View Full Version : Boss Battle Discussion for Group

11-12-15, 05:23 PM
So recruitment for my little band of merry individuals has closed, and we have 8 of us who will participate as destroyers of big baddies.

This thread is for discussing ideas on who we want to take out, anything specifically story-wise anyone wants to throw in, etc.

I'll start:

I want to take out the biggest, baddest, nastiest monster Althanas has.

Alyssa Snow
11-12-15, 05:26 PM
I want there to be several monsters or monster squads that I can provide intel, fire support, and healing on.

Perhaps the big baddie can split when threatened into smaller baddies, or we fight a pair of big baddies that if you try to damage one baddie, the wounds will only appear on the other baddie.

We can have one fire demon that lives in a semi-active lava field, and a frost/water demon that frequents a wellspring that also has healing properties. So like they are almost immune. The fire demon is powerful in the lava fields and if the water demon gets near the water, it can heal itself/other demon. Eh, eh?!

11-12-15, 05:32 PM
I suspect a big baddie would have underlings or <gs id="52220681-0934-4499-92e4-4a897b0837a8" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="c690d8e3-0065-406c-94e7-39ef88f05c0b" class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark">minions of</gs> which ranged support would be most critical.

11-12-15, 05:47 PM
Terracotta King, a gigantic lich who controls a mass of metal humanoids though a hive mind type relationship. The minions would look something like Jyggalag from the Elder Scrolls series.

Tobias Stalt
11-12-15, 06:30 PM
Something that's going to require a grand amount of teamwork to pull off would prove challenging to this group. I suggest neutral ground- possibly the Haidian Penninsula, and a target of some prestige. What say, we end up with intel on a massing demonic force, and Alerar decides to send in some people who are expendable to scope things out. (Read, mercenaries, non-Alerians, etc.)

We bite off more than we can chew when we happen upon a wellspring of dark power around which a large forward assault camp has been erected. They've been planning on moving into Alerar for some time, but had difficulty cooperating.

Cue big, bad motherfucker with the charisma to unite the demonic horde. We're just in time...

...to die.

11-12-15, 06:40 PM
A Haidan Army force, perhaps?

Tobias Stalt
11-12-15, 07:15 PM
Moreso, a large and powerful demon backed by a large scale force.

11-12-15, 09:12 PM
Works for me

11-12-15, 09:23 PM
I like the major demon <gs id="2b538bff-c5aa-46d3-91ee-25fec499f755" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="18e95a62-3794-45ff-8bb6-dba912cd58cc" class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark">uniter</gs> with a ton of demon army minions.