View Full Version : Hot and Getting Hotter!

Alyssa Snow
11-11-15, 03:34 PM
{{{Dis Link Here}}} (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28818-Like-a-Hot-Knife-Through-Butter)

In the link above, I purchased a special knife that could cut metal. I'd like to upgrade it with the following:

A second switch that increases the output of the blade. The physical blade can now cut into metals like a cold knife through cold butter - not easily, but effort will prevail (while the heat of your hand warms the metal of the... you get it - thermophysical properties of metal, whatever). However, that output will actually extend past the tip of the knife to turn the weapon into a 2.5' sword. (Longsword/Shortsword) the extension is not made of metal, it is contained pure heat/light. The extension will have a kinetic reaction to physical objects with the same effectiveness as steel. It can boil water, burn flammables, and provide heat, but cannot immediately set things ablaze. (Think Lightsaber. When was the last time you saw a light saber cause a fire?) If it contacts something that can cut steel, then the superior object will pass through it and the extension will reform. If the material cannot be cut by steel, it will remain in contact with the object like a physical sword. (Think a beam of light. If you hand-chop the beam, the light will only be interrupted for a second. If you hold your hand in front of the light, you can stop it.) So, this is a weakness and a strength depending on circumstance. Weakness when parrying, but a strength when attacking an enemy parrying with a steel-breaking sword.

So yeah, I want that. Ask me questions if my weird pseudo science makes no sense to you.

Cards of Fate
11-11-15, 03:49 PM
Lets go 2.7 k on the upgrade there

Alyssa Snow
11-11-15, 05:41 PM
My God! I sure do love expensive toys.

Let's lock this up until I stea-- earn some more gold. ;p