View Full Version : AD Forum Game: Compliment the Writer/Character Above You

09-06-15, 11:29 PM
Because I am all about spreading love and positivity, this game is about compliments!

Write a compliment for the writer OR character above you.

You may make the compliment as yourself OR in-character (I would encourage you to specify which you are going with, especially if you are in-character).

09-06-15, 11:52 PM
OOC: Shelby, you are an awesome writer and mod. Specifically, your dedication not only to Althanas, but to the people you write with and work with on Staff is second to none. We're definitely lucky to have you here!

09-07-15, 12:10 AM
Both Sean and Logan are excellent people, and good at being decent to people even when they don't deserve it that much. A talented writer writing a talented character, excellent to have you on board.

Star Strike
09-07-15, 12:16 AM
OOC: Redford has always been very nice to me in the chat :D

09-07-15, 12:41 AM
Star is very pretty. No seriously. Out of character I imagine you as very pretty and you are also very kind and gentle. I just want to smush you with a hug.

09-07-15, 03:27 AM
Phi (the writer) has awesome hair, Phi (the character) has a furry rump (I assume).

Storm Veritas
09-07-15, 05:22 AM
Hysteria's writer has been consistently producing awesome content for as long as I can remember. Reliable, reasonable, fun and creative. Always a blast!

Gnarl & Root
09-07-15, 06:38 AM
Don't know Storm very well, but hes been friendly on Chat.

The best compliment I can give you is that everyone speaks so highly of you, and that they are glad you've come back.

09-07-15, 06:42 AM
I gotta say, when I first saw your writing I remember thinking you had such an easy, polished style. There were a lot of people who were going the extremely flowery and over the top descriptive writing (often with their character’s part in the story suffering as a result), but yours was more direct and had a fantastic flow of structure and tone. It was, in a word, mature.

Gnarl & Root:
We should write together, because I don't think I've actually seen your writing! Ha, for now I'll say that you seem like a really chill and relaxed writer :p

09-07-15, 06:59 AM
Despite his own claims, I'm pretty sure Harley isn't that smelly at all.

Also, I quite like his sprite art. Its pretty good!

Flames of Hyperion
09-07-15, 07:16 AM
The best writer of first person narrative that I've read. 'nuff said.

09-07-15, 07:22 AM
Flames, not only are you one of the most talented writers on the site, you are also one of the kindest and most helpful. Writing in the AC with you was such an honor, and though it was short, it was one of the best collaborative experiences I've had on the site. :)

The Mongrel
09-07-15, 07:28 AM
When you first came to the site, Ray, I thought you were one of the best new members I'd seen in a long time. Now I think you're one of the best new judges I've seen in a long time.

And Flames, you're my favorite person on the site, hands down.

Max Dirks
09-07-15, 09:56 AM
When I read the first post of your tournament final, I groaned. When I finished I was cheering. You got talent, mi'lady.

09-07-15, 10:12 AM
Works a lot harder than many folk I know.

09-07-15, 11:10 AM
An affable lady. One of the friendliest here.

09-07-15, 11:37 AM
One of my favorite people in Egypt, granted I only know of one and he is the extent of that one, but still. Fez is awesome even if his internet in Egypt hates the Alth Chat.

The Mongrel
09-07-15, 11:47 AM
Logan was fun to play Civ 5 with, even if he ended up getting us on opposite ends of the map.

09-07-15, 02:19 PM
Michelle was a ton of fun to wrte with back in the day, and I'm really glad that you kept writing and improving.

09-07-15, 02:21 PM
Colin is pretty fresh.

09-07-15, 02:22 PM
Colin isn't just a talented writer that has improved vastly over the years, he's also been a good friend in the short time we've known each other in person, and the perfect ramen buddy for a fellow introvert. Plus, we could totally fit into each other's clothes if we wanted to wear to be cute together.

EDIT: Damn it, Andy.

All joking aside, Andy has been a great inspiration to me when it comes to first person writing, and Madison Freebird is the one female character written by a male that I find fully realized, and not just an extension of her gender. This isn't a slight against anyone else, Andy just reminds me of the George R.R. Martin quote, when asked how he wrote such great female characters, he responded, simply, "I've always just considered them people."

09-07-15, 02:47 PM
You can always count on Sulla to be a smartass about something. Which I enjoy greatly.

Skie and Avery
09-07-15, 05:01 PM
Jacob is terrific fun to plot threads with! You need to be on the site more. ;)

09-07-15, 07:29 PM
So cool! Awesome tattoos as well.

09-07-15, 07:35 PM
One of the most unoriginal, yet uniquely effective and still adorable character concepts ever.

09-07-15, 07:47 PM
Logan, you are honestly one of the kindest, most wonderful people that I have ever met. It has been such a pleasure working with you on the site, and getting to know you over Skype. Never change - you're lovely.