View Full Version : Let the party begin lassy!!

10-31-06, 10:26 AM
The slums, a place that few of standing go and those without have little choice in the matter. Its smell distinctive to its name, the air reeked of of rotting sewage and sour food. A strange sort of steam rose from each small hole in the cracked and worn cobble stone street. Increasing the feel of being unclean in this tainted environment of disease. Even in the middle of the day when the bright sun baked away the sticky humidity. The place still felt as if it was clinging to your very skin.

Various beggars laid about the street in tattered raged clothing, their bodies brittle and frail from the lack of nutrition. Resting themselves on the two to three storey buildings of grey clay stone. Which looked as if a single push in the wrong place would topple it all over. The spots where windows and doors should be filled with nothing more than simple cotton sheets. The general population unable to afford basic glass or wood to make proper adornments for there homes. Down what seemed to be endless street hung miles of drying clothes from lines stretched across the stone road from one building to the next. The mid day sun helping to make them sanitary for their poor owners to wear. The small pathway packed with carts and men carrying goods and supplies back and forth, in and out of the front gate. On there way to the market district within the center of the city. Each cart guarded by armoured soldiers weary of their surroundings, the gate side slums feared for there many gangs of thieves.

Yet in all its misery this was Lantor's heaven. His usual place of business and pleasure. To him this place meant work, fortune, and adventurer. Three things that were always on his mind. He leaned casually against one of the grey walls of the local tavern. Where boisterous cheering and laughing could be heard. Even at this time of the day, festive drinking went on inside. "The Five Flagoons" was the name of this place, and Lantor had a meeting with an important client today. His arms crossed making his muscles bulged larger and more intimidating. Using his back to balance himself against the wall. He wore his usual cotton yellow shirt with leather adornments his broad sword strapped to his back. A cocky smile on his face as he eyes moved from one traveler to the next. Each of them looking at him with weary fearful expressions. He even had the audacity to wink at an attractive young woman who passed him by with her family. The girl giving a sort of blank doe look. As the father moved her into the middle of the street. Taking her eyes of the odviously thief of a man.

An hour passed as Lantor waited for his contact, but no one had showed. The sly smirk begging to fade from the massive mercenary's face. As he quickly became inpatient for this individual who so desperately needed a job done for him. What load of bull, he thought as he sat down on the stair leading into the tavern. It had been months since Lantor had a decent paying gig and he was becoming a little desperate. His last job was a joke, protecting a supposed shipment of goods from a border town in Fallien to the capital here in Salvar. He ended up only get fifty gold for the entire trip. As well as a few new scars from the raiders who ended up taking a third of the shipment. Which was the reason for the pay cut, but it had not been his fault he thought. His mind racing from one issue to the next as a frown came over his face.

While his mind raced a beautiful young fallien maiden, adorned in midnight leather armour appeared right before him. His eyes focused on the ground, the first thing he saw was her rough mud covered boots. Stopping right in front of him, odviously to acquire his attention. Lantor's first thought was that some bloke was really looking for a little "physical" attention. To be that bold of a man to walk right up on him! Lantor! in such a manner. Yet as his eyes and head slowly moved up, he realized what the gender of this invidiual was. Her feminine curves easily visible though the skin tight leather protection she wore. His eyes finally coming to meet her sapphire stare. His cocky smile returning, and he let out a loud whistle of approval.

"Well, well look what we have ere eh?" Lantor's deep resonating voice said with odvious sarcasm. His eyes reviewing the young woman over a second time.

She had a light brown tan, with odviously fallien features. Her hair was jet black and tied into a rather neat bun. Her armour was just as black, which Lantor found extra amusing. Wondering why a desert woman would be wearing anything that attracted heat. Her face was quite lovely with elegant almost elven like features. With her eyes being the greatest oddity on here. The colour of blue far from common of the people of the desert. On a thin leather belt she carried a single curved dagger. Her expression was that of disdain at the barbaric man, and she had a solid reason for seeking him.

"You must be Lantor Leiahorn?" she said with a partial accent, the statement more of a question than anything.

Lantor's smirk became even wider "Aye, luv that would be me! Jus wondering wha I hav done to receive this great honour?" odviously adding in a little flirting with the fallien woman.

Her expression unchanged she contuined to speak once learning that he was Lantor. "I am your contact for the job that was offered to you a few days ago, but we can not speak here." she looks around with a bit of caution. The information she wished to pass of a more secretive nature.

Lantor just looked up at her with the same smirk on his face. As if the sly smile was a painted image on his face. "Well lass, we could always get a room here in the tavern. I heard that they actually will charge you a only a few coppers by the hour."

This last comment was just crossing over the line with the fallien, and she had enough of this barbarian's attitude. Pulling her dagger with lighting quick speed onto the large man's exposed neck. "Listen here you barbarian! I ave been sent to offer you dis job, and if you contuine with de insults you may lose more than de oppurtnity." her dagger eating a little into the man's thick skin.

His smirk came down a little, unprepared for her quick angered reaction. A frown forming over his face as her casually leaned back and shrugged. "Fine lass, if that's the way ye want to be doing it? I can't see why you won't just take all of it as the joke that it was? eh?" odviously trying to save his arse from rubbing the woman the wrong way. The fallien slowly pulling her dagger away from the man's throat, walking up the stairs and into the tavern. Lantor's smile returning as he stood up looking at the doorway.

"So lets get the party started lady!" he said under his breath with a bit of exciment in his body. Making his way into the "Five Flagoons".

11-01-06, 08:50 AM
As Lantor entered the tavern the light quickly dropped from the bright illumination from outside. To a dim lit musky environment, with the smell of stale ale. His eyes wide trying to adjust his vision to the lack of light. At first barley able to see what was in front of him, looking for you the fallien woman who had just entered. To his right the bar was packed with patrons. Guzzling large quantities of ale by the use of large wooden pint pitchers. Most of the men gruff and homely looking as they yelled and slammed there pints on the bar table. A single dwarf ran ramped beyond the counter trying to fill the bottomless pits of his customers. Draining various types of mead and ale from massive wooden barrels with little tunable taps. A task Lantor felt the dwarf was extraordinarily good at. As his vision improved he made a more valiant effort to find his lost contact. Moving deeper into the tavern, the dwarven bartender casually giving a wave to one of his most common customers. The large adventurer gave a respectful salute with his right hand finally spotted his little girl friend.
She was nestled in the darkest corner of the room, the corner that was adjacent to the roaring fire in the back center of the room. He casually made his way to her, his walk a little over confident as he bumped into a couple of merchants on there way out. The two first almost protested by after surveying the large muscular man for a moment, they thought better of it. Lantor pulled the chair right in front of the young woman and turned it around. Leaning his arms on the back his head resting of those bulging logs called arms.

"Well now lassy? Since we are all cozy in this little shadows spot away from all the action. How about ye tell me what the bloody 'ell ye want to offer me eh?"
His comment was sassy, sarcastic, and he still had that sly untrust worthy smirk on his hardened face. The fallien woman just stared at him in disbelief for a moment, and then began her speech.

"I have been sent by my employers to offer you a job in the Ali'had Trading Corps.
Which will require you to..." Lantor's hand rose up stopping her in mid sentence.

"Listen lass, ye don't have to give me all that formal crap. I am not one of ye snooty noble types. Just get down to what ye want me to do, what ye gonna pay me, and if we are allowed to have personal relationships with the staff. Such as you and me for prime example lassy?" his smirk seemed to widen a little as he rested his head back on his crossed arms.

"Fine Mr. Leiahorn, here is the deal you help guard our supply caravans to the Fallien and back. We will pay you a generous sum of 100 gold per trip. Your meals will be provided, and sleeping arrangements in the various towns are merchants stop to do their business. As for you and I, I would never even dream of having a barbarian such as you even hold my luggage." her proposal swift, rude, and to the point having quite enough of this rugged, barbaric, northern bastard.

Lantor just continued smirking at her for a few moments then spoke in his usual casual tone. "I'll do it for no less than 200 gold pieces and all the bloody ale I can drink. If ye do that it’s a deal!"

A sneer appeared over the lovely fallien's face as she looked at the man in anger. "Listen YOU! I don't know what sort of skills you posses that the corps wants you so badly, but I don't care. I will have no qualms of telling my superiors that you refused and would not take the job. I will offer you 125 gold, take it or leave It." her hand holding onto her dagger ready to strike at the man.

The tavern had fallen silent with the young woman's outburst everyone looking in there direction. Some of the patron's mug losing ale as the held it halfway to there lips. All of them just staring at the foreigner like she was crazy. Seeing this new attention the woman calmed considerably.

Lantor just smiled and closed his eyes scratching the back of his head. "So much for all the secret stuff eh? Not sure why you wanted to be so secretive in the first place umm..." just realizing that he had no idea what her names was. "By the way what be your name there lassy?"

"Just call me Ra'sha and I shall call you barbarian. So are you taking it or leaving it?" she was ready to get out of this place quickly. Having her reasons for trying to make the meeting secretive but was not about to reveal her motives to this ignorant gorilla.

"Very well, I will take the job" he said with some relevancy, as he was not to keen to go to Fallien. Never caring much for that desert wasteland.

"Good! You shall meet me at 0800 outside the gates of the city. That’s where are caravan is located. I suggest that you supply and enjoying this eve for festive drinking. We shall be leaving tomorrow for Fallien, good day barbarian." With that she stood from her seat, and quickly walked out.

11-02-06, 01:42 PM
The first rays of the morning light slowly crept over the horizon. The piercing light of the sun quickly conquering the blackness with a beauitful mixture of oranges and yellows. The shadows of the many hills forced into a westernly direction as if running from the burning star of the east.
Ra'sha had been awake for quite sometime now. Preparing for the journey to return to her homeland, a place that she missed quite dearly. Her eyes glazed over as she stared into the sky. Taking in the elegant beauty of the sunrise in this foriegn land to her. This place that these people called Salvar, a barbaric land of cold grey stone and eternal greenry. She found the people here uneducated, unclean, and quite rude. Having not taste for these "barbarians" as she so described them. Believing it to be a grave mistake to have hired one of them to escort the carvan. Finally with a heavy sigh, she returned her attention to the here and now. Aiding the others of her company in prepartion of the journey.

Within the "Five Flagoons Inn" passed out at the bar sat Lantor. A half empty pint glass of ale in his hand. His face flat laying on the counter, with salva dripping from his open mouth. The snores eminating from his mouth like the loud sound of a hibernating bear. The entire place empty with the exception of the dwarf owner who was staring at the sleeping mammoth of a man, with a look of both irritation and amusment. Examining the situation for only a moment longer the dwarven bartender grabbed the man by his long black locks and slammed his head on the counter. Which did not even phase Lantor as he snoring only changed breaths after a moment. The dwarf ran a hand though his grey beard as he pondered for a moment. Running over to another barrel filled with ice cold water. Smashing a mug of it over the mercenary's head. This time more from the effects of the cold than the strike did Lantor wake with a start. Falling from his stoll trying to pull his broad sword from his back as he fell to the floor. A task which he was quite unsuccesful at.

"Wha! why the bloody 'ell did ye do that for you crazy dwarf!!" Lantor screamed in a sort of half dazed cracking voice. Barely able to even able to sit himself up as he tried to focus on the beared person infront of him.

"Listen ye blungeor! aren't ye suppose ta be goin on some sorta job today! If dis is the way ye goin ta thank me. I shoulda just let ye rot on me counter!" the dwarf said with a fake sort of anger. "I've half a mind to knock ye bloody out, so ye can't go!!"

For a moment Lantor was unsue of what the bartender was speaking of. His head still spinning with the after effects of last nights revealry. Then his mind snapped into place as he smacked his forhead. "Shite!! I am going to be late!!" He said with shock has the massive man came to his feet.

The dwarf just shook his head and gave a small smile. "Ye know I can't always be saving ye arse Lantor!!" He chuckled a bit as the mercenary ran out of the Inn with a new sort of energy. Stumbling over his own feet a few times on his way out the door.

Ra'sha was begging to become quite impatient with the barbarian. He was a good half an hour late. The carvan set and prepared to leave the desert guard waiting for the supposed barbarian. The captain of the guard coming forward to Ra'shaspeaking in there desert tongue.

"Do we really need this barbarian? We know are own way back to Fallien, and he is not that important." he said quietly as if speaking under his breathe.

Ra'sha's face turned to him with a scowl. "It is not I who desires his company, our Ali'had requested that I returning with this man. Why I do not know, so do not contuine your questioning. " The captain nodding in respect and returning to his men. Ra'sha heaved a great sigh, wondering if she should go looking for this idiot. She truly had no idea why Ali'had would want her to hire this moron. As far as she could tell he had nothing special about him. Other than being unusually large and muscular, which was not that impressive to her. Finally deciding she had best go fetch him is when the barbarian showed himself.

Casually walking out of the gates of the city as if nothing was wrong came the massive figure of Lantor. A large leather pack over his shoulder and his broad sword hanging over his back. A sly smirk over his face as he walked over to Ra'sha. The woman who was looking at him with utter shock and disgust at his attitude.

"YOU! you are almost an hour late barbarian!! We have been prepared to leave for quite sometime!! she yelled at him like a mother to her child.

Lantor just strugged, his mind still dazzed with the previous nights festivities. Yet he had to keep up his reputation. Not wanting to seem like the job mattered life and death to him. Which it did, and he was hoping she would not fire him.

"Sorry lass, I guess I just lost track of the time" he smiling at her in a hidden plea of forgiveness. As he sat his pack onto one of the camels which was carrying light gear. "So are we ready to get this little party on the move?"

Ra'sha just stared at him for a few moments before calling out in Fallien to begin the march. Which would start the very odd journey of the barbarian and the little Fallien Trading corps.