View Full Version : Population Density.

Bartholomew Survayor
12-26-15, 06:30 AM
As some may know, I have been putting together a map of the known world, with the help of people who know a lot more about it than me, You can find that HERE. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30402-Cartography-of-Althanas)

And while looking through the wiki as it is now I noticed a few strange things that I would like to ask about specifically around the population counts and the amount of places mentioned. While I know that there are many places that are likely not mentioned in the wiki especially under the size of towns, I still found that there was a huge discrepancy between the population, and the amount of places to live. You can see my maths HERE. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l6AI4HIzumJDhvk028stDb3AibdjyCjirr2CK6mMeEg/edit?usp=sharing) Keep in mind that these number only include the named places and the amount of people each place can hold is based on the statistics from HERE. (http://www222.pair.com/sjohn/blueroom/demog.htm)

To summarise my findings.
There are 41,212,000 people in the western lands.
Only 366,000 could be supported within the named towns leaving 40,846,000 farmers in nameless farmsteads and villages.
As far as I could work out, there is 1 village, 15 towns and 11 cities.

So each type of place can hold up to





Ah ha! I hear you say, that doesn't account for magic... its that high because of magic. True, magic, alchemy and so on would have an impact on the numbers, however I do not think that they would be that high as the biggest factors for a populations growth are agriculture, transportation of supplies and peace. hard to grow a population when monsters keep eating them. Because of this I did raise some of the numbers present to account for magic though the factor was small.

So... my point? I don't really have one. I just wanted to make people are, start a discussion, maybe change some things to get more realism, I am sure it won't matter to most people but having a believable world is important to some.

I would suggest lowering each down to about half to start and go from there, add a few new cities and include how many towns there are in each region on the wiki, then people know if they can add more.

So... let me know what you think or if I should just shut up with my facts and figures and logic. I just enjoy world building and have some experience in it and felt like sharing.

12-27-15, 03:52 PM
As population numbers, size, town names and locations, layouts, roads, minor landmarks, and practically everything else fluctuates depending on who the writer is and what story they're trying to tell, I think that trying to nail down a wide-ranging series of concrete numbers is a waste of time. People here have always been able to come up with the general settings they need in order to properly write their threads, and the game world is massive enough to accommodate their creations without butting up against anyone else's settings.

I'm not saying stop your world-building, I'm just saying don't be surprised if you find yourself the only one playing in the sandbox.