View Full Version : Nereth Yol Karaav

Ember Prophet
01-03-16, 09:24 PM
Name: Nereth Yol Karaav
Race: Drakari Flame Caste
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Height: 5'10
Weight: 150 pounds
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: None

Appearance: Like most Flame Caste Drakari, Nereth is narrow of frame and slight of build. His body is covered in intricate patterns of shiny green and black scales, including lines of scales along his cheekbones, jawline, and down the center of his head from bridge of the nose to the back of his neck. They become a row of half-inch spines along the top of his head. Everywhere else is olive-toned human skin. His teeth are sharper and pointier, with three sets of canines instead of one. His eyes are slightly larger, fiery orange, with narrow, reptilian pupils. He often wears black, green-trimmed robes with a fiery eye icon emblazoned on the front and back.


ACADEMICS: Nereth has studied his entire life in the Flame Caste archives, and thus has an impressive array of historical and arcane knowledge.

MEDICINE: He specializes in cauterizing and dressing wounds and purging toxins.

HERBOLOGY: He knows every native Dheathain plant and its properties.

COMMANDING PRESENCE: While not necessarily likable, Nereth can project the divine authority of his caste, intimidating others, especially those beneath his station.


FRAIL: (Negative Ability.) Nereth, like most of Flame Caste, is slight of build and vulnerable to physical punishment, and also weak physically. He suffers a 33% penalty to both feats of strength and toughness.

FLAME SIGHT: Like many Flame Caste members, Nereth Yol Zaraav can gaze into flames and see. By looking into a medium-sized or larger fire, focusing fully for at least a minute, he can see minor prophecies in the flickering flames. These visions are often vague and general -- they can warn of potential danger or betrayal, for instance, but often won't give details as to the source. In addition, twice per day, he can perform a full, hour-long ritual in order to scry or predict with more specificity, but must focus on a single person. This ritual usually requires knowledge of the subject, or blood or a personal belonging, to work effectively. Scrying into the flame in this way allows him to observe the subject's current activities, or see into the subject's past or potential futures. The range, both for space and time, depends on the objects used in relation to the subject. Unless he uses blood and possesses at least some personal knowledge of the subject, the range cannot exceed 600 miles and one month in the past or one day in the future. With optimal conditions, he can scry up to 1,000 miles away, six months in the past, or one week in the future. All future predictions grow increasingly vague and short the further out the vision. A prophecy for a week in the future might only contain a few seconds of flashing images, for example, and only ever shows potential futures.

FIREBREATHING: Like all Flame Caste members, Nereth can breathe fire that burns as hot as a wood-burning bonfire. The flames can, with great effort, reach targets twenty feet away and envelope a fully grown adult. Doing so is extremely exhausting, equivalent to running at a fully sprint while holding his breath.

PYROKINESIS: Nereth can control up to 27 cubic feet of existing fire for up to four minutes, five times per day.


Glass orb, ritual dagger, Flame Caste robes, and herb pouch.

Cards of Fate
01-05-16, 09:49 PM