View Full Version : Call to Arms! Tarot Hierarchy Goal for the year!

Cards of Fate
01-10-16, 09:39 PM
Hello Ladies and gentlemen, Aces and Eights! Welcome to a brand new Tarot Year! The last couple months have sorta been dead for a long time save some miscellaneous activity. With the dawn of a new year I would like the Tarot to all get together and discuss what we would like to accomplish this year both ICLY and OOCLY!

That being said I would like some level of order to this conversation I would like the following criteria for any suggestions. I what to know what you want to do, why you want to do it, and how you think the Tarot would benefit from completing your idea.

That being said I would like to propose the following idea. I think the Tarot should spearhead a campaign to cure the plague-land in Raiaera. It's been sitting there forever, and I happen to know that it's on a lot of people's minds due to the purging of the Red Forest. I say we make the Tarot an integral part of the reconstruction of Raiaera by cleansing the plague-land and establishing ourselves the government that will eventually form out of said action. The Tarot could stand to gain a lot from this, firstly it sits within their prime motif of studying and stopping the abuse of magic. Secondly, Raiaera has always historically been the main seat of power for the Hierarchy. Returning it to it's power could put a lot of resources and power into Hierarchy hands.

What do yall think?

01-10-16, 09:49 PM
That would be a great way to influence our direct area. While i feel like purging the plague lands would prove beneficial to the region that allows expansion in all front. We have to keep in mind there are now other factions who actively are seeking to topple what we have created with our group. It seems while this year will allow us to prosper it comes with the ever looming threat on the horizon. Our first steps need to be taken as a group and always have our best interest in heart.

With the idea Cards brought up about establishing a new government that would influence our region I feel like this is worth exploring but only after we can mobilize as a group and truly get to know our new enemy.

Anyway keeping all this in mind im excited to see what projects we can assist everyone in, please drop us your ideas and we will make something happen.


01-10-16, 10:20 PM
The Raierian Restoration Initiative stands ready to lend its support.

Rehtul Orlouge
01-11-16, 01:00 PM
I'm already working, as Rehtul, to create a counter curse for the Red Forest. With the knowledge Rehtul gains while in the forest during this thread, it is possible that he'll be able to (maybe with a little help) research and develop a cure that can be used to cleanse the Forest safely and efficiently.

Cards of Fate
01-11-16, 01:23 PM
That sounds like an excelent plan Rehtul! In a couple days Ioder and I are going to establish a lab in Beinost to serve as a base of operations. If you want we could possibly do a thread or two based out of there where Vince or another Hierarchy member helps develope the counter curse.