View Full Version : Shielded

11-08-15, 12:34 AM
Hawl was running to and fro between customers with her usual zeal, adopting a different, yet equally silly personality to address each of them. John, however, was captivated by a massive tower shield hanging by large metal hooks deep-set into the wall. It was quite thick as well, but John was currently entranced by the design upon it. There was inlaid on it a giant arm, muscled and defined, in the middle of a raised circle. The shield was obviously made for someone huge, perhaps even larger than John. Perhaps it was made for an automaton, or golem. It mattered not. He reached out and touched it, testing its weight. It was dehlar.

John absently wondered if he could use the shield, as he seemed to only lose his surety with weapons since obtaining his mystical armor. He wondered long, however, and soon Hawl was beside him, bubbling over with mirth as always.

He looked down at her. She was always smiling, and for a moment, John felt a little of her happiness, and smiled back.

Artifex Felicis
11-13-15, 05:46 PM
"Ah yes my boy!" Hawl stared up and up and up at John, wearing a particularly thick fake mustache for her tall friend. She had stolen another man's voice for her little charicture, trying to sound deep and gentlemanly. "A fine work of art, is it not? Ha-hurmphle grumphle, yes!"

She hopped up onto the counter, scramling and kicking her thin legs to find purchase. Her was without her usual poncho for once, dressed smartly in something like a uniform, buttons and pants and shirt. She looked more like a particularly pretty, if weird and off-putting, boy than the young girl she was. She stod, putting hands onher thin hips and facing John with a shopkeeper's gleam in her eye.

"It's FINE piece isn't she? Made of Dehlar and formed from the very HEART of Althanas! Feel the weight of it, wielding this will really put hair onto your chest, haha!" She produced a small stick,brandishing it with a flourish and extending the small stick to it was nearly as long as her own arm!

"SEE the inscriptions forged into the shield, the strength of a nation behind the powerful metal! The leather straps thick enough to trap a dragon! Even the very shape of it just inspires heroism and power! Yes my boy!" She pointed her stick at John. She has to pause, giggling behind the thick curly mustache. "YEs this is the very thing for you! It can be yours for only 10gp!"

"No." A sandal whapped into the back of Hawl's head, one of her 'aunts' wielding the small device with precision even from across the shop. She had handsome, starry eyes, strong looking and dressed in the draped clothing of those from Fallien. Most of her body, including her nose and mouth, were covered by her clothing, but the laugh lines in her caramel skin communicated more than what most could manage with words.

"F-fine Aunt Osiri.." She nodded her aunt, defeated quickly. "Sorry Uncle John. It's actually..."

She pauses, hands twiddling to figure out the price.

"980? It doesn't really have any special magic. It's just really cool looking..."

12-17-15, 09:02 AM
Activation "Mysterious Benefactor" mode to cover the difference for Fitebear.

12-21-15, 03:00 PM
He grabbed the giant shield, lifting it up from the hooks it rested on. It was as heavy as it was huge, but John felt he could wield it well, if indeed he could wield it at all. He let it drop the last inch to the floor, where it shook the beams under the wooden planks of the floor throughout the room. Hawl stared, bright-eyed and interested as always, and John raised an eyebrow at it. It was taller than he was, and wider as well. His hand balanced it on the ground as he walked around it to the back, eyeing two massive leather straps meant to hold a forearm to it. His brow furrowed as he thought of something. Without another word he grabbed one of the straps and pulled it until it snapped off, repeating the process for the other. Hawl looked at the shield, then to John, and back to the shield, wondering what was going on.

Hawl's look of confusion was replaced with excitement, however, as John placed his fist against the middle of the shield and focused on his armor. The giant closed his eyes, concentrating on letting it flow out into the shield, finding channels and holes too small for the eye to see. The metal flowed into the shield, anchoring him to it with the strength of titanium. He opened his eyes and lifted his arm. The shield came with it easily, and a grin tugged at the side of his mouth weakly. His other hand fished about in his trousers for the money.

"Done," he said, laying quite a sum in front of Hawl.

Artifex Felicis
01-12-16, 10:16 PM
The small girl was stunned as John simply lifted the massive shield off of its hinges. She knew the giant of a man was strong, stronger than basically anyone! But only her Aunt Big had every lifted it before! It took nearly four other men just to budge it enough to dust behind the massive shield! Her eyes sparkled as the little shopkeep processed what was happening, twitching the big fake mustache on her face as she grinned wide!

"Sold, to the man that could lift the world!" Hawl giggled, scooping the gold coins into a pouch her little hands snatched from the counter. She had to make two trips, depositing them into the small safe beside her Aunt Osiri. She took a moment to beam up at her Aunt, her barely perceptible nod all the encouragement Hawl needed. Several minutes of scribbling late, Osiri took out an intimidating looking sigil. She stamped the paper smoothly, handing it to Hawl to bring to John

"The shield is yours!" She beamed up at him, offering the receipt. It was long, and proof of his ownership, and signed with the Sigil of the Sorie Trading Guild.

((Transaction Complete!

840 Gold to be taken from redford
140 Gold to be taken from BlackandBlueEyes ))

01-14-16, 08:57 AM
Transaction complete!

01-22-16, 02:44 PM
Judgement For Some RP given in descretion.
Thread: Shielded, Bazaar Thread (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30237-Shielded)

redford (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?18142-redford) receives:
30 EXP

Artifex Felix (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?252-Artifex-Felicis) receives:
30 EXP