View Full Version : Recruitment: Commandeering (ships of course)

01-08-16, 04:50 PM
Mission Title: Commandeering
Status: Available
Faction: Coronian Navy
Requirements: Two to four players; quest only; may be claimed multiple times.

Description: When the civil war broke out, the Imperial regime seized command of a large chunk of Corone’s fleet. They now use their remaining ships to protect the Radasanth Harbor, their last holdout, preventing blockades and protecting the supply shipments that keep the city fed. Instead of risking a direct engagement against the Imperials, the Republic’s new naval command seeks mercenaries to sneak aboard these enemy vessels and capture them for the Republic.

Rewards: Each player receives 300 GP per ship captured, subject to Judge discretion. Groups of three or more players may request a ship instead of gold. Additionally, completing this quest also improves characters’ status with naval command, unlocking new missions.

There's the mission. I'm looking for 2-3 other RELIABLE people to do this. Scarlet really wants/needs a new ship of her own. And then of course there's the 300 PER SHIP, PER PERSON! That's not 300 split amongst the group, we all get a good chunk of money! So come and help!

Lady Scarlet

Lady Scarlet
01-08-16, 07:16 PM
Be aware folks that I also have 2 NPCs that will be joining us.

There are 2 slots left as Eveningstar has already contacted me about joining just as soon as her character is approved. Ideally I want at least 3 people for this so I can attempt to claim a boat.

01-08-16, 08:03 PM
I'm interested. Let me know if you would like me to join you

01-09-16, 12:33 AM
I noticed your post bit says you are level 7, but the latest update I could find was level 3. Is that correct or am I just blind (which is entirely possible)? I just wanna make sure I'm looking at the right profile :) Also noticed that Gavner is a vampire. Is he a daywalker?

With you that makes the minimum 3 to be able to request a ship. We're just waiting on Eveningstar to get a profile up and approved. So I'll start working on a starting post now.

While I'm a fairly laid back poster time wise, I don't want this to take forever. At least 1 post a week (more if life and time allows of course) is what I expect of everyone. While I won't immediately write you out, if I can't get in touch with you after 2 weeks of pestering (and I will pester :P ) then you will be skipped over. You will of course be welcome to work yourself back in should you be able to rejoin us before the thread completes.

There's space for one more, folks!

01-09-16, 02:00 PM
Yeah I only have a level 3 character currently because I don't feel like going through the ROG so I just play wth a level 3 character. No he isn't a day walker, but he will if he must. Being in the sun is extremely uncomfortable for Gavner, after about 30 minutes he is severely burned and after 2 hours in the sun he will die. He prefers going covert at night, but if he has to he will go in guns blazing (figuratively speaking). I won't request a ship or anything like that, I'm not interested in it but you guys can certainly take my share or however you want to do it.

I look forward to questing with you all

Lady Scarlet
01-21-16, 06:01 PM
matt, first post is up! go ahead and post whenever you're ready. Handy dandy link: It's not stealing! It's liberating! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30592-It-s-not-stealing!-It-s-liberating!-(CLOSED))

Everyone else, there are still 1-2 slots open if you want in!