View Full Version : The Root of the Transaction

Gnarl & Root
11-20-15, 08:25 AM
Gnarl wandered slowly into the shop, it had been quite some time since he had been around a such a wide variety of weapons, but it still felt familiar to him.

Yet, he had no intention of buying more weapons or even looking for future intentions, he was here to rid himself of the weaponry he no longer needed; in short he was here to sell.

Root, his grey furry feline stood peacefully over his shoulders, wrapping its tail around the neck and under the chin of Gnarl. Root sniffed the scented air as he looked around the vast array of shelves and items, this place was something a bit more than just a plain shop, he could sense it.

"In some respects I almost wish I didn't have to let it go." Gnarl muttered to Root, while pulling out the short but fine looking steel Falchion.

He approached the counter, lay it down peacefully on the wooden surface and then chimed the small bell to get the attention of the shop keeper.

It held no special powers and no fancy decorative design, but it well made, clean and shiny. The steel Falchion held no damage or blemishes, and its leather strapped handle was freshly re-done.

"Shiny steel Falchion for sale!" Gnarl called out.

Rehtul Orlouge
11-26-15, 04:45 AM
The store was quiet, dead as midnight in a cemetery. The only real sound was the slow echo of metal striking on metal, punctuating the silence with a steady, rhythmic beat. Then, suddenly the entire building was filled with the screech of a human male calling out that he had a falchion of some sort for sale. A sigh slowly escaped the lips of the experienced metallurgist as he made one final strike upon the red hot form. He left the unfinished sword to cool and walked out front.

"Where is 'at bloody..." the rest of the words were lost in his mumbling. He walked up to the counter and placed both of his thick, calloused hands on the rough grained wood as he looked at the young man who had entered his shop. "Musta walked away to grab a bite... Coulda asked if I wanted somethin'..."

"So, you gotta falchion for sale? I migh' be int'rested. Let me take a look," he said, holding out a single hand to the other man, palm up.

Gnarl & Root
12-08-15, 05:12 PM
It had a taken a bit of a wait, but finally someone turned up. Any normal person would have complained, but Gnarl perked up as the man arrived. The transaction was all that mattered and a little wait at first wasn't the end of the world.

About time... Root thought as he cuddled close to Gnarls neck.

Raising the polished blade up he gently placed the firm leather strapped hilt into the keepers hand with anticipation of a good response.

"I've kept it in great condition, and its worthy of use for someone else, yet I myself no longer require it. I was hoping for two hundred for this? Did I mention its shiny?"

Rehtul Orlouge
12-17-15, 10:55 PM
The smith looked the weapon up and down, examining the make of the blade and the workmanship, before nodding.

"Two hundred is a little steep, even for a weapon so fine," he mumbled under his breath, though just loud enough to be heard. "I'd be willing to go as high as a hundred flat,"he said as he jingled a bad of coins in front of the young man, smiling idly. There was a chance the boy would take the money, and if not, haggling was always the most fun part of any transaction.

Gnarl & Root
12-21-15, 08:14 AM
Gnarl paused in shock at the shop keepers response.

One hundred...What the...

His eyebrow raised, his jaw slightly dropped and he scratched his chin as he pondered the game the man was trying to play. There was no point in being annoyed, he obviously wanted to lower it a little, and in truth Gnarl's two hundred estimate was a bit on the higher side as it was. Haggling was never his strongest point, but he wasn't an idiot, time to nag for a higher price.

"I see, well, that's not what I was expecting at all. Such is its quality, I feel it's got some worth. This isn't a poorly kept blade, nor is badly made, I wouldn't waste your time with it otherwise. One hundred and eighty?"

Rehtul Orlouge
01-18-16, 10:22 PM
The man scratched his chin for a moment.

"One twenty-five seems more reasonable," he said lightly.

Gnarl & Root
01-27-16, 08:00 AM
An expression of utter bemusement covered Gnarls face.

"Let's be serious and honest here. I'm not trying to throw this away, I'm selling it for its worth. One hundred and sixty."

Rehtul Orlouge
01-27-16, 03:30 PM
The man considered the options for a moment, then smiled and extended his hand.

"You got yourself a deal."

Gnarl & Root
01-28-16, 07:34 AM
Thanks Reht! Let me know if I need to do anything else. All happy at this end. Confirmed transaction.


Gnarl extended his hand and shook on the deal.

Max Dirks
02-29-16, 08:53 AM
160 GP added to Gnarl.

Transaction Complete!