View Full Version : Hello everyone!

Cards of Fate
01-15-16, 12:04 AM
Hey! You! With the face!

Hi! With all the new players and returning players I felt the incredible need to create a thread for us to all introduce ourselves in some crazy meet and greet!

Because that's how I roll.

So my Name is Fred, and I'm an operations moderator on the site and have been for about a year now. That means if you have questions about purchasing an item at the bazaar, or getting your character approved, you should shoot me a PM. I also run the Tarot Hierarchy, and in character group based around the acquisition of magical artifacts and the prevention of the abuse of magic in general.

When I'm not on the site I work full time at a manufacturing plant that makes wooden cabinets for electronic slot machines. This means the Monday through Friday Im pretty busy during the day, but I make sure to try and pop in every now and then on chat to say and see if people need me.

If you ever want to write a thread, serious or silly, shoot me a PM and I'll do my best to try and get something going! I love working and writing with new members to the site, because I remember how it felt to be new and I always want to make sure people are feeling included.

What about y'all? Even if I know you I would still love people to pop in and introduce themselves and maybe make a new friend or two. Tell us something we don't know!

01-15-16, 07:27 AM
Dear Everyone,

My name is Timothy Hoyt. I'm 23 years old and woork at Walmart. I enjoy creating characters and writing with them. However, my work schedual is choppy so I don't always have the time to do so. I had just returned after a long hiatas that was due to not having anything to write my stories with. I hope to either publish a book or write the story fo a video game. Maybe both. I enjoy writing on Althanas which I have a total of 20 characters on. I also read a tone of fanfictions and even have two that I am going to have to restart. If you guys need any help with character or even plot ideas. go ahead and bounce them off me. I'm willing to help in that department any time.
Timothy Hoyt

Storm Veritas
01-15-16, 08:17 AM

My name is Bob. If you're reading this, there's at least a 90% chance I'm older than you. I run a small (for now!?) startup (for now!?) company in the plastics industry, and own a home in New England with my wife and two girls. Since I work from home, I can often carve out a couple minutes here or there to post some silly introduction post in the FST, or even post during the workday.

Since my work schedule is really irregular, you'll see me posting at very odd and inconsistent times, but Althanas is a lot of fun for me so I make time for it. I travel a ton, almost all domestic. Most trips are pretty quick because I don't want to leave the kids for long.

I am both an old-timer here and a newbie, since I was gone for a very very long time due to a different job that had me on the road about every day. I love to write with new people, so please shoot me a PM if you'd like to put something together. I have ONLY one request - please don't start a thread that you won't finish.

01-15-16, 08:40 AM

I'm Andy.

Whenever I'm not trying to shake the image of having a stupidly powerful and evil character (she's not a bad person, she just keeps finding valid reasons to do horrible things to people who deserve it and does them in a highly efficient manner), I'm playing Splatoon and lurking in the chat room. Come by and say h0i!

I'm also the host of Althanas Community Radio, a podcast series that take occasional breaks so other people can host their own shows.

Flames of Hyperion
01-15-16, 01:20 PM

I'm John: half-British, half-Japanese, and wholly composed of the worst stereotypes of both nationalities. I hit the big 30 last year, and currently live in Edinburgh, Scotland. I have a stable of characters on Althanas all following the "xxx of yyy-ion" naming convention, and a penchant for solos and overly long, florid posts. You may have started one of my threads and given up on the wall of text. It's okay, I don't blame you.

During the day I'm a postdoctoral researcher at a University-affiliated medical institute, where I use my background in informatics and computational biology to analyse large experimental datasets. As you might imagine that involves a lot of computer time, which means that I'm often free to pop in cheekily every now and again. I've spent more time writing academic papers than fiction recently, though, which annoys me greatly since my brain no longer seems capable of doing both at the same time. Also annoying me are the three half-finished epics that I've been meaning to hammer through and post on Althanas sometime within the next decade. Grr.

I very much enjoy constructive feedback and critique from people who've read my work, so please feel free to drop me a line if you liked or hated something in particular. I'm also open to giving feedback of my own - if you'd like me to read over your stories and either give you my thoughts or do a more detailed critique, let me know as well (I'd do more Workshops, but need to psyche myself to give critiques in public). I avoid chat because it can get a bit overwhelming, but am quite good about PMs. Honestly.

That covers most of it, methinks. Cheers and domo!

01-15-16, 03:31 PM
Hello you sexy beeches,
I am Kayla!

I am twenty one years of age with a nine month old son named Kamdyn that most know as the heffalump! I have only been on this site for a few months but I love it!! I work at Walmart over night so most of my days consist of changing diapers, napping and oh yeah writing out thread with you lovely people!

I love writing and tend to dabble in almost any type of writing (though a little rusty on sparring so would be an easy win lol) SO with that said if you wish to write with me just shoot me a pm as I have several characters that all very different from the last! Any way have a lovely day!!

01-15-16, 04:31 PM
Well met everyone!

My name is Steven, but preferred to be called Kryos, after my very first character. I have been a member since 2006 I believe, although I am just coming back after being mostly inactive since mid June 2009. I only have the one character here, although am strongly considering bringing in a second, a researcher/mage.

In reality, I am almost 26 years old and am currently a medical scribe in the local Emergency Rooms. I basically create patient charts on all the patients that my assigned doctor sees that day. I am a college graduate with a degree in Exercise Science, and have been accepted to Medical School to become a doctor, which starts in July. In other news, I will soon be commissioned as an Officer in the Air Force in return for them funding my entire medical education costs.

When it comes to writing, I specialize in creation - world building, but especially character development. Thus, I love the role-playing aspect of Althanas, quests and battles alike. I have spent time with other avenues of writing, such as poetry and other prose as well. I am always up for feedback, as well as giving feedback/helping edit works in progress. Please let me know if you want to write together or anything else. I am hoping to spend a bit more of my time with things that are constructive, such as creative writing.

I think that is about it!


Rehtul Orlouge
01-15-16, 07:29 PM
My name's Bobby, I primarily use two characters, though I have other accounts floating around. Rehtul Orlouge and MetalDrago are my babies. Drago's my oldest by far, and the one I'm best known for utilizing. I specialize in combat writing of pretty much every type, and love fighting in the Citadel. I also enjoy questing, though that takes a little longer.

I am 26 years old, work at a Dollar General, and generally try to enjoy life as much as I can in any way I can. I dream of becoming an author, but the book ideas I've had are unfinished and the first parts of series. I know how hard it is to break into authoring novels with a series of any kind, so I'm still fishing around my brain for a standalone title.

That should be it.

01-15-16, 11:11 PM

My name is Michelle and I'm an employee in the PA Department of Health. My job mostly revolves around doing work that is both out of my job description and pay grade, but what are you going to do? When work is busy, it's super busy, and when it's not busy, I can crank out a few posts.

I'm one of those oscillating members. I joined on January 15th, 2007 (so, just about exactly 8 years ago), while procrastinating on my assigned school work, was a fixture until about the end of 2009, and left for a long time by summer of 2010. I came back in the summer of 2014, shortly after a big effort to contact oldbies reached me. Fun fact, there's an "Other" inbox in your FB messages, and it might be worth checking every now and again. I found it on accident three months after Lye contacted me.

Hmm. What else? I like to write, and I prefer to do so with other people, but some find me difficult to write with. I'm one of those "feedback" types, and I give it the way I like to receive it. If you spot something off in one of my posts (my accounts are this one, Taische, The Mongrel, and Alydia Ettermire), please shoot me a message to point it out. I will be flattered that someone is reading my work and cares enough to offer commentary on it.

Uh... I have a parakeet who screams loudly enough to damage my sanity, and a pony-sized dog who fills my life and my closet with fur.

I guess if there's anything else you want to know, just ask?

01-16-16, 12:00 AM
i've tried to join althanas like once or twice back in the early and then mid 2000s. it never really worked out. i came from live chat based rp in ayenee (yahoo chat) and we would write it out then and there. it wasn't that bad quality wise if you were playing with the right people but it was fast paced. which made it super exciting for me. i could never get into althanas. then i came back again, this time as k-zu-ziro and put a lot of thought into it, but that character ended up kinda convoluted and difficult for me to enjoy. i had a hard time using kzz to interact with other players. i've not given up on kzz, but i've moved on to this one for now. gum. i'm hoping that while its a much less original character, it's a much more pragmatic character. hoping to interact more with this one.

i got into althanas though because i knew tony/dirks from ayenee.

about me irl. well i'm from the liverpool area of england originally. i bummed around a while, uni, jobs and whatever. and then moved to cork, ireland for a job offer. that was 08. i stayed there until 2012. then went back to england for a while. then in 2014 moved to america proper--i'd been visiting my pro as fuck gf a lot--and then we got married. we have a totes cool lil bb she's my best bro. we live in nc, 100000% better than england lol. my area of it anyway. england down south is nicer (sorry shin and gnr but up north its grim innit. be honest now.). i do miss ireland, but america's my favourite place to live so far. atm i'm a househusband, it's legit harder than any of the other jobs i've had no joke.


into fishkeeping ;D
i like taking pictures of spooky dilapidated rural shit (pretty unoriginal for my generation i know)
trains and model trains, although that hobby is dormant atm
i'm an evertonian, and now that i'm away from home for keeps i really wish i'd gone to see more games at goodison

edit: i'm thirty-fucken-two rip me

01-16-16, 12:37 AM
Warning: the following might be really old news to a lot of people.

First off, I’m totally utterly blind, and while this isn’t the most important thing about me, if you are wondering why this dood sometimes says “listen,” “heard,” and the like in chat, this is why. I joined Althanas in mid fall after discovering it while looking for something else on tropes dot Com.

Yes, Althanas is mentioned there, but since there aren’t a lot of sites like this running around I don’t know how much of a trope this place is.

Anyway, I spent most of last year battling code, trust me you don’t want to try and use this site without a proper Graphical User Interface, getting acclimated to the setting, and surviving atypical life events (i.e. car accident, cancer diagnoses, gunshot).

Given all that, I have enjoyed my relatively short stay, thus far, on Althanas, and will probably be here in some form or another for the next decade or so. If you have any questions about me, blindness, or anything else that you think some guy often referred to as Jon might have answers to, just ask.

01-16-16, 03:01 AM

I'm a 15-year-old higg schooler, (which I think is Sophomore year in the U.S. or something) currently stuck in the desert-like outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. You can call me Fez for now. I think I'm the youngest member here, so there's that.

I joined sometime in the middle of 2014, spent a few months, went away and returned by the summer of 2015. I've been enjoying my time here, more or less, and plan to stay for a while. Obviously I enjoy role-playing and writing in general, and a little bit doodling here and there.

If you're gonna ask what an Egyptian high schooler is doing, role-playing online with people twice-ish his age, I don't know, to be honest. I guess I just like the languag. Enjoy reading and writing it.

Oh, and I, uh... used to have a dog, who was unfortunately dognapped at some point last year. None of the family wants to get another pet, even. Yay, family.

If you want to know more, I'm open for PMs. Youll find me online most of the time.Salam!

01-16-16, 11:06 AM
Hi y'all.

I'm Cassie (or Vivi, per Jack). I also answer to any combination to Ven, Vendredi, or Vendy. :') I've been lurking around the site far long before I joined.

I'm 25 years old, female, and a Canadian living in the States (Philly). Half my family is in Asia, so I'm... all over the place. I've got a job as a consultant at an audit firm, and the September to March season is usually a fairly busy time. My availability is in constant flux, but I try to come on in the evenings and during weekends. Because I'm never really certain about my schedule, I rarely reach out to people about threads -- I know I might drag the pace down. This means I tend to do a lot of solos. However, if you're open to a slower writing partner, feel free to poke me anytime about plots.

I've been writing/rp-ing on various sites for at least a decade. As a writer, I lean towards the planning camp (as Tobi and Sulla may be able to attest). I like laying out a background and a rough structure to get the shape and key plot points of a story down. However, none of these plans are set in stone, and I'm very open to shifting things during a story. I like surprises, especially when they work.

01-16-16, 03:33 PM
Hey hey!

I'm Shelby, but I also answer to Ray, which is probably a cooler name anyway. I'm a twenty three year-old middle school social studies teacher from northern Michigan. I enjoy skiing, and shooting guns, sometimes at the same time - I am current training for a biathlon. My other hobbies include reading, singing, video games, running, traveling, and watching X-Files.

When it comes to writing, I generally prefer to work with other people. I write for fun, and so much of that enjoyment comes from interacting, brainstorming, and ultimately creating something beautiful with someone else. I don't care for combat, but I'll tackle any sort of quest that you throw at me. My favorite genres include horror, mystery, and science fiction, the latter explaining why my main character is a steampunk mechanic. I don't take myself very seriously, but if that's what you look for in a partner, I'm your girl! I have a whole slew of characters on Althanas, including a headstrong knight, a crazed magician, and most recently, a dead frat boy.

I've only been on Althanas for about a year, but I have already come to call this place home, and the community, my family. I really do love it here. Currently, I am a Supermod, meaning I can tackle all odds and ends problems. However, I got my start as a judge, so I am always happy to help in that department. If you ever have any questions, or you want something looked over, you should never hesitate to ask. Blame the teacher in me, but I get a kick out of helping other people. Whether it is correcting spelling errors or hiding a body, just hit me up!


01-16-16, 07:56 PM
Hello, my name is Dan. I am 28 years old, recently engaged, and i live in Holyoke, Massachusetts. I only just joined Althanas because of my long time association with one Tobias Stalt. I grew up in baltimore, moved to new jersey, then up here, then to Richland, Washington, then back here. I have been into RPGs for many years, starting with video games, which moved into text rp, then tabletop games, then larping, so I like to think i'm a veteran of the Roleplay lifestyle. I only have one character so far, a Half-Orc knight-errant who'll be moving toward becoming a mixture of a Grail Knight from Warhammer and an Oath of Ancients Paladin from DnD 5e. At the moment I am unemployed because i was laid off, so i have lots of free time but that could always change.

Glad to be here

01-20-16, 02:49 PM
Oh, heyyyyyy.

My name is Sue. I'm 25 and I recently joined Althanas after cyberstalking BlackAndBlueEyes and Christoph's profiles (It's totally not creepy; I know them in real life). I'm currently a music education student that recently moved back to Cleveland. My primary instrument is the flute, and I will be performing with the Cleveland Philharmonic for their 2016-2017 season. Outside of school, I also work as a bartender for an upscale restaurant in the theatre district of Cleveland. I've been out of the academic and writing game since 2009, so I am very self conscious of anything I write and am very hesitant to begin writing, here. I am hoping this will be a good place to get some creative juices flowing, get some constructive criticism, and to be a nice distraction from coursework.

I also have a cat and he is my world. If you don't like him, GTFO.
Just sayin'.

Skie and Avery
01-21-16, 10:20 PM
Hi! I'm Manda! I've been around Althanas mostly on, sometimes off since 2002. I'm part of the background, like the piece of wallpaper that doesn't line up just right.

I have a lot of alts. I like to draw, quilt, and play video games. I don't feel like I'm 31. I have a fantastic kid, two cute pet spiders, a grumpy axolotl, and an awful cat.

I have a bachelor's degree in environmental science that I haven't been able to get a job with and a collection of autoimmune illnesses that sometimes makes me do the math on my own existence. Also a grim sense of humor.

I post very slowly (we're talking a month+ sometimes) but I'm always up for an adventure.

Zook Murnig
01-22-16, 12:42 AM
Hi! I'm Matt! I've been an off-and-on member/writer/judge/RoG-mod for Althanas since 2007.

I live in Richmond, Virginia, and I work the 3p-11p shift as a nurse in long-term care and rehab. I have ADHD, which seems in the past few years to have gotten more and more in the way of my ability to participate on here the way I'd like. Looking forward to getting my meds right and seeing an actual psychiatrist for it, so I can be more productive!

I have an adorable toddler, who challenges me to sword fights on the regular. I draw a lot of inspiration from the Dresden Files, Discworld, Ghibli films, and DnD. This will come as little to no surprise to anyone who's known me on here, but I'm preparing to convert to Reform Judaism as soon as I can work up the nerve to talk to the rabbi.

I'm usually up pretty late, until 2-4 AM EST. PM is probably the best way to reach me, but if you've got my Skype then that'll work, too.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
01-22-16, 02:27 AM
My name is Chris. I've been on Althanas in various incarnations on and off now since it started back in 2001/2002, and have been roleplaying since 2000. Whilst Shinsou is my most popular version of "me", most people remember me as both Canen and Falcon. Recently I have completed my tier three judge training and, although on a short break, hope to reapply for staff again soon.

I hail from Manchester, UK, where I work as an accountant and am currently studying the ACCA to allow myself to become a chartered accountant. I recently got married back in September and am expecting a little girl in June 2016.

I'm always around on Skype and can usually be seen causing havoc in the public chat.