View Full Version : Stripped Down to Nothing.

11-23-15, 05:03 PM
Occ: Closed to Gnarl, this is also after Lye gets his hands on her and strips her too nothing.

The air was crisp, cold enough that if someone were to simply exhale the warmth of their breath would become a cloud of fog in front of their face. The trees leaves were turning browns, reds, yellows and oranges the scenery was exquisite, so serene and calming. The tavern was tucked away in some trees causing an eerie shadows making the building look a little bit more sketcher than the structure already made it. The Building was a large L shape one half obviously for housing and the other for drinking at what not, the roof looked a little worn down like it leaked in the rain and came to a somewhat steep peak. On the second floor there was a deck you could walk out on all around the building though it looked a little unsafe as the support beams had some rot to them.

The door creaked open and the sound of drunken stupor invaded the serene outside as the smell of stale beer, cigar and cigarette smoke assaulted the crisp clean air. The hustle and bustle came to a complete stop and a eerie hush fell around the people as the sight of Camille Dark was caught. her white lacy tank top was now brown and torn to shreds barely covering her, along with the dark washed out denim shorts. Blood and filth caked her hair as, her once beautiful and angelic features were now either covered in bruises or blood and scraps. A gasp broke the silence as a round plump woman scurried over to her, "by the Gods and Goddess you poor thing, Milly!!! Damn it Milly come over here and help this poor thing to a room to get her washed off than bring her some of your clothes!" The woman wrapped her sausage like fingers around Camille's arms gently as a tall petite blonde walked over with a look of annoyance on her face. "Mom, listen she looks like a wreck and you don't even way know why? On top of that you want me to give her some of my clothes?!" The girl shrieked the last part causing Camille to jump slightly at the high octave she hit from being upset. "You listen here Mildred Annaelise you will do as I say or so help me Gods!" The plump woman's voice grew with authority as Camille started to shake slight, "oh honey I am sorry after you are done washing off and getting dressed you are gonna come back down and I will have the cook get you some stew and bread and a drink to warm your chilled bones."

Being whisked up the stairs with a push of the round woman they made a sharp right after they got to the top of the stairs and walked all the way down the hallway. The girl swung the door open causing it to smack against the wall making Camille jump again from the sudden noise. "Alright go take a shower and I will leave some clothes for you than come down to get your food and drink." Pushing past Camille the girl left as Cammy stood in the middle of the door way for a moment before she moved like a robot shutting the door softly and shuffling over to the small shower and turning the water on. The fog of the hot water swept around the room as she took the tattered rags off her body as she stared into the full length mirror. Her shoulder bones protruded out her round breast looked larger as her ribs showed and her stomach was sunk in. Her round perfect rump was now a smaller version. Her plush lips were swollen and the bottom had a small scab in the left corner showing it had been busted open. Stepping in the shower as soon as the water met her flesh a hissing sound left her lips flowed by a whimper. The hot water washed over her worn down, battered body, the water on the floor that flowed into the drain was brown and red from the dirt, dried blood and still fresh blood. Washing her body gently with the citrus scented soap until she felt clean enough she slowly started to massage her scalp with the citrus shampoo.

Flashes of what she had endured in the last few weeks struck her mind, being chained and beaten, being left alone for days wondering if she was going to die there alone; being fed overly stale or rotten portions of food that made her deathly ill or caused her too throw it back up. You're my pet now and just because I am letting you go doesn't mean I won't stop in and visit. A strangled cry filled the empty room as she shook with fear finishing her shower she stepped out wrapping a towel around her frail body. After gently brushing out the snarls in her honey brown locks and dressing in a pair of jeans that sat on her hips and only slightly hugged her feeble frame and a long sleeve black V-neck shirt that was snug on her chest.

Making her way down the stairs as she didn't bother to put on the shoes that the girl had given her because her feet were cracked and had blisters and the cool wood of the floor was welcoming to her aching feet. The plump woman scurried over taking her by the elbow and guiding her over towards the bar. "Sit, sit child while I grab the stew and drink." Sitting down at the last stool away from the door waiting for her food her once vibrant midnight ocean blue eyes swept the bar before looking back down at the bar where now sat a beef stew with a large hunk of bread and what looked to be spiced whiskey. Taking a tentative bite a small smile graced her lips but swiftly was removed with another bite of the stew.

Gnarl & Root
11-24-15, 08:33 AM
It has been a long walk since Bardbury, and Root, his faithful feline friend had grown a little impatient. They had, after a reasonably long pause in plans, returned to find out who they really were. Hiding within the orchards of Bardbury was not what Gnarl was meant to do, but at least he was now able to search for it. There had to be some reason he was still alive in this world, and he would do everything he could to find it.

He was now moving and living on his instincts, still walking towards the capital, though not taking the most direct of routes to it. Root's light weight was barely noticeable, and it not for his short fur that tickled Gnarls neck as he sat upon his shoulders, he hardly noticed he was there at all.

The long winding path, while thin and overgrown in parts as the plants crept in, was still well trodden. Gnarl had already forgotten how much difference his new boots were making, his last run down damaged boots would have made walking this far rather uncomfortable to say the least. Finally coming into view, as he passed the long slow hill of a corner, an somewhat old establishment came into view. Gnarl could smell the place from here, the mixed scents of booze and food travelled attractively between the trees and down the path.

Is this why I am here?

The image simply reminded him of the cold he walked in, while his warm leather attire and cloak had kept him subdued from the temperature, he gave himself one last warming rub up his biceps.

Then he paused.

Looking down at his pocket with his soft blue eyes, he pulled out his rock. Root shifted to Gnarls other shoulder, his tail tickling Gnarls neck as he tried not to lose balance. He often hated seeing the grey stone, but after everything they had been going through, he had to accept that something, some powerful presence had helped them on their way. Did this stone really have a link to the gods? Root didn't know, but he was patient enough to wait and see.

"Is the paper weight telling you something?"

Gnarl stared at it for a moment with no reply, his cold hands holding it out in front of him as if awaiting something to happen before them both.

"No, but I get the distinct feeling that this place is why we took such a long detour."

"Well, it looks like the genius has taken us to yet another village...I'm pretty sure there were plenty villages on the main route to Radasanth, what's so special about this place?"

"I don't know. But it's not the village itself I'm being drawn to, it's that place there."

"The tavern?"

Gnarl didn't need to answer as he began walking towards the large tavern. It couldn't have been more discreet, almost hidden amongst the trees before the more open plan of the village beside it. Yet it was beautiful in its own way, shadowed mysteriously, while covered in the beautiful Autumn coloured fallen leaves. It was full of the character a building as old as it was should show. A few wonky beams and a patched roof, it dark damp exterior was brightened by the red and yellow hue of the trees and their discarded fledglings.

Gnarl paused by the doorway, giving a slight scratch to his rough but well kept chin. The limp sign didn't sway in the cold breeze, but its name still legible stood out proudly.

"The Red Oak Inn," Root muttered. "I'm starting to notice a trend in these tavern names."

Gnarl rolled his shoulders nervously and adjusted his top, pulling on the studs and corners to make himself comfortable. His buckler sat as always, on his left forearm, but his axe sat with a degree of subtleness on his right hip.

"What, are you doing?" Root questioned annoyed at having to move off his comfortable position.

"I'm not sure what I'm going to find in here," Gnarl slipped his rock back into his pocket. "I wanted to feel...prepared."

Various mutterings of conversation echoed out of the entrance which remained ever so slightly ajar. Gnarl placed his hand against the wood panel of the door ready to push it open.

"You know the drill." Gnarl pushed his way in casually.

The chatter didn't stutter or stop, it simply continued, Gnarl was no local but this tavern was no stranger to passersby. Various tables lined the floor either side of him, a few empty, but they all stopped with a reasonable gap for the bar. He walked towards the bar and rested his forearms on it, a moments wait as the man before him got served.

A lot of the people here seemed very commonly dressed, this was bar no means a wealthy part of Corone, and even Gnarl felt a little better off because of it. His own pouch of money seemingly richer than those around him. Then, the rather podgy landlady wandered across towards him, and he received his first surprised look.

"That's a beautiful cat you got there!" She greeted to Root's appreciative purrs.

"He's my loyal friend. Comes with me wherever I go!"

"Awww, the cute little thing." She reached over to give a slight rub under his chin.

Thing? What am I? A dog? Root shifted back around Gnarls shoulder, his tail raised in disgust.

"What can I do you for?"

"I'm not quite sure."

She looked back bemused. "Alright weird traveller, we've had a few of you today. So why don't you take a seat, and I'll bring you one of our best."

Gnarl adjusted his pouch and placed a few copper on the bar side. "Keep the change, I may yet order another."

Allowing the older lady to brew him something up, Gnarl peered around the bar for a space, of which there were plenty. Yet sitting in an open table on his own felt a little odd, he would wander and sit to one side. Strangely, the walled seats were larger, a long padded bench showed that at least at one point, this place was plentiful. A couple of holes now graced it's matting, while its red vibrant red colour had been worn into a dark almost blood red hue.

The window seating did however let in plenty light, even the trees outside didn't deter from that. Even the table didn't wobble, just like Gnarl thought, with age comes character. There was no hiding from the smell of alcohol, and the darkened stains against the lighter brown of the table stood out; yet lacking a sticky touch, it had been cleaned.

He tapped the table surface as he waited, while Root hopped off his shoulders and curled up beside him on the padded seating. His ears still pert and keeping one eye open at all times, he wrapped his grey and black tail around for warmth.

Thud! The rather large mug of ale landed before him, the tubby lady, her hair now tied back, smiled.

"Enjoy stranger, just give me a shout should you want more. Happy to have you throw more money my way."

Then, she turned with a sudden increase of pace, breaking the peaceful pleasant atmosphere in lieu of a more serious and worrisome tone. She shuffled across the near side of the room and stopped by a young beautiful blonde woman as she arrived from the stairwell. Gnarl paused his pint half way to his mouth as he noticed the caring touch the landlady gave her. Root raised his head too, universally noticing the young woman, while cleaned up, looked hurt and detached.

Gnarl took a gulp of his drink as he watched her play with her stew. He could see past her blonde locks and shy beauty, it was more than that. Her sore movement and tearful expression looked lost, as if she hardly noticed the world around her; stuck in a sea of stormy painful memories. Gnarl was a sucker for it, he hated seeing people in pain, and he silently hoped she was ok.

"erglg..." Gnarl muttered, the taste of his drink far from the most pleasant he had tasted.

Root peered up at him as he took another swig, confused to his persistence to continue.

"What? I'm thirsty."

11-24-15, 03:24 PM
The stew was steaming as the second bite entered her mouth not only burning her already swollen lips but you tongue and mouth. A small whimper parted her lips as she chewed it awkwardly with her mouth slightly ajar causing her to make some rather weird noises crossed between hissing, growling and moans. A small cackle could be heard as she glanced up to see the woman that had given her the stew and drink, "well did you think I was going to serve you chilled beef stew? Of course it is hot!" Camille stared at her blankly before taking a large gulp of the drink only to choke and sputter as the harshness of the whiskey took her by surprise. Tears started to gather in her lifeless midnight ocean blue eyes, the woman walked around the counter and patted her back rather roughly as she coughed trying to force the droplets of liquid that had landed in her lungs out. Clearing her throat out a few times Camille was able to breathe again wiping away tears that had flown down her flushed cheeks. The two women eyes met for a moment before Camille ducked her head down taking another small bite of her food tearing a piece of the bread off the hunk and dipping it into the juices of the stew. "You know dear some of the best views come from the hardest climbs and judging by the sadness in your face and the way that you looked coming in here I believe your view will be the best of them all soon as you finish your climb.." The buxom woman's breath fanned across her ear and down her neck as she had bent over and whispered it.

Turning to look at the woman their faces only a few inches apart as Camille felt nothing really and stared blankly at her blinking a few times, a sad look danced across the voluptuous lady's features as she scurried away to tend to other customers that were actually paying. As the words of the woman started to sink in she clutched the unique looking necklace that hung from her neck. It was a simple gold chain with two slim vials intertwined one holding ash the other a clear liquid. Gripping it tightly she took a shaky breath, it had been the only thing that Lye had let her keep though he did tend to threaten to break it or through it out never to be seen again. With out even realizing it Camille was clutching the wooden bar so tightly that her knuckles were white. Removing her hand from the counter it shook slightly flexing it before she laid it in her lap and picked up her mug before taking a long swig anticipating the harshness of the liquor this time.

A violent shiver ran down her spine as the warm alcohol sent a warm trail down her throat into her stomach than spreading through out her body. Realizing she had dropped the hunk of bread in her stew she took her spoon fishing it out before she placed it in her mouth chewing it slowly. After a few more bites of the stew her stomach was more than full as she pushed it aside. The woman that she assumed owned the joint came up offering her a warm smile, "you barely ate enough but I bet your stomach has shrunk from the look of how scrawny you are!" A hearty laughed rumbled the woman's chest as Camille gave her a confused look, "okay child I need you to simply sign a piece of paper to just say you are staying here no charge of course." A piece of parchment and pen was slid toward her as she signed in a clear clean cursive Camille Arionna Dark. Sliding the paper and pen back over to the woman she watch her glance down at the name before nodding, "Camille is a very pretty name may I call you Cammy?" As the nick name left the woman's lips Camille stiffened her eyes grew wide like a doe as she shook her head vigorously. "Okay, okay well Camille I am Meredith but you may call me Mer." Nodding her head caused her side bangs and long wave locks to fall into her face, running a hand through them she could still smell the citrus scent from her shampoo.

"Have your fill of drink and relax no need to pay for anything as I would wish someone would do the same for my little girl as I am doing for you." With that the woman walked away again but not before leaving the bottle of the spiced whiskey, the sound of a stool being drug out drew her attention to beside her. A large brute sat down next to her as he gave her a toothy grin, a large thick bushy beard covered over half his face with thick side burns that met dark brown hair that matched his dark chocolate eyes. "Hello pretty lady." The odor of his breath invaded her nose making her stomach twist threatening to expel the stew she had just eaten. Turning to try and ignore the bloke next to her by taking another drink only to feel a rough large hand wrap around her wrist. Trying to pull away the man pulled her closer causing her stool to tip over landing on the floor with a loud thud. Some people close to them turned with a questioning look on their faces as her wrist started to ache from the tight grip he had on it.

In one swift movement she twisted her wrist out of his grasp than using his weigh and arm against him, his arm was brought behind his back using the pressure point of his wrist to fold his arm to look like a turkey wing as she shoved it higher to his head causing him to shout out in pain. Smacking his head off the bar with her other hand a loud crack rang out as his skull connected with the wood before she let him go and he fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes with another loud thud. "Camille," Meredith shrieked for those who weren't watching the show before hand now were staring at her as her entire body started to shake.

Gnarl & Root
11-25-15, 12:51 PM
Gnarl regretfully finished his drink, the lingering taste was enough to ensure he never ordered that again. He licked his lips to remove the final bitter taste that hung on his lips, his face unable to hide his dissatisfaction. Root managed to make the smallest of grins in amusement as he watched Gnarls taste buds suffer, but as always would remain unspoken within the presence of others.

Gnarl smirked back his whiskery friend, their own little joke at Gnarls persistence to finish a terrible drink.

"Noticed you emptied that quickly, I'll prepare you another!"

The defined voice of the plump lady felt pleased, assuming Gnarl has downed his drink in enjoyment. "Ah, well, my throats a little dry, so err, just some water for now thanks!"

"As you wish." She replied as Root leapt up and cuddled into his neck where he sat.

It felt rather strange being in this new place, believing that he had to be here and actually have no idea why. Root seemed born with a wealth of patience, appearing happy to sit and wait it out while Gnarl figured out what he wanted to do. Curiously, like some sort of investigator, Gnarl peered around the room, inspecting the usual suspects.

The lonesome large man, quite possibly the village drunk, a large belly, thick boots and a round head. Bald and featuring a large beard he snorted the odd grumble as he leaned back in his hair, dropping off momentarily, but then flinching back in the waking world. A pile of used cups and glasses featured over his table, with one final, half drank pint that remained waiting for him to finish.

Nothing more than consistent income, poor sod.

Across the open set of tables sat a group of three men, whispering stories over a cold drink. Their faces shadowed by either hoods or hat, while the dark clothes seemed unnecessary within such an establishment, yet they did keep to themselves. Yet the couple of times the bar lady greeted them, they had smiled nodded and appeared polite, turning back to whispers once she left.

More travelers? Assassins, murderers, spies, thieves...I have no idea what I'm actually doing.

"Gnarl!" Root whispered discreetly, staring across at the bar itself.

The young blonde they had noticed first was being harassed, the impolite and over ambitious thug of a man gripped her and tugged at her arm. The devilish look of lust in his eyes seemed to mar the need for any comment, it was clear what he was intending on doing.

Gnarl shot up to his feet instinctively, maybe a little foolish at times he hated the lowlifes who thought they could just take what they pleased.

What a cock...

His fist tensed as he focused on him across the bar, the only question now was how long before he intervened. No one else had moved, but as the falling stool struck the ground, the atmosphere of silent staring eyes was clear to the poor girl of whom they universally focused.

Yet, to Gnarls surprise the somewhat agile was more than just a pretty face, and her bruised self was not one wanting pity. Twisting out of his grip before slamming his face into the bar table. Impressively, the brute dropped to the floor limp as the same tubby serving lady shrieked out her name.

"Camille!" She called.

Like a pack of hunters everyone's eyes remained lain upon such. The shaking trembling lady was clearly in some distress, but none would approach her.

"The world is a selfish place sometimes," Root continued to whisper into his ear. "I can tell you want to intervene...might be a bad idea."

"I don't care." Gnarl muttered back, why would anyone appear in such pain. He couldn't just let her be, he couldn't just stand here while someone hurt so much.

11-29-15, 05:58 PM
Camille's body shook like a leaf in a wild wind storm, her chest falling and rising with staggered breaths. She could feel her fingers starting to elongate and her nails turning into sharp claws, her midnight ocean blue eyes flickering jet black. Feeling her canine teeth poke the bottom of her plump lip she quickly squeezed her eyes shut tightly her hands clenched tightly into fist. Feeling the razor sharp claws slide into her skin like butter a gasp parted her lips as she could feel the warm crimson liquid drip onto the floor. You are not a monster... You are strong... Take back control.. Repeating the words over and over again in her mind as loudly as she could to stop from morphing into her Halfling side. A small sob erupted from her chest as she felt her claws retract and her canines slowly faded to nothing but her regular pearly white teeth. It was small but it was a victory non the less and that was a rather large thing for her to be able to do seeming as how she couldn't even control it a few months ago.

Tears rolled down her cheeks another small sob shook her body as she could faintly hear someone chanting no calling her name in the distance. The sound of her heart beat drowning out whoever was calling her name. Trying to open her eyes to see who it was she was only met with blurred vision as tears slipped down her face. Her hands were still dripping with blood as she could feel her knees starting to wobble. The exhaustion from what she had endured the last few months was quickly catching up with her, the beatings, lashings, whippings, physical and mental tortures were now draining her.

Feeling herself sway as exhaustion all but knocked on her ass, her knees started to wobble and her lashes started to flutter. The last thing she saw was her starting to fall and stare at the tavern ceiling. As unconsciousness claimed her for its own she felt as if she was free falling into a black abyss of nothingness.

For what seemed like an eternity she floated in a blanket of warmth until a small light appeared in front of her and she was sucked in. She fell into the royal palace in Sheinara, her old self standing in front of her in her short denim faded wash jean shorts with her magical dagger in its thigh holster and her black lacey tank top that was all covered by the royal purple cloak. Her face twisted in anger as she threw her hands up in the air, the Queen who had lovely brown hair, tall and skinny yet had feminine curves to her frame with sparkling brown eyes held a smile on her glossed lips.

"Camille will you just calm down before you give yourself wrinkles?" The Queen poked fun at her the sound of amusement laced in her tone, "I choose you to be the leader to the Queen's guard because you were loyal to me before any one else even thought of me still alive. You alone helped me gain the kingdom back..." Camille was ripped out from that memory to face the day of her coronation day where she wore a strapless royal purple gown that hugged her form, in front stood her fearless Queen, fast forwarding was the small ball like gathering were she was surrounded by her loved ones. Her lovely twin brother James that shared similar features with him, lifting her up and twirling her around the sound of her care free laughter rang out. Setting her down she was hugged tightly around the waist by her fiancé Josh and than pecked on the cheek by her best friend and Queen Faith.

Another memory of her crying and kissing Josh goodbye as he went to join the frontlines of war to rid the rest of the rogues out of the kingdom. "Please Joshua don't leave just stay here!" Camille pleaded as she gripped his shirt tightly, the smell of fresh rain perfumed around her as that scent was all to familiar to her. Burying her face into his shirt as she inhaled his scent deeply, feeling a gentle hand stroke her hair as a small chuckle rumbled his chest. "My lovely Cammy I will return to you and we will marry but right now my kingdom needs me plus what would your men think if your first in command hid behind his beautiful but sexy fiancé's coat tails." Pulling her face out of his chest she sniffled slightly as she wiped away the tears that obscured her view. Joshua wiggled his eyebrows as his sharp jawline and lovely thin pink lips were pulled into a small smile. "I will come back to you.."

Another memory flooded in as her once tall, muscular and fearless brother laid in a hospital bed literally withering away to nothing, a sob racked through her body as she collapsed at his bedside. "Oh JC I am so sorry I should have listened to you on going after that evil witch, I should have had back up.." A warm but leathery like hand caressed her wet cheeks, "shh Cammy you have to be strong I know you have lost Josh and now you think you are losing me and that it is your fault but I promise my dear sweet baby sister you will never be alone and it isn't your fault at all.." The warm hand dropped at his side as a heart wrenching scream of pain, remorse and loss parted her lips as her beloved twin took his last and final breath.

Gnarl & Root
12-02-15, 03:26 PM
"You should care. This directly effects the both of us and potentially...I use that word lightly as I'm trusting your instincts here. Potentially, takes us away from whatever reason we're here."

Whatever words Root continued to whisper fell on flat ears, Gnarl was focused on this young woman. Within earshot of so many in such a busy establishment it wouldn't be wise to argue, but Root was only trying to look out for their best interests.

Then in a bizarre twist, the woman did not shriek as Gnarl expected, but appeared to lose total control of her body. The violent shaking she displayed was visibly involuntary, something instilled within her, be it through fear or something else entirely. Gnarl felt the tingle in his legs, leaning on his tip toes; she wobbled as she shook, her head tipped back as she stared up at the ceiling. Gnarl was greatly intrigued.

What the...What's happening to her?

The room paused in silence, the Inn in its entirety was motionless as they all watched the same truth unravel before them. The young woman who had already caused a scene began to change to reveal what lay beneath. Nothing could remove them all from their gaze, as if locked in lust for a dancing beauty, the room became a thieves paradise.

Her body continued to vibrate, her hands tensed into a tight grasp while her bodies jagged, stuttering movement was unnatural, if not resistant. Flashes of a beast flickered before him, her wobbling legs and arms appearing to morph, and her eyes shadowed to a solid black before misting away back into the their normal blue state.

Wow...What is she...

Root hissed as his body stretched up high and rigid, the felines knee jerk reaction to her current state was clear for all to see. He leapt down and dashed behind the nearest table, his fangs still clear as his lips pouted but he kept his distance for safety.

"What teh fook!" One of the locals bawled out in shock as he reached behind himself. The short but fine blade released with her in mind. Gnarl could see it all happening; the poor young woman unable to control herself, a rash reaction from a nervous crowd and then a murder of someone who they simply did not understand.

Finally stepping forward into action Gnarl gripped the man's wrist, twisting it forcefully the blade slipped from his hand. There was no time for words as Gnarl stared with a deep intent threat, his eyes declared his objective without uttering such as a single word. As brief as it was, it struck home and they backed off.

The faint girl took a slight step to one side, her hands now visibly bleeding, but it didn't deter Gnarl as he stepped in and collected her as she fell. His arms cradling her carefully, he supported her head while his second hand held her lower back, slowly and gently lowering her towards the floor.

He looked down at her, her eyes fluttering in a daze, with concern etched into his face.

"Careful now...You're ok."

12-04-15, 01:38 AM
The memories just seemed to pour salt into her already red and inflamed wounds that have yet to heal after the death of the last two people that were her family. Standing in front of two well built pyres, one holding the corpse of her twin the other empty symbolizing where her beloved Josh would have laid had they found his body. Slowly letting the tip of her tongue trace her plump lips to try and wet them with moisture a shaky hand took hold of lighter she had in her pocket. Flicking it open she drug it across her thigh as it ignited, leaning over she lit Josh's pyre first and than her brother's. In a matter of seconds the pile of sticks, old books and papers were racing towards the top, tears made their way down her flushed cheeks as her lower lip trembled uncontrollably. Faith had begged her to let her come to be there for her but Cammy had refused to let any one know when or where she was doing it. Long after the fire had burned out she collected some ash from the center of the pyre tucking it in the vile necklace that Faith had made for her. One contained the water from the stream that Josh's body had fallen into after a rogue had ripped his heart out now the other held the ashes from her brother's remains.

The memory faded as she slowly peeled her eyes open, feeling her hair being stroked gently she groaned gently as her body felt like it was hit by a bus since she had fought off the shift. Another groan parted her lips as she tried to sit up but was too weak to even lift her head too much. Hearing someone speak soothing words to her looking up she tried to focus on the person that held her but she couldn't make out the features only that they were male. A small trembling hand allowed her finger tips to graze over his cheek, the crimson still trickled down her palm down her arm as her skin met his a small ripple of sparks came from the contact. Her hand dropped from the mysterious male's cheek quickly as her breathing was slightly ragged and labored, her lips parted as she breathed out, "wh-who are you? James is that you?" Tears collected in her sorrow filled eyes as the spilled over the edge of her eyes as they made there way down her now dirty face from the sweat and dirty of trying to fight off the shift.

As her vision cleared she was met by the face of a very handsome man, his left cheek now stained with her blood that had transferred from her finger tips to his cheek. He had lovely, kind blue eyes, his lovely angled cheeks and lips were pressed in a tight line that matched the look of worry etched all over his face. His brown hair was a bit tasseled from what looked like a bit of wrestling he had done earlier, a small gasp parted her lips as realization hit her roughly in the chest. "I-I am sorry I thought you were..." Her words caught in her throat as if she had swallowed a large lump of peanut butter with no milk to wash it down. Having now made a fool about herself she stood up unwrapping his arms from around her frail frame, "um, thanks for catching..." Her voice was so low that it would have even been hard from him to hear her. Camille was quickly swept away from the male and into the arms Meredith, her head pushed into the woman's large chest. "Oh Camille I don't know what the hell that was but you scared the shit out me!"

Feeling uncomfortable from the affection and concern the female was showing towards her Camille stepped back from the plump woman. "Oh honey look at those clothes.." Cammy glanced down as her cheeks lit up with the color red, her white shirt that had hugged her form had ripped at the hem showing way more of her cleavage than she was okay with. Also around the shoulders and her mid-drift had ripped as her body attempted to morph in to her Halfling form. The pants she had on were okay for the most just a bit dirty but other than that the hugged her round bum and hips. Wrapping her arms around her breast so they didn't spill out of the top of the ripped shirt, Meredith's voice rang out as she called for her daughter demanding a new shirt. A few minutes later a simple black short sleeved V-neck was handed to her as she was pushed into the kitchen were it had been emptied from every one being nosy about what was going on when Camille had, had her episode. Disregarding the tattered rags of the shirt she had been given and pulled on the new one. This one only hugged her chest slightly, walking out of the kitchen she murmured a thanks to Millie who only bitched about her shirt being ruined.

Two glasses were placed in her hands as she looked at Meredith confused, simply for the woman to point at the man that had caught her when she passed out. He looked uncertain and still concerned as she nodded holding the bottle of wine under her arm, making her way up to him she looked at him and than nodded towards an empty table in the back corner. Setting down the glasses and bottle she could feel the eyes of the people around her watching her closely. The cups had bloody hand prints on them as she caught her lower lip between her teeth chewing on it. "Thanks again for catching me..."

Gnarl & Root
12-05-15, 11:55 AM
A quick as it had been to hold her safe, she was gone. Returning back to reality her fit had stopped, her eyes no longer glazed over or turning black, she returned was normal yet again. The land lady had quickly intervened and secured the young beauty.

Gnarl stepped back and retreated to the corner table, watching from a distance as they took care of her.

"See." Root whispered. "She has people looking after her, she can't be the reason were here."

"It was only a thought Root. Just a thought."

Root held off another comment, their private conversation ending so bluntly while the feline, who constantly alternated between Gnarls' shoulders and his lap understood his wanting. Gnarl sat back, looking a little sad as he sighed long and slow. Together they had survived a prison, a war, and mass murder. Yet, they were left with nothing, and it was Gnarls drive to continue that had meant to much to Root.

They had survived certain death upon their arrival in this land, and while Gnarl had continually tried to look forward to see what good was going to come of it, he was yet to see yield any results. The magic rock he carried in his pocket had become a reason for him, a driving force that told him there was a bigger reason for him being alive. Root was still skeptical about it, but he wouldn't abandon his friend; there had to be some reason they had come here.

Root looked up, the blonde buxom beauty appearing back from the rear room. He didn't miss much, and his ears picked up the discreet conversation, it was clear she was going to come back over to Gnarl.

"Why do you always desire to save those in trouble?" Root scampered back up onto Gnarls nearest shoulder, before leaping up onto the sill of the table end window.

Gnarl looked up at Root, sitting upright in a proud healthy looking pose. His yellow eyes peering down at Gnarl and then across the room at the approaching woman. Gnarls face uplifted. He shifted his buckler against the wall with his feet to clear the space under the table, the clanging a little louder than anticipated, but it had to be done.

She looked rather nervous, but carried a bottle of what appeared to be red wine and two glasses. Gnarl watched her quietly as she sat before him, the fragile looking woman smiled timidly as they made eye contact; Gnarl smiled back.

"Thanks again for catching me..." She muttered with her soft voice as she bit her lip.

Gnarl gave a nervous rub of her short hair, it had been some time since a woman like this has sat before him. Root dashed awkwardly back off the sill, around Gnarls head and then down off the chair out of sight once again.

"Root!" Gnarl called out as he climbed over him. His view of the surrounding staring occupants clear as day. He looked back to her.

"You're welcome. Don't worry about them, most people fear before they wonder."

The distinct colour of red on the glasses caught his eye, but they weren't wine. He briefly inspected it before returning the glass as he checked out her hand. "Your hands...are still bleeding...are you ok?"

12-05-15, 12:47 PM
Jumping slightly as the feline jumped down and around his owner, her body tensed as she was well part dog in a way and cats or anything sharing a cats genes tended not to like her. Root, well that is a rather odd name, catching it as his owner almost hissed it with annoyance. The two eyes met as her eyes flashed black for a moment and a low growl rumbled her chest. As if a trance had consumed her, she shook her head causing her long wavy honey dew locks to fall in a curtain obscuring her view. Licking her lips self consciously, flipping her side bangs out of her view before she murmured a soft apology for growling at his cat.

"People should be afraid of the things they don't understand," her statement was again soft and gentle but her voice held an emptiness that made a person sound incomplete.

Her face twisted to show that she was confused as he voiced his concern about her bleeding hands, her eyes caught the glasses that had her bloody hand prints on them. Her mouth falling open as she felt the crimson color crawling up her cheeks, glancing at her male companion she simply just nodded in response to his question. Glancing away looking for a rag she snatched one of the table that was next to theirs, wiping off the glasses she than tended to her wounds. A small was suppressed by her lips that were tightly pressed together, fumbling as she tore the rag in half rapping it around her hands loosely.

Finally having covered her hands though not very well done she uncorked the bottle of red wine before pouring some into both glass and setting the bottle back on the table. Lifting the glass to her lips she took a long slow sip before setting the glass down letting the fruitiness of the wine caress her tongue. After letting her dark midnight ocean blue orbs drink in his appearance she noticed that the smudges of her blood were still left on his cheek. "Um-" a nervous laugh parted her lips as she stood up from her seat leaning over the table slightly, her face only inches from his own. "You have some of my blood left on your cheek when I thought you were someone else..." Taking a left over piece of rag she gently held his face in her right hand and wiped off the crimson smudge with her left.

"There you go.."

Gnarl & Root
12-06-15, 08:01 AM
Gnarl wouldn't be so easily put off, she was tough, she had made that clear physically and now verbally, but Gnarl would never be afraid, he could see the pain that lay behind the strong exterior she portrayed. Maybe it was all she could do to move on from whatever pained her, or maybe this was exactly what she was, an unpredictable emotional beast that gave everyone around her reason to be on edge.

Gnarl held his tongue for a moment as she wrapped her, the lazy blasé attempt to cover her wound was visible evident upon completion, but as she appeared to care not, a sign of her more conscious side became clear.

"You have some of my blood left on your cheek when I thought you were someone else..." She uttered almost embarrassed, but hiding it well.

She stood up, her posture almost seductive, yet slightly reserved. His eyes wandered, first to her eyes as they peered through the golden blonde locks at him. He stared for that moment, lost in the beautiful blue of her beauty. His heart raised in tempo, he could feel a slight tingle inside of himself as she wiped his cheek. Their faces now deep within their own personal space, he could feel her warm breath against his lower lip, which regardless of how he restrained, attempted to drop.

"Then you must decide; do I understand, or if I am simply a fool?"

The question actually stirred in his own mind, was he a fool? Tempted in by the sheer beauty that leant over before him? He knew one thing, he had never felt so tempted to lean in closer for a kiss before. He gulped as he composed himself, he couldn't just let his drive take over from his initial intentions.

His eye's finally lowered for a moment, the hanging top revealing the top of her bust, though far from a full view, quickly they returned back to those seducing blue's.


12-06-15, 04:32 PM
Camille slowly lowered herself as the male's words rung out, is he a fool or did he simply understand the beast that was within her. Her thoughts swirled like a rapid under-toe though as soon as their eyes met the thoughts faded away. Her lips parted slightly as she tried to form a coherent statement only to pick up her glass of wine to take another sip. The turmoil was more than setting in as she fidgeted with her fingers looking down at it her own digits as if she had seen them before. Finally finding her own vocabulary she was able to speak again, her voice was soft like the wind gently carrying leaves on a summers breeze. "Honestly I don't know what you are, if you are a fool for catching someone that was morphing into something so horrid or if you are a kind understanding soul. I honestly can not tell you which you are because I myself don't even know so I guess maybe I am the fool?" Catching her lower lip in her teeth she sat there wondering had she said to much and if she had said too much to him.

A small sigh parted her lips as she looked at the rich, red liquid in her glass for a moment before she felt eyes on her once more, glancing up she noticed his eyes on her large breast. The heat of blush ran across her cheeks as she could feel her face heating up with embarrassment not for the simple fact that someone was checking her out, no Camille was still after all very comfortable with her body and knew it was more amazing than most. She was blushing because he had so obviously done it and been caught, their eyes met for a moment more until he dipped his head down which portrayed him in deep thought. Before she even could process what she was going to say she awkwardly blurted out, "what are you thinking?" Her hand than slapped over her mouth as her face heated up once more as an actual giggle left her lips, the sound like warm honey, silky and sweet.

The smile after the giggle reached her lifeless eyes, a small light ignited in them. Her dimples were exposed with the full blown smile only for it to fade just as fast as it appeared. The guilt slowly was setting in that she was laughing and her fiancé and twin brother were dead not to mention all the innocent lives she took when she let the beast take over. Lycans are different than shapeshifters, when a lycan turns sixteen they first shift and their lycan spirit forms in the stars charging down until their spirit bonds with one another. Her lycan's name was Cordelia, unlike most of her people that have pure black hers was pure white, after she lost her brother and Josh Cordelia with drew just leaving the animalistic beast that lurks around in her mind trying to take control. Snapping out of her thoughts she noticed that it had been quiet for an extended period of time.

To fill the awkwardness she stood filling his glass that he had barely drank out of if he had drank any at all. Putting more in her cup that was now half gone before taking another long swig. Her full lips were now tinted a dark ruby red color as she licked them to get the remaindered of the wine off them. "I am Camille Arionna Dark by the way, I-I know haven't known you for that long but I can see you are a kind soul it shows in your eyes."

With that she stood up slowly walking over to him before leaning down, her lips slowly grazing across the flesh of his cheek. Finally a soft yet firm kiss was placed upon her cheeks, a small tingle traveled from his cheek to her lips as she pulled away. Her breath fanned across his ear and partially down his neck as she whispered gently, "you are no fool in my book." Straightening herself up she fixed her shirt making her way over towards the bar to hand the empty bottle of wine to Meredith who than handed her a full bottle this time instead of the half full one she had before. The exchanged a few words about how Camille couldn't take the bottle and of course in the end she came back to the table with the bottle in hand shaking her hand as she sat back down.

Gnarl & Root
12-07-15, 06:12 PM
Root watched disgruntled from a distance, his tail shifting from side to side as he sat upright on the floor. The cold surface no problem for him with his thick hair, even his feline face could not hide the fact he was not enjoying this situation as it unfolded.

Stupid Gnarl, taking to someone else....

The table above him thudded as two people sat to a toast with one another. There booted feet stamping and kicking around as they tried to get comfortable. Root didn't move, he was here first and was sat at just the right distance to observe the two. He suffered an unintentional kick, then followed by another. Root didn't move.

Really, I should move? This is pure ignorance.

Finally, as much as he hadn't wished to move, he did. The swift boot as the man cheered and laughed to some common joke was too much. Root was proud, but not stupid, some things were simply not worth it. He slipped through to the adjacent table, sitting flat out this time as he folder his front paws under his chest. Surely this was not what Gnarl wanted, just a few moments ago they had come here believing they were on the chase of a killer, and this detour, while unplanned must have had something important for them.

They are...flirting? Wow, I didn't see that coming. Root observed the blush of the young woman, slowly but importantly followed by a light kiss on Gnarl's cheek.

Oh, oh, she's totally lingering...That's him gone to lust, I'm sure of it. Trapped by a foreign beauty...but for how long? I could be here a while. I hope were not just wasting our time here, I hope she's worth your attention...I'm hungry.

Gnarl ushered to Root to come over, waving his hand invitingly at the non-compliant cat. Roots yellow eyes staring at him like he was asking the impossible, and there was no moving him.

"Come on..." Gnarl muttered. "Don't look at me like that!"

Before he knew it, the blossoming beauty returned, a little less shy, a little less hurt. Just that feeling alone made it all worth it, the wipe away that sad face and return the smile to those luscious lips. Gnarl smiled at her, still a little shy himself after being caught with wandering eyes, though it didn't go down too badly.

"My name is Gnarloc, but you can call me Gnarl. Thank you for your kind words. It is not often a kind deed is accepted with such gratitude. Too many suspicious people I believe."

Wow, I'm speaking so formal. A sign of my nerves...Why is she making me feel nervous....Get a hold of yourself.

"Do not worry about the wine btw." Gnarl took his first real taste of the fruity red, it was worth it. "I can cover that. I must say, I admire your strength of will to come speak to me after that. I am glad your alright."

12-08-15, 11:24 AM
Btw... What does that mean? A look of confusion clouded her angelic features but was slightly dismissed, the confusion pushed back into her mind as she shook her head. "No, no Meredith, the inn keep and I have an understanding no need to buy the bottle." Offering him a small genuine smile for how kind he was to offer to buy the bottle. Taking another drink as the fruity flavor caressed her tongue a soft moan parting her plump lips, now tinted a darker red than their natural rich crimson color due to the wine. Licking her lips once more before she pursed her plump lips as he spoke of her episode. "Um-- well thank you it happens a lot.." Scratching the back of her head nervously as she couldn't seem to form a coherent response to his kind statement. Her face scrunched up as she realized she made herself sound like some sort of freak when she said it happened all the time.

"Well I mean it doesn't happen all the time, it is more complicated to explain so I can see how that response I just said may be off putting." She was slowly starting to ramble as the simple statement she made was making her become frazzled. "I mean I probably looked like a freak of nature in my Halfling state and here I am, oh it happens a lot!" Feeling her face blush as she realized she was getting flustered and just making herself look like a mad woman with all her ramblings. Picking up the glass she placed it to her lips once more taking a long and lingering drink, setting the glass back down she looked towards the cat that was all but giving her the death glare.

A smile formed on her lips as she tried testing out his name to see how it felt on her tongue, "it is lovely to meet you by the way Gnarl." It felt foreign yet very familiar, glancing back at the feline she chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment. "Who is your companion by the way that seems to be all but killing me with his death stare?"

The sound of a forced laugh left her lips as she was all but trying to fill the awkwardness of the looks the cat was not only giving his owner but her. Nervously she sipped on the glass of wine that was her own as she glanced from cat to man and back again seeing what could possible come from this odd combination. Though she was in no state to judge, those with that live in glass houses shouldn't through stones. Her mother used to always tell her that as a phantom smile shadowed her face.

Gnarl & Root
12-08-15, 04:53 PM
"Death stare?" Gnarled couldn't hold back the laugh, the term death stare was most amusing. He dipped his head slightly as he calmed his cheeky smile. Everything she did seemed so sexual, the way she walked, the way she held her glass and sipped her drink. That smile that could knock and man to the floor by weakening them at the knees, with just a hint of those lips she flaunted so well.

Gnarl appreciated the personality that hid underneath, slowly slipping out as she relaxed before him, and already making him laugh without even trying. Though, he couldn't deny the sheer beauty of her smile, the flush cheeks and soft easy to watch eyes had played their part in the greeting.

"His name is Root, and he isn't....Well, he is kinda giving us a...death stare. Ha! He is just a bit more cautious of you than I, but don't hold it against him. He means well and he's taken care of me so far." Gnarl took another drink, hiding the smile that just didn't want to leave his face. "When you earn Root's friendship, you have a friend for life. That's a promise."

Gnarl sat back, relaxed and enjoying himself, the worrying concern that had started the conversation was quickly passing into obscurity as they appreciated one another's company. Root on the other hand, remained patient, waiting and watching, though in reaction to their comments, did relax his gaze.

12-08-15, 05:46 PM
Camille could feel the color of blush rise up her neck and settle on her cheeks, covering them as his laughter shook her too the core. It was the best laugh that ever had the pleasure of fondling her ears. The sound itself was rich, velvety- oh Goddess I sound like I am dreaming of a damn cake! It was just a laugh- oh but the laugh was something.. She stopped her thought process immediately, if her cheeks weren't already bloody red enough. With out even thinking her tongue was fast at forming the words that her brain was of processing them, "if you only knew how sexy your laugh was you would understand that death stare is well worth-" Her mouth laid open as it looked like she was choking on the words that she was trying to find to come out. Both of her hands covered her mouth slowly creeping up to her face as she shook her head, "Oh my Goddess I am so sorry that was so... Gods I can't even find a word for what I just said to you!"

Her response was muffled do to her hands clasped over her face, she could feel her chest starting to tighten as, the hole that she dug for herself continued to get bigger. Her hands finally slipped from her face as her lips puckered out, her nervously chewing on the inside of her cheek. "Back to the cat, Root." As if she had never made a fool of herself, brushing it off like it never happened. "Unique name for a cat, did he find you or did you find him?" She was trying very, very hard to act like the word vomit that had just happened a few moments ago never actually happened. Though every time she thought of his laughter or what she had said she could feel the heat creep up her breast to her neck finally landing on her cheeks. "My is it hot in here..." She started fanning herself profusely than took her shirt started fanning herself rapidly like a mad woman before she saw the look that was either confusion, lust or maybe a bit both from the male.

"Sorry..." Gripping her wine glass she took a tentative sip before setting it back down, her midnight ocean blue orbs looking the two up and down. Her eyes lingered a little too long on his stomach to his defined chest and biceps, her imagination going wild as she caught her lower lip with her teeth, biting down a little harder than usual. The taste of copper filled her mouth snapping her out of undressing the man in front of her. Good God what the hell is wrong with my hormones and why do I want to rip his clothes off... His words pulled her back to reality though it took her eyes a moment to land on his face that was just as handsome as the rest of him. Finally when he was done speaking she noticed that she hadn't paid attention too much.

"Right, friend! Can never have too many of those.." Her response was just her grasping at straws since she had been all eye raping him noticeably. "Well I look forward to when that happens if it ever does." Oh Goddess I hope I don't sound like a rambling mad lune.. Taking another sip of her wine she twirled her glass watching the liquid swirl around forming a small funnel tornado. Too nervous to look at the male to see if he was looking at her like she had two heads since her thoughts were obviously not on his words but his... Nope! She stopped that thought in its track since she couldn't think of him as his appearance or she would get all but side tracked by his physique.

Gnarl & Root
12-09-15, 04:47 PM
Almost turning bright red, he quickly hid his face while he took in her compliment. Did she really mean that? The thought crossed his mind that it was nothing more than a tease, but what she would have to gain by lying at this point was the one question that he had to hover over. In such a short space of time they were forming something; from an lost hurt stranger, to flirtatious vixen, she had perked up considerably. Gnarl couldn't help but consider the more paranoid point of view, at least for a second.

Did it make him paranoid? He hoped not, but it wasn't every day that such a rare beauty would give such a great compliment. He finished his large glass in one long gulp, then took a long enjoyable gaze at the beauty before him, her stuttering conversation in regards to Root felt like a diversion. Said in an futile attempt to take away from the sudden surprise compliment she had just given; yet Gnarl would not forget so easily.

Wow... He couldn't shake the amazement he felt inside.

He thought he was able to hide his attraction, but the light gasp that escaped him as his eyes drifted over her once more, came regardless of how well he thought he could act. Small flashes of her bust as she fanned herself were not missed, but it wasn't easy to look away from those same two blues. He was never any good at hiding his true feelings, if he was upset he would frown, if he was happy his smile was distinct, and in his attraction his eyes could not hide their desire to view his lust for the female form. He gave a slight nervous rub under his right cheek as his grin returned once again, her nervous stutter was enough to shake any bad mood he could have mustered.

She had shied away, facing more towards the cat, and Gnarl took another sneaky peak at her figure. Was he already forgetting she had been hurt? A confident grin arose over his face, he enjoyed a compliment as much as anyone, maybe more, and it fed his confidence.

"Thanks," he finally replied. "I must say, your voice is equally enthralling. While this place is foreign to me, your tone is somewhat unique even amongst them."

Root gawped slightly, were they really being so obvious? Where was the subtlety? Where was Gnarl's shy nature around the opposite sex? She could fain being nervous all she wanted, but her very posture still remained visibly appealing, her chest forward, her eyes wide and her pleased smile unable to hide from Root, even if she did try to mask it when she turned away. As quick as that, she was already back facing him for another reply.

Can a single person really effect him so much? Well, at least they are enjoying themselves...I suppose I make like a common cat and clean myself...For now.

12-10-15, 12:02 PM
Camille could tell he was enjoying the view of her, from her flushed cheeks, her tinted red plump lips, her voluminous breast that are all but pouring out of the shirt that is a size too small in that area, to her flat stomach that curve into her his landing on her lovely but that is round like a rip apple waiting to be bitten into. The wondering eyes just added fuel to her flame, a shaking hand gripped her wine glass that only had a small sip left. Emptying the rest of the contents into her mouth and allowing it to slide down her throat. Soulmate.. A voice she hadn't heard in years echoed in her head, a look of surprise crossed her face as she looked at the male. Cordelia? Is that you? The faint echo of the same word shook the world up that she was just in, this man before her was her soulmate?

Tilting her head back she sniffed the air as the scent of the smell of the ocean air mixed with the smell of the scent on spring day; the wild flowers starting to bloom, fresh cut grass and the faint hint of winter still linger. His scent was like ecstasy causing her senses to go into over drive, feeling an over whelming senses to crash her lips against his. Her midnight ocean blue hue was swirling now with the blackness of her lust for the male that sat in front of her. Gnarloc.. At first the name sounded foreign in her mind until it slowly caressed each open crevice In her mind making its way to her lips. The name spilled out of her lips stroking her tongue on the way out, it wasn't even suppose to escape her lips and than it left sounding like a soft whisper of great pleasure. "Gnarloc..."

When it comes to lycans finding their other halves it is rare because of how long they live and rare they are any more, yes she had been through so much torture and torment in the last month that it was enough to kill any other person. Though she had to endure hardship after finding Gnarl that had all faded into the back ground. It is like walking around with only being half the person someone is meant to be unit they bump into someone that is suppose to make them whole. She knew that the mate bond would start a pull making the two want to be close to one another, that distance from one another would drive them mad though it was obviously doable.

His words broke her from her trance of letting her eyes dance up and down his form, bouncing from his defined chest up to his defined strong jaw up to his lovely lips. His words just made the attraction towards him that much more positive and ensuring that the feelings that were starting to stir inside were acceptable. "Thank you," her voice was soft but a pitch higher than normal as she wasn't used to a compliment though the response that it caused in her body felt natural.

Before she could even think she leaned over the table, her hand slipped up his cheek her fingers curling into hair on the back of his head and neck. The sparks erupted from the skin to skin contact as her face lingered a few inches from his. Biting down on her lower lips timidly as her gaze drifted down to his lips before she closed the gape with her lips crashing into his. At first she could tell from the stiffness from his side of the kiss that he was shocked by her bold move. Though it only took moments for his lips to melt into hers both of them falling into sync with one another, neither of them fighting for dominance but both working together to create one magically kiss. Pulling away a small gasp parted her now lips that were swollen from the kiss, touching her lips before sitting down. "I am so-sorry I don't know what," her apology was cut short.

Gnarl & Root
12-11-15, 05:18 PM
Gnarl went right back in, the urge within him refusing to let this moment go. She had started something unique, something special between the two of them, and the explosion of deep emotion that had began, was something Gnarl refused to let stop. He locked lips were her once again, her soft mouth eager to receive as they caressed one another's. His hand took a caring placement along her cheek, lightly brushing back the few loose strands of her blonde hair; then resting by her chin as he guided her towards him.

Their eyes closed, their hearts pounding, it was clear they had all but forgotten where they were. Most may not have noticed but for their earlier scene, but eyes watched, curious, intrigued and maybe a little confused to where this had all come from. It wasn't clear to Gnarl how long they kissed, but as their lips finally paused for breath, they did not retreat. Still able to feel her trembling lips, Gnarl finally opened his eyes, and as if in unison, hers opened to. His gaze full of love as they peered into her soulful eyes.

How can you make me feel this way....Wow.

His breathing suddenly heavy, his lips gawped slightly, like a dream the amazing beauty remained before him, barely an inch between them. They paused in silence for that brief moment, words failing Gnarl as he enjoyed her, and then he smiled. Not just your every day smile, but one of pure happiness, the silent expression that meant so much and yet he could use no words to express it. He had not expected it, he had not looked for it, but it was there inside of him and it was connecting with her.

"Wow...I should apologize too. But I'm not going to." His eyes remained firmly engaged with hers.

He had decided in that moment, regardless of what was to come, there was something special here, and he had no intention of leaving her be. If he could hold onto this moment forever, he would, but the questions to where this was going, raced in his excited mind. Even so, he didn't wish to end this moment, the first kiss can only happen once after all.

12-13-15, 07:40 PM
There are seven trillion nerves in the body and when his lips came crashing down on hers for the second time all of those nerves sprung to life. The feeling of fire spreading through her veins, feeling a want, no a need to share a kiss with him so passionate that time itself would be so envious that it would stop. Her lips folding around his working in sync, slowly though the simple kiss turned into hunger and passion. Her hand slipped to the back of his head were she gripped his hair slightly giving it a small tug. The soft touch of his hand finding her face, his thumb caressing her cheek lovingly. Her eyes fluttered slightly as they stayed close but the action sent sparks shooting across the top of her skin making her knees weak.

Her five senses were sent in over drive, her sight was shielded by her eye lids but she could just imagine his strong face softened with compassion and maybe even love. Her nose was picking up a few weak scents but mostly his lovely smell was like a cocoon wrapping tightly around her. Her hands wrapped up in his hair, soft yet slightly thick as she pulled him as close as her body would allow giving in to the sense of touching. All that her ears would allow her to hear is the sound of a stampede of galloping horses that was her heartbeat thudding fast against her rib cage. The taste of him dance across her tongue as she playfully tugged at the bottom of his lower lip asking for entrance. His mouth slowly opened as she plunged her tongue in his mouth, not leaving any space of his mouth unexplored until his tongue found hers. A small moan was muffled as their tongue danced around one another, massaging each other.

A few cat calls brought her attention back to the small fact that she had forgotten they were in a tavern, filled with people. Her lips slowly left his but not before she gave him one more soft peck. Her hands fell to her side as she looked down at the table feeling her cheeks being painted the color red. "I'm-" She was cut off when he bluntly stated he wasn't sorry, the sound of laughter parted her lips that were still swollen from the passionate kiss they just shared. Her head was tossed back causing her honey golden locks to fall back with the swift action. Placing her hand over her mouth as her laughter died down after a few moments, "well I guess that is one way to put it bluntly."

She caught sight of his eyes boring into hers as she held his gaze for a moment before seeing his smile that was hard not to return back to him. His smile was as contagious as the common cold to her, when he smiled like that his entire face lit up with a look of genuine happiness. "So um, I am not sure what to say.." A small giggle parted her lips as she covered her face with her hands pulling her eyes away from him to look down at the table the fear of rejection all to real at this moment.

Gnarl & Root
12-14-15, 02:50 PM
Then there it was, the awkward silence between the two, the uncertainty of what to say or how to act after a moment of pure bliss that had taken them both by surprise. Gnarl could see it in her eyes, that hint of shyness, uncertain and lacking full clarity of what had just happened. Gnarl couldn't drop his smile though, the grin that cemented in his face felt as permanent as his leg to his hip.

"Sometimes, there are no words to say to explain something like that." Gnarl remained upright, as if still leaning forward from the kiss, his posture wouldn't drop. "I'm not entirely sure where it came from, or how you effect me so."

Gnarl placed his hand on his chest, his fingers, slightly trembling before he steadied them, his chest beating away with great pride and excitement. He hadn't felt his heart race like this in years; the tingle that flew down his body, the energy surging in his hips, the excitement that ravished his brain. He'd never felt so alive. Like being trapped by some magical spell his calm composed demeanor had changed into a thrusting force of sexual attraction.

My word...I'm literally shaking with excitement.

He looked back up to her, that sexy smile and flirtatious flickering eye lashes craved his attention, even if she tried to act shy about it, there was no way she could hide the truth she felt inside. Gnarl poured a little more of the wine into his glass, trying to calm himself before his excitement showed in other ways. His body was getting carried away with itself and he could already feel the pressure below. He took a long slow drink, but even as he looked away, her image had become locked in his mind.

Her sultry walk, those swaying hips, golden locks and luscious lips. Those beautiful eyes and eye catching bum, her beautiful breasts and sensual tum....Oh my...I'm losing myself here. Gnarl almost choked for a moment as he drank, his mind had wandered far further than expected and finally he returned to reality.

Rhyming in his own head, he had lost the plot over this woman. He cleared his throat.

"I have not kissed anyone like that, in...Ever. Haha." Gnarl returned her giggle with a chuckle of his own, flaunting his own big smile once again.

12-14-15, 06:03 PM
Camille couldn't form the words to tell this gorgeous man in front of her that she was a lycan and that he was made for her as she was for him. All she could think about was his rippling muscle and how when he tried to stop his shaking the muscles in his biceps tended to quiver sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine. The image of his arms encircling her small, curvy form made her body crave him that much more. A shaky breath parted her curvaceous lips as she took her wine glass only to realize that she had already drank all of the wine from it. As she grabbed for the bottle of wine their finger tips grazing one others as she gasped slightly pulling away before the tingles could travel to far up her arm. After he sat the bottle down she picked it up pouring her glass half full.

Sucking in her bottom lip she tried to find the words to explain what he was feeling, "um well." A shaky, uneasy laugh was heard as she started to explain what was happening between the two of them, almost rambling. "I am a Lycanthrope and because my genetics are mixed with a animal like a wolf I have a thing called a soulmate or as people like me would call a mate. A person that is made to be with me and I them, though if they don't want to be with me they can reject me.. The pull toward one another would stop if I accepted your rejection if not that the pull would only effect me.."

After her words faded out she stared at for a moment slowly starting at his feet slowly making her way up to his legs, legs strong enough to hold her up if and when she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hips where her inner thighs would rest if she ever got the chance to straddle him. His chest where she would pepper soft kiss slowly down than back up, his arms that would help support her as he carried her away. His strong working hands wrapped tightly around her firm, plump butt cheeks. His neck that she would softly suckle leaving little love bites here and than to tease his little mate in between his legs. Finally to his lips that were the average size of plumpness, perfect she would only pull away from those lips to moan is name out with pleasure, Gnarl.

Her body heat was starting to rise as she fanned herself with her hand only to feel hotter by the dirty little scene that was unfolding in her head. Flagging down a waitress she asked for a bucket of ice, a few moments later the bucket was placed in front of her. Taking a few cubes rolling them around on the back of her neck slowly making her way down her chest, the small droplets of water flowing down her cleavage as a small moan parted her lips. Feeling her body cool down from her imagination she let the ice cubes roam across her chest as her plump breast were now glistening with water. "It is really hot in here..." Now the small cubes only little nubs of what they had been she dropped on the floor.

The sound of him sputtering on his drink caught her attention the look of lust in his eyes as coy smirk danced across her lips. What exactly is he think in that sexy head of his, she tilted her head slight running her fingers through her soft, silky hair. The sultry strands easily slipped through her grasp landing in almost the same spot as before.

"That is not the only thing that will only feel that amazing with me.." Her words coming out more as a purr laced with the sound of lust and seduction. As soon as she spoke the statement her cheeks flushed but she leaned across the table closer to his face. As the gap closed in she spoke softly, her breath fanning across his face as she spoke, "you decide what you want to do, whether we part ways and only have that kiss to remember or we explore one another, emotionally and physically. All up to you ball is in your court." With a soft wink she lowered herself into her seat taking a slow swig of her wine before setting the glass down licking her lips once more. Though her composure seemed calm and collected her heart was raging on beating profusely against her rib cage.

Gnarl & Root
12-16-15, 03:10 PM
It wasn’t the best of moments to just disappear, but when nature called, Gnarl answered, dashing off to the toilet. e already knew what he was going to say, but she could wait a moment, a little tease of the nerves.

He relieved himself, waiting patiently from the long draining. Letting out a slow sigh of relief he shook himself off, splashing his hand off in the nearest sink.

“Have you gone completely mad?” Root called out, with Gnarl leaping half way across the room in surprise, spraying fresh water across the empty bathroom as he did.

“What!” He looked around ensuring they were alone. “Why are you stalking me in the toilets…”

Root remained sat on a small shelf, his own stealth one to be admired. “Well, I’m not going to stay out there with her…However, it was the perfect opportunity for me to intervene and remind you of exactly what’s going on here.”

“I know what’s going on, I’ve not felt this way in…I can’t remember, but she’s incredible.”

“Really?” Root asked skeptically, his own cute eyes frowning and glaring at the same time. “You’ve been emotionally unavailable since I’ve known you. You getting wrapped up in the moment and not thinking properly.”

“I am not!”

“Forgive me Gnarloc, for I am but only your friend. Since I’ve met you, I think I’ve got to know you rather well. You’re an emotional guy, one that looks for love and companionship, not a lustful one night stand.

That would hurt you, and you’d know it. Your lost in the moment and I am concerned you are not thinking properly.”

Gnarl wanted to argue, why did Root have to ruin this moment for him? He was enjoying himself, he was actually connecting to someone for the first time in years and it excited him like never before. He had felt so stale for so long, so unattached from another person, he hadn’t expected it again, but now it was here he wanted it more than ever. Root, for a feline displayed a surprising amount of emotion with his face and his attention was locked on Gnarl, and while maybe rather blunt, was always truthful.

“Have you forgotten where you were just a few moments ago? She was morphing, in pain no doubt, but morphing and fainting. Next, you’re flirting over a drink of wine? I almost thought you were drugged.”

Root sighed and dipped his head. “You don’t know her full story Gnarl. She’s a pretty face; I’ll give you that, a beautiful female from another land. Yet, I have to wonder where she’s come from, what’s she doing here and after she’s had little flirt with you, is she just going to disappear? My guess, probably.”

“Alright…” Gnarl almost snapped, Root was speaking to him like the nervous itch in his mind. But he didn’t need to sound so nasty about it. He leant back against the wooden wall and slid down until he sat beside another sink. “I get it! I don’t know her, and yeah were acting very…whatever you want to call it. But the way she looked at me, her smile…”

“I can’t tell you what she’s really thinking behind those pretty little eyes, but if she’s looking for comfort now, and throwing you away later, you’ll regret it. I’m asking you to be careful. Though, regardless of what I say, you have a decision to make. Do as you please.”

Root really was like part of his subconscious, bringing him back to reality when he was getting carried away. He had fallen deathly silent, sat in the shadow beneath the rays of light the window let through. She was waiting for him, and while he had only been a brief moment, as he sat there pondering, it felt like a lifetime.

What if…Am I wasting my time? Am I deluded to expect such feelings from a woman such as herself? Oh god what a waste of space I am…Has Root really stopped me from doing something stupid? Or has he miss-understood the situation and plagued me with nerves.

Gnarl ruffled his hair as he put his head in his hands, his eyes while looking at the floor, were far gone from this room as he pictured the various possibilities of what would happen should he re-enter the Inn.

Then, sliding himself back up the wall his face cleared the shadows of the dim bathroom. “Your right Root, I did have a decision to make. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Don’t get me wrong friend, you’re a pain. But I forgive you for that part.” Gnarl smiled as he passed him, swinging the door open casually as he entered the main room as if the conversation had never happened. He tried to keep a straight face, even if his mind still continued to worry about the future of things, he would hide it as best he could. Stopping before her Gnarl smiled the friendliest of smiles, when he saw the blue hue of her eyes it got him every time. She looked nervous, had he really already began to make an impression on her?

Fuck it...I know how I feel.

Gnarl took her hand and encouraged her to stand, placing his hand one final time along her cheek, he softly kissed her delicate lips, lingering for just long enough for her to close her eyes and take it in.

"I would love to explore where we are going."

12-24-15, 03:52 PM
Name of Judgement: Stripped Down To Nothing (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30296-Stripped-Down-to-Nothing)
Type of Judgement: Basic Judgement
Participants: darkest.desires. and Gnarl & Root




Your sense of story and purpose in the thread is extremely well written. There is, right from the outset, an idea of what your character is doing and why. You weave a powerful story with a great technique that exists within your wonderful description and plot itself. The plot, going from simple conversation to a full on romantic ballad is beautifully created. It is believable with a steady pace and a correct rise of tension which grabs the reader's attention.
There is a building sense of desire within Camille which exists in both your pacing, your technique and clarity. Certain phrases sich as "A small sigh parted her lips" in post 11 and "Sucking in her bottom lip" in post 21 add to the idea of seduction and lust that is being created. Though some what the love-making is in her head what could be is definitely placed in the reader's mind as a focus. You rightly add slowly to the passion and attraction Camille has towards Gnarloc over time, and never say outright directly that there is attraction, but do it very subtly.
Description (technique) is a strong point for you in this thread. Such examples as, "glistening with water" give an idea of how the light plays in the room and the small details with the water droplets add a piece of magic to it. These small details create a really dramatic setting, and you add in extra senses to her both real and imagined worlds. Though you could perhaps make more use of similies and metaphors, your adjective use and the general description of the posts is magnificent.


Paragraphing is a rather major weakness for you. Though you do in general use paragraphs for separate sections, you could definitely start to think about them in terms of pacing and tension. There are a lot of people who speak within one paragraph (post 1 e.g.) whereas each separate speaker should have their own (actions can be included). This helps to neaten out speech and order the general tone of the piece. I would encourage you to look at Gnarl & Root's paragraphing and notice how he has one sentence paragraphs that help build up tension and so on. This could really help you make it easier for the reader to get a clearer sense of the story and also enable you to adhere to more rules of English.
Punctuation is a small bit of a problem here. At times you do not use a capital letter after the opening of a speech mark. Other times there could definitely be more use made of commas, though you do some. SImply by reading the sentence back to yourself and putting in commas, semi-colons and colons where it sounds like they should do can actually help even the most celebrated of writers. Post 1 has, "Being whisked up the stairs with a push of the round woman they made a sharp right after they got to the top of the stairs and walked all the way down the hallway," which is a bit of a jumble of a sentence and could definitely be broken down to "After being whisked up the stairs with a push from the round woman, they made a sharp right at the top of the stairs, and then walked all the way down the hallway."
Last weakness here is something that can help improve your description (though you are definitely strong in this point anyway.) I have found that you have a rich vocabulary, however you do have a tendency to repeat words in the same paragraph, specifically adjectives. Both "plump" and "plumpness" appear within two sentences of each other in post 21. Though these are describing different things it is often good to show how well you can describe. A use of a theasaurus can help here.

Gnarl & Root:


With an excellent use of paragraphing that builds and strengthens with time, you have a very good base of pacing. Within the story, whilst complementing loves.blessing.'s writing you manage to create tension in a believable way at believable timing that very slowly accelerates. The story is something of a relationship, and the ideas behind it are gentle and sweet, however you use the relationship between Gnarl and Root cleverly to interject at times. This keeps the thread from getting too 'samey' and adds a build up of general plot.
Persona here is really well done, as is character. I feel you have built yourself a very strong sense of a personality within Gnarl, and with the addition of Root there is an extra edge. These two are matched well together. There is the idea of Gnarl's determination mixed with the sarkiness of Root that makes them somewhat like an old set of friends. With a good balanced use of communication, action and persona you have done character very well and I look forward to reading more of Gnarl and Root's adventures.
Technique is a strong here for you, with use of such as alliteration in "the blossoming beauty returned" and "lucious lips" (post 12). Similarly to darkest.desires. you create a good sense of setting, though in a way you could mention it more. Aside this point, description in terms of technique stands out with intonations of colour, scents and flavours that help to add to the thread itself and build on your writing.


Spelling and general mechanics is a little shoddy in places. In post 6 you write "What teh fook!" where it should be "What the fook!" and post 7 has the word "Autumn" capitalised whereas it does not need to be unless it is a name. Small things like this can be really easy to look over and forget somewhat, however I would encourage you in future to do a quick minor spellcheck or edit before you submit for judgement.
Though I have said your technique is very good, in some areas your description lacks a little, and could help with the attention you give to others. In post 16 you have, "He couldn't shake the amazement he felt inside," whereas considering the strength of other pieces of writing you definitely could add to this in a way, with a simple adjective or alternative words.
Your last weakness I am going to mention as "tone". This is a more general comment on the flow of your piece. Though the pacing is good, there are some points which are hard to understand why they are there at all, and some are stagnant and some posts do not quite match up to darkest.desires.'. Now this is a minor point, there was just some moments where I had to go back and re-read, however in future I would encourage you to so an edit before you submit to judgement as suggested above also.


darkest.desires. (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?18397-darkest-desires)receives:
740 EXP
110 GP

Gnarl & Root receives: (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?18306-Gnarl-amp-Root)
810 EXP
110 GP

01-13-16, 09:55 AM
All EXP and GP have been added.