View Full Version : Changing Experience to coin

11-13-15, 10:03 AM
The indistinguishable form of a being, for who could say whether the thing was male or female, or what species it was, entered the shop. This shop was full of all manner of paraphernalia: bits of armor; clothes; weapons of various kinds and makes; a smattering of tools; wagon parts, harnesses, tacks, an oar that only a giant could use; and things that defied ready description, were piled on tables, and under tables, and nearby tables. They hung from wall and ceiling alike, and on hooks attached to polls that stood here and there.

This was a shop that sold things of all kinds and makes, making it exactly what the being needed.

The being strode slowly forward and approached the only counter that wasn’t completely covered by worldly goods, and called out “good day, sir or madam, I have experiences that I wish to trade; perhaps you would be interested in them?”

trying to see if I can exchange Bard’s experience into Gp, thanks

11-21-15, 09:19 PM
Hey Bard, I noticed no one responded to this. Unfortunately we don't allow exchanging exp to gp or vice versa. The only time the two can switch is when requesting spoils from threads, in which case exp can be converted to gp prior to be awarded.

11-21-15, 09:52 PM
I understand, was unsure of policy regarding this and Artifex did not know. Please close this thread, then, and thank you.