View Full Version : Cartography of Althanas

Bartholomew Survayor
12-23-15, 10:31 AM
"Oh, Hello there, I am Bartholomew Survayor, My friends however just call me Art, Cartographer extraordinaire, my family is known throughout the word for there maps and have since come to this region and am looking to explore and map it all out, get all the information I can about this fascinating area." He snorts slightly and adjusts his big round glasses.

"I have already compiled many previous works that can be viewed there" He gestures to a large stack of maps and documents (http://runeologic.co.uk/map.html) before continuing "Though it is a work in progress so please keep that in mind, The map itself is not mine, only the annotations on it... though i intend on correcting that as soon as I can, and I would appreciate feedback on how to improve this work, anything missed, mislabelled or in the wrong place. Just give me the coordinates by pressing the map and I will get right onto it." He seems to drift off thinking about something. After a long moment snapping back. "Oh, and if you are interested in some of my previous works they are here, but are probably of little interest now." He will show an image of a city (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2970094/d%26d/Maps/Guilded%20Edge/Ionol%20City.jpg), and one of a small region (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2970094/d%26d/Maps/Guilded%20Edge/Ionol%20Region.jpg).


Interactive Map (http://runeologic.co.uk/map.html) Great for zooming and looking around.
Image Map (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2970094/Althans/AlthanasMap-HugeHalf.jpg) Contains the latest art.

Gnarl & Root
12-23-15, 11:29 AM
I actually love your maps! I look forward to seeing what else you can do on them!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
12-23-15, 11:59 AM
What is this sorcery?

It is awesome!

12-23-15, 01:38 PM
Oooh! Oooh! Eiskalt is there! Eiskalt! Lookie! Lookie! *Jumps around and points like little girl.*

I love this.

12-23-15, 01:53 PM
That looks amaze!

12-23-15, 02:15 PM
I love what you did with my world map. The colors are good, and I like the interface. That city map is pretty slick as well. Nicely done.

Bartholomew Survayor
12-24-15, 05:55 AM
I have done a big update to vaguely put things where I think they go based on the descriptions in the wiki. though... there are some weird things in there, anywhoo if you spot anything out of place please let me know.

Gnarl & Root
12-24-15, 07:39 AM
Since I'm basing a solo in Bardbury. I have noticed you have it's location wrong on the map.

The second largest barony in terms of territory, Bradbury (named after the old Bradsbury family that still rules it) lies to the east of Radasanth and encompasses the river and large lake that shares its name. The Jagged Mountains wrap like a shawl around the Barony, marking its northern and eastern borders, while the Bradbury Lake forms its southern boundary.

That should help you.

Bartholomew Survayor
12-24-15, 08:05 AM
Yes, I wondered about that too., The text says one thing, but the previous maps made show things differently, its something that I need to ask someone who knows exactly what is going on there, and a few other places like Anebrilith/Beinost, same place or not... one place says it is, another says there different.

Gnarl & Root
12-24-15, 08:13 AM
Follow the text, the old maps are outdated. Some things were in the wrong place.

12-24-15, 09:25 AM
That is a fantastic map !

Very impressed and curious as to what software you used. I did a Cartography Course while at Uni but that was using GIS, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc - but I can safely say nothing came out quite so well as this (and the interactive layering is really something else).
Interested to see what you do in future with it.

If you were looking to do more in future, historic maps could be interesting ?

Anyway have bookmarked this for future use.

Thank you :D

Bartholomew Survayor
12-24-15, 11:53 AM
I am glad you like it, if you click on the Radsanath Icon, you can see the sort of thing I intend on going for.


Gnarl & Root
12-24-15, 12:13 PM
Awesome, loving the bookmark, probably better in the long scheme of things, rather than pop ups everywhere.

Storm Veritas
12-24-15, 01:03 PM
Looks absolutely awesome! I love the interface and the entire appearance of this. I am certainly the wrong person to ask in terms of what goes where, unfortunately.