View Full Version : Price Check

01-02-16, 05:50 PM
Hello, can I get a price check on a weapon?

The weapon is described as a mythril boomerang with a very sharp aboriginal edge acting as a blade and the inside of the non-aboriginal edge in the same way, with the exception of a brief section of a smooth edge where the user may hold it. The end of the side of the boomerang opposite the handle side tapers into a point like that on a sword. The end of the handle side is squared off and that edge is sharpened to a point.

An enchantment added to it so that the boomerang has a strong attachment to its master. If the boomerang's master thinks of it, wishing for it to return, the boomerang will know and return- even when it is in the middle of a flight pattern, lodged in something, or laying on the ground.

If the boomerang is in the middle of a flight pattern and its master calls it back, it will return and may hit things on the way back.

If the boomerang is lodged in something, it will dislodge itself and then return to its master. After this, when it is returning to its master it cannot hurt anybody- the only damage it can do to anybody is when it dislodges itself.

If the boomerang is laying on the ground or not lodged in anything, (otherwise known as in a resting position) it will return through the air to its master, but it will not hit anything or anybody. It cannot hurt anybody on its way back.

As described, it is the boomerang that reads the master's mind, rather than the master that communicates with the boomerang. If the boomerang is in its normal flight pattern and was not willed to return by its master, it will continue its normal flight pattern whether it returns or not. In this circumstance the boomerang can hit/hurt its master if he is not careful or skilled enough to grab it in time.

If the boomerang returned to its master because it was willed, and the master does not grab it from the air, it would remain suspended in the air 6 inches from its master. In this position it can NOT hurt anybody or give any sort of advantage in any way, shape, or form.

How much would just the boomerang be? And how much would the enchantment cost?

Cards of Fate
01-03-16, 11:59 AM
The boomerang itself is 750 gp. The enchantments probably warrant being 2 seperate enchantments due to the intense amount of variables involved. One for being willed to return, and one dictating when the thing is lethal or not.

That being said, enchanted were looking at 3000 for both. If you want to simplify we can take it down to 1,500

black shadow
01-03-16, 12:14 PM
If Matt wants to throw in his 2000 he already has I'd be willing g to throw in 1000GP of my own to pay the rest. I never use my gold anyway! Haha!

01-03-16, 12:28 PM
Thank you Cards, thank you Shadow.

If we take out the question of the boomerang's being lethal and just give it the returning enchantment where it has the ability to hit anybody or anything on its way back but just remains suspended in front of its master once it has returned, would that be an adequate simplification for just one enchantment and the lower price?

Also, would I be able to just purchase the materials for the boomerang here and go questing with a 10-20 post thread, looking for a blacksmith who can create it for me? In that case would I get a discount on the crafting?

Conversely, if Gavner had a masterwork blacksmithing ability- or knew a PC with one who would be willing to help- could he craft it from the materials himself for free?

Additionally, would I be able to quest and request an enchantment as spoils? Would that get me a discount on either of the enchantments?


Cards of Fate
01-03-16, 04:30 PM
The just returning and stopping enchantment would be the simplified price.

As for the other scenarios I'm gonna try to keep the explanations short and sweet. You can buy the base materials to make the boomerang, however in order to claim crafting it as a spoil would take about 30 full 500 word posts if you no judged the thread. You would receive a spoils discount based on the score of your thread as well.

Character crafting abilities tend to vary, and the rules aren't very well defined. I imagine in order to work with such a high tier material you would need to be a decent level. But in theory, depending on the wording of the ability, you could buy the materials and craft it for free.

You could request the enchantment as a spoil, but the cost of enchanting is absurdly high and would require either numerous threads of "Banking" your spoils, or one massive thread.

01-03-16, 08:35 PM
Thanks Cards (:

I am still confused as to what "just the returning and stopping" entails, as I described many variations of that. I was so specific so there was no ambiguity, question, or uncertainty to what the weapon could do. Under what circumstances that I described its returning and stopping are you selecting for the simplified enchantment?

And would it be cheaper to purchase the weapon with the enchantment or quest for the weapon and then quest for the enchantment?

Cards of Fate
01-03-16, 10:58 PM
In your original description there were many cases in which the boomerang was in the air but there were questions about it's lethality. In this simplified case, it is always lethal and always hovers right infront of your character.

To quest for them as spoils would be "cheaper" depending on the score of the threads. You will not always be able to get the spoil in one thread, and thus it can take more time to get it. Your savings are minute unless you're doing full judgments and scoring well.

black shadow
01-03-16, 11:23 PM
So when returning always lethal it would be 1,500GP and I'd throw in 500GP for it. If you want to choose when it is lethal on return than it is 3,000GP and I'd throw in 1,000GP. Up to you Matt.

Max Dirks
03-07-16, 08:10 AM
This thread is being archived. Please let me know if you'd like it reopened.