View Full Version : The Monarchy

01-15-16, 02:25 PM
The Monarchy

Throughout history The Monarchy have been noted as a military force called in to conflict and turmoil to support one cause or another; sometimes even both. Yet outside the history books The Monarchy’s lesser known function is to seek out answers and unravel uncertainties that exist. They find it as a challenge to disprove tales of Legend, to unearth rumors of horror or power, and brave places others fear to go. In the recent era only the foundation of this great superpower remains, its magics and rituals existing only through the tomes left over from their last incarnation. Ioder, The White Winged General, and his crew of The Risen stumbled upon the forgotten castle of The White Monarchy on the east coast of Corone. Standing alone on the ridged cliff line overlooking the sea this stone fortress now acts as the home of his crew and the newer members who have come answering the call.

While Ioder acts as the head of this newly re-established group of elites destined to influence the world, there in fact are two sides to this same story. The Monarchy exists without any specific alignment for the overall group, but instead is divided along the line of good and evil. In the first era the original predecessors split The Monarchy up into two separate but equal factions, The White Monarchy and the Dark Monarchy, in order to operate to their fullest. Each side to the same coin fallows the same structure, being exact parallels to the other in every way.


The Monarchy aims to validate the myths and test their mettle. What guides them to these situations or conflicts? Well, ultimately the Kings of each faction, their Queens, and the six nobles who support each side for a total of twelve.

The King and Queen of each faction control their respected side with the upmost respect and authority. This is not a position one is just thrown into and being the king or queen of the White or Dark Monarchy requires much sacrifice and dedication to the overall group. Once one is deemed worth to rule over one side or the other they are put through a series of test to validate their claim to the throne. If un-uncontested and successful with their challenges they are crowned and given control of their respected side.

You have "The Towers" also known as the shields, the guards, or the rooks two for each the White and Dark Monarchy. They serve their Kings as defenders of their domain, men or women of great fortitude and loyalty. They protect their own, and respond to any threat against their respective kings which are often the Knights of their opposing faction.

Each side has two Knights, the white knights and the dark knights. There exist one knight chosen by each the king and the queen. These men or women are an extension of their royalty's will. They act in the best interest of their King or Queen. They are also the Generals of their armies, the most renowned warriors of The Monarchy, and forces of much intrigue in their own rights. Often, they clash with other Knights and Guards of the opposing Monarchy to keep one another's actions in check.

Lastly, there exist the two Bishops or Advisors to each faction, one per King and Queen. If the Knights serve as the right hand, the Bishops serve as the left. Historically, these men or women served as magisters, scholars, assassins, tacticians, or icons of faith but all with the common purpose of providing their Kings and Queens with vital information to assist them in their ultimate goals.

In conclusion, both White and Dark Monarchies possess a large number of unique individuals who support their cause, but without title or fixed purpose. These are their pawns. Newer subjects to the group often begin as a part of this group and are later chosen to serve as a Knight, Guard, Bishop, and sometimes even King or Queen. They generally act in the interest of their faction, but are less monitored than their loyal counterparts. However, it is common for them to receive direction and training from their superiors.

There does exist one final faction of the greater group called the Monarchy. They have many names: The Grey Pawns, The Fallen, The Freelancers or The Peasants. These are people who remain neutral to either direction of the White or Dark factions of The Monarchy. These men and women are purists, focusing only on the Monarchy's core purpose without regard to moral or method. They choose to take guidance from whoever they please and act of their own will. These are without King, Queen, or nobility. However, it has happened to where some of The Fallen finally swear oath to the Light or the Dark, and even when some of the Peasants rise unexpectedly to rank of Knight, Guard, or Bishop. It is uncommon, but entirely possible.


1.) First and foremost the main goal of The Monarchy and all of its parts are to prove that they are without restriction, able to act as a whole or separately in order to expose falsities. Rumors and myths exist only to be squashed by The Monarchy in order to further their rule.

2.) Secondly, The Monarchy is in itself a branch of nobility and seeks to prove this. Being that the lesser powers in this world squabble The Monarchy steps in on either side to put an end to the conflict and form alliances to further their own rule.

3.) Lastly, and maybe the most important goal is to never let one side outweigh the other in terms of power, wealth, and ranks. One side should never tip the scales and outperform the other.


1.) While direct violence is not encouraged outside any conflict that The Monarchy isn’t directly participating, a war is a war and conflict happens. There will always be strife between the two sides, the answer lies in citadel matches, not on our grounds.

2.) Any ranking member of the group must uphold the chain of command listening to the King and Queen with perfect loyalty and respect.

3.) Any earnings that the Guild assists is taxed at 5% and given to the bank.

4.) The Guild bank is open to all ranking members to use with authorization.

5.) If The Monarchy calls any member must answer if able.


Not being destined to rule by fate or any other unseen force The Monarchy is recruited and given merit based on performance.


Ioder acts as the Unseen Hand of The Monarchy, out ranking the Kings and Queens as the newest founder of the group. While the Kings and Queens have full command over their lesser The Unseen Hand guides the group with only the best outcomes in mind.

- Kings and Queens

- Knights

- Bishops

- Towers

- Pawns

- The Fallen

01-15-16, 02:56 PM
Few spelling errors, but overall makes sense. Not sure how you plan to enforce the 5% taxation? I can't permit staff to enforce that taxation, but you are more than welcome to enforce it yourself as a sort of qualifying responsibility of the members.

I approve this and look forward to seeing what it holds in store for Althanas.