View Full Version : She's Got the Bare Necessities (Level 3)

10-07-15, 01:51 PM
I know my sidebar says level 4... er, 5, but I’m not ready for that. So this is level 3, please. Level 2 found here (”http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29843”).

Name: Taische Asthore O'Sheean (TASH-ka as-TORR O-SHEE-an)
Age: 9
Race: Human
Height: 4'8.25"
Build: Slender
Occupation: Child

Mother: Karuka O'Sheean
Father: Rayse Valentino, but she doesn't know that
“Uncles” : Taviri Ambria, Storm Veritas, Seth Dahlios

Personality: Taische is precocious, mischievous, and generally happy. She's also incredibly intelligent and observant, which can make her hard to keep track of. Her mother manages it best, but the child has a will of her own and determination to spare.

History: Taische was born to Karuka O'Sheean at the beginning of her mother's service as bodyguard to the Duke of Jalaan. So far, her days have been spent in play and learning, in what could almost be considered an average childhood. Almost. When you grow up alongside your mom's pet phoenix, start training with staves at age four, start manifesting fire at age five, and start getting glimpses of the future at age seven, ordinary isn't in the tea leaves.

Recently, Taische's mother placed her in the care of an old friend while she sought out a place to live across the sea. That friend followed after three months, bringing Taische on her first long voyage. It's been six months now since the budding clairvoyant has seen her mommy, and she's looking forward to the reunion more than she misses the beautiful courtyards, gardens, and wild spaces of the only home she's ever known.

She wasn’t long out of Kebiras very long when she was kidnapped, shoved into a safe, and transported out to Ettermire, where she had an adventure with a teenaged Rayse Valentino and his friend Vincent. Vincent was slain, and an older Rayse, calling himself “Mal,” reclaimed Taische from the past. She has no idea that he’s her father, and has determined that he’s an empty man.

When her mother reclaimed her, she went wandering into the Citadel, where she fought and incinerated Madison Freebird, but not before being swarmed by dire wasps and having thorny vines erupt from her head and torso. She’s now terrified of wasps.

Most recently, she and her mother ventured into Dheathain, where they found an injured friend of her mother’s, saved his life, and then had him return the favor. This puts Storm currently in “favorite uncle” status.

Appearance: Taische has long, wavy black hair with reddish undertones (usually worn free), golden brown skin, and bright blue eyes with gold around her pupils and pale blue on the rims of her irises. She's tall and slender for her age.

Staves: Taught from the time she could hold a stick, Taische is extraordinary at staff work for her age. However, when her natural childhood clumsiness and lack of reach are factored in, her skill is merely above average.

Wilderness Survival: The O'Sheean line is a wild one. Taische can navigate, find food, avoid most natural dangers, make or locate shelter, and practice safe fire building in temperate and jungle climates, so long as there's food to be found and it's not too cold.

Adorable: The quintessential "get out of trouble / get what I want" skill all children seem to possess. Who could resist those big blue eyes, that cute little wiggle and innocent giggle? Taische is particularly adept at figuring out the most vulnerable mark. Somehow, it's only rarely her mother. Lately, this seems to hold just long enough to Taische to get a read on whoever she’s using it on before she acts further.

First aid: So long as it's a small injury, Taische knows how to take care of it. Anything beyond a cut, hypothermia, hyperthermia, or a mild allergic reaction, though, gets a call for the nearest adult.

Observant: Taische is good at reading people's emotions and acting accordingly.

Novice Yo-yoer: Taische has a yo-yo (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30079-A-Child-s-Plaything&p=255351#post255351). She's just barely learning how to use it.


Clairvoyance: As a female member of the O'Sheean line, Taische is a clairvoyant. This has only kicked in recently, and so far she only gets occasional glimpses of big events or events that are immediately and inherently dangerous. Getting random visions is scary, so she's looking for a way to use her gift deliberately.

Tenalach: Taische is very in tune with the world around her and can identify natural terrain elements (sinkholes, water, hills, mountains, etc) up to a mile away, even if she can't see them. She considers it an extension of her sense of hearing. She also doesn't like or need to wear shoes unless she's in a town or she's walking in thick snow or burning sand.

Fire Princess: Taische's abilities with fire are the only thing she's been told she inherited from her birth father. As often as she wants, she can create flames that are 10% warmer than her average body temperature. These flames may be as long as she is tall and twice as broad. Primarily, this functions as a light source and maybe a source of heat, but is not capable of doing any damage. Up to ten times a day, she can produce a spark sufficient to light a candle, lantern, torch, or heap of kindling. Up to seven times a day, she can produce a major flame event, like a fire burst that extends five feet around her, or a fireball that she can launch up to thirty feet. She can combine uses of her powers to make larger effects.

Air Manipulator: Taische can remove all oxygen (and only oxygen) from a 1 ft cube area twice a day for up to two minutes at a time. The cube can move or lock onto a target at her will. A slight shimmer appears around the effected area. If it's around, say, someone's head, they might experience minor disoriention and dizziness within seconds, and unconsciousness at the end of the full two minutes.

Water Weaver: Taische can manipulate up to twenty-five gallons of water in a radius of up to 50 feet for up to three minutes. If no water is apparent, she can create up to five gallons. Under her control, the water can deliver blows equal to a hard punch from a grown man. (She can also use it for mundane purposes; e.g., dousing a fire, putting water in a cooking pot.)

Lighting Lass: Thanks to exposure to elemental electricity by her Uncle Storm, Taische has learned how to create lightning. At present, she can launch a bolt with up to enough force to stun an average adult for up to 15 seconds up to 50 feet away. She can use this up to five times a day.

Plant Power: Following a very painful experience in the Citadel against Madison Freebird, Taische has learned how to control plants. So long as she’s in contact with soil, she can call up vines of whatever type is native to the area she’s in to hinder an opponent or create a passage over a gap. At present, she can create a 10’ diameter area 2x/day that can slow up to a 200 lb opponent for up to 2 posts, or grow a rope bridge up to 20’ across that can hold up to 200 lbs at a time.


One five foot tall sturdy oak staff with a bulb of resin on one end
One war yo-yo.
A little satchel
Three sets of durable cotton play clothes
An orange wool dress
A rag doll named Hannah
A pair of small leather boots, rarely worn
A pair of shiny black shoes, even more rarely worn
Some colorful ribbons

10-15-15, 04:43 PM
How fast does your air square of doom move? Would there be any signs to someone that they had their head encased within it at all?

How often can you use plant power? The vines, are we think normal plant strength and able to be torn if the target is decently strong?

10-15-15, 04:58 PM
If it's locked onto a target, it moves at their speed. If not, it can move at up to her running speed (which we will presume is average for a child her height). They'd know because they wouldn't be able to breathe, but if you like there can be a shimmery visual effect. And she can't keep it going if she's scared or injured enough to break her concentration.

As for plant power, I'm thinking 2x/day, and yes. Normal plant strength.

10-16-15, 08:36 PM
2x a day sounds good for plant power.

Can you add in the bit about the cube being detectable, vauge is fine. Can you also add in the effects if someone was within the cube for the full 2min?

10-16-15, 08:42 PM
Changes made.

10-16-15, 08:50 PM
Ok, so as expected this is a bit strong for level 3.

You need to weaken some of your abilities. If you keep Fire Princess and Water Weaver as they were in the last update, and bring Lighting Lass down to a 15 second stun (I'm assuming still some movement) then you're good to go.

10-26-15, 09:23 PM
Right. Requested changes made. Sorry that took so long.

10-28-15, 05:54 AM