View Full Version : Sell sell sell

Tobias Stalt
10-29-15, 09:22 PM
I'd like to sell my enchanted titanium longsword and enchanted prevalida revolver.

Best offer, or whatever I can get.

The enchantments are as follows:

Hecatoncheir: Each blow that lands on a sentient target causes them to feel increasingly fatigued. It can be resisted with exteme willpower. Enough blows could reasonably render a target unconscious.

The Slate: Obtained from Kyla Orlogue, this revolver has an inscription on the side. "Clean the slate, start again." Once the gun has been depleted of ammunition, if the gunman recites the incantation, it will instantly reload. This can occur once per day, as long as they have the bullets on their person.

Cards of Fate
10-29-15, 10:47 PM
I'll throw 1.5K down for the gun

10-30-15, 09:31 AM
1727 GP for the gun, plz

Artifex Felicis
10-30-15, 10:31 AM
"Wo-woah!" The little shopkeep was suprised. She was working her uncle's shop for once, a large important and seller of Aleran technology and Raieran magic, and often combining the two. "I-I'll..."

Hawl nodded, making a serious face!

"We'll have a small auction for this then! And Ms. Pretty Plant Lady has the highest bid! Sorry Mr. tall Person..."

She nods at the first man, who came in first! She sort of recognized him! "I will crunch the numbers for your sword now!"

She pauses for dramatic effect, doing the math in her head with her tongue sticking out slightly. "1425 gold?"

Tobias Stalt
10-30-15, 11:53 AM
Done and done.

The Mongrel
10-30-15, 12:32 PM
Offering 1450 for the sword, out of the Alydia Ettermire account.

Alydia Ettermire
10-30-15, 12:32 PM
Confirming willingness to pay.

Artifex Felicis
10-30-15, 12:39 PM
The small girl gasps, raising her hand to confirm the payment! Woosh! There it goes.

Certainly not enough time (roughly 24 hours from this post) for anyone to INTERRUPT and RAISE the price! Nope!

Artifex Felicis
11-01-15, 08:27 PM
"Sooooolllllllld!!!" Pap! Hawl's hand makes a surprisingly loud sound in the shop! "The gun an' the sword have both been sold!"

She beams, climbing onto the counter so all of them could see her. "Ms Plant lady has bought the gun for 1727 gold!"

She swings, her arm a pendulum and pointing at the arrogant looking elf thing! "And ms Elf-thing has bought the sword for 1425 gold!"

She nods, beaming!

((AUCTION CLOSED. Please confirm all transactions.))

Alydia Ettermire
11-01-15, 08:28 PM
Confirming purchase of sword for The Mongrel account.

11-01-15, 08:29 PM
*snatches up the gun, leaves the auction house, waits in the alleyway for Hawl to show up*

Here you go, little birb. One shiny new Hawlitzer for you.

[[Confirming both the purchase and the transfer of the gun to Hawl.]]

Artifex Felicis
11-01-15, 08:51 PM
After overseeing the transfer of money, and giving the scary man Tobias more to help compensate from Hawl's own allowance, she completes the purchase! Hawl even provided receipts! Her uncle approved of these transactions, since they would be able to help track where things went now! After everything was done, she close it up,going to the agreed upon place to meet with the plant lady.

Hawl collects her gun from Maddy in the hallway, feeling like a savvy consumer! She even lets Maddy pat her on the head. Yosh!


1450 FROM Alydia Ettermire
1727 FROM BlackAndBlueEyes
663 FROM Artifex Felicis

3810 TO Tobias Stalt.

Hawl: Has a gun!
The Mongrel: HAs a Sword!
Cards of Fate: Has disappointment! ))

11-03-15, 10:22 AM
Transaction(s) complete. All GP has been removed or added accordingly.