View Full Version : [Vignette] Vantage Point

09-06-15, 11:12 PM
Hello, and welcome to the first official vignette for Althanas Day 2015! These vignettes will earn you the same rewards as usual, plus an exclusive Althanas Day badge!

Write the same scene from two points of view (two of your characters, your character and an onlooker, etc.). The two experiences of the same event must be radically different in some way.

Wings of Endymion
09-07-15, 08:47 AM
Lunch break jots, one of two (paired entry)!

A star fell from the heavens that night.

Birthed from the deepest void to Kayu’s left, a wake of glittering white trailed behind a vanguard of ice-blue fire. Across the crystalline skies it traced its path, before disappearing into the dawning horizon where the next day awaited. In a matter of heartbeats the mark of its passage had dissipated into the star-speckled velvet. It left behind naught but a suffusing of peace and calm etched into her soul.

She closed her eyes and breathed light, exhaling a wordless wish for wellbeing to the myriad kami overhead. Her mind, still aching from the trauma of the day before, refused to relinquish how far she had come since she had last succumbed to such a childish impulse. She could not imagine a greater contrast to the gilded cage of her family’s townhouse in Nippon, as the empty wastes of Salvar in which she now stood.

It’s your life to live, Tsuru had reminded her. Your story to write. How had she forgotten why she had left her homeland, in search of a definition for duty that did not shackle her to another’s whim? Had she found it, here in these snowbound moors? How long would she survive in these infested lands before she fell to some mercenary or slaver or wild beast ?

“No,” she whispered, her voice rustling the leafless shrubbery like a zephyr. Spinning on her heels, cloak and robes airing behind her in graceful momentum, she began the walk back to the campsite where her elderly companion awaited. Silken moonbeams caressed her raven-black hair and the haunted hollows beneath her eyes. By the same light she sought the path that led to the safety of the lee of the knoll.

“No. This is not how my tale will end.”

Her thoughts alighted again on the girl in the slaver’s den, the blonde washer-woman with the monotone eyes. Kayu knew that she owed her dignity to her administrations, perhaps even her life. She felt no lack of guilt for leaving her behind in the middle of nowhere, with only the scum of the earth for company. But the girl had made her choice, not to follow her into freedom. She had chosen, no matter how coerced, to serve her captors in their despicable deeds.

It hurt Kayu most that she had been in no state to aid her in any other way. She had lacked purpose. She had lacked determination. The moonlit path before her would doubtless test her further, and she had not the strength to face it.


Shadows danced upon the snowstrewn rocks, cast by the flames of the campfire. She met her mentor’s wizened eyes, and spoke.

“Auntie Tsuru. I am ready to learn.”

Flames of Hyperion
09-07-15, 08:49 AM
Lunch break jots, two of two (paired entry)!

A star fell from the heavens that night.

Birthed from the deepest void to Nanashi’s right, a wake of glittering white trailed behind a vanguard of ice-blue fire. Through the potbellied clouds it traced its path, before disappearing beyond the fiery horizon where Turicum burned. In a matter of heartbeats the mark of its passage had dissipated into the all-consuming black. It left behind naught but an indelible memory etched into his heart.

He clenched his eyes shut, for to him the falling star heralded only the extinguishing of yet another world of the Million Planes. His mind, still resonating with Natosatael’s mockery, could only muster thoughts of weariness and defeat. How many more nameless faces had perished while he could only stand still and watch?

In those chapters of his grimoire that documented his wanderings, he wrote of his words as a love letter to a long-lost dream. But how many more times would he witness the suffering of the one he cared for, as the malignant forces that smouldered in the shadows heckled his impotent paralysis?

“No,” he told himself in a hoarse whisper. He braced one emaciated hand against the suppurating mud, and with great effort lifted himself free of the fecal bog. His tattered cloak, heavy with sodden chill, clung to his bare ankles. Battered spectacles threatened to slip free from his gaunt features, until he forced them back into position with a grime-encrusted finger.

“No. This is not how my tale will end.”

The refugees in the distance would blame him for the destruction of their homes. After all, he had somehow survived the impossible overland journey through mid-winter Berevar, only for the reivers to swarm into the town a day later. They would spit upon him as harbinger of the spawn of darkness. They would curse the fates that had brought him staggering, malnourished and weak, to them. They would not remember the wars waged to defend the waterfront and the orphanage. They would forget the fighting retreat that had given them the chance to escape with their lives.

But that did not matter. The greatest threat to their survival had yet to approach, and only he and a handful of others knew of it to protect them.

And now a quartet of daemonic shadows loomed on the horizon. Unhindered by the tide of reivers retreating from the inferno, Natosatael’s minions had found him again.

Alone, Nanashi rose to his feet to confront encroaching death.

09-07-15, 10:09 AM
I don't know where this came from. I really don't.

Fii froze, acutely aware of the searing edge of a blade against the nape of his neck. The cool metal sizzled against the heat of his flesh, threatening to slice through thin skin. Sweat edged down into his eyes. There was the breath of another behind his back now, and an elbow digging into his back with aggrieved aggression. He shivered involuntarily.

“Good game,” hiss-rasped a voice into his ears. It was a woman’s voice. He flinched. Her hands moved.

That was how this story ended.


She grimaced, acutely aware of the fiery heat of the hilt in her palms. The searing leather sizzled against the heat of her flesh, threatening to scorch through her calloused skin. Sweat edged into her eyes. She could smell the sour rankness of fear on his skin, and pushed her elbow into his back with aggrieved aggression. She could feel her own terror.

“Good game,” she hiss-rasped into his ears, and felt him flinch. WIth a surgeon’s precision, she moved.

That was how this story began.

09-07-15, 10:14 AM
"No, I absolutely will not," he protested sternly.

I could only giggle in response as I held the dress in front of his form.

"Oh, come now, Logan. You would make an absolutely ravishing lady," I stated through further fits of giggles as I pushed the light blue dress into his hands.

He vehemently refused, "Absolutely not. There is no way you will get me into that dress. End of story!"

I smiled wide and gave a gentle nod.

"Okay then, how about I wear the dress and you flirt with Max? You could pull it off if you don't mind pretending to be into men and if he doesn't recognize you," I added.

Logan gave it a long, generous consideration with a pause fit for a king, then followed with a sigh and a nod.

"Alright fine, I'll wear the dress. But you owe me," he said to me as he snatched the dress from my fingertips.

He disappeared behind the curtain, and I heard significant amounts of shuffling of clothing. After a few lingering moments intertwined with agonizing grunts and grumbles from behind the curtain, Logan reappeared in a fully-flowing ball gown. It was a good thing the dress covered his legs as I was fairly certain hairy legs would not match the overall motif. I moved closer and took a look around the backside of the dress, and then patted his backside softly.

"Yup, you fill it out nicely. All we need now is to pretty you up with a little makeup, and you'll be set," I said with an even wider smile than before.


"No, I absolutely will not," I said loudly.

The dress was not an option. I would never be found dead in a dress, let alone in a gala event where we planned to steal a few essential artifacts from the host's vault. It already necessitated a lot of planning and preparation, and a dress would only get in my way. However, another problem presented itself once I settled on no dress, and that was how we could sneak into the place. Unfortunately, if Max Dirks was going to host such a gala, he would undoubtedly recognize me the moment he saw me. A disguise was absolutely quintessential to the plan, but a dress was off-limits.

"Oh come now, Logan, you would make an absolutely ravishing lady," she said to me as she held up the dress in front of me.

It wasn't the first time we broached the idea of putting me into a dress, and it probably wouldn't be the last. I began to wonder if succumbing to eventuality it would happen might make the whole idea go away for good after the job was finished, and it wasn't like anyone I knew would recognize me or remember me.

"Absolutely not. There is no way you will get me into that dress. End of story," I replied even more sternly than before.

She seemed to cave a little as she nodded, but then she replied and I knew all hope of escaping the job without wearing the dress vanished with her response, "Okay then, how about I wear the dress and you flirt with Max? You could pull it off if you don't mind pretending to be into men and if he doesn't recognize you."

I hesitated as the realization I would finally dawn a dress for the first time in my history on Althanas, something I sword I would never ever do. Of course, if we did manage to successfully steal one of Dirks' barettas from his personal vault during an event he hosted, well I would go down as one of the greatest of all time. Even if that meant wearing a dress, it certainly felt well worth the trouble. I took the dress from her gently and as I sneaked behind the billowy curtains I said curtly, "Alright, fine. I'll wear the dress, but you owe me."

She would owe me, too. She would owe me for a long, long time. Any concession I made, regardless whether I did so out of necessity or not, in the form of wearing the dress would be equitable to many, many favors. I did not have specific favors in mind, but I did have a couple of ideas. I took a deep breath as I looked down at the dress in my hands. At least it would cover my legs.

My clothes fell to the floor quick enough, but I was astonished at how smoothly the silky light blue dress slid over my form. I had not anticipated the fabric being so comfortable, even if I was the entire opposite at that moment. I groaned a couple of times as I had to wiggle my hips to get the last few inches to properly fit, but at last I managed. After a moment of pause, I removed myself from behind the curtains and moved next to Jaime.

She rounded me a couple of times, then pinched my ass for good measure as I jumped a couple of inches into the air. She enjoyed the moment far too much.

"Yup, you fill it out nicely. All we need now is to pretty you up with a little makeup, and you'll be set," she said with a smirk.

09-07-15, 08:55 PM
It was a pretty crappy day. The sky was filled with clouds that threatened the sudden downpour that would cease work. Don’t get me wrong, I like a day’s rest as much as the next man. However working on and off for a few hours and making a few coin less than nothing wasn’t a day off.

Where are my manners? My name is Rock, at least that is what the round ears called me. I’m an Orc, and Ra’ok was a bit too much for Human’s to handle. I figured it was because they talked too much. They loved to talk, and necessity dictated that they keep their words simple and short. I worked on the docks in Scara Brae loading and unloading the constant flow of ships. It was alright work, decent pay for an Orc too. The only issue, when it rained it became too dangerous. The wood became slippery, and the boys on the docks had protested for weeks to get stop works.

For now the docs were dry, if a little dark. Myself and a few of the boys were working on unloading a fishing ship. For the bigger boats we had hooked up rope systems that allowed us to lift crates over the side and down to the dock. I was working one of the ropes, helping lift the enormous weight of the cargo while others guided the box towards the dock.


The day was fantastic. The gentle promise of rain upon the sky, the chance of adventure and a free shower. Today was my day, and I was today’s hero. My red neckerchief tied securely around my golden mane, little paws strode with mighty design towards the docks. There was always something interesting going on there, and I often found purpose helping the poor souls forced into a life of manual labour, bereft of the adventure and goodness of my own.

When I reached the docks I couldn’t help but follow a powerful fragrant scent. It smelled of the ocean, and carried with it such permanent that it did soak my mouth with drool at the mere wiff. The odour led me to a particularly large ship with men running across it like ants across a delicious discarded apple.


I’ve worked in the docks for quite a while, but nothing prepared me for the sudden stench that erupted from the crate above our heads. Later I found out that inside were barrels of fish. The captain had seen fit to attempt a new strategy for storing fish for long journeys and had put in a mixture of brine and salt. Apparently the mixture didn’t quite work and the fish has begun to rot. The resulting gas expanding the barrels and the leaked.

“By the Thanes! What the hell is that smell?” roared one of the human dock workers.

“It smells like a Salavar whore, so hold tight and see it through!” I roared back.

My fellow workers started to struggle with the putrid smell. The crate was too high, we needed to keep it moving and lower it before letting go of the ropes. The next few moments happened in a flash. Drips of the putrid liquid within caught a sudden gust of wind. The tiny drops rained down on the men as liquefied revolting. They gaged and dry wrenched, and worse of all they let go of the ropes.

“Hold! Hold you sons of trolls!” I yelled.

The rope in my hands jerked forwards and I had to let go. The crate smashed into the ground and sent the barrels and their contents spew forth. I couldn’t stand it, and neither could the other boys. Those that could staggered away up wind from the rancid fish. The closest were splashed, and they took to diving into the sea to wash away the filth.

As I stumbled away I felt a small, yellow dog bump into my leg as it ran towards the accident.


Glorious fish! It was a day to remember, let me tell you that! I ducked and weaved through the legs of the two-legs and reached nirvana. The smell was something out of a fairytale. So strong, such fragrance. I dived into the closest barrel as the smells filled me with ecstasy.

I lost track of time as I rolled and scooted through the ambrosia. It was only the falling rain that broke the enchantment. I turned my yellow, now slightly brown, face to the sky. I need to secure some of this treasure before the rain washed it away. I looked around and my eyes laid upon the largest herring I’d ever seen. I grabbed it’s tail in my jaw and started back towards my home. It was a bit difficult dragging the fish that was about the same size as I was. It was nice how people gave me a wide berth to make it easier for me.

09-07-15, 10:17 PM
The crack of metal on metal sung through the tavern. Talen ripped his sword out of the huge gash it had torn through the steel shield. The dark child leapt forwards with his clawed hand lunging towards the Orc’s face and his sword trailing behind. The grey-skin brought the shield around and smashed Talen’s gauntlet wide before continuing to twist around and brought his elbow into the side of Talen’s head. The youth’s eyes filled with bright flashes as his trajectory saw him smash through a table and those seated there in.

* * * *

A few minutes prior Talen had been staring at the fire that cracked and popped in the middle of the inn. His travelling companion and he had been sitting there in silence, the tension between the two palpable. Ana was much taller than Talen. Her thin frame, tanned skin and blonde hair was a near perfect juxtaposition from the small pale boy with dark hair opposite.

The pair’s silence was shattered when another group burst through the door. They were a ragtag group, a few Orcs and Humans that had been hunting and only just returned to the inn. That fact was easily discernible from their attire. Ice covered furs, much of it caked with blood from their most recently kills. The smoky air of the inn, tinted with the burnt oak was quickly filled with the putrid stench of rancid blood.

The group’s behaviour was just as uncouth as their odour and within moments two of them had pushed up against Ana. The others made for the owner of the inn where they started negotiating the price for food and board.

“Hey girly,” half snarled a grey-skinned Orc, “what say you join us?”

“Yeah yeah!” pipped up a smaller Orc, “join join!”

“Get your stinking face away from her Orc,” said Talen.

The grey-skin flicked his eyes to the youth and let out a toothy grin, “Or what?”

* * * *

Talen dragged himself out of the splintered wood. A trail of blood made itself way from a large gash in his forehead. The child lifted the large dark blade of his sword towards the Orc. The grey-skin was mostly unharmed, however his shield had a large cut across the top where Talen’s sword had nearly cut through it completely. The Orc pulled a large knife from his belt. While his shield had been steel, this blade shone with something stronger.

Both fighters charged at each other. Blade struck blade, and gauntlet struck shield. Talen’s wild swings cut through furniture with easy while the Orc’s knife darted in and out to catch and deflect the sword’s blows without coming directly facing the immense power behind the attacks. With each overreaching attack Talen would twist and duck before thrusting his gauntlet towards the Orc’s exposed flesh. His arm, his face, his stomach, each time Talen targeted an area it would be caught and deflected by the shield.

The fight continued with the hunting group sitting or standing near the walls as they watched their comrade fight a child. Ana on the other hand was cringing visably as more and more of the inn was smashed or cut to pieces.

Talen darted to the side away from the grey-skin as the dagger caught the side of the youth’s sword arm. Talen recovered his footing and grabbed the edge of a large bench. His body contorted and his face bent intoa savage roar as he lifted the huge piece of furniture into the air and brought it down on the Orc.

“Fathers fathers,” snarled the Orc through a toothy grin, “make me stone.”

The table smashed against the Orc. Shards of wood flew through the air with the impact, but the grey-skin was unmoved against the onslaught. His whole body had turned to stone and the table hadn’t caused even the slightest scratch.

A moment later the orc had moved from his standing position to an inch in front of Talen. His arm lifted up and he brought the edge of his shield up into Talen’s neck with a powerful jab. The youth shot backwards as his neck snapped. His body hurtled through the fireplace in a crash of embers and wood to end up on the floor a few feet past the pit.

“Ha! You’re good kid, but reckless!” the Orc said as he walked around the firepit, “Hon! Heal the kid before he dies on us!”

One of the human hunters, perhaps from Akashima given his angular features came forwards. Talen managed to hold up his gauntlet to cease his advance as the kids own energy pushed through his body and started to heal his wounds. The gash on his head, the crack through his neck and a few others cuts and burns quickly knitted together and returned to normal. The grey-skin sheathed his dagger and held out a hand to Talen. The youth looked at him for a moment then took it.

“You and your companion should join us kid, shared a fight, then share some food. It’s my people’s way.”

“Sure…” said Talen, pausing as he thought about trying to eat with the stench of the hunters, “Could you do something about the smell?”

The Orc grabbed his shirt and sniffed.

“Boys, clean up, then we eat!”

For the first time in a few days, Talen smiled.

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The life of running an Inn on one of the travel routes deep in the ice cold wastes of Salavar isn’t for everyone. Sometimes I was so busy that I’d barely have time to sleep. Other times only one or two travelers would just keep me going.

Two of the more recent ones gave me the chills. A boy and woman, certainly not blood relatives came trudging in on foot. How on earth they didn’t freeze was beyond me. Then the pair sat in silence for two hours. It was beyond weird. The coin was good, but I’d lock my bedroom door tonight for fear of waking up dead.

The time passed and I made myself busy stoking the fire and cleaning. I didn’t really need to do the latter, but it kept me busy none the less. It was just before noon when some hunters arrived. They were a smelly lot, covered with blood from gutting their kills and the grime one gets after a few weeks stuck in the same cloths.

Unfortunately two of the Orcs took a liking to the gaunt looking woman and the child intervened. My suspicions were peaked were confirmed when the fighting started. The child materialised a sword and cruel looking gauntlet, which the Orc revealed in the challenge and leapt into the fight as well.

There is something quite distinctive about the feeling of watching your inn being destroyed. The child and Orc seemed to have switched places in terms of skill. The smaller fighter attacked with reckless abandon and each swing of his sword destroyed more. The Orc was faster and darted around. I could do little but watch and grip my broom as the place was torn asunder. I could see the coins washing down the drain with every swing and crash.

“I just… swept…” I mumbled, “... dammit.”

The fight culminated with the fire pit spraying across the floor.I ran out into the room, stepping around the prostrate child and grabbing and throwing the burning pieces of wood back into the fire.

“Shit, shit, shit!” I shouted as I tried to stop my inn from burning down.

The fighters made peace, damned heathens, and I was left with the mess to clean. I was going to have to charge a service fee for all this wreckage. I swear, the life of an innkeeper is never easy.

09-07-15, 10:41 PM
The man's whiskey spilled all over John as he walked from one side of the restaurant to the other, his drunken staggering quite pronounced. John's eyes narrowed as the man looked up, smiling.

Not for long.

John fisted his hand in the fron of the man's tunic and lifted him with one massive arm. He opened the door to the street and threw him out into it unceremoniously. The whisky stank of alcohol on his shirt. He returned quietly to the bar and sat down.




"Comin' up."


The man's whiskey spilled all over John as he walked from one side of the restaurant to the other, his drunken staggering quite pronounced. Joseph looked at the man to see him smile a bit. Joseph smiled back. Here was a person stupid enough.

Joseph made himself look shocked, and turned back to the man. "Aw, man do you know what you've done? This was me wife's favorite shirt!"

The drunk man slurred out some kind of apology and Joseph went straight for it. After all, it wasn't like the man was doing anything worthwhile with his money.

"I tell you what, if you could buy me and the lady a drink, then maybe she'd forgive me, eh? Two meads, yeah?"

The man stammered something before Joseph sat him down at the bar and then ordered two meads.

09-15-15, 08:45 AM
Closed for judging.

11-05-15, 01:43 PM
Good afternoon! Thank you for your patience as we judged these fantastic vignettes.

Wings of Endymion/Flames of Hyperion - First Place
Because your entries were connected, I will discuss them as one entity (you will, however, receive rewards for both). These pieces were really phenomenal. You have the most incredible balance when it comes to description. You can sprinkle in just enough, and I never feel bogged down as I read it. Your approach to this prompt was also quite creative. I appreciated the juxtaposition between your two characters. Overall, very well done.

I will give your 1st place winnings to your highest level account. Let me know if you would like me to switch.
Flames - 3,600 EXP and 200
Wings - 1,050 EXP

Doge - Second Place
I cannot believe that I am saying this, but I absolutely loved your vignette. Your piece did have some mechanical issues (doc instead of dock, human's instead of humans), but the story did a wonderful job of addressing the prompt. That brief interaction at the end between your two characters was just perfect, and it was a real pleasure to read. Nice job.

720 EXP and 150 GP

Vendredi - Close Contender
This vignette was really quite interesting. It was just a touch too short to rank any higher, as I still felt a bit unsatisfied. Just the tiniest bit more backstory would have really benefited you here. But what you had was stunning. It was the most clear, straightforward interpretation of the prompt. Again, the juxtaposition between your two perspectives was really fascinating, and very well done. Great job.

600 EXP

Logan - Close Contender
This was a very fun vignette! As always, you shine when it comes to comedic scenes. Your characters were very full of life, and it was easy to see the difference between your two perspectives. There were a few errors sprinkled throughout, and some funky, lengthy sentences. I also found myself asking who "she" was the entire time. But you did a great job addressing the prompt as a whole.

1,350 EXP

I really liked the setting and overall feel of your entry. A good ole' tavern brawl is always a lot of fun to read, and you had a very light-hearted tone throughout that I enjoyed. With that being said, there were a few small tweaks that could have been made to make this piece even better. First and foremost, your story lagged just a bit in a few places. You described your character's motions with such incredible detail that I wasn't sure what was really important. It bogged me down a bit, and distracted me from the purpose. In the future, don't fall into the trap of writing every move your characters make (believe me, I know how hard it is not to do that!). I also struggled a bit to determine whose perspective I was reading about in each section. Finally, there were a few errors here and there (but that is not at all uncommon in an Althy Day vignette entry). Try to keep those things in mind for the next entry - I look forward to reading it!

450 EXP

I really enjoyed your entry! It was simple, and well-written. What you had was really nice, and you did a good job of addressing the prompt. Unfortunately, I would have liked to have seen just a bit more. A bit more description, a bit more action, a bit more. I really think that, if you had had a bit more time, you could have fleshed this out. I can't wait to see what you come up with next time!

750 EXP

Once again, thank you for all of your hard work, and the fantastic entries. I had a wonderful time reading over them.

Edit: Experience gains now reflect Althy Day bonus!

11-13-15, 01:18 PM
All GP and EXP have been added!