View Full Version : Let Me Find Peace. [closed.]

10-04-15, 06:38 PM
In the depths of the Concordia forest was serene the night life was booming with the orchestra of music that was the frolicking tree limbs rubbing together, the rushing water of the stream that was a few feet away, the array of crickets and the other animal like that seemingly flood together to make a beautifully peaceful melody. The moon was large and swimming in the night time sky also strung across the sky decoratively scattered was the stars. The night was lively and beautiful besides the woman that sat in the middle of a clearing. The air is perfumed with the smell of wild flowers, and sorrow it was thick in the night.

On a large bolder sat a curvy frame of a woman named Camille Dark, a small sniffle could have been heard by any one that was close to the area around her. A photo was gripped tightly in her hand a woman that closely resembled her own, the woman was her own mother Daenerys also known as Danny. Camille was as close to a carbon copy of her mother, they shared the same cascading honey brown locks that stopped in the middle of her shoulder with side sweeping bangs. The same hour glass form and long legs and high sharp angled cheek bones that a super model would kill for. The only difference seeming to be Camille's nose was smaller and more button like and her lips fuller and pouty while her mothers more thin like. The eyes is what you could really tell between them Camille's were a midnight ocean blue hue while her mothers were like emerald gems.

A small tear slipped from her cheek on the photo as she sighed, the past few months have been hell. Her mother and father were murdered when she was a child but her twin was cursed by a witch to wither away to nothing and her fiancé to be lost in war never for his body to be found. All her fault because she used to be a Queen's guard, and her Queen had wanted the witch taken care of. Her lycan/wolf spirit she used to have Cordelia with drew from her and left her with a sinister, blood thirsty beast. Too in tuned with her feelings and self blame she hadn't noticed that someone was lurking around where she was only to be caught off guard as a figure immerged from the shadows.

(OCC: Sorry this is my third time writing it Ven the other two times I had so much more but I just wanted to get an opener started so I may add more later but here it is for now.)

11-15-15, 12:34 PM
The day’s journey had been rough on her, but Aorothy had fled her debtors in haste. There were twigs in her hair and smudges of mud on her cheeks, and her feet were wary with the pace she had set. This morning, Aorothy had a room in a inn and no coin in her pocket. By noon, she had fled the inn through the window and ran into the forest. Then the evening creeped forth, and she was so deep in the forest that she couldn’t tell the east from the north.

The whole situation was almost funny in her mind. She had walked unapologetically into that village inn last night, and they had trusted that she had coin. Silly people. Coins were for the rich.

Such were the ways of one who lived from day to day. She never had a home. She didn’t need one. She had the night sky and the earth beneath her feet, and everything she owned in one satchel across her back. She had the freedom to come. She had the freedom to leave. Free as a bird.

The bed, however, had been nice. As was the warm bath, and the whole roasted chicken and the honey with squash. The faint aroma of yesterday’s meal was still on her mind.

Food. Her belly rumbled. Sleep. She yawned.

She was on a hunt now, looking for a decent hole or a clearing to camp. There seemed to be the sound of running water nearby. A river, perhaps. She might be able to find a handful of wild berries growing near water, or if she was lucky, a wild rabbit or two to roast. She had nicked a flint from the inn last night. At the very least, she could have a fire for warmth.

As luck would have it, the stream found her. Between one step and the next, she found herself in a clearing of wildflowers beside a stream. Lucky.

But there was something not quite right with the scene. Because there was a woman perched on a boulder. Looking at something. Was it tears running down the woman’s cheeks? Unbidden, Aorothy moved forward, towards the other soul. Yes, it was tears.

“What’s a pretty girl like you crying for?” Aorothy whispered.

(This is Ven's alt. :))