View Full Version : Art Interpreation?

11-06-06, 12:36 AM
I have a friend in an art school and she got this (http://www.mexicanmuseum.org/dynamic/artwork/exhib_valdez.jpg) painting as her assignment to "find the meaning". We both threw our ideas back and forth, but we had many different ones that clashed.

I was wondering what you guys thought about it. If you're up to it, give it a study. Right off the bat, you'll see the black angels in fire, the two clouds, a star, a moon, what appears to be the Virgin Mary (or a symbol of her).

So yea, that's what it is on a strictly visual sense, but anyone got any ideas as to what this whole painting represents? What's the meaning? The purpose of the art?

Cyrus the virus
11-06-06, 12:40 AM
The fight between (the decision of) good and (or) evil. Perhaps the representation that you must give yourself to the throne (which I see in the painting) which protects you from the flames (which are under the throne and do not burn it).

I could interpret many things from it, though.

Gadgeteer Mikami
11-06-06, 03:47 AM
Whoa. I would say "Redemption," but that would be an over-simplification of things.

The angels could mean "Fallen Angels" or basically humans who have strayed and gave themselves over to the unquenchable flames of worldly desires. The ones in the clouds could be those who have, to some degree, thrown those desires out the window and seek redemption on the path of... eh, Righteousness. I still don't understand what it's supposed to mean.

This painting is very Christian-influenced, in my opinion. I don't know what other people will say about this and this is just one of my opinions, as a gadgeteer and all.

11-06-06, 03:48 PM

It is a very religious painting. I see it as a representation of the realms in our world. At the bottom is the Christian hell, then it shows the clouds, the star and the moon, which represents our own world. And when you look at the angels in the sky it's as if they are the connection between our world and the bright light or "God" at the top of the throne where as the ones below show us that they too are around in our world and are trying to take us to "Hell" back with them. It's pretty much the age-old battle of Heaven and Hell. And the candles on either side represent the main religious entity in our country so I am guessing this was painted by an American painter or a Mexican painter I'm leaning more towards Mexican influence because of the color choice.

So yeah I didn't see you guys this summer I sorry *runs and hides* I'll try again next summer

11-06-06, 06:25 PM
Nice ideas guys. Keep them coming if you can.

And Brit, you're NEVER on AIM! I have no idea if you have a cell, so I can't call/text you. Punkass.

Oh and your assumption with the mexican style is correct. Look at the URL address, lol.

11-16-06, 02:26 PM
In the lovely words of me...Bite my ass! lol heh I'll try to get on more