View Full Version : The Rookie Project - Please Read

Storm Veritas
11-03-06, 12:06 PM
OK, so it is pretty obvious that one of the hardest things to do as a new member is figuring out what the hell to do here. After that, meeting the writers and getting "in" with threads alongside those writers. We have a great community here, but we need to open our arms a bit to help newcomers get acclimated and feel welcome.

No better place to start than here. If you are NEW, and would like to write with someone a bit older, post here. If you are OLDER to the site, and have the opportunity to post something new, post here.

Let's see if we can't drag some of the newbies out and help them along.

Devin Argente
11-05-06, 04:50 AM
I think writing with more experienced Althanas-residents would make an excellent way to improve my own -mediocre- skills. So, if anyone wants to do a thread to show a newb how it's done, I would be quite appreciative.

I've already noticed that quests here are far more than the simple run'n fetch or kill-this-kill-that quests I've done in the past. It's far more story-driven on Althanas. Character-building. I don't really know how to put it, but it's different.

Reading through threads of better writers helps me, but Storm's initiative would be even better.

11-05-06, 03:14 PM
ive been here for a while i guess, and i wouldnt mind helping out with one of my three characters (might be four soon...thinking ov brining back Fable..not sure though)

so just pm me about it.

11-06-06, 12:15 AM
I'm up for anything with any of my four characters (Jasmine, Cassandra, Beauty, or Poison). Just shoot me a PM, though you'll have better results if you PM my Jasmine account since I check that one most often.

Gadgeteer Mikami
11-06-06, 03:50 AM
Hey, count me in! I can help show you the ropes of how to grab the judges' eyes!

Really, I can!

...OK, maybe not 100% of the time, but still.

I can help. :D