View Full Version : Bringing out the big guns [unresolved]

01-11-16, 02:01 PM
"Hey! Little birb!" I shouted as I threw open the door to the shop.

"Little birb, get your butt out here! I have a special order to place!"

I approached the counter, tore the specs of a shiny new toy out of my pocket, and slammed it on the table.

Looking to buy a new handgun for Maddy.

- A masterwork steel single-action revolver with a wooden grip that can hold six shots. Nothing special about this, really.

- 30x custom-crafted bullets: When the hammer of the revolver strikes the percussion cap, the force of the explosion shatters a thin capsule containing a strong acid inside the bullet itself. Once the bullet makes contact with a surface or a living being, it immediately fragments, releasing the acid into the wound, which promptly begins to eat away at all organic matter it touches.

In addition, how much is it per bullet? That way I can have pricing for future reference.

Artifex Felicis
01-15-16, 02:36 PM
"HOI!" Hawl giggles raising her arms above her head andwaving them with the energy of youth. She was in the Sorie Trading Guild's outpost, running theshop alone a the moment. The floating orb that was normally her protector was no where to be seen. There wasn't even any customer either, though that was hardly surprisingly at this particular branch. It's own, Osiri of the Dunes, was away at this moment. Leaving the little Hawl to watch over the shop.

Naturally, she had created her own little stand in front of the proper counter! A large piece of wood was lain across the head of two ugly golems. The golems were perfectly still, content to be Hawl's table. Above her, somehow attached to the ceiling a banner with the words "HAWL SHOPP HERE!" screamed it's availability to everyone who entered.

"It's good to see you again, Aunt!" She beamed up, slapping her hand onto the table and snatching the specifications away. She paused, then had to hop to pick up a pair of thin spectacles from the counter. She held them up to inspect the paper. "Hrm, yes. Hrmmm. Yes, indeed..."

She was peering over the glasses, not looking through them. After a moment her face broke in joy. She scampered behind the counter coming back out with two boxes. One was tied up with string, the other unadorned.

"We have one of the Sorie MK Revolvers here!" She undid the string, taking out a large pistol. The small girl needed two hands to lift the firearm, careful not to point it at her Aunt. "It's super cheap, only 1300 gold,but it's one of the very bestest you will ever see! My Uncle and aunt make them, and they're really close to what you wanted. Except a little different, it can shoot normal bullets too, an' other..."

She pauses, holding up a little card with details. "Specialized Ammunition following the MK design prints."

"An' Aunt Osiri has these already! She's from Fallien, an' loves to work with glass all the time." She opens the other box, row upon row of shiny bullets. Each top was clear, a vile, deadly liquid within and almost alive with malevolence. "According to her, they are not the best. Cuz they aren't that effective against armor, and when she used one to hunt an elephant it melted the tusk too much to be useful. She said they're only for REALLY big emergencies!"

"They cost 85 for each shell!" She holds one up, death in glass and steel. "So 2550 for a full set of thirty!"

01-15-16, 02:50 PM
The child's bubbly enthusiasm for her work never failed to unnerve me. She was one of the few things left on this planet that did.

I did the math, and then quickly checked my finances for the week. I didn't have enough for the full thirty bullets, but maybe....

"I think I'll just go with twenty shells for now, along with the gun."

Artifex Felicis
01-15-16, 03:13 PM
"That'll be 3000 total then!" Hawl quickly began to count them out, taking nearly twenty shells out of the box before pushing it towards Maddy. She beams up, turning to the side and dumping the small pieces of artisanal death into a small box beside her. They clattered ominously, threatening to break. None did.

"And you even get a box! Boxes!" She pushes the gun closer as well, then looked up expectantly at Maddy. "Cats love boxes! You should get a cat too!"

01-15-16, 03:19 PM
"I've been thinking about it, little birb." I collected the box of bullets and gun. "But they're pretty rude, and would probably knock over all of the rare plants I have. Then I'd have to throw it out on the street or something."

Confirming purchase.

Artifex Felicis
01-15-16, 03:27 PM
"But they're so fluffy! Get one that's just really nice and relaxed all the time!" She beams up. "Maybe one with two tails an' a big silly grin!"

She pauses.

"Not the one in Concordia though. He's supposed to be mean, and Aunt Osiri calls him a public nuisance."


3000 gp to be taken from Blackandblueeyes

Sorie Trading Guild.))

01-15-16, 05:00 PM
Bringing Out The Big Guns (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?30486-Bringing-out-the-big-guns)
No Judgement - Bazaar Thread

BlackAndBlueEyes receives: (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?3431-BlackAndBlueEyes)
130 EXP
20 GP

Artife Felicis receives: (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?252-Artifex-Felicis)
120 EXP
20 GP

01-18-16, 12:47 AM
All EXP and GP have been added.

01-20-16, 12:21 PM
This transaction has not yet been approved. It is being put on hold pending further discussion. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
09-19-16, 02:40 AM
Moved to the archives. If this needs unlocking, please inform an administrator.