View Full Version : What Makes You Like Althanas?

Cyrus the virus
11-04-06, 04:53 AM
This question could also be, "What is Althanas' best aspect?"

It's a pretty straightforward question, but please provide an explanation as to why you like what you chose. If you have any comments or criticisms, this is where you could air 'em.

I want to also include "The level/EXP system", but I can't edit the poll :p Someone do that for me, please?

11-04-06, 07:50 AM
Definitely the people for most members are decent people and they not lazy when it comes to RPing. To tell the truth if it wasn't for them I'd be long gone. The rubric bugs me a bit; it feels like it's there to force people to conform to trying to emulate Letho or Storm. I think what would solve this would have Althanas find a way to appreciate members that aren’t JC caliber more. That would make Althanas a much more fun place to be a part of.

11-04-06, 07:58 AM
Heh, trust me as a judge, the rubrics are not there to make people conform to Letho or Storm. They're there to show you what areas you excellerate in and what areas you could still improve and I've judged a few of Storm's and Letho's quests and they still have areas they could improve in. ^_~

I love the judgement system, it's one of my favourite aspects of Althanas and I love finishing a quest to see how someone else thinks I can improve or to see wher they think my strong points are.

11-04-06, 08:29 AM
I voted the people. It's only one of the things that made me stick around for so long, but I think it's the most important one. The people I rped with and the people that judged my work really pushed my writing far beyond anything I could've hoped to achieve. The wide variety of different writers, different styles, different characters, it all gives you an opportunity to learn something new every day.

Besides the people, I'd have to say the whole system of Althanas, with its rules and levels and regions. It takes some time getting used to it, but once you do, you feel like everything else is less interesting.

11-04-06, 09:17 AM
The people, no question =P

Though, now that I think about it, Althanas has a very -solid- writing System done. You do this, you get this. So on and so forth. After a day or two on the forums you also could navigate it like your hometown as well. It's really nice. People are the best though.

Devin Argente
11-05-06, 03:05 PM
Perhaps I'm not entirely fit to vote in this poll already, but my initial drive to join Althanas was primarily supplicated by the presence of critical judging. Although I know that my first threads here will most likely be a pain for judges to read, and although I know that these threads will receive low scores, listening to critique from more experienced writers is nodoubtedly the swiftest way to improve one's own writing. Which is what I am striving for.

And I suppose that everyone I've met here until now has been nice and really helpful. However, I haven't yet witnessed the full scope of Althanas's residents, so there's no reason for me to vote it as a factor for this forum's charisma.

11-05-06, 05:25 PM
Actually I think you're opinion is just as important as anyone else's. Your impression may be the first impression but it's the one that brought you here and is the one that brought every member and therefore is greatly important to consider for the interest of getting new members.

Cyrus the virus
11-05-06, 07:00 PM
Agreed with Reiko. I probably care more about your opinion than the opinions of people who have been here for a long time... Which is not to say they shouldnt vote and post anyway.

11-05-06, 07:27 PM
The administration. For sure.

Cyrus the virus
11-05-06, 07:41 PM
The administration that ignores my desire to have an extra option added to the poll? :p

11-05-06, 08:18 PM
I've been around here for awhile, and I like the judgment system better than any other place (GUA, in particular). I feel like I get more useful information out of it and I become a better writer - "your plot unfolds way too fast, take your time and slow things down a bit" is a LOT more useful than "fistfighting isn't in your profile, your score is getting raped."

11-05-06, 08:52 PM

That's a horrible way to judge something!

I've never actually read a person's profile before judging their quest, which is probably bad since I could be letting them get away with naughty things but... oops. :p Plus, I only judge quests not battles, so I guess it doesn't matter too much. *hopes none of the administrators see this and fires her*

Gadgeteer Mikami
11-06-06, 04:23 AM
It's the people, no doubt about it. ^_^

Well, that's what got Master Raven coming here in the first place and created me! :D

Oh, the inspiration of braving the frontiers of literary turmoil and perils of not making your posts on time for the last hours of the day! What woes that begotten us during our daily ramble on the infinite World Wide Web shall never compare to the enthusiasm and joy of putting words into other people's mouths just for the sheer hilarity of things to come!

[/ramble] :p

11-06-06, 09:48 PM
I believe the people of althanas are the most important part because without them, this would just be barren. No threads, no posts, no stories althanas wouldn't be what it is now.

Sudden Thought: How many books do you think the quests and battles in althanas could fill up?

Ayithe Solete
11-07-06, 05:48 AM
I chose other because i couldn't pick one of those in the list.

To be honest, i've left here a few times, if i had stayed with my older characters or even with this one i'd be a much higher level by now but i guess thats my flaut.

I enjoy comming here for a few reasons. I like how its run, i like how the system works and i love the "Freedom" in this style of writing and board. I've visited quite a few boards and this one always stands out, i don't know what exactly, its got some sort of aura about it and it helps me enjoy it.

I haven't interacted with many people resently, but i plan on doing so when i get going.

One other thing is that by doing this style of writing and roleplaying has helped me with my english skills and with my latest result getting an A* just a few moments ago makes me happy i came back. :)

11-08-06, 04:04 PM
Judging feeds my competitive nature.

I also like all the different areas and the detail of culture and the rate of posts posted. Nice to read other people's works and ideas too.

11-08-06, 05:36 PM
I like Althanas because I can create any character, but also because I can put my imagination into words. It wouldn't be Althanas without that.

11-10-06, 07:49 AM
I chose the people. Why?

i heart you guys!


11-10-06, 10:22 AM
You... worry me. >.>

11-10-06, 08:05 PM
haha so i see i'm the only one who chose "making any character you can think of" yesssss!

Originally posted by Witchblade.

You... worry me. >.>

Yeah, i agree... haha just kidding...but seriously...

None So Blind
11-11-06, 10:52 PM
Hur hur. I should say something about making characters *cough cough* but really it's the peeps. You guys are mah family.

11-12-06, 10:50 AM
I had to put "making any character you can think of" because really that is one of my favorite things about Althanas. I've been to other RPing sites and played other games but almost ALL of them are like: "Pick a race from the list. Now pick a job from the list. Now choose a weapon from the list." There's no freedom of expression in your character.

I love how if I want to make a white furry bipedal escaped slave with a proficiency at alchemy, a poisonous spear, and slight mental instabilities I damn well can! :D

I also like the judging system and the exp system (although I wish levels came a little faster) but the total freedom to create any race, any weapon, and any ability my little mind can dream up is a huge bonus to me.

Serus Tarsin
11-15-06, 06:57 PM
I've been around here for awhile, and I like the judgment system better than any other place (GUA, in particular). I feel like I get more useful information out of it and I become a better writer - "your plot unfolds way too fast, take your time and slow things down a bit" is a LOT more useful than "fistfighting isn't in your profile, your score is getting raped."

I completely agree. Most of the other role playing sites I belong too are one extreme, excessively strict judging, or the other, judging so loose it's almost nonexistent. Plus, unlike certain sights, like in the above mentioned GUA, there's numerous cases of moderators and admins not practacing what they preach. By this I mean stuff like giving out unjust warnings, or criticizing someone's roleplaying and nothing else. I guess more of what I'm trying to say is that here, it seems like the "administrative staff" are actually here to help you, and not just laugh at or look down on you.

11-15-06, 07:51 PM
My initial draw to Altanas was the critical review of all threads. I'm an aspiring writer, and the critique means a lot to me.


11-16-06, 10:17 AM
I voted for other.

A few years ago I would have voted people for sure, but it's been a long time and I'm not as in touch with everyone like I was once upon a time. Now I choose other simply because I have been here for so long. I don't think it would be a stretch to say that I've participated on Althanas for longer then I've ever done anything else in my life outside of sports. And had Althanas been around when I was six like when I started playing basketball I'd have probably been here since then... But I love how much I've watched Althanas change and grow.

So yea, I voted for the evolution of Althanas I suppose, but with all the badass people (even you Brian) coming in a close second.

11-16-06, 03:32 PM
I've actually voted for "Making any characters you can think of." The people thing is a given, for me at least - I wouldn't bother with the place, or any other such site, it that were not a precondition. Rather, the openness of the approval process is (for me) what sets Althanas apart from the rest. I know sites where you're a lot more limited in what you're allowed to create by way of character, so this place is refreshing in that respect.

Still, I think I shall vote for Other as well. (Two characters for the win :P) There's just something special about having been here since the beginning. Not the entire time, of course, but I was around when it started. Such a happy feeling.

11-16-06, 05:28 PM
Ahh, yes. Don't you remember those good old days when Althanas was just a small part of allrpg? :p And then came Tanthanas...

11-21-06, 09:29 AM
I had to go with People/mods/admin just because my favourite thing about Althanas is the fact that it's like a whole brilliant world at your finger tips, decorated with people that are a lot like you, and a lot different from you as well. We are all here to participate in roleplaying games, and just the fact that what you're imagining a grreat battle to the death, or a quest for the holy grail, whatever it is you're creating is being bounced back and forth with a completely different person. Most of the time they're a complete stranger too. Then, when all the event finally comes to an end, you are given rewards for it, making it just as rewarding as anything else you'd strive for. Its a barrel of fun, and monkies abounds!

The Bard
11-24-06, 11:52 PM
well I did other which for me is everything listed above also I think the main reason I like althanas is the people which meaning you guys......Let me explain before you make conclusions. Althanas to me is a place to go when your looking to talk about anything because everyone here is willing to help and has a great sense of humor, I dont think I ever met a group of individuals like you guys who make me laugh so hard.

Benjamin Ritter
11-25-06, 01:24 AM
Wow, I voted for the people. All the character are so...NORMAL!

11-27-06, 12:21 PM
The thing I like the most about Althanas is that in order to really get far in it you must rely on your own roleplaying skills and not, bassicaly, how strong your character is. A person could have a level seven character here and still not be an excellent roleplayer, while a level zero character could have godlike roleplaying skills. It depends on the person.

Vamrsh Skylare
11-28-06, 08:18 PM
Even though I haven't been into most of the events happening here, the best aspect of Althanas would have to be the judging and rubrics. I mean most PbP places don't have judging and they all have you make your own character. But on this site you actually don't let people join if their characters aren't well thought out. Thus making the game play run smoother so you don't have to worry about complete "noobs" to come in and down the story. It also lets the people who are more achieved at story telling to gain experience for what they do.

Thx for listening. :)

11-29-06, 09:20 AM
I agree with Vam, the judging process is awesome - helps with improvement.

But I voted for other. What I like about Althanas is the fact that it is professional. The players have a say in what goes on, on other forums there is one or two people who make decisions for everyone.

The administration. For sure.
Cocky much?

12-16-06, 04:24 PM
The freedom... plain and simple... you can r-play in as many quests as you want... have as many characters as you want... be whatever you want... and somehow if you feel zealous, you can figure a way to entertwine it all.

12-17-06, 11:39 PM
It's awesome to be able to post with so many different and talented writers.
I love not having to deal with crappy grammar and horrible spelling on a consistent basis, and the fact that most of the people here are at least in high school help me to ignore friends who laugh and tell me I'm too old for RPing.

12-20-06, 03:28 PM
I <3 the people. It's just such a great crowd here on Althanas, not gonna lie. :D

12-21-06, 12:06 PM
Ah, I <3 you too!!! *gets chased around by girlfriend with butcher knife* Ahh, not like that!!!

03-04-07, 07:30 AM
I first came here wondering what the hell I was supposed to do but everything was simple and straightforward, that was nice.

The really important thing is the people, mostly the mods (since I haven't talked to many other people). They've all been extremely helpful and friendly and I really feel you guys do a great job and your duties.

And of course there's been a few posts I've read that are rather vicious but again, the moderators and anyone not involved in the flaming do their best to stop it. We wouldn't want to see anyone's character erased or some other atrocity.

Obviously I voted the people/mods/admins. :)

03-05-07, 01:15 AM
I absolutely and positively despise most every aspect of Althanas...except I love the friends I have made here and the things I have been taught.

03-21-07, 05:13 PM
I voted "other", because, although I am new, I feel as though I will like Althanas for a reason not listed. Althanas is just about the best repository of good, non-commercial writing, and has a large community of simply spectacular authors.

Rajani Aishwara
03-21-07, 09:23 PM
I think the rubric and the expert judges is what I like about Althanas the most. All my life I've writen in creative writing classes and workshops, and I always get the insencire "I like it." "You're writing is unique and great!"

It's good to know there's somewhere someone can be brutally honest with me.

03-22-07, 01:19 PM
I like the people. It's like we're all one big family.

03-24-07, 06:07 PM
It's mainly the interaction, that and the fact that this place has one of the largest member base I can recall since good ol ALL-RPG way back in the day.

Then again the rule system this place has does grow on you, I mean if it didn’t take so long to get a lvl up then there is nothing to feel accomplished about (So says a person who has yet to reach lvl 1 … with any character)

Nah it’s mainly about the interaction with some cool and unique characters, it’s the imagination that goes into this sort of thing that rules … I mean I have come back after a nice term of college haven’t i?

Falcon Darkflight
03-27-07, 03:10 PM
People like Kai who convince people like me to roleplay my characters in retarded ways.

Slayer of the Rot
03-27-07, 03:32 PM
The jerks.

Falcon Darkflight
03-27-07, 03:53 PM
1. In character interactions and interlaced stories throughout the continents. Awesome.

2. Althanas has a sex appeal.

Of Free Will
03-27-07, 05:15 PM
I like making characters. I like hearing a song and letting it inspire me to create a person and map out exactly how they would look, act, what they would do. All that good stuff.

I like watchin' every body have a good time too. I feel somewhat ' out of the loop ' on this site, but it's still nice. Kinda like I'm the soft spoken distant cousin who comes around every so often wishing he were closer to his family. :P

04-06-07, 11:25 PM
I really like the variety of all the characters. Everyone seems to have something unique and different about their characters. I also appreciate how the moderators are strict on making a character so people don't make godly beings from the start.

04-08-07, 08:22 AM
Hey, we try our best to give everyone equal footing here. :)

On character power, though. Creativity and writing style is what we seek to inspire you with. :p

04-11-07, 12:05 PM
Pretty much everything especially the character approval process and the community as a whole.

04-12-07, 03:56 PM
Admins/Mods/Everyone is nice and helpful to get people going. The variety of characters (despite all those pesky catpeople :p) there are many variations of characters all unique. It's my frist RP site to write on, and I've already and plenty of help from so many different people to help me with writing.