View Full Version : The visions of a blind man: accounts &retellings

10-12-15, 11:12 AM
Author's note:This area, perhaps poorly named, will serve as the jump off point for all of my various actions and ongoing activities here on the site of Althanas. This post will serve as the table of contents, with each subsequent being related to a particular theme. It will be updated regularly, and shall contain helpful links to enable me to more easily find important threads, such as timelines, etc.; contain links to past and ongoing threads with Bard, Drumheller, and other characters controlled by this writer; contain links to information related to this writer’s disability & JAWS; current and ongoing summery library; and threads related to background of certain character and groups. I would be most obliged if people do not post in this thread, but another that will be prepared for that purpose. I appreciate your time, and hope that you will enjoy what is, and will be, prepared here and elsewhere.

Table of Contents
1.The Dood Behind the Doods (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30101-The-visions-of-a-blind-man-accounts-amp-retellings&p=255365&viewfull=1#post255365)

10-16-15, 05:16 AM
The dood behind the dood

The Dood's silly questions (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29521-I-have-questions-you-have-answers)

Of sharks, blindness, & me (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29591-Drumheller-shark-ridder-and-taimer)

11-07-15, 10:40 AM
Bard's ongoing threads.

Terror on the mountains, with Ashla & Tobias (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30026-Terror-on-the-mountain)
Scattered droplets of a wolf’s soul, with Darkest desires (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29793-Scattered-dropulits-of-a-Wolf-s-soul-Chapter-I
