View Full Version : Tristilde Nuy

01-03-16, 03:45 PM
Tristilde Nuy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FDAkpQSJVA)

“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”


Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 151lbs
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Alignment: Lawful Good
Intelligence Quota: 98

History: My name is Tristilde. I am from the town of Jehenny, on the continent of Dheathain. Free from dragon’s grip, out kingdom lies on the far eastern shore. There, where the seas lap a golden shore, stands the Orrery. More a city than an astrological observatory, Jehenny houses the world’s largest calendar. We are a kingly people. Beholden to tradition centuries old, we keep to ourselves in all but the direst of circumstance.

Now is a time most dire. We become our elders in due course, but the time between whittling womb and scribbling ancestry we must journey out. Rekindle lost memories. Become forefathers and squabble with mothers. This is why our people are, in the most learned of circles of the world, called Shamans and spirit walkers. It is not that we done good deeds meddling with the dead. It’s more that we observe history, and through the experiences of the watchers before us, see with more learned eyes.

My father worked on the Orrery’s centrifuge for thirty years before his body gave in and wore away. My mother teaches the stars to the children of the city, a Shaman is she true. Kindling myself a done deal in the ways of the stars, I learned all I could from both. Now I find myself uncertain. Do I swing from the long arms of stars and citadels in galaxies far, or head out to the world – teach and preach the signs and celestials?

My mother gave me the Astrologicon when I was fourteen. Turned adult I did under her wise words. My father, when sure he was that I knew my words gave me my first wrench. We hammered cogs and grinded gears for months, till I could fix the springs of the Orrery and fine-tune the pendulums that keep time and tally as well as any before me. Book in hand, wrench on wrist, I had to make me choice. Bright sparks don’t always kindle a fire. I had to believe.

I turned West, to the lands people call ‘Althanas’. War-torn republics and empires crumbling in godly disputes, my father despaired. My mother, seeing the Thayne in the cosmological constant knew I had made the right choice. 26, no age to be gone wandering according to he, is the true age my mother considers me a woman. On pack mule, with the guidance of the elders behind me, I come to see Fallien. Corone. Scara Brae. These strange ‘elven lands’ where magic is thick and prim and proper. Wonders I will see, but I fear they will not meet expectations.

Something dark is in the corner of my eye. Terrible. Dangerous. Unworldly. I don’t think I’m in danger, but out there, people who hear those foul whispers will do all they can to upend and usurp – crush and cajole all the good that is left in the world. It is not my place, no true sister of the stars, to help. I must simply watch. Wait. Wonder. I must record, reconcile, and relive the past through the eyes of the present. Stars blessed, give me guidance true.


Astrology: From an early age, Tristilde has observed the stars. She can name every major constellation, satellite, and meteorological phenomenon.

Mechanics: There is little mechanical that Tristilde, given time and a wrench, cannot fix. This natural talent does not extend to ensorcelled items.

Literacy: Though by no means gifted intellectually, Tristilde can read, write, and comprehend Common, Tradespeak, Draconic, and Fae.

Speechcraft: A superb storyteller, Tristilde can captivate audiences and recall, with little deviation, events she witnesses with gusto.


Divination: Utilising knowledge of the stars, meditation, and time, Tristilde can see potential futures in her own, or another’s future. 24 hour range.

Conditioning: Fixing the Orrery requires dexterity and strength. As such, Tristilde can climb and run as a trained athlete, and has X2 stamina under duress.

Astrological: The citizens of Jehenny possess a potent natural affinity to the Tap. They can learn magic of any nature (not clerical), with training and guidance.


Toolkit: Tristilde carries a heavy duty wrench, screwdriver, analysing crystals, and tuning implements with her at all times. She has access to basic tools elsewhere.

Welding Goggles: They have filters in the lenses for sun, snow, dim-light, and twilight environments. Reduces disorientation from being upside down.

Cards of Fate
01-03-16, 04:41 PM
Not seeing any issues here. Approved! Welcome to Althanas.