View Full Version : Price Check

black shadow
01-14-16, 11:38 AM
So, I realize that Shadow has many offensive items, but when it comes to defense he really doesn't have much. Soooooooooooooo what I am looking for is a small crystal that I can place on my bow, any bow or weapon I choose really, that when Black Shadow activates it through touch the crystal can deflect the attack by creating what appears to be a blue forcefield that looks something like this:


Let's say it can block any attack, projectile or melee. How much would this item cost? Same for if just projectile or just melee.

black shadow
01-31-16, 09:23 PM
Gonna give this a little *bump*

Also gonna ask how much it would be to upgrade my steel sword to something a little better?

A steel sword with "Courage" carved in the elvish tongue of Raiaera.

What materials could I upgrade to? Just shoot me a list of the next 5 materials please! An enchantment may be added to this request later, but I'd have to think on that.

~Black Shadow~

Max Dirks
02-29-16, 08:58 AM
Sorry for the delay, Shadow.

For the crystal, you'll have to place some limit on it for it to be able to be purchased in the bazaar. Otherwise, the enchantment is too powerful and would need to be received in a quest. If you wanted to purchase it, you could limit to say one use before it must be charged for xx time, etc.

The material list can be found here: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26527-The-Bazaar-FAQ&p=220668&viewfull=1#post220668

All materials give different perks, so let me know which one you'd like.

black shadow
02-29-16, 09:51 AM
Okay, so 1 use then a 5 post recharge? If the recharge needs to be longer let me know. thanks

Max Dirks
02-29-16, 11:28 AM
I need you to express it in real time.

black shadow
02-29-16, 02:23 PM
1 use, 5 minute recharge

Max Dirks
02-29-16, 03:08 PM
The core price of the stone as a tier 5 item is 937 GP. This would allow for free exchange into any weapon or item at any time (or to allow it to exist as a standalone).

The core price of the stone as a tier 1 item is 94 GP. This would allow for free exchange into any tier 1 weapon or item at any time (however, it would be dependent upon the weapon or item).

I can also give you prices for tier 2-4, if you'd like.

Max Dirks
02-29-16, 04:57 PM
Eh sorry Shadow, I misquoted you. The price would be 135 GP for the item as tier 1 or 937 as tier 5. My apologies.

black shadow
02-29-16, 08:14 PM
So my BladeSinger Bow would be a tier 5 item, so I would need it to be tier 5 or 937gp? Sounds good to me! Confirming please and thank you for your time. Forget about the sword, I'll come back to that at a later time

Max Dirks
03-07-16, 08:09 AM
Transaction complete. 937 GP removed from black shadow.