View Full Version : Sad day

11-02-06, 02:05 AM
There they where. In the Ice Forest. They were lieing under the cave. Suddenly Rosy mother sayd: "You have to leave me, know. You are adult in my eyes and can manage in the forest by yourself. You don't need me anymore"
Rosy knew that the day comes, when she have to leave, but she was sad anyway. Nothing could change that.
Rosy mother Lily repeated: "You have to go! Leave!" she growl and cried at the same time.
Rosy was really sad, but didn't say anything.. She walked slowly, watching her mother at the same time. Rosy sayd, close to tears : "If you want so. I know i have to. But.. i just want to say." she couldn't finish the sentence when her mother suddenly shout: "LEAVE!" crying at the same time.
Rosy didn't listened and sayd in tears: "I love you, and i always will. No matter what..," and she ran away. When Rosy was gone then her mother sayd quietly in tears: "I love you too.."
Rosy ran with closed eyes, ran away from there, when suddenly she noticed, that she had went in meadow. She looked with her interested eyes the new beauty of the nature. There where other animals, hwo walked and talked eatchother. There was warm and sunny. Rosy hadn't used that warm and light. She had been in cold and dark place before. But had not been and seen such place before. So she walkes around the meadow and try to find other animals hwo are in the same race that she is.. There she walking and joining the new place nature thinking about mother...

Deadnight Warrior
11-02-06, 02:29 AM
Artume Zauvir was not usually a man who enjoyed a casual walk through a meadow. He prefered the populated taverns and bazaars of civilization. On this day, however, walking through a particular part of Scara Brae on the way to the city was unavoidable.

The sun was bright and high in the sky, keeping the tall warrior warm as he walked casually, arms resting on the handles of his blades, through the grass. There were animals everywhere about, ranging from tiny chipmunks to a large wolf.

He mumbled something as he passed by the creature, his eyes watching it carefully as he walked on by. If it was less peaceful than it seemed, he thought he might have to kill it.

11-02-06, 12:57 PM
Rosy looked at the warriors eyes. She understanded that he want to kill her. So she sayd with scared voice: "Please great warrior, don't kill me, I haven't done you anything harm..please.." She knowed that maybe that warrior may kill him. So she rised her wings to protect herself..and waited the worst.

Deadnight Warrior
11-02-06, 02:47 PM
Artume stopped dead in his tracks. The creature had talked!

Even though he was very surprised, the man composed himself quickly. "How peculiar," he said, crouching down low toward the cowering wolf.

"Don't be so scared," he continued, knowing he had frightened the poor thing. "I won't hurt you. Is this your meadow?"

11-03-06, 02:46 AM
Rosy knew that she had breaked the Ice Forest law do not speak with humans. But she also knew that she isn't in Ice Forest, she is in much different place, so she rised her wings to back and showed herself. She sayd still with scared voice: "Thank you, great warrior, thank you!" and continiued : No it isn't my meadow, it's for all the animals and creatures..But just i am quest here.."
So she talked her story: "I lived in Ice Forest, but i had to live.. i just had to. There is my mother and my memories of her. She made me leave, she sayd that i have to leave.... So i ran away for there and discovered myself here. Here in new place of hope, that can start new life in new place.."
She talked and talked. When she had talked about everything her past, what she thought she may talk. She waited for answere or something..

Deadnight Warrior
11-03-06, 03:18 AM
Artume watched the mystical creature recount the tale that brought her to this gentle meadow. Her voice betrayed her fear of him, so the warrior tried to keep a light smile on his face so that he could learn about her.

"Wow," he whispered after she was finished. "That's some story. So your mother wanted you to lead the Ice Forest, but she did not tell you why."

The tall human stood up straight, having been crouching low to hear the wolf better as she spoke. He put a hand over his chin and thought for a moment. "How would you like to come to Scara Brae City with me? You won't be able to talk until we get to a private place, though, or people might hear you and be scared to see a talking wolf," he said with a laugh.

"In the city I can get you some food and a bed. Do you... Sleep in a bed? Or do you use the ground?"

11-05-06, 02:57 AM
Rosy didn't expected such kind person and answered to the questions: "Yes i would like to come with you to Scara Brae City." and continiued an aswere to other quiestion with little smile her face: And I used to sleep in ground."

Deadnight Warrior
11-06-06, 06:02 AM
The two allies eventually made their way to Scara Brae City, where the houses were made of logs and the ground was as grassy as in the wilderness. Humans walked around casually and happily, paying no mind to the wolf by Artume's side. They just assumed she was his pet!

"I'll take you to the Inn, shh until then," he whispered as he led his way down the dirt road.

The Inn was warm and dimly lit, a brass lamp on each old wooden table. He paid the innkeeper and gave him a little extra for the right to bring the wolf up to his room as well. When they were inside, Artume sat on the bed.

"There we go, you can talk now -- it's safe. So why don't you tell me all about what has happened to you?"

11-07-06, 12:53 PM
Rosy sat on floor and said with dissapointed voice: "Why do I have to tell you about me, when I don't know nothing about you?" But continiued anyway: "This is must be in wild nature. When we are old enough we have to care by ourselves and mothers leave their childs or childs leave mothers."
And sayd with sadness: "This is what must be in wild nature.." Rosy walked to coner and lied down with sad eyes.

Deadnight Warrior
11-08-06, 01:28 AM
Artume was taken aback by the way she reacted, but he listened calmly without any sign of being upset.

"So you're just a young one, now alone in the world. That's a big step."

He thought for a moment, leaning back on the bed as thoughts raced through his mind.

"Do you have a name, my furry ally? I'm Artume Zauvir, a man of a few talents. I know not my place in life yet, and my past is uninteresting so I won't bother telling you it. You're a far more fascinating one, I promise you."

11-10-06, 10:42 AM
Rosy calmed down, rised her head, watched at that warrior and said: "Well...nice to meet you Artume, my name is Rosy, tought i don't have any family name." She rised to sit positsion and continiued: "So what you know about this city? It's new to me.." She waited calmly for the answere and hoped that he ask something back.

Deadnight Warrior
11-11-06, 08:53 AM
Artume chuckled. Rosy seemed a suitable name for a wolf, somehow.

"I know all there is to know about this city. It's a small place, not overly exciting, really. This Inn and the bar below are probably the city's biggest attractions. Nothing like Radasanth."

He stood up and removed his cape and boots, getting as comfortable as he could in the setting.

"What are you doing now, then? You are all alone in the world, so what next for you?"

11-13-06, 10:34 AM
He walks by with a look of wonder in his eyes looking around the city and he spies a wolf with wings and a man that is smaller than him talking to it. Talking he thinks to himself impossiible. wolves cant talk, but that is no wolf. He walks over and quells his curiosity by hailing them. "Hello! Do one of you know where i am? I do not know where I am and i am looking for my bird. Have you seen a golden eagle flying around here?" After he finishes his sentence he hears a screach and whistles. All of a sudden a goldes eagle appears and lands on his shoulder in a flash of gold.

11-14-06, 11:37 AM
Rosy couldn't answere to that warrior, because she knows what she had promised. In mind she said to her self do not speak, do not speak. She watched with her interested smile at The_Black_Phoenix and waited for warrior answere for the visitor question.

Deadnight Warrior
11-15-06, 01:36 PM
Artume was Rosy walked downstairs and outside moments before the man walked along, greeting them and asking where, precisely, he was. It seemed strange to the warrior that the man would be lost on Scara Brae, considering how small and easy to navigate the island was. Artume assumed he was a tourist.

"We're in the city of Scara Brae. This is the only inn in the city, and no we haven't seen your-" he began, but silenced himself just as an eagle landed on the man's shoulder. "Bird."

Shrugging, Artume moved past him as if to carry on his conversation with Rosy. At that moment, a strange cloaked figure intercepted them.

It spoke with a haunting, hollow voice, like the whisper of wind through the cracks of an old house. "I will pay a grand price for your pet, human," it said, talking about Rosy the wolf. "A thousand pieces of gold for her."

A thousand gold!? he thought. The offer was staggering, but Rosy was no pet, and certainly no ordinary wolf. "I... I can't," he said, looking at the animal. "She is not an animal but a person!"

"Then I will take her!" the hooded thing howled, throwing back its cloak to reveal itself as a lich! It looked like a human, but with decayed skin and exposed bone, blackened flesh and a face more frightening than any Artume could ever imagine.

"Hey!" Artume yelled, drawing his two swords. "Get back, Rosy!"

The lich came forward, and Artume struggled to block the fist that it threw at his head.

11-16-06, 10:26 AM
Jack notices the Hooded figure and spins around to lock up with it His bird taking off of his shouldr and clawing at the liches eyes. "NO! I will not stand for anything happening to a female. To Take her you have to go through me first." He finishes and grabs the Lich while its attention is on Artume.

06-13-09, 02:06 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.