View Full Version : For those writing with Bard

11-26-15, 12:22 PM
For those of you not in chat on this day November 24 the writer for Bard and Drumheller was shot twice in the stomach. His brother was kind enough to call me and inform me of this incident. While he is going to recover, the length of time involved will be long and full of difficulties. For these reasons he will not be able to continue in those threads he was in.

Thank you for your patients in this matter, respectfully Sue, AKA, Evening/ Morningstar.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
11-26-15, 12:39 PM
Jesus christ!

Obviously my thoughts and prayers go to Bard. It's a massive shock, and I wish him a speedy recovery. He's one of the good guys here.

11-26-15, 12:47 PM
Love, light, and peace (and justice) for Bard.


Gnarl & Root
11-26-15, 12:48 PM
Well we spoke on chat, but posting here anyway.

Get well soon mate! Miss you from chat already!

11-26-15, 02:08 PM
Speedy recovery.

I will keep Bard's handler in my thoughts and prayers, incidents like these always confirm my HATRED for guns. Anyway guys I hope Bard recovers well.

11-26-15, 06:49 PM
So one idea on the chat was to put together a podcast/audio clip of well wishes for Bard...

11-27-15, 12:48 AM
Oh my goddess... That's horrible.

So many well wishes to him, so much care and blessings.

I would love to do a podcast for him.