View Full Version : Fists of Fury!

11-06-06, 11:03 PM
The Outlander's Quarter a place of thugs, a place where you can get jumped from any location, and the smell can be compared to that of an alley in New York. As of matter of fact, the entire area Banda was in could be compared to that, a back alley in New York. Here those merchants who can't sell certain goods, sell them here on the black market.

Banda saw no good coming from this place, yet he was drawn to it. Banda thought about this now and came to the conclusion, I come for the fights! Yes, the tavern in the Outlander's Quarter, the only one Banda has seen as of yet there, usually has a bar brawl now and then, and whenever Banda needed to blow off steam, this was the place.

It was on one of these occasions that Banda found himself in a brawl of his own. It was a normal day in Fallien, hot, sweaty, and stinky as Banda described it, the two usual idiots who get into a drunken stupor were fighting over a game of cards. The barkeep didn't so much as glance at them, he never did, as far as he knew a fight meant more attention and that meant more customers.

"I'm telling you, I won with a pair of aces!" Shouted one, "No I won with a full house!" The verbal argument lasted quite some time. [i]Maybe they need some motivation...[i] "Your both idiots to the extent, all boozed up on alcohol, why don't you show each other who's boss?" The drunked patrons looked at each other one replied, "We don't need any smack talk from you! Let's get 'im!"

The two half ran half staggered toward Banda, letting out a sigh of disappointment, he grabbed them both by their collars and threw them one by one out the double doors of the tavern. They tumbled down the steps, kicking sand up in the air, Banda stepped on one of their hands, "Don't pick a fight with someone sober, while your drunk retard."