View Full Version : Gas Mask

10-26-15, 07:39 AM
I'd like to buy a mask that fits over the mouth and nose (eyes unprotected) with some carbon filters that would strain out any nasties in the air.

Perhaps the mask and 10 filters? The filters would be good for about half an hour, with background toxins or 5min if in a highly toxic area.

Artifex Felicis
10-26-15, 09:01 AM
"HELLO!" The little shopkeep nodded, writing down the order. "Do you have... a preference for the material at all? Like the weird, sticky rubbery stuff, or leather?"

"An' is there a limit for the filters? Like, I know there's a few people who use them for fires an' stuff, and one guy uses them for bogs! an' other for sands! Do you want the extra good filters for magic stuff too?"

10-29-15, 08:54 PM
This purchase is for Remedy

"Your basic leather will do just fine, as long as it's air tight," Remedy twitched her nose as she thought for a moment, "I've actually got some spare parts that might help ease the costs."

Remedy pulled her back pack off her shoulder and placed it on the table in front of the little man. The bag itself had been easily modified by the red haired tinkerer and was a pile of pouches and pockets. Remedy pulled open one such nondescript pouch and started flicking through several gears and cogs. In a few seconds Remedy had pulled a small pile of copper wire and parts would form a sizable chunk of the filter system for the mask.

Remedy turned her amber eyes to the shop keep and flashed a smug smile.

"Just normal filters, straight carbon chunks. Nothing fancy, and just your run of the mill poison protection. Magic is the least of my concern."

Artifex Felicis
11-13-15, 05:29 PM
The shopkeep tutted as he sifted through the various parts. He had been in the game for a lot longer than this little (bigger than him) girl had been alive, if he guessed correctly. Thick, nimble fingers like sausages quickly appraised each little piece, rolling them around and getting a sense for their weight. He'd been tricked once before by transmogrified metals. Once.

"That does change things..." He raised his eyebrows. "Are you looking to get it now, or in a day or so? I have one that will suit your fancy in the back, but if feel particularly partial to these little scraps then I'd have a new one made for you."

"Either way, the price'll be..." The little man tapped on the counter. His rings made several clinks, restless like little snakes. "Let's call it 125 total, and you leave the parts here whether you walk away today or tomorrow with your mask."

"Filters though, that's a bit tougher. I have the ones you'll want for 10gp each, and I can guarantee their quality. 5gp if you want the cheaper ones, but they'll barely last half as long."

11-14-15, 07:08 PM
Remedy feigned concern at the price and let the air hang with silence for a few moments.

"Alright, 125 will do, 10 for the filters and I'd like 10. That'll do me. I'll come back tomorrow for the new one less the cost of that material."

Can I use all of the gears and cogs, bringing the total price to 95? (rather than needing to split it and keep track)

Artifex Felicis
12-24-15, 11:40 AM
"I'll see you tomorrow then. We'll do the fitting then so it's a good fit."

(95 gp for the mask, as per material cost reduction, and 10 for the filters.

Total is 105gp! Do you wantthis taken from Remedy or Hysteria?)

01-14-16, 04:28 AM
From Remedy please! I have needs for Hysteria's money.

Artifex Felicis
01-14-16, 08:24 AM


105 GP to be taken from Remedy


01-14-16, 08:57 AM
Transaction complete!