View Full Version : Ladies and Gentelfrogs

Cards of Fate
12-15-15, 09:11 AM
Holy crap I'm alive...sorta. These last few weeks have been a nightmarish hell and thus I had vanished. Between fighting of seasonal illnesses, my boss almost cutting off his thumb, and a new part time job I have had very little free time.

I am INCREDIBLY sorry for dropping the ball on both writing obligations and staff duties [please dont hate me Andy~].

Starting now I am going to get everything I need to do on this site in order! If I owe you a post please let me know here please!

12-15-15, 09:23 AM
Good to have you back bud(ノ^o^)ノ

I've been busy also, just that time of year man.

12-15-15, 09:28 AM
Nothing will ever be the same between us :(

Sabatykos Maelstrom
12-15-15, 11:05 AM
Yo Cards sorry for your string of bad luck dood!

But I am glad that you're back mate, as always stay frosty bro!


12-15-15, 12:01 PM
You're not the only one dealing with more than just holiday based problems this holiday. Real life is more imporant, Cards, so take what time you need off. :)

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
12-15-15, 05:16 PM
I've been waiting for months for that orgy. You left me there with two other dudes.

Not cool man.