View Full Version : Retail Therapy

10-26-15, 09:17 AM

I wanna sell and buy some things.

I want to sell back the mask and tunic I bought in this thread. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29971-Price-check-on-a-fashion-statement&highlight=)

I want to sell the daggers in MAddy's profile:
Twin mythril daggers
- Eight-inch blades that never go dull
- Enchanted to be twice as sharp as normal daggers of similar stats

I would like to purchase the following things:

A "functionally unlimited" number of shards of Cillu glass of varying sizes.

A fancy new Secret Identity Stone: This fancy little rock Maddy or whoever else may be in possession of it can activate and deactivate with a single thought. When it's "on", it casts an illusion over her body that gives her a more human appearance; her infamously pale skin, sharp features, shoulder-length black hair, piercing baby blues, and black outfit consisting of a short-sleeved blouse top, pants, and boots. Those with the highest levels of perception will be able to see through the illusion, natch.

What's the damage, ikkl birbie?

Artifex Felicis
10-26-15, 11:46 AM
"I am not a birb!" the little shopkeep fumed! She stomped even on her stool, nearly toppling as she watched the weird customer step just outside the shop and then back in with her stuff. She made a face as the weird planty woman thing described what she wanted to do.

"Well, since the mask and tunic are used, I can't give you full price for them," she says to the woman who was outside for only twenty seconds. "So those'll come back for..."

"739 gp! Ish!" She nods, rounding up a little. What even was half a gp?

"An' 788 for the daggers..."

She nods at the first of the weird requests, stepping down from her stool. She picks up a small wooden box, then several potions. With a slight flourish, she smashes several of them into the box. Screaming demons wriggle into the air, noxious gasses with skulls imposed into the clouds, and even a small dragon appeared! She waggles a hand, waving it away and collecting the glass shards in the box. One of the demons scampers out the front door and past Madison. She writes on a little piece of paper, creating a receipt.

"This box'll be about 200 GP! And it'll come with this," She holds up a receipt, the wax seal of the Jya of Fallien on it. "Which'll let you restock it whenever you needs more of the calli glass!"

"Um, one sec..." She ducks under the table, rooting through her box of weird knick knacks. "Someone made this weird stone that might work? He was super pale an' obsessed with some Freebirb lady! So he could turn into her and I don't really know why..."

"But I'll sell it for 200!" She beams, then activates it. For a moment, an image of Madison Freebird, as she once was. Her old smooth movements, the sure posture and controlled stare. Then Hawl was back, still smiling and staring at her customer. "Whoever uses it looks like that!"

"So... that's um..." She nods, eyes glazing over. Her customer hasn't seen her blink since she first entered the shop.

"1127 gp! That I owe you for the stuff you are giving me..."

10-26-15, 11:48 AM
"That will do," I said to the little bird.

Artifex Felicis
10-26-15, 11:52 AM
"Yay!" The little girl pushes the coins out to her customer, taking the stock and nodding! "I'm glad you liked it! And say hello to Uncle Reznik if you see him when you need more glass! He is the one with the arms!"


1127 GP TO Blackandblueeyes)

11-03-15, 10:15 AM
Transaction complete. GP has been added.