View Full Version : Stars and Strikes (Closed to Red and Star)

Cards of Fate
11-04-15, 09:34 PM
"Well ain't that a kick in the pants..."

Vincent Cain leaned back in his sturdy oak chair and eyed the cards splayed out before him. He ran a pale hand through his disheveled blonde hair as he contemplated their meaning. After a long moment of silence he rose from his seat and sighed and casually smeared the cards out of formation, sending them all cascading to the floor except for two.

The Strength and Star cards stood defiantly on the table.

A smile crept across his lips as he cracked his neck. Already he could feel the cards singing.

"Vince, I'm not a wizard..." John towered over the scholar even as the two sat down at the mess hall. All around them members were gathered for their evening meals. In front of them a plate of roasted meat and mashed potatoes sat basically untouched. "A wand has no meaning to me."

"Do you forget that you work for a society that studies magic?" Vince replied raising an eyebrow. "Either way I just need you to go pick something up and look tough. It's not like there's a dungeon between you and your goal. You just need to go to Radasanth and find the Kilvas family and get our artifact back."

John eyed his food as he stroked his beard. "And why do you need me in particular?"

"Because the Cards told me. You're also going to be taking Stella when she wakes up." The scholar paused and shoveled a forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth. John raised an eyebrow.

"The little one who speaks in chimes?" he asked. "The cards also wanted her?" The scholar chewed for a moment filling the room with silence for several moments before he swallowed.

"She needs to get out more, she's been cooped up here for too long. She won't find her fate down in dust here. After you eat go wake her up from her little nest in the library and begin your prep." The scholar eyed the rest of his food for a moment before he rose to his feet. "I need to go let the others know their assignments John, I trust you can take it from here?"