View Full Version : Cool ability ideas

11-22-15, 07:46 PM
Now that my character, john, is lvl 5, I've been looking at solidifying him as a character in terms of abilities.

So what I'm looking for at the moment are some abilities that make him a tank support kind of character. Somebody who can dish it out well but somebody who takes the big hits for the team.

So any of you got any ideas?

11-22-15, 09:58 PM
The structured, organised part of my brain is telling me to break down my suggestions into sections.

Take damage abilities:
Healing, pain resistance, negate damage (maybe at the cost of moving), elemental resistance (a bit limiting in terms of only being able to have one per ability, but might help).

Protect others:
Swap places or redirect attacks (to him) ability, reverse life leach (he gives allies his strength), increase in size (like 15 feet, that'll help cover allies).

Once our 1 v 3 thread *cough* your post *cough* gets going, you'll see how higher level attacks become harder to shrug off or block. That might help a bit.

11-23-15, 06:04 AM

Cards of Fate
11-23-15, 07:58 AM
I would maybe look at tank abilities from popular MOBA games. In league there are a number of big tank characters who have some baller move sets.

A few notable exceptions would be Braum, Malphite, and Galio. Braum can sheild allies with a huge sheild while jumping to them, he also hasa pretty sweet damage/disengage ability with his ult.

Malphite is more of a brawler but has an awesome swt of brawling and chasing abilities. Galio has a taunt that deals damage back.

Just some ideas.

11-23-15, 08:04 AM
Failing my first suggestion, you can have John summon Hawl for a brief moment to tank a hit for him like this:

http://071bc3d04e2671665c74-5a267f839fbe60d0845a37698418bb02.r26.cf5.rackcdn.c om/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/peach-toad-character-super-smash-bros-melee-small.jpg

11-23-15, 08:22 AM
Failing my first suggestion, you can have John summon Hawl for a brief moment to tank a hit for him like this:

http://071bc3d04e2671665c74-5a267f839fbe60d0845a37698418bb02.r26.cf5.rackcdn.c om/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/peach-toad-character-super-smash-bros-melee-small.jpg

This looks amaze.

Do it!

11-23-15, 10:37 AM
Failing my first suggestion, you can have John summon Hawl for a brief moment to tank a hit for him like this:

http://071bc3d04e2671665c74-5a267f839fbe60d0845a37698418bb02.r26.cf5.rackcdn.c om/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/peach-toad-character-super-smash-bros-melee-small.jpg


Alyssa Snow
11-23-15, 10:53 AM
Or a Hawling Missle attack, an offensive move that throws a Hawl which explodes on contact.

Prinny Style, dood!


11-23-15, 08:51 PM
Y'know, I've been planning on felicity's cloak becoming a theme. Cloaks like he's do have several distinctive traits that vary due to character personalities and traits. If you like, we could work out a cloak for john that reflects the fighting style of a tank. Just find me in chat or pm me if interested!

As for separate abilities, you could include things like stronger adrenaline rushes and stronger bones. Immunities to poisons and venom can also help in battle against opponents who enjoy poisoning their prey. More epic uses for dem gauntlet of you'd wouldn't hurt either!

Hailwing Of The Citadel
11-23-15, 08:59 PM
I think the best idea for John would be to share his armor. Like passing along bits and pieces of it to cover other people or shield attacks like it's an extension of himself. Or if he's close enough, he can wrap them up with it entirely for the duration of a post.

Alydia Ettermire
11-23-15, 09:04 PM
Maybe something to draw aggro? A "Come At Me, Bro!" ability, that makes opponents see John as the primary target and ignore his less durable companions.