the bonbon eagerly but her skins is flushed deep indigo at hearing Dirk.

"The stupid groundling does not know his own tongue." Grabbing a mug off the counter she hurls it at Dirks. She misses but the cup shatters, spraying him with booze.

09-07-15, 10:46 AM
"Oh no you don't," John said, grabbing the back of Logan's shirt and pulling him, stumbling after himself and Vince and the stranger. "You got me roped into this, you're gonna watch."

John found an empty table, and dragged two chairs together. Given his last experience in the sturdiness of the bar's furniture, he was taking no chances. Soon they were all seated, and John placed his forearm on the table. He glared at Logan once more, who smiled. Though, the swordsman had gotten him both into and out of worse situations than this.

09-07-15, 10:54 AM
Leaf heard himself being mentioned. Or at least he heard the word 'faun' and assumed it meant himself.

He ran his eyes lazily but quickly over the crowd, frowning. Yes there were no other fauns. He then turned to where the voice had come from and saw a man, no several men sitting and talking, with elbows on the table in some form of a ceremony. Tilting his head to the side for a moment he forgot he was drunk for a moment before a clunk told him his drink had arrived.

He turned back to the bar, and found himself faced with a large beer. Leaning down he inspected it at eye height, before suddenly there was a crash. A smash and -

He ducked. Right down. Danger! flashed in his mind in vivid red letters, burning like fire, and desperately he covered his head before anything else happened. Before he was harmed.

Max Dirks
09-07-15, 11:03 AM
Dirks, generally oblivious to Stella, was blasted with alcohol. "What the fuck," he called out. Steam poured from his ears as he looked down at the mess. "That was perfectly fine whiskey," he called as began sucking the alcohol out of his coat. Logan caved, volunteering some lout named John to wrestle in his stead. Up to the challenge, the young lad moved over to a side table and set up too chairs. However, Dirks hesitated in following. The sweet taste of the honey whiskey on his tongue invaded his senses and clouded his one track drunk mind.

"I rescind my challenge," Dirks called out. "Instead, I challenge all of you," he points around the entire bar, including the women and kids, "to a drinking contest." Before they could answer, he said, "Barkeep, ten whiskeys."

Tobias Stalt
09-07-15, 11:17 AM
As the insanity rose to its apex, Tobias watched as his flagon exploded into tiny, powdery pieces of shrapnel and the amber fluid within sloshed across the bar. His lips stretched into a thin, caustic line as he slowly turned his gaze on the sudden outburst. Can't even drink in peace, seems like.

Quick as the crack of a whip, his firearm surged toward the ceiling and a round ripped through the floor above. The muffled sound of two gasps and screams interrupte sounds of unabashed fornication that had only been subdued by the bustle of the bar itself. "Are you nuts?" the bartender hissed. Tobias only had to glance over for the man to bite his tongue.

"Not in the mood for a brawl today," he responded coldly, "but killin's different."

09-07-15, 11:22 AM
The chaos roiled around John and the stranger, each of them building their own little tower of overturned shot glasses. His eyes never left the strange man facing him, though Logan still had much to say. He was eight shots in and still didn't feel a thing.

A gunshot rang out in the bar somewhere, but John's eyes and frown remained directed at the other man. He pinched a little shot glass between massive fingers and drank again.

Nine shots in.

09-07-15, 11:39 AM
Logan smirked. "So a challenge of drinking it shall be," he announced to nobody in particular.

He nudged John for a moment and then handed him each and every one of his own shots of whiskey, knowing full well the giant of a man could handle ten times that of any man or woman in the establishment at that moment.

09-07-15, 11:40 AM
Leaf shrieked, not liking this one bit. He had been drunk for the first time in his life, and this - well this was beyond him. Now looking much more like the shy faun most folk knew he placed his hands over his head and stared to crawl towards a table.

Crash, smash, danger danger. He shrieked again, in a very feminine manner. His sisters would most definitely make fun of him if they were here, his mother would be horrified in the state he was in. He was thankful they were away - very far away, so far away it was good.

The closest table had a man with a beard sitting at it. Leaf didn't know anymore than that. As a ... well one of those boom-bangs Philomel spoke about in fear and he himself had faced in battle had seen, rang out the faun grappled to find peace, crawling like he had just been born. Go, squirm, run.

Cards of Fate
09-07-15, 11:51 AM
Vince took a moment to let everything sink in and then decided that this was probably going to be much more trouble than it was worth. Scooping up his drink he let of a slight growl and then glared at Stella.

He snapped his fingers and in a flash of blue he drew his cane twirling it in his fingers. He was ready for a fight.

Rehtul Orlouge
09-07-15, 12:09 PM
Another day, another bar fight avoided by the very thing that makes them so violent in the first place, the young Mystic thought as he put a single finger in his drink. He watched it chill to perfection before his eyes and brought the cup to his lips. With no warning, his mouth opened as wide as it would go and the entire drink was in his mouth. He wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his robe and turned toward the action of the drinking game that had just started.

He would have joined in, but he was already starting to buzz and knew that these veteran drinkers would put him under the table in a matter of minutes. It was better to watch them make fools out of themselves than to not only be beaten, but also possibly passed out in the floor. Knowing that his booth seat was no place to watch the action from, he grabbed the bottle he'd ha delivered to his table and moved up to the bar to spectate, and possibly commentate along with others who weren't part of the main action.

09-07-15, 01:39 PM
Hearing the commotion inside, Philomel popped her head in, a frown firm on her face.

She had been walking idely, normally down the street, an evening of 'business' like an every-day type day. Her hair plaited around and draped over a shoulder she looked the image of casuality, dressed in not so much as a corset as a small boob-covering. With a sigh escaping her lips she had heard the disturbance in the peace of the night and literally trotted over.

She popped her head through an open window, and at once was met with a ceramic mug hitting the window post. Folding her arms over her chest her first thought was, how rude, before she realised she had been in many a situation and fight before. She was about to turn away and leave when she spotted a hoof sort of jaggedly sticking out awkwardly from under a table - trying to hide but failing. The rest of the body was hidden by figures arm-wrestling and jostling, but it was clear what it was, being a hoof and not a foot.

True, it could have been a deerling, or even a minotaur, any other of the similar half-breed races that faunkind was similar to. But by the shape and size she reckoned, right then and there it was a faun, and in this world, in this city, they were a rare site to begin with. and much too worth it to be caught in a bar fight.

So therefore Philomel marched in, sword out, eyes on fire and roared.

"I AM AWESOME," she declared.

Star Strike
09-07-15, 02:05 PM
"YES YOU ARE NOW GIVE ME CHOCOLATE!" Stella shouted clamoring to their feet on top of the bar stool. They shoot Vincent a cold glare. How dare he not stand up and defend them against that groundling's foul suggestion? Granted they wound not probably have done the same for them but that does not excuse the emperor for being anything less than a gentlemen. Especially when this gentlemen walks around with a cane.

Reaching into her dress folds, the star unfurled two fans. "FOR CHOCOLATE!" Pushing off from the stool the starling makes a quick jolt for Vincent, sweeping toward him with her fan.

09-07-15, 02:09 PM
Hawl meeped as the star-thing stole her chocolate with a lightning quick hand! She scrambled, escaping as booze and chocolate and tobacco and even a cane exploded into existence. The bartender even managed to spill a double shot of a golden amber liquid above her, glinting in the air before she was soaked by the whiskey. She sputtered, spraying the alcohol all over the counter.

The gun shot that went off next to her ear didn't help either. The surprise toppled her out of her seat, crashing to her butt on the ground with a thump. She scampered on her knees, coming to her feet quickly. She sneaks like a pro under the starling's loud boasting, the weird tall man, the utterly HUGE man, and so many others! She meeps, eyes widening as fear before spotting the tall goat person. She dives over another hoof, her shoulder bonking into the man with silver hair, and she makes her way to the big faun lady, wrapping arms around her and hiding from the rest of the loud and rambunctious room!

Cards of Fate
09-07-15, 03:30 PM
The emperor chuckled as he sidestepped the tiny munchkin and blinked about five feet away in a flash of blue. "You're gonna need to be about ten times faster than that Shorty." he taunted in slight jest. Twirling his cane he did a quick little jig. "Tell you what though, if you can land a hit on me I'll give you all the chocolate you can eat."

09-07-15, 03:37 PM
"Chocolate?" Philomel wrinkled her lip in confusion and lowered her sword. "No I came here for..."

She looked around.

There were many familiar faces here. For a start there was Max Dirks of no shame name, the man who was as much a legend as he was reality. There was also the one called Vincent, that creature of rare habit and many talents Philomel had only heard of. Or seen posters of. Enough in anyway to recognise him here and now. He was teasing one of the chocolate-lovers.

By all the gods, there were many things occurring here this night.

She raised her chin, the proudest faun that there was. She pouted slightly, bore herself well.

"There is a faun here, in trouble," she announced. "Now desist renegades whilst I rescue him."

Star Strike
09-07-15, 03:37 PM
Stella grins begans to dance their way around the bar trying to anticipate Vincent's jumps by moving one way but slicing the air with their fans another way. Fluid motions, quick steps, they turn their attention from Vince to knocking every drink on the bar and tables onto the floor.






09-07-15, 03:46 PM
John's mind began to slow as he set another tiny shot glass amidst the growing pile. What was it, ten? No, not ten, ten wasn't enough. Maybe it was eleven then. Yeah, probably eleven. He heard the barroom brawl rage around him, and he smiled broadly. He felt almost like his old self again, and laughed heartily at the chaos. His vision sharpened a little and he ducked as a chair flew over where his head was. He saw a flash of blue and heard a taunt from Vincent, and laughed at that, pointing in his direction.

"Wonderful! I love a good brawl!" he exclaimed, pulling his armor up off of his hands with ease. After all, it wouldn't do to fight unfairly, no sir. A flash of hair on the floor and John snatched a tiny person from the ground, who he later recognized as Hawl Sorie.

"Hawl! How are you!" He said, not waiting for an answer as he picked the girl up and deposited her on his shoulders. "Together, we shall show everyone what real fighting looks like!"

He grabbed a stool from under him and smashed it over a nearby brawler, throwing the other one at Vincent.

This was gonna be fun!

Cards of Fate
09-07-15, 03:47 PM
The scholar read the starling like a book. Not a single step wasn't calculated, the very movements of her muscles and eyes were read with ease. Each of her strikes met only air as Vince danced around her with grace, his purple silk robes fluttering behind him.

"I think you need to go a few days without any sweets, your behavior is atrocious." He ducked under the approaching stool and cast a weary eye on his other companion. Should Johnm get involved this would prove worrysome.

09-07-15, 04:28 PM
"Un-uncle John!" Hawl's words cried out, half in joy, have in appreciation for her savior! She made an OOF sound as he picked her up, depositing the small girl on his shoulders like an especially light hat. She felt a sense of vertigo, she had NEVER been this high up off of the ground before! She tried to hang onto him, and to not block his vision.

"Th-then go for the tall guy!" She pointed, her accusatory finger aimed squarely at Vincent! "He's the one being the loudest and starting everything!"

09-07-15, 04:44 PM
"He is being loud," Philomel agreed, nodded.

She placed her sword away, sliding it back into the sheath. Blinking, she watched the little young person aboard the mighty tall shoulders of the giant. She was sure she had seen this gentleman before, the tall one, but she could not be sure where. Mostly she was confused at the moment of what was exactly going on in this establishment between the noise and the wrestling and the semi-play.

"I need to find a faun," she said, looking around, trying to remember under which table she had seen a hoof. "Anyone seen one?"

Waiting for an answer, she decided to walk over to the centre of the public house, taking with her all her glory. She kept darting around with her gaze, keeping an eye out, desiring to find who it was of her kin who was here.

And the rest of her was steeled, ready for a mug in the side of the head, should someone deign it necessary to throw one.

09-07-15, 04:44 PM
Through the raucous and commotion, Jasker was able to weave his way through the crowd, dodging fists, splintered pieces of wood, and various bodily fluids with relative ease. The thief lived for such an occasion. With everyone so focused on each other, he had almost free reign on pockets and gold purses alike. Flick of the wrist here, sly use of a dagger there, and before long, Jasker found himself with a respectable collection of gold.

Slice of pie, he thought to himself with a mischievous grin, and stealthily wormed his way to behind the bar, where he found the innkeep, similarly taking shelter. Jasker sat down next to the nerve-wrecked man.

"First bar brawl?" the halfling asked above the tumult. The innkeep nodded and recoiled with a yelp as a man was thrown over the bar, landing unconscious in front of them. Jasker laughed and patted the innkeep on the back.

"You'll be fine! The key is the keep your head down." The thief reached for the first bottle behind him, a nice malt liquor, and unscrewed the cap. The innkeep looked at him in disbelief.

"Too right!" said the halfling. "Where are my manners?" He offered the liquor to the man, who sheepishly took the bottle and downed a swig. Then a second, and a third, before offering the bottle back.

"Many thanks," Jasker exclaimed before taking a long draw. The halfling coughed and grunted but laughed all the same.

The innkeep merely looked at him in disbelief once again.

09-07-15, 04:51 PM
As soon as he heard the voice he knew who it was.

He gasped a little as she spoke.

At first she said, "I am awesome," and he had to agree. He was going to snuggle out then from his tipsy hiding place, but before he coule something else crashed, another brawl occurred and two men fell to the ground, writhing in pretend or real pain. It was not clear. He pulled his hands over his head and tried to hide, but it was not obvious whether he was actually hidden or not.

After all a faun under a table was not usually famous for being invisible.

He shivered finally, after gaining some confidence. Slipping out from under the table he swallowed before standing, and then smiled sheepishly.

"Hi sister."

09-07-15, 05:34 PM
John guffawed as Vince dodged a massive fist. He stumbled forward, kicking his leg up for balance, and felt his heel connect with something. Hawl had impressive balance for one so tiny and had managed to help him out of late. He swung a fist backward, and it sailed through the air without hitting a thing.

"Trade blows with me Vince, it'll be fun!" John shouted to the barroom as he spun next to the bar, his hand clenching around a bottle. He drank.

Star Strike
09-07-15, 05:57 PM
Flying through the air, Stella taps Robert on the head with their fan closed as she landed from her leap next to him.

"Wait your turn groundling. I am not done with him yet."

Stepping forward, fanning themself with on of their fans.

"I am just getting warmed up Emperor. Are you ready to tango?" Unfurling the closed fan they dashes away from Vincent, bracing their foot against the wall, the momentum carries the starling across the bar as they pivot, arching over the bar like a shooting star.

09-07-15, 08:25 PM
Logan ducked behind the bar, letting the rest of the patrons go bonkers with their violent whims while he saw fit to down a couple of drinks of whatever he could find. The psion was not the brawling type. He preferred to leave that to his larger friend, who while even being inebriated was still more than capable of holding his own.

Cards of Fate
09-07-15, 08:34 PM
Vince was not having a fun time. He would quickly blink too and fro, attempting not to get hit by the shiny starling. "Oi LOGAN" he howled as he dodged yet another airborne stool. "Could you like help wrangle in John?"

Star Strike
09-07-15, 09:03 PM
"GIVE ME CHOCOLATE!" Her eyes were blood shot from sugar withdrawal. "Please Vincent?"

09-07-15, 09:10 PM
Logan heard Vince's cries for help, but he offered no assistance.

"Vince, you know full well once you get John going, he is not going to stop until he is well good and ready to do so. You started it, you finish it," the psion said as he offered the bartender, who took to hiding next to Logan behind the bar, another drink of the bottle.

Rehtul Orlouge
09-07-15, 10:16 PM
The young ice mage sighed as he pushed himself off the bar stool and onto the bar itself before he fell back behind it with Logan and his new friend the bartender. He chuckled heartily as he fished for a bottle of bourbon among the shelves and pulled it out, leaving twice the drink's value in gold in its place. He plopped down next to the two men and popped the cap before downing a swig.

"You all make a great team, eh?" he asked, laughing merrily as he ribbed Logan with his elbow.

09-07-15, 10:22 PM
"When they aren't heavily drunk or fighting with one another, yeah," Logan replied with a nervous laugh. At least Rehtul was a full-fledged member of the Hierarchy, and the psion knew the ribbing wasn't meant to be harsh.

"Pull up a spot and kick back a drink, buddy."

Rehtul Orlouge
09-07-15, 10:27 PM
"Way ahead of you on that first part. So, who's the giant?" he asked easily, taking another shot of his chilled bourbon.

09-07-15, 10:33 PM
A loud noise startled Rayleigh from her slumber. She had been asleep in the corner the entire time!

09-07-15, 10:37 PM
Logan nodded to Rehtul.

"So the giant is John. He's a good friend of ours, if you know what I mean. He's definitely the muscle in the group."

09-07-15, 10:45 PM
John's hand touched a loaf of bread, and he tossed it upwards where Hawl caught it as he swayed to and fro.

Hearing his name, he wandered to Logan and Rehtul

"I am NOT a giant, Logan," he said, his speech a little slurred. "Hawl Sorie is a giant, and I am merely giving her the means to achieve her dreams," he continued, falling into a chair which supported his impossible weight for some reason.

Rehtul Orlouge
09-07-15, 10:46 PM
"Yeah, definitely," the young man responded. He turned his head to the significantly shorter but still fairly tall man nearby, the one that seemed to instigate the entire affair.

"And this braying jackass?" he asked, the alcohol already beginning to eliminate his ability to censor himself.

09-07-15, 10:48 PM
Logan laughed.

"Just some braying jackass."

He pointed over to Vince.

"Oh, you mean Vince? That there is the one and only Vincent Cain. He does shit. Lots of shit. Big shit."

09-07-15, 10:48 PM
"HEY! hey, hey," John began. "He's not a braying jackass, you take that back!"

"More of a whinny, I think," John said in a moment of perfect clarity

Cards of Fate
09-07-15, 10:49 PM

Rehtul Orlouge
09-07-15, 10:50 PM
"Ah, now that's interesting... he must be quite the accomplished scholar," Rehtul said easily.

09-07-15, 10:51 PM
John leaned close, Hawl still eating her bread on his head like a hat, and whispered.

"Don't mind him, he gets a little angry some times in the month."

09-07-15, 10:52 PM
Logan laughed at Vince.

"Don't pay any attention to him. He's beyond drunk. He's to the point of being ridiculous. Well, in reality, that's pretty much his sober mode as well..."

Rehtul Orlouge
09-07-15, 10:55 PM
Rehtul raised an eyebrow at the man next to him and sighed. "So I should expect this in the day to day operations? Sounds like... fun," he said as he looked around shiftily and turned the bottle up for almost half a minute. As the bottle dropped in front of his chest, he started coughing.

Star Strike
09-07-15, 10:56 PM
"Vincent," Stella cooed. "You know if you give me normal food I get sick. So why don't you stop this little game and give me chocolate." Stella didn't feel like keeping up her childish act, letting her age get the better of her.

09-07-15, 10:56 PM
"Well, usually there's a great deal more falling through furniture around the House of Cards, especially for Hawl's huge self," John said, patting hawl on the head with a massive, gauntleted hand.

09-07-15, 10:57 PM
Logan chuckled, "Day to day? Vince? He doesn't actually do any leading day to day. He just kinda tells us 'go do this' and when we feel like it, we do. He hasn't steered me wrong so far," he said as he rubbed his jaw, still sore month's later after his initiation at the hands of the Caned One.

Cards of Fate
09-07-15, 10:59 PM
Vince turned, with hate in his eyes as he whiopped out a bar of homemade chocolate and handed it to the Starling. "Stella, get Logan for me please." His eyes then turned to John, a scowl on his face. "ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW I CAN'T MAKE FURNITURE FOR YOUR HUGE ASS? HROMAGH HIMSELF COULDN'T HOLD YOUR BUNS UP FOR TEN SECONDS"

Rehtul Orlouge
09-07-15, 10:59 PM
"Ah," was Rehtul's only reply. So many things about this seemed wrong, but when a group's existed as long as Logan said it had, who was he to judge the way it was run? With a shrug he took another drought from his bottle. This time he didn't cough.

Seems a bit lackadaisical for my preferences, but whatever.

09-07-15, 10:59 PM
"You take that back Vincent! That is no way to speak to Hawl!"

John slammed his hands on the table, making it jump in the air a few inches. He looked around at everyone for a second, then spoke.

"Uh, I forgot what I was gonna say," a short pause later and he slammed his hands down again. "YES! I remember! I want food!"

he took two quick steps toward the bar, nearly losing Hawl in the process and slammed his hands on the bartop. The bartender cowered.

"FOOD, tiny man!" he demanded.


"SAY WHAT AGAIN!" John shouted.


"I will flip you like an omlette if you don't get me one!"

Star Strike
09-07-15, 10:59 PM
Stella points a fan at Logan. "You want in? How dare you speak poorly of Vincent." Her desire to support and defend Vincent out weighed her need of chocolate.
She lunges at him with the same ferocity as she had with Vincent.

09-07-15, 11:00 PM
Logan also took another drought, this time a really, really big one. He then set the bottle down and slowly drifted to sleep. He was done.

Star Strike
09-07-15, 11:02 PM
Stella begins to whack him on the head with the side of her fan. "Grounding you will apologize."

09-07-15, 11:03 PM
Logan continued to sleep through the whacks on the head. He was out cold, thanks to the alcohol.