View Full Version : Not This Guy Again...

10-13-15, 07:34 PM
Yup, it's me and I want another quote on a fancy doo-dad.

I want a price on a pair of Mythril Gauntlets. They cover the from the fingertips to the shoulders front and back. On the tips of the fingers are pointed "claws" no longer than an inch or so. The first segment of each digit is open by the finger tip, meaning there is a lack of metal on each fingertip to provide better haptic feedback when tracking and hunting (plus I can use my iphone!). The palms have metal covering the underside of the knuckles (Pointer and Middle, not and the pad of the thumb, but leave the rest of the palm uncovered for better grip on objects, rope, cups, etc. Both the top and bottom of the arms are covered and the two halves lock firmly together for quick and easy equip/removal, yet still hold fast under severe impact.

I want each gauntlet to have a hollow port in which the scabbard of my twin tantos can be seated and secured. They will be positioned in such a way that is convenient to access in both a standard and reverse grip while not hindering movement of the arms. Right above the wrist is a small opening in the plate. This can be viewed as a weak point, but is more or less to serve as a port for his marrow blades to extend and retract in combat. Since these are Mythril, they will be light weight and will not hinder movement. They will also be white since that is the color of the natural material.

I want an enchantment added to these so that they remain soundless as silk or cloth to prevent detection in covert operations and while utilizing Shadow Meld.

Please price me these gauntlets.


Separately, I would like a quote on a helmet. Also Mythril. Full plate, but thin and light. It will cover the head and neck with no visible ports for the eyes and mouth. Instead, there will be seams and hollows where the eyes and mouth should be. Using a series of gears and the pinnacle of Alerian engineering, the helmet can be switched. The seams divide and retract so that the helmet compacts at the rear of the neck and forms a jagged collar. On top of that, I'd like the helmet to be enchanted to permit vision from the inside outward, not vice versa. This will also be soundless as silk so that no metalic pings can be heard when contacting hard materials.


I would like a mythril full plate, to cover the chest, back, and waist. Very tight and form fitting, but with similar seams and multiple points of articulation to allow full range of motion. This will also be soundless, with no additional enchantments.


Lasty, a pair of mythril greaves. Similarly seamed and articulated to allow full range of motion. Soundless. Enchanted to exert a massive burst of inertia once every 30 seconds or two posts (whichever is longer) which propells the wearer into the initial direction of the footstep or jump. This can be used to close several yards of a gap between targets, permit inhuman directional change, eliminate the acceleration period of a full sprint, increase momentum of a lunging blow or throw, or effectively double jump height including mid-air maneuvers.


I understand these will not be immediately affordable, but plan to use this quote as a point of reference when purchasing in the near future. Priority is gloves first, others second.

Cards of Fate
10-14-15, 07:16 AM
Ill get on these after work

10-16-15, 03:13 PM
Hey beautiful, how's them maths going? Everything is quaintly affordable, yes? Few pouches of coin here and there?

Most certainly not over 1k, right? ;P

Cards of Fate
10-16-15, 03:43 PM
Working on it, I was distracted by a deluge of otter videos.

It looks like 3.75 k on the chest, that ones easy. The helmet will be hellish and Ill need more time. The greaves are 936 gp, and Ill work the claws soonish.

The helmet becuase its enchanted and teched is a whopping 9,375 gp. 3,750 if you drop the enchant. 2,812 if you dropped the tech.

10-26-15, 01:03 AM
How's the numbers on the gauntlets? When you finish the quote, go ahead and close it. I'll bookmark it for later since it'll be a while before I can make these purchases.

UNLESS~ Someone wants to donate money and put Lye in a Mythril shell? (One can hope)

Cards of Fate
10-26-15, 08:56 AM
Ill have a number for you tonight.

Cards of Fate
11-07-15, 03:25 PM
It's 1,500 Gp for the gloves my freind.

11-22-15, 05:39 AM
Did you need anything else Lye, or can I close this?

11-23-15, 08:15 AM
Close it and archive it. I'll reference it when I have the cash.