View Full Version : Yo hello hurray

12-02-15, 09:11 AM
I haven't been writing much at all recently and I think a fun Althanas quest might pump up the creative juices. I'm recruiting 1-3 other RPers to join me, looking for experienced writers who are comfortable contributing to a semi-complex storyline.

If whoever joins has access to Lornius I might like to put this thread there for the extra xp and for the sake of trying the new forum, but I'm not married to the idea. I really haven't put any thought into plot yet, so feel free to toss out any ideas you have; once I see who I'm working with I'll probably have a few good ideas.


Rayse Valentino
12-02-15, 09:48 AM
I don't have any ideas but I'm interested. I have two accounts with Lornius access.

12-02-15, 10:15 AM
I am interested.

12-02-15, 08:32 PM
I'm interested, possibly, with Poison.

12-13-15, 07:35 PM
Sorry for the delay, since three people are interested what say we do a 4 way thread with some sort of a time incentive... say, if you don't post in 5-7 days the next person in line posts and bunnies your character if necessary to keep the flow going.

Between Rayse, Poison, and Josh there's potential for all kinds of madness... redford is the only character I'm not at least a little familiar with. Redford could you post a link to your profile please? The one in your sidebar doesn't seem to work. I'll throw our various character quirks into the paint can that is my brain and give it a good shake.

12-14-15, 01:10 AM
Link should work now. If it doesn't, here's another link. It's lvl 4 update, working on a lvl 5 which will take John in a little bit of a different direction.


Rayse Valentino
12-15-15, 07:19 AM
4 people is a bit too many for me in one thread, so I'll be dropping out and letting you 3 go at it.