View Full Version : Reopening of Present

10-08-15, 04:29 PM
I would like to re-open this thread please, which seems to have been moved.
As stated at the bottom of it, I would like more than one of these boxes - in fact, now I would like five.
The price stated to me is 50 gold, coming to 250 gold I think.

They are small enchanted boxes that, when given the world chocolate or vanilla or blueberry, will open to reveal a muffin of that type. The box needs to be closed and then spoken to to work again, but it has limited uses of 3 times a day. Box itself is made out of the cheapest substance.


Artifex Felicis
10-14-15, 11:50 PM
I'm posting here to confirm this!

I'll close the thread after you've confirmed this is what you want to do!

It will cost 250 GP total, and has the following description:

"This box is a small box, and whenever it is opened and the word "blueberry" "chocolate" or "raspberry and white chocolate" is said, a muffin of that type will appear in the box. The box has no limit, the muffins just appear as by magic. Well literally by magic. It can produce 3 muffins per day!"

10-15-15, 03:49 AM
thank you Arti :)

Artifex Felicis
10-15-15, 10:13 AM
Thread is closed, 250 GP To be taken from Philomel. Enjoy your muffin boxes!

10-15-15, 10:45 AM
GP Removed.