View Full Version : [Complete] redford Summary Request

09-08-15, 06:01 AM
redford has requested summaries for his thread, Alloys and Allies (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29811-Alloys-and-Allies-%28Closed-to-Logan%29&highlight=Alloys+and+allies). Please post short and long summaries here and redford will choose the preferred summaries in a week.

Max Dirks
09-22-15, 12:09 PM
This thread is now inactive. The first summaries provided will be chosen.

09-24-15, 06:33 PM
Sneaking a giant into Salvar
Short Summery [
John Cromwell returns to salvar in a coffin through the aid of Logan and Jamie to acquire some titanium.

John realizes, for reasons unknown, that his magical gauntlets allow him to mimic the properties of any metal they come into contact with. When his close friend Logan finds out about this he recommends a trip to Salvar over Alerar. John would have none of it, and eventually informs Logan of his crime and his banishment. At first Logan and Jamie offer to assist in disguising John as a woman to help him sneak into Salvar, even going so far as to acquire some of the necessary items for the scheme. John however, won’t go along with this idea, and eventually the concept is dropped in favor of having John disguised in a coffin. The ruse being that Logan and Jamie are bringing him back to collect on outstanding bounties, and see him berried. Things nearly go awry when an unknown noble shows up to see the body. This unknown noble happens to be John’s father-in-law, and together the group manages to get the titanium from out of the noble’s holdings, while making it look as though the vault has been robbed; thus allowing John’s relation to use this as pressure against one of the other noble families that’s been striving to coerce him.

09-24-15, 06:35 PM
Sneaking a giant into Salvar
Short Summery
John Cromwell returns to salvar in a coffin through the aid of Logan and Jamie to acquire some titanium.

John realizes, for reasons unknown, that his magical gauntlets allow him to mimic the properties of any metal they come into contact with. When his close friend Logan finds out about this he recommends a trip to Salvar over Alerar. John would have none of it, and eventually informs Logan of his crime and his banishment. At first Logan and Jamie offer to assist in disguising John as a woman to help him sneak into Salvar, even going so far as to acquire some of the necessary items for the scheme. John however, won’t go along with this idea, and eventually the concept is dropped in favor of having John disguised in a coffin. The ruse being that Logan and Jamie are bringing him back to collect on outstanding bounties, and see him berried. Things nearly go awry when an unknown noble shows up to see the body. This unknown noble happens to be John’s father-in-law, and together the group manages to get the titanium from out of the noble’s holdings, while making it look as though the vault has been robbed; thus allowing John’s relation to use this as pressure against one of the other noble families that’s been striving to coerce him.

10-12-15, 10:19 PM
Summaries accepted as Bard was the only one to submit. Bard gains 620 EXP.

10-17-15, 12:17 AM
EXP & GP Added!