View Full Version : A Symphony of Unfulfilled Hearts and Shattered Souls

11-07-06, 02:16 AM
The wind blew deeply through the forests at the base of the Horogen Mountains, it scattered the leaves to the breaking point as the dust swirled in tiny circles amongst the twigs and small patches of weeds and grass. It was as if it was an ill omen warning those who dared to venture northward that ill times were ahead and a journey forward should not be taken lightly. The spoils were truly unknown for none who ventured upwards had ever returned to share in the wealth and bask in the glory. Many men ventured upwards only to become skeletons amongst the path, like demonic totems to ward off simple weak minded fools.

History also told of grand armies that marched up into the mountains, with only terrorized souls returning unable to speak of the horrors that happened. Needless to say that when a group of people decided they would try their hand at the mountain, strong words of discouragement would rise from the nearby townsfolk. The Horogen Mountains was nicknamed Death's Cradle. It was these mountains that the Saint of Swords, a Drunken Wanderer, and a traveling Swordswoman would brave.

Karel's eyes narrowed as the wind blew upon his body, his trench coat offered very little protection against the cold chill of the wind. A few steps behind him was his love, Rebecca Priam, and Sheex Deltin brought up the rear as he muttered something about how cold it was. Karel was not a hundred percent sure why he exactly wanted to brave these mountains but the last place he saw Vladimir's airship fly was towards the peaks and the nearby peasantry only confirmed they saw the airship fly into the mountains. No matter what Karel thought his mind wandered to Vladimir, and so he decided to find him and take him on.

Vladimir Sigma, wielder of the Masamune, and husband to Karel's sister. He was not only Karel's rival, but possibly the only man in existence that Karel felt he truly hated in every sense of the word. It took a sick, perverted man to take the word revenge and go beyond it. It took a seriously twisted man to take well over sixteen hundred dragons and set them loose upon Karel's home, the Black Archipelago Islands, and turn it from grassy land into a barren ashen home for the beasts. But worst of all in Karel's mind was that he now was expecting a son, Karel's nephew. The very thought that Vlad was related to him hurt, but the fact that his blood mixed with Karel's was unbearable.

Karel's dark thoughts were quickly interrupted when a small, slender hand rubbed Karel's shoulder. He turned, and gave a very weak smile.

"Oh come on Karel," Sheex said dryly. "You call that a smile?" Rebecca smiled sweetly as Sheex rushed forward and dashed behind Karel. The Saint of Swords looked into Rebecca's ocean blue eyes and felt a deep connection from them. Suddenly his face felt two cold hands, mainly two fingers, pull upon Karel's lips forcing the Saint of Swords to smile. Rebecca let out a soft laugh as Karel elbowed Sheex away.

"See!" Sheex said defiantly as he pointed to Rebecca. "Look at her! Now she wants you!" Karel swung wildly with his fist, but the wanderer jumped away easily.

"Tsk Tsk," Sheex lifted but a single finger accusingly. "Must things always end in violence?"

"Yes Karel," Rebecca said as she pushed her love teasingly. "You need to learn to have fun!" Karel laughed very lightly as his eyes looked to the autumn sky. It had melted into a beautiful orange. He remembered the nights he had spent with his sister back at home staring at the sky waiting to see the first sign of stars in the endless sky.

"By the way Karel..." Sheex said confidently. "There's something I've been meaning to give you, really important and I don't think it can wait any longer..." Karel eyed Sheex suspiciously, who in return offered a genuine smile as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small metallic flask.

"Really, what's that?" Karel asked. Sheex took a sip before he dropped his smile and punched the Saint of Swords in the face, square on the jaw. The Saint of Swords grunted as he was knocked into the air backwards.


11-07-06, 03:31 AM
Sheex was not a fighter by nature. He did not usually pick fights, namely because more often then not Sheex would end up the loser in most of them. That said, when someone took a punch square in the face, it tended to hurt no matter who it was from. The Saint Of Swords was no exception to this rule.

“Well check it out! I just whooped me a Saint Of Swords. Guess that makes me the best there is, eh Rebecca?” Sheex said with a grin as he flexed his muscles playfully while Rebecca looked on in shock. As he stared at her, he had to admit that Karel had fine taste in women. So did Sheex, because he was the one who had managed to get the two together. Alas, such was the fate of Sheex Deltin to always stare at the women in front of him, and never his actual foe. It was an easy matter for Karel to scissor kick his legs right out from under him.

“You speak as if I wanted those dragons to wipe my home off the face of Althanas!” Karel yelled as he began to rise to his feet. Not one to be out done, Sheex quickly sprang to his own knees and dove headfirst into the man's chest. The end result was that the two men rolled down a nearby hill; punches thrown and curses shouted all the while.

“I nearly got my head bit off by a damn dragon! Twice!” Sheex screamed as he swung a wild punch at Karel; he missed and connected with the solid green earth below instead. Ever the wise warrior, Karel quickly raised his knee into Sheex’s gut that instantly knocked the wind from the wanderer's chest.

“And I didn’t? You act as if I sat back while you did all the work!” Karel responded as he rolled on top of Sheex, who quickly elbowed the man in the ribs. The process repeated itself until the two reached the bottom of the hill, both covered in dirt and a good twenty feet or so from their original starting point.

“All I know is you got a beautiful woman at your side, and I got nothing! When is Sheex going to get his due Karel? When the hell is my payday? When is it Sheex’s turn to stroll in the sunlight, arm in arm with the beautiful maiden?” Sheex shouted as the two got two their feet, both ready for action. Sheex was the first to make a move with a wild kick at Karel’s knee, and all the wanderer could do was watch as Karel’s hands moved with lighting speed and caught the kick before it hit. It was then an easy matter for Karel to then fling him to the ground.

“Maybe when you grow up and start acting responsible. How can a woman love a man who comes and goes with the wind?” Karel muttered as he wiped the sweat of his forehead and stared at Sheex, who simply lay with his back on the ground and stared up at the setting sun. The man just grinned.

“In this life, men have many responsibilities. With them come many privileges. As the Saint Of Swords, you are granted the privilege of great power, but also the responsibility of using that power properly. I am a simple wanderer. As such, I have given up many of the privileges entitled to me, so that I may do away with those responsibilities. In return for this, I am granted the one thing that eludes you. Freedom,” The second Sheex finished his statement (which left Karel quite wide-eyed, for he was not known for his serious moments); Sheex instantly sprang to his feet and tossed a cloud of dirt into Karel’s eyes. Karel coughed violently as he swiped blindly through the dust, only to barely catch the shoulder of Sheex as he rushed towards him.

“Coming and going like the wind is the greatest feeling ever! Ladies love the mysterious stranger in the black coat! Why don’t you try it some time, and leave Rebecca to me?” Sheex laughed as both he and Karel collapsed to the ground once more. Karel placed his right foot into Sheex’s stomach and quickly flipped the wanderer through the air.

“You wish wanderer!” Laughed Karel as both of the men finally collapsed to the ground, exhausted from their battle. As the two laughed and stared at the sun above, the slim figure of Rebecca appeared in both of their visions. She grinned as she leaned over the two men.

“Are you done yet? I swear, you two will never grow up,” Rebecca said with a laugh as she helped her love to his feet. Sheex received no offered hand of help at the moment, so he chose to lay on his back and stare at the sunset while Karel tried to defend his actions.

“Hey, it’s not like it’s my fault! He attacked me! I only fought in self-defense!” Karel exclaimed as Rebecca just shook her head.

“Karel, you may act mature and serious, but Sheex brings out the kid in you. He brings out the kid in us all. And that’s why we love him,” Rebecca then turned towards Sheex and offered him a helping hand up. He gripped it, and for a brief moment he enjoyed the feel of the silk-like skin that Rebecca possessed. Karel was a lucky man indeed.

“Careful who you call a kid Rebecca. Cause if Karel is a kid, I guess that makes you a pedophile, doesn’t it?” Sheex asked with a huge grin on his face. This time it was not Karel, but rather Rebecca who tossed him to the ground.

“And the violence continues! You two are made for each other! Never have I seen a couple so happy picking on someone weaker than they are. That someone being me, of course,” Sheex said as he picked himself up and dusted off his coat. Rebecca smiled, as did Karel, though Rebecca’s smile was a bit bigger. That was okay, Rebecca had been a tough nut to crack, but Sheex had worn her down. He was certain he could do the same to Karel.

“And I’ve never seen someone take such joy from being picked on,” Rebecca said as she leaned forward and gently traced her finger across the smile on Sheex’s face. He just shrugged his shoulders and adjusted his coat before he turned back towards the road.

“Before I put the two of you together Rebecca was ice cold and Karel was much the same. But now you’re as giddy as a couple of school kids at a prom. And we all know what that leads to. Karel, I bet if we hurry we can catch a late dinner and then…well, maybe I’ll take a walk while you two have some quite time together. Although I doubt the two of you are very quiet…” Karel laughed and Rebecca playfully kicked Sheex in the knees as the three began to walk towards the town once more. All in all, it was a rather happy scene and a rather happy story.

11-08-06, 10:47 PM
“COME ON TROY! YOU CALL THAT A SMILE?” Regal shouted as the flat part of Troy’s blade crashed against a man’s neck, effectively finishing the match. The nearby crowd let out a cheer as Troy sheathed his sword, while his opponent struggled to return to his feet. It was a useless gesture on the fallen man’s part, for the match was already over.

The salty air brushed against Troy’s face, gently it coursed through his hair and caused his brown cape to flutter about. He had always liked the sea, and the port of this city had an ample view of the blue body of water. It was a rather large city; it was crammed with people going about their business, and the docks were no exception. Many boats, both big and small, dotted the harbor. On the stone walkway that Troy stood, several more people applauded him as the match came to an end.

“Well done Troy! Course, I would’ve finished the man off. In fact, I’d be more than happy to take over for ya. Free of charge,” Regal shouted as he pushed his way through the crowd, and towards what a person might call his friend. Troy simply nodded at Regal as he approached, while the wounded man was dragged off by his friends.

“I know you would have finished him off. That’s why I offered to fight him. The duel was not to the death,” Troy reminded as Regal frowned. Regal Burnswidth was known as the Sword Demon for a reason, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out just exactly what that reason was.

“The only way to test one’s true skill is to fight to the death. By the way, winners usually do smile,” Regal said sarcastically as Troy just shrugged in response. The two men had traveled together for two years now, and Troy had smiled for very little of it. Then again, he felt as if he had not smiled in a very long time.

“We should go collect our prize money. That is our ticket money, after all,” Troy stated as Regal patted him on the shoulder and took off towards the edge of the crowd. There a relatively large man was fuming about; it wasn’t very often that his man lost these fights. That was why he kept good fighters around, so that they could win him more money.

“Well, looks like you lost. Guess that means you owe us some cash,” Regal said as he reached the man, who had begun to head for the exit of the docks. The man stopped in his tracks and scratched his nearly bald head as Regal tapped his foot impatiently.

“Well, the thing is…” The fat man began to stutter as Regal just glared at the man. Without a word, the Sword Demon quickly brushed back his gray coat and revealed the katana tucked away there. If given the chance, Regal would have happily cut the man down at that moment, right in the middle of the crowd.

“There’s not any problem here, is there Regal?” Troy said softly as he suddenly emerged from the crowd and walked up behind the fat man. The man dropped his shoulders as he realized he was trapped, and offered up a small leather pouch that Regal quickly snatched away.

“Thank you. You wouldn’t happen to have any more undefeatable swordsmen you’d like to test, would you? We can even up the ante. I’d happily play for blood,” Regal sneered as he tossed the bag of gold up and down. The fat man simply shook his head and scrambled off into the mass of people moving about the dock.

“I think you scared him,” Troy said softly as Regal just let out a sinister laugh. Several members of the crowd turned to stare at the two men, but most people just kept walking on. They had seen stranger things then these two men; one with a look of eternal defeat in his eyes, and the other with a look of permanent hunger for blood.

“Fat greedy men deserved to be picked on. It’s practically a rule,” Regal responded as Troy just shrugged (which was his usual response to almost anything Regal said or did). Together the two men headed towards one rather large ship that was still docked at the harbor, although the crew looked like they were preparing to get the ship ready to sail.

“So, do you really think you’ll find your sister at wherever it is we’re going?” Regal asked as the two men found themselves at the end of a line. Up ahead, a member of the crew was collecting gold for passage aboard the ship.

“It’s the best lead I have had so far. You do not need to come of course,” Troy said, to which the man just shook his head. Although neither were about to admit it, the two had begun to get use to each other’s company.

“Are you kidding? When I’m around you, there are always plenty of people to test my blade against. What more could I ask for? By the way, when do you think I’ll get to cut something? You took all the fun from that prize fight back there,” Regal asked as Troy just stared at the man. Most people did not actively seek out battles, but then again Regal was not exactly like most people. Yet neither was Troy.

“The cave of skeletons was not enough for you?” He asked, and Regal just shook his head.

“Nah. Mindless skeletons aren’t much of a challenge,” Regal responded as the line slowly moved forward.

“And the island filled with hundreds of dragons, burning in flames? Or were those dragons mindless as well?” Troy questioned. Again the man shook his head.

“No, but we weren’t there that long. We didn’t have time to enjoy ourselves.” Troy clucked his tongue in a small amount of irritation. Regal's bloodlust was practically insatiable. Although Troy did have to give the man credit, it wasn’t as if Regal ran around town and killed anything in his path. God help the person who decided to draw a sword on Regal though.

“Okay, how about that asylum we ended up breaking out of? Plenty of human foes with swords and plenty of killing,” Troy ventured as he looked at his own sword; his eyes filled with sadness as he spoke. He had killed plenty of people at that last place just like Regal had, although unlike Regal, Troy took no joy in killing. He knew very well how bloody his hands were, and he often hated himself for it.

“Yeah, and that was fun and all, but too long ago,” Was Regal's only response.

"All right then. How about Emprea? We were drafted into their accursed army, and had no choice but to defend a fort doomed from the begining. You tested your sword against the entire Carthage army. How about that?" Troy stated, sure of his victory.

"How about Noel Spero?" Regal said with a mad cackle as he elbowed Troy in the ribs. Troy's face instantly turned deep red as he remembered the young girl Regal spoke. Completely inept as a commander, the most unsound tactician ever, and quite possibly the most sweetest and innocent woman who had ever had a crush on him.

"Regal. Shut up," Troy stated, finishing the conversation. Regal ceased to talk, but continued to elbow him in the ribs repeatedly while Troy handed over the bag of gold to a sailor on the deck.

“Thank you. And your names' gentlemen?” The crewman asked as he finished counting the gold and picked up the pen next to the book. It was standard procedure to take down the names of any person who wanted passage aboard a ship, and this ship was no exception.

“Troy Priam. And don’t worry Regal. I’m sure with my luck, you’ll get your wish in no time,” Muttered Troy softly as he stared at the ship with his ice blue eyes. The day Troy had met Regal was the day he had begun his search for his lost sister, and all he could do was hope that he was closer to her than when he had started. However, hope was not something that was abundant in his life. In fact, all but one single ray of hope had been extinguished.

He had abandoned his home, as well as his family. Yet that didn’t mean that he didn’t love his family or his home. He just could not bare to see them again. But as chance would have it, fate had whispered into his ear the location of his sister who had also left home, albeit for completely different reasons. Troy could no more pass up a chance to see her once more time than he could cease to breath.

The only question that remained was would fate allow him this one last request, or would it extinguish Troy’s sole remaining ray of hope as it had with all his other ones?

11-16-06, 03:08 AM
“For your sake you better hope my lust for battle is sated, because if it isn’t-“ Regal was interrupted when a firm hand pressed upon his chest to push him back down the wooden boarding ramp.

“I said name,” The crewman said more forcefully this time to the Demon of Swords. “Sir.” He added disrespectfully.

“Why you ignorant, loathsome, bottom-feeding filth.” Regal said in disgust. “You dare touch me? You dare not know me!?” He said louder as his hand reached down for his sword. “I am-“ Again Regal was caught off.

“His name is Regal Burnswidth, and he’s with me.” Troy butted in not so much for defense of the crewman, but rather to get Regal to stop ranting. Killjoy… Regal thought as the crewman nodded and motioned for Regal to board with a slight nod of his head. Regal walked forward and stopped in front of the crewman before he locked eyes with him.

“It is a sad error in judgment to mistake me for a common swordsman,” Regal chided bitterly. “Don’t think next time I will-“ For the third time Regal was interrupted; this time by an elderly woman who pushed Regal forward with her cane square on his spine. Regal buckled awkwardly as he bent to one knee.

“NOT ALL OF US HAVE OUR YOUTH SONNY!” She bellowed in rage. Turning to the crewman she said in a more polite tone, “And my name is Elissa Fran.” The crewman nodded for her to enter as well; he had not even acknowledged Regal’s earlier threats.

“Come,” Troy said quietly into Regal's ear. “You shall find no worthy foes here.” Regal nodded as he rubbed the back of his head and followed his traveling companion. The two walked in silence down the boats narrow hallways at the side of the boat as they searched for their room. Troy located it first and called for Regal to join him. Before the Demon of Swords entered he glanced to his companion with a sheepish expression.

“You fear me, right Troy?” Regal asked childishly. Troy rolled his eyes, but answered the stupid question anyway.

“No Regal,” he said lightly. Regal lifted his eyebrows in challenge, but before he could make any moves Troy spoke. “But then again, what do I have to be afraid of when I’m already dead?” Regal’s mouth was held open for a moment, as the tiny gears in his head shifted.

“And somehow yet again, Troy Priam, you change the mood from bitter anger to dull depression. Remind me never to invite you to my Saint of Swords award party.”

“Deal.” Troy said nonchalantly. Regal stretched his arms out as he let his tongue out. The salty air of the sea tingled his senses as he took a deep breath of fresh air. The sky was relatively clear except for the few clouds that formed far to the mountain areas. Seagulls dove and weaved through the networks of boats and ropes as they darted for food, and Regal felt a sort of calm come over him.

“God I’m bored.” He sighed in exasperation.

“Regal,” Troy said as he looked at the clouds next to Regal. “What do you think about most of the time?” Regal gave a quizzical look to Troy.

“Gee, um…let’s see…” Regal placed his left hand under his chin and wrapped his right arm around his chest. “Swords…killing…chopping things…killing…swords….”

“I feel so sad for you, if that’s all you can think about.” Troy said rather gruffly.

“What about you Troy? You wander the world in search of your sister,” Regal retorted. Troy looked at Regal with a surprised look. He raised one eyebrow to taunt Regal. The Demon of Swords looked back into the cold blue eyes before he continued on.

“Let’s face it; your odds of ever finding her are so slim that people would think that you’re crazy.” Regal looked down upon his blade. “So are you any less pathetic than I?” Troy turned away from Regal.

It was rare, but did happen for Troy to be completely surprised by Regal’s sage like wisdom. It wasn’t, thankfully, all the time.

“Let’s go eat, Regal.” Troy said.

“Ya, I’m kinda hungry. Maybe I can chop something up along the way.” Regal said off-handedly.

11-16-06, 04:12 AM
The sword saint rubbed his jaw as they approached the town at the base of the mountains. Judged by the orange glow the sky let out the Saint of Swords assumed that night was almost upon them. Small, almost undetectable, lights started to dot the sky as his fingers found Rebecca's fingers, causing him to stop star gazing and smile to her. Karel’s eyes scanned the terrain around the party as he looked for shifty shadows, silent dangers and anything else that would threaten him and, more importantly, his love.

“At last, civilization!” Sheex said as he ran forward. “A place of wine, women and song!” Rebecca let out a small sigh as she linked arms with Karel, the tracest hint of a grin upon her face looking to the wanderer. “YIPPEE!” Sheex clicked his heels in the air as he leapt for joy, a small gust of dirt trailed in the air beneath him.

“Let’s stay the night, Karel,” Rebecca whispered into the Saint of Sword's ear softly. As the wind blew across his body he felt his blood grow a little teased. “It would make the Wonder Dummy most pleased. And I promise it will benefit you as well.”

“Is your mind as dirty as his?” Karel replied as he pointed to Sheex, who had already asked an elderly gentleman for directions to the nearest tavern. Rebecca slid into Karel and wrapped her arms around his waist as she dragged him back while she shrugged her shoulders. “This could be interesting.”

“JACKPOT!” Sheex shouted. Again he was gone in a flash as he ran for what could be nothing else other than the tavern.

“He’s like a child,” Karel said irritably.

“Yes and thanks to him I’m alive. I would have been dead if he didn’t have the sense to put me on that small rowboat.” The Saint of Swords nodded in agreement.

“I was merely stating he acts like a child, and it’s mildly annoying.” Karel said flatly. He turned into Rebecca to place his arm around her shoulders to bring his love closer. Her feather soft hair rubbed against his unkempt face and Karel let off a small smile. “But I do not doubt that Sheex is more than he let’s on.”

“I think he actually doesn’t know just how good he really is,” Rebecca debated, her lips moved to Karel's. “Which is very sad.” She kissed him softly.

“With that ego?” Karel spoke in hysterics for dramatic effect. “He’d have no chance to even detect his greatness.” He kissed her back.

“His heart is as big as that mountain. Saving that child and, while one may question his motives, he did save the College of Womanly Scholars.” Rebecca added while she watched Sheex stop before he entered the door to the tavern to stare at a blond haired woman in a long flowing dress.

“Whatever did happen to that child he sent on the boat with you?” Karel asked as he felt his fingers lock with Rebecca’s.

“Seed? I don’t really know. He asked me about who did this to his precious home, and I told him about Vladimir. He just nodded, telling me there wasn’t a whole lot he could do and I can only assume he left me to go find some form of closure for the loss of his home.”

Karel’s heart was pierced with two polar feelings as Rebecca spoke of the tragedy of his home. Hate and Sorrow filled him as he didn’t know whether to cast his love aside and charge the mountains in blind rage or hold her tightly to him, and cry. Rebecca slid in front of Karel as she held him before her to look at Karel in the eyes.

“What do you see?” Karel asked distantly. Rebecca looked a little longer before she spoke softly, her hand moved to caress her lover.

“I see the flames of hate in your left eye, a call of battle that is just bearable enough to prevent you from charging here and now. In the other I see great loss, a pain so devastating that it’s just bearable enough to keep you on your feet instead of dropping to your knees.”

“You see all that?” Karel said amazed that Rebecca told him exactly how he felt. She nodded as she kissed Karel. Both emotions melted back into one neutral state.

“Come; let’s get you food, and then some rest,” Rebecca said sweetly as she took Karel’s hands and taunted him forward. All the while Karel stared into her ocean blue eyes as he thought how lucky he was to have her.

11-17-06, 02:03 AM
Sheex slid into the chair at the far end of circular table; he made sure to leave the two chairs that were close together for Karel and Rebecca. For about the last ten minutes the two had done nothing but fondle each other and whisper words into each others' ears. It took all of his resolve to not tell Karel to either grab something juicy, or go find a room. It was a small miracle that Sheex had restrained himself as long as he had.

“You know Sheex, I’m impressed. I thought for sure you’d take us to the sleaziest tavern you could find. This place looks like an actual restaurant,” Rebecca stated as she held onto Karel’s arm. The tavern did have a bar at which several people were slumped over at, but it also contained many other things. There were multiple tables covered with white tablecloth, a small band playing decent music, and even a small area where several people danced. All in all, it was a rather nice little place to eat at.

“Don’t misunderstand me. I’ll never feel more at home than at a sleazy tavern filled with drunks and friendly, yet scantily clad, barmaids. That being said, I figured you and Karel might want a nice place to eat, considering you keep groping each other and whispering into each others ears,” Sheex said with a chuckle that soon turned into a grimace as Rebecca kicked his shin underneath the table. Several seconds later a waiter appeared and asked if the three would like anything to drink, which was a question that always received a "yes" from Sheex.

“Scotch on the rocks for me my good sir,” Sheex said in response as Karel flipped through the menu while Rebecca casually leaned over her love's shoulders. Sheex sighed slightly, for it was likely that the two’s "cuddle-time" would interrupt "drinking" time.

“Gee. There’s actually a big selection here. What are you getting Karel?” Rebecca asked as Karel skimmed over the list of drinks. Truth be told, Karel was not much of a drinker. Actually, as far as Sheex knew, the only time the man had ever been drunk was the first time he had met Sheex, and that meeting had left both with a hangover they would remember for all eternity.

“Just water for me.” The minute Karel had uttered those words a balled up napkin sailed through the air and smacked him in the forehead. The Saint Of Swords looked across the table to find Sheex with a scowl on his face.

“Moron. I bring you to a nice restaurant, filled with good music, nice tables, all that other fancy stuff, and you order water? Man, that’s gotta be against some law. Why don’t you have a scotch with me Rebecca?” Sheex said as he leaned over the table and grinned at the couple. Karel just shook his head and muttered something about Sheex’s immaturity while Rebecca smiled in agreement about the drink.

“Make that two scotches,” Rebecca told the waiter, who nodded his head and quickly ran off to fetch the drinks. Sheex then leaned back against his chair; he yawned and stretched his arms as he did so.

“Now this is a place I could get use to!” He said loudly as Rebecca flipped through the menu while Karel looked at his friend. As usual, Sheex had on his cool grin that rarely ever faded from his face.

“Use to he says. I bet you could live here Sheex,” Karel responded, and he earned a nod from Sheex as an answer. Coolly Sheex pointed behind Karel towards a rather well endowed brunette several tables away.

“You bet I could. I wonder if she comes with property or if she’s an add-on…”

An hour and a scotch or two later…

“Oh come on Karel! Dance with me! It’ll be fun!” Rebecca said as she tugged on Karel’s arm while Sheex finished off the last of his dinner. The moon glowed brightly in the night sky, and the number of people inside the restaurant (or tavern) had increased by a good amount. The band was also played louder music now, and several people were already out on the dance floor; more people joined every few minutes.

“No thanks. I’m not big on dancing,” Karel said with a soft smile. Sheex quickly leaned across the table and glared at Karel, who in Sheex’s mind was making a very big mistake.

“Karel, when a good-looking woman asks you to dance, 'no' is not the correct answer. Actually, it’s not even an answer as far as I’m concerned,” Sheex spat as Rebecca continued to tug at Karel’s arm. However, Karel remained firm in his decision.

“I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm exhausted. I would make a fool of myself,” Karel responded as Rebecca sighed, crossed her arms, and gave up. She now sat with a look of disappointment on her face.

“Shit Karel, not only are you being a moron, but you're ruining Rebecca’s fun! She wants to dance, and you won’t let her! It’s not like she can ask another guy to dance, cause if she does that you’ll get all pissy and go Saint Of Swords on his ass, and then we’ll have this huge fight on our hands all cause you didn’t want to get off your lazy ass and GET JIGGY WITH IT!” Sheex shouted while he flailed his arms about wildly for dramatic effect. At this time Karel held up his hands and tried to calm Sheex down.

“Whoa there wanderer. I said I didn’t want to dance. She’s more than welcomed to dance with anyone here. I’m not the jealous time,” Karel said, which caused Sheex to not only cease his rant, but also raise his eyebrows in surprise.

“Really?” Rebecca asked as she stared at Karel who coolly nodded his head as he motioned about the room.

“Certainly. Go ahead and dance. Have some fun. I promise, I’m not going to be obsessive about it. Dance with anyone you like. I trust you,” Karel said, and his words instantly melted Rebecca’s heart, which lead to a smile on her face, which soon led to lipstick on Karel's. She then turned to look about the restaurant, but soon found Sheex out of his chair and beside her with his hand held out.

“My lovely lady. May I have this dance?” Sheex said in a soft, kind tone that he reserved only for those he cared deeply about. It wasn’t sarcastic or lecherous; it was a sincere and gentle tone that he rarely let out. As she looked at Sheex, with his kind smile on his face and his hand stretched out ever so slightly, as if he offered to guide her somewhere far away, Rebecca instantly remembered why he was her best friend.

“I’d love to. That is, if it’s all right with Karel,” Rebecca responded as she looked over towards her love, whose face had slightly reddened, but he quickly smiled and nodded at her. She smiled back and took Sheex’s offered hand. The two began to walk towards the somewhat crowded dance floor when Sheex looked back at Karel once more, just to be sure.

“You sure about this buddy? No hard feelings?” Sheex asked, and Karel nodded in response.

“No hard feelings. Just watch your hands. I won’t hurt you, but then again I won’t have to. Rebecca will take care of that on her own!” Karel anwered with a laugh as Sheex winked back at him, then lead Rebecca out to the dance floor.

“That’s right Sheex. You better watch those hands of yours. You and I know both know how often they get you into trouble!” Rebecca teased as she walked away from Sheex while she still held his hand; the two of them began to stretch out across the dance floor.

“Don’t worry. I know you want to make Karel jealous, I won’t spoil your fun,” Sheex whispered as the music suddenly stopped, and then instantly picked up again. Rebecca quickly spun into him, her back pressed against him as she leaned her head against his shoulder, and looked at him with her dark blue eyes.

“And you danced with me anyways? You know Deltin, you really go out of your way for me sometimes,” Rebecca whispered back as he quickly spun her about, wrapped his right arm around her waist, and held tight her left hand with his right as the music began to pick up speed. Sheex still had his kind smile on his face.

“Hey, I always help my friends. I may not know much, but I do know that. Besides, it gives me a chance to sweep you off your feet, right?” Sheex said as the two began to move about the floor to the beat of the music, which at this time involved a fast pace violin.

“Is that so? All right, I’ll take you up on your challenge! Why don’t you show me just how Sheex Deltin comes and goes with the wind, sweeping women off their feet and vanishing like a gentle caress of wind against their cheek!” Rebecca challenged with a smile as she spun away from Sheex, only to quickly spin back into him. Her brown shirt fluttered slightly as she danced about; despite her incredible looks, Rebecca dressed in a very modest outfit, which consisted only of a somewhat tight brown shirt that showed off no skin as well as light brown pants that only hinted at her figure (but that hint was enough to raise most eyebrows). One of her fine legs wrapped around Sheex’s own legs, which definitely had the effect of raising his eyebrows.

“All right then. But I warn you, I come and go with the wind. Don’t blame me if I break your heart,” He anwered as he spun Rebecca and took a step back. Rebecca continued her spin while Sheex quickly took of his favorite black coat, and expertly tossed it onto his chair. He had enough time to adjust his slightly rumpled long-sleeved blue shirt and run a hand through his hair before Rebecca spun back into him, she stared at him intently as she wrapped his arms around her waist.

“You wouldn’t break my heart Sheex. I don’t think you have what it takes,” Rebecca whispered as the two gracefully moved about the dance floor. Several people began to stop their dance to stare at the two, most figured they were in love. Karel probably had his fists clenched very tightly at this point, although Sheex couldn’t be sure since his eyes were focused solely on Rebecca Priam.

“As I said when we first met, bringing a tear to your beautiful face would be a sin against God, and I’d do anything to put a smile where it rightfully belongs. On your beautiful face. Guess that means I don’t have what it takes,” Sheex responded as the two quickly picked up their pace along with the music. The two came to a halt before a table where Rebecca leaned back from Sheex, who supported her with his left arm.

“So that’s your secret eh? Charming words? I must admit, they’re not half bad,” Rebecca said softly as she wrapped her arms around Sheex’s neck, and pulled herself up while Sheex reached his free hand across the table next to him.

“Words are part of it. A charming smile counts for a lot too. But you always have to have an ace up your sleeve to separate you from the rest. Mind if I borrow this?” Sheex finished his statement as he held up a single red rose he had taken from a vase on a nearby couple's table. For some reason, that table had had a vase of flowers on it; perhaps it was the couple's anniversary. Whatever the reason, they smiled and motioned for him to proceed. He thanked them, and danced Rebecca back towards the center of the floor, where he gently brushed back her brown hair and placed the rose on her ear.

“Not bad Deltin. Not bad. But I have an ace up my sleeve too!” Rebecca said with a sly grin; quickly she twirled about so that her back was once again against Sheex. She then wrapped his arms around her chest, dangerously close to her breasts (dangerous for his health in any case). Multiple people had stopped to watch the two dance, and Sheex was fairly certain that he heard a glass break somewhere in the background. Of course, he couldn’t take his eyes off of Rebecca. It didn’t help the matter when she started to slightly rub her hips against his legs.

“Not bad eh? That’s good, but I’m trying to sweep you off your feet. This is unusual for me, but I don’t think I’ll be settling for second best this time around,” Sheex said with a grin as he tightened his grip on her, and waited for the music to slow down. When it had, he gracefully spun Rebecca about and then quickly pulled her close so that they were face to face. Sheex was fairly certain that the song was about to come to an end, and when the music suddenly stopped he quickly wrapped his leg around Rebecca and gave her a gentle push. The push caused her to fall backwards, where Sheex’s arms gracefully caught her the final moment before she hit the floor. The violinist apparently sensed what was on Sheex's mind (it’s a guy thing), and quickly threw in one last (and very long) long note, while Sheex slowly leaned his face forward so that he was only inches away from Rebecca’s nose.

“So? How’d I do?” Sheex asked softly as Rebecca stared at him. She smiled softly and tightened her grip on his neck.

“Might as well take a look,” She responded as she motioned towards her feet. Her left foot hovered a few inches above the ground, while her right foot was wrapped tightly around his leg. The wanderer smiled softly; he had indeed swept her off her feet.

Sheex quickly looked up as he heard a chair being harshly shoved, and saw Karel with a red face. The man stomped towards Sheex with a very determined look in his eyes. What he was determined on doing was the question.

“Hey there buddy! No hard feelings, right?” Sheex said with a grin on his face as Karel reached the two of them.

12-07-06, 09:06 PM
To say that Karel was a bit irked would be grossly understated as the glass in the Saint’s hand broke apart, not even flinching as the pieces scattered across the table like falling dust. Sheex had taken his love, and was now dancing with her. The two moved as gracefully as Karel swung his swords and it annoyed him to a boiling point, his last nerve ready to snap. The fact that Sheex had to be so cunning as to grab a rose from someone elses table only served to intensify the jealousy in the Saint of Swords. Karel didn’t even want to dwell on the numerous eyes that were looking upon the pair in total awe.

“Well played, Deltin.” Was the only utterance able to be discerned from his lips as the song came to an end. The violinist had to make that last note linger for what seemed like and eternity, the same feeling one would get when waiting for the last grain of sand to hit the bottom of the hour glass. Karel had enough of this charade as he exploded from his seat, knocking the whole wooden chair over alarming the couples near him. With menacing steps Karel stalked to the dancers, his anger held in check only by the fact his swords were not with him. Rebecca and Sheex both played him for a fool and did it in a public way. They would pay for this most embarrassing stunt on his pride.

When he arrived Sheex was already backing up, his trademark grin covering his face as he slowly backed off. Karel’s hands were in two tight fists that made his knuckles ghost white as he was ready to let loose like two unfed wolves. Yet as his steps brought him closer he saw something that made his heart melt into a calm oasis. Rebecca was laughing, loudly, her pearl white teeth and beautiful ocean blue eyes filled with tears of happiness. No matter what Karel thought the two had done, that small scene of joviality made Karel’s hatred melt like the snow and he smiled as well, embracing his love who held him tightly, still giggling.

“Of course not, Sheex,” Karel said looking the wanderer in the eye. “After seeing her like this I can only say thank you for bringing her joy.” Karel grinned widely as he saw what looked like a sigh of relief on Sheex’s face. “Well my love, shall we retire for the evening?” Rebecca looked up at Karel and laughed running a hand through his hair and nodding, bringing him closer to kiss his lips.

“Take me home my prince,” She said lovingly as the two left the dance floor, a flock of women running towards Sheex.


“Oh Karel,” Rebecca said sighing loudly. “I truly wish you were the one I danced with.”

“The only dances I know are of death. My movements never truly were for grace of the ballroom floor as I absorbed more and more knowledge of fighting. It’s all I ever knew as a kid.” Rebecca squeezed Karel’s hand as she leaned upon his shoulder.

“But from what I learned from your land before the dragon's attack, it seemed so peaceful. Why would a gentle soul like yours be obsessed with swords and fighting?” Karel grimaced slightly, knowing one day he would have to talk about his past. He mentally prepared himself and when he felt ready he spoke.

“You are correct, Rebecca. Black Isle was a peaceful island and my upbringing wasn’t of a military sort. My father constructed ships and designed weapons, but he never brought his work home. It wasn’t until I was twelve he taught me what he did. Yet the world of swords and fighting entered my heart when my sister and I both saw a swordsman competition with my family.” Karel’s eyes began to get hazy as he welcomed the memories back, beginning to tune out the world around him for the walk in memory lane.

“The fighting was fierce but honorable, and it captivated me so! The swords moving not as a weapon, but an extension of somebodies ideals and motives. Each blade strike was their force of will made manifest through steel and metal. It intrigued me as a small boy, and I later fell in love with it. My Sister, Serra, saw the eagerness in my eyes and I knew she felt it to. We both wanted that kind expression for ourselves. We had to beg our parents for lessons; we did anything to prove we were serious about learning the blade. And my parents saw that. So after four weeks of manual labor, with no rest in between my mother and father saw that the desire to learn was strong enough and they granted us lessons. Both of us quickly became obsessed with fighting that we learned very quickly, mastering techniques on an accelerated level. It wasn’t strange, some children did learn even faster than us, but our ability to retain the knowledge and learn more was at a higher level. Some of my best friends I learned behind a sword. Daniel was one of them…” Karel remembered the day he saw a dragon rip his best friend away from him and he shuttered to think that at that time all his power, all his cunning, all his force of will could barely even stand up to a small wyrm. It was a problem that plagued Karel deeply and Rebecca saw it.

She stopped their walk stepping in front of Karel and kissing him deeply. “Karel,” She spoke softly. “Please my love, nothing can change what has happened, and I know you still cast the burden alone for your ability to do nothing in a hopeless situation. But please dear, let these emotions go. Who knows what you’ll be twenty years from now when it’s long gone and you’re still the only one blaming yourself for the past. Let these feelings of regret go and cleanse your body of this burden.” Karel sighed pulling away, slightly causing Rebecca to feel hurt.

“I am the Saint of Swords, a man with no equal to the blade. Yet I still can’t even defeat Vladimir in combat, I still cannot save my homeland or my friends, I still can do...do nothing. For all the power I possess, all the knowledge I know, I am about as useful as a bucket with a hole.” Karel sighed again in defeated frustration.

“Karel,” Rebecca said grabbing his arm. “The past is last to know,” She said bluntly. Karel dwelled on the words she spoke, before eventually he gave up turning to her.

“What?” He was confused by her words and cocked his head like a confused dog. Rebecca smirked, placing her hands on her hips.

“You heard me,” She said confidently. “Look, Karel, the past can’t be changed, and it can’t be helped. It’s the last to know what’s going to happen, but does it complain? NO! So neither should you. While other survivors of Black Isle are forging a new life, leaving the troubles behind, you are still skulking like a little boy. No offense my love, but grow up,” She said in a motherly tone. Karel looked at her and guilt filled him as he looked down upon the ground.

“Okay.” Rebecca laughed for a moment and grabbed Karel, taking him to the nearby hostel inn. “What is going on?” He laughed, smiling a little.

“You’ll see…” Karel laughed louder now.

He loved Rebecca with all his heart, and he silently thanked whatever god was watching him for bringing him to her.

12-08-06, 02:11 AM
“Yeah. Uh-huh. Sure Karel. Whatever you say. Have a fun night kiddies!” Sheex yelled as Karel led Rebecca off and out of the tavern. Sighing, the wanderer ran a hand through his hair as he slowly walked towards his table, only to find several women winking at him. One was even nice enough to walk up and catch him before he could pick up his coat.

“So, I take it that the two of you are not madly in love?” The woman asked as Sheex gave her the once over. While the woman wasn’t a super model, in no way was she bad. If he had to sum her up, he would guess that the woman was about twenty-two, had lovely dark brown hair and sparkling green eyes, a chest that was a little small, and a backside that was pretty fine. On the wanderer’s women watching scale, the woman would have ranked about a seven or so.

“No, I was simply trying to make a fool of my friend. Guess it worked huh?” Sheex responded with a casual smile as he picked up his coat, and donned it in one smooth motion. The woman smiled back as she leaned against the table, and looked at him with a bit of a twinkle in her eye.

“Considering his face was as red as a tomato, I guess it did. So, I think this means that you’re available. Care to show me those fancy moves of your's again?” The woman asked; it was blatantly obvious that she was interested in him. He felt a small smile cross his lips, for any man would smile when a good-looking girl was interested in him. However, completely contrary to his usual nature, Sheex just shook his head.

“Alas, I’m afraid this poor sap is all danced out. Besides, you wouldn’t want to dance with me. My hands tend to find themselves in rather interesting places if I let them run lose,” Sheex answered with a sad grin as he walked off towards the exit. The woman had a look of surprise on her face, which was understandable. Like Sheex had said earlier, only a moron turns down a good-looking girl asking for a dance.

Guess that makes me a moron. The old me would have been on her in a second; in a very literal sense. Times sure have changed. Sheex thought to himself as he shoved his hands into his pockets, and strolled out into the cold night. Rebecca was leading Karel off towards the inn, and although that would be the final destination of Sheex, he saw no reason to tail the two lovebirds. After all, Karel looked like he was ready to go (in Sheex’s words) “Saint Of Swords” on his ass, and the wanderer had no intention of pressing the the man's buttons. He had probably already done enough of that tonight.

Tiredly, Sheex wandered over to a nearby tree and leaned against it while he reached into one of his coat’s many pockets. Nonchalantly he pulled out a cigarette from the pack he kept there, as well as a book of matches. A single match blazed into life as he lit his cigarette, and took a long drag. It was a quiet night in a small town, which meant that very little noise could be heard, save for the music still coming from the tavern. The cold wind danced across the grass around Sheex, chilling him and at the very same time, making him smile. Many a night had Sheex wandered alone on empty roads with similar winds, cold and alone, but happy nonetheless.

Times sure had changed.

He flicked his nearly spent cigarette high into the air, he watched it with mild amusement as the dying embers of the cigarette briefly lit up the night sky until it vanished into the dirt. He took one last look at the tavern; he could still hear the music that he had been happily dancing to minutes ago. With another long sigh, Sheex pulled his coat close to ward off the cold, and trudged over to the inn. Thankfully he had obtained a room that he did not have to share with Karel and Rebecca, which meant that the two could be as loud and as noisy as they wanted. Well, hopefully they weren’t too loud, his room was only two rooms over.

Sheex’s room was a simple one, which was exactly how he liked his rooms, as well as his life. There was but one small wooden table with two chairs placed in the center of the room. On the table sat a bottle of decent white wine, which was no surprise considering that Sheex always tried to keep at least some type of alcohol around him, and next to the bottle sat one lonely glass. The only other things in the room was a small bed tucked away in the corner, and a window that held within its gaze the twinkle of the night sky. Other than that, the room was a creaky wooden floor with barren wooden walls. All in all, it was not a bad place to spend a night.

Sheex poured himself a small glass of wine and turned one of the chairs towards the window, he then flopped down in the chair, sighing again as he did so. He took a small sip of the wine and stared out the only window, his eyes tracing across the many stars that dotted the black night like sparkling diamonds. It took him a while, but he eventually figured out just exactly what feeling he was experiencing at the moment, and why he was sighing so damn much.

He was home sick.

As Sheex sat alone in this tiny room, he found his mind drifting away to another time and to another place. Instead of seeing a small room in an inn, he saw a house built of wood. It wasn’t a very big house, but it was big enough for Sheex. There was even a wooden porch with several chairs on it, but for some reason he had never really enjoyed sitting on those chairs. Instead, he had always prefered to sit on the stairs that lead up to the porch. Instead of seeing the dark sky that enveloped the land before him, he saw a beautiful sunset that caused dazzling orange rays to dance upon the windows of the small wooden house.

Instead of seeing the town where he, Karel, and Rebecca were, Sheex saw his home.

He saw himself sitting on those steps, leaning his head against the railing that ran across the front porch. While the Sheex sitting alone in the room saw only an empty chair next to him, the Sheex on the porch saw two young children playing with a small red ball. There was a boy there, about nine years old, as well as a younger girl who was about six and a half. The boy wore simple outfit that consisted of a blue shirt and brown pants, and the child’s short black hair danced about as he chased after the ball. The little girl wore a red dress that slightly fluttered as she giggled and watched the boy chase the ball; her short strawberry-blonde hair moving much more softly than the boy's wild dark black hair.

Sheex then saw a young woman peak her head out of the door, and smile at him, while he continued to smile at the children playing. The woman was his age, had fiery short red hair parted down the middle; several strands fell down in front of her face. Her dark green eyes, the color of the world's most dazziling emerad, sparkled as she walked over towards where he sat. Still smiling, she sat down next to him, and leaned her head against his arm; the two watched the children.

It was a perfect picture. He could not have asked for a better vision on this cold night.

He could have stayed there. He could have been happy with those two kids, which weren’t actually his kids. He could have been happy with that woman, who wasn’t his wife. At least not yet. In fact, only the young boy and the woman were related by blood, but that didn’t matter. Those two children and that one woman had taught Sheex that you didn’t need to have the same blood to be a family. Without a doubt, he could have lived happily there for the rest of his days.

But he didn’t stay there. Some time ago, he had made a promise to a dying old man. That dying old man had been named Maliki, and he had been a young boy’s servant and caretaker. The young boy that Maliki had taken care of went by the name Karel Hector Raven, the very same man who Sheex had walked alongside earlier today. Sheex too had been there during the destruction of Black Isle, and when Maliki had died his last wish had been for the wanderer to watch over Karel.

It was a bit of irony that Sheex, a man who knew very little of fighting, was asked to watch over the Saint Of Swords, a man who was supposedly the best swordsman in the land. But for all of Karel’s abilities, Sheex knew he still had one talent that Karel seemed to lack. Karel may have been the one who knew how to fight, but Sheex was the one who knew how to love. As long as Karel lacked what came to Sheex so easily, Maliki had known that Karel would never find true peace. Sheex could have stayed behind with his family, but in doing so he would have broken his promise to that dying old man.

Sheex always kept his promises.

But everything was changing, finally for the better. Despite all the heartache Karel had gone through when his homeland had been burned, the man had at least came away with Rebecca Priam. That woman was probably the only person capable of changing Karel from violent to calm, bitter to happy. And it wasn’t a relationship that only benefited Karel either. Rebecca had been cold and aloof when Sheex had first met her, but now she was warm and loving, which was something that Sheex would take a bit of credit for. After all, Karel hadn’t done all the work by himself.

So now, maybe Karel didn’t need him anymore. Rebecca could take over for the wanderer, for if any person could comfort the Saint Of Swords it was much more likely to be Rebecca than him. And of all the people in this world, Sheex knew that he could trust Rebecca to keep his promise for him. Together, he was sure that Rebecca and Karel would be happy, as long as they stuck together. If they did that, then Sheex was nothing more than a third wheel. Even if he was a well-loved third wheel, which he was (most of the time), he was still just a third wheel.

Sheex had promised that he would return to that woman sitting on the porch, and those children playing on the grass. They had promised to wait for him.

Sheex always kept his promises.

12-10-06, 09:59 PM
As the morning sun faded over the sky to bring forth the afternoon, the waves around the dock splashed back and forth as the wooden titan made anchor at the port. Crew members worked hurriedly as they grabbed a large wooden plank, tossing out onto the port pathways that led to the inner city. After the distinct thud was heard by all, civilians quickly began swarming off the boat like ants fleeing a watered out colony. Only two men walked off at a leisurely walk, one with his head down, the other with his head up, held highly as if very proud. And to nobody’s surprise, it was Troy and Regal who walked so casually.

“OH THAT WAS AWESOME!” Regal shouted the air, throwing a fist up and jumping onto the port pathway. Troy remained solemn as he walked all the way down. “MAN! Talk about luck, huh?” He asked Troy like an excited teenager. Troy cast a nasty look at Regal, who paid him no mind as he continued to talk. “I mean, who would have thought it…pirates! At first the trip was all dull and everything, but then the pirates showed up and…YEAH! Man your luck sucks Troy!” At last Regal hit what could only be asserted as a last nerve on Troy’s permanently sad face, his voice at last speaking out into the air.

“Thank you Regal, I get it,” He said with a hint of irritation in his tone. Regal continued on, ignoring the fact Troy even spoke.

“And they attacked not even a hundred yards away from the shore! Risky business, I mean, there had to be twelve…no fifty…no sixty of them. I had to have killed like…twelve, forty, no seventy of them,” Regal turned to Troy mid-rant. “I mean you killed like five or six,” Regal turned back to his walk. “BUT THE KILLS I GOT! MAN I LOVE YOUR LUCK PRIAM!” Troy sighed giving up, Regal was in rare mood, and he decided to let the Sword Demon have his fun.

The odd pair of warriors walked forward, their paths beaten by feet that walked before them. The town was already hustling and bustling, people walking all over as the merchants walked their carts to a random location to stake out for the moment before exhausting every last sale in the area. Women laughed in their flocks as men sat in corners laughing. Children ran through people as they chased imaginary foes or balls, their wailing not at all irritating to the public. Except for Regal. Somehow, someway, the Demon of Swords had gone from happy to somber all in the span of a single minute.

“Man,” Regal said kicking a rock and spitting at the ground. “Bet this place has nobody worthy to fight me.” Troy rolled his eyes as he spoke, hoping to take Regal off his one track mind for a slight detour.

“So where should we go first, Regal?” Troy asked looking at the town, his own mind thinking of the current events.

“I don’t know,” Regal said kicking a ball that strayed from a group of boys. “I’m kind of hungry,” He said holding his stomach lightly, shaking his belly.

“There,” The sullen warrior pointed to the nearby tavern. “That looks like a decent pla-” Troy stopped mid sentence looking for a new place to eat.

“What?” Regal said walking up to the tavern. “Let’s just go in here.” Regal opened the door walking in.

“Regal,” Troy warned; but his attempts fell upon deaf ears as the door shut behind Regal. Troy sighed looking down upon the ground, and slowly in his head he counted down to one starting from five and sure enough Regal exploded from the door in a raging mood.


“A tavern is over there Regal,” Troy said walking to the next one ignoring Regal's coming rant.

“NO, I WANT TO EAT HERE, BUTTTTTTTT NOOOOOOO!” Regal overly stressed the words and his volume.

“Hey Regal, I bet if you sit really close to a drunk he’ll fight you,” Troy muttered. Instantly Regal snapped his head to look at Troy, amazing him that the Sword Demon’s neck didn’t snap in the process.

“What?” Regal began that glazed look in his eyes with that one track mind process. “Somebody wants to challenge me? Then let’s go and I shall cut him down!” Regal already led the way.

Pirates, drunks, swords, cutting…this is truly the life of luxury… Regal thought blissfully.

12-24-06, 01:26 AM
How much longer would this last?

It seemed like ages had gone by since Troy had set out on his search for his sister, even though in reality he had only been searching for her for three years or so. Part of Troy wanted to simply blaze away at the road ahead of him, not stopping until he had found his sister. However, Troy’s more rational side knew that simply pressing forward without attending to basic human needs would only lead to disaster, which was why he sat patiently next to Regal at the bar’s table waiting for his food.

Although it was still late in the afternoon, the cold waves of the sea had brought in equally cold waves of air, causing the temperature in town to plummet rather quickly. As such, the tavern’s fireplace was already lit and roaring away, crackling as several cold travelers warmed their weary bones in front of the fireplace. Troy simply took a sip of water while he waited for his food, gently tapping his fingers against the old wooden bar as he did so.

“So Troy, what’s the plan?” Regal asked as he impatiently scanned the bar for any signs of worthy opponents. Unfortunately for the Sword Demon, all that populated the tavern at the moment were drunks and worn travelers, not a single of which could possibly satisfy the man’s appetite for battle. Troy just continued to sip at his glass of water.

“Nothing out of the ordinary. We will eat and rest up, if time permits I intend to set out on the road tonight. Although I do hear that the weather in this land is subject to rather fierce rainstorms, so we could always stay here for the night. I doubt my sister is making much better progress,” Troy said coolly as he stared out the window. Outside of the not so dense forest that populated the road, there wasn’t exactly many directions a traveler could go. Troy had already asked several dock workers if they had seen anyone resembling his sister, and they had told him that someone matching her description had already come and gone. He was fairly certain that he would have to move onto the next town if he wanted to catch up with his beloved sister.

“No, not about our plan for tonight. I’m sure your luck will provide in that particular case, I meant what’s your plan for when you find your sister?” Regal asked, which in turn made Troy turn away from the window and gaze at him with a cool look in his ice blue eyes. Regal’s span of attention tended to vary like the weather, and it shouldn’t have really surprised Troy that the man's interest would eventually find its way to his sister.

“I’m...I’m not really sure. I’ve been searching for such a long time, I guess it just seems natural for me to keep searching. I haven’t really thought about what I’ll do when I catch up to her,” Troy muttered as the bartender placed their meals in front of them. The bartender (who was slightly balding and a little on the fat side) quickly rushed off to deal with other customers, leaving the two traverlers to converse quietly, at least for the moment.

Staring at his reflection in the glass of water, Troy took a moment to think about what he had just said. Of course, doing that would mean that he would have to think about his past, which was something that he did not enjoy doing. After all, it was hard to look into the past without seeing all of his errors, and Troy’s many mistakes were weighing heavily on his shoulders.

It hadn’t always been like this. He hadn’t always been a drifter, he had once had a home that he loved very much. It wasn’t like his home had been destroyed by forces outside of his control either; his home was very much still standing. Bandits hadn’t wrecked it, armies hadn’t sacked it, and dragons hadn’t burned it. Troy’s home was still very much alive, and as far as he knew, so were his parents. No, the only person to blame for his failure was Troy and Troy alone. It had been him, after all, that had decided to forsake his loved ones and vanish without a trace.

Once he had been a knight, and a proud one at that. But, as the old saying goes, “pride goeth before the fall” and when Troy had fallen, he had fallen hard. He had sought glory as a knight, and when he realized the price of seeking that glory, the guilt had overwhelmed him. As Troy’s mind turned the clock back towards the past, he could swear that he heard the sounds of battle in the tavern instead of the crackling fire.

The war had dragged on for ages, and even though he didn't know it, it was still dragging on. That hadn’t mattered at the time though. All that had mattered was that Troy had recently been promoted, and he had been reveling in his new position. Beside him, his best friend Hector had been cheering himon, happy for the good fortune that had fallen upon his friend. Hector had never been a jealous friend, and he had nothing but words of kindness when Troy was given a command position. Hector had been a very, very, good friend.

Troy twitched involuntarily as he remembered the arrows raining down from the sky, shredding the skin of his comrades. Staring at nothing more than his cup of ice water, he remembered the screams of the dying as blood gushed from the soldiers standing by his side; the men’s eyes were void of any signs of life as they fell to the ground. The entire army had been massacred in one fell swoop, and Troy could not help but blame himself for that.

It wasn’t as if he had been commanding the entire army. No, Troy had only been placed in charge of twenty or so men. It was nothing to brag about, but in the eyes of a young man filled with ambition, it had seemed like something great. At least until those twenty men lay dead in the dirt, their blood seeping into every crack and crevice, mixing with the blood of countless other soldiers that once stood beside those fallen men.

And what of Hector, his faithful friend? Why had Troy survived and why had Hector died? The answer was simple. Hector had used his own body as a shield to block the arrows from reaching Troy, and in doing so saved his life. And, although Hector certainly had not intended to, it also gave Troy an overwhelming sense of guilt that he could not shake.

Even now he could see Hector before him, lying prostrate on the ground. The man’s red hair was covered in dirt and blood; his muscular form was riddled with arrows. Amidst the hundreds of dead bodies, it had been nothing out of the ordinary, but to Troy it had meant everything. How in the world was he suppose to go back home and tell Hector's parents that the man had died so that Troy could live? How in the world was he suppose to atone for that? In his mind, he could not. So, on that day, Troy had left his home and never looked back. His family surely thought he perished amongst the many dead bodies that lay upon the battlefield, and were no doubt heartbroken when he never returned. That was yet another sin for him to atone for.

And so, with his best friend dead and with no desire to atone for what he considered terrible sins, Troy had drifted. He cared not where he went, as long as it was away from his home and from his past. But no man could run from the past forever, and every night Troy’s dreams were wracked with screams of dying soldiers and his best friend’s dead body lying at his feet. Troy had lived like that, if you could call such an existence living, until he had met Regal.

Unsurprisingly, Troy had met the self-proclaimed Sword Demon in an arena. Regal had in no way spurned him onto his current quest. It was the simple fact that Troy had learned that he was not the only member of the Priam family member participating in that particular arena that had motivated him to actually do something with the rest of his life. His sister had been there, fighting in that arena. Troy still had no idea exactly why his sister had been there, but he knew one thing. The bloodstained floor of prize-fighting was no place for someone as beautiful and pure as his beloved sister.

Having arrived after his sister had left, Troy knew what he had to do. He had to find Rebecca, that much was obvious. However, exactly what he was suppose to do after that was beyond him. Troy wasn’t even sure she would want to see him again. After all, the two had been extremely close as siblings, and how had he repaid his sister’s trust in him? By running away and never looking back. Some great knight Troy Priam had turned out to be.

But he was still looking. Regardless of what she would say to him or to do him when they met, Troy pressed on. It bordered on obsessive, of that there was no doubt. But he knew one thing for certain; his nights would never be peaceful if he didn't see her once more. He wasn’t even sure they would stop after he had found his sister, but he had to try. Maybe, just maybe, Rebecca would offer him some peace in a world where he would otherwise be forever haunted.

Troy stopped reflecting as he felt a firm hand slap his shoulder, and his head quickly jerked as he turned to look at Regal, who slowly took his hand away from Troy’s back. Regal pointed at Troy’s dinner, which lay untouched.

“I know you’re one of those deep brooding types that like to sit and stare at nothing, but I thought I should tell you that your food’s getting cold,” Regal said as he took another bite out of his steak. Sighing, Troy nodded his head and started to slowly cut into his steak. Apparently both men liked the same type of meals; it was amazing just how similar and how different the two warriors could be at the same time.

“So, you have absolutely no idea what you’ll say to your sister when you meet her? After all you’ve gone through to find her, I thought you’d be...you know...happy. I mean, I know happiness and smiles isn’t exactly your thing, but I thought even you would be overjoyed to see someone you love again,” Regal said as he took another large bite of his steak. Troy simply ran a hand through his dark brown hair as he took a bite out of his steak, although it was much smaller than Regal’s bite.

“Can I ask you a question Regal?” Troy asked softly as he continued to slowly eat away at his steak. Regal paused mid-swallow, and stared at him. After a rather long silence, Regal remembered he had food in his mouth, and slightly choked as he finished that particular part of his meal.

“Christ you’re creepy when you talk all monotone like that. Course, that’s how you usually talk so...um...ask away I guess?” Regal stated with no amount of puzzlement in his words as he swiveled around on his bar stool to turn and face Troy, who simply continued to focus on his steak. However, Troy’s words carried the solemn tone that always commanded almost every word the man spoke.

“When you’ve bested the Saint Of Swords and claimed that title for your own, what will you do? When you’re the best swordsman in the land, and can best any foe in but a single move, what happens next? What will Regal Burnswidth do when there’s no worthy opponents left to challenge him?” Troy whispered softly, and although he wasn’t even looking at Regal, he could sense the man tense up as he thought about what had just been said. Troy took another sip of water, and turned to stare at Regal with his blue eyes, eyes that had once been full of life and passion, but were now as cold and unfeeling as a block of ice.

“Answer me that Regal, and you’ll understand how I’ll feel when I finally see my sister once again,” Troy muttered as he took another bite of his steak.

02-08-07, 02:10 PM
Alcohol was known for many things; a perverted friend to degenerates and an all too common foe to many. It was the great changer of ways to some, and that fact was very true. Alcohol was one of the few non-magical substances that could literally take a sane man and corrupt them to acts of disrespectful behavior. Why anyone would willingly drink this vile consumable was beyond normal reason, but its nature was mysterious and deceitful. While under its spell one would forget who they were, or worse, pretend and exaggerate who one was. So to them, the drink was a form of some great elixir, allowing one to forget pain or grow in stature, even for the briefest moment. It was also a convenient excuse for Regal to forget and ignore Troy's response to his question.

As the night went on Regal had finished his fourth shot and was still roaring loudly as he looked upon his captivated audience. He had just finished telling the tale of how he had killed his parents and family in blind rage and the looks of disgust told him to tell more, more of the great Sword Demon's story. He pounded the table and a fat man waddled over, looking at Regal oddly before dumping more into his shot glass. Troy had already excused himself and left this scene, muttering that Regal was a fool. But Regal could only think that Troy was the fool and that he was the one who was the moron, for how could anyone leave in the middle of his tantalizing stories. Never-the-less Regal moved on.

"But that's just the start!" Regal boomed. A few curses flew at Regal as people began to move away from him. "Allow me to tell you how I became the Demon of Swords!" Regal took another shot.

"Let me tell you how you became a drunk!" A man shouted. Regal ignored him as he began to speak.

"I was walking around the Torg'godon Mountains when I had stumbled across a beautiful woman with waist long blond hair and a rack that you could sit upon," He added nudging the woman next to him, who promptly got disgusted and sat up to leave. "Ah her voice was as beautiful as a song bird - never heard the voice of one, but I assume they both sound very pleasant-,"

"It'd be pleasant if you shut your trap, sonny!"

"Yes! It was a trap my old deluded fool! Little did I know that the woman was non-other than the Queen of the entire region! I was enraptured by her song, and I followed her back to the castle where I met her personal attendant, a shoulder length black haired girl with tender skin that would excite even a bull to rise! But my luck would not end there! For then the princess arrived, a frail pale girl with blond hair as well and a smile that could light the moons! I took all three at once in the king's bedroom and -"

"Seriously, that's enough!" A woman cried out angrily holding her child's ears.

"Was exactly what the king screamed when I was discovered! I was captured and sentence to death, placed in a small room under the castle by the base of the cave, a single stone column big enough for two men to fight sat in the middle, only a chasm surrounding it. Two wooden planks were dropped and I crossed with my sword close at hand.The king declared that I would fight until my death against the King's elite. One by one I had fought some of the greatest challengers of my life. My body was growing tired but the spirit was stronger than ever as I defeated a thousand of the king's men!"

"That's BULLSHIT!"

"Was exactly what I thought of the ridiculous challenge! But eventually the king rose his hand, and ordered the massacre to end. He banished me from the kingdom and told me never to return. As my body crossed the state line I collapsed and slept for three days."

All night Regal told the stories of how he had slaughtered many a foe, each story growing in number as he detailed everything. But in his head he saw the crowd enticed by his speech, joining him at the critical moments with shouts of gasps and insults meant for the foes in the tales. His madness blinded him as he continued to talk, and people came and went. He talked to the entire tavern, then to the patrons surrounding him at the bar. Soon he was talking to just the hostess as she walked back and forth cleaning up. She looked at Regal with a sad face. She smiled to the Sword Demon, kissing the top of his head in mid rant as she figured he should have his one moment of glory. Regal kept shouting well into the night before soon the hostess sighed and began to blow out the lights.

"The fat don!" Regal shouted. Two lights went out.

"Hordes of zombies!" His voice steadily began to trail. Four more lights stopped dancing to his words.

"A dragon..." He almost half whispered. The place was almost closed. One light was left on in front of Regal. He cupped the candle in his hands gazing into it, mesmerized by the flickering flame.

"The damn asylum..." He said defeated. Nobody would know it, and nobody could have seen it. The last light went out when a single tear dropped upon the flame.

05-22-07, 10:41 PM
Yawning slightly, Rebecca strolled into what qualified as the dinning room of the inn she and Karel had stayed at. Of course, it wasn’t really a dinning room. It was more like a common room, with multiple wooden tables set up all over the room and the naturally necessary chairs to accompany those tables. Several tables were filled, and one table had a small buffet of food on it that guests were picking at rather fiercly. Deciding she would not be left out of a free meal, Rebecca hurried over and filled up her plate with several pieces of fruit as well as some type of porridge. She looked about the room, and soied Sheex flipping through a paper all by himself at a table near the corner. She quickly walked over to him.

“Well now, what are you doing up so early?” Rebecca asked as she slid into the seat next to her friend. With a slightly sleepy look in his eyes, Sheex looked up from his paper and smiled. He also had a bowl of porridge in front of him, and he gently stirred it with his spoon.

“Had a case of insomnia I’m afraid. I assure you, if I could sleep for another few hours, I would gladly do so. What time is it anyway? Seven in the morning?” Sheex asked as he let out a loud yawn, drawing a few looks from the small amount of people sharing the room with him. Rebecca only sighed and took a bite out of the shinning apple she had on her plate.

“Try about ten. Not very good with time, are you Deltin?” Rebecca answered with a grin. Sheex simply shrugged and continued to browse through his paper.

“I’m of the opinion that sleep is one of the few times that mankind can truly be at ease. It’s only natural to want as much of that time as possible. By the way, did you know that they’re having a sale on swords and other weapons of death at the market? I figured you and your slightly-worse-looking-than-me boyfriend would love to get your hands on that,” Sheex offered as he passed the paper over to Rebecca, pointing at a particular article. Rebecca simply shoved the paper back onto his side of the table.

“Don’t even get me started on that! Karel just happened to see that article and hasn't shut up about it. Some things never change I guess. I'm going to head over there myself after lunch and pick him up something nice. I know what he likes!" Rebecca bragged with a small smirk of female confidence as Sheex slightly raised his eyebrows.

“So why'd you have trouble sleeping anyway? You're usually the first to fall asleep whenever we have to camp out," Rebecca asked curiously. The man simply leaned back in his chair and carelessly put his feet up on the table, drawing an irritated look from the inn’s proprietor.

“This,” He answered as he reached into his coat and pulled out a small metallic hip flask. He placed it on the table for Rebecca to inspect.

“A hip flask gave you insomnia? Sheex, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but drinking straight whiskey in the morning doesn't exactly work wonders for your body. Not to mention your sleep schedule,” Rebecca said with the tone of a slightly sarcastic doctor. Sheex just sat himself up and began to move the hip flask about the table with his hands.

“No, that’s not what I’m talking about. Well, it is true that I occasionally have a morning eye opener but-” Sheex was quickly cut off as Rebecca rolled her eyes at him.

“Occasionally. Yeah. Sure. Whatever. We all believe that one Sheex,” Rebecca joked with a small grin. The man's face became slightly red, but he pressed on nevertheless.

“That’s not the point! The point is that this is my hip flask. Yet for some reason, my hip flask was not in my coat last night. Now I wonder why in the world it would not be, since we all know how much pride I take in my alcohol,” Sheex muttered as he tossed the hip flask to Rebecca, who caught it with the grace of a well-trained artist. She simply shrugged and placed it back on the table.

“I have no idea Sheex. I’ve never even seen that hip flask of your before, so I wouldn’t know if you lost it, or gave it to a woman in a moment of passion, would I?” Rebecca answered as Sheex spread his lips into a sly grin. Slowly the man stood up and began to pace around the table like an attorney questioning a witness.

“But then my dear Rebecca, if you have never seen my hip flask before, how did you know I keep whiskey in it?” Sheex asked with a glare. Rebecca instantly turned slightly red and quickly looked out the window to avoid his gaze.

“Lucky guess I suppose,” Rebecca muttered in the feeble voice of a young child who had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Sheex quickly seized the opportunity.

“Oh admit it! You stole it from me when we were dancing! Not that I don’t admire your technique mind you, I didn’t even feel a thing. But the point is you stole my hip flask and drank my alcohol!” Sheex shouted rather loudly, causing several more people to turn their heads towards the two friends.

“Oh fine! I took your alcohol so me and Karel would have something to drink last night! Are you happy now? Now sit down, you’re making a scene! Besides, it’s not like Karel didn’t give it back to you,” Rebecca seethed as Sheex sat back down and shot her a puzzled look.

“Don’t know what your talking about. Haven’t seen Karel all day long,” Sheex said with a slightly impish grin. It took several moments for Rebecca to process the events and determine the cause of the grin.

“Well if you didn’t see Karel, then how in the world did you get the hip flask back before…SHEEX! YOU DRUNKEN BASTARD! STAY OUT OF MY ROOM!” Rebecca screamed at the top of her lungs, causing every single person in the room to look at her. This time it was Sheex who motioned for her to calm down.

“Oh relax. I waited until you were in the shower,” Sheex said as if that would make things better. As most people could probably guess, did not.

“IN THE SHOWER?” Rebecca yelled, red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. She was about three seconds away from hitting Sheex with his own bowl of porridge, but the man calmly picked up his hip flask and put it away into his coat.

“If you’re upset about me trespassing, then you shouldn’t have stolen my hip flask in the first place. I wouldn’t have gone into your room if you had obeyed the law, after all,” Sheex stated as he crossed his arms and looked at Rebecca, who simply muttered to herself angrily and took another bite of her apple.

“By the way…” Sheex whispered as he leaned in closer to Rebecca. Confused, she stared at the man as he reached into coat once more. Sheex made sure no one was looking at them, and then pulled out yet another object he had found in Rebecca’s room.

“Shouldn’t really leave things like this lying around you know. Bad for company. Imagine if the cleaning lady came in and saw these!” Sheex chuckled as he held up a pair of handcuffs with a bit of purple fuzz on them. If Rebecca’s face was red before, it was now pink.

“Are you insane Deltin? Do you want me to kill you?” Rebecca managed in the form of a harsh whisper as she grabbed the “toy” and quickly put it away. Sheex just let out a loud laugh, and leaned back in his chair as if he did not have a care in the world.

“Oh come on. We’re all adults here. Course, that particular toy is really adult, but I’m not a man who likes to judge people. Why, if cuffing Karel to the bed post turns you on, then by golly what you do behind close doors is your own business! Or is it Karel that’s doing the cuffing?” Sheex asked as Rebecca clutched her fist so tight that he thought she might actually break her own skin.

“Shut. Up. Wanderer!” Rebecca ordered, but Sheex just shrugged and continued talking about things better left for closed doors. Thankfully, he wasn’t talking very loudly.

“Hey. I get it. I understand. But you gotta be careful you know, Karel isn’t as experienced as you are. Now, I know you're a girl whose been around the block a time or two, and such rough treatment might…” Once again, Sheex was interrupted by Rebecca. This time it was her fist grabbing his neck.

“Just what the hell do you mean by been around the block a time or two Deltin?” Rebecca demanded in a voice a bit too loudly. Several people turned their attention towards her as Sheex struggled to free himself from her death grip.

“I didn’t mean it like that! I’m just saying that Karel’s main focus has been, and may still be, swords and such things! You can’t let Karel rush you into the fancy stuff! He doesn’t know what he’s doing!” Sheex squeaked as Rebecca finally let him go. Gasping for breath, Sheex pushed himself away from her and took in several large helpings of air.

“I’m going to pretend we never had this conversation Sheex. I’m also going to pretend you didn’t sneak into my room while I was in the shower. You, however, will never mention such things AGAIN! Okay?” Rebecca said with a smile that conveyed a large amount of pain if Sheex decided to do anything unwise.

“Okay, okay. Sheesh. Thought you were a bit more mature than this. You’d think you were some sex-depraved school girl who finally got a chance to live out her fantasy or something,” Sheex muttered softly as Rebecca coughed and went back to her meal without saying a word. Common knowledge dictated that he should let the situation drop, but sometimes common knowledge just isn't so common.

“Wait. Karel was the one suggesting it, right? You weren’t…you didn’t…you wouldn’t…” Sheex was at a lost for words as Rebecca simply kept eating her meal. The next time Sheex spoke, every single eye in the inn was on him.

“OH MY GOD! REBECCA’S A FREAK! REBECCA’S A FREAK!” The man shouted at the top of his lungs, pointing a finger accusingly at her. Aiming for blood, Rebecca leapt at the him, but Sheex quickly darted to the side and then up onto the table.

“Holy crap! I did not see this coming!” Sheex shouted as Rebecca tried to grab him. Unfortunately, he was just a bit too quick for her.

“I’m warning you Deltin!” Rebecca shouted as everyone stared at her.

“I mean, I guess I never really thought about it, but it makes perfect sense. You were such an ice queen when we met! Now I know why! You needed to get laid! SERIOUSLY!” Sheex taunted as he ran about the table, spilling the contents of both his and Rebecca’s breakfast.

“You have five seconds to get down Sheex before I come up!” Rebecca screamed as she ran around the table, making even more of a mess as she did so.

“Hey! I don’t even want to talk about you coming anywhere!” Sheex said with a laugh as he danced about. Not entirely unfamiliar with sexual humor, Rebecca’s face turned quite red.

“Not that the idea of you coming is a bad one...” For the last time Sheex was interrupted, this time with a sludge of porridge being slung into his face. It hit him with enough of an impact to knock him off the table, and land him onto the hard wooden floor below.

“You…you threw a bowl of porridge at me?” Sheex gasped in astonishment as he looked up into the usually cool eyes of Rebecca Priam. Now those cool eyes were filled with fire and vengeance.

“Yes. I did. What are you going to do about it?” Rebecca asked with a small grin, finding Sheex’s look of helplessness quite an amusing sight. Then again, she found most things about Sheex amusing.

“I…I’m not quite sure. Guess I’ll do the only thing I know how to do. The only thing I’ve learned in all my years of wandering,” Sheex responded as he stood up and looked about the room; all eyes were on him. Coolly he wiped the porridge off of his, face and placed it into his hand.

“FOOD FIGHT!” Shouted Sheex as he flung the porridge right back into Rebecca’s beautiful fiery eyes.

05-27-08, 02:50 PM
The sun filtered through the cotton fabric curtains that blocked the view of the outside world from the room that held a simple bed, a simple table, and a floor littered in one man’s clothing. That same man shifted slightly as he grabbed his head in slight pain, trying his best to block out the sun. Eventually he gave up with a loud sigh getting up and stretching.

Karel’s body felt rejuvenated and alive, a feeling he never before experienced in over twenty years. His dreams that night had been so pleasant, so happy. No nightmares or tortures of the past, no vile demonic grins from his ancient rival. For the first time he could admit to himself that he was happy. Karel Hector Raven, the blessed Saint of Swords, had been laid.

He knew it was childish to be this excited to have experienced something so pleasurable, but the woman he had been with made him feel like he could move onwards in a positive light, the darkness of the past melting like the snow.

Karel got up with a slight spring in his step as he moved towards the shower. He noticed that Rebecca had woken early and had done her morning duties to herself as her towel was removed and upon the floor wet. Karel turned to the sink and saw a small note made for him, with her signature a simple kiss upon the parchment. Karel grinned slyly as he took his shower, enjoying the warmth it brought. If he knew any songs, he would sing it at the top of his lungs. Alas the only song he knew was his countries song they sang when people went off to war, and that was a sad song. He wanted to be happy now.

After he finished his mourning duties Karel moved out into the hall, locking his door and twirling the key upon the ring it sat upon in his finger as he whistled to himself down the stairs. As he reached the bottom level where the dinning area was his face turned to shock. Tables were overturned, chairs littered everywhere. Food was caked upon the walls and the overturned tables, fruits and porridge dripping upon the ground like a faucet from the ceiling. It was like a war was raged through this tiny room, and the blood of the fallen was oatmeal. Unsurprisingly in the middle of the clean up duty Karel found the source of all this calamity. Sheex Deltin.

“How a fine dancer and gentleman like yourself would dare defile the good name of this hostel by your actions is beyond me, Mr. Deltin! I expect everything to be clean before the dinner rush tonight!” A man in a very fine tailored suit shouted to Sheex.

“I’ll be honest with you buddy, I don’t see it happening,” Sheex said honestly rubbing the back of his head.

“HUMPH!” The man stammered kicking the ground. Sheex looked up to the man and repressed a laugh.

“Just being honest,” Sheex said with his trademark grin. “I would never lie to a fine gentleman like yourself.” The man sighed in frustration and walked away past Karel. The Saint walked forward with a look of pure amusement on his face as he lifted a hand to greet his friend. As the vagabond lowered himself to start cleaning.

“So Sheex Deltin, master wanderer, what did you do this time?” Karel dropped into a crouch in front of Sheex. His wandering friend just smiled dropping his sponge and relaxing his muscles.

“My friend, beauty took place here,” Was his reply. Karel just laughed looking around the room. “Rebecca isn’t here. She took off four minutes ago.” Karel’s face frowned in slight disappointment. “Which gives me time to ask you this question…What kind of sick girls are you into?” Sheex shouted at Karel. The Sword Saint’s face grew red with embarrassment as he grabbed a sponge and started to help out Sheex.

“None of your business, and for the record, you set us up.” Sheex just whistled.

“Kind of makes me glad I didn’t bag her. I’m not into that kinky stuff myself but hey, I’m not into swords either. To each their own right?” Karel answered by flinging porridge at Sheex’s general direction. “So…you guys hit it off huh?” Sheex said distantly.

“Ya, I think we did,” Karel replied with a huge grin upon his face.

“Think?” Sheex said is disappointment. “Honestly Karel, you don’t accidentally take a girls pants off and fall in.” Karel laughed and suddenly Sheex moved away in a hurry.

“What’s wrong?” Karel asked looking at Deltin’s quizzical face.

“Who are you, where is the Saint of Swords? You are not the grumpy miserable wreck who clearly is convincing a girl to slum it with you!” Karel laughed again. “No seriously, usually you’d be threatening my life with ‘Oh Sheex if you ever try that again I’ll kick your butt…’ or ‘Sheex you bastard I’ll get you one day.’” Sheex mocked Karel’s voice in a high pitched girls voice.

“I don’t know.” Karel said honestly. “It’s just…this morning I feel so alive and well. All that tension is just…gone. No wonder you’re a wanderer, this feels nice.” Sheex grinned and got up. The two men slowly began to turn the tables back over and scrubbed them together, talking about good times with drinking. How they missed the cat Thor, and what a booze god would look like. (Which they believe whole heartedly that Thor the cat was incarnate.) After the last table was cleaned they both stretched and ate a meal.

“I wonder where Rebecca went?” Karel asked through a mouthful of ham. Sheex just shrugged. “Well, want to go look for her?” Sheex pondered it for a moment and took out a coin. He flipped it and then looked at the results.

“Heads, so I guess I’m going then lady luck.” Sheex looked to the sky with a look of determination.

“You can say no you know.” Sheex gave Karel a vile look.

“It’s the coin man,” Sheex said darkly. “You never go back on the coin. In fact I’m pretty sure we went over this before! God! How the hell can Rebecca stand how slow you can be at times?”

“What can I say,” Karel said non-nonchalantly. “Chicks dig guys with big swords.”

07-24-08, 02:58 AM
The morning rays were unkind as the Sword Demon tossed and turned, the thin sheets offering no solace from the sun. After a moment of pure hatred Regal decided to cave in, and finally after much hesitant moving he groggily lifted his head from under the sheets. Looking over towards Troy's cot, he found his bed already made and a folded towel resting on the table near it.

"Who honestly does that?" Regal said aloud. With stiff motions he made his way to the bathroom, his head a swirling mess of intoxication, each step creaking against the wooden floor much louder in his head than it probably really was. He managed to reach the bathroom with all his might and tact and he looked upwards seeing a reflection in the mirror. He glared back into the mirror and he saw deep in the reflection a man he had come to loathe.

The Demon inside him had utterly consumed him, his focus of right and wrong only perpetuated by the rumors of his own engineered self destruction. His cold eyes reminded him of a time long ago, a time where he was at one point very sane. Those times had faded into the farthest recesses of Regal's mind, the clouds of insanity like a drape to his past. He no longer had any connection to his surroundings, and each day he drew breath he knew that soon the man that was once Regal Burnswidth the sane would wither and die to become a slave to Tenacity and fulfilling his role as a demon forever.

He looked deep into his own eyes, looking past the hate and malice, to see a curtain there. He pushed it aside with all his might, despite the demons inside him crawling to keep it shut, too afraid of what may lie beneath. There he saw himself, his hair not messy and unkempt, but flowing freely and cared for. His eyes looked tired and confused, a table before him of the people he had killed. The virtues of right and wrong danced before him like a puppet show, and as he gripped his own head to keep the migraine from consuming him he looked at himself and felt the conflict suddenly start to burst from within.

He was not a demon, he was confused. His time in the asylum opened his eyes to the possibility that Regal just didn't know better. As he fought with his own mind to keep focus he suddenly felt the curtain rip shut, his own reflection starring back at him in the coldest of glares.

Shaking his head quickly as if the motion would destroy the thoughts he began his morning duties, taking time to shave himself and relish in the cool water. It took him a while to get over the hangover, but with each drop that hit his face sobriety came back into him. He stepped into the shower, and took time to just sit in front of the water, letting it slam into his body.

The memories of the cold night that he killed his family started to resurface, and he began to tremble as the conflict began to grow again, but this time he didn't want to learn more, he wanted to get as far away as he could. With a definitive palming hit to the shower knob he turned it off quickly standing in the stall for a few moments reciting his demonic nature. Who he was and killed to get to where he was. At long last he knew that Regal Burnswidth is the Demon of swords. Karel Hector Raven, he was the Saint of Swords. He would take the title of Saint of Swords and become good. His evil past will be washed away as surely as the drops of water upon his body. All he needed was to kill Karel.

After he completed his morning duties he grabbed Tenacity and walked downwards towards the main area. He looked around for Troy, expecting to see him in a corner of the bar area with one water and a pallet of food half eaten, his depressed face reeking of failure and regret. Yet the rest of the bar was in a jovial mood, and Regal summarized that if Troy had been here, this certainly would not be happening. He looked to see all the people looking at him with disgust, no doubt patrons of his performance where he regaled them with stories of his past. Not today, people. I have business to get to.

Walking outside he saw a few people running off to the end of the street. Curious of the event, Regal followed them and saw a group of people huddling in a circle. A FIGHT! Regal thought hopefully charging over towards the crowd. He thumbed his way forward and reached the front and saw two men beaten to within an inch of their lives, the fight in them already clearly spent. Guardsmen were tending to them, and Regal was about to leave bored when he heard something of particular interest that actually made the demon stop thinking of killing the Saint of Swords, and think of his friend Troy.

"You, bloody!" Regal said cutting in front of the guards and pushing one away. "Tell me everything you know now!" As the man looked up he saw the intent to receive harm should he not do what Regal asked and began to speak the tail. Regal's mouth curled into a demonic grin as he heard it.

07-24-08, 03:00 AM
Karel walked outside with Sheex looking upwards towards the sky. The cool afternoon sea breeze mixed with the fall air, the crisp hint of winter stinging his ears. The sun was at a brilliant orange tint letting the people know that the night was soon to come, and not much time left for the day. Buttoning up his trench coat he turned to Sheex with a smile on his face.

"So, Sheex," Karel said wily. "If you were chasing Rebecca down to work your magic, where would you be?" Sheex shrugged as he looked around the town, his eyes darting back and forth before he simply shrugged again.

"Honestly I don't know. There are a lot of places we could find her. Jewelry store, fancy dress shop...sex shop...sword shop. Anywhere." Karel caught the small whisper in the utterance of Sheex's words, but just let it slide as he adjusted his weapons.

"Split up and meet back here in an hour?" Karel offered. Sheex nodded solemnly as he watched a particularly attractive woman walk by, and as she walked away Karel would notice Sheex's head following her every move. "Well, guess I'm looking on my own," Karel muttered as he left Sheex to his own pleasures.

Karel felt the invigoration of his happiness overwhelm him, and he couldn't help but smile. He felt as if the woman he loved had completed Karel, making him whole again. He realized the name Vladimir didn't even cross his path, and the tragedy of his home didn't fill his heart with rage and regret. He felt content at the moment, still sad for all that happened, yet seeing himself walking the path of recovery with each day he spent with her. At long last he came upon a simple conclusion. Rebecca was the only person in his life to make him feel this way, and the love he had for her was so strong that nothing could break it. With a huge smile on his face he concluded he would ask her to marry him.

This very notion made Karel almost giddy, but he composed himself in public. He walked over to the jewelry shop and stopped seeing the ring he knew would be the best suited for her. He walked inside, and flagged down a seller. Pointing to the ring he smiled, and the seller nodded grabbing it for Karel to inspect. It was a soft silver, the edges almost a pearl white, a single diamond held itself proudly erect in the middle. He juggled his coins and looked inside pulling out the amount the man asked for it. It would take nearly half the coins he had from the last of his family inheritance, the rest of his money locked away by dragons on his home isle never to be disturbed again. He handed over the amount and took the ring. His heart swelled with emotions as he couldn't believe he would attempt this. But his heart never felt doubt.

Looking across the street he saw a very simple formal play being held the next night. He pulled out a few coins for that performance, figuring he would ask her to marry him during the intermission. At long last he had everything set up. Now all he had to was find her.

He couldn't help but imagine the scene in his mind. Her glowing face, the corner he would pull her to. How she may react never crossed his mind. He knew in his heart she would say yes. That was all that Karel needed to feel completely content in his life. Forget all about the Masamune and the Zantetsuken, his rivalry with Vladimir. He was now going to just let it be the past, and look forward to a bright future.

He smiled thinking about how it would all play out, but he pushed those thoughts aside realizing he already took up half the time he promised Sheex to search for her. His mind began to worry as he thought of something. The town was very small and he felt a little concern that he had not yet ran into her. His eyes darted around as he walked back to the meeting place with Sheex and all he could see out of the usual hustle and bustle was a solitary swordsman, his eyes looking like a tragedy had occurred in his life and he was re-living it with each breath he took. As he continued to look at the swordsman his world began to grow gray, a wave of dark depression seeming to pollute the clear air. He pushed the swordsman out of his mind as he walked over and sat at a bench arriving at the meeting spot, waiting to see if Sheex found Rebecca.

Soon the cycle will end...soon I shall be happy... Karel thought with all the hope in his heart.

08-12-08, 11:27 PM
“Excuse me folks, official guardsmen business here. Let me through please,” Sheex muttered as he maneuvered his way through the small crowd of people. Of course, the wanderer was not in anyway related to any branch of any law enforcement office, but he figured that no one here knew that. Granted, his lack of uniform was slightly suspicious, but for the most part people moved out of his way with only mild looks of either disbelief or annoyance.

“All right sir, why don’t you tell me what happened?” Sheex asked in his best detective voice. As Sheex helped one of the two bloodied men to his feet, he noticed the rather large amount of shock in the man’s face.

“And who exactly are you?” Spat the man as he wiped the blood from his chin. Ever the pretender, Sheex just kept up his ruse of being someone that actually had a reason to be part of this scene.

“Off duty guardsman. Heard the commotion, came running. Heard something about a woman being dragged off by a group of men. Care to elaborate for me son?” Sheex said as he patted the man on the shoulder. The man bristled at the “son” comment (the man was about sixteen or so), but began talking anyway.

“Yeah, there was this woman here having some problems with this guy. So, I figure I’d give the fine lady a hand and step on up. But out of nowhere this other thug smacks me to the floor, then they drag the woman off down that street. Stupid jerks, had they fought me like men I’d have whipped their asses!” The teenager swore as he pointed down a street while puffing out his chest with pride. Sheex just studied the man closely, trying to piece together the puzzle.

“And this woman, what did she look like? Have to file a missing person’s report after all,” Sheex asked, praying the answer would not be what he already thought it was.

“I’m not sure. Long brown hair, wearing a brown shirt or something…” The man continued to mutter a few more descriptive terms; terms which could have applied to Rebecca as well as any number of other woman. Realizing the real guardsmen would be here any moment, Sheex figured he had to short-cut this interview.

“So you’re saying she’s about five foot eight or so, long brown hair, brown shirt complemented rather well with similar color brown pants, well-defined ass, and breasts about this size?” Sheex used his hands to form Rebecca's exact breast size (well, he may have been an inch off); the man stared at him in awe.

“Uh…yeah. That about sums it up,” Replied the man as the wanderer began to make his way out of the crowd that surrounded him.

“Great. Thanks. You’ve been a great help; credit to the society and all that jazz,” Sheex muttered as the other bloodied man shook himself awake and grabbed Sheex’s coat. Cursing silently, the wanderer turned to look at the man.

“Hey guardsman! Aren’t you going to ask me what I saw?” Questioned the man as Sheex tugged his coat out of the man’s hands.

“Of course I am. After I file this report. Just wait here, all right?”

“You want me to wait here? With my nose bleeding? What kind of a guardsman are you?”

“Like I said, an off-duty guardsman. Now excuse me!” Sheex yelled as kicked the man off of him and turned away from the scene. Unfortunately, the crowd had multiplied substantially, and judging from the racket in the back of the crowd the real guardsmen were on their way now. Deciding he would prefer not to explain himself to the guardsmen, Sheex figured some fast acting was in order.

“It’s about time you got here! We’ve got a kidnapping as well as battery. You take care of the witness statements, I need to go report to the captain,” He ordered as he shoved his way towards the oncoming guardsmen. Puzzled, the two men in armor stared at Sheex as he did his best to keep his face straight.

“And just who the hell are you?” Demanded one of the guards as Sheex inched his way towards the more crowded areas.

“Who am I? How long have you been a guardsman rookie?” Sheex demanded back; his exit was blocked by a couple who refused to move out of his way. Sighing under his breath, Sheex walked back towards the guardsmen, for he could see someone behind them paving a path on his way in, and Sheex figured he could use that path for his way out.

“Five years,” Replied one of the guardsmen as the other went to help the two injured men. Sheex knew he had only one option. He quickly grabbed the five-year veteran by the collar and pulled him close.

“Then you ought to know better to question an order! You’ve got two wounded citizens there, and your busy questioning a fellow guardsmen? You’ve got a lot of nerve pal! What‘s your badge number?” Sheex spat as the man just gave him a strange look.

“We don’t have badge numbers,” The guard responded calmly as Sheex’s face turned red. Immediately releasing his grip, Sheex slowly walked back towards the white haired man that was shoving his way through the crowd.

“Well…I’ll be sure to bring that up at the next meeting! Bye!” Sheex finished with a wave as he ducked under the white-haired man, who had just shoved aside the guardsman helping the bloodied citizens. Immediately, Sheex began running as fast as he could away from the scene, and towards the spot where he was suppose to meet with Karel.

“Yo! Karel!” Sheex shouted as he spotted his friend sitting on a bench not too far away. Silently cursing at his lack of breath (Sheex figured his constant smoking might have something to do with that), he forced himself to pull through the last few feet as Karel neatly stepped to the side, while the wanderer tumbled over his own feet.

“What’s the rush?” Karel asked as he offered Sheex a hand up.

“Get your swords Karel, have I got a story for you!” Sheex said as Karel helped him to his feet.

09-26-08, 03:58 PM
Regal ran as fast as his body was able, his mind unable to focus as the sheer joy at the news the broken teenagers gave him filled his heart with joy. A group of men had kidnapped a woman very similar in description to Rebecca Priam, and if she was kidnapped he knew Troy would go after her, and thus a fight would ensue. He cared not for the life of Troy's sister, so long as his blade could cut into flesh and he could feel the warmth of the blood splattering across his face. He kept one hand on Tenacity at all times, just in case anyone was foolish enough to get into his way.

"Get your swords..." The voice was coming off from Regal's left side, and he turned when he heard that people were grabbing blades, but instead of seeing them prepare for a fight, he saw them instead talking. Ugh, wasted youth! Regal thought as he starred into the cold eyes of the man in the blue trench coat.

Regal felt a cold familiarity, like as if he knew this man from long ago. Visions of dreams he didn't know he had started to fragment into place. He had an almost golden aura around him, like the heavens parted to shine light on this man. He knew this man he concluded, but not why he knew him. That made Regal stop his pursuit of Troy long enough to rationalize how he knew this guy. But as the two talked it looked more like a comedic side show than anything else of use. They both ran off towards the field and Regal dismissed the thoughts.

The sword demon grew bored suddenly as he began to walk around looking into each town window with little care. A blacksmith shop carried an interesting array of throwing daggers, but Regal grew bored as his eyes wandered to the quality of the blades. Sharp they were, but not balanced. His trained eyes knew it instantly. He chuckled imagining any idiot who would be stupid enough to use those in a fight.

THE FIGHT! Regal thought suddenly, his brain forcing him to move onwards. His feet began to start walking away from the blacksmiths, but his head swarmed with visions of the man from before/ Who is he...why do I know him? he thought angrily. I never saw that man in my entire life, or he would have been another blood stain on my sword. Regal began to think more on this losing his train of thought several times as he did.

At long last he had found his original prey, and Troy was sitting at a small table, a drink in one hand, and a geographical map of the surrounding area in front of him. Without even looking up he sighed heavily, and a wave of depression seemed to pulse outwards from him. Regal felt the wave hit him, but his fiery temper reached the fore as Regal took the map and tossed it to the side.

"You would be wise, Troy Priam, to stop looking for your sister and listen to me." Regal said sharply. "You never know what you could find with my wisdom." Troy looked to Regal, unaffected by his outburst with cold, sad eyes.

"And what have you to say, Sword Demon?" Troy said in a sarcastic way.

"I know where your sister is..." Regal said devilishly with a grin that would put a cat to shame. Troy's face however wasn't grinning, but instead his eyes bulged into two wide orbs as his drink shattered in his hand. Regal studied the change in Troy and looked around the area to see if the atmosphere had changed. In deed it had as storm clouds began to form around the base of the mountains.

Looking back down at Troy he saw something that chilled the Sword Demon's spine and made him flinch involuntarily away from Troy. He saw a primal power deep inside Troy begin to stir awake, stretching it's dark claws out for the first time in ages. Regal looked at Troy's eyes and saw something he never thought he would be honored to see in his life.

He saw fire and passion for the first time in Troy's eyes and Regal began to entertain the idea that his companion was a far better man than he. Troy stood up slowly from his chair, taking heavy steps towards Regal as if studying him, seeing if he was making this up to get a rise out of the depressed knight. But Regal had no intention of ever using that as a means to get a rise out of Troy. Satisfied the sword demon wasn't lying, he spoke with a determination that made Regal quake in his own boots.

"Where is my sister?"

11-06-08, 04:15 AM
"See my bet is, she's at this old abandoned windmill about a mile or two outside of town," Sheex informed Karel as the two walked briskly down the street. They weren't exactly sure where they were heading, but to a passersby they were certainly heading somewhere in a hurry.

"Why's that?" Asked Karel as the two reached a crossroad. Both paused to study the situation, although they realized they had little time to spare.

"A hunch I guess. I just figured, you know, kidnap the girl and take her somewhere secluded. It's a fairly busy town, so they'd have to choose somewhere out of the way. Abandoned windmill just sorta screams hideout," Sheex answered as he glanced at the sky. It was probably around two o'clock or so. The sun was high in the sky, and although it bathed the city in its light, Sheex couldn't help but feel cold and sickly inside.

"And then what Sheex, are they going to hold her for ransom? Perhaps they're Vladimir's men, if he even has a social life, out to test me? No wait, I bet it's some asshole I wronged in the past, and now he's a deranged psychopath! I seriously doubt it's such a cliché." When Karel had finished speaking, Sheex chuckled as he crossed his arms and grinned his usual grin, which involved him grinning slightly with one side of his lips and keeping the other half as stoic as possible.

"Karel, your life is a cliché," Sheex said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" Karel snapped as his face turned dark red and he took several menacing steps toward his friend.

"Don't get all pissy oh holy Saint Of Swords. Take a step back and observe; you hate Vladmir, he hates you. Most people would either just kill each other or, you know, move to distant parts of the world. But noooo, you two constantly one-up one another creating and ensuring that you two are each other’s nemeses for all eternity. Oh, then there’s Vladimir's love interest, who out of the millions upon millions of people in this world just happens to be your sister.”

“That may be so, but-”

“I left out the part of you both being extremely skilled swordsmen, a match for ninety-percent of Althanas, give or take. It wouldn’t do to have a nemesis who was a shopkeeper, I suppose. Want me to go on?”

“I don’t think that-”

“You're the Saint Of Swords. Saint. Vladmir is the last Knight Of The Apocalypse. Apocalypse. Good versus evil. Not that I think you’re a paragon of good, but hey, if the shoes fits.”

“If you’d stop interrupting and let me-”

“Then there’s the swords. Simple steel? Of course not. Weapons of extreme magical power that can only be used when facing one another? Of course, though that one’s pretty overdone if you ask me. I wonder why you never hear about legendary maces or axes destined to face one another. It’s always swords.”

“HEY! Just because-”

“Dragons. Dragons attacked your home.”

“How dare you-

“Amidst the chaos you found love.”

“I swear I’ll-”

“She changed you from a cold warrior to a compassionate human being.”

“Shut your mouth you-”

“And now you’ll go through Heaven and Hell to get her back. Forsaking all else just to be with her again.”

“Of course I’d-”

“Even your quest to hunt down Vladmir, which until she came along was all you ever thought of.”

“Well that goes without-”

“And now you wonder if she worth doing that, then just maybe that epic duel you’re dead set on isn’t the most important thing in your life. Maybe, just maybe, you could let it go. Something that hasn’t occurred to you since, well, ever.”

Karel stared at him, although Sheex couldn’t be sure if Karel’s expression was filled with awe or hate. Either way, Sheex just reached into his pockets and pulled out his box of cigarettes.

“Then there’s the fact that the guy I talked to said she was dragged this way. Guess that's another reason, but I rather prefer my own logic. Don't you?" Sheex said as he lit a cigarette and puffed on it. Karel said nothing for a moment, then gave him a playful (yet still rather painful) punch on the arm.

"Jerk," Said Karel as he gazed off towards the windmill, and where (he hoped) Rebecca was. Although Sheex could not figure out the exact thoughts running through his friend's head, it didn't take a genius to see the look of longing in Karel's eyes.

"So, we gonna go Saint Of Swords on their ass or what?" Sheex offered after several silent moments. Karel grinned as Sheex tossed aside his spent cigarette. Together, the two began a mad dash towards the windmill.

"So, tell me again how you came by this information?" Shouted Karel, who could easily have outrun Sheex if he so choose to, but instead kept himself a good five feet ahead of him at all times.

"That, Karel, is quite the story!" Shouted back Sheex as he took in a big gulp of air. He really had to quit smoking.

01-21-09, 05:01 PM
"I can't tell the story if you're choking me Troy!" Regal managed to gasp as Troy shook him violently. Many onlookers watched the scene, but few people wanted to interrupt the man who looked ready to kill. For the first time ever, it was Troy who had that look in his eyes, and not Regal.

"Then quit stalling and tell me already!" Troy shouted as he flung Regal to the ground. Instinctively Regal immediately went for his sword, only to find Troy's blade already out and pointed at him. The blade itself did not scare Regal in the least; the look on Troy's face, however, certainly piqued Regal's interest.

"You know, you're pretty deadly when you want to be," Regal said with a grin as he wiped the dirt of his face. Troy simply gripped his sword tightly and continued to point it at his companion.

“I swear to God Regal...” Troy nearly screamed as Regal just shook his head. The man was insufferable at times, and this was certainly one of those times. Most sane people didn’t run up to someone who would happily give their life to see a particular person one last time, tell that person you knew exactly where who they sought was, and then proceed to talk about how great they had to be to figure out this information.

“Relax Troy. Actually, don’t relax, I kind of like this side of you. It reminds me of...well, me,” Troy’s eyes flared with anger, but not that cool anger so typical of Troy. His anger now was like a fire, uncontrollable.

“Group of thugs took her. Headed west, towards an old windmill. So, what have you got to say to that, Priam?” Regal said with a smug look on his face. Instantly Troy bolted away from him, blazing a trail towards the direction the man had pointed at. Not to be out done, the Sword Demon quickly took off after him.

“Hey! Don’t I get a thank you?” Regal shouted as he shoved his way through the crowd. Ten feet ahead of him Troy swung his sword about, clearing the crowd just as effectively, if not more so, than Regal’s shoving.

“Good God Troy! You are pissed and I am loving this side of you! It’s almost, dare I say it? Scary!” Regal laughedas he caught up to Troy who, although he heard the man, paid him no mind.

“I’m going to kill them. I’m going to kill them all,” Troy muttered to himself as he picked up speed. [i]How dare someone lay a hand on Rebecca[i/] was the only thing that was on his mind. It didn’t matter what the men who had taken her had wanted, they would all be dealt death by Troy’s hand. It had been so long since he had felt such raw passion, but now these emotions came back in full force, and they spurred Troy onwards.

“I believe that’s my line Troy! You’re the one who is suppose to shake his head at excess violence!” Regal shouted as he leapt over a bench in order to gain a precious few moments over Troy.

“No one touches my sister Regal. No one,” Troy said just loud enough for him to hear. Regal just grinned; without a doubt, things were going to get interesting. Leave it to Troy Priam to add a little excitement to an otherwise boring day.

“I’m glad you’re primed for a fight and all, but you do realize you just missed the turn, right?” Regal yelled as Troy blazed past the quickest way to the windmill. Troy just shook his head and kept on running. His days as a knight may have been well past over, but that didn’t mean he had forgotten all that he had learned.

“Only a moron charges down the expected path to battle Regal. That’s just asking for an ambush,” Troy shouted back as he made an abrupt turn. Although it would take a few extra minutes, he was certain his little detour would save him more time in the long run.

01-27-09, 02:55 PM
"ARE YOU A MORON KAREL?!?" Sheex exclaimed knowing his lungs hated him for each breath he took. "CHARGING UP THE MIDDLE IS ASKING FOR US TO GET AMBUSHED!"

Karel slowed his trot as his eyes looked towards the windmill with determined eyes. His love was in there and he would be hell bent if he didn't get her back. Nothing could stand in his way of being with Rebecca again. Not that Sheex was making this any less harder. His little pep talk about Karel's life just reminded him how important Rebecca was to him and so he ran towards the windmill with all due haste.

"KAREL DO YOU EVER LISTEN?!?" Sheex shouted chasing him again. The sky was getting a bit grayer as the clouds began to form over the ridge of the mountains. A few birds chirped, but none could be found flying in the air and Karel began to notice the big change in the weather as of late. Pushing it the side of his mind he halted placing one hand out to his left side. He figured Sheex was putting all his focus into running and didn't bother to pay attention to Karel. Karel was right, as Sheex was not paying attention which resulted in Sheex running right into the Saint's arm spinning the swordsman on the spot and sending Sheex down into the tall grass breathing heavily.

"Ya know, if you didn't smoke, Sheex." Karel taunted. Sheex just lifted his right arm swatting at his friend breathing deep sharp breaths to regain his composure.

"If...you...didn't...like...swords...so much...than maybe...we wouldn't be in this...place..." Sheex gasped in between breaths. Karel gave him a look of warning making it clear that wasn't a road the Saint of Swords wanted to go down. Karel drew the Serra Karla Raven and did a few practice swings with it, getting the feel right. Sheex stood up next to him and began to wander down the road a bit.

"What do you see Deltin?" Karel called out scanning the horizon. "How does it look?" Sheex quickly trotted back to Karel, placing an arm on his shoulder. Sheex took a few deep breaths as Karel motioned for the drunken wanderer to spill the beans.

"Okay Karel," He placed his other arm on his friend's shoulder. "They definitely got her." The Saint of Swords made a motion to throw off Sheex but was caught off guard as he was unable to move. He looked at Sheex with a quizzical look of frustration as he tried to move forward again.

"Let me go, Sheex!" Karel warned. Deltin just shook his head as he muttered something about promises.

"I swear if I didn't promise your house servant Maliki that I'd watch over you..." Sheex took a moment and looked behind him. "You know Karel, you are very lucky he did ask me to watch out for you, because I don't think you can take on twenty or so people at once." The swordsman still struggled as he tried to get free from the grip of his friend. "Wow, this is pretty cool. I got the Saint of Swords stuck in my grasp. Maliki was right, this is really effective against you." The trademark grin of Sheex erupted on his face as Karel fought with him to be free.

"Will you let me go?" Karel said in agitation as he stopped struggling. Sheex nodded pushing Karel away and folding his arms across his chest in triumph. "When the hell did you learn that?" Karel said rubbing his shoulders.

"Maliki taught that to me when you and Rebecca were...ya know...getting your...Ya know that isn't the point. The point is we got a babe to save and you are wasting precious time." Karel's eyes went wide with rage.

"I'm wasting time?" Karel seethed. "I'm the one wasting time?" Karel gripped his blades tightly.

"Don't lose your temper or that saintly title will disappear!" Sheex warned in a defensive whine. "Not that you really should keep it anyway. I mean you are not the paragon of good as we already covered...did you want me to make you a flow chart?" Sheex offered. Karel cried out to the sky in frustration as the last of his nerves vanished. Sheex was wasting time when his love was being tortured or raped or worse. With all his might he tried to move forward, but Sheex's death grip didn't falter keeping Karel in one place. "Remember what I said about an ambush, Karel?"

"Sheex let me go you dolt!" Karel was beside himself as he felt powerless in his friend's hands. Sheex just sighed realizing that Karel wasn't going to listen and released him.

Freed at last the Saint of Swords rushed forward with quick movements Karel had drawn his second sword, the Karla Garnet Raven, and crossed both blades into an "X" pattern as he ran forward. "The love of my life is in that building, Sheex," Karel said behind him. "I have lost everything in the world that means anything to me so far because of Vladimir and the lot of luck I was given. My home was raped, my parents both lost to murder or suicide. My own sister married the man I swore to kill. How do I get revenge Sheex, how do I get it when the people I love are caught in the middle?" All of his frustrations were pouring out now as he ran faster. He was oblivious to his surroundings as he ran, talking more to himself than to anyone as his feet pounded the earth so dirt kicked up. "No, not this time. This time I have fate in my own hands and I will not let it take away another aspect of my life!"

"Karel!" Sheex shouted in alarm. His nerves well past their zenith for tolerance he turned on the heel of his boot and glared at Sheex.

"WHAT?" He cried out in exasperation. Sheex was a good ten feet from him now and he saw the drunken wanderer pointing to the grass on the side.

"They are charging!"

01-30-09, 08:21 PM
"Just shut up and charge them Regal!" Shouted Troy; sword drawn, he emerged from the forest he had crossed through. He raced towards three men, all of who were completely caught off guard by his surprise attack. All three were dressed in simple leather armor, worn down in several places and patched up in others. If Troy had to guess by the armor and the short swords the men carried, he would say they were bandits or hired thugs of some sort. Not that it mattered, they could have been demons for all he cared. The second he heard them talking about the woman they had grabbed earlier was all the motivation he needed to attack. Regal had opted to rant about the ever increasing size of the enemy forces as he usually did (the count was at thirty or so when Troy had charged).

"I see thirty five! No, wait! Forty seven! And stop being such a killjoy!" Regal shouted as he too dashed towards the men, who barely had enough time to draw their weapons as Troy leapt into the middle of them; Regal was still several feet behind.

Taking advantage of the few moments of surprise he had gathered, Troy smashed the hilt of his blade into one of the men's face. That man went down, but Troy had to duck a swing from a nearby foe before he could finish the wounded man off. Reacting quickly, Troy grabbed the sheath from his belt and swung it at the man's neck. He heard a satisfying crack as he heard steel clash against steel behind him.

"Pitiful! The Sword Demon requires a true challenge, not weaklings!" Regal cried as he parried a blow meant for Troy's back. The Sword Demon then made a mental note to speak to his companion about letting his guard down.

Troy, on the other hand, found himself facing the two men he had attacked, as both had recovered and begun pressing their two-to-one advantage against him. Taking a step back, Troy parried the blows as quickly as he could, trying to find an opening. Unfortunately, fighting against two men didn't leave him much time for offense.

"Are we having fun yet Troy? Cause I know I am!" Regal laughed as Troy felt him press against his back. Back to back, the two swordsmen stood together as the three men circled around them.

"I would prefer to wrap this fight up, there are bigger foes ahead Regal!" Troy shouted as he dashed under Regal's arm and ran towards the man his companion had been fighting. As if the two shared a telepathic bond, Regal spun around and charged the two men Troy had been facing.

"Oh ho! A bigger foe you say? Bring it I say!" Snarled the Sword Demon as he shoved aside one of the attackers to give himself some breathing room. Regal back stepped as the remaining opponent advanced.

Sparks flew as Troy parried an oncoming thrust, and then countered with one of his own. Troy found that his swordplay was rather lacking versus multiple foes, but one alone was a different matter entirely. With a quick feint to the man's side, Troy brought his blade back and slashed at the man's throat. When the man's blood sprayed across his chest, Troy didn't so much as flinch. There will be time for remorse later. I have to save Rebecca! He thought to himself as he reached down, and picked up the man's blade from the ground.

Regal twirled about, spinning his sword wildly at his foes. He took the time to block a few quick attacks from the enemy to his left, and then quickly proceeded to hammer away at the foe in front of him. Whereas Troy used precision and timing to dispatch his foes, Regal had a much more wild and savage fighting style.

"Come on! How can the twelve of you best the Sword Demon? Go, quickly! Call for reinforcements!" Regal said as he side-stepped a blow, then smashed his fist into the man's face. Ignoring the looks of bewilderment on his opponents' faces as he ranted and raved about things that were either meaningless or inane babble, the Sword Demon slammed himself into his remaining foe as he heard an object whirl by him. He turned around just in time to see Troy fling a sword into the man Regal had recently punched into the face.

"Stylish, but that still only counts as one Troy! I'm on nineteen!" Regal shouted with pride as he yanked the bloodied blade out of the man's chest. Before the last foe could react, Regal was upon him, slashing away with both his own sword Tenacity and the short sword he had recently acquired. In no short amount of time, Regal was covered in blood, and his foe lay still.

"So messy," Troy muttered as he flicked the blood off of his sword, and walked over towards Regal. His companion just laughed and pointed at Troy's own blood-covered shirt.

"You're not so clean yourself! And what was with that charge of your's? Left your back awfully exposed. That's unlike you," Regal said as he twirled his blade about, sending no small amount blood throughout the air. Troy just shrugged.

"My back was fine," Was all his only response as he glanced ahead. The windmill was about twenty feet away, if you could even call it a windmill. From what he had heard from the townspeople, the windmill was built upon the ruins of an old fort. That explained the decaying walls, and the moat filled with a substance that may have once been water. Troy noticed several men gathering across the sole bridge, drawing their weapons and shouting frantically. So much for the silent approach. Didn't have time for it anyway.

"Bullshit!" Snapped Regal as he brought Troy out of his thoughts and back to reality. "Just how was back fine? You have some sort of mithril vest tucked away under that old piece of leather you call armor?"

"No," Troy responded softly as he looked at Regal, who just stood there and tapped his foot impatiently. It was quite obvious that the man was waiting for an answer. "I did have you though."

"Er, I suppose you did," Regal muttered as he scratched his head. The two said nothing for several more seconds, then Regal spoke softly.

"I noticed a bit more passion in your swordplay than usual."

Troy simply looked at the man beside him. Neither spoke another word, but they didn't have to. For a man who had traveled with Troy for several years, it wasn't hard for Regal to tell just how important the next few hours would be to the man's life. Troy just looked at his constant companion for a bit longer, and without saying a word, raised his sword up. Regal grinned at him.

"So what's the plan?" Regal asked as he clashed his sword against Troy's blade, and both men took off towards the windmill ahead.

"Kill them all," Troy said softly, but with more passion than Regal had ever heard before.

02-04-09, 05:37 PM
"I'm just saying, the whole kill them all plan? Maybe not the best idea." Sheex said as he prodded a body lying in front of him. Dead as well. Karel certainly didn't mess around.

"I suppose we could ask politely. Oh wait, they just tried to kill us. Probably not in the mood to talk. How you turned six men into twenty is beyond me." Karel responded sarcastically as he cleaned and sheathed his blades while Sheex continued to see if there were any survivors from the ambush.

"Twenty guys, six guys, a hundred guys, what difference would it have made? You still didn't listen to me. By the way, learn exactly where Rebecca is?" Sheex asked as he walked up to Karel who just glared at Sheex.

"I may have the title of Saint, but I can't talk to spirits Sheex." Karel muttered as Sheex threw up his arms in exasperation.

"Can't talk to spirits? Gee, I guess that's just swell. Well, we could ask the living if YOU DIDN'T GO SAINT OF SWORDS ON EVERY LAST ONE!" Sheex screamed as he waved his arms wildly. When it came to sword skills, Sheex was certain his friend Karel was first class. His forethought seemed to be quite lacking at times though.

"Lucky for you I managed to tackle one when you weren't looking. I believe it was during that glowing sword move you pulled, nice special effects by the way. Windmill, top of it. Figures. Wanna play it my way now?" Sheex asked as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He took a long drag as Karel pondered Sheex's offer.

“What’s your plan?” Karel asked as Sheex tossed aside the cigarette. Sheex studied the area ahead for a bit before turning and responding to Karel.

“Not entirely sure why the windmill has walls around it or a moat, nor why there’s a building inside those walls. Still, the walls are falling apart, shouldn’t be too hard to find a spot to sneak in. Let’s let those guys be our distraction.” Sheex said as he pointed to the sole bridge that crossed over the murky water that surrounded the windmill.

On the bridge, two men tore through the guards stationed there. Sheex could just make out the brown outfit one wore and the gray coat the other had on. Although they were outnumbered, the bridge was narrow enough to only allow two people standing side by side to cross at once. Side by side, the two unknown assailants were able to keep the defenders from pressing their numerical advantage.

“You know them?” Karel asked as he watched the one in gray cut down a defender while the one in brown flung another over the side of the bridge. It was quite clear that the whoever they were, they were not unskilled with their swords.

“Haven’t got a clue. They seem to have things under control there though. Let’s take the back way, okay?” Sheex said as Karel nodded in agreement. The two took off at full speed, which meant that Karel put quite a bit of distance between himself and Sheex. Sheex had to raise an eyebrow as Karel leapt, no, more like flew across the filthy looking moat. Sheex skidded to a stop in front of the water.

“God, that looks disgusting.” Sheex said as he picked up a nearby stick and prodded the so called water in front of him. He had no idea how long the water had actually been there, but it was brown, filthy, and congealed. Sheex began to doubt his ability to clear it with a single jump.

“Hurry up Sheex!” Karel barked as he impatiently waited on the other side. Sheex took several steps back and began to mutter to himself.

“Easy for him to say. I can’t fly last I checked. Ugh. Just got these clothes cleaned too. I’m sending Rebecca a bill for this.” Sheex said as he ran forward and leapt into the air. For a few seconds, Sheex knew he was going to make it. Those were good seconds. Then he realized he was going to fall about a foot or two short and end up covered in the disgusting filth beneath him. Those seconds were not so good.

Just as Sheex’s feet touched the murky depths, Karel’s hand shot out and pulled Sheex over to the safety of the other side. Sheex breathed a sigh of relief and patted Karel on the shoulders.

“Thanks man. I owe you. Big. Drinks are on me when we get back, okay?” Sheex said as Karel just nodded. Obviously, Karel did not think that this was the time for jokes. That simply made Sheex want to joke more.

“No seriously. I’m sure that stuff would have taken a week to wash out. And the smell! You’re my hero, Saint Of Swords.” Sheex said as he stuck his best damsel-in-distress pose. Karel was already climbing up the rubble that had once constituted a wall.

“I respond to stress with jokes, him with cold, dark, brooding. I can see this friendship going the distance.” Sheex muttered to himself as he scrambled up after Karel. The sounds of fighting were growing more and more dim, meaning either the fight out front was over or it just couldn’t be heard from where Sheex was. Either way, Sheex couldn’t see any guards inside the walls, which was definitely a good thing.

“Well, what do you think?” Karel said as he gracefully leapt to the ground below him. Sheex’s landing was far less graceful, but he managed nonetheless.

Behind the walls, the area looked just as old and ruined as the outside. Rubble and fallen stone lay strewn about the ground, and one lone building stood between the windmill and the bridge. It was obvious that whoever had opted to storm through the front would have to go through that building to get to where Karel and Sheex were, which would buy the two some time should the two attackers outside prove to be hostile.

That particular building was also falling apart. Although Sheex could not exactly see inside, many pieces of the stone that made up the building were cracked and overgrown with moss. Most windows were shattered to some degree, most likely from rocks thrown by children at one point or another. All in all, a sturdy but certainly not an exactly welcoming looking building.

The windmill on the other hand looked well taken care of. Given its surroundings, Sheex had expected the windmill to be just as bad as the rest of the place. However, the windmill’s stone looked brand new, and very few signs of moss or other decay could be found about the windmill. Sheex figured that this place had once been a fort or something to do with the military (why else would it have a moat), but after being deserted for a time the windmill had been built. It was interesting, but not overtly important.

“Well, what’s the next step in your grand plan?” Karel asked again as he tapped Sheex on the back of the head. Sheex looked at Karel with a puzzled expression and gave the Sword Saint a full slap to the back of the head.

“Save the girl. I thought that went without saying.” Said Sheex as he dashed towards the door to the windmill.

02-12-09, 06:03 PM
"Now who's the one not thinking?" Karel shouted after the drunken wanderer as his feet moved swiftly to catch up. Before Karel could catch up Sheex was already pulling the metal door with all his might.

"Rats." Sheex said dully. "Locked." They both searched for a place to infiltrate why the two men on the bridge did their own thing off to the eastern portion of the fortress, the sounds of battle audible as the roll of thunder. Karel was thankful for the distraction and prayed their safety long enough to rescue Rebecca. He imagined he would buy the two a drink as well if they lived the battle.

Refocusing on the task at hand the saint of swords looked and found a suitable portion of the wall that seemed broken down enough that if Sheex lifted Karel he could pull the other up. With a rising hand Karel's voice spoke clearly and full of confidence.

"There," Sheex's gaze wandered up to a window and he nodded in agreement stretching a bit. He walked over to the hole in the wall and waited for Karel to approach. The sword Saint checked the surroundings before he turned to Sheex and there was an awkward pause. "Uh...Sheex?" Karel said quizzically.

"Yes, Karel?" Sheex replied tapping his foot. "Come on, we don't have time to waste." Karel growled lowly before he lowered his eyebrows at Sheex. The wanderer took one hand and motioned for Karel to go ahead and sit down. Both stood there in a silent pantomime before the blue swordsman got fed up.

"Look, get down and boost me up." Sheex's eyes lit up with fire as he looked to Karel.

"What do you mean, 'boost me up'?" His tone hinted at a touch of hurt pride as the wanderer crossed his arms.

"Well you sure as hell aren't going to go first." Karel replied, grinning at the notion of the drunken wanderer taking a turn before the Saint of Swords.

"And why is that?" Sheex replied, his voice rising in irritation. "Is it because I am not some fancy swordsman?" Karel shrugged his shoulders before he nodded casually. Sheex's jaw dropped in disgust as he pointed to Karel with an accusing finger. "Listen here, mister holier than thou! First off, you wouldn't even be here rescuing her if it wasn't for me setting you two up." Sheex raised his pointer and middle finger from his right hand speaking with heated passion. "Second off you wouldn't be here if I didn't find out she was kidnapped." The index finger rose to attention next to the other digits as he continued his rant. "And third off, you are not even holy nor a saint." Karel looked to Sheex before he spoke with authority, his tone dead serious.

"I found it first." Sheex's eyes opened in shock. Soon his ire turned to laughter as he pointed at Karel hunching over, unable to produce sound as he slapped his knee.

"Oh this is rich," He managed to gasp out. "The "Saint of Swords" is acting like a child!" Sheex nearly fell as tears swelled his eyes. Karel stood there crossing his arms agaisnt his chest as he waited for Sheex to get his angst out of his system. A few seconds later the wanderer calmed his breathing and got back to the situation at hand. "Okay, since we can't decide, let's just decide using good 'ol fashioned chance." Sheex said taking out a coin. "Heads it's me, tails it's you." Karel nodded as the wanderer flicked the metal coin up in the air, the sound of fingernail slamming metal as it flipped perfectly into the air. It rotated over and over and both watchers silently pleaded for their side to come up. With a deft hand Sheex rose his hand up and grabbed the coin.

Karel prayed it was tails as Sheex closed his eyes opening his palm. With a whoop of excitement Sheex pointed to the ground as Karel began to curse moving over. "I always hated that woman of luck..." Karel managed to say clearly. He lifted upwards and Sheex got to work opening the window using a small dagger he pulled from his coat.

"Your luck would change if you stopped hating the goddess of wonderful fate. Take a risk, and she'll reward you. Take too many risks, and she'll teach you a lesson." Karel grunted as he adjusted Sheex's boots in his hands as he waited for the click of the lock to break, after a moment a loud crash followed by falling glass trickled downwards and Karel couldn't look up for fear of getting the sharp fragments in his eye.

"By the gods," Karel cursed. "You know, you could have just warned me you were going to that." Karel said as he felt Sheex's weight lighten, a sign he moved through the window. Karel dusted himself off as he turned to the window. "Sheex?" Karel called up to the window. He got no response from his friend. Karel grew concerned as he looked to the window squinting, slowly reaching for his blades.

With a loud crash a giant size of a man barrel rolled through the remaining portions of the window, long flowing robes blocked out the sky as he exploded outwards, a gigantic dehlar scythe in his hands as he rotated it over head with one hand bringing it downwards in a vertical slash.

Karel rolled to his left and came back up drawing both the Serra Karla Raven and Karla Garnet Raven out in a ready stance. The beast of a man stood erect slowly as he laughed darkly to himself, a gleeful mirth like sound escaping his ears as he slowly turned to the Saint of Swords. His eyes were both red and his dark skin was clean shaved no matter where Karel looked, body littered with black tattoos. His robes showed a Fallien flair and the weapon shone brightly despite the lack of sunshine from the cloudy skies. He lifted his weapon from the earth ripping a gash from the terra as he slammed it before him in challenge, a smile across his lips.

"Great," Karel said miserably. "Another challenger..."

03-03-09, 07:15 PM
"Great! Another challenger!" Regal shouted for joy as he parried a thrust and responded with one of his own To his side, Troy deflected a blow aimed towards his head and grabbed his attacker by his shirt. Troy quickly flung the man over the bridge as Regal sliced into his opponent, kicking the man's limp body to the side once Regal's blade had done its work.

Side by side the two had charged down the sole bridge that lead to where Rebecca was kept. Together the two battled, each dealing with their own foes while keeping just enough of an eye open to cover their partner's back should he need it. Troy quickly stabbed low at a man charging Regal while Regal in turn plunged his blade into the side of a man about to swing at Tory's head. Blood flowed freely across the bridge, but neither paid it more than a moment's notice. Regal was wrapped in his bloodlust, Troy in his obsession with his sister.

"Cowards! Eight men run from two?" Shouted a rather muscular man dressed in slightly rusty chain mail armor. He cursed to himself as two more of his men dropped their weapons and ran away from the bridge.

"We can't close in on them on this damn bridge! You don't pay me enough for this boss!" Shouted one man as he leapt into the moat, sacrificing all hygiene for an escape route. The other simply fled towards the back of the castle, not bothering to say much of anything.

"How could a simple kidnapping turn into such a mess? Never should have trusted that rich snob." The man in chain mail cursed as he considered his options. Unfortunately for him, Regal and Troy were in no mood to give the man a moment. Together, the two charged towards the few remaining guards, both men covered in the blood of their enemies.


Although the outside of the area appeared decayed and fallen, the inside of the building was a different manner. Fine rugs decorated the stone floor, and the furniture was hand-carved and of the finest wood. No expense was spared in the paintings that decorated the wall and the air smelled faintly of incense. Several blades were hung open one wall, some of them finely crafted, others somewhat plain. Only one man knew the story behind them all.

For what must have been the thousandth time, a lone man in his forties flipped through a worn-down book. His blond hair shone like gold against what few rays of light made it into the room; and his white silk shirt, although plain, was made of the finest material. His jet black vest and matching pants and cost him no less. Almost lazily, he sipped at a glass of wine he held in his left hand while his eyes carefully read through the page before him.

"I should have hired better mercenaries. They would probably would have screamed less." The man muttered to himself as the sounds of battle drew closer and closer. He had never really expected the men he hired to actually hold off the attackers, but he had hoped they wouldn't panic so much. Whether the mercenaries lived or died was not his concern. What was important was that everything was going according to plan.

The man stood up and stretched his arms, his dark blue eyes carefully surveying his surroundings. He was quite fond of how much he had accomplished in his life. Between various activities, both legal and illegal, he had amassed a small fortune. He was in shape, had good looks, and was proficient both with the sword and with his mind. He had enough charm to make almost any woman‘s heart flutter, except for ones that he kidnapped. Well, he had given orders for that particular woman to be left alone, and the mercenaries had obeyed. His bodyguard, N'gash, had made sure of that. A giant of a man with a scythe would stop most ill intentions people thought of.

"Money, power, brains. A man can posses it all, but he still can't defend what means the most to him." The man sighed as he stared at a small painting, far different then the exotic ones that decorated his walls. While all other paintings portrayed famous events and places, the one little painting that the man stared at contained no more than a lone daisy, drawn by a child's hand. His trained ears picked up a faint footstep, his eyes quickly focusing on the direction.

"Are you sure you're not over-reacting?" A faint female voice rang out from a nearby corner. The man shook his head and went back to staring at the child's drawing. Eventually, a young woman dressed in a flowing red robes walked into the rays of light. Her black hair was tied back into one long strand, and her emerald eyes simply stared at the man. The robes kept her shape hidden well, but if the face was any indication, the woman was a beauty.

"You're young Claire. I don't expect you to understand. Maybe when you're older." The man joked as the young woman's face turned bright red. She had always hated being talked down to, and at the age of twenty she figured she was mature enough.

"I've come to report. N'gash is ready and waiting at the bottom level of the windmill." Claire responded, choosing to ignore the man's comment in the end. She had hired out herself to the man as a mercenary one year ago, and despite the jokes he made she couldn't complain about the salary, or the work.

"Wonderful. Then, I'll leave the rest in your capable hands. You remember what I asked of you?" The man asked as he walked over to a nearby table. On that table lay a finely carved wooden box about four feet long and two feet wide. The man caressed the fine texture of the wood with one hand as his other opened the latch keeping the case closed.

"Of course, N'gash is to intercept the Saint Of Swords. I make sure no one reaches the girl." The woman responded curtly. The man nodded his head in agreement as he stared at what the cased contained. He hadn't used the cases contents since he established himself as a business man of sorts, but he trusted he wasn't completely out of practice.

Inside the case lay a single sword. It was a rapier made of the finest steel, it's elaborate hilt decorated in gold in the image of a spiraling dragon chasing it's own tail. Although the man could have used any of the various blades hanging on the wall, this one by far meant the most to him. This particular blade was a gift from his deceased brother. The man had cherished the blade for many years, but now to look upon it brought him a sense of loss.

"Accurate as always. I left some gold in the room above us. Take as much as you like as payment." The man said as he strapped the sword to his belt and turned to face the entrance. The fighting had grown softer, which meant that the attackers were most likely finished with the hired thugs.

"I saw. A small fortune at the least. I would need to make three trips to carry all that. Perhaps I should split it with N'gash?" The woman said as she moved towards the exit. Her eyes remain locked on the man who simply crossed his arms and leaned against the table near him, a look of expectation in his eyes as he stared longingly at the entrance to the room.

"If he accepts any money, tell him I'll double it. But I've yet to see him ask for more than what he needs to survive. I'd gladly give my fortune for a few men with loyalty like that, but that's just one of those things you just can't buy." The man said no more and the woman waited for a few short moments. Eventually, she opened the exit and began to walk away. She stopped suddenly when the man whispered a few more words.

"Don't bother fighting too hard Claire. Retreat if you're outclassed." The man's words caused a strange feeling to stir within the woman. She had done many jobs for the man, ranging from spying to a few assassinations. He had always paid for, and expected, the best. He had never said anything close to what he had just said.

"You told that to N'gash to?" Claire asked, causing the man to chuckle slightly.

"Of course. He promptly gave me some line about his destiny and fate, much like he usually does. I'm pretty sure it was his way of saying to take that order and shove it. You never can tell with that man though." The man responded as he reached into his pocket and pulled out two leather gloves. They were finely made, much like the rest of his outfit, yet they bore the scars and scratches of numerous duels and swordfights. He hadn't worn them in quite a while, but the feel of the cloth brought him a bit of comfort.

"Diomedes..." The woman said silently as she turned around and once again stared at the man's eyes. They were they eyes of a man who knew what he was about to do, and was in complete acceptance of the result.

"I doubt I'll have another job for you after this one Claire. It's been a pleasure working with a person of your caliber."

The woman waited for a moment, wondering what she was supposed to say to a comment like that. She opened her mouth to speak, to tell the man that what he was about to do was unnecessary. That she could easily kill the man who had hurt her employer, and that a duel with him was completely foolish. All men were mortal, and whoever had wounded her employer had to sleep sometime. She could deal with whoever it was just like she had dealt with several other people that had angered her employer, and that honor was a foreign concept to him, her, and the large man with a scythe that patiently waited to fight to the death with a man whose sword skills were renowned throughout all of Althanas. She opened her mouth, but the man's voice spoke first.

"Farewell, my Nightingale." In a tone that conveyed both kindness, caring, and an undefeatable determination. The woman stared a moment longer at her employer for over a year. A man who had been not only been her employer but also grown to be her friend. She remembered times were he had been strict, and times were he had been kinder than her family. The few times he had chastised her on a failed mission, and the warm smile he had every time she accomplished her task. For but a few moments, she allowed herself a sense of longing. Then she vanished into the shadows, her final words to the man echoing through the room.

"Farewell Diomedes."

03-13-09, 12:36 AM
The sword demon ducked under a well aimed blow, extending his weapon outwards as it bit deep into the abdomen of the man before him. With careful precision he arced his body upwards, shouldering into the chest of his foe knocking him off his blade as the crimson droplets poured onto the narrow wooden bridge.

"The spines of man is only as strong as their weakest vertebrae. For every kink, for every curve that bends the bones a weakness can be exploited you fool!" Regal taunted as he charged towards the last remaining man, the captain of the guard. He met the charge with determination lowering a spear to hit Regal, but it was Troy who deflected the shaft to allow Regal to run inwards. Tenacity arced upwards in a dazzling display of blood as the chest of the man exploded. He crumbled to his knees only to be cut at the neck by the blade of Troy.

"Nice, we took out forty or so guards!" Regal rotated his blade a few times, flicking the blood off the steel as he sheathed his weapon. "I got to add another fifty or so to my kill tally today..." Troy looked to Regal, his eyes passionate and full of fire, but instead of correcting Regal's terrible math skills he instead looked towards the doorway that led up the windmill. Regal's own set of eyes followed up the stone building, and noticed a man looking down upon the two.

"We go there." Troy said simply already in a run for the door. Regal trotted after his companion as the two quickly ripped the door open. A small room with a single table and chair was before them followed by a winding set of stairs. "A service entrance, good fortune!" Troy said as he darted upwards, three steps at a time. Regal however sighed as he chased his friend.

"You do mean bad fortune, right?" Troy didn't reply, so Regal elaborated. "I mean, come on. No bad guys? How boring can this be? I feel like we are missing out on something great!" Troy shook his head as he continued his mad dash.

"I don't care, Regal!" Troy shifted his sword so he could run faster up the twirling stone steps, his cape fluttering behind him. Regal took sharp breaths to keep up as his brain began to spin. "So long as this takes me to Rebecca. I could care less about the lesser fools!" Regal nodded in agreement.

"True, forget the lackeys, show me the main event!" At last they reached a solitary redwood door, the color still vibrant as if freshly installed. Troy slammed his shoulder into the door and grunted as it dislodged a bit. As Regal charged forward he jumped with his right shoulder slamming all his weight into the bull rush and the door swung open viciously.

The room itself was nothing like the rest of the estate. It was well kept, no expense spared to bring culture and civility of some noble bearing. Regal looked around and saw the fine woven rugs, the brilliantly painted portraits, and the aroma was of a scented candles. Sitting at a desk with a nonchalant smile was a man of broad, charismatic features. He was sipping a deep red wine and reading out of a black leather bound book, not bothering to spare a glance at the intruders.

"Do you mind?" He said to them, flipping a page to read on. "I was in the middle of reading this book." He looked to them, and his cold glare fell upon Regal, before it poured deep into Troy. Regal looked at the book, and he felt a familiarity pour up from him. His blade Tenacity felt heavy in his hands, like he was holding it for the first time, and a predatory feeling washed over him.

"That's from that psycho guy from the insane asylum!" Regal lifted Tenacity towards the book, venom coating his tone. "What in the heavens are you doing with that thing?" Regal's stomach churned in disgust as he remembered the asylum, the interrogations with the so called 'doctor' and the expertly played game to learn more about Troy through Regal.

It felt like yesterday to him. He was in a gray room with no signs of the light. Stuck sitting at a wooden table he recalled the stories of his greatness, but every time he told them his doctor wanted to learn more about Troy. He later learned that Regal meant nothing to the doctor but Troy on the other hand was some prize patient. A soul who had given up on life found something to push him to live. It disgusted Regal to no end that weakness that mortals created and it was the obsession of Troy Priam that led to the downfall of the doctor.

The man at the desk stood tall as he picked up a rapier, the elegant blade making even Regal pause in awe at the brilliance of the design on the handle. He moved to the front of the desk, sitting on the oak and twirling the blade in one hand as if bored. "I read about you two. The author of this little book was someone dear to me. And you both so casually took his life away with no care or regard for others. That's all you two are, you know. Selfish, lonesome, bottom feeding gutter trash."

"I moved up in the world," Regal replied grinning to Troy as his eyes lit up with the excitement of an oncoming battle. Troy however, kept his face neutral as he stared deep into the soul of the man before him. Regal sighed as he lifted Tenacity up again, pointing it at the black book. "Tell me, what did it say about me?" The man looked to Regal before he pursed his lips in a smile.

"That you were an over imaginative, self centered, egotistical, psychotic, useless, confused, cliche idiot he has ever known. You lack any real depth, and that you govern your life around some fantasy setting. You are locked in your own morals of right and wrong and search for the one called the Saint of Swords to justify your meaningless existence. Anything more said about you would be a waste of paper and ink." He looked to Troy with bated breath, ignoring Regal as he stood forward.

Regal's mind seethed and raged at the words. He felt a darkness inside him, an empty feeling take over as he heard the insults to his entire being. His fingers turned white around the hilt of Tenacity as he began to growl, a small gray energy wave starting to build up in the blade. Regal felt all the fury of the words fuel him as he his feet moved swiftly towards his foe. "I will show you the meaning of a useless life you degenerate waste of space. I am the Demon of Swords and I will not be dismissed so easily!" The man turned at the last second, his rapier lifting up and sparks erupting across the blades. He led the sword demon onwards and then grabbed Regal's head running a bit before thrusting the gray swordsman forwards.

A large crash erupted from the room and the glass shattered onto the fine woven rugs like sand through the palm of a hand. Outwards Regal Burnswidth fell with all the grace of a sack of bricks to the plummets below.

03-29-09, 10:26 PM
Sheex gulped as a rather large black hand shot through the window, shattering the glass as it gripped Sheex's coat. Sheex almost managed to yell for help as he was dragged through the remains of the window and tossed like a rag doll into the room he had been trying so hard to get into. He made a mental note to be more careful about what he wished for in the future as he stood up and raised the dagger he had been using to break into the room up in defense.

Slowly, a man in flowing white robes leapt off of the barrel he was standing on and advanced slowly towards Sheex. The man was huge, rippling with muscles that the man's flowing white robes barely hid. Of more importance to Sheex was the extremely menacing looking scythe the man held in his hands. Looking down at his dagger, Sheex felt a little outclassed.

"Prepare yourself Sword Saint!" The man bellowed in a deep voice as he charged forward, arcing his scythe downwards, aiming to cleave Sheex in two. With all his speed Sheex rolled to his left, barely dodging the blow that would have certainly made him half of a man, in a very literal sense.

"Wait, wait, wait! I said WAIT damn it!" Sheex cried as he backpedaled to avoid another blow from the scythe. He could feel the wind of the scythe rush pass his face as the gleaming metal nearly decapitated him. Sheex tried to side step past the man, only to have the same large black hand that had grabbed him early grip him once. Sheex managed to let out a rather girlish yelp as he was flung into a nearby table that shattered upon his impact.

"You fight poorly, Saint Of Swords." The man said as he prepared to charge again. Thankfully, he held back his charge as Sheex scrambled to his feet. Gasping for breathe, Sheex held up his hands once more for the man to wait, and whether it was by luck or curiosity, the man did not continue his barrage.

"Right, I don't know who you are, but there is obviously some mistake here. See this? What's this?" Sheex asked as he raised his dagger and playfully tossed in back and forth between his hands. Puzzled, the large man carefully studied Sheex for a long minute before responding.

"A dagger." The man said slowly, as if Sheex had some elaborately planned trap prepared. That, however, was not the case. Sheex just smiled and nodded his head.

"Exactly. A dagger. It's shorter, more agile, more maneuverable, and easier to conceal than a sword. It's also a bit weaker, probably not as well made, and less expensive than most swords. I only bring this up because, what I wonder, would a Saint of Swords being using?" Sheex said as he, with his jovial smile, simply stared at the man who had nearly cut his head off.

"A sword." The man said coolly. Sheex nodded in agreement. Sheex figured he was finally getting somewhere with this man who, although huge and ripped with muscle, was probably a psychopath of some sort. Psychopaths weren't too smart in Sheex's book.

"Once again, correct. So, we can conclude I hope, that I am not the Saint Of Swords. Hence, you waste your time fighting a drunk who only wants a beer when the man you want is actually right outside that door." Sheex said with a smile as he pointed towards the door he knew Karel was right in front of him. Without saying a word, the man turned and marched towards the door.

Instantly Sheex sprang into action, dashing across the room towards the man's exposed back. With amazing speed the man swung around, his scythe cutting through the air as he did so. Sheex quickly ducked low under the deadly blade, and leapt forward towards the man as the scythe sailed over Sheex's head. The unknown man casually moved his head an inch away from the dagger Sheex stabbed at him as his large black hand grabbed Sheex by his collar and flung him into a chair near the corner of the room.

"Stay." The man muttered as if he was talking to a disobedient dog. Without another glance the man stomped towards the door. Sheex just shrugged his shoulders and put away his dagger. Sheex removed bits of wood from his coat as his back protested slightly in pain.

"Well, I gave it a shot. This one's way out of my league Karel." Sheex muttered to himself, slightly ashamed at his poor fighting ability but not really surprised. The large man charged through the door as Sheex let out a loud yell to warn his friend.

04-05-09, 01:25 AM
Karel dive bombed for the ground, rolling to his right keeping his speed moving swifter and swifter as he did so. For every inch he gained a giant gash sundered the earth as the war scythe rent a bloody harvest in the ground. Dirt and grass was chewed up and sprayed the air as it moved downwards in another deadly attack, a wild laughter following it as the heavy metal slammed into the ground again.

"Run, run, as fast as you can!" the huge man taunted, his body dancing to keep up with Karel as he rolled. Karel cursed trying to find a break as he felt the ground rumble, a piece of metal slamming near his left eye. He pushed up onto his feet, pouncing forward into a roll back to his feet bringing both his blades up in a 'X' pattern, his fists slamming into his face as the weight of the scythe slammed down onto him. Karel dropped his footing and fell onto his rear yelping in surprise as he did so. Pain shot up his back from the impact and he groaned throwing all his weight onto his right avoiding a follow up strike.

"Come on! Don't dissapointment me!" Karel heard the taunt ringing in his ears as he slowly got up, the whistling of metal cutting into the air coming to late as the flat edge slammed into his gut just below his ribs. The sword saint's feet lifted from the ground and the brute strength of his opponent carried him on the weapon for a few feet. He slid off the blade rolling onto the ground, arms flailing as he rotated awkwardly slamming into the wall.

"By the gods," Karel hissed standing up slowly. "Just who the hell are you?" Karel called out. The giant of a man approached slowly, a mere five paces away from the Saint of Swords as he grinned from ear to ear in savage glee.

"I am N'gash, a humble warrior from Far Kalad of Fallien." Karel looked to the brutality this man reaped upon the land, counting the number of new trenches the earth had.

"Humble?" Karel asked lightly. "I'd hate to see you when your being arrogant." The man laughed as he twirled his scythe in his hands, the blade whirling in the wind as he continued to twist it end over end. "So why are you fighting me?" Karel asked, a bit louder to talk over the whistling.

"I am here because I was asked by a friend to be here. He gave me an order, an order I plan to disobey." His tone was even, nearly neutral with little hostile intent. Karel studied the man carefully. When he saw an opening he took it, both blades singing forward as he stabbed violently forward. The twirling staff rotated up and stopped, coming down in a heavy arc. Karel dove to his right avoiding the earth shattering smash as he charged faster, his only opening to end this fight here and now.

"Sorry, but I have things I need to do!" Karel cried out moments before impact. As he was nearing the tip of his blade into the chest of his foe, his hamstrings cried out in pain, his lower half of his body lifting upwards as he fell backwards. Karel had enough where with all to roll to his side and slide back to his feet. The end of the scythe slammed into the dirt, the warrior laughing as he ripped it up sending dirt into Karel's eyes. The minor destraction was all N'gash needed to capatalize charging in slamming his knee into Karel's gut doubling him over. His scythe roated upwards, the heavy metal pole slamming into his chin causing him to shoot right up in pain.

N'gash reached out grabbing Karel's shoulder with his right hand, pushing the sword saint forward and bringing his left hand out swinging the scythe into Karel. When flesh hit steel N'gash brought both hands to the tip of his weapon rotating in a circle sending the blade deeper into Karel's gut and sending him for a ride up into the air, than downwards violently into the ground.

"Is this all you have to offer?" N'gash was mortified at the ease of his triumph, placing a boot on Karel's back slamming him back into the ground. "Why do you not fight me like the warrior you are?" He replied.

Karel's mouth opened in a wide grin, a patch of blood flowing onto the earth. "Light as a Feather." Karel spoke. N'gash gave him an odd look before he rotated his blade down, only to be blocked by the Serra Karla Raven. Karel swung forward with the Karla Garnet Raven, and N'gash had to leap back to avoid the attack.

N'gash brought his weapon upwards, but his eyes widened in shock as he felt his arm fly upwards in a flash of his eye, the war scythe flying upwards in the air as he lost his grip on the weapon shaft. "What have you done?" he cried in alarm as Karel took advantage diving in with both blades sweeping low and then exploding out. N'gash watched as his scythe slowly began to descend, as if time had slowed down for the weapon, and he cursed as he ducked and weaved avoiding each attack Karel came at him with.

Karel's feet jumped forward, his speed greater than N'gash's as he slid swiping his blade down for his enemies shins. N'gash easily jumped the attack, but Karel laughed gleefully as he rotated up in the air like a spinning top. "Zantetsuken: Armor Abolish!" Karel cried. His blades glowed with a bright orange light, and as they slammed into the armor of N'gash it began to melt and crack, hissing as if touched by the heat of the forge. His skin however, never felt the touch of the iron blade.

As both men landed on the ground Karel rotated bringing his right leg up in a roundhouse, his foot connecting with N'gash sending him into the door of the building and crashing it shut. Next to the door gently fell the scythe, and when it hit the ground all the weight it once possessed returned.

"To explain, I first made the weight of you weapon as light as a feather. To wield it the way you do requires immeasurable strength, so to change it so drastically caused your muscles to over compensate, sending it flying in the air. The second attack was getting rid of all that armor you were wearing so you can't hide from the wrath of my blade." The man slowly got up, blood dripping down the side of his face as he glanced at Karel's body.

The Saint of Swords was impressive, but he wasn't invincible, and the red line of blood where his scythe cut into him was clear on his stomach, even through all the leather layers. His stance, while full of confidence, was a bit shorter, his body favoring his right leg over the left where the hamstring was bitten by the metal of N'gash's war scythe.

"It seems that I have found the one who will be my end. Many a battle have I fought, looking for somebody worthy enough to take my life in the hell forge of battle, just as fate set out for me. You fight with an honor I haven't gotten to see much of in this lifetime. But Saint, do not think your title makes you a god. I have cut you, as you have cut me. Now that the introductions are out of the way, let's fight and conclude my destiny!"

Karel regarded the words with careful consideration. He looked again at the eyes of his foe, seeing a calm of understanding in them. The man N'gash was confident in something, but Karel wasn't sure it was confidence in victory. It was as if he had confidence he was doing something necessary, even if it meant sacrificing his life.

Karel didn't dwell on it much longer. Whoever he was, whatever his goals were, he was a part in the kidnapping of Rebecca. As far as he was concerned the man was just another person in his way. With little more care as to who N'gash was he charged forward, a war cry on his lips.

04-07-09, 09:50 PM
"I do believe I've killed your friend." Diomedes muttered as he glanced out the shattered window. The so-called Sword Demon’s body lay unmoving upon the ground, although from this height Diomedes couldn’t tell if the man was dead or just hurt. Not that it mattered, there were bigger fish to fry.

“You’d be surprised at Regal’s tenacity.” Troy said softly as he slowly paced around the room, carefully eyeing his foe all the while. Although he longed to charge forward and cut down the man before him, he also knew that blindly charging forward could very well place him next to Regal, which was unacceptable.

“I suppose he needs something to make up for his lack of foresight. So, Troy Priam, do you want to know what the book has to say about you?” Diomedes said as he coolly sheathed his sword and walked back towards the table the worn book lay on. If he was attempting to bait Troy into attacking, it wouldn’t work.

“Why should I care about the word’s of a dead man?” Troy spat as he slowly advanced towards the man before him. Troy’s fingers ached to swing his sword; his body full of passion he hadn’t felt in ages. Still, he restrained himself.

“I’d imagine you’d care quiet a bit if it was, say, a dead friend?” Diomedes said with all the coldness of the most greedy lawyer. Although Troy was not a man of many emotions, in his current state it wouldn’t have taken an extremely perceptive man to notice his jaw clench and his face grow white at the mention of a dead friend. Diomedes was a very perceptive man.

“I’ve read the book enough to know it by heart. The author was quite obsessed with you, after all. Let’s me think. Guilt-ridden. Obsessed with his sister. Afraid of the truth. Afraid of what he is. Afraid of letting down the people close to him, even though he acts as though he’s nothing left to lose. Hypocrite. Coward.”

Maybe it was just the way the man spoke. Maybe it was the fact that Rebecca’s life was in danger. Maybe it was the fact that this twisted, calculating, vengeful piece of trash had just flung Regal out of a window without a second thought. Whatever it was, each word the man spoke was like a pin prick; a pin prick straight to the heart. Troy’s face flushed with anger as he stomped forward, his blade quivering with anger.

“I’d ask you your name, but as I’m about to kill you, I don’t see a point!” Troy screamed as he lunged forward, stabbing his blade at the man’s head. Never losing his cold smile, the man quickly stepped to the side, causing the blade to stab nothing but air. Troy quickly turned his stab into a slice, once more aiming for the man’s head. Once again, the man danced out of the blade’s reach.

“My name? Of course I’ll tell you my name Troy Priam. It’s Diomedes. Diomedes Argives. Sound familiar?” Said Diomedes, never losing his smile. Troy only barely heard the man’s words, for he was too busy trying to cut off the man’s head.

“Should it?” Troy muttered as his blade pierced into a finely-carved wooden chair instead of the head he so craved to slash. Still with a smile on his face, Diomedes nevertheless clucked his tongue at the damage to the chair. It had been hand made and imported from Corone.

“I’ll give you a hint. The author of that little book was named Pandarus Argives. He said many things about you, but since none of them was ‘idiot’ I assume you can guess our relationship.” Diomedes said as he dashed around Troy, debating on whether or not to finally draw his rapier. It was risky playing with Troy in such a way, but Diomedes didn’t just want to kill the man. He wanted Troy to suffer. As such, the rapier remained sheathed for the time being.

Troy briefly thought of the people he and Regal had killed at the asylum the book had once called home. Only one man stood out, a fat and balding man who had been questioning Regal when Troy entered his friend’s cell. Although it had been Regal who had killed the man, Troy knew he was just as responsible for the man’s death. He had, after all, tossed Regal the killing weapon fully knowing what the man intended to do with it. None of that really concerned Troy, although judging from Diomedes age and looks there was really only one possible relationship between the two.

“Brothers.” Troy said softly as he spun around, his blade whirling through the air as he did so. Diomedes ducked low, but this time Troy was prepared for the man’s evasive tactics. Too close for another sword swing, he dashed forward and kicked the man squarely in his stomach. He heard Diomedes let out a small gasp of pain, but the man’s cruel smile never left his face.

“Correct Troy. Younger brother to be exact, although I‘m sure you‘ve noticed I‘m in far better shape and health. Ever have a sibling die on you, Troy?” Diomedes said as he flipped over a desk. Not to be outdone, Troy leapt upon the desk and slashed hard at Diomedes’s forehead. Diomedes rolled away as his foe leapt down from the desk, yet Diomedes’s next words froze Troy in place.

“Want to know how it feels Troy?” The words were spoken with the ice-cold hatred that only a fierce vengeance could bring about. As he had only one sibling, it took him about one-millionth of a second to figure out that Diomedes was talking about Rebecca. Although Troy did not think he was the greatest judge of a man, the ice cold fire in the man’s eyes told that such a threat was not an idle one.

“Do you know why big brothers are born first Troy? It’s to protect their younger brothers and sisters. To watch out for them. Judging by the blood you’ve spilt and the men you’ve killed in order to reach me, I’m sure you’ll not argue this point.” Diomedes said as Troy stared at him. For the first time since meeting Diomedes, the man’s cold smile began to fade into a hateful grimace. Diomedes squeezed his hands tightly as he spoke, and Troy was certain that if Diomedes didn’t have leather gloves on, the man would be causing blood to pour from his own flesh.

“Have you any idea how it feels to be unable to protect them? Can you possibly imagine the shame of not being there to help your brother when he needs you the most? Do you know what it’s like to hold the lifeless body of a family member, wishing you could give up anything, ANYTHING, to turn back time? You ever buried a family member Troy?” Diomedes hatred rooted Troy to the spot. The man’s eyes seemed to burn into Troy’s soul, and Troy was for the first time in a long time, afraid. Afraid of what the man would do to Rebecca. Terrified of the prospect that he could not protect the one he loved.

“Don’t worry Troy. I’m not going to kill her. If I wanted that, then she’d already be dead. It’s you I’m after. My brother’s little pet project. He so wanted to break you and make you his weapon. He was always a bit slow, my dear brother. He could but sense the strings that you thought you cut. I can see them clear as day.”

Diomedes cold smile had returned. Yet the man’s face hardly looked human to Troy anymore. Instead, it seemed to almost posses a demonic quality, a look of hatred so intense that it had wiped away any trace of humanity. Ironically, if Troy had looked in a mirror at that moment, he would have been shocked to discover he wore a very similar look upon his own face.

“Those you killed? They at least had one hell of a party with her before they died.” As soon as Diomedes spoke, Troy was in the air, screaming at the top of his lungs. He brought his blade down through the sky, wanting nothing more than to cleave this man in two.

“DIE MONSTER!” Troy screamed as he put everything into that slash. All his reawakened passion, all his love for his sister, all of his hate for the man in front of him. All of those emotions Troy fed into his hungry blade.

At the last possible second Diomedes stepped to the side, causing Troy’s sword to slash into the stone floor. With the grace of a swordsman who had fought many duels, Diomedes grabbed the wrist of the hand holding Troy’s sword. As Diomedes free hand smashed into Troy’s face, his other hand gave Troy’s wrist a hard tug, wrenching Troy’s blade away from him.

“What did I tell you? You act as though you’ve nothing left, but if I say something bad happened to your beloved sister, you act as though I wounded you to the core. Like the book said, you’re quite the hypocrite. I was lying by the way, I’m a gentleman after all.” Diomedes paused to take a look at Troy’s sword, although it was more to allow Troy a moment to see just how easily he had been baited. After a moment, Diomedes decided Troy’s saber wasn’t too different from his rapier. The curve of the saber meant it was more ideal for slashing than stabbing, but as long as it cut the blade would do the job just fine.

“DIE MURDERER!” Diomedes screamed, giving into his own rage. He lunged at Troy, who was still kneeling from the shock of Diomedes’s words as well as the punch to his face. Yet, at the last possible moment, Troy shot up and blocked Diomedes slash with a very familiar sword. Diomedes leapt back and drifted his left hand towards his rapier, which was no longer in its sheathe where it should have been. Troy must have grabbed it when Diomedes was busy grabbing Troy’s sword.

“I’m going to rip your throat out.” Troy said softly, although his eyes were still alight with fire. Diomedes just chuckled as he raised Troy’s sword up, offering his foe a salute before the real battle begun.

“You just don’t get it, do you Troy? Whether you kill me or not, I’ve seen all that connects you to this world. By the end of this, I swear you will have suffered more than any man you know.”

04-27-09, 12:36 AM
The wind howled in the decent of his fall, Regal's body flailing around like a newborn bird taking to flight for the first time. His problem, however, was he didn't have wings to spread and fly. So he just continued to fall down the top of the tower, a cry of alarm escaping his lips. After a moment or two of regathering his bearings he looked to the quickly arriving ground, and mind concluded on a thought and plan of action.

I hate falling, it's so boring to wait... he concluded as his thought. Guess this will hurt when I land... Was his final plan. His body hurled through the air, his blade whistling as the pressure pushed against it, but his grip remained tighter all the same. He noticed guards and an older, frail man looking up at his body waiting to hear the thud sound it would make when it collided with the ground. By the gods am I there yet? he cursed to himself as he fell further.

Part of him was waiting to see the flashbacks of his life, the glorious moments he took killing off thousands upon thousands of foes with the naked steel of Tenacity. He expected to see Trago the dragon dead at his feet, and a vision of Ahk'Ran trembling in fear as his blade met his flesh. He half expected to see his own reflection in the mirror, with his demon looking back grinning. But instead, all he saw was the world, and fast ground still approaching.

"GODS END THIS BORING FALL!" He screamed. His body continued to tumble down the imaginary path before his eyes narrowed on something yellow and soft looking. With a sudden change in his body he aimed for the yellow landing pad, and with a sudden and sickening thud Regal's body slammed into the hay, bouncing out like a regurgitated meal that was to foul to eat, and he landed on his butt, legs out as his whimpered in pain.

"He's...He's not human!" A guard mumbled in terror. "He's...he's..." Tenacity lazily lifted up and the blade stabbed the man in the stomach, ripping upwards towards his left arm. The blood flowed downwards in a spay as it washed over the grey swordsman, and he relished the chance to feel the crimson life flow onto him. The body fell to the side and the other guards looked to Regal with terror in their eyes.

"You're right," Regal said loudly in a challenging growl. His eyes shot up, looking at the crowd before him. His mind saw the four that were before him, then the twelve, then the fifteen, then the twenty. More and more guards showed up in Regal's twisted mind, and he laughed wildly jumping to his feet and running at the enemies with a bloodlust unmatched by anything he had ever known before him. "I am no human, I am a DEMON!"

Tenacity flew outwards from side to side, blood flowing upwards in a graceful dance like a spouting fountain. He turned, corkscrewed, kicked, punched, and maimed everyone in his twisted theater of war. As his body twisted his blade suddenly locked as it travelled down the edge of a sickle, hitting into a notch upon the hilt. Regal's eyes glossed upwards to see the older man looking at him, a vile toothy grin on his face.

"A demon eh?" He spoke. Regal's other hand went to his hilt, but try as he might he couldn't budge the blade to overpower the older man. "That's highly amusing to me, care to explain how one such as you is possessed by a creature from beyond?" Regal's foot lifted up and he kicked for the old man's stomach, but another hand lifted up grabbing the foot. With his loss of balance it was easy for Regal's challenger to push him up and away.

Regal's body landed and bounced as he rolled downwards towards the moat, the small hill trying to deposit the sword demon into the disgusting waters. Regal was able to dig his fingers into the dirt, and he stopped from rolling. He slowly stood up and saw his enemy laugh like hyena, his arms lifting up in a mock salute as he ran towards Regal.

He clenched his teeth in rage as he stepped upon the ground, his blade held loosly to the side as he sprinted forward, preparing for a wild horizontal slash. When he was ready for impact the older fighter leapt over the attack and wrapped his legs around Regal's torso, holding him in his thighs punching Regal with his free arms. Just as Regal's feet were about to give in the man planted one foot on his chest and pushed throwing Regal to the ground and launching him into the air where he could land safely on his feet.

The man chuckled with curiosity, his sickle held loosely to one side as he looked upon the sword in Regal's hands. "I haven't seen that blade myself in a while, is that where the demon hides? In the steel of your Tenacity?" He mused to himself laughing as Regal slowly got to his feet. "How many do you see, demon? Are there four of me, twelve of me? How about a hundred? Is that how many you see?" Regal's mouth opened into a wide grin as he looked at the old man with intent.

"You got spunk, that's for sure gramps!" Regal taunted lazily kicking Tenacity up onto his shoulder. He lifted a finger pointing to the older fighter and spoke with a lazy authority. "You got a name grandpa, or should I just call ya 'Ol Fart?" The man grinned in amusement, a growl of laughter building in his lungs before he released it laughing wildly into the air. "I fail to see the joke, 'Ol Fart."

"The jokes on you!" The man bowed low and lifted one hand to the side for dramatic effect as he watched Regal with one eye. "But you may call me Pierre." Regal took his thumb and ran it across his nose spitting to the side. "I was waiting for a long time to meet you. It was rude to keep me waiting."

"And why is an old sack of crap like you interested in the demon of swords...unless you want my autograph." Regal's eyes glowed with a fire inside, but Pierre just laughed all the same.

"Then why don't we dance, Sword Demon." Pierre ran at Regal, sickle high in hand as he did so. Regal's blade reversed grip and he lifted it up blcoking the sickle. As the blow landed and the steel collided an image as clear as the blade before him appeared in his mind. He was standing in a village, a man far older than Regal was scolding a boy, a sword; no Regal though quickly, it was Tenacity upon the wall.

When the blades fell off each other the image faded and Regal felt a wave of vertigo hit him as he fell to one knee, breathing heavily. "What the hell was that?" Regal spat out glaring at the man before him.

"A reflection of your past, cretin." Pierre said distantly. "Each strike of our steel smokes out another buried memory in the caverns of your mind. I shall see where you get your power from, and then I shall take it for myself. So let's begin again shall we!" The sickle flew downwards, and Regal's blade caught the blow, another image flying into his head.

This time he was inside the same room, but the man was at his feet, dead, and Tenacity was in the boy's hand. Another man stood behind the boy, dressed in purple robes that hid his face, and he spoke to the boy about failure and the blade being useless.

The sickle slid off again and Regal had to slam his blade into the ground to prevent himself from falling over. His breaths were heavy and shallow and he nearly passed out from the experience. Pierre laughed with a glee as his curiosity was satisfied with each collision of the blades.

"I have never had an opponent fall and lose wind from the images. They must have been buried deeply to cause effects such as this." Pierre lifted his sickle again and charged the winded swordsman. He laughed with glee as he cried out, "What else is in there, Sword Demon!?! SHOW ME EVERYTHING YOU ARE HIDING!"

04-27-09, 04:59 AM
"For God sake Karel, go Saint of Swords on his ass already." Sheex mumbled to himself quietly as he carefully balanced himself atop the wooden barrel N'gash had been standing on. Through the shattered window Sheex watched his friend get tossed around like a sort of rag doll (although Karel was far more graceful about it than Sheex had been). He wanted to help his friend, but in a fight Sheex wasn’t exactly the first pick of the team. In a fight with a man like N’gash, Sheex was more of a liability than anything else.

“Has to be something I can do to help. I can’t just sit around doing nothing.” Sheex said quietly as he pondered his options. After a minute or two, Sheex slapped himself on the forehead and began a mad dash up the stairs of the windmill.

“Duh! Someone’s still got to save Rebecca! Karel’s so lucky he’s got me to take care of him. Fool doesn’t know the first thing about saving a damsel in distress.” Sheex said to himself with a bit more pride than necessary. He did, however, long to see the look of shock on his friend’s face as he strolled down with Rebecca. Assuming of course there wasn’t another person like N’gash blocking Sheex’s path.

Within five minutes Sheex had reached the top of the stairs and, as he expected, there was but a single door that lead into the very last room of the windmill. Not missing a beat, Sheex delivered a hard kick to the door, partly because he wanted to surprise anyone that might be behind the door but mostly just because he thought it was the proper heroic thing to do.

The room Sheex entered was exactly what he would have expected of a windmill. Plain, completely deserted of anything remotely comforting with the exception of some rickety furniture over in the corner. The stone floor was relatively clean, with the sole exception of a few empty glass bottles and some half eaten food on the table. It was quite a large room, at least twenty feet wide, but barren save for one thing. Sheex’s prize.

With her hands tied over her head, both blindfolded and gagged, Rebecca stood bound at the end of the room. She was constantly twisting and pulling against the knot that held her hands fast, but neither the rope nor the beam that the rope was tied to would budge an inch. Rebecca froze as Sheex’s footsteps echoed across the room as he walked over to where Rebecca was bound.

“Karel?” Rebecca whispered softly as Sheex removed the gag first. Sheex opened his mouth to correct her, but stopped as a slow (and slightly wicked) grin crossed his face. It was time to have some fun.

“Yes love. Little worse for the wear I’m afraid.” Sheex said in a hoarse voice, hoping it would mask the differences between him and Karel. Although he was by no means an actor, given the circumstances Rebecca did not have the time to go into an in-depth analysis of Sheex’ voice.

“Karel! Are you all right? Hurry up and get this blindfold of me!” Rebecca yelled, all though it was far more of a pleading tone than a demanding tone. Sheex was relatively certain there would be hell to pay for this little gag, but that just made him want to play even more.

“Working on it. Got a little rough. Sheex says you owe me big time, or that‘s how he put it anyway.” Sheex said in his hoarse imitation of Karel’s voice as he pretended to fumble with Rebecca’s blindfold.

“Trust me, you’ll get a big reward for this. Sheex is okay, right?” Rebecca said, not bothering to mask the concern in her voice. He couldn’t help but feel a bit of guilt about toying with a woman who was clearly concerned for him. He also couldn’t help but smile at the very same time at the dear friend before him.

“Oh, that guy? He’s better than ever.” Sheex said in his usual cocky voice as he let Rebecca’s blindfold fall to the ground and letting his ruse come to an end. To say that Rebecca was a little shocked would have been a supreme understatement. Sheex was the first to break the silence.

“So about that big reward you promised me...” Sheex said as Rebecca, who’s legs were not bound by any rope, kicked wildly at him. Unfortunately, Sheex was well prepared for such a reaction, and as he was not bound by any ropes he easily stepped out of Rebecca’s range.

“Get me the hell out of here wanderer!” Rebecca shouted, this time in a very demanding voice. Sheex just shrugged his shoulders and remained where he was.

“I’d love to, but can’t really do that when your kicking at me. You look good tied up by the way. The whole damsel in distress thing totally works.” Sheex said with a grin as Rebecca glared at him. The glare lasted for about half a minute, while Sheex just grinned back. Slowly, a smile crept across her face. Even more slowly, the smile became a faint chuckle. Sheex began to chuckle back, and in no time at all, the two were laughing uproariously. It took a moment or two for them to regain control.

“I’m glad your okay Rebecca. I’m....” Sheex paused as he ran a hand through his hair as his face turned the color of red. Without looking her in the eye, he began to fiddle with the knot that kept her hounds bound.

“Really glad. Really, really glad.” Sheex whispered, for all though he could fake caring with the best of con-men, he had never mastered control of his real feelings for those he held dear. An ice cold warrior who never batted an eye was not Sheex in the least.

“With you looking out for me, how else would I possibly be? Is Karel...” Rebecca’s voice faded away, but there was no mistaking the look of concern in her eye. Sheex gave up fiddling with the knot in front of him and, cursing himself silently for not thinking about it sooner, withdrew one of his daggers to cut the knot away.

“I think so. He was going toe-to-toe with a real tough guy when I left him, but he should be okay. He’s the Saint of Swords after all. Wasn’t really much I could do to help I’m afraid.” Sheex said as he scanned the knot for the proper place to cut, for it wouldn’t do to accidentally cut Rebecca’s soft skin. As he stood there, Rebecca couldn’t help but notice the look of sadness on his face.

“Guess I’m pretty useless when it comes down to it, huh?” Sheex said with no small amount of regret on his face. Sensing her friend’s anxiety, Rebecca gently nudged him with her foot.

“You’re not dear to me because you’re strong Sheex. You’re dear to me because your weak.” Sheex cocked his head sideways, much like a confused dog. If that had been Rebecca’s attempt at cheering him up, it had been pretty poor. But then Rebecca finished her statement.

“It doesn’t take a lot for a strong person to leap into a fight. But when a weak person leaps into a fight to protect you, there’s no question about how much he cares about you.” Rebecca said with her heart-warming smile, which Sheex just shook his head to. He really wasn’t cut out for this tender stuff. Still, that didn’t make the words any less true.

“Thanks. You just reminded me of something someone once said. I needed that. Let’s get the hell out of here and go find Karel.” Sheex said as he raised his dagger to cut away the knot. Yet Rebecca’s face quickly turned from a smile to a look of horror as she kicked Sheex in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. A small dagger sailed an inch over Sheex’s head, trimming off a bit of his much prized hair.

“Good to see one of you pays attention.” Muttered a very feminine voice from behind Sheex. Still gasping from Rebecca’s blow, he pushed himself up and stared at the person blocking the exit.

She was cute, of that there was no doubt. Her long flowing robes hid her figure, as well as her hands, but the bright red color seemed to make her skin shine. Her emerald eyes bore into Sheex as her jet black brushed across her face.

“If I turn around and see your dagger in my friend, I’m going to be royally pissed.” Sheex said in a voice he rarely used. Still, that dagger had been aimed at him, and although it missed its intended target he had been standing right in front of Rebecca. He had not come this far to fail.

“Bah. If I wanted her dead she’d be dead. See for yourself.” The woman said coolly as Sheex turned about. The dagger lay on the floor, but Sheex could clearly see where the dagger had struck on the wall. Two inches from Rebecca’s face. Far too close for comfort.

“Sheex, cut me down. I’d like a word with this woman.” Rebecca snarled as Sheex lifted his dagger to do as he was ordered. His eyes never left the woman before him, which was a good thing, for from her billowing robes her slender hand produced another dagger.

“Wouldn’t do that. I’m under orders to not harm the girl, but your a different story. Or do you think you’re fast enough to cut that knot and dodge my dagger at the same time?” The woman said as she got ready to fling the blade. Sheex felt a bead of sweat roll down his forehead, for he was quite certain he wasn’t that fast.

“Oh, and here I thought you might be a bit different then the hired thugs that jumped me, what with that whole professional attitude you have there. But it seems your far too afraid to fight me and would rather fling daggers at my friend who would happily take one to free me. Of course, he won’t move because he’s too afraid you’ll hit me by mistake. Real tough gal.” Rebecca taunted as the woman’s green eyes narrowed in on her. Sheex remained motionless.

“Orders aside, I’m relatively certain I could take off an ear and my boss wouldn’t kill me. I wonder if you’d be worth saving without that pretty face?” The woman spat back as Rebecca just tossed her head about in what would have qualified as a playful manner in Sheex’s book.

“Oh, you’re jealous of my looks! I take it no one bothers to rescue a little thing like you. Well, I’ll give you a hint. Drop the icy bitch attitude and maybe you’ll have someone to keep you company at night other than a cat.” Rebecca said in a very light tone of voice, drenched with sarcasm so thick Sheex was relatively certain he could cut it with his dagger. He was still motionless however.

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you! I’ll repay the favor. Stop being such a useless bimbo and maybe you’ll find a guy who actually likes you for more than your looks. Then again, I bet the extent of your skills outside of the bedroom is making a man a sandwich after he’s done with you.” The woman replied, using the exact same light tone Rebecca had just on used on her. Sheex could only think of one thing at the moment.

CAT FIGHT! This would be sooo hot if there weren’t daggers involved. Sheex would have smiled, but he didn’t want to break the magic.

“Darling, when a real woman’s done with a man, food is the last thing on his mind. Not that you’d have a clue. What are you, sixteen?” Maybe it was the way she said it, maybe Rebecca overheard the woman being concerned about her age, or maybe it was just some sort freaky female power. Whatever it was, the woman in red became slightly agitated.

“If I may intercede...” Sheex said as delicately as he could. He was blatantly ignored, both by Rebecca and the woman with the dagger.

“At least I look young. Is that a gray hair I see granny? What are you, forty?” The woman retorted, this time causing Rebecca to become slightly agitated. The women locked eyes with one another, each trying to sense each others’ weak points. Sheex wondered if he should start selling tickets.

“Little school girl.”

“Used up grandma.”

“Still have a training bra?”

“Pass menopause yet?”

“ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH DAMN IT!” Sheex screamed, this time
getting the attention he required. Now, with two very angry woman staring at him, he was exactly sure why he had wanted there attention to begin with.

“Something you want to add in dear?” Rebecca said in a wonderfully sweet voice. It was so sweet, Sheex could just imagine her killing to it.

“Oh yes, forgot about you. What’s on your mind stud?” The woman said in the same voice, which once again sounded like a death threat. Particularly the stud comment. For some reason, Sheex took the stud to mean “want to die slowly, maggot?”

“Er, this is cute and all, well actually it’s kinda hot, but I think I’ve figured out a solution to our problem.” Sheex said as Rebecca let out a sly little laugh.

“Sheex, honey, she would need her parent’s signature to get breast implants.” Rebecca said coldly, but before the woman could retort with yet another comment (Sheex figured it would probably be something along the lines of “at least my breast don’t sag, grandma”), he held up a finger.

“I can’t cut her down without you flinging a dagger into my back yes?”

The woman nodded in agreement.

“Yet I obviously can’t just leave her here.”

Again a nod, and Sheex was pretty sure he heard something along the lines of “Get to the point” being muttered from the woman.

“However, by your orders, you can’t risk killing her.”

Another nod, accompanied by a motion to speed things up.

“So...I’ll duel you. Winner take all.” Sheex said as he stepped forward, coolly twirling his dagger as he did so. At least, he thought it was cool. Both Rebecca and the woman thought he was an idiot.

“I know about you, Sheex Deltin.” The woman said softly, before Rebecca could even begin to point out the numerous problems with Sheex’s plan.

“That’s a shame, I don’t know anything about you. I’d love to get to know you though. Wanna grab dinner sometime?” The woman kept right on talking, although Sheex noticed she certainly bristled slightly at his comment.

“The granny there’s not bad with a sword. Her boyfriend’s an artist with the blade. You suck.” Sheex had no choice but to frown at the blatant choice of words the woman used in describing his martial prowess.

“I don’t suck! I’m just a bit behind Karel.”

“If by a bit you mean a lifetime or two.”

“So I take it you have no compulsions to my offer?”

The woman, who up until this time had nothing but a cold expression on her face, broke into the tiniest of smiles. Casually she walked forward; if she was afraid of Sheex she certainly didn’t show it. Sheex figured his heart was beating at the rate of a hummingbird’s wings.

“So be it. I’m a little upset though. N’gash gets to fight a master of the blade, and all I get is a drunk. Still, by fighting you I’m going to make a good point to grandma over there. That she’s so useless that she couldn’t protect her closest friend.” The woman said as she undid the clasp that kept her long robe on her. The robe fell to the ground, revealing a tight red body suit that left no illusions to her figure. She was, as Sheex would put it, “Smokin’ hot.” He also took a moment to notice the numerous throwing daggers across her belt, as well as the large one strapped to her right leg. Those weren’t so hot.

“Sheex...you don’t need to do this.” Rebecca said softly as Sheex just turned to her, and let out a big, long, heartfelt laugh.

“What’s so funny, drunk?” The woman spat as she brought back the dagger in her hand and assumed what Sheex guessed to be her fighting stance of choice. He really didn’t know much about these things, but he did know a thing or two about irony.

“Sorry, it’s just right now Karel’s fighting some huge muscled freak. My opponent is a total babe. I find that a bit funny. Lady luck is definitely on my side today.” Sheex said with a grin as he pulled his other dagger out from his coat and braced himself for the inevitable attack.

“I think I’ll finish you quickly.” The woman muttered as she dashed towards Sheex, who just clapped his hands and motioned for the woman to hurry on over.

“Oh yeah? Come and get me.”

04-28-09, 03:15 PM
The heavy scythe arched through the air in a decapitating blow, rending the walls and leaving a huge scar upon their stone surfaces. It was a testament to the craftsmanship of the people who built this building, for it didn't crumble just because a few cuts gashed it open.

Karel had hoped the confined corridors would slow N'Gash down, but that had proven futile as he was still on the defensive from the weapon of the death gods. It was all he could do just to keep the tip from cutting him again as he ducked, rolled, and even let the blade pound into him knocking him back as he thought of something, anything he could do to expose the weapons short ranged weakness.

"I had high hopes for you, Saint!" N'Gash spoke with irritation. "You are still fleeing the inevitable of destiny! I have heard stories of your greatness, and I dared to dream that they were all real. Was I wasting my time like a child with his fantasy tales?"

Karel cursed as his blade sweapt upwards letting the steel flow over him. YES! Karel had waited for an openig where his blade passed the hilt guard, and he could travel the Serra Karla Raven down the shaft. He ran with the fury of a charging tiger, a war cry on his lips. But instead of being able to take advantage he found himself getting tossed backwards.

N'Gash had exploded forward, knee raised up as he ran his muscle into Karel's chest, knocking the saint down. Karel wrapped both feet up and grabbed N'Gash by the waist, pulling back with all his force causing the giant to stumble back. Twisting his legs back to a vertical stance Karel let both blades stand parallel to him as he cried out "Blades of Saint Bartholomew, protect me!"

Golden blades, each a copy of the two swirled before Karel, making a whistling barrier protecting him from the dangers of any follow up attack. Yet again, however, N'Gash's quick thinking caused him to send his Scythe splitting upwards, rending a huge gash into the ceiling. He pulled with all his might and spoke with the certainty of a executioner giving last rites.

"Your blades shall be your eternal grave," his eyes looked to the glowing swords as he saw the ceiling collapse. "You have disappointed me sword saint, I guess fate had another use for me after all..." a soft chuckle filled behind N'Gash and he turned twirling his staff to the other side and slamming it where he thought voice game from.

"Too slow!" the voice taunted from behind him. N'Gash rotated spinning on his heel rending another section of the wall. "Keep it up and this whole place will go down, you fool!" The voice taunted from behind yet again. N'Gash was to far out of position to twist and strike, and he felt a boot upon his back push him forward and downwards until he slammed into the wall face first.

N'Gash woozily stood, rubbing his head and looking to the pile where the ceiling caved in, and he saw the golden blades had vanished, but standing before the wreckage was Karel, both blades held in hand with a look of cockiness on his face. "Explain yourself!" N'Gash ordered as his hand wiped the blood from his mouth.

"I was kind of hoping I didn't have to use it, since I get heavily taxed when my adrenaline goes down, but I just hated to make you feel like I wasn't trying. Maybe, somehow in my head I was hoping you would give up, but now I realize the rudeness of such an arrogant thought. Forgive me, N'Gash, I shall now fight you like the warrior you truly are."

N'Gash saw sadness in Karel's eyes, and he realized at once he had lost his fighting spirit, but then something clicked behind those eyes, a fire burning brighter than any forge on the planet, and those eyes turned down to him with hatred and determination.

"I had thought, N'Gash, that you were different than the people who captured my sweet Rebecca, but in the end your determination to prove me wrong showed me that you are just as vile as those who took her from me." N'Gash let his stance drop only a fraction, as his mind processed this information.

"You are involved with the woman?" N'Gash asked. "I was aware you were traveling with her, but other than that..." N'Gash rubbed his chin in deeper thought. "This wasn't supposed to destroy your life, just his..." he whispered. He looked back to the sword saint and sighed heavily. "My orders were to detain you, keep you stalled as long as possible. But as I stated already, I have plans to disobey those orders. I shall find the warriors death with you, Saint of Swords!" he rotated his scythe up in the air and then slammed the pummel of the end into the ground, cracking the stone sending tiny fissures outwards like a spider web.

"Than let's get this over with." Karel seethed. N'Gash lifted his blade up, but felt the shaft press against his chest as Karel had already in the blink of an eye traveled seven steps. "I should had told you earlier, but I happen to be involved with that woman, and your now just a stepping stone on my way to being with her again!"

N'Gash cursed as he saw Karel take his weapon back and prepare for a jab into his gut. Using the last of his strength he brought the pommel upwards into Karel's gut, and swung like a club upwards hitting Karel in the chest. He lifted with all his might and charged forward, lifting Karel off his feet and charged towards the whole in the ceiling launching him upwards in the hole.

Karel's body slammed against the wall and he could hear the familiar screams of a friend. He strained to his left and found Sheex's body flip into the wall, back first, and he fell landing awkwardly onto his head before hitting the ground righting himself back up. The two's eyes met and their friendship was reaffirmed in the spoken words, Don't die.

With those unspoken words said Karel got back to his bearings and stood, watching N'Gash run up the last of the stairs to the second level. "Are we having fun yet, Sheex!" Karel called out more in challenge to N'Gash than to make small talk with his friend.

05-07-09, 10:03 PM
"My my," Pierre taunted twirling the handle of the sickle in his finger lazily as Regal rested upon one knee, his blade buried deep into the ground. "That isn't even the tip of the iceberg, Regal."

"Shut up," the sword demon barked. "Fight like a man you old sack of shit!" Regal brought himself up, ready to attack with his blade, but he hesitated at the last moment, letting the sickle swipe upwards cutting into his chest a shallow cut. Regal jumped backwards and held his blade up defensively, and his stance wasn't at all natural and looked very awkward.

"FEAR?!?!" Pierre screamed in shock. "The greatest demon of the blades is afraid of his own past! How utterly and uselessly cliche sword demon!" Regal cursed as his hands trembled, but the anticipation was overwhelming him of the memories he made a daily effort to bury deeper and deeper into the recesses of his soul. He wasn't ready to face the demon's of his past, not was he ready to have them pulled out from his mind like a rotting a tooth.

Regal kept his stance open as best as he could, not used to being on the defensive. Whoever this Pierre fighter was shook Regal to the core and he hesitated in his attacks, to afraid to view his past again.

Pierre ran forward, his sickle swinging back and forth across his chest like a frenzied barbarian. Regal tried to feint into an attack, but Pierre kept his guard up. Just as the blades would meet Regal would pull back just mere inches from colliding, letting the sickle cut him a gnarly gash on his hands and arms. Pierre at last had enough and bent low, jumping up with his foot outstretched landing square on Regal's jaw.

The gray swordsman took the hit and spun backwards, sprawling on the ground spread eagle with his back turned to the enemy. He closed his eyes, already knowing the death blow was coming. Instead he felt a boot upon his wrist, and he cried in pain as it dug into the tendons making Regal squirm. His finger's never lost the grip on Tenacity however, which made Pierre laugh arrogantly as the sickle slammed into the steel of Regal's blade.

Fire burned all around a child who held the infantile Tenacity in his hand. Blood dripped to the ground like the pitter patter of rain, the blade drenched to the hilt in the crimson life. Before the boy was a woman, screaming at the boy to drop the sword with pleading tears in her eyes. The sword lifted in the boys hand, and with a fluid motion the sword cut across the woman's throat, blood spraying the child from head to toe.

Regal screamed in agony, the memory purged from his mind in a violent manner. He rolled with all his might and Pierre stumbled off his wrist long enough for Regal to stand back up and hold Tenacity in his other hand, a weaker defensive stance being taken. Pierre turned to the sword demon, a vile grin on his face.

"The sword is the source of your power." He gazed at the sword longingly. "That's what puts you into psychotic fits. That's what eludes your mind and makes you see more foes than there really are. Unless someone who has the power stands up to you, you envision a battle field full of soldiers. It's the only way for your power to awaken. With no challenges present, you can't muster your strength!"

Regal felt his insides roll in disgust as the older man dissected his actions and triumphs and studied him out loud. He wanted to retort, but he couldn't from the gripping fear he felt inside himself. All the weakness he spent years stuffing down his soul, the memories, the hardships, they all were being flooded open and he gasped for air as the sudden realizations came flooding forward.

"Why do you want to torment me?" Regal hissed as his mind pounded behind his eyes. "What is this point of all this trouble to learn about me!" he blared, his eyes brimming with hateful tears. "Why can't you just mind your own business and die!" Pierre lifted the sickle up to his mouth, licking the blood of Regal and laughing all the while.

"Best I explain from the beginning." He said rushing forward, his blade swinging wildly. Regal twisted Tenactiy into a reverse grip, the hilt flying forward to parry the blow, but Pierre ducked the swing, his sickle biting deep into Regal's chin. Before he could regain his composure he felt a powerful hand wrap around his neck and push him backwards to the ground. Pierre glared at Regal, sitting on his chest so the sword demon couldn't move.

"You see, about fifteen or seventeen years ago I was walking down the road in the mountain ridge of Scara Brae when I saw a fire off to the west. I at the time was just a travelling fighter, always looking for a new fight to make me more powerful. I had heard about a power in the area that could make me stronger and I went on to find it.'

"Anyway, something about that fire seemed to call to me, and I rushed to the scene of the massacre. No doubt, from your visions it was your town I came upon. But at the time all I knew was that someone dressed in purple robes told me that the power I sought was long gone. I've been searching for it, searching a long time. I was always one step behind you, cretin!" His teeth grinned at him, his eyes flashing with wild abandon.

"I heard wind that the leader of this group, Diomedes, was searching for someone by the name of Troy Priam. It just so happens I caught someone who noticed you traveling with him. Natrually my choices were limited. I signed up to take you down." Regal looked up at him, his eyes softly glowing as he glared at the man.

"That doesn't tell me why." Regal spoke calmly.

"Why?" Pierre laughed as his hand gripped around Tenacity. "Because the power you wield isn't being used properly!" he ripped the blade out of Regal's hand holding it high above his head. "You couldn't use this power unless you went insane! You had to imagine there were more foes than was in front of your eyes in order to summon up the strength to fight! Your tenacity is an insult to this blade, and I plan to take it and become the new demon of swords!"

With no more thoughts on the matter the blade came crashing down, blood flying in the air where Regal was pinned.

05-11-09, 03:23 AM
"I'm having the time of my life!" Sheex shouted back as he ran back up the stairs. He made a mental note to be a bit more careful with his attacks, as being flung down a fight of stairs had not exactly done wonders for his health, not to mention his ego.


"Hey, what's you name?" Rebecca asked quietly as she twisted her hands against the ropes that kept her imprisoned. Her wrists were both red and sore, and if she kept at it she was sure she would be bleeding soon. Still, she struggled against the ropes.

"Claire Nightingale. Why do you ask?" The woman said as she turned around, coolly gazing at Rebecca. Judging the distance carefully Rebecca smiled widely, and then tugged as hard as she could against the ropes. Although they did not break, Rebecca had enough momentum to give Claire a solid headbutt, causing the young woman to spin to the floor clutching her face.

"Sorry about that Claire." Rebecca said with a grin as she flicked her head to the side, attempting to fling a bit of Claire’s blood off of her head. Most annoyed, Rebecca realized she would be stuck with the young woman’s blood on her forehead until the time she could brush it off. It was still worth it in her mind.

“Bitch! I’ll cut you apart!” Claire shouted as she wiped her now bleeding lip. With a snarl she leapt forward, pushing her dagger against Rebecca’s cheek. Rebecca remained undaunted, even as a thin red line began to appear upon her snow white skin.

“Don’t do it!” Sheex yelled as he slammed the door shut behind him, preventing any more unexpected trips. Casually, as if nothing had happened, he strolled back into the room. “Her boyfriend’s the psycho type. I do NOT want to explain why Rebecca got cut.”

“Bah. You should have stayed lost.” Claire muttered as she removed the blade from Rebecca’s cheek and marched towards Sheex, who despite all his earlier bravado took a step back.

“You also shouldn’t have shut that door. It locks by itself you know. Now your trapped.” Claire said as she twirled the largest of her daggers back and forth between her hand. Sheex made a mental note that she seemed to prefer to use the large dagger for hand-to-hand combat and the rest of the daggers for throwing. He then proceeded to shrug and grin.

“Oh no. I’m trapped with two babes. Whatever will I do?” Sheex said in an extremely sarcastic voice. Rebecca chuckled slightly (mostly because she thought it would annoy Claire),while Claire glared at Sheex.

“Quit treating me like a child!” She spat as she dashed forward towards Sheex who had his daggers at the ready. She lunged forward, thrusting at Sheex’s stomach. He quickly parried the blow and countered with a stab of his own, only to watch her gracefully spin about and plant a foot into his chest. Sheex gasped for breath as he tried to back up, only to have Claire shove him against the wall and push her dagger towards his throat. Sheex was able to raise one of his daggers in time to stop the deathblow, but now the two blades clashed about three inches from his throat, which was not much of an improvement.

“I may be young, but I’m more than a match for you! I will not be talked down to! I am not a child!” Claire nearly screamed as her dagger came closer and closer to Sheex’s throat. Despite his best efforts, Sheex was relatively certain this woman was going to overpower him in a few moments and slice into his neck. That left one option.

“Never....said you were...a child....very...womanly...” Sheex said as he raised the hand with the dagger he was not using towards Claire. Instantly she pressed her knee against that hand, trapping Sheex’s arm against the wall. Not that it mattered. Sheex knew what he had to do.

Claire’s eyes went wide as Sheex dropped his dagger to the ground (which was unexpected) and proceeded to caress the back of Claire’s leg with the hand she had pinned against the wall. Sheex’s raised his eyebrows with a smile as Claire stepped back, grabbed his shirt, and flung him to the floor.

“Don’t touch me! Perverted dog! Die!” Claire shouted as a strange sun-colored aura surrounded her left hand. With a shout she slammed it into the ground as Sheex prepared to intercept whatever attack she might fling at him. He was not, however, prepared to be lifted up into air.

“Odd.” Was all Sheex muttered as he swung his hands about, trying to see if there were any invisible strings lifting him up into the air. Rebecca stood amazed as Claire smirked and dashed forward. She too rose up into the air slowly, although she was far more graceful about it than Sheex was.

“No tricks here. Just a lack of gravity.” Claire said as she sailed through the air like a bird while Sheex flailed about like a fish out of water. Claire stabbed forward as she sailed, and while Sheex managed to stave off the blow, he soon found himself sideways ten feet up in the air and still rising.

“Very odd. Impressive, but odd.” Sheex muttered as Claire casually sailed through the air towards him once more. Realizing the advantage was clearly hers in the air (the thought of that itself was enough to make Sheex’s mind reel) he batted aside her dagger and grabbed at her, hoping to keep the two of them as close together as possible. Claire simply ducked under his outstretched arms and looped around to his back, wrapping her arms around his chest as she did so. She then heaved with all her might, and both her and Sheex were then upside down and twenty feet in the air.

“And now the spell ends, and you go down.” Claire laughed as she squeezed Sheex tight. Using his amazing powers of deduction, he realized that should the spell stop, he would plummet downwards and smash his head into the cold stone floor, ensuring nearly instant death (or at least a concussion). No doubt Claire planned to kick away at the last moment, sparing herself from such a fate. Abandoning all attempts at shoving her off (Sheex could hardly attack accurately behind him under the current circumstances), he wrapped his arms around his back and pulled Claire in closer.

“Big deal. I’ve been wanting to go down with you since I laid eyes on you.” Sheex said as the spell stopped and the two plummeted to the ground below. He heard Rebecca gasp and saw the ground move closer and closer at quite a rapid speed, but he could only think of one thing as he smiled bravely. Oh God, please kick away. Please kick away. Please, please, please, kick away. I can’t die yet. They’re waiting for me.

At the last possible moment, and slightly before Sheex would have screamed like a girl, Claire smashed her foot against Sheex’s back, parting the two of them and sending them both sailing sideways through the air. Sheex gasped in pain as he hit the floor, but did his best to roll with the impact. Despite the scrapes he earned, it was still better than having his head slammed into the floor. Eventually, he came to a stop on his chest right at Rebecca’s feet.

“Move it Sheex!” Rebecca shouted as he slammed his hands against the floor, forcing himself up as a small dagger sailed by him and landed where his face had been but moments ago. Claire had recovered faster and although she did not charge, she had drawn another dagger and was taking aim.

“Sheex, are you all right?” Rebecca asked as she twisted about, trying to gauge Sheex’s injuries. He just sighed as he glanced about, looking for his dagger. He found it about two feet away from him. He slowly picked it up, pretending not to care about Claire taking aim at him. As expected, she did not fling the dagger at him.

“Fine. Guess I’ve really got no choice though. I was hoping I could beat her without resorting to this but she’s just too good.” Sheex muttered as he picked up his blade and ran a hand through his hair. Claire looked on quietly with a cold face, while Rebecca didn’t bother to conceal her confusion.

“What in the world are you talking about Sheex?” Rebecca asked as she gazed at Sheex, who’s face was calm and extremely serious. She was suprised at both emotions, for in a fight Sheex was neither calm nor serious.

“Are you saying you’ve been holding back?” Claire questioned as she lowered her dagger. Diomedes had done his research, and everything he had discovered led to the man before her to be a slightly above average fighter at best. Claire considered herself to be well above average, and that was under most circumstances. Under most circumstances, Sheex had proven himself to be a weakling far more concerned about women and alcohol than fighting. Could it have all been a ruse? Is such a thing possible? She wondered as she carefully eyed Sheex.

“Sheex...You’re not holding back. What are you planning?” Rebecca asked, her eyes never leaving her friend. She too, didn’t believe that her friend who she knew so well, was in anyway a top class fighter. He had other traits to be proud of, but fighting had never been one of them.

“Not in the sense you two are thinking, but yes, I have been holding back in a way.” Sheex said as he walked forward, his dagger held almost lazily in his hand. Claire involuntarily took a step while Rebecca leaned forward as much as the ropes would allow.

“Why?” Claire and Rebecca both asked at the same time.

“Because I really wanted to show her how much I care. She‘ll just have to take my word for it. They‘ll be hell to pay for this though.” Sheex said as he brought his dagger up before him, just in case Claire decided to make any movements. His empty hand carefully glided across the steel of his dagger, which was worn and scratched from years of use. Still it was in good shape, all things considering.

“Who?” Rebecca nearly demanded as Claire took another step back.

“Rebecca? She‘ll give you hell for saving her? Unlikely. Perhaps she’ll fall into your lap likeshe did with the Saint of Sword though. ” Claire said as Rebecca’s cheeks flushed red with a slight amount of embarrassment and a large amount of rage, but Sheex just shook his head.

“My wife.” Sheex spoke hardly above a whisper, but it might as well have been a shout. For all her composure, Claire’s face could not hide the shock of such a statement. Neither could Rebecca’s voice.

“You don’t have a wife!” Rebecca shouted. For the first time since meeting her, Claire agreed with Rebecca.

“None of Diomedes reports indicate anything beyond a few one-night stands. No self-respecting woman would ever marry you.” Claire stuttered. She then did realize that Rebecca and the Saint Of Swords had far more of Diomedes attention than this man. However, if Diomedes had been wrong about that, what else had he been wrong about?

“Lots of one night stands actually. And you’re right, she’s not my wife. Yet. But she will be. She promised. I promised.” Sheex continued his slow advance, and with each step he took, Claire took another step back.

“You never said anything about a wife! When did you...how...who...” Rebecca continued to stammer on, slightly unable to come to terms with the idea that Sheex, the lecherous, perverted, drunken, womanizing wanderer would actually have a wife. Not just a wife, a family. It was such a dramatic change in his personality it was almost impossible.

“After Black Isle burned, we were separated. You found Karel, and I found you two, but not for several months. I wonder what you think I did for those months?” Sheex asked. Claire was the first to answer.

“Got drunk, talked your way into a woman’s pants, and than left her after having your way with her. You’re usual mode of operandi if I’m not mistaken.” Sheex inwardly cringed at her words, and although Rebecca would not say it, Claire was quite right. Sheex had never really cared about what happened afterwards, and Rebecca knew that as a fact, although certainly not from personal experience.

“Usual mode. Things happen with that method. Things you can’t walk away from.” Sheex almost wished he had a way to capture the look on Rebecca’s face.

“Are you telling me that you have...a child?” Rebecca barely managed to speak the words. She thought both her and Karel had made some life changes, but if what Sheex had said was true, then he had left both of them in the dust.

“As far as I’m concerned. Two. Not mine by blood, but mine because I love them. Wife too. They’re waiting. Attack or leave Claire. Either way, I’m going to win.” Sheex said, more serious than ever. Although he looked no different, the strength he radiated was completely different. Never, under any circumstances, had Rebecca seen him so confident.

“Lies! You think you’ll win because you have a family? Nonsense!” Claire spat, but even she could not deny the change in Sheex.

“Yes, because I simply cannot afford to let them down. You’re actually quite easy to beat I’m afraid. I’ve beaten hundreds of people like you.” Rebecca knew Sheex was exaggerating, and yet the way he said it made it sound believable.

“Oh yes. I’m certain a bar fight equals fighting a trained mercenary. Oh, I’m in trouble now.” Claire said, certain that she managed to keep her voice from cracking.

“How many bar fights have you been in Claire?” Sheex asked quietly. Claire didn’t bother to answer.

“None? That explains it. If you’d been in one, you’d see what I mean. I’ll tell you after I beat you. It‘s quite a glaring flaw.” Sheex said as he brought his dagger up. Claire’s back was only a few feet away from the locked door. She could retreat no further.

“Time’s up. You leaving or staying?” Claire just glared at Sheex as her response, although this time it did not contain its usual iciness.

“Fine. I warned you.”

This time it was Sheex who attacked first.

05-24-09, 02:26 AM
With a quick flick of his wrist, Diomedes slashed Troy's cheek, doing little damage but making his mark nonetheless. Not to be outdone, Troy cut low, managing to scrape Diomedes's rapier across the man's shin. Diomedes brought his blade up and slashed at Troy's head, but Troy quickly parried the blow and delivered a thrust at his opponent's chest. Diomedes danced aside at the last second and hooked his leg around a small chair that sat in the corner of the room. He kicked forward, flinging the chair at Troy's face while he swung low at Troy's legs. Troy grabbed the chair mid-flight and slammed it downwards, blocking the saber and forcing it to the ground.

"That sword was a gift from my brother, you know. I'll be taking it back!" He shouted as he released the saber and delivered a swift kick to Troy's head. Diomedes heard a satisfying crack as his boot connected, then quickly grabbed Troy by his arm and flung him to the ground next to the chair. Troy scooped up his saber as Diomedes wretched his rapier from Troy's grip.

"Mine was a gift from my father. You soil it with your filthy hands." Troy said as he blocked a thrust from Diomedes and countered with one of his own. Diomedes leaned back and allowed Troy's blade to pass by. His body flowing like a river, Diomedes twisted back upwards and delivered three lightning quick thrusts at Troy's exposed arm. Troy pulled his arm back, but two of the three strikes found their mark. Still, they were light strikes, and although they stung Troy was certain they were not even close to fatal. He ignored the pain and continued to attack Diomedes, who fended off the attacks with incredible grace.

"You soil it by running away from your responsibilities!" Diomedes grunted as he allowed one of Troy's attacks to find its mark. The blade cut through Diomedes's shoulder, and despite his best efforts his face contorted in pain as his blood flew through the air. Still, there was a method to his madness, and before Troy could bring his blade back from his attack to defend Diomedes stepped in and delivered a fierce thrust into Troy's upper-right chest. Troy cursed silently as he leapt backwards, his free hand clutching the wound as he held Disillusioned tightly in his right hand.

"I'm not running any more!" Troy shouted back as he glanced towards the collection of swords on the wall. Selecting one he liked, Troy leapt up and grabbed a small katana, much like Regal's Tenacity, ripping the blade violently out of its sheathe and twirling it about to get a feel for the blade. Diomedes raised his rapier.

"So? You ran from your responsibilities as a soldier when all your men died. You ran from your responsibilities as a friend when you couldn't face the fact that Hector died instead of you. You ran from your responsibilities as son when you failed to return home to tell your parents you survived. All you've ever done is run." Diomedes lunged forward.

"Shut up!" Troy swung his blades, one at Diomedes's head, the other at his knees.

"You're just a coward. Just like my brother said. You can't own up to the fact that you let someone down so you tuck tail and run. Pathetic." A quick and skillful leap evaded the low strike, a parry blocked the high one.

"Stop talking!" Troy slashed in an X pattern, attempting to sever Diomedes's neck.

"It wasn't even your fault. You were in command of what, ten men? Your commander walked into the ambush, not you. Anyone would have told you that. You father. Mother. Sister. Hector." Diomedes ducked the attack and stabbed into Troy's leg.

"Don't you use his name!" Troy ignored the pain and stabbed his katana forward, taking off a solid chunk of skin from Diomedes left arm.

"But you ran away, and in doing so you committed a crime far worse than your commander. You left everyone in doubt, and wasted a friend's noble sacrifice. Coward." Diomedes slashed Troy's chest.

"Lies!" Disillusioned tore away at Diomedes's knee.

"You let them think you were dead all because you didn't want to what? Say you were sorry?" Troy stumbled as Diomedes struck his side. Troy's blood began to drip to the floor.

"Silence!" Two strikes at Diomedes's stomach, one from each blade. Diomedes's blood began to mix with Troy's.

"You knew they would have welcomed you back without a word of criticism, but you burned with shame and disappeared. Now your lie has hurt them more then your 'death' ever did." Both warriors began to stumble, each one ignoring their own pain and focusing solely on hurting the man before him.

"NO!" Troy shouted as he slammed his fist into Diomedes's chest, causing blood to squirt from a wound there. Diomedes felt himself fall, but instead of trying to stop the fall he swung his blade in a large circle, cutting into both of Troy's hands as he did so. Troy dropped both of his blades in pain as Diomedes hit the floor, letting out a gasp of agony as his blood seeped into the cracks of the stone.

Diomedes drew his blade back to stab at Troy, but he was in too awkward of a position with his back on the floor. Troy grabbed Diomedes's wrist before he could stab, locking the man's sword arm in place. Diomedes responded by kicking upwards, slamming his foot into Troy's stomach and causing the man to fall backwards Troy took the rapier with him as he fell, so Diomedes quickly picked up Troy's saber from the ground and swung it at Troy, who was now also on his back. Troy blocked the blow with the rapier and rolled away from Diomedes, who began to push himself up.

"I'll cut your heart out with your own blade!" Diomedes spat, his cockiness and grin completely gone. His fine clothes were soaked in blood, both Troy's and his own. His blond hair was now drenched with sweat and flecks of blood, turning it from a golden yellow to a sort of rust colored. His white teeth flashing about, his lips curled up in a beast like state.

"Not if I cut your's out first!" Troy shouted back, his hands clawing at the floor. The small cuts in his face leaked blood, which trailed down his cheeks like tears. His arms trembled as his brown shirt turned a darker and darker color as the red liquid ran down his arms. His legs too shook as they scraped against the floor, slipping on the blood that had fallen there. His ice blue eyes burned about, devouring everything in their gaze with a cold fire.

Both men managed to get up at the same time, and not taking a moment to rest both charged forward, Diomedes slashing with Troy's saber and Troy thrusting with Diomedes's rapier. Both blades found flesh and both men ran past each other, each faltering as his did so. Troy stumbled, but scooped up the katana and turned around. Diomedes had to use the wall for support, but yanked a cutlass from its sheathe as he turned about to face Troy.

Both men locked eyes. Both men thought of the family they cared so deeply about. The sister Troy had to save. The brother that Diomedes couldn't. Both men let out a feral cry and charged again.

The katana and the cutlass clashed, both men lacked the strength to hold onto the blades so they let them drop to the floor. Gray wisps of energy flickered about the rapier in Troy's hand, and as he swung it a shockwave flew at Diomedes. The shockwave tossed Diomedes to the floor as a pale blue light pulsed through the saber in his hands and fired at Troy, piercing his leg and brining him to his knees.

"That would have been more effective with my rapier. Your damn saber doesn't thrust well." Diomedes muttered as he drew himself up to his knees and, lacking any real strength flung his body at Troy, slashing the saber about as he did so.

"You sword is too thin. Not enough blade to cut with." Troy said as he slammed the rapier into the oncoming saber. It was a poor parry, with nothing put into it but force, but as both men were doing nothing but throwing attack after attack in an effort to kill the other, the rapier knocked the saber from Diomedes's hands. The saber also did the same to the rapier, and both men rolled to their own weapons; Diomedes to his rapier and Troy to his saber.

Both rose to one knee, and both felt their strength leave them. Troy collapsed on all fours while Diomedes fell with his face down against the floor. Each breathed heavily and commanded their body to move, but neither could summon the strength.

"I'm not done yet. I'll kill him Pandarus. He'll suffer for what he did to you." Diomedes screamed as he grabbed the leg off the table he had just recently been casually reading next to. He pulled himself to his knees as Troy did the same, except using his sword as support.

"Rebecca. Just wait a little longer for me. He'll wish he never laid eyes on you." Troy snarled as the tears of blood that ran from his cheeks began to cause small circles of blood to appear on the floor as they fell. Troy ignored the red tears and began to rise.

"She's already waited to long fool! You're a pathetic brother to leave a family member alone like you did!" Diomedes shouted as he pulled himself up, leaning against the table for support. Both men took a step forward, but both fell back to the ground as soon as they did. Instantly both began to rise again.

"Whichever of us rises first..." Troy said softly.

"Is the one who will win..." Diomedes finished.

06-04-09, 01:59 AM
The wind howled in a rage as the heavy war scythe split into the wall, creating a rending streak of broken mortar and bricks as N’Gash used every last bit of strength in what he felt was his final fight. Karel on the other hand was able to use the small hallway to his advantage, able to dart away from a blow, making N’Gash spend precious seconds pulling weapon free from the wall. He made his move, lunging with all his might as the tip of the blade bit a half inch into the desert warriors body. He recoiled quickly, bringing his scythe down in a pendulum swing knocking Karel’s blade to the side and he dropped his scythe, flat edge facing Karel as he jogged forward, making Karel jump over the blade.

In flight a hand lurched outwards, grabbing the sword saint by the neck and slamming him downwards onto the wooden floor. A loud groan of stress released into the air, and Karel rolled to avoid as the scythe returned in a heavy swing. He got back to his vertical base and dodged the weapon jumping backwards as he did so.

“I’ve been thinking this for awhile now,” Karel spoke plainly, bringing up his blade to a defensive stance. “Why are you so determined to die by my hands?” N’Gash kept his grip tight, but he lowered himself into a defensive stance as the two warriors stood apart from each other.

“Because, I have been destined to fight and die by your hands. I had a dream that a holy one would come and take away my life, and that I would be able to be free from this curse I bear.” N’Gash explained, his eyes slightly faltering as he recalled memories. “A long time ago I had lost my honor as a warrior. I was a pit fighter, and I killed those who begged for mercy, sparring nobody only to increase my own status as one of the greatest warriors in the land. But I had made a foul mockery of the warrior’s spirit I thought I was fulfilling.”

N’Gash pointed to Karel with his scythe. “I ask you, blessed one, what is the meaning of being a warrior?” Karel gave him a strange look before he lowered his stance, thinking about the question.

“I think there is no defined meaning to being a warrior. Each warrior fights for one reason or another, be it right or wrong.” N’Gash gave him a warm smile.

“I expected such an answer, and I am pleased to hear that you share the same view I do.” He opened his arms in supplication as he laughed. “A warrior is not someone who fights to protect his loved one, or his ideals. Nor is it a warrior who fights to grow stronger, or live for the thrill of the fight. The meaning of being a warrior is not fighting for a singular cause, but following your own heart in the heat of battle!” Karel gave N’Gash an understanding nod. “You see it, Saint, and it makes my heart gladdened to know that I will be defeated by one who fights with his heart, not with his cause. This warrior’s death I speak of is the ability to die by the hands of someone’s heart. This was taught to me by a man who I have great respect for. He now fights up in the tower, guiding the man who he wished to extract his revenge on for his brother’s death. He taught me the will of the warrior, the pride I was missing when I fought!”

Karel let the words sink in, and he lowered into an aggressive offensive stance as he ran forward. All the time N'Gash spoke Karel was formulating his plan, and he came upon a risky, but assured chance for victory should he pull it off. He darted to one side of the wall, and the scythe sang forward slamming into the bricks tearing into it. Karel ran forward before darting to the other side, his heart pounding in his ears as the scythe slammed into the other wall, rending it asunder. Karel then ducked and rolled forward towards N’Gash, and he felt the scythe fly in the air upwards before coming right down upon him.

“Got you,” Karel whispered as he used all his might to slow down time on N’Gash. The Scythe was lifted up to it’s apex, and Karel used the stall in time to leap upon the hilt where the blade meets, pulling all his weight upon it. He released the temporal hold on N’Gash and the warrior slammed his scythe down with all his might.

It was far too late for N’Gash to take back the attack, his eyes registering the feint. Karel jumped off the blade as it slammed into the wooden floor, and Karel jumped at N’Gash making him rip his blade upwards and outwards in instinct. The final piece to puzzle was placed and the flooring used to hold them gave out, as the wall sections caved in on each other, no longer supported by the beams of the floor. The entire floor collapsed in on itself, and the sword saint used N’Gash as a launching pad to reach the other side safely. N’Gash cried out in alarm as he felt his feet buckle and he felt weightless as he reached for anything to grab hold of. He fell upon the ground in a heap and bounced rolling onto his back, watching as the rest of the wall sections collapsed upon him, creating his own tomb. One brick hit him in the head making him flinch before another brick slammed into his left eye causing him to cry out as the world went sharply black. Another set of bricks fell upon his face and chest and he bled from the wounds, drawing up one shuddering breath before he released it out.

Karel looked at his handiwork and felt a twinge of guilt for N’Gash, but he let it fade by him as he sheathed his weapon. He ran down the stairs and out the door as he tried to find another way up to where Rebecca was.

06-09-09, 12:38 AM
The sword stabbed deep into the shoulder of Regal, blood spraying upwards splashing the demented Pierre in the face. His grin was intensified as the blood dripped down his pointed chin, and he laughed gleefully to himself as he looked at the fear in his opponent's eyes.

"It's so amusing to see the man who calls himself the demon of swords cowering in fear." He taunted, lifting the blade up causing it to splash blood upwards. Regal let out a howl of anguish as his free hand moved to his shoulder. He cradled his wounded limb and slowly began to snake away from Pierre, his eyes searching for something to turn this battle around. Pierre charged forward again, leaping upwards placing the blade between his feet as he came crashing down. Regal turned his head to the side, terrified of the doom coming. Instead he heard the earth split asunder as the blade stabbed deep into the dirt.

"You're a pitiful man, Regal Burnswidth." Pierre licked his lips and let loose a ball of spit onto Regal's face. The sword demon felt the saliva on the side of his face, and he growled in rage and frustration.

I can't win like this... Regal thought to himself in a panic. He's...he's just to damn powerful! Regal watched as Tenacity slowly drew upwards from the ground, and he Pierre seemed to exaggerate the motion to let the fear in Regal step in.

Using the momentary display of show Regal's feet kicked up, hitting Pierre in the stomach. He bent his knees back inwards letting Pierre lean into the hold before pushing back with all his might. Unceremoniously the warrior flew into the air, Tenacity ripped from the ground sending shards of dirt into sky. Regal rotated onto his belly, getting up from his knees and running towards the building. Pierre was laughing wildly as he charged forward, taunting Regal.

He looked back and found Pierre was right upon him, the weapon he once called his own twirling in his hand in anticipation of the bloodshed. His own blood seemed to awaken at the prospect as well, but his fear washed over him again as he knew he wasn't going to survive long without a weapon in hand.

He charged after Pierre, causing the older veteran to slow in his advance which was all Regal needed to turn the tables. His knee came up to his chest as he leapt forwards hitting Pierre square in the chest knocking him back. Both bodies tumbled in a heap of flesh as the gray swordsman wrestled with the lunatic veteran.

Punches and jabs were exchanged as Regal kept the fight close quarters, both men rolling upon the ground towards the moat. Before they fell into the murky waters the hilt of Tenacity slammed into Regal's gut. He lost his wind, and a few follow up jabs were ended with a fierce uppercut sending Regal twirling on the back of his left heel before he face planted into ground, a moan of pain escaped his lips.

Tenacity fell down in a wild arc, shallowly hitting Regal's exposed back as he howled in torment to the heavens. His hands reached out for anything, and he felt his hand hit something metal and he wrapped his fingers around it. He rolled onto his back, bringing up another hand to brace the metal hilt of whatever he grabbed and Tenacity glinted in the sunlight as it sent a wave of sparks slamming into the metal teeth of the sickle.

Both warriors looked upon the coursing eldritch energies, as Tenacity began to cut into the metal edge of the weapon, creating more and more coursing energy from the sickle. "How about a taste of your own medicine!" Regal shouted in wrath, his scorn apparent as he pulled back on Tenacity, focusing his will power on ripping a memory out of the sword.

The world turned black, a single light shone in the darkness and a man dressed in deep purple robes stood in the center, looking down to the darkness as if it were a mere insect. "Chodan has abandoned you, demon." the man said, his voice carrying to the deepest corners of the area.

A pair of red eyes looked upwards at the man, slanting in rage at the human in the light. "Who the hell are you!" The darkness talked in a chorus of a thousand voices, it's bestial rage brimming the edge of each word. It felt like a weaker mortal would have had his skin rendered from the bone at such a fierce tone.

A silver blade lifted upwards in the man's hand, a small chuckle leaving his careless lips as he lifted it up. "Shut up and accept your fate. I have need of your essence demon, and I want you for my twisted games." The demon howled as shadowy talons reached outwards, and the blade sang in the air, cutting into the shadows as he charged forward, slamming into the demon's heart. "Feed yourself, grow my blade...feed yourself and fuel your tenacity." The demon cried in agony as the shadows were absorbed into the hungry blade, not a bit left as the vision faded.

Regal lifted upwards with a fierce uppercut into the gut of Pierre, who took the hit unable to respond to having the memory of the blade itself ripped from his mind. He fell over and felt his wrist twist and crack as Tenacity fell tot he ground. Regal's body rotated in with the hold, so his back was upon Pierre's and he tossed him over his shoulder. He knelt down lifting Tenacity upwards, a primal power flooded around him as gray fire brimmed his figure.

Pierre looked upwards to see Regal glaring daggers at him, but more frightening was the set of Red glowing eyes behind him. A shadowy presence seemed to radiate from the hilt of Tenacity, and the demon's form took shape as a demonic silhouette behind Regal.

The energy around Regal focused itself upon the blade and he shouted a war cry as his face took on the form of a demonic grin. Pierre saw that his shoulder was nearly healed as the demon presence aided Regal in the fight. He looked and realized his doom as he saw that Regal Burnswidth wasn't just another fighter, but truly the demon of swords.

The sky exploded as the energy released upon Pierre, the blade splitting into his skull and down to his heart as it cleaved into him. The energy fell upon the ground, quaking the earth for a solitary second, a demon's howl of laughter echoing in the shock wave. Pierre fell first to his knees, then to his face as he died. Regal looked down upon him, his eyes full of disdain and rage.

He sheathed his sword, feeling the power wane as the battle ended, and the same useless feeling took over him. "Alas," Regal said in a bored tone as he stepped over the corpse of Pierre. "I am unfulfilled."

06-09-09, 02:25 AM
Sheex brought his dagger downwards, a blow that Claire was easily able to block. She noticed that Sheex had struck with less force than usual, which most likely meant the attack was a feint. Claire refused to be baited, so she was well prepared for Sheex when he stepped to the side and delivered a thrust towards Claire's heart. She noticed his free hand move at the same time, but that wasn't a problem. Lunging about as he was, Claire was sure he couldn't throw a decent punch. Deciding the punch was another feint, she let it slide by as she parried Sheex's dagger.

And that was when his hand grabbed her butt and gave it one good, solid, patented Sheex Deltin squeeze.

"Ohh, soft." Sheex said with a grin as he backpedaled to avoid Claire's counterattack, which was a fierce swing with her own dagger at Sheex's head. He quickly stepped to the side, ducked a kick from Claire, and dashed by her. He didn’t bother to attack with his dagger, but instead wrapped his hand around Claire’s head and pulled her close.

“You smell good. What perfume is that?” Sheex said with a grin that never faltered, even as Claire slammed her elbow into Sheex’s stomach and forced him off of her. Not before Sheex managed to run his hand up her side, however.

“Do you think this is some type of joke? I will KILL you!” Screamed Claire as she grabbed one of her smaller daggers and flung it at Sheex. His smile remained as he failed to dodge the small blade and it cut into his side.

“Get your head out of the GUTTER and fight her Sheex!” Screamed Rebecca as she struggled against the ropes to no avail. Sheex winked at Claire as she grabbed his wrist and pulled him close for a stab.

“Let’s DANCE babe!” Screamed Sheex, his voice overpowering both Rebecca’s and Claire’s as he collided into Claire, making it very hard for either of the two warriors (not that Claire considered Sheex a warrior at this point) to land a blow with their daggers. Claire released her grip on Sheex’s wrist in order to free herself, but Sheex simply grabbed her wrist back and pulled her close to him, enjoying the feeling of her soft body rubbing up against his.

“This isn’t a dance! Stop playing around!” Claire shouted as Sheex led her about in a sort of dance, much like the one he had earlier danced with Rebecca. This time, however, it was far less romantic and it ended with a head butt to Sheex’s face instead of a heartwarming smile.

“Quit playing around and throw a punch for God’s sake Sheex!’ Rebecca pleaded, but Sheex just coolly ran a hand throw his hair as if he didn’t care about the woman about to stab him. That only made Claire want to stab him even more.

“Don’t be jealous. I danced with you earlier. Let Claire have some fun.” The minute Sheex finished speaking, both Claire and Rebecca screamed like banshees. He couldn’t possibly guess which of the two had screamed the loudest, but he was certain he’d have a headache for at least a week.



Many things happened at once. Rebecca shouted something along the lines of Sheex being nothing but a drunken lecherous wander, and that would never change. Claire lunged forward, screaming bloody murder. Sheex flipped his dagger in his hand so he would strike with the hilt rather than the blade.

His smile disappeared.

Claire’s charge was filled with rage, her only goal was to cut Sheex down. He was no fighter, but even he could see the hole in such an attack. He dashed forward, closing the gap between him and Claire in an instant. Instantly Claire realized her blunder and she tried to retract her blade for defense, but that only served to weaken the attack. Her blade slashed into Sheex’s shoulder, however instead of the fierce strike it would have been Sheex was able to weather the blow with only a grunt of pain. The hilt of his blade slammed into Claire’s throat as he charged forward, slamming Claire into the stone wall behind her.

“Too much pride.” Sheex muttered so soft that only he and Claire could hear. Claire struggled hard, but Sheex just pressed the hilt of his dagger forward as he used his shoulder to pin Claire to the wall.

“What?’ Claire managed to gasp in hoarse voice, and even that was an effort.

“You know what most bar fights are over? Pride. Someone steps on someone’s toes or looks at a girl the wrong way and a man’s pride is hurt. A man just has to avenge that, but wounded pride is a terrible thing. All too often a person with wounded pride gets too angry and makes a mistake. You’re young, and full of pride. Pride’s a very big weakness.”

Claire wasn’t sure what hurt her worse. Was it the hilt of the plain wooden dagger pressed against her throat, the shoulder pinning her against the cold unfeeling stone wall, or the fact that Sheex was right? Her eyes went wide with rage, but it didn’t lash out blindly this time. This time, she focused her rage, and before she passed out from lack of air she took a chance.

“Not yet!” She gasped and swung her fist towards Sheex, feeling no small sense of satisfaction as her hand connected with his skull. Sheex cursed and lost his grip as Claire gulped in a breath of fresh air and dashed away. Sheex lunged after her, but was still reeling from the blow to his head.

“It’s not over yet! I won’t fail him! I can’t fail him! Not now! Not when he needs me the most!” Claire shouted as Sheex stumbled about. Claire focused as hard as she could, and an all too familiar dim orange aura surrounded Claire. Sheex dashed forward, hoping to cut Claire off before she could finish her spell, but stopped dead in his tracks as every dagger Claire had floated eerily in front of her.

“I’ll kill you. I’ll use my spell that reverses gravity, and fling every last one of these daggers at you.” Claire seethed as Sheex looked about for an avenue of escape. The room, of course, was bare and offered no sway out. His mind raced for a quick solution.

“Dodge them all.” Claire muttered as the daggers began to fan out, creating several lines of blades that hovered before her. Sheex quickly took off his coat and held it in his hand. It was made of rather thick leather, and perhaps if he flung it hard enough it would block enough of the daggers to allow Sheex to get close enough to land a blow.

Not very damn likely though. Sheex thought to himself as he saw his loved ones waiting for him at home. It didn’t matter what Claire threw at him. He had to make it home. He swore he would, that was all there was to it.

“DIE!” Shouted Claire as she flung the daggers forward. Sheex tossed up his coat, hoping the spray of blades would at least be slowed down by his plan. However, Claire had to focus solely on maintaining her spell, and as such she had left herself completely undefended.

With all her strength Rebecca lurched forward, the skin on her wrists finally splitting apart into trails of blood. Rebecca put all of her strength into the fiercest kick she had ever delivered, and her aim had never been more accurate. Her foot slammed into the back of Claire’s head as Rebecca’s ropes yanked her back. Her wrists screamed in agony, but Claire’s spell faded and her daggers dropped harmlessly to the ground as she tumbled forward into Sheex’s outstretched arms.

“Stupid old hag. It’s not fair. She’s just so damn...lucky.” Claire managed to spit out before she blacked out. Carefully Sheex laid her to the ground and felt her pulse. He wasn’t a doctor, but he was certain the girl had suffered no permanent damage. He smiled brightly as he got up; the fight had ended with his victory and zero casualties. Sheex could not have hoped for a better ending.

He then remembered what he had said about Rebecca being jealous, and he noticed that she was glaring at him very intently. She was, after all, quite taken with Karel and Sheex found it highly unlikely she would take his remark as a compliment. His face grew red with embarrassment rather quickly.

“Er. Yeah. So about that whole being jealous thing...” Sheex said, but he just let his voice fade out. Rebecca’s ice cold stare rendered him speechless. Silence absorbed the room as Sheex tried to think of an excuse, but he came up empty. It was Rebecca who finally broke the silence.

“I can‘t believed you waited so long to tell me! Whose the lucky girl?” Rebecca asked with a big smile on her face.

06-25-09, 02:41 AM
Pain. Troy's body ached as he yanked the sheathe out of his belt and used it as a cane to support himself. No matter how much he hurt, he would not lose.

Agony. Pain wracked Diomedes's limbs as he reached forward, using the table before him to lift himself upwards. He was running out of breathe, but that didn't matter anymore.

Desperation. Troy had to save Rebecca. He sheathed his blade as he stood, holding his sheathe to the side as his right hand hovered over the hilt.

Despair. Why couldn't he save Pandarus? Diomedes shook as he brought himself upwards, shaking fiercely but standing nonetheless.

Rage. Troy's arms became still. Diomedes would suffer for the actions he took against Troy's beloved sister.

Loathing. Curse the man that cut short his brother's life. Diomedes raised his rapier, the blade gleaming like a single ray of light amidst clouds of darkness.

"Battou-jutsu eh? The art of drawing your blade and killing your foe in one clean slice. The extra pressure from the swing gives you more power, but you're leaving yourself quite defenseless. You think to finish me with one blow, but can you connect with your body as wrecked as it is?" Diomedes said as he focused all his strength. One blow. He knew that the outcome of the battle rested on just one more blow.

“Only one way to find out. Let us see who shall await the other in the after life, for I am certain our battle will not end with just one of our lives.” Troy muttered as he gazed coolly at his enemy, his ice blue eyes pouring into Diomedes; a cold blue fire engulfing the man.

Pride. Troy could not comprehend just how right he was. Diomedes grinned like a rabid animal about to sink it’s teethe into its prey and lunged forward.

Regret. Troy’s thoughts flew to Hector, the friend he couldn’t protect. Would Rebecca be the same? What about Regal? Was he okay? Troy’s legs trembled and his left leg fell to the floor.

Triumph. Diomedes shouted as he stabbed his blade forward, crossing the final steps in the span of a heartbeat and striking at Troy. Pandarus was about to be avenged.

Resolve. The past was the past. Troy had failed Hector, but that would be the last friend he ever failed. Never again would he abandon a friend in need. On that he swore. He blocked Diomedes’s thrust with his sheathe and his hand grabbed the blade his father had given him.

Arrogance. Did Troy think to best him with such a simple trick? Diomedes let his blade pass by Troy and put both of his hands on the hilt of his rapier. He would turn the stab into the slice and bury Pandarus’s gift into Troy’s neck.

Foresight. Diomedes was too focused on killing Troy. Troy’s hand gripped Disillusioned and yanked it out of its sheathe. He would be the first to strike, as well as the last.

Suprise. Diomedes had forgotten to take the environment into account. His blade was master crafted, but the thin steel of the rapier could not stand up to a stone wall. Pandarus’s gift shattered as it passed by Troy and into the stone wall behind him, the shattered blade raining to the floor; glittering like the stars in the night sky.

Victory. Disillusioned cleaved into Diomedes’s side, dealing a mortal blow. Although the man would not die immediately, his fate was sealed. Troy was the victor of this battle.

Deception. His revenge would not die with him. Diomedes knew he might always lose the duel and had taken the necessary steps. Troy would suffer for killing his brother, Diomedes just wouldn’t be there to see it.

Troy gasped as he fell to the floor, his free hand bracing itself against the floor to stop his fall. Diomedes fell too, but he had no means to stop the fall and lay on his back, tightly clutching Pandarus’s broken gift.

“This is irrelevant. Finish me off and rescue your sister. When I’m dead, my face will haunt you forever.” Diomedes gasped as Troy pressed his blade against the man’s throat. Diomedes simply smiled and pressed his throat back against the blade. Moments passed, then Troy smiled a sick grin and sheathed his blade then turned his back to Diomedes.

“Die slow, contemplating your failure.” Troy said quietly as he walked away. Maybe it was the way he said, or the twisted look of hate that now controlled Troy. Diomedes wasn’t sure what it was, but for the first time since he conceived his plan for revenge, he thought it might actually fail.

Diomedes screamed.

It was a heart rending scream. A scream of pain, torture, and regret. A scream that went beyond the walls of the house Diomedes lay in, and pierced the very heavens. It was a scream most people make at least once in their life, and in never fails to touch the heart of a fellow human being.

Troy thought he had sealed off his heart. He thought such a death was what would hurt Diomedes the most and was glad for it. And yet, as Troy heard the man scream, he could not help but pause at the action he took. For that scream touched a cord in his own heart.

When Troy held Hector’s lifeless corpse in his arms, he had screamed much the same way.

07-02-09, 10:25 PM
Now that didn't sound very pleasant. Regal thought as he heard the ear piercing scream ring in the back of his mind. He looked up to the window where he was unceremoniously dumped so that Troy and that idiot Diomedes could duke it out. He cursed his luck being stuck having to fight that clown Pierre. "I always get the lunatics..." Regal murmured lazily twirling Tenacity to his side. He sheathed his weapon, letting all the adrenalin wash away in the one fluid motion as he felt the weight resting upon his hip.

Regal casually walked back into the building, looking for any fighters to take care of and kill. He would slaughter them all on his way to finding Troy. He took a mental note of the other tower not far off, and he climbed up the winding stairs until he reached the door. With a simple twist of the knob the door flew open and he saw a sight that made his heart leap in excitement.

Blood covered the ground in round crimson pools, dripping off the side of the desk in front of the broken window. Diomedes was slain on the floor, or at least bleeding out his life force. Troy on the other hand was standing tall and proud, and when he heard the door open he turned with his rapier in hand, pointing it at Regal with a frenzied look.

"I must admit, Troy, I do love that look in your eye." Regal opened his arms in supplication. "You look like a warrior of the damned, a paragon of revenge. It suits you so well considering that calm, dull demeanor you showed me the past year." Regal bowed low as if Troy was a highborn noble.

"Save it," Troy said weakly as he began to hobble forward, his wounds all showing to Regal's trained eye. He sighed heavily as he looked to Troy with intent.

"If I was a lesser man, I would fight you and kill you now to take advantage of the state your in." Regal mused. Troy on the other hand just shuffled past the grey swordsman. Regal rolled his eyes turning on his heel to look at his traveling companion. "You are pathetic right now, Troy. Come on, knock it off."

"I am fine," Troy said vehemently as he stumbled to one knee, using his rapier to hold him upright. "I can walk, therefor I can fight." he said more to himself than to Regal.

"If you fight the way you walk you'll be dead in no time," Regal taunted taking a few steps to stand next to Troy. "Let me help you get some medical attention. You're nothing to me in this state and you sure as hell won't be saving your sister in this condition." Troy swatted the gesture away getting up. Regal huffed in anger as he folded his arms across his chest. "You think you are so damned tough? Guess again Troy Priam. Unless you have been hiding something from me you bleed just like everyone else and when the body looses blood the body losses its energy. You have got to be running on fumes. In fact," Regal stomped forward three steps in front of Troy. "I bet you can't even make it five steps in that condition."

Troy looked to Regal with pure hate, and he was positive if the man could burn him asunder to ashes he would do so now, but since he couldn't he instead stood tall again, and began walking forward. One woobily step forward and Regal lowered his gaze. Another step made his eyebrows rise. He stumbled but didn't bend his knee as he hobbled his third step rigth in front of Regal's face.

"You are in my way, Regal." Troy said in warning. "I will let no injury, nor man, nor, nor," He said in a frenzy of passion. "Nor demon stand in my way from rescuing my beloved sister, Rebecca." Regal snarled his lips in a cruel grin, enjoying every moment of Troy's sudden change in attitude and relishing in it. He stepped aside with a slight bow, ushering him with his hand to continue to walk. One foot lifted in front of the other, and when he lifted his back foot he stumbled forward, arms flailing for balance as he tumbled down landing on his knees and hands. "DAMNATION!" Troy shouted pounding one fist into the wooden floor, his temper getting the best of him.

Regal chuckled in sadistic glee at the sight. "And so the mighty Troy Priam falls, his own stubborn pride the blade that fell him." Troy turned his gaze to Regal, his eyes narrowing in vengeful wrath. "Come on Troy," Regal said in a fatherly way. "We shall heal your wounds first and then rejoin the fight you have already kept me from."

Troy just grumbled his frustrations as he leaned onto Regal for support. "I had already imagined you were lost in an orgy of bloodletting, slaughtering untold hundreds of people. Should I be touched that you thought of me?" Troy seethed as he winced in pain, drawing in a sharp breath as he made his observation. Regal lowered his eyes in sudden realization.

"To be honest there wasn't anyone worthy to sate my boredom." Regal lied. In truth he hadn't even thought about killing someone else, just finding Troy. He nearly recoiled from the shock of the event, reciting in his mind just who he was and what he has done to get where he was now. Troy on the other hand just kept marching with him as they walked forward, trying his best to not be a burden.

The two moved outwards towards the bridge and Regal pointed to a tree that they could rest under. Troy nodded as he removed himself from Regal, and sat resting against the thick tree. Regal pulled into his bag for something to wrap the bandages, deciding upon one of his shirts ripping it up. Regal began to tend to Troy as Troy looked at the wounds with a scrutinizing eye.

"This is a side I don't think I've ever seen of you, Regal. Why the change in attitude?" Troy asked lightly, wincing as Regal tightened the last bandage.

"Because it's the right thing to do," Regal said casually. Troy gave him one worried glance, and Regal shrugged getting back up. "Oh, and because I want to see the look on your face when I best the Saint of Swords." he added as an after thought, grinning wildly. "Now hurry up and heal so we can get back to the fighting!"

07-04-09, 01:45 AM
"So, you groped her during the fight because it would piss her off?" Asked Rebecca as Sheex flipped Claire's unconscious body over and ran his hands over her.

"Yeah. I figured if she was really upset she'd make a mistake. Worked out all right didn't it?" Sheex replied as his reached into Claire's pockets and felt around.

"A very well-thought out strategy. So, would you please tell me why you are STILL GROPING HER?" Rebecca shouted as Sheex just sighed and held up a ring with about fifteen or so keys on it and spun it around on his index finger.

"Because the door's locked and we need a key to get out." He said coolly as Rebecca blushed slightly.

"Oh. That's a pretty good reason I guess." Rebecca muttered with a slightly embarrassed giggle as Sheex walked over and freed her from the rope that had held her in place for so long.

"Try keeping your mind out of the gutter, at least until we get out of here. Christ your a perv." Sheex said with a laugh as Rebecca gave him a playful kick and rubbed her slightly bleeding wrists. Sheex frowned as he saw the damage she had done to herself.

“How’s the wrists?” Sheex asked softly. Rebecca just grinned back.

“No big deal. How’s the side?” Rebecca asked, noticing bloodstain where Claire’s dagger had cut his flesh. Sheex just grinned back as well.

“No big deal.”

For a few seconds neither said a word, each savoring the moment of safety; both for themselves and more importantly for the other person in the room. Eventually, it was Sheex who broke the silence as he patted Rebecca on the back.

“Come on. Let’s get out of here. Karel’s waiting.” Sheex said with a smile as he headed to the door and held up they key ring. He frowned as he realized that he would have to try each key individually as there were no identifying markings on either the keys or the door. Sighing, he knealt down and began his work as Rebecca leaned over his shoulder.

“Soooo...you going to tell me her name or not?” Rebecca said as Sheex continued to try keys. One down, around fourteen more to go.

“Leila.” Sheex grunted as he blushed slightly. He knew where this conversation was going.

“And what does she look like?”

“Well, she’s got red hair cut in a short style and she’s a bit shorter than me. Obviously she’s good looking. She’d easily give you a run for a money.”

“What color are her eyes?”

“Green, like emeralds. That last comment didn’t even phase you did it?”

“Nope. Nice try on changing the subject though. How old is she?

“Twenty-three. Although she doesn‘t always act her age. Kind of like me I guess.”

“Makes sense. What’s she like?”

“Energetic, most of the time. But soft and caring when the need arises. Think cheerleader combined with a heart that‘s been broken a bit and add in a dash of naivety.”

“What an interesting description. Tell me why.”

“She made a few mistakes in the past, but then again so did I. I tell you more later.”

“You’d better. How’d you meet?”

“She accused me of getting her pregnant.”

“Did you?”

“Nope. I did sleep with her once though.”

“Just once?”

“Perv. I meant once BEFORE I stumbled into her village again.”

“And you found her accusing you of getting her pregnant romantic?”

“No, I found it irritating and completely insane. But I couldn’t leave the village for a while which meant I had to see her pretty much everyday. She grew on me.”



“Because why?”

“I don’t know why.”

“Do you love her?”

“More than life itself.”

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”

As Rebecca asked her final question (something Sheex had been waiting for), the lock clicked as he turned the thirteenth key. However, instead of opening the door he simply stared at it, his mind elsewhere.

“I didn’t want you and Karel to worry. If you knew I had a family waiting for me, you wouldn’t have let me come this far. Helping you two is important to me.” Sheex said softly. Rebecca thought for a moment, debating whether or not her friend was right. In the end, there was only one answer she could possibly respond with.

“You’re right. Your family is waiting for you. You need to go back.” She said as she leaned in close towards Sheex. She breathed in the air around him, almost savoring his scent. After spending every day with Sheex and Karel, she had grown use to everything about Sheex, from the smell when he worked up a sweat to his cocky grin to his charming smile to his constant friendship. She would miss him.

“I know. Watch over Karel for me, okay? Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”

“I promise. Invite us over for dinner?”


“I want to meet her.”


“And your children.”

“I know. Let‘s keep this a secret from Karel though, for now. I don‘t want him to think he‘s been burdening me. Friends should never think that.”

“Okay. If you tell me what your children are like.”

“Later, when we’re not in a place filled with people that want to kill us.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“I never break a promise.”

“I’ll miss you Sheex.”

“I’ll miss you more, Rebecca.”

Ever so slowly, Rebecca leaned against Sheex’s back and wrapped her arms around him in an embrace. Sheex smiled softly as he hugged back.

“Thanks for saving me. And for introducing me to Karel. And for making me laugh all the time. And for watching out for me. Meeting you was one of the best things that happened to me.” Rebecca said as she squeezed Sheex tightly. Not wanting to let the moment go quite yet, Sheex squeezed back.

“If I thanked you for everything you did for me we’d be here for an hour. Not that I mind, but Karel might get jealous.” Sheex said as he stood up, yet Rebecca clung on for a moment longer. Indulging himself, Sheex continued to hold on as well. After all, Sheex was a taken man now. He wasn’t allowed to hold on to pretty woman that often anymore (he was still getting slightly use to that).

“We’ll still watch out for one another, won’t we Sheex?”

“For ever and ever Rebecca.”

And together, with happy hearts, the two friends headed out of the room towards Karel.

07-04-09, 02:36 AM
Karel climbed step after step upwards the spiraling staircase. Each step he took was a another heavy breath as the wounds N'Gash inflicted upon the sword saint took their tole. Proper training dictated he should stop and bandage his wounds, but his mind was on a one track wave length. Over and over he kept thinking the same thoughts, I have to find Rebecca, I have to find her.

He turned around the last spiral, and his body heaved as he stopped to catch his breath, and just as he started moving forward again he heard the sound of a doorknob opening. He prepared his swords, but instantly dropped them to his side as he saw Sheex. Behind Sheex was Karel's joy and happiness, and he dropped the swords to the ground with a loud clatter of noise as he sprinted with all his speed.

"Oh god!" Sheex shouted jumping to the side just in time for Karel to pass him in a blur as he lowered his hands and lifted Rebecca up by the waist, twirling her in the air as he brought her body closer to his, embracing her tightly as he took in her heavenly scent.

"I love you so much, Rebecca." Karel whispered into his ear. "I am so happy to have you back in my life." Rebecca pulled back her head to bring her lips to his, and the two kissed passionately for a long moment as Karel ran his hand through her fair hair. As they broke off the kiss Rebecca looked into Karel's eyes, her beautiful blue orbs full of water as she smiled to him whispering her love to him. After a moment of bliss he pulled apart long enough to look at Sheex with teary eyes.

"I, I," Karel fought trying to think of words to say. "Thank you so much, Sheex. Thank you for protecting her. I owe you so much." Sheex lifted up a hand to Karel's shoulder, patting it a few times before gripping it tightly.

"You'd do the same for me," Sheex said lightly, smiling to his friend. "This is no debt Karel, you owe me nothing but your continued friendship." Karel brought the wanderer in, embracing him as well for a moment, clapping him on the back in thanks before he turned back to Rebecca holding his hand out for her.

She reached her hand out, and Karel instantly saw the blood around her wrists. "What did they do to you?" Karel seethed, his hatred rising like a erupting volcano. Rebecca lowered her free arm to his chest, smiling softly as she spoke softer.

"I did this to myself to escape. It's my own fault." She lowered her gaze to Karel's stomach, seeing the line of crimson. She lifted her eyes in surprise, but Karel quickly lifted his hand to stop her.

"This is nothing but a small flesh wound, it will heal in time. Just a graze my darling." She gave him a more serious look, lifting the shirt and her eyes widened in horror as she bent down lifting a portion of her shirt. Karel swatted her away, but she pressed the shirt to his wound making him wince his eyes with a small groan. "Please, just leave it Rebecca." Karel whispered.

"Karel," Sheex said in his trademark smart ass tone. "You both haven't seen each other in hours, assuming the worst, and you think by telling her no and swatting her away like a fly she'll just stop worrying about you? Try again buddy." Karel just rolled his eyes as he grabbed Rebecca lightly and lifted her back up.

"I promise once we leave this place you can tend my wounds." Rebecca gave him one last long look before she nodded and moved in brushing his lips with hers.

"Take me home, my blessed saint." She whispered to him running a playful finger down his chest. Karel took her hand and walked back towards the stairs, stopping only to retrieve his swords. They walked down the winding stairs and during the entire trip Sheex talked about how brave he was vanquishing the mighty velumptious, sultry vixen of darkness and saved the day, which led off into another rant about the time he saved a princess. By the time they were upon the grass outside he was about to talk about the time he got lost in shopping center before Rebecca got a look of shock on her face.

"What's wrong?" Sheex asked quickly. Rebecca looked back up to the other tower. She lifted her finger and pointed to it lowering her gaze to Karel.

"That's where they are keeping my sword. Do you mind if we go get it, Karel?" She asked. Before Karel could answer however, Sheex slid in front of him pushing Karel back as he over exaggerated bowing low.

"My beautiful darling, It would be my pleasure to retrieve my blade, for without it you and Karel would have nothing in common, and thus your tainted bloody swordy chop chop relationship would end." Karel laughed lightly, smacking Sheex on the back of the head. "That and you too probably want some...heh alone time. Be back in a flash!" He said in a cheery tone as he trotted off.

Karel laughed as he watched Sheex go, and he turned to his love as they looked at each other, grinning stupidly before they started giggling.

"What?" Rebecca teased, which made Karel laugh, causing her to laugh with him. "What?" she said turning slightly red, gripping his hand tightly. Karel pulled her in, making her squeal in delight as he held her close to him, feeling her skin against his, feeling her warmth add with his in the chill air. He took her in with all his heart and felt a sudden calm wash over his agitated heart, and the battles, the stress, the entire tragedy of the past events flow away in one calming breath. Rebecca seemed to have a similar feeling, as she too exhaled a long breath. They both looked out over the horizon, seeing the sun starting to set.

Suddenly Karel felt her hand brush against his bag, and he realized he had two tickets within them as well as the ring he wanted to give her. He twirled her in his arms so they were close again, and Karel lowered to her neck nuzzling her.

"I know you and I went through a lot, but I always come prepared to entertain the woman I love." Rebecca giggled as she tickled Karel's side, pushing him away playfully.

"Oh you have been spending to much time with Sheex, I think." She joked, bringing him in closer as she kissed him. "I am most definitely intrigued." Karel lowered his hands into his bag, fishing around trying to find the tickets as he moved the box aside with the ring. He pulled out the tickets and showed them to her. "Oh my," She wondered loudly, smiling with childish mirth. "This is very ostentatious, I don't think I have a thing to wear..." She said in a low tone.

"Well, I have a few coins you can take to get something nice to wear. I of course will do the same. I want this night to be special for the both of us." Karel said mysteriously. Rebecca gave him a concerned look, but grinned as she kissed him passionately.

"Whatever it is your planning, I most definitely approve." She said as Karel began to walk her back to town, letting the moment entrap his heart.

07-23-09, 02:15 AM
"In retrospect, going back into the area where people want to kill me was not the best idea. The things I do for a pretty face." Sheex muttered to himself as he skulked down a silent corridor. Thankfully, the two swordsmen who had fought on the bridge had done their job well. There wasn't a body in sight, or at least a live one.

Eyeing every area for a possible ambush, Sheex made his way through the building and up the stairs towards the room where Rebecca had pointed to. Eventually he made his way to a fine oak door, much nicer than the rest of the building. Figuring he was on the right track, he carefully opened the door and walked in, his daggers at the ready.

The first thing he noticed was just how much the room differed from the rest of the building. Fine furniture, exquisite paintings, everything about the room denoted a touch of class vacant from the rest of the building. Wealth and pride made it's home in this room.

The second thing he noticed was the wall of swords. He recognized Rebecca's instantly, but he still made a low whistle at the number of blades adorned on the wall. Some of them looked quite expensive. He was certain Karel would have a field day here.

Next he noticed the blood all over the place. A fierce battle had been fought here. Pools of the crimson liquid dotted the floor and much of the expensive furniture had at least a drop or two on it. Sheex cringed at the sight but didn't look away.

Lastly he noticed a wounded man clutching a broken rapier. The man's fine clothes were soaked with blood and it was obvious by the way the man held his side the blood that caked his clothes was his own. The man was breathing heavily as he made his way towards one of the many paintings in the room. This painting was clearly different than the rest, being drawn by a child's hand compared to the expensive paintings drawn by masters. It was really more of a drawing than a painting.

A drawing of a daisy.

With a cry of aguish the man reached towards the painting. His legs buckled and he fell to the floor, his face growing ever more pale and his shirt growing ever more red. Although Sheex was not a great fighter, it was clear the man before him would not be a threat. Sheex sheathed his daggers and entered the room.

"Hmmm. Haven't seen you before and I think I'd recognize the Saint Of Swords so you must Sheex. How's the family?" Diomedes said with a grin as he used all of his strength to sit up and rest his back against the wall. Sheex realized that this broken man was most likely Claire's soon to be ex-employer.

"You knew about them?" Sheex said as he crossed the room, making sure to stay out of the man's limited reach. The man didn't look like a threat, but it didn't hurt to play it safe when swords and killing was involved.

"Yes. Save the damsel in distress did you?" Diomedes said weakly, his earlier rage all gone and his calm demeanor returned. Troy was gone and that man had brought out all of his rage. Now, Diomedes felt almost at peace.

"Yeah. You the guy who planned this whole mess?" Sheex asked as he pulled out a cigarette. He lit it and took a nice long drag, savoring the tobacco. He would have to quit when he returned home. Wouldn't be a good habit to pass on to the kids.

"Indeed, but I assure you I have no grudge against you or any of your friends. It was someone else I was after. I'm actually happy Rebecca's all right. I take it you fought Claire and won?" Diomedes said as his eyes summed up Sheex. The man wasn't about to kill him, Diomedes knew that much. He would die of blood loss in about five minutes or so.

"I'm standing here aren't I?" Sheex responded softly. Much to his surprise, Diomedes lowered his head and spoke very quietly. Sheex didn't think it had anything to do with the pain the man must have been in either.

"The girl. Is she dead?" Diomedes asked quietly. Sheex took a long drag on his cigarette before answering.

"No. I don't like to kill. Why didn't you tell her I had a family?" Sheex said as Diomedes breathed a long sigh of relief. A bit of color returned to the man's face, but that only meant the man went from completely white to a lesser shade of completely white.

"I didn't want her taking her orders too far. She was always a little over-zealous and as I said you are not my target. I thought if anyone would spare her it would be you. That's why she was to guard Rebecca. The rest were too concerned with fighting to mount a proper rescue." Diomedes said with a slight chuckle as he glanced up above him. His eyes, although they were getting blurry, still managed to see the child's drawing.

"I've a favor to ask of you Sheex. Please pass me that picture." Diomedes said as Sheex eyed the man carefully. Diomedes just smiled playfully at Sheex and waited. Eventually Sheex grabbed the picture off the wall and gave it a hard look.

"Why should I do anything for you? You hurt my friends." Sheex said as he held the drawing. It really was a simple drawing, and although the frame kept the art intact Sheex was certain the drawing was quite old.

"Because it's the last request of a dying man and you are too good of a person to not grant it. After all, do you really think any of your friends would have spared Claire, even though they are certainly above her skill level? I can assure you the man I fought would not have, neither would his friend." Diomedes said softly. Sheex clucked his tongue and tossed the man the picture, relatively certain both Karel and Rebecca would have killed Claire.

"Don't think this means I've forgiven you. I'm taking back Rebecca's sword and this bottle of wine as payment. It's quite a good year." Sheex said as he picked Rebecca's sword off the wall and flung it over his shoulder. He then snatched up the bottle of wine from the table as Diomedes broke the frame and held the worn drawing in his hands.

"That's not quite a fair payment. You don't know how much this little drawing means to me. Take the book too." Diomedes said as he pointed to where the tattered book he had been reading had fallen. With a curious look, Sheex picked up the small book and put it into his pocket.

"Uh. Thanks." Sheex said as he made to exit the room. He gave one last glance at Diomedes who was simply holding onto the drawing as if it held some secret of life.

"Oh, don't mention it. I would hate to die in debt. Yes, those items should be in your hands." Diomedes said with a soft smile. He knew he was taking a big risk by giving Sheex that book, but for some reason he knew he owned it to the man. It probably wouldn't make a difference in the end anyway.

Sheex looked over one last time to the dying man. For some reason, Sheex sensed a meaning behind Diomedes's actions, although he couldn't tell what. Under different circumstances, Sheex might have liked the man. Under the current one, Sheex believed the man deserved his fate. Sheex left the room as Diomedes stared at the drawing.

"Our mother loved daisies, didn't she Pandarus? Her most cherished possessions were the daisies we drew. After she passed away, you kept my drawing and I..." Diomedes couldn't finish the sentence. His hands shook, but clung fast to the drawing and the broken rapier. His sight failed him, he couldn't breathe. His body shook, then he couldn't move. He held the drawing tightly, and then moved no more. The bottom of the child's drawing was what he had been so intently looking at.

To our Mother with love,
Pandarus And Diomedes


"Hey Rebecca! Karel! Where'd you guys go?" Sheex shouted as he walked back out into the fresh air. Although he breathed in the air, savoring each scent upon the wind, he couldn't help but feel a little upset.

"I go back to get Rebecca's damn sword and you guys up and DITCH ME?" Sheex shouted as he stomped forward. He was happy for the two lovebirds, but the least they could have done was waited. Sheex cursed and drew out another cigarette.

"Screw you two. Actually, for all I know you’re screwing right now. Bastards. I bet this whole blood and guts adventure turned Rebecca on. And Karel. Freaks. YOU HEAR ME REBECCA! YOU'RE A FREAK! YOU TOO KAREL! A COUPLE OF DAMN FREAKS!" Sheex shouted for all to hear, flailing his arms wildly as he did so. Eventually he ran out of breath and curses and lit his cigarette. He took a long drag and froze.

There was nothing quite like the feel of a cold blade pressed against a man's neck.

Sheex raised his hands and slowly turned about.

A man with gray hair stood smiling sickly. His gray trench coat fluttered in the wind as he crossed his arms. His eyes were those of a madman, Sheex saw that instantly. He wore the bloodstains on his clothing like badges of honor. The man's katana was still sheathed, but Sheex was certain the man could have it out in an instant. Sheex was scared.

The other man wore a brown long-sleeve shirt and pants, and those too had no small amount of blood on them. The man was hunched over as if he was in pain and Sheex could see by the makeshift bandages the man wore he had just gotten through a tough fight. This was the one that had the sword pressed against Sheex's neck. The saber was cold; just like the man's eyes. They were ice blue eyes; eyes that knew what they wanted and would do anything to get it. Sheex was now terrified.

"What was that you said about Rebecca?" Troy said in a soft voice, drenched with murder.

07-25-09, 01:39 AM
"One last time, what was it you said about Rebecca?" Troy said as he pressed his blade against the only person who was apparently still alive in this area. Regal had been very thorough in his work and had left no one alive for questioning. Troy wasn’t certain what to do next until he and Regal happened across the man shouting his lungs out. All Troy had heard was the name Rebecca, and that was all he needed to hear.

"Um, I don't know if you know this but the head honcho is bleeding to death so if you..." Sheex's sentence was ended by Troy pressing the tip of his saber up against Sheex's chin. Sheex gulped as Regal let out a bit of chuckle.

"That is irrelevant. Tell me where Rebecca is. Now!" Troy barked as Sheex thought for a moment. Eventually, much to Troy's surprise, Sheex broke out into a grin and took another drag on his cigarette. Troy's eyes glared at the man and his grip on his blade tightened at this act of defiance.

"You may as well drop the tough act. You're not going to kill me. After all, I can't tell you Rebecca's location if I'm dead." Sheex said with a bit too much cockiness as he started to blow smoke rings, an art which he had never been good at. The rings came out far closer to a puff of smoke than a ring.

Troy, on the other hand, frowned at the man's words. It was true, he couldn't kill the man. It was so frustrating, being so close to his sister and yet time and again he was thwarted by fate, man, and his accursed rotten luck. Regal, however, had a bit of sage advice that have Troy the solution he was looking for.

"I don't think he needs all his fingers to tell you were your sister is." Regal said with a bit of a sinister cackle. Troy smiled sadly but nodded his head nonetheless. Torture was not something he indulged in, but he would stop at nothing to save Rebecca. In his state, it never even occurred to him to ask just what Sheex's relationship was with Rebecca.

"The man does have a point." Troy said as he lowered his blade and pointed it instead at the hand which held the cigarette. Immediately Sheex broke out into a very nervous laughter.

"Ha. Didn't think of that. Well as I hate the sight of blood, particularly my own, guess I'd better tell you what you want to know." Sheex responded as Troy breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. In but a few moments I shall see my sister again. It was all worth it. Troy thought, smiling his sad smile.

He kept smiling right until Sheex blew a cloud of smoke forward and flung his burning cigarette right into Troy’s face.

Troy cursed and swung his sword as his free hand immediately went to his cheek, the burn of the cigarette stinging him. It was a distraction, no real damage was done, but Troy already knew that the distraction had served its purpose. He could already see his target running full speed away from him, and with every step the man took Troy’s chances of seeing Rebecca moved another step away.

“NO!” Shouted Troy as he lurched forward, swinging his sword at the man’s back as he did so. But Troy’s wounds were nowhere close to healed and immediately his legs gave out from under him. His blade cut nothing save dirt as Troy leaned against the blade for support to stop himself from falling complexly over.

“What kind of man doesn’t like the sight of blood? That makes no sense at all.” Regal muttered to himself as he whipped out his own blade and began to charge after the fleeing man. Troy called on all of his strength and got up to follow after his friend, but it was clear Regal was going to catch the fleeing person far before Troy.

“Regal!” Troy shouted before his friend was nearly out of earshot. With an exasperated look Regal turned around and glared at Troy.

“What?” Regal barked back as he kept track of the fleeing man with his left eye.

“Don’t kill him.” Troy muttered as he hobbled along. Regal frowned and shook his head.

“Killjoy.” Regal shouted back as he took of towards the group of trees the man had run into. Regal noticed that there were multiple sets of footprints in that direction. He gripped Tenacity in anticipation and blazed off.

“Nothing will stop me.” Troy said softly as his body cried in defiance of his exertion. He ignored the pain and pushed forward. He was moving slowly, but at the very least he knew Regal wouldn’t kill the man before Troy got there. The Sword Demon was surprisingly trustworthy, although Troy knew he would also have to deal with a bit of whining for halting Regal‘s blade.

“Rebecca, I’m coming.” Troy said as he stumbled ahead.

07-30-09, 12:24 AM
Rebecca and Karel walked hand in hand down the road. There grip never faltered as they laughed and smiled to each other. His heart felt the burden lift immediately when she looked into his eyes, and Karel felt the world all at peace once again.

“You have changed,” she said sweetly. “You’re no longer convicted with hate it looks like. The conflict that was in your eyes from yesterday are all but gone. You are moving forward my darling!” Karel felt his skin crawl in a good way, each nerve end tingling in delight. She embraced him, kissing him softly. “This is great news.” She whispered.

“It’s amazing what one can do when they have something to live for, to look forward to.” He replied, lifting her hands to his chest as he brought her closer. Her ocean blue eyes twinkled in the fading sun, and Karel felt the world at ease. He moved her closer to kiss and just as he could feel the hot air of her breath on his skin he heard something that broke them apart.

Sheex’s voice rang out in the world like a trumpet. Each note was a sharp powerful cry for help and Karel looked back to the windmill with concern. Rebecca squeezed his hand, her body stepping in line with his as she peered over his shoulder, her eyes narrowing as she looked for her closest friend.

“I’m going to look for him,” Karel said darkly. Rebecca held him back for a fleeting moment, than her hand reached for the Karla Garnet Raven strapped to his back. The sword saint raised his eyebrows as she unsheathed the blade, the sound of steel being drawn against the scabbard.

“This time I have to help rescue him!” Rebecca said with determination more to herself than to her love. Karel nodded his head once in agreement as his hand dropped from hers and drew out the Serra Karla Raven. The twin swords named after his mother and sister were held in a ready stance, and Karel knew that this was not a good omen. Something deep within his gut started to pound against him, but he swallowed that fear down as the two charged.

“SHEEX!” Rebecca shouted. She looked left to right and scanned for him, and she pointed to the left most tower of the windmill complex. Karel nodded pointing to the right and she slowed her pace so she could dart behind Karel. He increased his own speed to a dead sprint as he ran towards the wooden bridge over the disgusting moat.

“SHEEX!” Karel shouted with all his might. He felt a sharp pain in his chest as he seethed and winced in pain, his stomach still not properly healed and ready for this extraneous sudden exercise. He looked over to the bridge entrance and saw Sheex running like a madman, his hands flailing in a pumping rhythm as he clattered across the bridge. Behind Sheex came running another man, steel katana in hand with wild white hair flowing behind him as she shouted out foul curses to Sheex about running from a fight. “Not today!” Karel vowed as he forward even faster, his heart aching at the action.

Sheex fled behind a group of trees shortly followed by his pursuer. He slid on the dirt before the bridge, catching his breath as he began to formulate a plan in his mind. He figured he could cut a straight line down the middle of the trees and tackle the crazed aggressor. From there he would defeat him, kill him if need be, and save Sheex. He had nearly lost the love of his life today. He would be damned if he lost his friend.

With his resolve steeled he charged forward, his blade held low in a reverse grip as he rounded towards the edge of the tree line. As he turned the corner he was unprepared to see the scene before him.

The white haired man was seething with rage, his blade biting gnashes into the hide of the tree, as if attempting to cut it down. Up above in the tree was Sheex, who was resting one hand against the base, and the other against his chest. Karel saw that Sheex noticed him, but wisely the wanderer didn’t make a peep to it. He slowly pointed to an apple, and then grinned like a marvelous idea was about to take place.

With a deft hand he plucked the apple and lifted it by the core, hanging it over the gray swordsman head. “FIRE!” Sheex shouted as he released the apple, and it freefell right onto to the crazed warriors head. He stopped all motions, his eyes getting hazy before he stabbed the apple with his sword and began to step upon it and smash it to pieces.

Karel felt his moment come and he charged forward, his weapon in the ready as he sprinted low to the ground. The white haired swordsman saw him coming a bit to late, and Karel’s body shouldered deeply into his chest, and the warrior bounced off him like a small ball and rolled upon the earth. He slid back onto his feet as he rested one hand on the ground, the other upon his blade as he looked back with a sinister grin.

“You dare test blades against me?” he said sourly spitting a bit of blood from his mouth. He was covered in blood himself, and his gray trench coat was stained with the crimson life. His sword looked hungry and Karel felt the Zantetsuken grow heavy upon his back as if something was pulling at him. He fought the feeling as he lowered into a defensive stance, hearing Sheex slide down the tree before rolling upon the dirt back onto his feet. He looked to the two of them and grinned wildly as he straightened himself out. “The ten of you stand no chance of defeating me, you know that right?”

Karel felt his stance drop slightly, the odd calculation of the number of people around him baffling him. He turned to Sheex, who looked around and shrugged back readying one of his daggers. Though he held the weapons in a very admirable defensive stance, there was a glint of uncertainty in his eyes. Karel knew Sheex was no fighter, and he lifted his hand up to Sheex giving him a stand down gesture. The wanderer looked ready to fight him on the matter, but one more look into the crazy man’s eyes led him to think otherwise. He sheathed his dagger, and slowly began to back off to give the sword saint the room he needed to fight.

“Come!” the crazed swordsman shouted. “Come and fight a demon!” He sang as he ran forward. Karel met his charge and blocked the wild vertical swing, stepping inwards so he could elbow the warrior in the face. As the blow connected he leapt backwards with the retreating body, connecting th etwo and sending both sprawling to the earth. The white haired warrior rolled away, getting back up and holding his sword at the ready when another man grabbed his wrist and lifted upwards.

A sudden wave of depression filled Karel, and as his eyes looked to the new comer he felt a uneasy feeling in his heart. The clouds themselves seemed to gather around this man, and his brown outfit was covered in blood and bandages. He had a dazzling set of sky blue eyes, but there was not even the faintest trace of life to them. It was as if he was a walking corpse that had long ago forgotten to fall to the ground dead. He held a sabre in his hand but it was more for a crutch than a weapon. The blood upon it’s blade indicated that he did know how to use it.

“Be careful,” Sheex said distantly. “That guy is not stable.” he looked to the newest man to arrive and he shuddered. “The guy looks like he’s…he’s…”

“Lost everything that meant everything to him.” Karel finished as he looked both men down. He stayed his blade as the crippled warrior moved to the front, the crazed warrior grunting in frustration as he sheathed his blade. “Who are you?” Karel asked. “What are you doing with this man?” He thumbed out Sheex who took a step up behind Karel. He had to give it to the wanderer. It was clear he was very uncomfortable with the situation as a whole, but he wouldn’t run from Karel’s side.

“I’m looking for Rebecca,” he said, a hint of fire and passion in his tone. “Where is she?” he ordered more sternly. Karel felt his ire rise.

“Like hell I would tell you!” Karel spat lifting his blade and leveling it at the warrior. “Whatever you and your twisted group want with Rebecca ends here and now!” He lowered it back to a defensive stance. The brown haired warrior sighed, running one hand over his face moving a portion out of his eye.

“I am sorry, but this isn’t a negotiation.” He suddenly had a spark of life ignite like a blazing inferno. His cause was becoming more and more evident. He wanted to find Rebecca no matter the cost. “Tell me know, or I will kill you.” The white haired swordsman seemed interested in his comrades tone, and he shivered in delight as he waited for Karel’s response.

Karel’s body tensed as he gripped his blade tightly. Unlike those who stood before Karel previously they didn’t seem to have a drive to make them want to defeat Karel. But Karel did have something to fight for, and that was to defend Rebecca from these two/

Two polar opposite forces stood at the crossroad. The immovable will of the Karel’s defiance to protect Rebecca was being stared down by the unstoppable will of the man before him to find her. The tension in the air made both Sheex and the madman take a few steps back to let these two go at it. With a simple motion the warrior lifted his sabre up in a ready stance, his body erect and ready to fight. Karel flexed his back, letting his coat fall from his shoulders as he moved back into a ready stance.

It was the stranger who made the first move darting forward with two quick dashes before lifting back just as Karel swung horizontally to sweep the attack aside. As he moved back into Karel’s control zone he faltered and fell to one knee, and Karel rose up lifting his blade up high to end the warrior’s life.

He looked into the man’s eyes, which looked back up into Karel’s. He looked as if he had no major regrets or remorse. He did have great sadness in those eyes however. But despite all that Karel held his blade as he looked down into them. He began to make his thrust when suddenly his entire body shivered in fear as an ear piercing shout cried, “NOOOOOO!” With the momentary distraction passing the warrior grabbed his sword lifting it up and pushing Karel away. Karel cursed and back pedaled twice to avoid retaliation.

“STOP IT!” the voice shouted again. Karel turned to see Rebecca running down the hill into the tree line. “PLEASE, BOTH OF YOU STOP!” She had tears in her eyes and Karel felt a sadness well up inside him. Sheex made a move to get between her and the fight, but she pushed the wanderer away as she ran near Karel before stopping a few steps in front of him, looking the other stranger in the eyes.

“I…I don’t believe it.” She muttered to herself. “Troy…is that you?”

08-09-09, 02:00 AM
How long? How long had it been since Troy had seen his sister? One year? Two years? More? Time seemed to stop for Troy ever since he ran away. The days had no meaning and the nights only served him haunting memories to keep him awake. He had survived but he hadn't really lived. All he had done was drift through the world, no home or purpose to spur him onwards.

Then he had a purpose. He had to find his sister. It kept him going, gave him a direction. Along the way he met Regal Burnswidth, a man who traveled by his side. They looked out for one another, covered each others’ back, even shared their troubled past. One could even call them friends. Yes. Regal Burnswidth had become his friend. Regal was the only friend Troy had left.

Then Regal told him Rebecca was kidnapped. After her he chased, nothing save his weak flesh stopped him. Even then, he forced himself beyond his limits and nearly died for it. He slew anything that stood in his way, both the named and unnamed. He would have committed any crime to save her. Nothing else mattered.

And there she was. Standing, right in front of him. She was just like he remembered her. Her hair was as dark as his, worn long and flowing past her shoulders. She was good-looking and when he had last checked there were no shortage of men chasing after her. Her eyes though, they were different. They were dark blue, like the sea. Troy’s were lighter, like ice. Everything about her, he remembered in perfect detail. Her smile. Her laugh. Her cry. Her hopes and dreams.

Then he looked at himself.

There he stood, drenched in the blood of how many men? He hadn’t counted. His family? Never bothered to contact them. His best friend, Hector? Couldn’t save him. His men? All dead. And yet there stood Rebecca, staring at him the same as she ever was.

Troy had never felt so ashamed in his entire life.

“You’re still alive.” Rebecca said softly, more to herself than anyone else. She moved forward, crossing the gap between Troy and the swordsman he had just been fighting. She dropped the sword she had been carrying as she raised her hand and touched Troy’s cheek that still bled from the cut that Diomedes had made.

“I knew it. They said you were dead. Mom. Dad. Everyone. But I knew you were still alive. I’ve missed you so, brother.” Rebecca said as a tear trickled down her face.

Troy smiled. Not his usual sad smile. A real smile. One of happiness. One that showed how he really felt about her. It felt like it had been ages since he smiled one of those smiles. For just a moment, he was Troy Priam. He was the proud knight, the dutiful son, the loyal friend, and the loving brother.

Then he turned and walked away.

Rebecca froze in horror; Regal blurted out a foul curse to sum up his surprise. The blue swordsman rushed to Rebecca’s side; the man in the black coat stood dumbfounded. Troy clutched his bloodied blade, his only companion save Regal, and walked on.

“What the hell are you doing?” Regal shouted as he grabbed Troy’s shoulder, easily stopping the wounded Troy’s stride. Troy just turned and looked at him sadly.

“Not worthy.” Troy said soft enough so that only Regal could hear him.

“Yep. You finally gone off the deep end. Too much depression. Happiness broke you didn’t it? You know why I think that? Because the woman you’ve been basing your life off of is standing five feet from you and you just turned your back on her.” Regal whispered fiercely, jerking his thumb towards the still frozen Rebecca.

“Diomedes was right. I’m a terrible soldier, son, and brother. I’ve no right to be near her.” Troy whispered softly, realizing that Diomedes had been right all along. His sister was happy, Troy would only ruin that. Regal stood speechless as Rebecca rushed forward and grabbed Troy’s cape, falling on her knees as she did so.

“Troy I’m so sorry! I stopped looking for you! That’s why your mad! I’m so stupid! I never should have gotten distracted! I just...things just...God I’m such a terrible sister! Forgive me Troy! Forgive me please!” Rebecca begged as she cried, clinging desperately to Troy’s cape.

Now Troy stood frozen. Regal again cursed at his confusion as the blue swordsman leaned down towards Rebecca who quickly shook her head and continued to beg Troy for forgiveness. The man in the black coat snapped his fingers, silencing everything save for Rebecca’s sobs.

Slowly Sheex walked over towards where Rebecca kneeled. Gently he caressed her cheek, sweeping up a portion of her tears with his hand. Even more slowly Sheex walked over towards the still shocked Troy and ran his hand over Troy’s cheek, leaving a trail of tears running down Troy’s cheek.

“On the inside.” Sheex muttered so that everyone could hear him. All together Karel, Regal and Rebecca looked at Troy who stood there silently.

He looked liked he was crying.

“That’s it, right? I know your type. She was the same, kept it all inside. Runs in the family I guess. But for all your tough nature, you are crying aren’t you.” Sheex said as he leaned in close to Troy so that only he could hear him. Troy didn’t respond, but in his heart of hearts he knew the man was right.

“Icy girls are tough. She took about a month to crack. You’ll take about five seconds.” Sheex said softly as he darted his elbow behind Troy and smacked him hard. Instantly Troy lost his balance and plummeted forward as Regal shoved Sheex and reached for his blade.

“You little prick.” Regal snarled as he advanced forward while Karel grabbed Sheex and then quickly tossed him to the ground.

“Damn it Sheex, sometimes I think you are the biggest freaking...” Karel snarled as his face grew red with anger.

“Ahem.” Sheex said as he pointed towards Rebecca.

Rebecca was still crying, but now Troy’s eyes were closed and he was hugging his sister tightly.

“Genius. Biggest freaking genius I’ve ever known.” Finished Karel.

08-14-09, 03:40 AM
“Love Dr. Sheex strikes again. Call me Cupid. Well, not Cupid like love romantic love Cupid cause that be gross, but…ah…you get the idea.” Sheex said as Karel helped him up. Sheex dusted off his coat as he took a glance over at Rebecca and Troy who were clinging to each other tight.

“I’m happy for her.” Sheex said softly so that only Karel could hear him. Karel nodded in response and patted his friend on the shoulder.

For the next few moments, no one said a word. Rebecca and Troy hugged each other, both unable to put into words how they felt about seeing each other. One thing was certain, if Sheex knew anything at all, he knew Rebecca was happy. He glanced at Karel and smiled.

“So, you going to introduce me to your friends?” Troy said softly as Rebecca’s sobs died down. Instantly Rebecca shot to her feet, helping the wounded Troy to his as she did so. She had the biggest smile on her face, which made this whole mess worth while in Sheex’s opinion. He always liked to see his friends happy.

“Yes of course! This is Sheex Deltin. He’s my best friend.” Rebecca said as Sheex took a step forward. He looked at Troy who lowered his head.

“Sorry about earlier.” Troy said softly, hanging his head in shame realizing he had almost hurt someone close to his sister. Sheex just chuckled and held out his hand.

“You wanted to help your sister. I think I can forgive that. Besides, I’m too lazy to hold a grudge. Nice to meet you man.” Sheex said as Troy almost sheepishly took Sheex’s hand and shook it. Sheex gave Troy a quick pat on the shoulder and stepped back. He was interested to see how the next part played out.

“And this is Karel Hector Raven. My, um, boyfriend.” Rebecca said as her faced turned slightly red. Karel stepped forward.

“Karel Hector Raven? That name sounds familiar.” Troy said as he searched his memory for the reason.

“Well, he IS the Saint Of Swords.” Rebecca said with a smack of pride. Troy raised his eyebrows as Sheex saw the gray-haired man who had chased after him move several steps forward.

“The Saint of Swords? As in, the legendary Saint Of Swords? The best of the best? That Saint of Swords?” Troy said with no small amount of surprise on his face. Rebecca smiled with glee as she nodded.

“The very same.” Rebecca said with a proud smile as if she was bragging. Perhaps she was. Sheex couldn’t tell.

“That’s…quite an achievement. Being the Saint Of Swords, I mean.” Troy said as he took Karel’s hand while the gray-haired man put his hand on Troy’s shoulder. Sheex couldn’t help but notice how Troy’s friend shook slightly.

“It’s an honor to meet you. Rebecca’s told me quite a bit about you Troy.” Karel said, all the politeness of Karel’s upbringing coming into play. Sheex almost commented on how cute it was, but he figured it was better to stay out if this. Meeting the family was always tough for the new boyfriend. Sheex did, however, make a mental note to joke about it later.

“I…er…yes it is an honor. This is Regal Burnswidth by the way. We’ve been traveling together for sometime.” Troy said as he motioned towards the man behind him. Regal just looked at Karel and Sheex would be lying if he said he wasn’t slightly creeped out by Regal’s look. The man said nothing, but simply continued to look at Karel. Eventually, the silence was broken by Rebecca.

“So, I met Karel at Black Isle. He saved my life you know.” Rebecca said, almost as if she had to impress upon Troy how good of a man she had found. Sheex could not restrain himself.

“WHAT?” He blurted out before he could stop himself. Instantly all eyes were upon him. Thankfully, Sheex was rather good at thinking on his feet.

“What…what a touching scene! It’s just so…so great to see Rebecca and her brother. Getting along. With Karel. Who saved Rebecca. Cause that’s important. Saving Rebecca. Only a really cool guy would do that. A man of men. Yup. That’s Karel. Hero boy. Saving Rebecca. What he does. But, you know, I’m not trying to be a downer here, but ah…aren’t you…well, bleeding badly Troy.” Sheex managed to stammer out. It wasn’t as if he was jealous that Karel got credit for saving Rebecca. No, Sheex was sure that Karel had saved the girl at least once. It was important to point out such things. Sheex had only done it four times or so. He figured there was no need to mention that though. Yet.

“Oh my God! I…I completely forgot! How are you feeling Troy?” Rebecca said, the awkwardness of Sheex’s stammering overlooked by the fact that Troy was actually badly wounded. Yet the man just shook his head.

“I’m fine. It’s just a flesh wound.” Troy said, but it was apparent to even Sheex’s untrained eye that the man was lying. Even if Troy denied it, the cuts and bandages over his body told a different story.

“You’re definitely my brother. Completely unwilling to admit that he might actually need a hand. Well, I haven’t seen you for God knows how long and I am not about to watch you bleed to death in front of me. You’re coming with me.” Rebecca said with the authority of a parent scolding a child. Before Troy could speak a word of protest Rebecca had him slung over her shoulder and was marching at a surprisingly fast pace towards town. Karel immediately went to help her, but Rebecca shook her head.

“Karel, no offense, but you’re not exactly in top shape either.” Rebecca said with her characteristic smile. Sheex chuckled at Karel’s ever increasing red face.

“I admit I’m not at my peak, but I can still help carry the guy.” Karel said, both because he really wanted to help and because his pride was hurt. Rebecca looked at Troy and shook her head. On the one hand it was sweet the Karel wanted to help. On the other hand, Rebecca knew she could make it to town faster without Karel and although Troy wasn’t complaining she wasn’t sure just how bad off he was. Sheex let out a chuckle and strolled over.

“Awww, don’t feel bad buddy. She still loves ya, don’t you Rebecca?” Sheex said as he gave Karel a pat on the back.

“With all my heart.” Rebecca whispered softly.

“Well, that settles it. You’ll have trouble being, you know, of use with that wound in your stomach. Yet given the amount of crap that’s happen today I’m guessing that you really don’t want Rebecca to wander off alone.” Sheex would have kept talking but Troy interrupted him.

“I’ll be with her.” Troy said softly. Sheex glanced at the man, who at this moment was leaning heavily on his sister. Sheex looked back at Karel and continued to speak.

“Okay, so you don’t want Rebecca running of with one heavily wounded guy as her only defense. I get that Karel. I really do.” Sheex said, his voice filled with drama as if he was giving a speech to a dozen listeners.

“I’m not defenseless Sheex.” Rebecca snapped as Troy struggled to stand on his own. He found it was far more difficult than it usually was, but it certainly didn’t help that Rebecca had him in a death grip.

“Nor am I heavily wounded. I’m…is he always like this?” Troy asked his sister as Sheex ignored them both. Rebecca just gave a sweet chuckle and looked at her brother.

“More or less. You’ll find it rather endearing, once you get use to it.” Rebecca said as she reached over and pulled Troy even closer to her, almost as if he might disappear at any moment.

“Well don’t you worry Karel my buddy. Sheex has got your back. And by your back I mean her back. I’m not too beat up, so I’ll just help Rebecca get to town. You catch up when you can, okay pal?” Sheex said as he gave Karel a playful shove and ran over to Rebecca’s side.

“Oh, my hero. I’d be lost without you Sheex.” Rebecca said with playful sarcasm as Karel walked over and gave her a kiss. Sheex rolled his eyes as Troy just smiled and shrugged.

“Regal, I know your fine, but why don‘t you take your time? After all…he’s the Saint Of Swords. I’m sure a swordsman like yourself wouldn’t mind…talking with him.” Troy said as he glanced over at Regal who had not said a word this entire time. Regal appeared to be in a daydream as he looked over at Troy. The only response Troy received was a slow nod.

“Well, that settles it. Me, Troy, and Rebecca sprint off ahead. Karel and Regal bring up the rear. As soon you’re done kissing. Karel? Anytime now. Bleeding guy Karel. Needs a doctor. Kind of important. Life or death. Time’s a factor here Karel.” Sheex said as he continued to poke at Karel’s shoulder while Rebecca and Karel kissed. Eventually Karel broke off the kiss and shoved Sheex.

“Oh shut up wanderer.” Karel shot as Sheex recovered his balance. Sheex just sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he walked back towards Karel.

“I’m allowing the violence because I understand you’re under a lot of stress. But don’t you worry, I’ll take good care of Rebecca. I mean, it’s not like I’ve saved her three or four times, but I’ll manage.” Sheex said as he gave Karel a playful elbow.

“I’ll be fine love. See you in town.” Rebecca said as she snuck in a final kiss. Troy favored Karel with what looked like a sad smile as Rebecca began to blaze away at the trail. Sheex just sighed as he shook his head.

“Heh. You saved her at Black Isle. You’d think as a Sword Saint you wouldn’t need to take credit for my moves.” Sheex said with his usual grin on his face. Karel just glared at him.

“Aren’t you suppose to be helping her?” He shot at his friend. Sheex just chuckled.

“Good thing you’re not the jealous type. Cause you know, the jealous type might be upset with someone else constantly saving his girl. Well, I best be off. Got to make sure Rebecca doesn’t get into trouble. Hey, you want me to yell if she needs saving or shall I handle it myself? I don’t want to make the Saint Of Swords look bad.” Sheex said as he ducked a playful punch from Karel.

“Stop screwing around and help her I am the Saint of Swords you know. I could hurt you if you piss me off.” Karel said as he gave Sheex a shove. Sheex just stumbled about.

“Right right right. Saint Of Swords. That takes credit for my moves. Heh. Loser.” Sheex said with a grin as he ran after Rebecca, who despite carrying her brother was making surprisingly good time.

08-14-09, 11:08 PM
While everyone was having their own personal reunion, Regal was stewing in his own personal thoughts. His hands trembled with delight as his body convulsed with spasms of sadistic glee. As they argued over the exploits of Karel and his Saintly tightly, Regal cringed in mirth. Before him after so much searching was the man he vowed to fight with.

It was surreal and almost like a fantasy book was being opened before him. The clouds parted on Karel Raven and the sun shone only for him. The birds chirped in the trees as he gazed upon the woman he loved. There was no mistaking it in Regal's one sided brain. He was standing before the very paragon of good: the Saint of Swords. Troy, I love your luck.He curled his lips into a predatory smile.

As the trio left he saw the look of pleading in Troy's eyes. Nobody else would or could have understood his comment about talking it out with Karel. This wasn't up for debate anyway. He vowed to kill Karel Raven, and he would stand by it even if it meant hurting those around him.

He walked up to Karel, and saw the man take a cautious look to Regal. He eyed him up and down and Karel was understood that before him was not a man to take lightly. Regal relaxed his stance as he stood over him, and with a sly smile he began to talk with a sick confidence.

“Karel Hector Raven,” he began to pace around him in circles.

“That's my name,” Karel said smiling softly.

“Raven Hector Karel,” he continued on, eying Karel's swords with a keen eye. Two of them were ready for battle at anytime, one was not. That was a curious thing to Regal.

“That's my name, backwards.” he responded with a hint of irritation.

“Hector Raven Karel,” He looked to Karel's jacket upon the earth and took note of all the blood that stained it despite attempts to clean it out.

“That's my name in a garbled mess. Can I help you...” he looked to Regal with a quizzical eye as he tried to remember his name.

“Regal Burnswidth,” He grinned wildly bowing low before the Saint. “You may have heard of me!” Karel shook his head slowly.

“Sorry pal, can't say I have. But then again I've been busy as of late.” He let out a soft chuckle which sounded very forced to Regal.

“Your the Saint of Swords,” Regal began pacing again. He noticed as Karel's muscles tensed up in his shoulders as his left hand began to hover around the hilt of his blade.

“Yes, I am.” he began to grow frustrated with Regal's thought process.

“The Sword of Saints...” he trailed off in thought.

“Okay, that one didn't even make sense!” Regal stopped in front of Karel and lifted his finger pointing to him in one lightening quick motion.

“QUICK! If a town was burning and you saw a crying child would you rush in there to save her?” Karel gave him an offended look as he lifted his head backwards like being near Regal was contagious.

“Well, ya of course. But I don't think that has anything to do with my title as Saint of Swords.”

“And would you step in if you saw bullies beating up a helpless old man on the road?”

“Ya, I would, but that's just being a decent human being.” Karel replied as his eyes narrowed in confusion. “Does any of this have a point, Regal?”

“And if a woman was in distress would you lay your life on the line to save her?”

“I did that for Troy's sister not thirty minuets ago!” Karel whined. “By the god's you insane fool! Get to the point already!” Karel's knuckles began to turn white. Regal wet his lips.

“And as a man of honor, you would accept any gauntlet laid before your feet?” He said quietly with deadly intent. Karel looked him dead in the eyes as he calculated the wheels in Regal's head turning. He started to glare at the demon of swords, but slowly nodded his head.

“Than I throw down the gauntlets of challenge to you!” Regal shouted pointing to Karel. “As a man of honor and the Saint of Swords does not every warrior worth his weight in pride get the opportunity to test their blades against yours?” Karel gave him a snort of agitation as he walked past him.

“Like I'm in any condition to accept a challenge. Why don't you just calm down my bashful friend.” Karel said as he walked forwards towards the town, stopping to grab his jacket. He placed it around his shoulders and began to walk down the trail.

“Calm down?” Regal whispered. He glared daggers into Karel's back as he looked to the Sword Saint. He charged forwards, sliding upon the dirt as he turned and stood up eye to eye with Karel. Before the Sword saint could lift his hand to his blades Regal slammed both his fists into their hilt to prevent him from drawing them. “You have no idea what I've been through to find you.” he seethed. “I've fought zombies, undead dopplegangers, a mafia lord, an insane asylum full of lunatics that would make your head spin!” Karel started to look away but Regal grabbed him by the jaw and forced Karel's eyes onto him. “I went to the damned Black Archipelago to find you and protect you long enough to fight you! I understand fully that you are injured, and as a man I wouldn't dare dream to sully the day I fight you with a fucking handicap!” He shoved Karel backwards as he spat on the ground.

“I may be the Demon of Swords, but I am no coward who needs to find a way to get the upper hand. Take this time Karel, Take it and say goodbye to those you love. Take it and heal. Train, rest, and be ready. A wound like yours doesn't need long to head, just a bandage and rest. Ten in the morning Karel Hector Raven, Blessed Saint of Swords,” Each syllable was oozed with venom as Regal pointed to him. “As the new dawn approaches so to shall my rise from deamon hood to Sainthood!” Regal began to laugh at the very concept of the duel that he just made. He watched as Karel appraised him and then with a shake of his head he began to walk towards the town again.

“No.” Karel said flatly. Regal's jaw dropped as he watched him leave.

“What do you mean no?” Regal ran to catch up to him. “I've been waiting my whole life to find you and fight you! You owe me this!”

“I owe you nothing,” Karel whispered. “Go away you fool.”

Regal watched as Karel walked away, and he was about to curse to the heavens when he realized something. He ran again to catch up to him, but this time he gave him space. “The woman, Rebecca. Troy's sister! You...Your going to marry her aren't you?” Karel froze on the spot. He lifted his head back half an inch to Regal with eyes that made even his black heart twinge with fear. Regal decided to be cautious with his words as he moved in. “You can't let her see you fight me, is that it? You want her to think of you as a mighty saint, not a butcherer to everyone who comes to fight you. That kind of life makes marriage hard I'd suppose.”

Karel remained quiet for a long period of time, but he nodded slowly. “I want to put the past behind me. I want to stop the endless killing for her.” Karel turned to Regal and gave him a snarl. “Something that normal people in love do is think of others. I doubt you could even comprehend that.” Regal let the insult bounce of him as he darted forward, his grin never faltering.

“But I am thinking of you, Sword Saint.” Karel raised his eyebrow in surprise. “Don't for a second think that I would stop just because you said no. Do you fucking take me for a child? Karel Raven I will hound you down until the end of time. I'll challenge you tomorrows, I'll challenge you on your wedding day. I'll challenge you on the birth of your first child. I'll challenge you on your anniversary. I'll never stop and eventually I'll get bored with your stupid 'No' answer and start to find ways to make you say yes. I've made my life making enemies, and I don't mind making one with Troy using his sister to get to you!” Karel thought this over as he looked into Regal's eyes, and eventually he sighed in defeat as he realized Regal made no bluffs.

“Very well,” Karel said sadly. “The Saint of Swords shall fight the Demon of Swords, Regal Burnswidth. In the morning of tomorrows I'll be at the small meadow outside this town.” He turned and walked away back towards the town.

Above him the rain clouds started to roll inwards as Regal grinned like the devil himself.

08-17-09, 03:57 AM
Troy sat alone in a small room, contemplating his thoughts. Physically, he was in a room at the hospital sitting on a small white bed. He was bare-chested and wore only a pair of sweatpants that a nurse had been kind enough to lend him. His old clothes lay beside him, a mess of blood and cuts.

His thoughts, however, were focused completely on the irony of life. On the one hand, he finally saw his sister. Not only that, but she had smiled at him. That made the entire journey worth it. All along he thought she would hate seeing him, but nothing could have been further than the truth; she had met him with nothing but open arms. In fact, she even blamed her self for taking too long to find him (which was utter nonsense).

Then there was Karel. From the little time Troy had talked to the man he didn't seem so bad, and if Rebecca liked him that was more than enough for Troy. However there was still one huge problem. Regal. The man had built his entire life upon winning the title of Saint Of Swords. It meant everything to the man.

So what was Troy to do? Stop Regal? The man was his friend. Stand by and watch? His sister loved Karel. It was the dilemma of the century and Troy couldn't help but feel that God or some sort of higher power was having a major laugh at his expense.

His ears perked up at the sound of a vaguely familiar voice just outside his room. Outside of the doorway the man who had introduced himself as Sheex Deltin was chatting with the nurse. Troy paused and watched the man talk. Sheex seemed to walk about without a care in the world and Troy would be lying if he didn't say that was a trait he envied.

"Hey, got a question for you. Why'd you get the brunette in her twenties and I got treated by the dude in his forties? I didn't even know men could be a nurse. So much for the fantasy that every nurse is a cutie in a skirt." Sheex said as he plopped down next to Troy and smiled. Troy just shrugged.

"Bet it has something to do with the wounds. You did look like a total badass when we brought you here. Girls go crazy over battle scars." Sheex mused as he glanced about the room. It was a standard boring hospital room, with white walls and no decorations save for a few tools left behind by the doctor who had just left.

"I didn't want scars. I just wanted to save my sister." Troy said softly as Sheex glanced over at the remaining tools. He paused and picked up one of the objects that looked like a small crystal with a sharp point.

"Never seen this one before. Know what it does?" Sheex asked as he turned it over in his hand.

"It's a crystal infused with magic or something like that. You stab the point into a person and they get a sudden charge of magic. It accelerates the healing process, or so I was told." Troy said as Sheex shrugged and set the crystal back down.

"Hmmm. All I got was a bit of healing tonic. Figures. All it does is heal you though? I would have thought that injecting magic straight into you would do a bit more."

"It does. It's magic, but it doesn't belong to you. It will enhance whatever function the body needs the most, and according to the doctor my body needed healing. More badly than I thought."

Troy noticed that as he finished speaking Sheex ran his hand over the crystal that he had just put back down. The man's smile was gone, and instead a very serious look came over his face.

"Whatever function the body needs? I bet athletes use it all the time then." Sheex said as he picked up the crystal and eyed it again, this time far more closely. Troy looked at him with a tinge of curiosity, wondering what the man was thinking.

"Only if the athlete wants to spend this next month or so in the hospital. The doctor said an overdose of magic is as bad as any drug. Those crystals come in sets of six. My wounds, which were apparently fairly serious, only warranted one crystal. Two would have restored me to perfect health but would have been a risk. More than that and I'd have risked death."

At the words death Sheex frowned and put the crystal back where he found it. Troy could have sworn he heard the man mutter "Not worth that," but Troy decided to ignore it. He didn't want to press into Rebecca's best friend's business.

"Your sis will be back in a few. She was pretty adamant about visiting you the moment you recovered, but eventually I convinced her to run back to the inn and change. The bloodstains on her clothes were drawing stares. They didn't exactly do wonders for her complexion either." Sheex said in a joking manner, but Troy only frowned. Those bloodstains were his fault. However, before he could chide himself further Sheex caught his error and quickly changed the subject.

"She said she was going to pick you up some new clothes too. No offense, but you were a bit behind the times. I offered, but she looked at me like I was crazy. She promised to grab something you liked." Sheex said as he pointed to Troy's bloody clothes. Troy smiled and leaned back against the wall.

"That was nice of her. And I thought you said girls liked the battle scars." Troy joked. He instantly recognized he did so and smiled to himself. He couldn't remember the last time he had joked.

"Battle scars, not cut-up bloody clothes. Pretty sure the nurse liked you by the way. I told her you got all sliced-up saving your sister from some really scary bandits. Her name's Alice by the way." Sheex said with a friendly smile. Troy wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that.

"Uh. Thanks." He managed to spit out. He hadn't bothered with women ever since he had left his home. And yet, Sheex was just so friendly and easy going Troy found himself wondering just what Alice had thought about him. That was something. His conversations with Regal had usually revolved around swords. That being said, Troy was fairly certain if he had pointed out a good-looking woman Regal would have not kept quiet on the subject. Troy had just never bothered. He was silent for a few more moments until he remembered something.

"By the way, the doctor said my bill had already been paid for. By a man in a black coat. You have a black coat." He said in a very matter-of-fact sort of voice. Sheex just chuckled and stretched his arms out.

"Technically the guys who kidnapped your sister paid for your bill. I swiped a bit of cash while I was snooping around. I figured it was the least they could do, what with the whole kidnapping and trying to kill us thing." Sheex said as he threw in another laugh. Troy had no choice but to agree.

"TROY! You haven't been waiting long, have you?" Rebecca said as she rushed into the room carrying several bags. Troy smiled and rose to help her, but cringed slightly as his wounds acted up. The doctor told him wait about fifteen minutes before moving. Before he fell, Sheex shot in front of him and grabbed the bags.

"Oops. So use to helping her carry her crap. She's all your's next time." Sheex said with a knowing smile as he set the bags onto the floor and motioned for Rebecca to take his seat next to Troy. She had changed from her usual brown outfit into a sleeveless blue shirt that had enough of a V cut into the middle to show just enough cleavage to turn heads. Her pants were simple, black, and again just tight enough to turn heads.

Sheex had often told Rebecca that her fashion sense was impeccable and annoying as hell for a certain lecherous wanderer.

"How are you?" Rebecca asked softly, real concern showing in her eyes. Troy just smiled softly at her and held out his arms.

"Fit as a fiddle. Well, close enough anyway." Rebecca grinned as Troy spoke and immediately dove into the bags she had brought in and began pulling out various clothes.

"Great! First thing in the morning we are going out to breakfast! So, I bought you this new shirt, made of black silk. I think it will go really well with this white coat I picked up on the way here..." Rebecca said as she began throwing various pieces of clothing onto the table Troy rested upon.

"Was this paid for by the kidnappers as well?" Troy said with the softest chuckle imaginable. Still, it was more of a chuckle than he had had in a very long, long time.

"Hey dude. Some crazy chick nearly turned me into a pin-cushion. They owe us this." Sheex responded as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. Troy saw him smile at Rebecca while she wasn't looking. It was a kind smile, filled with caring and friendship. Troy was pretty certain that she had chosen well in the best friend the department.

He mind was locked in doubt about her choice in the boyfriend department.

"Well, fashion shows make me sick. Er, male fashion shows. I'm all for the female fashion shows. Ha, there was this one time where I was so drunk I...you know what? I tell you later. See ya around." Sheex said as he turned to leave. Rebecca quickly held up a finger indicating for Troy to wait a moment and ran towards Sheex.

"Oh! Oh! Wait a sec Sheex!" Rebecca shouted as she reached into a one of her bags and pulled out a small velvet box that fit into the palm of her hand. She ran over to Sheex and held it out him.

"This is for you." She said as she opened it, revealing a golden necklace from which hung a small emerald. Sheex scratched his head as he looked at it. He really wasn't a fan of jewelry, but he was determined to like it anyway.

"Ah...gee...thanks Rebecca. It's really pretty. This thing's going to get me mugged."

"Moron! It's not for you!"

"You just said it was!"

"Not for you, for you. For you, for her!"

Sheex turned red and pocketed the necklace. He then shook his head and crossed his arms while grinning. Even though Rebecca had never once met Leila, he knew she would love it. And if she loved it, he loved.

"You had me worried there. If Karel saw you giving me jewelry he might freak-out. I think he's the jealous type." Rebecca just put her hands on her hips and tossed her hair about in a playful manner.

"Well that's just too bad for him. You can take him, can't you Sheex?" Rebecca said with a grin as Sheex laughed. Troy spoke up in a soft voice, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"If he can't, I can."

Rebecca and Sheex instantly froze and stared at Troy. Sheex wondered if the man was being serious, Rebecca was terrified that her brother didn't approve of her boyfriend. She loved Karel and Troy, and choosing between the wishes of the two of them would break her. Troy then broke into a grin.

"Like that one time where I pulled a sword on that creep who didn't hold the door open for you. You remember how white his face was, Rebecca?" Troy joked, instantly breaking the tension as Sheex let out a laugh and Rebecca ran over and softly punched Troy on the shoulder.

"Yes! It was Albert and he was too afraid to talk to me for a week! You jerk!" Rebecca laughed as she hugged her brother.

"Hey, he's the jerk. He should have held the door open for you. Hey Sheex, how is Karel when it comes to manners by the way?" Troy asked as Rebecca gave him as soft shove, smiling beautifully all the while. Troy hugged her back.

"Complete ass. I'm a total gentleman, by the way." Sheex answered as he headed towards the door.

"You threw your breakfast at me just the other day!" Rebecca fired back.

"You threw it first! I was just giving it back! That's gentlemanly...right? Ah, go back to playing dress-up with your brother." Sheex said with a wave as he left the room. Taking her friend's advice, Rebecca began pulling out the rest of her purchases, and she lost no time in pointing out that they were all a great deal.


Alice waved good-bye as he walked out of the hospital. Troy waved back as the girl next to him (who Sheex had explained was nothing more than his sister) beamed. Troy left wearing a white coat that flowed behind him like his wavy brown hair, and a black silk shirt and matching pants that Alice had saw at the store the other day. She instantly decided that Troy's sister was a woman of taste. She also instantly decided that Troy was a hunk (that was the exact word she used when telling her friends).

She was a bit puzzled when she cleaned up the supplies the doctor had left in Troy's room though. She could have sworn there were five crystals when she had last been there.

08-17-09, 08:26 PM
It wasn’t supposed to be a bad day. Karel had woken up with the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders. He had experienced something with a woman he loved so much he had literally forgotten that there was a man who wanted his head and burned his homeland. He laughed with Sheex, he made a joke. He wasn’t Karel Raven, Saint of Swords. He was just plain old Karel for two hours Than reality politely coughed and reminded him his life isn’t supposed to be that easy.

He had to find Rebecca, and he damned the consequences of anyone in his way. He nearly killed the brother to the woman he loved. And that in itself was another jaw dropping, agonizing experience. What should have been the greatest thing to happen to Rebecca’s life turned up a very nasty cobweb in Troy’s life that he should had swept away from the moment they met. Regal Burnswidth.

The self proclaimed Demon of Swords took away from the one man he could even remotely call friend and twisted it to his own selfish ends. It wasn’t even enough for the bastard to wait, he wanted blood, and he wanted right away.

He was back to being in a slump, the pressure started to grow again. The man was Troy’s friend, and Troy was Rebecca’s brother. If he fought Regal he would kill the insane fool. Then Troy would hate him. And if Troy hated Karel he wasn’t sure if the love between him and Rebecca would hold.

“DAMNATION!” Karel shouted slamming his fist into the nearest object, which was a pole covered in signs leading to the town. He rubbed his sore spot cursing to the gods for this dilemma. As he looked up he saw Sheex looking at him. The wanderer had a cigarette in his mouth and his hands in his pockets. His mind seemed to be focusing on something very serious, for he didn’t even recognize Karel at first.

The sword saint stepped up to Sheex, and he immediately put on a grin that made Karel softly smile back. “You look like you got something on your mind, Sheex.” He gave a soft nod, but remained quiet. It was as if he had something he really needed to get off his chest, but one look into Karel’s eyes and he dropped all illusions to having that conversation. Instead he pointed to him and gave him a gruff nod.

“You look like you could use a talk first.”

“What I could use is a drink,” Karel admitted, making Sheex’s cigarette butt drop out of his mouth to the ground. “What?”

“The prudish Saint of Swords, a man who ONLY drank ONCE in his entire life decides now of all times he wants to have a drink?” Sheex took a step back and wiped his eyes. “I mean, seriously? My god man, what is on your mind that makes you want to drink?”

“It’s that idiot swordsman.” Karel said all at once, far more forcefully than he intended to. “You would think as Troy’s friend he would have been happy for the fact that he and Rebecca were finally reunited, but no. That creep actually challenged me to a battle for my title!” Karel slammed his fist into the pole again, and he cringed in pain this time.

“Inanimate objects can’t feel pain, Karel.” Sheex offered. Karel only rolled his eyes. “So he really challenged you to a battle, huh?” Sheex shook his head.

“Ya, not even skipping a beat. It was as if his friend Troy didn’t exist to him.” Sheex only let out a low whistle.

“I think, Karel, the answer is obvious.” Sheex gave him a soft smile. Karel looked into his eyes and saw the caring and wisdom behind them. Before Sheex could say it, Karel cut him off lifting a single hand.

“No, No no

“Come on Karel!” Sheex interrupted stepping between him and the town. His smile faded as he rose his tone, only slightly, to Karel. “Throw the damn match, give him the title! Who needs it?”

“I do!”

“Honestly?” Sheex said with an amount of sadness, as if Karel’s answer had made him depressed just to hear it.

“Well,” Karel became frustrated, and Sheex lifted his hands apologetically to allow Karel time to collect his thoughts. He took in a deep breath and slowly let it out as he looked to Sheex like a pleading man behind bars. “I don’t have a choice. This, this…insane fool has based his whole life around fighting me. He has been trying to find me for over half his life! A man who actually told me to my face he wants a fight to the finish for my title. He could have killed me at any moment, but he didn’t Sheex, and do you know why?”

Sheex softly nodded in understanding. “He wants you, not the title.” He pulled out another cigarette and lifted his lighter. “I could never understand these things, you know?” He let out a puff of smoke. “Fighting and battling. I try to avoid such things whenever possible. Quite the problem you have Karel, your right. You do need a drink.”

Karel and Sheex stood quiet for a moment. They both looked to the fading sun over the mountains that they were about to pass into before this whole mess started. Vladimir was in those mountains, and Karel could feel that fire starting to burn again. “I’m tired Sheex.” Karel whispered. “I’m tired of the fights, the blood, the killing. I didn’t want this, and I’ll admit I asked for some of it. But I’m tired now. As much as I hate Vladimir, I wouldn’t wish this life upon him. That’s how tired I am Sheex.”

“That’s pretty tired,” Sheex admitted. “But you know what you shouldn’t be tired of?” Karel gave him a curious look. Sheex lifted his finger.

Karel dragged his head over to where it was pointing and he saw Rebecca and Troy both linked arm and arm as she dragged him around town. She was laughing, she was smiling, she was happy. Karel felt the embers fade within his heart as he looked to her. He loved her with all his heart and he lifted up his satchel picking up the ring within in and tossing it to Sheex. He caught it, looked to it and began to grin widlly.

“You do know you owe me at LEAST a twelve year bottle of scotch for hooking you two up, right?” Karel nodded. “It’s a nice ring, pal. She’ll be amazed to see it.”

“If I show her,” Karel started. This time he felt something hot hit his cheek and fall to the ground. He turned to Sheex who gave him a death glare.

“If?” He implied. “Your doing it Karel. The answer to your problems isn’t so bad. Sure, this sucks and, well…ya the guys is nut job, but hey! Did he ever state death as a stipulation? Because being knocked out cold by the Saint of Swords sounds like a finish to me, right?” Karel’s eyes widened as he listened to the best advice he was ever given.

“That’s it!” Karel ran to Sheex, ripping the ring out of his hand. “I’ll knock him out. I prove I’m the better swordsman, he had his battle, and everybody stays happy! You’re a freaking genius, Sheex!” He gripped Sheex and was about to kiss him when the wanderer slipped out.

“Karel, I mean you’re my buddy and all, but leave that for Rebecca!” Sheex joked as he motioned towards the two. “You got a plan for asking her?”

“Tonight at the play. During intermission.” Karel said distantly. Sheex pushed him forward.

“Well get going! That play probably starts within the hour! Don’t worry, I’ll find something for Troy to do! You worry about getting that blood out of your…you know what Karel, why don’t I lend you some money and you go buy some new clothes!” He tossed Karel his coin purse. Karel batted it back with his right hand.

“I have money, Sheex. Keep it, start a family and learn true happiness!” Karel began moving down the road as Sheex gave him a soft look. That feeling like he had something important to say washed over Karel and he slowed his pace as he looked to him. Sheex gave him a friendly look, but shook his head as he ran up to Karel.

“Maybe someday.” he joked ending the manner.

08-23-09, 01:16 AM
Regal walked upon the traveled road with a spring in his step. He felt invigorated and on top of the world as he started to roll into a smooth slide. He clicked his fingers and began to whistle a tune only he could understand as he leapt upon a rock and jumped off, clicking his heels and pumping his fist into the air.

He couldn’t believe it. All his life he searched and waited for his battle with the legendary saint of swords. Now, not a scant fourteen hours or so from the current moment, his dream was about to come true. He ran over the entire journey in his head, thinking of every triumph to get to where he was at the present. Each kill pulsed his blood and made him excited and he soon realized he hadn’t been this energized in his entire life. This feeling was fulfillment, and he was amazed at the elation it was causing.

When he reached the town again he located Troy and his sister, Ranika or Stelleta or something, Regal couldn’t really remember what it was, and he watched the life in Troy’s eyes grow like tiny flames. It wasn’t a dark fire, or an evil fire, but a fire of life, of passion. It was breathtaking to Regal to see his traveling companion like this. “Ah Troy!” Regal called, hollering over a group of people much to their annoyance. “Now time to properly introduce me to your lovely sister, Stacy.”

“Rebecca!” Troy said irritably as he looked to his companion. “And you are full of energy tonight.” He looked Regal over up and down. Regal did the same back as he let out a whistle raising his eyes.

“My god, Troy!” He pretended to take a stab to his chest. “Your…your human!” he pointed to his clothing. “I must say, that outfit is quite stylish. Fitting for you, it brings out the depressing blue in your eyes.” Troy smiled as he patted Rebecca’s arm.

“Well if it wasn’t for my beloved sister,” Regal interrupted Troy’s sentence.

“Angelica.” Troy rose his tone.

“Rebecca,” He seethed before letting his hostility drop. “Bought me all these clothing with Sheex’s money.”

“Who?” Regal scratched his head trying to remember the name.

“You know, Sheex. The guy we asked about Rebecca’s whereabouts?”

“Only know of you, Trinity, and Karel. Then there was the coward.” He got his thoughts lost in his mind. Troy looked to Regal like he was losing his mind, but shrugged his shoulders indifferently. “Anyway, guess what!” Before anyone could answer Karel and the coward walked forward. Karel and Regal exchanged glances before Regal dropped back a few steps.

“Rebecca, Karel wants to take you to the play tonight, and the jerk forgot to buy me tickets!” Sheex said in a jovial manner. Karel gave his friend a harsh look, like he exposed a secret before turning to Rebecca who nearly passed out in shock as she ran to Karel holding him.

“I am soooo sorry!” She whined. “I completely forgot, my love. But…well… I was wondering if maybe tonight can be saved for a later date…” Karel gave her a saddening look and reluctantly nodded his head.

“If the wanderer may interject!” Sheex said stepping up to the two lovebirds.

“As you always do.” Regal muttered under his breadth. He looked to Troy, who was studying Regal’s expression and suddenly his eyebrow lifted only a fraction of an inch.

“Troy, you are a man who has been out of the loop for quite a while. And while I know you and your sister haven’t seen each other in…well ages really, you both will have a lot of catching up to do. Insert Sheex Deltin, chronological librarian of times!” He beemed with pride as he stepped up to Troy and placed his arm around his shoulders. “I figure I can fill in those messy details while you and Karel have a wonderful evening. Meanwhile I will take Troy out to dinner and catch him up. Afterwards we all get together for a nightcap and call it a day.”

“When the sun shines death will come…” Regal whispered. Everyone gave Regal a dirty look except for Rebecca, who gave him a confused look. He gave out a violent smile that made the small group recoil save for Troy who had become used to Regal’s eccentric personality.

“Yeeeah, about that. This is kinda of a no kill stuff night. Can you handle that?” Sheex asked. Regal turned his gaze to him and began to reach for his blade when suddenly Karel and Troy both made a move on the sword demon. He looked to each before he snarled and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Uh…That sounds like a…”

“Wonderful idea.” Troy said for his sister. She looked to him with a thrilling stare as she pierced into his eyes. “I think I should get to know the man who is my sister’s,”

“Cornelia.” Regal interjected.

“REBECCA!” Everyone shouted as one, making the demon flinch.

“Best friend.” Troy finished. “I expect you to behave yourself when with my sister, Karel Raven.” Troy offered his hand to Karel, who propetly shook it.

“My word as a man.” Karel said in an even respectful tone. Rebecca was excited to see Karel and Troy get along as she clapped her hands together running forward hugging her long lost brother. “So what do you say, Rebecca, a night out?” Rebecca looked to him with adoration as she held Karel tightly. With a childish giggle she dragged Karel off as they both went out to their date. Troy turned to Sheex and gave him a soft nod of respect but began to walk over to Regal.

“I appreciate your loyalty to your friend, Sheex. It’s admirable really. Not many can stick by a friend these days…” Troy said, the sadness and depression starting to flood back into his body. “But I am rather tired from this whole ordeal personally. I think I shall retire with Regal. But please, enjoy the evening. If I had a drink to give to you, I would, but all I have to my name is my sword.” He patted the saber on the side. Sheex nodded in understanding as he lifted his cigarette box and pulled out another smoke.

“No worries, we’re staying at this inn near the port. Feel free to drop in. With what we got left it can pay for your two’s room. The least those trouble makers can do for this entire hassle.” Sheex turned and left leaving the two alone. After he was out of earshot Troy turned to Regal with a deadly look in his eyes.

“Couldn’t even wait one day, could you?” Troy scolded him.

“I’m offended you even asked that!” Regal snarled, matching his tone. Troy ran one hand down his hair taking in a deep breath. He gave Regal one long dirty look before he nodded.

“I take it from your earlier comment you made the match then.” Troy turned looking up to the slowly appearing stars. Regal said nothing as he turned and looked up. “I should probably have asked this earlier, but then again our friendship has been very face value, hasn’t it?” Troy said sadly. “A mistake I admit.”

“You want to know why this means so much to me.” Regal said flatly. Troy nodded. “I guess in the same vain I should have asked you what made you choose exile.” Troy remained calm on the matter as he softly nodded again. Regal let out a soft snort of laughter. Troy joined him with a gentle chuckle. “What, one, two years traveling and never once learning the reasons why we crawl?”

“Never stopping to talk about why we tread the roads less traveled.”

“Not once offering out condolences to our troubled pasts, despite the fact we could have done nothing to change it had we known each other.” Regal let out a sigh. “Yeah, Troy, we are face value at best.” Troy nodded again.

“So then, why?” Troy asked again.

“You have no right to ask me that.” Regal said sternly. “Not even for all we have been through.”

“Not even if your about to cause me pain?” Regal sagged his shoulders as the last comment hit home. “This duel is about to make one of my only companions fight against my sister’s lover. Is there an outcome I can root for? Is there some side I should pray to win? I think not, Regal. And for that, you owe me.”

Regal lifted his arms up in apology as he lifted them behind his head. “I guess that’s a good enough right.” Regal softly exhaled as he thought about what he would say. “Troy, do you know what right and wrong is?” Troy nodded. “And can you see the line between a good idea, and a bad one?”

“All to well.” Troy whispered sadly.

“I don’t.” Regal said plainly. “I’m the demon of swords, a paragon of evil and wrong. The actions I do are not virtuous, nor right. I have slaughtered over sixteen hundred people, Troy. My parents, my village, elite body guards, wandering swordsmen, a dragon named Trago. I…I don’t know how to put this, but…sometimes I feel like there IS a demon inside me. It’s nothing huge, nor some influential presence. It just…clouds my mind. And the only clarity I get in my life is in the madness of battle. When I can focus and let the curse of my unfulfilled life become fulfilled.”

“But you enter this nirvana by evil.” Regal nodded.

“I am a demon of swords, I fight as a demon. But when I learned about the title of Saint of Swords…”

“Do you really think a silly title can determine who you are, Regal?” Troy turned to Regal. “Can becoming the Saint of Swords really change who you are? Will the sins of yesterday really be swept clear to make room for your new life?”

“Did you think finding your sister would absolve yours?” Regal countered. Troy sagged his shoulders as he was looking for the words to say, but suddenly he dropped his head.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t.” They remained quiet for a long time, the soft glow of the streetlamps starting to fizzle into life.

“It just…feels like If I don’t complete this chapter in my life, I can’t move forward. If I don’t become the saint soon, I’ll be the demon forever. This is my only chance Troy! You have to believe me!” Troy gave him a depressed look, as if one was watching something they care about be torn to pieces. Regal took a few steps away. “Hmph, like you would understand anyway, Troy. I thought you a fool as well for searching for your sister. Is this anymore foolish for me to believe in than you believed for your sister?” Troy shook his head. “No, I didn’t think so.”

Regal began to walk away when Troy lifted a hand to Regal’s shoulder. “Why, though. Why this push to do this?” he begged.

“Because what pushed you, Troy, was love. What pushed me was hate. I already told you that you can wallow in the emptiness of your side, while I bask in the glory of my side.” And before Troy could respond Regal ripped free from the grip and moved onwards.

09-17-09, 04:32 AM
The cool air gently caressed Troy's cheek as he walked about. He had sighted a small hill overlooking the town and after his chat with Regal it seemed like the perfect spot to gather his thoughts. As he walked he ran his hand over his new clothes; beautiful presents from his sister. The snow white coat flowed behind him. The black silk of the shirt gently touched his chest. The black pants kept the chill of the night away. A perfect gift from the perfect woman.

His sword was drawn, tightly clutched in his right hand. The blade was the last gift from his father. It was a fine blade, given to him by a fine man. It sparkled now, the blood from battle wiped away yet again. The blade always cleaned up well. Troy wished he could say the same for himself.

Focus. Troy thought to himself as he reached the top of the hill. Below him the lights of the town flickered to life, the theater where his sister and Karel were obvious from the its size and lights surrounding it. If he strained, he could hear the applause of the crowd. Below he saw life, happiness, and dreams. He was distanced from it, but he smiled anyway.

He spun his blade once and held it before him. He breathed slowly, his eyes locked on the shining steel before him. The stars of the night sparkled above him; little jewels placed there by the gods. They were pretty. The lights of the town seemed to echo those stars. Slowly he swung his blade, cutting the air before him.

He finished the stroke and brought the blade back in one fluid motion. He swung again, this time a bit faster. Then again, faster than before. Again, even faster. He continued to swing the blade before him, each swing faster than the last. As the speed of the blade increased, so did his focus. Eventually, when Troy thought he could cut the air no faster, he finished his last swing and sheathed his sword. About he spun, quickly drawing the blade and swinging it in the same motion. Disillusioned arced through the air; its steel reflecting the beautiful night sky, the dazzling stars, and the happy town all at once for but the quickest of moments. If one could freeze the blade, they would see a image unattainable by any painter's hand locked away in its steel. It was gorgeous. For a shortest of moments, that gorgeous sight was all Troy saw.

"Battōjutsu. The art of drawing a blade and attacking with it in one motion. The extra force from the draw gives you a burst of speed and strength but keeping the sword in its sheathe makes it hard to defend yourself. You’re good at it." A familiar voice said softly. Troy lowered his blade and turned to look at Regal standing several feet behind him. Troy nodded at the man.

"Was that a kata of some sort?" Regal asked softly. Troy again nodded.

"Hector taught it to me."

"Your friend Hector?"

"Yes. He favored a large claymore. It was powerful, but slow and hard to swing. It's a simple kata really. All you do is swing your blade at the same spot, each time a bit faster than the last. It's a good way to improve your accuracy and speed. He finished it with a fast, devastating overhead lunge attack. I attempt a perfect cut with my battōjutsu attack. It helps me concentrate.”

“I bet Hector was a good friend. A great friend.” Regal whispered softly.

“The best I ever had. It pains me so to think of his fate.” Troy whispered back as he turned from Regal and glanced at the town below him.

“You don’t speak of your past much, but you did tell me he died saving you. He used his body as a shield, blocking you from a hail of arrows.”

“That is correct.”

“Seems like he wanted his fate.” Regal said in a voice hardly above a whisper.

“I don’t think he wanted to die Regal.” Troy snapped back.

“That’s not what I meant! I mean, he wanted to save you. It made him...happy...” Regal said awkwardly, not looking at Troy as he spoke. Instead Regal gazed at the town much like Troy was.

“Happy saving me? What of his family? He had a sister, but five years old. We had just gotten back from training, he had planned to play with her he told me. Take her out to get ice cream or something to that extent. Things big brothers are suppose to do. I would have thought that would make him happy.” Troy shot softly at Regal.

“Obviously protecting his friend made him just as happy.” Regal shot softly back.

“As soon as we got back we got called out to battle. He never even got a chance to say hi to her. I never went back after the battle, as you well know. Still, I can’t help but wonder how his sister felt. Waiting on the promise never to be fulfilled. Because of me.” Troy said to Regal, and to himself.

Regal said nothing as he looked at Troy who stood sideway in front of Regal. The moon showered its light on Troy, illuminating his sad face perfectly. The new clothes received the moon’s light too, presents from a person Regal knew Troy loved. The wind ran through Troy’s hair, fluttering the long brown hair about as it always did.

“It should have been me.” Troy said, only to himself. Regal heard his voice, but not what was said. But then again, Troy had not meant for Regal to hear those words and Regal did not press the matter.

Applause from the movie theater broke the silence of the two companions.

“Something you needed Regal? Or did you come here just to watch me practice?” Troy said with the same sad smile back on his face. Even after seeing his beloved sister once again, that smile still surfaced upon his handsome face. Regal turned the slightest shade of red.

“Well, er, you see, here’s the thing.” Regal stammered. Troy raised his eyebrows slightly. It was quite unlike Regal to be bashful about anything. Actually, as Troy thought about it, Regal had never been bashful about anything.

“Look, I know some things were said. Harsh things. By me. And you. But mostly by me. Nevertheless, I thought about it a while and...well...I’d like you to come to my Saint Of Swords awards party.” Regal said with a completely straight face. As ridiculous as the man was being, Troy had traveled with the man long enough to know when he was being completely serious.

“Regal...you haven’t even won yet.” Was all Troy could say.

“Yes, well, that’s true. But I’m going to Troy. My days of a demon end tomorrow morning. My days of a saint begin.” Was all Regal said back. Troy said nothing for a moment but then smiled his usual sad smile. There was a hint of something there Regal couldn’t quite place this time though.

“Okay Regal. I’d be honored. I’ll even give a speech if you like.” Troy said as he walked over towards Regal.

“Really?” Regal asked as he walked over and met Troy halfway.

“No. It would be too depressing of a speech.” Troy responded.

“Killjoy.” Regal snapped with a smile. Troy smiled back sadly, but Regal was use to that particular a smile and could tell when just a sliver of happiness was hidden away in the layers of sadness.

“Come. Let us have dinner before we retire.” Troy said as he began to walk back to the town.

“That’s right. Didn’t the coward want to have dinner with you?” Regal asked he walked beside Troy.

“Yes, but I don’t think I’ll bother him. He headed off to the inn to rest. Besides, this is the last chance I’ll get to have dinner with the Demon of Swords. I should savor it, don’t you think?” Troy said as the wind made his white coat and Regal’s gray coat flutter about in an almost identical manner.

“Indeed you should! Oh, and Troy?”

“Yes Regal?”

“Let’s avoid those stupid no-weapons allowed restaurants. Okay?”

“Sure Regal. Sure.” Troy said with his usual smile.

09-27-09, 06:42 PM
A clap of thunder echoed in Karel’s ears. His own hands joined in the soft rumble that filled the theater as Rebecca beamed a beautiful radiance. She was dressed in the most elegant sleeveless black dress that ran all the way down to her ankle on one side, but parted up to her thigh on the other side. She fashioned her hair into a noble top knot, but let a bit of her long hair fill out in a pony tail. She wore a very casual set up of makeup that just made her facial features pop without detracting from her natural beauty, and her elbow length gloved arms were wrapped around Karel’s.

The sword saint splurged on a nice outfit as well. He had managed to find a tailor that would make his clothing in the few hours time he had before the play started. The end result was a brilliant white flowing coat with a blue trim around the edges. His long black hair flowed over the cornered shoulders boxing in his looks. The matching pants were loose fitting at the bottom but tight around the waist. He had purchased a pair of fine vlince boots to go with his outfit, and the end result had Rebecca speechless.

The clapping died down as the play began, and Rebecca lowered her head to Karel’s shoulder and rested peacefully, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight the glass ceiling offered. Karel leaned his head to hers, and their fingers locked up in an unbreakable grip. The two watched the actors make their interpretation of the popular adventurer Zidane Cecil. This was the story of how Zidane rallied a group of warriors who were defending a guard post from the demonic legions. It was was a tale of courage and heroisism and the sacrafices of man to achieve their goals.

“As if life were this way,” Rebecca whispered. “After all we been through I became a little numb to fantasy stories.” Karel let out a soft laugh.

“Well watching dragons decimate the land, getting kidnapped and finding your long lost brother it seems like your living a fairy tale.” Rebecca kissed his shoulder.

“And my prince is a blessed saint. How lucky it is to be me.” She said with full sincerity. A group of people turned from the row in front of them.

“Shush, please.” the older man said as his wife lifted a finger to her mouth. Both Karel and Rebecca lifted their hands up in apology. One of the actors pulled out a prop sword and a small duel began between the main protagonist and the wannabe tough girl of the story.

“That’s not even a sword style.” Karel complained making Rebecca giggle. The couple in front of them turned their heads with a nasty glare, which Karel lifted his hand to his mouth covering it. Rebecca turned so her mouth was in his shoulder, unable to stop from laughing. The people near them both started to whisper crude words of warning, but the two couldn’t help but laugh. Soon the usher showed up, pointing to them both and thumbing them out of their seats. They quickly obeyed, laughing wildly for their childish antics making the whole theater begin to whisper rude comments to the jokers.

When they entered the intermission room they both exploded into fits of laughter, leaning upon each other in support as they waited until their mirth subsided. After they calmed themselves they walked towards the bar area, sitting at a bench and looking up at the night sky.

“It’s so enchanting,” Rebecca whispered. Her fingers moved towards Karel’s, locking them in place as she sighed happily. “It’s like the world is at long last resting in a peaceful slump. I found Troy, you found peace, Sheex found his…” Rebecca stopped for a moment, deciding upon a word to use. “Happiness.”

“Happiness?” Karel interjected with a look of confusion. “What, he found some alcohol or something?” Rebecca turned her head to the side avoiding Karel’s gaze.

“Yeah, something like that.” she lied. Karel gave her one last look, but decided if Rebecca was keeping a secret from him than it was important to her. He dropped the matter lifting her hand to his mouth where he gently kissed it. She turned back to him, pulled on his hand so he leaned in as she kissed him. The two embraced for a long time, never letting the passion slip as they gently rubbed each other.

“Rebecca,” Karel said distantly. “I know that being the Saint of Swords and all is not exactly a dream job you get to be a part of.” She lifted her eyebrows daring him to go on. “Well, that and I can no longer tell you about my childhood, introduce you to my parents, or even settle upon the land I grew up in…”

“Like any of that matters, Karel.” Rebecca said definitively. “All I care about is you holding me in your arms at the end of the day. Anything else as a consequence to that doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care if you become a caped crusader, jumping from burning building to burning building saving orphans and fighting crime doers. I don’t care if your title as Saint brings monsters and madman to our home where you fight them off with your courage and power. All I care about is that at the end of day you hold me in your arms, and whisper into my ear you love me.”

Karel let out a small sigh as she talked about their life. “It matters to me. You deserve a bit better than that lifestyle I would assume.” Rebecca pushed him playfully. “I’m serious. I just had some nut case challenge me out of the blue for my title. Not to mention your were kidnapped by goons for god knows what reason.”

“Who challenged you my love?”

“I mean, this lifestyle is dangerous. And not to mention Vladimir is out on the loose, probably planning on ripping another memory from my heart!” Karel started getting agitated as his grip on Rebecca’s love started to tighten.

“Karel, I love you, but your hurting my hand.”

“God what the hell am I thinking? I can’t ask this of anyone. It’s insanity.” Karel was now talking to himself as he looked away from Rebecca.

“Ask what? And for the love of god let go of my hand!” Rebecca’s free hand lifted softly to his chin as she forced the sword saint to look to her.

“My god my sister is pregnant with his spawn! It must be some demon child! How could such a beautiful girl like my fair sister become so twisted by his words.”

“First, release my hand.” She said calmly, despite the hint of pain in her tone. Karel did so quickly mouthing his apologies. “Second, who cares about Vladimir, the past is over Karel. Forget him, and just look to the present with me.” Karel softly snorted, but looked into her eyes and nodded. “Third, who challenged you?” Karel let his heart sink.

“Regal.” He said lightly. Rebecca’s eyes widened.

“You mean, Troy’s friend?” Karel let his frustration rise again.

“Tch, what kind of friend would use you as bait to make me fight him?” Karel said scornfully. Rebecca looked to her lover with concern.

“But,” she was a loss for words as she thought long and hard about what she would say. “You can’t…you can’t take him away from Troy. As disgusting, twisted, cruel as that man was he did something good, kind, and caring.”

“What good could possibly come from him?” Karel shouted. Rebecca gave him a stern look and he slowly backed down taking a deep breath.

“Whether you like it or not Karel, he saved Troy.” Karel began to laugh. “My brother’s life is funny to you?” She said lifting her hand away from Karel getting up. “My brother was a walking mess. He was alone, confused, and depressed. Your not the only person in life that loses things Karel Hector Raven! Other people can experience pain that is equal to yours too you know!” Karel shot up with his eyes daring Rebecca to continue. “His best friend died to save his life, while everything he cared about was shot down in a brutal hail of arrows! Unlike you, Mr. Holy Saint of Swords, he didn’t have a woman who loved him to bring him back off the winding road of damnation! He didn’t have a friend like Sheex to keep his head clear of all dark thoughts in his mind! That friend died saving his life!”

“So your saying I had it easy? That dragons torching my home is just a breeze in the park compared to your brother’s tragedy?” Karel countered. “You think just because I had you and Sheex that my life was instantly better for it? My life is saved because you care for me?” Karel turned his back on her. “You couldn’t understand the pain I see everyday!”

“Oh grow up!” Rebecca shouted tossing her purse at Karel’s head. “You turn and look at me!” Karel slowly did so. “In no way was I ever saying the pain you felt is any easier than the pain Troy felt. But you had something, something special to help you through the pain. If your too damned blinded by your stupid swords to see that than you are worse than the monster you keep fighting!” She turned her back on Karel and began to walk out in a fury. Karel stuck his hands into his pocket and felt the ring box.

That one touch sparked a memory from when he was in the watch tower back on his home. He was cold, and so was Rebecca as they looked to see the dragon’s still attacking the Black Archipelago. He had talked about his feelings. How dark and cold he felt, the need to destroy something despite his inability to do so. In that process she took his hand, spoke kind words, and lifted him into the light. He knew from that moment he loved her, and that he was lucky she was in his life.

His feet pounded on the floor as he ran out the doors into the streets. In his way was one of the ushers who he knocked over reaching the huge double doors. He shouldered the doors out of his way, twisting his head left and right for her and saw her storming down the streets towards the inn. He ran after her, his voice calling to her. She stopped, but didn’t turn to him.

“Your right,” Karel said softly. “I was just acting selfish back there. But without that clarity I wouldn’t have been able to see that I do love you. That fight with Regal, I never planned to take him away. Sheex and I came up with a plan to knock him out. That’s all. I just didn’t want that kind of life for you, Rebecca. Where you live in constant fear of me being challenged and dying. It’s no way for you to live, now is it?”

“Why are you bothering with this though?” She turned to him, tears brimming her flushed red cheeks making her makeup run. Karel was more than positive that Sheex would have decked him for making Rebecca cry. “God, tonight was such a nice night.”

“Well it still kind of is, if you ignore those rain clouds on the mountain range.” Karel joked. Rebecca didn’t respond to his humor. “Look, I’m sorry I made you cry. I want to make it up to you.” Rebecca just waved him away wiping the tears from her face.

“No, really Karel. Let’s just get to bed. You have your fight tomorrow anyway. It’s important.” Karel grinded his teeth as he watched Rebecca being to walk away.

“I don’t care about it!” Karel shouted making Rebecca pause. “My title, my tragedy, my pain!” Karel wiped his hand in front of him across the air. “I don’t care for any of it! All I care about is you!” he said passionately. Rebecca looked to him confused. “Damnit, this was supposed to be done in the intermission, in a corner. I was supposed to tell you how you make me feel. Like that one night back on Black Isle when I realized I loved you. Nothing in the world meant anything to me except for you at that moment. I was supposed to say how all my pain is lessened just when I see you smile. Then I was going to hand you this ring, and ask if you would like to spend the rest of your life with me.” Karel sighed loudly. “But now it’s all ruined.” Karel said defeated looking at the ring he took out of his pocket.

“I swear to god Karel Raven if you don’t drop down on one knee and look me right in the eyes and ask me to marry you I will shove my sword so far up your ass you’ll be using the point of my blade as a new tongue!” She moved into his arms, holding him tightly kissing him. He nearly dropped the ring in the shock of it all as he softly pushed her away.

“But, what about all the tension and ruined night?” Rebecca rolled her eyes.

“God Karel, sometimes your thick head amazes me! Girl’s are fickle you big dolt!” Karel laughed kissing her on the top of her head as he lowered to one knee looking up. She giggled and smiled, her eyes filling with tears again lifting her hand forward where he gently grabbed it.

“Rebecca Priam, I love you more than anything in this world. The darkness is no longer something I fear when I stand by your light. Everything in my life is perfect with you around, and I now wish to share that feeling with you for the rest of my life…Rebecca, will you marry me?”

“Oh no!” Rebecca whined, making Karel cough violently in shock.

“Wh-Wh-Ack…WHAT?” Karel exclaimed clutching his chest.

“No, this is all wrong! I mean…YES, yes Karel Raven I’ll marry you! But not right this second! It must be done properly!” Karel groaned rubbing his head. “I need you to do one thing for me before I can take the ring.” She said happily. Karel looked up to her eyes, ready for the challenge despite the growing headache he was getting from the mixed signals.

“Anything in the world, for you darling!”

“Poetic,” she sassed. “I just need you ask my brother for his consent. It would mean the world to me.” Karel felt like a sword just stabbed him in the chest. “Oh come off it, Karel. Of course he’ll say yes. Once he sees how happy I’ll be he’ll melt like butter on a summer’s day. Nobody can resist my charm. You of all people should know it.” Karel laughed lifting himself up to hold her tightly.

“Very well, my love. Tomorrow I’ll ask him.” Rebecca sighed happily as she held Karel tightly.

“I love you so much, Karel.” she whispered.

“I love you too.” Karel whispered back.

09-28-09, 10:25 PM
Some time ago...

"Have at you fiend! I shall strike you down!" Shouted a young boy with black hair. He held a wooden sword in his right hand and with all the youthful exuberance of a child his age he plunged it forward.

The boy's wooden sword clashed against another wooden blade. With a grin on his face, Sheex parried the oncoming attack and stepped in close to the boy. With a quick flick of his wrist Sheex gave the child a light tap on the shoulder with his sword.

A Saint Of Swords Sheex was not but he'd be dammed if he couldn't best a seven year old.

"Foolish whelp! You cannot hope to defeat the power of darkness! Suffer!" With a quick dash Sheex leapt forward and grabbed the boy. He picked the child up and lightly tossed him to the ground.

"Blasted demon! Does your strength have no limits?" The boy screamed as he stumbled to his feet. With a chuckle Sheex twirled his blade about playfully as the child watched with eager eyes; the poor swordplay of Sheex far more than the boy could master at the moment.

"Limits? I long ago forsook such human notions! My power transcends everything! You! Your family! God!" Sheex shouted, playing the role of a villain with all his usual drama. The boy lunged again with a cry as Sheex dashed in and struck the child on the shoulder. The boy instantly fell to the ground clutching the non-existent wound.

"Ah! You've bested me! But I have something you lack!" The boy yelled, rolling about the ground in make believe pain. Sheex gave him a puzzled look as he gently tapped his wooden sword on his own shoulder.

"Eh? I could've sworn the line went something along the lines of 'Monster, where did you get that power?' Then Zidane realizes the necklace the demon is wearing once belonged to his father." The boy sat up and brushed off some of the dirt that clung to his white shirt.

"Yeah, but that's sad. I didn't want the demon to kill his father so I changed the story." The boy said in a matter-of-fact voice. Sheex chuckled and crouched down so he was eye level with the child.

"Oh? What happens next then?" Sheex asked with curiosity. The boy leapt to his feet and pointed his sword at Sheex.

"I show the demon the power he gave up on! Now sister!" The child cried. Sheex gave the boy a confused look until a wooden sword crashed down on Sheex's head. Instantly Sheex went down clutching his head.

"OW! Damn it! That hurt!" Sheex shouted as he looked behind him. Standing there in a little red dress a small girl was clutching a wooden sword a bit too big for her. Actually, she needed to use both hands just to keep the blade up. She had a worried look on her face.

"Was...was that too hard?" She asked with fearful brown eyes. Sheex knew that the proper adult would have scolded the child about playing too rough but seeing her there Sheex just couldn't bring himself to do it. She was just too cute.

"Er, no not really. Agh! Curse you Zidane! You and your sister, who I don't actually recall you having, have bested me! If only I had not forsook my family for power! Oh what a fool I was!" Sheex cried out, clutching his heart. He then realized he hadn't been hit in the heart so went back to clutching his head as he fell to the ground.

"Oh my love! You may have forsaken me, but I could never forsake you!" Shouted a voice as a woman a little shorter than Sheex came running out of the house the three played in front of. Her red hair was cut short, extending just a little past her chin. She wore a simple blue shirt with a small V cut into it revealing just a bit of her breasts. Her breasts were actually a bit on the small side, but Sheex was all right with that.

She wore a tan mini-skirt that stopped just a half a foot short of her knees. Her legs though. Her creamy white legs always killed Sheex. Along with her sparkling emerald eyes. And her smile. Forget everything else. The smile was perfect.

On the wanderer's one to ten women watching scale, she'd rank about a seven or an eight.

"Oh! Can it be? The wife, who I'm not sure the demon actually had, appears? Turn your face away from me! I cannot bear such beautiful light!" Sheex shouted, sitting up and turning his face away with an overly dramatic painful expression.

"No! I will not lose you again! Plus I finished cooking dinner! And it's getting cold!" The woman said as she leapt somewhat gracefully into the air and landed on Sheex's lap. Her skirt began to ride up a bit, revealing even more of her snow white legs.

Were he a demon Sheex would have pulled her close. The human Sheex Deltin was no match for such charm.

"Mom! That's not what happened!" The boy complained as the young girl giggled. Sheex chuckled as he pulled the red head close and gently caressed her cheek.

"Yeah, but I wanted a cutie on my lap so I changed the story." Was all Sheex said as he smiled. The woman wrapped her arms around his neck and turned to the children.

"Nami, go set the table please." The woman said politely to the young girl. The girl nodded and quickly ran inside the house. The woman on Sheex's lap then turned to the boy.

"Guy Deltin! You run inside right now and clean up that shirt! Getting dirt on a new shirt! I wonder who I have to blame for little stain?" The woman said as the boy snuck inside while the woman turned her attention to Sheex.

"You can glare at me all you want Leila but your sitting on my lap in a mini-skirt. Do you really think I give a damn about the kid's shirt right now?" Sheex joked as he gently kissed Leila's cheek.

"Gasp! Lonely demon! What foul thoughts are you thinking of?" Leila shouted as she playfully pulled away from Sheex. Several passerby's gave the couple a look but neither Sheex nor Leila paid them any mind.

"Redemption. The sexy kind." Sheex said with a laugh as he shot up, cradling Leila in his arms as he did so. She pulled herself close to Sheex as he walked towards the house the children had run into.

"Oh! The best kind!" Leila said as she wrapped her arms around Sheex's neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

Sheex obliged.

Present day...

Sheex sat quietly in his room, gently playing with the necklace Rebecca had given him. His mind was awash in happy memories, the warmth of those thoughts giving him all the heat he could need on a cold night. He smiled as he put the necklace back into its case.

"Soon. I'll see you all again soon. Wait for me, okay?" Sheex said softly as he tucked the necklace back into his coat and turned towards the table in his room. On it sat the bottle of wine he had taken from Diomedes along with the tattered old book. With a shrug Sheex poured himself a glass and picked up the book.

"Well now, let's see what so interesting about this book." Sheex said to himself as he began to flip through the pages. He had hardly begun to read when a loud knocking interrupted him. He sighed and tossed the book back onto the table.

"Looked boring anyway. At least the wine's good." Sheex muttered as he took a long sip and headed towards the door. Before he opened the door the knocking came again, this time more urgently. Whoever it was there was not the patient type.

"Hmph. Figures." Was all Sheex said as he opened the door to find Rebecca standing there. She looked dazzling in her black dress, and being as the wanderer was not perfect he decided to steal a look at her fine legs. He was still a man after all.

"Sheex! I have something important to tell you!" Rebecca beamed as Sheex crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway.

"For the last time Rebecca, I am not having a threesome with you and Karel! You're cute and all, but I think Karel's the jealous type. He might stab me in the ass when I'm not looking."

Rebecca raised an eyebrow.

"Er, with his sword."

Rebecca raised her other eyebrow.

"Not that sword! The cutting slicing swords! You know what, let's start over. Hi Rebecca! Come on in!" Sheex said as he motioned for Rebecca to enter. He gave a quick wave to the people staring at him and shut the door.

"Sheex! Guess what!" Rebecca said as she literally bounced about with energy. Sheex gave a yawn and sat down on the bed.

"Whatever it is it had better involve pie cause that's the only reason I'm going to be interested at this hour." Sheex said as he looked out the window. Night had fallen and although it wasn't too late Sheex was pretty tired from the busy day he had. Fighting always wore him out.

"Karel proposed!" Rebecca shouted, unable to hold back her excitement.

"Congratulations! I knew the old boy wouldn't let a girl like you go to waste. I'd of punched him if he did. I'm happy for the two of you. Why exactly aren't you with him again?" Sheex said, his voice full of excitement until his last sentence. That sentence was said seriously, with a hint of confusion.

"He had to grab something so I broke away to tell you something important! Stop talking so much and let me finish!" Rebecca demanded. Sheex frowned and began to argue back, but instead he just shrugged and motioned for her to continue.

"I just wanted to say...thanks Sheex. Thanks a lot." Rebecca said softly as she leaned over and gave her friend a hug. Puzzled, Sheex returned the hug with a confused look on his face.

"You're welcome. Not exactly sure what for though..." Was Sheex's response as Rebecca stood up and looked at him.

"For everything. For introducing me to Karel."

"No problem."

"For getting me off Black Isle safely."

"Happy to do it."

"Making sure Karel doesn't do anything too stupid."

"He does tend to do that quite a bit doesn't he?"

"For saving me."

"Part of the whole friend thing. Don't mention it."

"For always looking out for me."

"You do need a lot of looking after."

Rebecca gave Sheex a playful punch after his last remark. He rubbed his shoulder and chuckled as she gave him a serious look.

"Stop goofing around! I'm being serious here Sheex! Really....thanks for everything." Rebecca said with a smile. Sheex turned a shade of red, still not really use to serious moments.

As Rebecca stared at him, with his modest nature and simple outlook on life she could not help but smile brighter. Sheex had always been there with a helping hand and never asked for anything in return. She smiled at the thought of her best friend, Sheex Deltin the wanderer, turning into a husband.

She had better be perfect Sheex. You deserve it. Rebecca thought to herself as Sheex stood up and gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"You're welcome Rebecca. Meeting you and Karel is not something I'd change for the world. I'm happy to know you. Both of you. Now get back to the Sword Saint and I'm still not sure why you couldn't wait until tomorrow to tell me this." Sheex said as he smiled kindly at Rebecca. She just sighed and crossed her arms.

"Because your my best friend Sheex! This is what girls do you dolt! I guarantee you Leila did the same thing the first chance she got! I bet she's already picked out a Maid Of Honor. Say Sheex, want to be mine?" Rebecca asked, completely straight faced. Sheex choked a bit before responding.

"Wha...wha...WHAT?" Even after the choking, Sheex's response was still not completely coherent.

“Well that is the best friend’s job!” Rebecca whined.

“Yeah, it’s also a girl’s job!” Sheex shot back.

“But you’re my best friend!”

“I’m a guy!”

“Ah, since when have you been stuck up on tradition?”

“Since you asked me to wear a dress!”

“Okay, you don’t have to wear a dress. Wear whatever you want, okay?”

“There’s no way in hell I’ll-”

“I’ll tell Karel you were mean to me!”


“And Troy! Troy’s over-protective! You know he is!”

“Bah! I can run fast!”

“I’ll ask Leila! I’ll bet she’ll make you do it!”

“That’s low, even for you! Why is this so important to you?”

With a dead serious face Rebecca walked over to Sheex and put her hand on his shoulder. She looked him straight in the eye, her words breaking Sheex’s resolve.

“Because I want to make sure you will still be in my life. You always keep your promises, so if I make you promise to do this, then when you leave us to go home I know we’ll see you again.” With such words, what else could Sheex do but nod his head? The answer was, of course, nothing.

“Great! No one can resist my charms! Oh! We have to go dress shopping! Bring Leila okay?” Rebecca said with a laugh as Sheex gave her a light shove to the door.

“Fine, whatever! Get lost already!” Sheex said as he flung open the door. Rebecca gave him one last hug, a hug Sheex returned in kind. He whispered one last word of congratulations into her ear and she was off, darting back to her love. Sheex slowly shut the door and turned to look out the window at the night sky.

“How could I ever part ways with you two anyhow? Then again...” Sheex said softly as he reached into his coat and pulled out the emerald necklace to look at once more.

“Things do change. See you soon Leila.” Sheex promised softly to the necklace that sparkled like Leila‘s eyes.

10-02-09, 12:48 AM
Regal roared with laughter as the ale dribbled down his face. He took his hand and palmed his face to wipe it off slapping the table a few times. He had nearly forgotten that he and Troy once traded fighting styles in order to defeat a foe together.

“I felt all depressed when I became methodical,” Regal continued. “It was as if your dry personality fused with mine.” Troy let his sad smile continue longer before taking a sip of the wine.

“Well, your style of fighting made me furious. So uncivilized.” he joked tasting the sweet flavor of the drink. Regal’s eyes widened in anticipation as he lifted an accusing finger to Troy’s face.

“Hah! Told you that you’d like the wine!” He sipped at his ale again. “Could I not pick the best wine to have with the demon of swords?” Troy tilted his drink in a mock salute.

“I am impressed Regal,” Troy admitted. “I didn’t know you had a fine taste in winery. I was a fool to misjudge you.” he drank some more.

“Tch, well, a lot of people seem to do that.” Regal muttered. Troy gave him a soft nod, motioning for him to elaborate. “Well Troy, if you insist.” Regal said forcefully downing the rest of his ale. The waitress flawlessly walked by scooping up the mug. “Before we met I used to go into arena after arena. Training for the day I would fight with the Saint of Swords. I’d walk in, demand to challenge the champion, and the bookie just stared at me, laughed, and told me to go sit on a nail. Always the same really. Nobody looks at me and takes me seriously. When they see my eyes, they just see this damned maddening presence like I got a few screws loose in my head.”

“They are wrong,” Troy spoke softly. “I admit I thought I saw the same madness in those eyes of yours. But after fighting and traveling with you I had learned that those eyes are just jaded. Like a sword that’s been sharpened for battle but never used. Eventually you ruin the blade. Your eyes tell me that you’ve been waiting so long to fight Karel that eventually you burned yourself out waiting to fight him.”

“Maybe,” Regal mumbled looking into the fire. “Or maybe I got dull not pursuing him enough.” Regal looked behind him and was about to call the waitress when she dropped a bottle of ale on the table. Regal smiled to her, and she smiled back, rubbing his shoulder softly.

“Is that a lady friend?” Troy inquired, sipping more wine and looking to her. “She is very pretty.” Regal shook his head.

“Woman are distracting,” he took a deep gulp of ale smacking his lips after taking a large breath. “They get in the way of your goals and dreams.” Troy gave him a stern look. “They can used against you, like the queen on a chess board. You place her in danger and the player protects them using every single last piece they have. In the process they lose their knights, they lose their bishops, they lose their pawns. Then, when they look at their beloved queen who they kept alive while sacrificing everything they own, they harshly become illuminated to the pieces that have moved around the king to place him into checkmate.” Regal slammed his fist on the table angrily. “No, I sacrificed my queen a long time ago to protect the rest of my pieces.”

“That was quite possibly the most profound piece of information you have ever said,” Troy leaned back in his seat. “Which can only mean that you have a story to go with it.” Regal rubbed the side of his bottle gently with one finger.

“You know how I said I screwed the queen and the princess and the personal maid all at once?” Troy nodded his head. “Well…one of them was actually kinda special to me. The maid. Her name was Tracy. She had these…these wonderful red eyes. Her hair was a fair shade of bleached blond hair. It was a warm tint, not that obnoxious bright stuff woman do these days. Her body was not unlike your sisters. Nothing in any category that is out of proportion.” Regal laughed to himself. “She met me after I got kicked out of a sporting arena. I was launched out because I had a problem with the whole wooden weapons thing they wanted me to do…” Regal’s eyes started to become jaded as he relaxed remembering the whole thing.

“She took me into her small home on the castle grounds. She fed me, she washed my clothes. I didn’t even know why but she did it all with this incredible smile, Troy. It was a smile that made my black heart crumble and show the beating red passion inside it.”

“She was special,” Troy admitted. “So what happened?” Regal sipped more ale.

“I,” Regal turned red around the cheeks. “I fell in love. I helped her around the house, cooked, cleaned. I had completely forgotten that a man named Karel Hector Raven existed.” Regal sipped his ale a bit harder. “She actually loved me back. We dated for four months and that entire time not a single person looked at me like some degenerate freak. It was true honest to god happiness.” Troy leaned in a bit closer. “Then one day she made a mistake. She looked into my soul and saw the darkness I was hiding behind a curtain. Well, that’s how I describe my past. I shoved all those painful memories behind a curtain in my mind where I can’t see it.”

“I’ve done the same, Regal.” Troy patted Regal’s arm. “I’ve done the same.” he whispered. Regal took his hand and patted it back.

“She turned the curtain and just…cried. She didn’t know I was capable of such madness. Such…horrible things. I killed my family, my friends, my home, everything for a stupid sword.” Regal felt his eyes begin to water. “All for stupid Tenacity!” Regal spat glaring at his sword.

“What happened next?” Troy asked moving Regal forward and away from his painful memories.

“Well, she just left. She said she had work in the castle to do and that maybe I should go. I was such a wreck, but I realized she was the only woman in my life I cared about. So I broke into the castle and found her in the queen’s chambers. I told her how I felt, and she confessed she loved me. We made love on the king’s bed. Fantastic comfort by the by.” Both men grinned taking another drought of their drinks. Regal paused for a moment, looking into the flames. “The queen came in, along with her daughter the princess. And then…” Regal sniffled fighting back a tear. “I got this terrible, twisted idea. All these emotions stirred inside me at once, and I felt like something was growing inside me. I spoke but I didn’t comprehend what I was saying. I convinced the royal family to sleep with us. The passion of the love we made before was gone in this animalistic lust fest. Through it all I kept thinking one thing over and over.”

“What was that?” Troy was at the tip of his seat. Never before had Regal ever spoke like this. Like the words were from the heart.

“Was this right or wrong?” Regal whispered. “I couldn’t tell if I was doing something right or wrong. Because I loved Tracy, but I was throwing it all away by taking the queen and the princess as well. Eventually I got my answer. Tracy suddenly stopped as if some spell had lost its hold on her, and she screamed at me about how wrong this was. How wrong she was to love me, and how wrong I was as a human being. I took up the hilt of my sword, and I slammed it against her skull. She hit the bedpost hard, and landed upon her head on the ground. I kept screwing the queen while the princess checked on her. She screamed when she found out Tracy died. That’s when the king found us. That’s when I was forced to fight his elite royal guard. That’s when I became the demon of Swords.”

Troy looked to Regal with no words to say. At first it seemed Regal’s dilemma was something childish, but for the first time Troy had realized just how mentally damaged he was. Regal truly couldn’t tell right from wrong, at least with the demon inside him. “You’re fighting to free yourself from a real demon, aren’t you Regal?” The sword demon nodded. Troy suddenly felt foolish for doubting Regal’s tenacity to become the saint of swords. It was now almost noble of him to wish for such a title now.

“But you know,” Regal said full of life. “Who needs woman anyway?” he saluted his blade with his bottle of ale. “She was only stopping me from my dreams of being the Saint of Swords.” He looked to the waitress who softly placed the meals for both of them on the table. Troy looked to his steak and noticed Regal had ordered one as well. He smiled softly at the similarity the two had. Regal looked to Troy’s meal and laughed as well. “All this time,” Regal said softly. “Traveling for over a year together and we never once knew the reasons we crawled.” Troy remembered the conversation they had not long ago.

“You know Regal,” Troy said somewhat happily. “It’s not a good idea to eat such a heavy meal before a big fight.” Regal nodded.

“Yup, that’s why I ordered the salad.” he began to eat his steak. Troy shook his head at his companions simplemindedness.

“Yes but Regal,” Troy stressed. “Just because it’s on your plate doesn’t count as eating it.” Regal gave him a nasty look.

“I know that,” he snarled. “I’ll eat that last so my salad will be the last thing in my stomach.”

“Erm…” Troy wanted to explain how life didn’t work that way, but he looked to Regal with sad eyes. He had never once known about Regal's pain. But then again, Regal never once knew about Troy's either. He cursed himself for squandering the time they had. He lifted his wine glass gently from the bottom of the curve and stood before Regal. “To Regal Burnswidth, who’s tenacity is an inspiration to anyone with the ability to appreciate it.” he said softly. Regal felt sheepish as he grabbed his ale bottle and lifted it to collide with Troy’s wine glass.

“To the death of the Sword Demon, and the birth of your new Saint of Swords.” Regal replied hearing the two glasses chink against each other.

10-02-09, 10:46 PM
The sun rose high overhead, the morning rays filtering through the curtains to the windows of Karel’s room. He groaned lightly to be so rudely awakened, his arms slowly moving away from Rebecca’s naked body. He looked to her face and smiled as she slept peacefully. Near her nose was her hand that carried the engagement ring he had given her. For one night she wanted to wear it and Karel wasn’t opposed to the idea. He kissed her cheek gently and silently moved out of the bed placing the covers over her bare shoulders.

He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower entering. The chill beads of water stiffened his muscles and he let out a tiny yelp of surprise, but soon the warmth came to the water and he began to his morning routine of getting ready. As the warmth hit his muscles her felt them softly relaxing. He let the water run over his face as he began to wonder what exactly to expect out of the days fight. Should he end it quickly or should he wait a bit and entertain Regal? Should he use his time magic? Should he use all his abilities from the Zantetsuken? He had many options, but in the end he decided to just play along for a moment, then end it with his time magic. Regal would be down for the count and Karel would move on with his life.

When he left the shower he put on his pants from last night. He felt a little silly about the idea, but if he was going to fight a demon he would at least dress like the part of a saint. That was the other reason he chose a white for his suit. A few subtle modifications and he was in his battle outfit. He looked into the mirrors and saw his own eyes looking back, his long black hair resting behind his shoulders. He adjusted his collar and closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. Two slender arms wrapped around his waist and nuzzled his neck.

“Good morning, holy saint.” Rebecca whispered into his ear softly kissing his cheek. “You look radiant this morning, very fitting a color and suit for you.” she let her kisses land upon his neck before squeezing him tightly.

“Well, I have to play the part to trick him. If he thinks the holy saint beat him down with all his skill he won’t come back for a second round.” Rebecca nodded softly as her hands meshed with his. “By the way, Mrs. Raven, how did you sleep?” He twisted on the spot, grabbing her waist and pulling her in. She was wearing only a simple bath robe. Her legs looked gorgeous.

“Wonderfully, Mr. Raven.” she teased kissing his chin. “Thank you, by the way. Last night was magnificent.” Karel kissed her nose softly. “Time for you to prepare, I’ll get dressed today. Oh, and here.” she took off the ring and held it in her hand. Before she dropped it in his hand she took it back and walked over to her things. She pulled out a small gold chain and opened it to slide the ring onto it. She walked back to Karel and placed it around his neck locking it and kissing him deeply. “I love you Karel. This will reminded you not to fall.” Karel clutched her tightly before letting her go. She went into the shower and Karel left the room walking out onto the streets.

The vendors were already peddling their wares as the town was alive with action. A boat had arrived to drop off the morning tourists and he felt a little confided walking through the crowds. He turned a corner down an alley and left into the open roads where he walked out to the plains of grass. He wandered for a few minutes until he saw a place where the hills all bent inwards. This would be the battle arena.

He gently placed the Zantetsuken upon the ground and reverently pulled out his “family”, two steel katanas named after his sister and mother. He thanked them both for everything in his life in a sort of ritual before he lifted each one up and began to swing slowly in circles letting the momentum of the blades twirl him like a spinning top. He began to pick up speed and he jumped in with the twirls, moving in a circle faster and faster. He stopped his sudden movements on a whim, placing the weapons both down to his sides and ran forward as fast as he could, swiping in large arcs before him, twirling the blades between both hands as he did so. He did a daring leap backwards so his feet pushed against the stump of a tree and his body sprung outwards like an arrow. He brought his weapons parallel with his body so he made the shape of an arrow and spun. When he landed he planted one foot and slid outwards with the other in a circle bringing himself up to full height bringing both blades downwards in violent arcs. He walked forward forcing his blades to cut the air with blinding speed never taking a moment to rest. When he felt he reached a limit he kicked his leg forward and did a three sixty spin with both blades before resting upon one knee.

His breaths were heavy and he could feel sweat falling down his face as he licked his lower lip. “The Living Blade. Kata number forty four, Sensei Atari.” He spoke in reverence. He had trained with Kai Atari, the former Saint of Swords for the right to be the man he was today. With his teachings Karel learned things he wouldn’t be otherwise able to. It was amazing the skills he learned, but the price was high. In the end Kai had challenged him to a battle to the death, and Karel won. He couldn’t escape the nagging feeling he won because Kai let him.

“No doubts before a fight.” Karel said sternly. He wiped the memory from his mind and focused upon Rebecca. He brought his hand up to the ring and gripped it tightly in his hand. “For you, my love.” Karel said looking up to the top of the hill where he heard a group of people coming. The clouds began to move closer from the edge of the mountains, creating a shadow over the tip of the hill.

10-02-09, 11:48 PM
Morning had at last arrived. Angrily Regal pulled the blankets over his head trying to block the sunlight to continue his sleep, but realizing he had huge plans he tossed the off quickly. Today was the day, today he would be the Saint of Swords!

He jumped into the shower, letting the cold water was down his face. He wiped all the dirt out of his hair from the previous day until his white hair shined like newly fallen snow. He shaved his face, made sure he was properly groomed and palmed the shower knob off. He left the shower wiping down and looking to his clothes. He passed by them walking towards his traveling pack and reverently lifted a small bundled package out. He carefully undid the tweed strings and opened it to find a painfully hand crafted set of fighting clothes. He had a dragon blood red shirt that clung to his skin life silky armor, a heavy black denim loose leg tight waist pair of pants and a storm grey fighter’s coat that had in blackest of inks the drawing of demonic symbols at the wrists and upon the upper shoulders of his back. He put the clothing on one piece at a time, reciting his litanies of hate with each piece.

He had purchased that a long time ago for just such an occasion. He fought and killed a dragon named Trago to learn what shade of red he should use for the shirt. He studied storms after storms until he found the perfect one to use as the shade of his coat color. The black coloring was matched to an obsidian black he took off a piece of the undead doppleganger he fought when he first met Troy. Each article of clothing was a part of his past to remind him of who he was. He looked to the cufflinks of his coat, looking at the infernal script. To my dearest Tracy, he looked to the other sleeve. I’ll realize my dreams for you.

He walked up to Tenacity and dropped to his knees before it as if the weapon was on some holy alter. He had one last thing to do before he gripped the hilt of his favored weapon. The curtain in his mind had to be removed, or he wouldn’t be able to fight Karel with all he had available to him. He slowly closed his eyes and imagined it all in his mind, and soon he felt the memories surface much like the way Pierre had done with his deranged sickle. The memory of his town burning by his hands, the slamming of the hilt of his sword into Tracy’s face. His own wrath getting him into bar fights and brawls. His boasts and battles. Soon he began to remember the times when he became aware of the demon inside him and before long he heard the sound that had frightened him to the core.

“Regal, The demon within him stirred softly. “Have you finally accepted me?” Regal was paralyzed as he heard that chill tone. He felt as if his heart was being gripped by large talons, softly scraping against his chest with each beat of his life force. He swallowed his fear in one gulp.

“I accept nothing from a parasite.” Regal declared. “I am Regal Bursnwidth, the soon to be Saint of Swords.”

“Oh?” The demon mused. “Have you found the one? The one who will fulfill me? Fulfill you? Will his death sate our lust for battle? Will his blood bring the clarity you have sought for years” Regal nodded once determinedly. The demon howled in laughter. “You’re the biggest idiot I ever met” he teased before the feeling subsided. He awoke out of his trance and his hand moved out quickly snatching up the blade with one swift move. He turned to his door and walked out of his room across the hall opening the door to Troy’s room.

“Regal,” Troy said startled before he got a good look at Regal. “Regal.” he said more enthusiastically. “Since when have you owned a set of clothing like that?” Regal shrugged.

“For a while now. After Black Isle. I got all the colors I wanted just right. Now come on, we’re late!” he urged his friend on. Troy sadly nodded taking in a deep breath before he looked to the sun.

“Regal, we have an hour or so to go according to the town clock.” Troy pointed out his window.

“Killjoy,” Regal claimed. “Come on and…” He looked to Troy’s bed. It was made neatly. WHO HONESTLY DOES THAT? Regal wondered. “Erm…come on. You should get breakfast, your still in the recovery stage of your wounds.” Troy grabbed his belongings. They walked out to the main dining hall and took a seat at the bar. Troy ordered a quick meal and turned to Regal.

“So have you thought of how you’re going to win?” Troy asked lightly.

“Fast.” Regal replied drinking a glass of water. His hands were shaking. They never shook before. His anticipation was killing him and he cursed himself for not making the fight at nine in the morning instead of ten.

“Fast. So elaborate. Wonder why I haven’t thought of that before.” Troy muttered as he received his food. He began to neatly eat at his food before Regal picked up the toast on his plate taking a bite out of it and tossing it back onto the plate. “Yes, please, go ahead and eat my food.” Troy looked to Regal and saw the nerves getting to him. He felt like he should do something, but his mind was unable to focus when he saw Rebecca.

She glided towards him as if she had the most amazing night in the world before she sat by Regal as he had the only stool available at the bar next to him. She ordered a bagel to go and leaned against the bar stool. “Good morning boys.” She said cheerfully.

“Good morning Rebecca.”

“Hiya Rachel.” Regal muttered.

“It’s Rebecca,” she said darkly. “Please, feel free to use the name whenever it suits you.” She sassed before looking to Troy. “How did you guys sleep.” Regal lifted his hand and shook it uneasily. He didn’t want to even dwell on the fact his hand was doing that motion on its own. Troy softly shrugged.

“I hate to be a killjoy,” Regal stood up. “But it’s time to head over.” He watched as the two got up, Rebecca instantly attaching herself to her brother’s arm. She gave Regal a nasty look, but he didn’t care. This wasn’t about her anyway.

Regal led them to the destined dueling arena, blocking out the childish conversation the two were having behind him. All he could focus on was Karel Raven and his fight. They walked through the bazaar and out to the grassy knolls before they found the spot where the hills all seemed to grow steeper. As he hit the top of the knoll he looked down into the curving bottom and noticed the clouds blocking the sun.

The darkness surrounded Regal, and the light shone for Karel. The Demon of Swords warm golden orbs looked into the hazel cold eyes of the Saint of Swords. The two looked to each other with the purest intentions of finishing the other off. Regal felt his body tingle in anticipation, and Tenacity screamed to him to draw it up and shed blood. But he kept cool as he softly placed his hand on the top of the hilt like an arm rest.

“Karel Hector Raven,” Regal called out. “The Saint of Swords.”

“Regal Burnswidth,” Karel called back. “The Demon of Swords.” The two looked to each other and he could feel the lightening passing between them as the tension in the air built up. Neither made an aggressive move. This was all part of the fight and both played their hands well. Regal felt his aggression rising and the need to haste over and slice Karel’s throat beamed in his head.

Then his eyes wandered upwards where he saw something that made even his black heart churn in pain. Troy had his sad, somber face on. But so did Rebecca. It all the sudden clicked in the demon’s mind that he was not just fighting Karel, but also Troy’s sister and in that same vain Troy himself. This battle had more than just Regal’s sanity on the line. But he didn’t know what else to do. This fight had to happen, or he would be the demon forever. He HAD to kill Karel. Damn whoever got in the way of that. Sorry, Troy. But this is something I have to do.

Yet Regal didn’t move. His hand lazily dropped to the side and he could feel his heart getting heavy. Karel gave him a questioning look as did Troy. “You know, this weather sucks quite honestly.” Regal shouted. “A little bit of a downer if you ask me.” He crossed his arms across his chest.

“Well I’m not a weatherman or anything special like that. I’m just the Saint of Swords.” Karel replied back, his tone oozing with sarcasm.

“Ya it’s a shame. Kinda ruins the mood really.” He looked to Troy. “The sun isn’t even in the right position. When I become the Saint of Swords I want it to be just right. So why don’t we…” Regal scratched his chin thoughtfully. “Take the day to ourselves to be alone and reflect. Just by ourselves. Troy can watch over the coward and his sister Rotanda.” Everyone glared daggers at Regal. “Then after we have our personal day we return at six. I want the sun to set on the chaptered story of the saint of swords so the book can shut and make way for a new scroll of an era of saintly beings.”

Everyone looked at Regal like he just kicked a puppy. “What?”

“That didn’t even make any sense!” Karel shouted to him in anger. Suddenly Troy snapped his fingers as he realized what Regal meant to say.

“He is saying that he wants to defeat you when the sun sets so the era of Karel Raven, sword saint, ends thus shutting the book on your life. Then a new book can be written on the newly crowned Saint of Swords.” Regal pointed to him.

“Ya!” Regal said excitedly. “That!” Karel sighed heavily and tossed his hands up in frustration.

“Whatever you lunatic. Six o’clock it is, but if you don’t like the atmosphere or the stars alignment or the way the wind is blowing than tough. You don’t fight me at six, we don’t fight at all and I satisfied my challenge to you. Deal?” Regal nodded.

You get one day Troy. One day to be with your sister. That’s how long I can wait. One more day, and then I have to fight. Regal looked to Troy with a roguish grin, and Troy looked back at Regal with equal parts shock and happiness. He turned to Rebecca, who looked back at Troy as he spoke to her quickly. Karel stormed off back to the inns.

The sword demon just looked to Troy and Rebecca and he let out a small, but true smile. “Killjoy” his inner demon muttered.

10-03-09, 03:27 AM
Sheex let out a loud yawn as he strolled across his room. The sun was shining brightly, which was all well and good except when it woke Sheex up. He had always maintained that he needed ten hours of sleep, eight for rest and two for beauty. Being shortchanged of those hours always left him feeling a little sour.

"Well, what to do today? Hmm. Can't help but feel I'm missing something important." Sheex muttered to himself as he grabbed his favorite (and only) coat and flung it over his shoulders in a motion practiced many times. Yawning again, he strolled out of his room and leisurely walked towards the stairs that led towards the bottom floor of the inn. He moved less than leisurely when he realized what was going to be happening in less than five minutes.

"The fight! Crap!" Sheex shouted, much to the bewilderment of the people around him. With a small grunt of exertion Sheex flew towards the stairs. He jumped at the end, landing somewhat painfully on the railing and slid down past the end of steps. He ducked around a corner, waved hi to a cute waitress serving food and ran smack dab into the door leading outside as Karel flung it open.

"Ah Karel! I take it I missed the fight?" Sheex said as he rubbed his now red nose. Karel just stormed passed Sheex, his anger obvious even to the most oblivious man.

"Did, the uh, fight not go as planned?" Sheex asked as he chased after Karel who quickly grabbed a seat at an empty table. Sheex followed suit and sat down next to Karel.

"What fight?" Karel nearly shouted back as he grabbed a menu, browsed through it for about five seconds and then quickly tossed it back across the table. Sheex just scratched his head with a small amount of worry on his face.

"The...ummm...fight with the lunatic? You didn’t....you didn’t kill the guy, did you?” Sheex asked with no small amount of fear in his voice. Regal’s death would no doubt complicate Karel’s relationship with Rebecca.

“No, but sometimes I think it would be better if I did! He goes out of his way to practically blackmail me into a fight and then decides the weather isn’t right and moves it! Bah! What a pain!” Karel said as he clenched his fist in irritation at the whole matter. Sheex really couldn’t blame him.

“So, where’s Rebecca?” Sheex asked, deciding to change the topic. At the very mention of his beloved’s name Karel calmed down slightly. It was a wonder what a woman could do to a man, and as Sheex thought this his thoughts quickly flew to Leila.

“With her brother.” Karel muttered as he leaned back in his chair.

“Well that’s nice. At least they get a day together. I guess.” Sheex said, not really having much else to say. Karel slowly nodded in agreement.

“Yeah. But it be nicer if Regal just dropped the whole matter.” Karel couldn’t help but spit. Sheex just shrugged and stood up.

“Well, got any plans?”

“I’ve a rather important duel in about seven hours. What would you be doing?”

“Getting hammered.”

“I was thinking more along the lines of practicing.” Karel said, chuckling at his friends humor. “What about you?”

“Oh, I was thinking of doing some shopping for my...” Sheex almost slipped and said family. Instead he stopped mid-sentence, causing Karel to raise his eyebrows.

“Your?” Karel asked with a curious look. Sheex quickly thought of an escape plan.

“Well, now I think about it, I’m not so sure. Should I shop for my hip flask, which you and Rebecca so rudely drank without refilling, or my cigarettes. I’m getting low on both. Which one do you think I should take care of first?” Sheex asked with a smile. Karel just shrugged back.

“Wanderer, I leave that entirely capable hands.” Karel said with a small laugh as Sheex headed towards the door.

“Sounds like a plan. Sure you don’t want to tag along?”

“Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

“Yeah, you’d probably be bored anyway.”

An hour or two later...

“Shoulda tagged along buddy. You’d be having an orgasm right about now.” Sheex muttered to himself as he wandered around the third weapon store of the day. His son, Guy, like all children his age had a bit of a fascination with heroes and all heroes needed a sword. Or at least that’s what Sheex had always assumed.

Naturally Sheex wanted his son to have nothing to do with swords. The thought of the kid running off on some adventure terrified Sheex. But given Sheex’s past and where he was right now it would have been rather hypocritical of Sheex to try and deter the child. After all, wasn’t it good for a child to follow their dreams? Shouldn’t a parent encourage those dreams? Sheex thought so.

Sheex also thought parenting was hard.

With a sigh he lifted another training blade. All the swords in this section were dull, which was certainly a plus as Sheex didn’t want the kid to cut someone or something accidentally. This one seemed too large. He put the sword back and picked up another one. That one felt unbalanced. Well, in any case Sheex thought it felt unbalanced.

Figures. The one time I need to talk about swords the Saint Of Swords is nowhere to be found. Sigh. Sheex thought to himself as he tossed the blade back. He grabbed another one but that one had a scratch on it. Sighing again he tossed that blade back. It wouldn’t be very kind for the father to give his son a damaged present. Especially if that son hadn’t seen his father for months.

Going on three months now. Actually, three months, two weeks, one day, and fifteen hours to be exact. Why do I know that? Sheex frowned, not even bothering to answer his own question. He knew that because he missed his family.

“I’ve got to tell Karel. After the duel. He’s enough on his mind as it is.” Sheex muttered as he passed his over another blade. He paused and stepped back. Gently he reached over the rack and fished out a blade that had fallen behind the shelf.

It was a short sword. Very short. It might have even been similar to one of Sheex’s daggers. He gently twirled the blade about, surprised at the ease of which he commanded the blade. Slowly he held it to the light, inspecting the sword. It was a good one, as far as Sheex’s untrained eye could tell.

“Not quite a sword really. But the size is right for a kid about to be seven. Yeah, this’ll do.” Sheex said with a smile as he drew his arm back and gave the blade a thrust. A sword for a child, a dagger for a man. Perfect for Guy.

Sheex had already finished shopping for Nami. Unlike her brother she was more musically inclined (which suited Sheex just fine), so he had swung by a music store and picked her up a ocarina. Last he checked Nami had a small cheap one that served for practice but not much else. Not anymore. Sheex had bought her a high priced one, one that a professional could play with. It was ceramic with the images of two swans gracefully flying about painted on it. It was beautiful. She was beautiful.

Sheex imaged the sparkle in her eyes when Nami got her present. Beautiful.

“Anything else I can do for you?” A rather cute shopkeeper asked, breaking Sheex from his day dream. Frowning, Sheex took the now wrapped and paid for sword and slipped it into his bag. He still had a little bit of gold left from Diomedes and although he had Leila’s necklace from Rebecca, he was relatively certain he’d be sending these presents ahead of him by post. He wanted to give that present to Leila in person. He smiled and clutched the coins he had remaining tightly in his hand. Who better to spend it on then his beloved?

Some time ago he would have said booze. Now he just smiled and asked the shopkeeper where he could find a pretty dress.

10-10-09, 01:42 AM
"What do you think, red or blue?" Rebecca asked with a grin as she held up two different. Well, they were different in color, the design on each was the exact same. Troy just smiled.

"Blue. Brings out your eyes." Troy answered. Rebecca grinned, held the dress up into the light, grinned wider, and then proceeded to put both dresses back onto the rack. Troy could never exactly come to terms with window shopping but he managed nonetheless.

"You've good taste brother. Runs in the family I suppose." Rebecca said as she walked over and smoothed out a wrinkle in Troy's shirt. Much like any woman, Rebecca loved to window shop. As a child Troy had found it rather distasteful. Now, as he watched her run about with a smile on her face trying on different things, he could not think of a better way to spend the day.

"Speaking of family...have you kept in touch with mother and father?" Troy asked in a voice barely above a whisper. He had not sent them one word since he left and it pained him. He loved his mother and father dearly, and again he chided himself for leaving them in the dark. They thought their son was dead and Troy could not begin to imagine how much that must pain them.

"I send them letters now and then. Every now and then a messenger flags me down and gives me one back. I got one about a month ago actually." Rebecca answered as she smiled brightly for Troy. He would have been lying if he said her smile didn't help the pain.

"Could...could I see it?" Troy asked sheepishly, his face bright red. Rebecca just reached into her pocket and pulled out a small letter.

"Of course silly!" Was all she said as she handed the letter over. Troy's hand shook as he read for the first time in years the words of his parents.

They hadn't changed a bit. Penned by his father the letter had almost a jovial tune to it, as if the man was happy simply to be writing to his daughter. The letter was almost the same as any other letter. "Glad to hear you're doing well. Karel sounds nice. Keep safe. Come home anytime you need anything. Miss you. Love you." Simple messages, but it could mean so much to someone.

There was a post script at the end of the letter. All it said was that Ajax had attacked another servant and his father ended up paying the man double his wages for two weeks. A sudden memory flooded back into Troy's mind at the mention of Ajax.

Many years ago...

"Sweet flaming swords! What the hell's that?" A muscular man with red hair shouted as he ducked low. A bat swooped across the ceiling and even though the roof was twenty feet above him the man could not help but instinctively avoid the screeching animal. A young Troy could only chuckle.

The man's red hair was short and wavy. His blue eyes shown with intelligence. The man's laugh was loud and boisterous. Whether Troy was at a party or in a fight, there was no one he'd rather have at his side than that man. The two had grown up together and they were best of friends.

Hector Vox gave Troy a wild look.

"That is Ajax. The family pet." Troy said with a smile. The two were on leave from the military academy where both studied at and of course both had went home to visit their families. Troy had invited Hector over for dinner and the man had agreed happily. The Priam family was famous for their cooks and Hector had a standing rule of never passing up free food.

“Troy, you ever heard of a cat? A dog maybe? You know, normal pets?” Hector muttered as he did his best to keep his eyes on the bat, which at this point was screeching about the room. Troy just shrugged.

“My father has a habit of giving my mother whatever she asks for. She likes exotic things.” Troy said with a shrug as the two reached the end of the long hall. Before they could open the door, a tall man with flowing black hair walked through it with a smile on his face.

“You think the bat’s exotic? Boy, you should see the things your mother wears at night!” Sarpedon Priam shouted as he grabbed his son and gave him a hug. At forty years old Sarpedon appeared to be about thirty. As a merchant he had always emphasized how important it as to make a good first impression and good looks helped. A lot.

“DAD!” Troy shouted back as his face turned red. Sarpedon just laughed and released his son. Hector shook Sarpedon’s hand as Troy’s father patted him on the back.

“Good to see you again Hector! I’ve a guild meeting to attend to but head on it! I’ve told the cooks to lay out a bit of food as a snack. I’ll be home by dinner so don’t start without me!” Sarpedon said with a huge smile on his face. It was obvious to anyone just how happy the man was to see his son back under his parent’s roof. Sarpedon waved good-bye to Troy and Hector and hurried off to his meeting as Ajax attacked a nearby servant.

“Seriously Troy, your mom is crazy.” Hector muttered as he watched the servant attempt to shoo away the bat. Ajax continued to harass the man.

“I know. Father triples the wages of the servant in charge of Ajax and has more than once paid a pretty penny to keep a servant on staff after Ajax attacked him. Whenever I ask him why father always says my mom’s smile is worth it.” Troy said with a chuckle as he let out a shrill whistle. Instantly Ajax ceased his attack and flew over to Troy, obediently landing on Troy’s outstretched hand. Troy quickly said a silent thank you to whoever designed the Benzer military uniforms for the thick sleeves prevented Ajax’s claws from doing any real damage.

“I can see why. Don’t take this the wrong way man...but your mom’s hot.” Hector whispered as a beautiful woman in a black silk dress with bright purple hair (she dyed it regularly) appeared across the hallway and energetically waved to Troy and Hector.

Troy proceeded to punch Hector in the shoulder.

Present day...

Troy slowly folded up the letter and handed it back to Rebecca. Away he turned his face as pain spread across it. Rebecca crossed her arms, easily able to read what bothered Troy. He missed his family but was too ashamed of his actions to go back. Rebecca just looked at him.

“You know, when I left I pulled a sword on mother and father.” Rebecca said in a very serious tone. Troy looked at her with wide eyes.

“What?” Troy nearly choked. Rebecca just ran a hand through her hair.

“Yup. They said you were dead and told me going out to look for you was useless. I told them if they didn’t get out of my way I’d cut my way through them. Finding you meant that much to me.” Was all Rebecca said. Troy was non-pulsed but she just smiled at him.

“Of course I felt terrible about it. I wrote them a letter later, telling them I was fine and I was sorry for how I acted but I wasn’t coming back until I found you. You know what they said?” Rebecca asked as she pulled her brother over to her. She grabbed his face and forced him to look at her.

“They said they didn’t care what I did. All that mattered to them was that I was safe and anytime I wanted to come back they’d welcome me back with open arms. They’ll say the same to you Troy. I know they will, and so do you.” She said softly as she gave her brother a hug. He smiled and hugged her back.

“Yes, I suppose they will. I...thank you sister.” Troy whispered as he held Rebecca close. She shed a single tear of joy as she saw traces of her old brother in the man before her and continued to squeeze him tight.

“You big dummy. I missed you.” Rebecca said quietly. For a moment the two said nothing, completely wrapped up in their own little world. Eventually they parted and continued to look about, both with smiles on their face and Rebecca tightly clutching her long lost brother. Troy smiled at her and then pointed behind her.

“Say, isn’t that your friend Sheex?” Troy asked as a very familiar man in a black coat strolled through the shop with a beautiful blue dress tucked underneath his shoulder. Rebecca waved him over.

“Hi Sheex! Shopping for Leila?” She shouted as Sheex raised his eyebrows at her. With a grin he shouted across the store as loud as he could.

“Nope! Figured I’d become a cross-dressing stripper! I’ll call myself Crystal and make my way across Althanas! What’d ya think?” Sheex shouted back as a nearby customer gave him a disgusted look.

“Guess that means I don’t have the body for it. What’re you two up to?” Sheex asked with his usual grin as he strolled over to Troy and Rebecca. The two were smiling like, well, like family. It made Sheex smile even more.

“Just browsing. Nice dress.” Rebecca answered as she pulled Troy over with her. He favored Sheex with a smile.

“Is he...always like that?” Troy whispered softly to Rebecca as he shook Sheex’s hand. Rebecca grinned.

“Yup. It makes me laugh though.” Rebecca whispered back. Troy’s face turned red but this time not with shame but with laughter.

“Me too.” He whispered softly as Sheex held out what little money he had left from Diomedes. After a quick count he held the coins out to Rebecca and Troy.

“Enough for a lunch for three. You interested?” Sheex said as he tossed the coins up in the air and expertly caught every single one in one swoop. He didn’t tell the two that he spent many nights practicing such a trick (it made a good impression on barmaids and the like).

“I’d love to! Troy?” Rebecca asked as she flashed a smile at her brother. He smiled back.

“Lead the way.” Troy said with a smile as the three headed off, all with bright smiles on their faces.

For one brief moment, all had forgotten just what would take place in two hours. At that moment Troy and Rebecca were as close as they had ever been They were family, just like they had always been.

As ludicrous as it sounded, Troy would be forever grateful to Regal for giving him that one day.

10-10-09, 12:21 PM
The day was over. The sun was beginning to set early, and the shops all began to close. The winds had picked up from the mountains, lending a chill effect over the world. Large ominous grey clouds formed overhead as the Saint of Swords marched his way to his destination upon the stone brick road. He held conviction in his eyes gripping twin blades in his hands moving amongst the masses with ease.

The madness ending was just a fight away.

He ignored people that greeted him as walked. His mind was focused solely on this battle. His mind was weary and he wanted to be done with it as soon as he could so he could move onto bigger better things. The first thing that came to mind when Regal’s body was on the ground and he was declared the winner was to hold Rebecca tightly. When Troy had calmed down about watching his friend getting the tar kicked out him he would ask his permission to marry Rebecca.

Happiness was just a fight away.

The grass swayed in the breeze helplessly. The land looked like tiny razors all trying to cut apart those foolish to walk their bladed halls. Karel adjusted his coat for warmth looking upwards at the town clock. He had two more minutes to go. He studied the terrain memorizing where every dip and bump on the grass was, thinking of tactical strategies he could employ on the fly.

His test as a warrior was just a fight away.

He unsheathed his blades, swinging them before him in a violent arc looking towards their sheen and checking how sharp the blades were. The blacksmith did an excellent job in bringing them back to peak efficiency. He was even kind enough to edge out the words etched into the blades so they stuck out brilliantly. He looked to the sword in his left hand reading the blades words. To the memory of my mother, Karla Garnet Raven. He turned to his right. In loving memory, Serra Karla Raven.

The chance to satisfy their honor was just a fight away.

He looked into the reflection of the Karla Garnet Raven twisting his head to look into the Serra Karla Raven. He saw his eyes were conflicted. The eye reflecting on his mother was prepared, excited almost, for the chance to fight this cretin who dared tarnish the foundations of family with this silly fight. It was as if Karla’s spirit was inside this blade, yearning for the chance to shed Regal’s blood for offending the concepts of family. He respected and feared that look in his eye.

Karla’s chance to teach Regal was just a fight away.

The eye reflecting from the Serra Karla Raven showed depression, and an unwillingness to fight. His spirit was dangerously close falling over the edge. He had found his thought dead sister long ago, and she had married. Her husband was none other than Vladimir Sigma, his most hated rival. When she tried to amend their problems Karel had killed her parents in law. Aggravated by this act, her husband who had lost all he loved sent thousands of dragons out to destroy Karel’s homeland. When Karel gained the upper hand in their fight upon his airship Serra intervened, crying for him to stop from killing her husband. She then revealed she was pregnant. That was when she died to Karel all over again. The look on her face, the sobs, the pain. He had killed her all over again.

Serra’s chance to shed more tears was just a fight away.

He steeled his resolve, looking upwards. Rebecca and Troy were both standing near a tree, looking at the battlefield. He wanted to go over to Rebecca, to hold her and tell her it would be alright. Comfort her and ask if Troy could end this silly nonsense. But that would offend anybody’s warrior pride. No, this fight had to happen. Karel wasn’t even sure why, but he knew he would have to.

Clarity was just a fight away.

He un-strapped the Zantetsuken from his back placing it on the ground gently as he sheathed his blades. Twisting upwards gently into the air, he turned to look at Rebecca one last time. She smiled to him, a look of confidence in her face. She whispered her love for Karel, and then gripped Troy’s shoulder softly crying. Sheex would kill Karel for making her cry. He looked around the hill noting the wanderer wasn’t even here. This is no place for Sheex anyway. He’s to soft a soul for the blood of battle. Better he miss it and hear about the end than witness it. Karel summarized.

The beginning of the end was just a fight away

Wind blew harshly against his coat, flapping out the sides and making his hair rush upwards flowing out in a heroic pose. Karel held his blades gently, feeling the leather workings around the hilt and thumbing the guard. He had made these blades an extension of his will, no, an extension of their will through him. Karla was aggressive and violent, Serra was defensive and quiet. His own skills were the ability to interpret their will in battle, making a holy trinity of the three fused together in flesh and steel.

The chance to be a family was a fight away.

Regal appeared over the hill, his body swaying in the breeze left and right slightly. He walked in the shadows of the darkness, his face no longer covered with insanity or reckless abandon. Karel was equally impressed and fearful to see he was taking this fight seriously now. He stood at the highest curve of the hill looking right at Karel and Karel alone. Nothing else in the whole world mattered to Regal anymore. A clap of thunder erupted over the mountains, the hollowed chasms echoing its ominous screech.

The band has tuned, and the symphony was about to begin.

Madness, happiness, the test of battle, honor, respect, sorrow, clarity, respect, the beginning of the end, the chance to be a family, all that and more was standing between Karel and Regal.

It was all just a fight away.

10-10-09, 12:55 PM
Regal was never more excited in his life. Every bone in his body tingle. Ever sound his heart made echoed in his ears. He was psyched and ready to begin the transformation from Demon to Saint. Soon he would have all that he lost when he gripped Tenacity in his hand. The deaths, the murders, the serenity of knowing right from wrong was all his for the taking.

Yet he knew it was easier conceived than done. Karel Raven looked impressive at that moment, the sword saints hands gripping his blades tightly. Regal was not a fool, he could fight this battle with all his usual bravado and end up face down in the dirt dead within moments. If he wasn’t he’d be royally upset with the cosmic order for making Karel the sword saint. One look at Karel, however, and the stars aligned just right. Regal knew beyond the shadow of a doubt this was going to be fight he would remember for all eternity.

“Yo!” Regal shouted over to Karel. “Can you feel it now!” Regal lifted his arms in supplication twirling in a circle on one heel laughing wildly with the wind. “Mother nature has joined our fight holy Saint. She is just as interested in this outcome as we are!” He pointed high over his head to the mountains. “Look at how the sun has lowered, but has yet to set! The moon has risen, but yet to take its place in the sky! The order of balance has halted Karel Raven! The whole world is waiting on the outcome of this fight!” Regal pulsed with excitement, laughing wildly into the air.

“Your insane.” Karel said loudly. Regal dropped his hands to the small of his back, looking upwards in contemplation.

“Insanity is an interesting concept,” Regal said to the moon. “Being called insane so many times has led me to look up the word and study it. I am fully aware of what that word means, and sadly I must inform you blessed one that I did not meet the requirements.” Karel scoffed at his words.

Regal turned on his heel pointing to Troy. “Did you know that this man is insane, Karel?” Troy gave his old friend a wary glance, noting that Regal wasn’t just pulling something out of a hat like a magic trick. “He had a friend die for him. A good friend who sacrificed his life for Troy because it made him happy. Yet Troy couldn’t grasp this notion. He couldn’t understand the gesture for the life of him. Terrified of the outcome of a brutal battle he turned tail and ran. Fled from his dreams into the waiting arms of a loving nightmare!”

Rebecca let go of Troy glaring at Regal with firey daggers for eyes. “How dare you talk about my brother in that way!”

“Why does this offend you?” Regal asked.

“He’s right.” Troy said softly looking to his feet. Rebecca looked to Troy with wide orbs of shock, and he turned away from her in his own pity. She began to cry as she gripped Troy tightly, who just held her back.

“What of your own friend, Karel?” he pointed to the sword saint with a devilish grin. “As a coward he has given into his own insanity.” Rebecca turned her head to Regal again glaring at him.

“What do you mean?” Karel asked, tilting his head in confusion.

“Sheex Deltin, a wanderer of the world. He has no strings to hold him, no cage to bind him. He goes where he wants, when he wants, and damns anybody in the process.”

“SHEEX IS A GOOD AND DECENT PERSON, MORE THAN ANYBODY CAN SAY FOR YOU!” Rebecca shouted, unable to hold her tongue as Regal bastardized her best friend.

“He’s also insane! Why do you think he goes about the world, being good to those he meets, lending a caring arm to anyone who needs it, and saying soft words of kindness when nobody else can?” both Karel and Rebecca looked to him ready to kill. “He’s so noble because he’s so guilty. He’s left behind those he loves to be free and he hides his guilt in kindness. He showers them with gifts, praise, help, whatever it takes to make the guilt of leaving a loved one behind go away. He’s insane to act this way when there is no reason to feel that way.”

“Shut your damn mouth!” Cried Rebecca, tears falling down her face. Regal clucked his tongue.

“Why, because you can’t hide fro the insanity you have?” Rebecca gave him a watery look of confusion, her hands gripping Troy’s wrist tightly. “I’m searching for my brother, help me find my brother, somebody please, have you seen my brother?” He mocked Rebecca’s tone lifting his hands under his chin in a mocking way. He pulled the down in rage as he glared to her. “How idiotic and insane a task to accomplish. Anybody, in fact I bet EVERYBODY told you he was dead! Yet despite the logic in it all you chose to be insane and look for a man who had rather been dead.”

Rebecca cried into Troy’s arm as Karel pulled both blades out angrily. “Your insane too!” Regal cried pointing an accusing finger at Karel. “You harbor such a heavy burden of guilt that I can see it from a mile away. I saw it in your eyes when we first met. Your home was torched and you could nothing, your friends were killed and you could nothing, your family burned and you could nothing! You, the holiest of Saint’s could not even scratch the problem that plagued your homeland. Yet despite the overwhelming support for you that you couldn’t have done a damn thing you still decided to act like a baby and cry about it. Every day you remind yourself of the past and cry and bitch and moan and whine to anybody who’s STUPID enough to listen to you!” Regal’s eyes burned with fiery passion.

“So I ask you, Karel Raven, who’s more insane here?” he laughed wildly. “Is it me? Or is it you?”

“SHUT UP!” Karel roared charging forward, his blades held to the sides as he ran upwards like a bolt from a crossbow. Tenacity shined in the dimming light as it slammed forward blocking both of Karel’s blades. Regal gave a little ground as he slid behind the power of the blows, but he kept his grin up the entire time.

“Look into the face of a demon, Saint.” he challenged him licking his tongue. “See the insanity of the mistake you made today!”

10-11-09, 11:05 AM
Karel’s blades whirled in a rhythm of a tornado, his body twisting to add to the momentum. His speed was increasing with each step he took, but the downside was the balance he was going to quickly lose. Still, it kept Regal moving backwards on a declining hill. Just enough of a push and the sword demon would tumble backwards end over end.

He increased his speed putting his all into the twirling dance to try to knock Regal over, but the demon of swords just howled like a banshee as mirth covered his face. Swing after swing kept Karel spinning in the same direction as if he was aiding him in this deadly dance. At last Regal planted his feet down and swung in a reverse direction, slamming into Karel’s blades.

As he had predicted his feet stumbled losing the rhythm and it was the sword saint who fell end over end. He bounced and floated for a few seconds before bouncing again. He rolled and hit a large rock sending him upwards again as his body fell at last onto the ground. He breathed in heavily slowly getting on all fours, the world spinning crazily in his eyes. Regal didn’t let up for a moment howling his war cry with blade extended outwards to thrust into Karel’s exposed side. He rolled onto his side letting the blade fly over his exposed chest. He lunged outwards with the Karla Garnet Raven nearly piercing flesh with the attack, but Regal had moved to the side skipping backwards in a ready stance beckoning for Karel to come at him.

He’s almost satisfied that he thinks he can beat me, now to reel him in a bit. Karel thought jumping onto his feet. He moved swiftly diving inwards with both blades making Regal give more ground again. This time Karel didn’t press the advantage, instead pulling his blades in making an X pattern with them. Regal looked to him oddly, softly dropping his guard. Gotcha!.

Karel exploded forward with both blades held outwards. Regal lifted his blade just in time to block the scissor like attack, but without the strength of planting his foot he easily was knocked backwards onto his rear end. He rolled with it back to his feet in a tight ball, lunging forwards like a cat with all due haste, his steel blade sweeping left and right in deadly arcs. Karel lifted each blade up defensively swiping the attacks out of the air, but his tenacity was impressive as he kept at it still floating it seemed in the air. Karel ducked a wild swing and Regal touched down jumping forwards into Karel’s body knocking him down upon the ground.

“This can’t possibly be your all!” Regal shouted in irritation. “To say I worked up a sweat would be generous, Karel.” he was on the attack again, thrusting downwards with his blade in neat, efficient stabs to end the sword saint’s life. Karel had no choice but to roll off to the side praying to gain enough room to get back to a vertical base. He was in mid roll with his back flat to the ground when he saw Regal’s blade coming right at his face. He deftly moved the Serra Karla Raven upwards, the weak gesture just enough to prevent him from becoming another notch on Regal’s blade.

The move was enough to drag Regal inwards, where Karel’s feet reared backwards and into the Sword Demon’s gut. He pushed with all his might knocking Regal down onto his knees, but the bastard was persistent brining his blade back for more stabbing motions. No choice. Karel took his blade and tapped Regal’s shoulder. “Light as a feather!” he shouted, kicking Regal again in the chest.

The sword demon howled a cry of vulgar phrases as he spun backwards into the air his blade making a whirling dervish in his top spin. He slowly floated the ground, half screaming, half laughing holding one hand onto his chest as if he just had a heart attack. “YEAH!” Regal made up his mind on how he fleet about the matter, laughing wildly again. He touched ground again and felt his weight return.

Karel was already back upon his feet and charging inwards, swinging each blade out. Regal again took the defensive, expertly blocking each sword with his. The pressure Karel was putting on him only made it that more enjoyable for the demon. His eyes were alight with passion and his mouth was splitting into his ears with the demonic grin he carried.

Another thunderclap echoed out of the mountains as the three blades collided again. Karel was impressed with Regal’s strength to hold the Saint of Swords back. Regal lifted his entire body up, bringing his foot outwards in a flash kick that caught Karel off guard. His chin exploded in pain as he felt his feet lift off the ground, his back arching backwards as he grunted in pain. The landing was worse for him, the square of his shoulders slamming into a rock. He coughed violently turning to his side quickly, trying to regain some measure of control. Regal’s boot hit him in the fleshy region of his torso knocking him back down again. The steel blade lifted to Karel’s face right beneath his chin.

Rebecca squealed in hysterics and Karel kicked upwards knocking the blade out of the sword demon’s hand. Both men scrambled to regain something; Karel his composure and Regal his blade. When both were back to a vertical base they looked to each other. Both men starred each other down for a moment as they breathed heavily.

Then Regal exploded into a fit of laughter as the sound of thunder boomed behind him.

10-11-09, 11:36 AM
“Ahhh!” Regal shouted energized by the adrenaline. “Let’s have some more fun, Karel!” Regal ducked in low with his blade swiping upwards. He lifted his leg for added strength as he brought it down vertically in a massive swing that caused the ground to rend apart. Where it struck. Karel had backpedaled away from the attack, and when Regal was exposed he lunged forward, swinging with his blades. Regal causally brought his blade up and began to block blow after blow.

“Come on, come on, come on!” Regal grunted as each blade clanged off the other. He half stepped to his right bending over as Karel’s momentum brought him forward. When his leg hit his shoulder he lifted upwards tossing Karel over his body and onto the ground. He rotated on his heel and kicked the Karla Garnet Raven out of his hand and leapt upon Karel’s body knocking the other blade out of his hand. He placed his blade against Karel’s throat and saw the look of fear in the Sword Saint’s eyes.

Every bone in his body trembled, and he could feel his heart racing. Rebecca cried out in agony, afraid to lose her lover. Regal took the blade upwards and slammed it downwards. “There you go Saint of Swords. Just like everyone else in life you underestimated me and my abilities and now you wound up dead.”

“Lesson learned.” Karel said weakly as he eyed Tenacity in the dirt mere inches from his face. Regal ripped his blade out turning his back on Karel and walked ten paces before turning around. His face was covered with a dour look like a child who’s father had let him down. Rebecca sobbed into Troy’s sleeve and the demon saw Troy’s own eyes looking to Regal with contempt.

“What are you so pissed about?” Regal shouted to her. “I spared his life this once so he can appreciate the value of it now! If your idiot boyfriend took this fight seriously he wouldn’t be scarring you half to death.” Regal snorted looking as Karel retrieved his blades.

“Regal,” Karel shouted. “It’s true, I underestimated your abilities. But now I see that you are indeed a demon of the swords.” Regal felt a twinge of pride at that. “So as a holy saint it is my duty to put demons like you down. Fear not Regal, I’ll not waste your time with this last attack.” Karel said with a sly smile. Regal looked to him in a state of confusion when suddenly Karel had disappeared from his sight. He couldn’t see where he went and even Troy and Rebecca looked in confusion. Then Regal’s world went black.

(permission granted by Zantetsuken)

Karel watched as the sword demon’s body fell to the earth in a massive thud. He hit the ground hard, but he didn’t really care. The demon was put down and he attained what he sought. An ending where nobody had to lose something. He turned to Troy and Rebecca, seeing tears in her eyes made him hurt inside. He walked over to them and Rebecca ran to him, her arms held out to hold her love. But Troy merely lifted his hand grabbing her.

“It’s okay Troy, this fight is over.” Karel said definitively. He approached them and held Rebecca tightly as the two embraced. His wounds felt better just being in her arms and he looked to Troy. “Sorry to scare you my love. But I had to play along so he would think this outcome is worthy of a finish.” Troy looked to Karel as if he was insane.

“That’s not going to work.” Troy said sadly. Rebecca looked to Troy with confusion and Karel turned to Regal. The idiot was still face down in the dirt. “He was kind enough, Karel, to spare your life just once so you would stop underestimating him. You are doing so at this moment. Regal’s tenacity is legendary.”

“The bastards in the dirt taking a nap. Tenacity or not, he lost this fight and its over. By the time he wakes up we’ll all be at the dinner table enjoying a nice hot meal forgetting this mess ever happened!” Karel said harshly to Troy.

In response all Troy did was lift a finger, and Karel looked to where he pointed and cursed. Rebecca began to cry again as Regal slowly got up.


“That was one hell of a hit.” Regal muttered spitting onto the ground. He looked up to see Karel coming back down the hill slowly and in that moment he lost all respect for Karel as he realized what just happened. “YOU STILL TAKE ME FOR A CHILD?” He was beside himself as he ran forward. Tenacity roared in the wind as it slammed down into Karel’s blades over and over again. “You thought by knocking me out I would be satisfied?” His blade slammed deeper and deeper into Karel’s personal space. “That I would be fulfilled in a fight where I lose because you knock me out?” His blade came close to Karel’s face. “YOU BASTARD! I’m never fulfilled!”

Energy built up in each swing like a grey fire forming around Regal’s body. Each strike added fuel to this fire and as he slammed into his blades over and over this energy began to coarse over him. If Regal knew of this power he didn’t seem to care for it. At last the energy reached a zenith and he slammed into Karel’s blades. Grey energy released from Tenacity in a violent spark, hitting Karel and tossing him backwards. The ground was chewed apart leaving a small crater in its midst as the thunder bellowed behind Regal.

Regal’s eyes scanned the tundra for Karel, but he felt a pair of saddened eyes look down to him. He turned his head back to see Troy looking at Regal with the same sad look he had grown to accept was his form of care. “How many do you see?” Troy asked.

To the casual observer it seemed like a silly inside joke that the two shared. But Troy was honestly asking Regal a question that would determine how deeply in trouble Karel was in.

“Just one.” Regal replied, his eyes glaring into the back of Karel as he stood up.

10-13-09, 12:15 AM
He hated Regal. He hated his attitude, his rage, his fighting style, his unpredictability, his hair, his clothes, everything. He hated the man and whatever twisted reason he fought for. He hated Regal because of his callous nature to throw a friendship away just to be the Saint of Swords. He hated Regal for his tenacity to not accept a defeat unless it was by his death. But he hated Regal for one reason more than all others:

He hated Regal because he was right.

That one revealing moment was when the fight really started in Karel’s mind; When he awoke and screamed and hollered about not being taken seriously. The resulting shockwave of energy that ripped the earth asunder was testament to his insanity to see this fight through. He stood up slowly understanding full well he was lucky to even be alive.

Clarity also meant another thing for the Sword Saint. It meant he was no longer taking pity on this monster, trying to play nice for Rebecca and spare the creatures life. Now that the rules were clearly stated in blood that the winner was only the man who killed the other Karel could fight without restrictions.

“Heart render.” Karel said plainly rushing towards Regal’s body. The demon growled at him, swinging his sword to his side up and down, grey energy coursing outwards creating sharp rending lines in the dirt churning the earth upwards. It was as if the claws of a giant cat were scraping into the earth gently as he impatiently waited for Karel’s charge.

When he was close in proximity the Karla Garnet Raven glowed with a blue aura surrounding it. The blade lifted in Karel’s hand on its own accord and aimed right at Regal’s heart. The sword demon struck wildly, swinging his sword haphazardly into Karel’s blade knocking it aside. What he didn’t expect was the Serra Karla Raven to softly glow blue and lift up to his heart in the follow up.

Steel pierced flesh as Regal bent over backwards, the Serra Karla Raven cutting along his chest making a deep incision. Crimson life bled into Regal’s shirt, blackening the red shirt more. Instead of expecting some form of defensive withdraw Regal had instead kept his back arched as he crossed his blade against the Karla Garnet Raven down to Karel’s chest.

The sword saint fell back with haste watching his shirt get ripped open. He had barely escaped the attack when Regal was up in the air again, stabbing his sword at Karel. He had began the complex maneuvers to parry the blows trying to knock them to the side, but Regal managed to keep the blade close in. At last Karel was able to parry the blow and arc his other blade in to prevent Regal from returning his blade. The sword saint shifted to his side and slammed his shoulder into Regal’s chest knocking him backwards sending the demon sprawling. He moved inwards swinging his blades dangerously close to Regal’s face.

He swung blade end over end not giving the demon a moment to regain his ground. Every now and then his blade would dart up, but it was viciously knocked to the side as Karel kept up his attack. At last Regal tripped on the same rendered earth that he created scant moments before. With this opening Karel was able to slide in stabbing at Regal’s chest again.

A single hand met and grabbed Karel’s wrist as Regal rotated up with his free hand pulling the sword saint forwards off balance. Both men grunted heavily as they fought to get back up as it was Karel who was the first to his feet. He kicked outwards like a star sport player hitting Regal’s blade and knocking it far out into plains. His other hand moved in grabbing Karel by the ankle and again he pulled in, twisting on the spot and thrusting his closed palm into the side of Karel’s knee.

He had never known what it felt like to pop his knee and now having it done forcefully he cried out in frustration. He was lucky Regal didn’t have enough strength behind him to break his leg in the move. Karel retracted his foot and tried to balance on it stumbling in the process as swung wildly to keep Regal at bay. The sword demon waited with the patience of a hunter before charging inwards and tackling Karel to the ground. His fist moved back to his face before he tried to slam it home in Karel’s exposed face. Karel had enough where with all to take the two hilts in his hands and slam them together on Regal’s face. He howled in pain as he lost his aggression instantly allowing Karel to push him off and retreat back four paces to regain his breath. His leg hurt like hell and he put an emphasis on his other leg to support him.

Regal took in a deep breath of frustration and began to laugh like a hyena, lost in his adrenaline of madness as he looked to Karel lifting his hands up. “Come on, Karel. I told you to fight me for real!” he shouted charging inwards again. Karel reversed his blades and swung forward with backhand that Regal used all his momentum to duck under. Karel twisted on the spot and brought his blade up to block his face as he felt cold steel slam against it.

Regal had ducked the blow purposely to retrieve his own blade and when he locked eyes with Karel again the fires of hatred burn deeply within them.

10-16-09, 10:42 PM
"Dear diary. I work with lunatics. It's so much fun. Blah blah blah." Sheex muttered to himself as he stood about in the only post office he could find. He reasoned that it must have been the only post office for at least thirty miles because the place was jammed pack. Thankfully he had brought reading material, although Diomedes's little black book was not exactly a page turner.

It was mostly just a collection of notes about a number of different patients. The writer, Pandarus Argives, was a psychologist of some sorts. From reading a few pages, Sheex gathered whoever Pandarus was the man was a twisted psychologist because most notes ended with how to manipulate the inmate into doing what Pandarus wanted him to do. Sheex thought the guy was a quack (no pun intended).

And the patients! Quite a few mental cases in there according to the book. The more Sheex read, the more messed up the patients became. At least the book had variety. There were murderers, attempted suicides, people driven insane with vengeance, people just plain insane...the asylum where Pandarus worked at really ran the gamut of people lacking a few things upstairs.

"Number fifty -seven! Your up!" Shouted one of the workers at the desk. Sheex looked down at his number. Sixty-two. Almost there. He knew he ought to be checking up on Karel and seeing how the duel was going but Karel was a master swordsman. That and Sheex wanted to send these presents off as soon as possible. It wouldn't do to make his family wait on anything more than they already were.

"Fifty-eight!" Shouted another worker. A fat man with a rather large package walked over while Sheex frowned. He had learned from his time observing this post office, which was going on about two hours now, that big packages took a while.

"Hey, so, I've got this friend. He's in a duel for his life right about now. I'd really like to be there to support him. Anyone wanna trade with me?" Sheex looked about as he held up his ticket. Some people gave him a weird look, most just ignored him.

"Right, been hanging out with the Saint Of Swords too long. Forgot just how stupid stuff like that sounds. How about twenty gold?" Sheex rephrased his question.

"I'll trade. I've got number sixty-seven." A man shouted out. Sheex just glared at him.

"Trying to get out of this smelly, stupid place quicker."

"Well you should have said so." The man spat back as he wandered off. Sheex just sighed.

“Number sixty-three!” A female clerk shouted. Sheex immediately stormed up to her.

“Whoa, whoa, WHOA! What happened to sixty-two? And for that matter, what happened to sixty and sixty-one?” Sheex asked. The woman just shot him a glare.

“Sixty was served when you were shouting. Sixty-one forgot her purse. Sixty-two was skipped because he’s a jerk.” Was all the woman said. Sheex’s face became a shade of red.

“Oh so I called the place stupid. And smelly. It’s not like I called either of you those things.” Sheex shot back. The woman just shrugged at him and motioned for him to move along.

“Oh come on! This is poor customer service! You can’t stay in business if you treat customers this way!”

“Actually, we’re the only post office within fifty miles. We do all right.”

“Ridiculous! I demand to speak to a manager!”

In response the woman just pointed to the sign on the top of her desk. It read “Angie Stewart, Front End Manager.” Sheex gulped in a rather comical way and ran his hands through his hair, struggling to find the words to get him out of this mess.

“I...think we got off on the wrong foot. Hi Angie! I’d really appreciate it if you could give me a hand with these packages! Might I add you’ve very pretty eyes?” Sheex said in his slickest tone possible. The woman only stared at him. Maybe his tone had been a little too slick.

“So now I’m pretty? I take it that’s because I have something you want?” The woman spat as Sheex gave her a quick once over. Long brown hair, tied in a pony tail. Rather nice green eyes hidden behind a cute pair of glasses. Somewhat small of a chest. Seven out of ten. He judged.

“Not at all! Why would you even think that?” Sheex said with a playful smile. People were beginning to turn in his direction, curious at what was going on. Not that there was much else to entertain him in this stupid place that smelled like a barn (Sheex was smart enough not to say that out loud this time).

“Only because when I wanted something you were nowhere near as nice.” The woman spat as she swiveled about on her chair. Sheex quickly became confused, although this wasn’t the first time a woman had stumped him. He was willing to bet a fortune it wouldn’t be the last either.

“Don’t remember? Does this help?” The woman muttered as she turned back and undid her pony tail as she took of her glasses. “Just picture me in a blue dress.”

Sheex stared blankly for a moment and then snapped his fingers.

“Babe at the bar. You wanted a dance.”

“Funny how I’m pretty enough now huh?”

“Oh, you were pretty enough then.”

“Then why didn’t you dance with me?”

Sheex thought for a moment. Of course, he could be honest and say he was homesick thinking of his wife but something told him if he did that he’d never get the packages sent. Plus he would also look like a total ass (compared to the jerk he was now) for dancing with Rebecca. He looked about the room and came up with the plan.

“Because, frankly, I am a moron.” There were many ways to deal with the upcoming situation. The Karel Hector Raven way would be to be all polite and proper, possibly patiently waiting but most likely pulling out some sort of super secret Saint Of Swords move that allowed him to cut in line. The Troy Priam way, from what little Sheex knew of the man, would be to look so depressed that the woman just had to cave in. Regal Burnswidth would go on a rant about how great he was, threaten the girl, threaten a random guy, rant a bit more about how great he was, forgot why he came here in the first place and run off to pick a fight.

Then there was the Sheex Deltin way.

“Allow me to rectify that mistake post-haste.” Sheex said in the most proper and upstanding serious voice he could muster. He spun about, sighting a person he saw when he entered the post office.

“Yo violin guy! Remember me? Playing tonight?” Sheex shouted across the room to a man standing about looking rather irritated while he held a violin. The man recognized Sheex and nodded at him.

“Off to work in a hour. If I can get out of here that is.” The man muttered back. Sheex just grinned and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a couple coins and flicked them across the room.

“Cool! Do a guy a favor and play something pretty for me, will ya?” Sheex said as the man caught the money. He gave Sheex a strange look and then eventually shrugged while he picked up his violin. Money was money after all.

“What are you up too?” The woman asked as she began to slowly wheel her chair away from Sheex. He just flashed a grin and grabbed her arm.

“Dancing with a babe.”

“Sir, I will ask you to ACK!” The woman never finished her sentence for Sheex yanked her up and over the desk and into his arms. The woman’s face turned bright red as Sheex spun her about.

“I am at work and I will-” Sheex quickly grabbed her, dipped her low, spun her back up into his arms and began gracefully move about to the rhythm of the violin.

“You’ll what?” Sheex asked with his usual grin.

“Get fired!” The woman shouted as she tried to pull away. Sheex allowed her to extend her arm a bit and then gave her a slight tug, spinning her back into him.

“Bah! Just tell ‘em some good-looking perv didn’t give you a choice.” Sheex said with a laugh as he swept about the room, people scattering before his wild dance.

“Don’t think I don’t see what you’re trying to pull!” The woman said as she spun about of her own will, glaring and yet smiling at the same time.

“You got me. I’m trying to impress you. Is it working?” Sheex said as he gently pushed aside and old lady as he swept in and leaned the girl low.

The glare faded. The smile remained.

A little later...

“Still got it.” Sheex said to himself with a chuckle as he strolled out of the post office as a few people clapped at his audacity while quite a few more shook their heads at his idiocy. He thought of Leila and felt a little guilty, but he figured she would be all right with it. After all, those gifts were for her and the kids. How could she be mad?

On the off chance she was mad, Sheex was prepared to man up and do some high-quality begging for forgiveness.

“That was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Sorry old chum, looks like I’m not reading you today either.” Sheex said with a laugh as he held up Diomedes’s book and fanned the pages in front of him. He frowned as the fanning came to an end. He thought he spied a familiar name on one of the pages.

The wind raced around him as he thumbed his way back through the pages. His coat fluttered about like the paper in his hands as he quickly scanned the last pages. Sheex’s frown became a grimace as he read the name on the last page of notes.

Troy Priam.

The grimace became a foul curse and as soon as Sheex read the last sentence he sped off as fast as his legs could carry him towards the duel.

10-19-09, 12:56 AM
The blades danced off each other in wild swings as steel collided against steel making small explosive like sparks light up the field like fireflies in the night. Regal’s face was unable to drop the grin of amusement as the sparks added a certain touch of menace to his features. He felt his body grow energized again and with a howl of excitement his next swing released a wave of energy that pushed Karel back across the ground in an earth eating blast.

“Is that all you got?” Regal taunted charging forward in the trail of his destruction, the simple grassy meadow torn asunder by the sword demon’s tenacity. He leapt into Karel, his blade swiping left and right matching blow for blow with the sword saint. Each time the blades connected a loud clang sound filled the air like an un-tuned instrument.

Karel pivoted one foot back and leaned forward with a rib cracking shoulder charge catching Regal off guard causing him to real backwards in the aftershock of the hit. With body exposed Karel was upon him with a violent horizontal swing from his left most blade. The sword demon’s flesh exploded in crimson as a wail of agony left his lips. The pain slowly subsided and Regal licked his wet lips in anticipation as he looked hungrily up at Karel. He was having the time of his life.

“Dance Macabre!” Regal said in a frenzy of passion. “A unique fighting style normally suited for smaller types of blades. Let’s see you sing for me Karel!” Regal stepped inwards and his blade began to strike out at increasing speeds. Soon his body was moving slowly forward as his blade jabbed, swept, feinted, parried and lunged at Karel. The sword saint was keeping up pace marvelously and Regal felt elation to find someone who could match his speed. But his exuberance was soon faltered as Karel began to lose his ability to keep up.

The sword saint took five steps back, skipping and placing both blades before him. “Holy blades of Saint Bartholomew!” Karel shouted. Golden replicas of the blades he placed before him formed in a circle around Karel, softly spinning before they picked up pace. “Come and get me!” he challenged to the sword demon. Regal licked his lips again as he charged forward, grey energy forming up around him as he laughed wildly into the air. His blade switched to his other hand and he stabbed forward into the spinning blades.

Tenacity flew upwards with a sudden jolt and Regal howled like a demon grabbing his wrist tightly. The golden blades still spun not missing a beat and Regal cursed foully his anger at Karel’s sudden trick. “Damn you!” Regal shouted as the adrenaline began to numb the pain. “What the hell was that?”

“Wrist must hurt huh?” Karel joked holding his hands out to the side and reclaiming his own blades. The golden replicas still surrounded Karel swirling to his will. “These blades come in handy when I need a quick defensive gap between me and my aggressor.” He lifted his two swords up and shrugged to Regal. “You may want to grab your blade, because I don’t think you’ll enjoy this next part.”

Regal watched as the golden blades rose up in the air, separating outwards taking places in the air around Regal’s fighting zone. He looked to find Tenacity lodged in one of his craters he made seven paces away. He knew he couldn’t make it past two steps before he was impaled. He closed his eyes and began to focus. Give me your strength parasite. he heard a deep rumbling of some primal power chuckling, and softly he felt his limbs going numb and a state of lucidity take over.

“Holy blades of Saint Knu!” Karel shouted lifting his left blade up. One golden sword darted downwards at reckless speeds, and Regal stumbled like a drunk to his right to avoid it. Another sword slammed down to the earth, and Regal twirled like a ballerina dodging that. He snaked his body, making a wave of movements as two more swords tried to impale but passing harmlessly past him. The sword demon’s body balanced on one foot and he made a half circle dodging two more blades before standing up tall as a tree avoiding another sword. He took three drunken steps back jumping in the air and corkscrewing avoiding the few remaining blades. He dropped into a tumble roll avoiding three more blades before his hand dropped upon the hilt of Tenacity. He brought the blade up bending backwards letting the golden sword run off his steel katana.

“Unbelievable!” Karel shouted. “You dodged them all!” Regal opened his eyes and felt a wave of nausea rush him. His muscles returned to feeling again and he let out a jerky spasm as his body twitched violently. He groaned in pain as he prepared his sword again watching Karel dart right at him with all due haste closing the gap quickly.

If that’s the price I have to pay then next time parasite just leave me be! Regal thought miserably as he blocked Karel’s blade. He felt his innards tremble and it was all he could do not to vomit on the spot. Karel kept his pace up and tried to move faster but Regal was able to keep him at sword’s length. At last he was able to duck an attack rotate inwards with his boot kicking the Serra Karla Raven out from Karel’s hand and out into the field yonder.

Now that both men fought with one blade Regal began to gain the upper hand. Energy began to formulate around his blade again and Karel retreated backwards. Irritated by this Regal charged after him, but the folly of his impatience soon showed itself as the sword saint stopped in mid back peddle and thrust forward. Regal was unable to hit the brakes and his upper shoulder slammed onto Karel’s blade biting deep into the muscle above his chest where the shoulder met.

Karel rose his blade upwards and a shower of blood rose into the air and Regal howled like a banshee as he dropped to his knees.

10-19-09, 01:34 AM
Regal’s downed form was all the fuel Karel needed to press his advantage, his blade hammering on the wounded swordsman like a crazed wood cutter. The Karla Garnet Raven received heavy notches on its smooth blade as he forced Tenacity lower and lower towards Regal’s face. The sword demon let out a cry of desperation unable to fend off Karel’s wrath as the sword saint moved faster and faster hacking away.

At last Regal made a gutsy move and rolled off to the side letting his other shoulder get ripped in the process. Blood pooled in the grass and Karel’s white jacket was stained in the crimson life force. He turned to press his advantage yet Regal had enough battle sense to sweep Karel onto his back. With both men down it was a scramble to see who would get back up to a vertical base first. Regal grimaced and moaned in pain as he moved back to his feet, holding Tenacity in his wounded weaker hand that nearly snapped when he tried to pierce the blades of saint Bartholomew. Karel was able to kick up to his feet and met the gaze of Regal. The lunatic was now finally starting to show wear and tear. No longer did he hold a visage of a demon. His stupid grin was now replaced with a look of concern and concentration. Blood poured out of his arms and chest and Karel was amazed the man was still standing.

“Give it up,” Karel said after a moment. “You’re about to lose both your arms and you are going to fight the Saint of Swords with a sprained wrist to hold your weapon. You have no choice but to give in, Sword Demon.”

Regal shouted a curse as he charged recklessly forward, insulted by Karel’s kind words of mercy. He sighed deeply and lifted his hands, using all his will power to open a strip of time next to Regal’s exposed flank.

Walking through a time strip was like walking into a black and white world. Everything in the world moved slower, far slower. Regal’s charge seemed like he was crawling like a snail, his mouth still held open and his eyes slowly moving to look where Karel would shortly no longer be. He noticed he still had color in this world and he marched himself next to Regal, easily walking next to the sword demon holding out his blade and cutting deep into Regal’s last good arm. He opened time and let Regal run along the edge of his blade, self serrating himself upon Karla’s steel teeth.

The sword demon shouted out in alarm and jumped to the side, rolling and crying out in pain as he lifted to one knee looking to Karel. “Damn your eyes!” Regal shouted in a blood thirsty war cry. “You and your damned magic tricks!” Karel only lifted his hand again and slowed the passing of time. Regal’s words were mouth slowly, only one syllable was getting out before he opened time again. His sword bit deep into Regal’s good shoulder, and he lifted upwards escaping out his fleshy prison with a spray of blood showering the earth like rain.

“You were kind enough to spare my life.” Karel said evenly. “I am doing the same for you now. Stand down, demon. I do not wish to kill you.” Regal fell to the ground, but instead of cries of agony he was laughing wildly like a hyena. Regal kicked around and squirmed like a snake on the ground until he reached his knees, softly standing again. With no weapon in hand he looked like a crazed lunatic in the fading sunset.

“Karel!” Regal shouted to him with a husky tone. “Come Karel!” he ran forward, laughing wildly as he did so, his arms flailing to the side. He jumped up and lifted one boot to Karel’s chest, impacting him in the ribs and dropping to one knee before cart wheeling hitting the sword saint in the chin. He continued to roll coming back up and jumping forwards hitting both feet into Karel’s chest knocking him down upon the ground. “Get up, Karel!” He taunted stomping his feet on the ground.

“You have fallen,” Karel said sadly getting back up and looking to Regal with sad eyes. He thought back to N’Gash and his talkings about a warriors pride. He thought about it now and realized that this entire time Regal Burnswidth lacked that warrior’s pride. He wasn’t fighting with his heart. Not anymore. Ever since he awoke from that dazed lucid state he had suddenly become more rigid and brash. It was as if something else was trying to run the show and the Sword Demon couldn’t decide wheter to let it take over or force it to watch. The end result didn’t really matter to Karel. One way or another Regal Burnswidth was dangerous to keep alive. He lifted his blade up to be even with his head, signaling a charge. He closed a strip of time around Regal watching the lunatic howl in wild abandon. He moved down the black and white tunnel and came out striking full force into Regal’s chest knocking the sword demon backwards into the air. He hit the ground with a thud and bounced off into a ditch that Regal created with his energy waves and his hand flailed out onto the hilt of Tenacity. Blood poured out around the Demon of Swords drenching him in his own personal crimson pool, his body lifeless and cold.

Karel watched him silently as Regal made no move. Rebecca was sobbing behind him and Karel felt his heart crumble to hear such a sound. Thunder bellowed in the mountains and he felt his heart skip at the sudden crashing sound. He looked to Regal and saw his fingers stretch out and clasp tightly the hilt of his blade. He moved his other hand outwards and used it to brace himself as he softly pushed himself back up.

“By the gods, you freak!” Rebecca shouted in terror as she clutched Troy’s arm tightly. Even Troy seemed to stir in agreement with his sister. “Stay down! Stay DOWN!” She screeched.

Regal lifted to one knee, grey energy starting to surround the hilt of his blade again. He looked upwards to Karel with hate filled eyes as blood drained down from his face and body. The miracle he was even standing baffled Karel and he could only raise his blade half way up in a defensive position. His eyes turned to Rebecca’s and he glared at her. “SHUT UP!” He shouted to her, energy exploding out the back of his hilt. Rebecca buried her face into Troy’s arm. “THIS DOESN’T CONCERN YOU!” He pointed to Karel and focused his attention on him.

“You are a fool, Regal.” Karel growled. Regal lifted his sword in a ready position. With a heavy sigh Karel raised his blade for one last final strike. He placed all his will power into once again closing a strip of time around Regal.

He charged down the strip at Regal, ready to deal the final blow and end the fight between good and evil, the Saint of Swords and the Demon of Swords. Thunder bellowed loudly as the two were close to engaging one last final time.

10-19-09, 02:05 AM
I won’t survive this charge. Was all Regal could assess. Once again the Saint of Swords had slowed the passing of time or moved like a white blur of motion. Either way he couldn’t exactly keep up with Karel in this state. Especially with a good amount of his blood pooled on the earth below his feet.

Regal felt no real regrets now that he thought about it. He had fought his hardest and it turned out he was not going to survive. That was life. In a fight their was a winner and a loser. Someone who was right, and someone who was wrong. He had always thought he was right for doing this.

He was now painfully aware how wrong he was.

He looked to Tenacity and felt the energy coarse around him like a fire. He never really knew how this energy worked, but he was aware of it. He used it to bash in Trago the Dragon’s skull, disembowel Ahk’Ran Kopesh, and even split Pierre in two. Yet the reasons behind it, the why and how it worked were lost to him. As far as he was concerned he always did it when he was about to do the death blow anyway.

And somehow Karel never died. Each energy wave would have fell a lesser man, but the Saint of Swords stood tall as a symbol of defiance. A paragon of good standing up to the virtues of evil. This sucks, Regal admitted, feeling a tear build up in his eye. I didn’t want to be wrong again.

A dark primal chuckle built up within him and before long the demon inside Regal surfaced. ”It doesn’t have to be, you know.” Regal’s face contorted in confusion. ”The answer is in your hand! When you feel excited, when you feel challenged, angered, upset or confused in battle your blade starts to glow. I fuel those emotions and allow you to wield them like an extension of your will. Each of those blasts were my doing, and you got one last blast left. No matter how fast the Saint of Swords is he won’t be able to move fast enough to block this attack!” Regal pondered it for only half a second and then howled with glee as he lifted his blade over head feeling the energy swarm around him.

“You’re mine Karel Raven!” Regal shouted laughing wildly. The blur was moments before him and he was just about to slam his blade down with all the force of a mighty tornado when he caught something out of the corner of his eye. It was Rebecca, and she was right in the path of the blast. Wait, I can’t do that! Regal panicked. The demon inside him howled in frustration. No, that isn’t right! Regal thought.

”You becoming the Saint of Swords is what is right! The winner of the fight is right! There is no wrong in rising from demon hood to saint hood! You said it yourself, this doesn’t concern her!” Regal felt the demon weighing his own arm down. He nodded softly, agreeing with what the demon said, but it was one last final look to her that sealed Karel’s fate.

He twisted his arm at the last moment, the blast of energy arcing around the white blur and running upwards towards Rebecca. The grey wave of energy tore into the earth like a stampeding elephant ripping up dirt and rocks and spewing it back out in a spray of dust and mud, the sound of a demon howling in anguish trailing in the wake. The blast was dangerously close to hitting Rebecca, but a careful pull from Troy and she was easily out of harms reach.

Karel’s blade dug deeply into Regal’s chest this time. Far deeper than ever before. But the cut moved downwards instead of upwards. When it was at his hip it moved up in a diagonal splitting up to the wounded arm. The V shape cut sprayed blood everywhere and Regal fell to the ground howling like a child in pain. ”You idiot! WHY?! You had it ALL IN YOUR HANDS! The demon shouted curse after curse, and Regal just cried out in pain as he tried to control his breathing.

It was the wrong thing to do… Regal thought weakly. The demon snorted at him, and with one last parting thought it subsided within Regal, letting him feel all the pain that it was numbing for him. ”Tch, Killjoy!

Karel looked down upon Regal, and with a satisfied nod he sheathed his blade and walked over to his other blade and picked it up, sheathing it as well. Then he walked towards Rebecca, who flung herself into his arms. A shadow covered Regal’s face, and he looked up to see Troy standing there before him. He had his sad face on, and he even looked to had a tear in his eye. Regal couldn’t really tell.

“Hiya.” Regal said weakly. Troy looked down upon the Demon of Swords with a sad smile.

“Hello, Regal.” Troy said softly. “You…You fought valiantly.” Regal wished he could blush, but he was bleeding out of his chest something fierce at the moment so he didn’t dwell on that.

“Ya, I did…didn’t I?” Regal chuckled and coughed. “I…pushed him to the limits…but shit I ate that last blow…” He coughed some more. Troy knelt down reaching into his coat for something, but Regal coughed harder. “No…No don’t.” Regal said determinedly before falling into another coughing fit, blood escaping his lips.

“Regal try not to move.” Troy said softly. Regal just shook his head.

“Heh, never thought that you…” he coughed again. “Would,” he gulped deeply and coughed some more. “See me on the ground…in a pool of my own blood…” he coughed two more times. “Did you?” Troy shook his head. “The Demon of Swords…has at last been defeated…fitting isn’t it?” He looked over to Karel and Rebecca, seeing them embrace and kiss. He began to think of Tracy as he looked to the writing on his coat. “Bested by…the holy…Saint…of…Swords…” He looked up to Troy, and remembered all the times they had.

He remembered meeting him in some run down prize fighting arena, in a fat don’s office killing his gaurds and running off to some cavern. There they fought hundreds of zombies and undead fiends to reach a portal to the Black Archipeligo. There they fought together to stave off hundreds of dragons only to survive and be shipped off to an Insane Asylum. They fought their way out of there, covering each other’s backs while they went to Emprea. There they were drafted and fought back to back on the walls of a helpless fort, fighting off Carthage soldiers one by one. Then he remembered the trip to this land, the talks and the opening up. His memories with Troy had been fond, and it was at this moment he realized just how foolish he had been in the past.

He coughed violently as he looked to Troy and realized the pain in his troubled eyes.

“Troy,” Regal said sternly, his hand lifting up and grabbing Troy’s wrist tightly. “Don’t worry…” he coughed. “Alas…I am fulfilled.” Regal felt his entire being heave once, and with a shudder he closed his eyes.

A few soft breaths lifted from his chest, and with one final sigh so feint that only Troy could hear it, Regal Burnswidth, The Demon of Swords, passed into the sunset as the moon took its place in the sky. "Liar..." Was all Troy said.

10-19-09, 04:17 AM
“Oh Karel, what have you done?” Was all Sheex said as he appeared at the end of the duel. He had arrived too late to stop what he knew would cause things to spiral out of control. Regal lay dead, Troy was standing at the fallen man’s side motionless. Karel and Rebecca were in each other’s arms and both of them were giving Sheex a confused look.

“It’s not his fault Sheex! Regal wouldn’t stop! Karel gave the man every opportunity but the fool just wouldn’t take no for an answer!” Rebecca shouted the worry clear on her face. Worry for Karel, which made sense given what the man just went through.

“I tried Sheex. The man was a psycho. Trust me, I don’t like it but this ending is for the best. That man would have hounded me until the day he died, his insane obsession causing-”

“BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!” Sheex screamed, cutting Karel off. Karel was taken aback, Rebecca was puzzled. She looked at her friend with concern.

“Sheex, I don’t like it but he is right. Regal was a-”

“For the love of God Rebecca, BE QUIET!” Sheex screamed again. He had only raised his voice in anger towards Rebecca once before, back when she thought he was nothing but a perverted drunk and he thought she was nothing but a stuck-up ice queen. The result of Sheex’s anger was the exact same as it had been then; Rebecca was shocked into silence. Karel released Rebecca and moved towards Sheex.

“Careful what you say wanderer.” Karel whispered softly. Friend or not it was clear that Karel did not appreciate Sheex’s tone. Much to Karel’s surprise, Sheex glared back at him.

“Careful what I say? How about careful what you do Karel? Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Sheex said with a wild gesture of his hands, unable to keep his emotions fully under control. Karel looked confused. That was understandable but still a major problem.

“I killed a man who would have killed me in a heartbeat and made all of our lives a living hell to fulfill his mad desire. I do not regret it.” Karel said softly. Sheex smacked his own forehead.

“Karel didn’t do anything wrong Sheex. What, did you want Regal to win?” Rebecca said with no small amount of sarcasm in her voice. This time when Sheex looked at her it was with pain-filled eyes. That was enough to silence both Karel and Rebecca, for Sheex’s eyes were always flashing with a carefree joy that only he ever seemed to be able to attain. When those bright brown eyes were turned sad, something was desperately wrong with the world.

“Why...why do you two think that this is about me? Can neither of you see beyond the battlefield?” Sheex whispered softly. Both Karel and Rebecca gave Sheex a puzzled look but it soon dawned on Rebecca just who Sheex was worried about.

“Oh my god! Troy!” Rebecca said as she spun around to find her brother. Alone the man stood, his new white coat fluttering with the wind as the clouds grew dark over his head. The man was motionless beside Regal’s body. He said not a word nor did he even given any indication that he had been paying attention to what Karel and Rebecca had said.

Sheex was certain that Troy had heard every last word.

Rebecca made a move towards Troy but to her surprise Sheex had already crossed the field and was next to Troy. Sheex was approaching Troy cautiously as if any rash action on Sheex’s part might send Troy spiraling over a cliff.

“Troy...Troy...I’m sorry for your loss.” Sheex said softly. Troy didn’t turn to face Sheex, and when he spoke Sheex could clearly hear the ice that was slowly seeping into Troy’s voice.

“Sheex...did you manage to send those packages of yours?” Troy said soft enough so that only Sheex would hear his words. Sheex nodded as Rebecca made her way to her brother, Karel hung back still not entirely sure what was going on.

“Yeah. Took a while too. Hey, it looks its about to rain. Why don’t you take your sister inside? She’ll catch a cold.” Sheex said in a tone that made it sound like he was pleading with Troy. In actuality, he was.

“It would be ill of me to leave Regal like this.” Troy stated softly. Rebecca moved forward and placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder.

“Sheex’ll take care of it. Won’t you Sheex?” Rebecca said as she looked to her friend. The worry on Sheex’s face was clear and that made Rebecca all the more worried. She still hadn’t figured out why Sheex was worried but it was very clear just who he was worried about.

“There is something I can do for Regal that Sheex, alas, cannot.” Was all Troy said. He had yet to turn to face any of them, his eyes locked upon the body of the fallen.

“Troy, you’re hurting. I’ll help you through this. We’ll bury Regal together.” Rebecca said as she pulled her brother over to her. He did not resist her grip yet he remained motionless as he was pulled along. His eyes never broke from Regal.

“Sheex, what’s wrong?” Karel quietly as he walked up behind Sheex. The wanderer just turned to stare the Saint Of Swords while Rebecca tried to break Troy out of the trance he was in.

“How much...how much do you know of Troy’s past?” Sheex asked quietly. Karel shrugged slightly in response.

“Rebecca told me a bit. She wasn’t very specific though. His friend died saving him.”

“Right Karel, his best friend.”

“That’s not easy.”

“He was in command of about ten to twenty soldiers in a war. They’re all dead. All of them.”

“Sheex, where are you going with this?”

“He served in an army. His army lost badly. We’re talking completely annihilated badly Karel. Troy lived because his friend Hector shielded Troy from a hail of arrows with his own body. Everyone under his command was killed, including his best friend.”

“That’s painful.”

“Too painful. He couldn’t bear the pain. He couldn’t face the families of his men. He couldn’t bear to see the look on Hector’s mother’s face when he told her he only lived because her son died. He just couldn’t take the pain. He ran away, letting everyone think he was dead. His mother, father, and everyone save his sister who wouldn’t believe it.”

“I still don’t see what any of this has to do with Regal.”

“The guilt Karel. The guilt of being the only survivor. The guilt of not being able to save a friend. And the shame. The shame of knowing you let everyone down. These things have plagued him endlessly ever since that day.”

Karel stared at Sheex, still not sure where the man was heading. He heard Rebecca saying something to Troy but he heard no response from the man. Whatever Sheex saw Karel just couldn’t see. Sheex just shook his head.

“You don’t understand. You don’t understand because you’re trying to compare it to your own tragedy. You can’t do that Karel. They’re not the same.” Sheex said softly, making sure that Troy heard not a word he was saying. Then again, the man had yet to take his eyes of Regal. Rebecca was getting worried but Sheex knew Karel had to understand just what happened.

“My home was burned. Many died. For all my talents I couldn’t save my own home. Thousands upon thousands of innocents died. You’re right Sheex, it’s not the same. It’s a lot worse.“ Karel shot back. Sheex frowned at his friend.

“Yes, thousands did die. Now tell me, how many lived?”

“How should I know?”


“I don’t know okay! A thousand? Maybe more?” Karel said, exasperated at this whole stupid scenario and angered at being reminded of the loss of his home. Sheex pressed onwards anyway.

“A thousand. That’s a thousand friends to fall back on. A thousand people to tell you it’s okay. A thousand people to show you that you are not alone. Troy had no one. For two years he was alone with his guilt and shame. Alone until Regal.”


“Look, I didn’t like the guy. But Karel, Regal was Troy’s only friend for two years. Yeah, they probably never admitted it and they may not have even realized themselves but I assure you they were friends. Whether he meant to or not, Regal helped Troy bear the burden of his sins just by being there. Just like...just like Rebecca and I do for you, right?” Sheex’s words rang true and Karel began to see just why Sheex looked so pained. Sheex instantly notice the change in Karel as well. The man’s confusion turned to realization, realization turned to worry.

“And I just killed his only...” Karel couldn’t finish the sentence. His eyes flew to Troy who still had not said a word. Rebecca had turned Troy about to look at her but all her efforts had accomplished nothing.

“Yes Karel! You just killed the only friend he’s had since the day he lost everything! Karel, I don’t like to fight. Hell, I hate it. But Karel, if someone slew Rebecca or you right in front of my eyes what do you think I’d do? What would you do?” Sheex asked as Karel’s face grew pale.

“Avenge your death.” Karel whispered under his breath.

“TROY NO! DON’T DO IT! PLEASE DON’T DO IT!” Rebecca screamed as Troy pulled away from her. Sheex and Karel heard Troy say something but they couldn’t hear it. All they managed to hear was but a single word.


“OH GOD! TROY DON‘T DO IT! DON‘T MAKE ME CHOOSE!” Rebecca screamed falling to her knees. Karel made to help her but found Troy in his way. It was easy to see that Troy’s wounds from his previous fight had not yet healed. His walk was slow and unsteady, even shaky at times. Yet he walked tall and proud, determined on his path.

“Troy...” Karel said, involuntary taking a step back. Troy’s ice blue eyes pierced into Karel driving him away from Rebecca. Lightning flashed across the sky as the wind picked up as if it were a herald to what would happen next.

“Karel Hector Raven...” Troy said so that all could hear him. Sheex tried to cut him off.

“Troy, don’t do this man! This won’t solve anything!” Troy heard the words but did not stop.

“I challenge you...” Troy continued.

“SHEEX! STOP THEM! I CAN’T BEAR THIS!” Rebecca yelled, tears streaming down her face.

“Your sister Troy! She’s crying! Don’t you care?” Sheex shouted, desperatly trying to stop something he knew he was powerless to fight.

“For the title...” Troy’s word cut through the air like a knife.

“Damn it man! Calm down and think about what you’re doing! You’re tearing her heart apart!” Sheex screamed, trying to reach a man who had finally snapped under too much guilt and shame. Sheex’s words were falling on deaf ears.

“Of Saint Of Swords...” Troy’s last words echoed throughout the night. Nothing else was heard, save for the cries of Rebecca Priam.

‘What...what did you say?” Karel said, his face showing more fear than it had during his entire fight with Regal.

“Karel Hector Raven, I challenge you for the title of Saint Of Swords.”

10-20-09, 01:48 AM
Never again.

That was the promise he made to himself when fighting Diomedes. Never again would a friend die alone. Never again would a friend's dreams be smashed to pieces while Troy stood by his side. Never again would Troy abandon those he cared about. Never again.

Regal wanted the title of Saint Of Swords. Then so be it. Troy would take that title and place it on Regal's grave as the first and last gift he ever gave his fallen friend. Two drops of rain fell on Troy's coat signaling that the storm would start soon.

"No! I won't fight you!" Karel shouted as Troy took another step forward. Troy just shook his head and smiled his usual sad smile.

"You and I know that's not how it works. By the title you carry, you must accept my challenge. Believe me, Regal has told me all I could ever possibly want to know about your title. You must accept." Troy said as Rebecca sobbed. It pained him so to hear that sound but his course was set. There would not be another dead friend on his conscious.

"You’re in no condition to fight me!" Karel shot back. Troy just continued to look at him with his cold eyes.

"I believe we are about equal actually. You have a few wounds yourself." Troy said as he pointed at the cuts that Regal had inflicted on Karel. Karel just shook his head.

"We're nowhere close to equal! No matter how much you try and hide it, you can barely walk without falling over! It...it would be an insult to the title of Saint Of Swords to fight a man in that condition! I refuse!" Karel screamed, desperate for a way out of the upcoming fight. Troy just kept his eyes locked on Karel.

"So your only complaint is my condition?" Troy said softly. Karel, desiring a way out of the match, nodded in agreement. Troy just shook his head and reached into his coat.

"So be it. These were for Regal but I will make use of them myself. I suppose in a way they will still benefit him for they will allow me to give to him his beloved title." As Troy spoke he took out the two magic crystals he had stolen from the doctor's office. Troy didn't add that he believed that Regal didn't want them because Regal didn't want to live on anymore if he had to remain a demon. Troy could identify with that type of hopelessness.

"Sheex...please do something! I can't...I CAN‘T TAKE THIS!" Rebecca sobbed as Troy plunged the crystals into his stomach. He instantly felt a strong surge of magic course through his veins. He lurched violently and coughed as the magic raced through him, instantly restoring him to perfect health. But there was much more magic than just that. He jerked violently as the extra magic swept around him in the form of a eerie blue light. He stumbled about, his body reacting violently to the magic that did not belong to him. His head swam in confusion, his body refused to obey his commands.

Troy thought he was about to die.

But he steadied himself, gripping the magic around him and bending it to his will. Like he had told Sheex earlier there would be a price to pay for over-dosing on the magic but that didn't matter. What mattered was that he was back at full health and then some. The magic coursed through his veins, granting access to attacks he had only begun to think of.

The Saint Of Swords was in for a surprise.

With a bit of a smile Troy raised his right hand out, commanding the magic that surrounded him as he did so. Before him the magic gathered together. It obeyed his every command and as he moved his hand about a beautiful sword of blue crystal appeared. He studied to magic blade in front of him for a moment then dismissed it, shattering the blade into pieces which soon evaporated.

He was ready.

"I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!" Sheex screamed as he ran in front of Karel and grabbed Troy by his coat. Caught off guard and still slightly unsteady from the magic he had injected Troy found himself pulled away from Karel as Sheex yanked him along.

"Damn it Troy! If you fight Karel then Diomedes wins! Do you want that?" Sheex said as he shook Troy violently. Troy just smiled sadly.

"Someone who has lost a loved one never wins Sheex. They may achieve their goal but I assure you, if you lost someone you cared about in the process you never win." Troy stated sadly as Sheex shook him again.

"So what? You're just gonna give in then? Fight and kill? Damn it, is that all you people know how to do?" Sheex shouted as Troy gently but forcefully brushed Sheex's hands away from him. Then he leaned in close to Sheex so that only the wanderer could hear him.

“I take it you have read Pandarus’s book since you know so much.” Troy whispered softly. Sheex gave a slight nod as Troy looked at him. Sheex was a good man. Troy did not want to involve him in this. He would not harm his sister’s best friend but he needed to ensure that Sheex did not get involved. Fortunately, Troy knew a thing or two about Sheex that he could use to his advantage.

“You have a family. You promised to return to them. If you interfere in this battle that promise may be broken. Do not break your promise to your loved ones.” Troy said softly. Sheex just glared at him defiantly.

“Then don’t be the one to make me break that promise.” Was all Sheex said. Troy sighed and reached for his sword. Sheex instantly took a step back but Troy wasn’t worried. There was still one more way to deal with Sheex Deltin.

“SHEEX DELTIN! STAY OUT OF THIS!” Troy screamed with the most emotion he had shown since his fight with Diomedes. As he screamed he summoned the magic around him and whipped out his sword. He slashed the air before him sending out a gray shock wave across the ground much like Regal had done earlier. Troy knew his shockwaves were far weaker but they would serve their purpose. Regal could kill with his, Troy could only push someone over. The wave was intensified by the magic around Troy but it would not be lethal. Troy wasn’t even aiming at Sheex anyway.

Wood was ripped from the tree next to Sheex as the shockwave slammed into the tree, leaving a clear cut against the wood. Sheex’s eyes went wide and Troy saw both Rebecca and Karel start towards him, but before they could do a thing Troy sheathed his sword and walked over and gently placed his hand on Sheex’s shoulder.

“Please Sheex. If you have read that book you know the guilt I bear. I cannot suffer another burden like Hector’s death. This is something I must do or I will be haunted forever. Sheex, I am begging you for both your sake and mine. Stay out of this.” Troy said to Sheex who was still visibly shaking for the blast that had raced by him. Sheex recoiled slightly but eventually nodded his head. Whether he did so because he understood Troy or because he was scared of not seeing his beloved Leila again Troy could not tell nor did he care. The important thing was that Sheex would come to no harm.

“Thank you Sheex Deltin. What...what is your daughter’s favorite food?” Troy asked quietly. Sheex stared at the man dumbly as a small smile crept across Troy’s face.

“I am just curious. Please, I want to know.” Troy asked as Sheex nervously shrugged his shoulders.

“Marshmallows. Nami loves marshmallows.” Sheex said softly so Karel could not hear him. Troy was thankfully talking low enough so that Karel could not hear anything he said, which was good because in Sheex’s opinion Karel had enough to deal with at the moment. Surprises could wait for later.

“Marshmallows. Ha. That’s cute.” Troy said sincerely as he left Sheex and walked over to Rebecca. She was on her hands and knees in tears. Five more rain drops landed on Troy’s hand as he knelt down and pulled his sister.

“Sister, sister, sister. I am so sorry to cause you pain but this is something I must do.” Troy said sadly as Rebecca looked at him. Their faces were but five inches from one another and Troy could hear every painful heartrending sob that escaped her lips.

“But why? I...I love him.” Rebecca pleaded. Troy just brought his sister in close and gave her a hug.

“Because I did nothing the last time.” Troy whispered softly. The reference was obvious. He was talking about Hector’s death.

“But...but...” Rebecca started but Troy just held a finger to her lips, silencing her as she continued to sob.

“But you love him. I know. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” Troy said as he leaned in close and whispered something into Rebecca’s ear. She was instantly taken aback and jerked upwards as she stared at Troy with wide eyes. He stood up, kissing her on the forehead as he did so. He turned to face Karel but Rebecca grabbed his coat and stopped him.

“You...you promise?” Rebecca choked out as Troy turned his gaze upon her. It was the softest, most kind gaze she had ever seen in her life. As Troy looked upon her with his loving eyes that shone only to her, she knew he loved her more than anything else.

“I promise. And unlike my past promises, I swear I shall keep this one. No matter what.” Troy said softly as Rebecca nodded, effectively giving Troy permission to continue. That was something that stunned both Sheex and Karel, although it shouldn’t have. She loved Troy just as much as he loved her; what else could she do?

“Another favor Sheex. Watch over my sister for me.” Troy said as he squeezed his sister’s hand and moved it away from his coat. He saw Sheex nod his head at him, causing Troy to smile as he walked by Sheex towards Karel.

“If I was the great Sheex Deltin...the first thing I would do when I got home...would be to eat a whole bag of marshmallows.” Troy whispered to Sheex with a smile as he crossed over to Karel. The two locked eyes as Troy reached for his sword.

“We are ready. My health problem is solved and there will be no interference.” Troy said as another eight drops of rain fell onto his hair. Karel glared at him with no small amount of anger.

“We are not ready! This can’t happen!” Karel shouted back as he waved his arms around in frustration. Troy’s eyes became ice cold as he gazed upon Karel, the love of his sister and his fondness towards Sheex evaporating from him in an instant.

“It must happen. I don’t have a choice.” Troy spat back.

“Don’t have a choice! What kind of bull-” Karel never finished his statement. Troy whipped out his blade and pointed it accusingly at Karel.

“You have no right to speak to me of choices Sword Saint!” Troy shouted, his tone dripping with anger and sarcasm. “I will not be lectured about choices by one who has brought pain on thousands of innocents due to his bad ones!”

“What are you talking about?” Karel shouted, his anger level clearly rising. In Troy’s book that was a good thing. That meant Karel would fight, which was all part of the plan.

“I told you, Regal told me all I could ever want to know about the Saint Of Swords. I was there too as your home burned. Tell me, who lead the dragons against Black Isle?” Troy said as he held his sword in front of him, his reflection shinning in the steel of the sword.

“Vladimir Sigma.” Karel responded, his voice dripping with hate at the very mention of that man’s name. Troy only nodded and smiled almost cruelly.

“Your nemesis. Yet I cannot help but wonder, if he is your nemesis why not just fight him one-on-one? I wonder as well what did you do to him to cause him to burn your home?” Troy asked, his ice blue eyes flaring not only with a bit of anger but a bit of curiosity as well.

Karel said nothing but silence was more than enough for Troy.

“Not going to answer? Fine, it does not matter anyway. But I would be willing to bet your coveted title that it was a sin not against him but against something or someone he loved greatly.” Troy’s eyes pierced through Karel. Whether or not Karel ever told Troy the reason behind Black Isle’s destruction was irrelevant. All that mattered was that Troy was right, and he knew that he was.

“Not very saintly Sword Saint. Come to think of it, I didn’t really see much swordplay when you fought Regal either. Most of what I saw was magic tricks. What a poor Saint Of Swords, neither saintly nor a swordsman.” Troy said with a smirk as Karel shook violently at the insult. Troy crouched low, clearly signaling he was about to attack. The final battle for the title of Saint Of Swords was about to begin.

After all of its patient waiting the rain finally decided to fall from the clouds in earnest. It began as soon as Troy swung his sword, signaling the final battle for the Saint Of Swords had begun.

10-20-09, 03:07 AM
“Has everyone lost their damned MINDS!?!?!” Karel shouted as he watched Rebecca consent the battle with a teary faced nod of her head. Sheex was also in a stupor after his conversation with Troy and the Saint of Swords was amazed at whatever charming tongue he had to convince them that it was ok to fight Karel. “This is madness, Troy!” Karel shouted again pointing his finger at Troy. He watched as the man flicked one hand in his hair, pushing the locks aside as the rain poured down the both of them.

“Show me, Karel,” Troy said softly. “Show me you are truly a Saint of Swords.” he sassed as his weapon held his blade aloft. Karel looked to Rebecca who looked to Troy. Sheex was next to her holding her hand as she gripped it tightly. With a snarl of confusion and frustration he charged recklessly forward with both blades in hand.

Steel collided into steel as the Karla Garnet Raven and the Serra Garnet Raven rebounded off Troy’s saber. Each strike caused a spark as the two moved in a rhythm of mayhem. Yet Karel was only venting his frustrations on Troy, not actually trying to cause the man harm. Troy took a deep step back drawing in Karel’s blades and lifting his arm upwards pushing them to the side. He followed in with a punch that sent the Saint of Swords reeling backwards a few hazy steps before he refocused.

“I sense hesitation.” Troy commented. “Your blade can never pierce my flesh if you can’t stop hesitating.” Troy brought his blade back into his stomach and then thrust out. Karel lifted both blades up trapping Troy’s blade with the top of the X pattern and the two warrior’s stepped into each other. As they met Troy’s freehand yet again his Kael in the face and he followed with a knee to his stomach. With all his strength leaving his body Karel’s blades were easily slammed to his sides as Disillusioned hit him in the back of the head. He collapsed to the ground like a sack of bricks and groaned in pain.

“You know,” Troy said softly kicking the Serra Karla Raven. “I always believed that if you can’t accomplish something with one sword, than why bother at all.” With a violent kick the weapon went soaring out of Karel’s hand. Another boot went to stop on Karel’s face, but the Saint of Swords managed to roll to the side and avoid the attack. Mud splashed into his face and he fought with the earth to get it off his eyes and out his mouth. Troy followed through with another earth quaking stomp that Karel barely avoided.

Karel managed to roll to his feet and lifted his blade up to block Troy’s weapon as he pressed with both hands on the back of the hilt. Troy gave him one menacing look before dropping back a solitary step and kicking Karel this time in the chest. He heaved at the impact feeling his ribs impact tightly from the hit and he found it hard to breath. Troy grabbed Karel’s arm and picked him up tossing him before him like a drunk.

The Saint of Swords pivoted one leg rotating with the throw knocking Troy off balance. He pushed his hand into the back of the lunatic warrior’s skull pushing him into the ground and onto the mud face first. Troy coughed violently as he wiped the sludge from his eyes while Karel retreated a few steps to get his bearings. Both warriors looked to each other as the wind picked up sending more rain down upon both of them. Troy’s hair let a single strand fall to cover one of his eyes, and Karel felt his own hair intruding upon his right eye.

“I have yet to see you do any sword play Karel!” Troy mocked. Karel grinded his teeth at the insult to his pride and honor. Rebecca’s brother or not he was walking a very thin line and Karel was close to snapping.

Troy made the next move as he dove in with a swift horizontal strike. Karel lifted his blade up and parried the blow getting one step closer in. Troy brought his weapon back with swift short swings to keep Karel away, but the Saint of Swords used his Katana’s fatter blade to soak up the meager blows so he could encroach upon Troy’s personal zone.

The saber was like a rapier in the regards that it needed a medium area of attack zone to operate effictevly. Too far and the swings wouldn’t be able to rebound in time to block anyone swift enough to charge in, too short and the blade wouldn’t have any power behind it to do lasting damage. Troy knew that Karel was trying to close the gap and he retreated in simple step patterns to keep a form of offense while not giving Karel the room he needed to make his Katana worth anything. At close quarters the Katana would only need a few cuts to end the match. Two unique styles of weapons and two unique fighting patterns to go with them made this fight a truly amazing spectacle to see.

Karel at last found his advantage when Troy’s foot tripped on a piece of overturned earth from one of Regal’s many shockwaves. He was able to close the gap and he brought his weapon down in a deadly arc. Troy knew his blade wouldn’t be able to block the blow, but he only grinned as he grabbed Karel’s wrist and tossed the attack to the side.

“You have no desire in your swings Karel!” Troy chastised him. “I already told you your hesitation will not allow you to cut my body!” He kicked Karel back and did a zig zag of quick strikes that barely grazed Karel’s chest ripping his clothing to pieces. He raised his hand to his face wiping some of the rain off. “Is this some sort of Saintly ritual…to underestimate your opponent or go into the start of a fight half heartedly?” he let out a snort of sarcastic amusement. “Amazing you are still alive today.”

Karel gripped his sword tightly and felt his heart twinge as his pride was raped in front of him. He had to show Troy the error in fighting him no matter the cost. He ran forward with his blade held ready. Troy met each strike with his saber and the two weapons roared like lions as they slammed off against each other. Troy locked his weapon with Karel’s and his fist dove outwards to meet with the Saint of Swords face.

Thinking quickly, Karel rose his hand to grab Troy’s wrist and he pushed it downwards onto the dull side of his blade. Troy cringed in pain and Karel was able to push him over bringing his weapon down in an arc spraying blood into the air.

Rebecca screamed bloody murder as she saw Troy take a few steps back clutching his chest. He lifted his weapon to prevent Karel from moving closer inspecting the wound quickly.

“Shallow.” Was all Troy said. His blade flicked up and rolled over Karel’s katana and he swiped upwards grazing Karel’s chin. Blood pooled with the rain on his face and Karel retreated two steps to regain his composure. “Just like that. You hit me and I didn’t even let it phase me. I now drew blood on you Karel just as you just did to me. There was a difference though, Sword Saint.” he spoke with venom in his tone. “I struck without hesitation, without regret. You struck me, you cut me with sorrow and sadness. Pathetic really. You did nothing to me I wouldn’t receive if I tripped on my own two legs.”

“Maybe I’m trying to be polite.” Karel gritted his teeth. “Maybe I’m just trying to be the only sane person in this dump and see the idiocy of what is going on.” Troy looked to Karel with hate filled eyes.

“Oh?” he mused. “If I remember correctly you were the insane one.” Karel felt his ire boil over.

“The word of that idiot means nothing to me! Look, I’m really sorry Troy that I killed your only friend, but all in all I think this world would have been a far better place without Regal Burnswidth to sully it. He was like a dog that barked at whatever moved and attacked anything it saw. He was just an idiot and he died an idiot’s death.”

Karel never saw the blade move. He was clutching his chest as blood pooled out from the arc of the attack. It was so swift he wasn’t sure if some magic was behind it. Yet he dropped to his knees all the same as he cried out in pain. Troy’s eyes were covered with malicious intent as he looked down upon Karel with disgust.

“We are in the middle of a fight, Karel Raven. There is no time in a fight to stop and monologue. So shut your mouth about things you don’t understand and fight!” His blade moved in a deadly arc, swiftly again. It was only pure instinct and years of fighting that he was able to lift his blade in time to dodge the attack. Troy kept up the pressure slamming his saber forward and side to side in violent arcs. Karel’s words had hit a chord within Troy Priam and the knight attack all the swifter to avenge his fallen friend.

Troy brought his blade inwards for another swing, but Karel grabbed Troy by the wrist and pulled him forward, lifting his knee and hitting his opponent full in the stomach. Troy was unable to regain his awareness as Karel turned on the spot cut Troy across the side of his body. He grunted in anger and frustration as the blade pierced his flesh and he swung wildly to the side to get Karel away from him.

The two stood off again before charging in and engaging in another struggle, steel weapons bouncing off one another. They locked weapons at the hilt and both men pushed with all their might to knock the other one over. As they continued to stalemate Karel felt his ire rise and he took his hand and punched Troy square in the mouth. He fell back grabbing his mouth in pain and Karel lifted two fingers up and sized Troy in between the digits. He struck lightening fast at Troy, his blade howling in the wind as rain splashed off the surface of the blade. His saber lifted to meet the blow and he rotated inwards getting ready to punch him back, but Karel was gone.

Startled by this he looked to find Karel’s foot slamming into his chest. He doubled over and prepared to block a follow up, but Karel was on the opposite side of where he attacked. His blade pushed down hitting Troy on the side with the flat edge of the weapon knocking him over. As he was about to hit the ground he felt two boots hit him square between the shoulders pushing him forwards and into one of Regal’s trenches.

Karel stood above the fallen knight with disdainful eyes. “You wanted to fight for my title,” Karel shook his head as if he was troubled by all this. “Fine.” Karel huffed giving into Troy‘s desire for a fight. “Then expect me to defend it with all the skill I have.” he said flatly leveling the blade to Troy’s body.

10-20-09, 02:41 PM
"I have yet to see any skill from you at all." Troy muttered as he picked himself up off the ground, wiping away chunks of mud from his face as he did so. Karel raised his eyebrows as Troy lifted his saber and stabbed it at Karel's chest.

"All I see are parlor tricks!" Troy shouted as Karel blocked the stab with his sword. Troy quickly flicked his sword to the right moving Karel's katana out of the way. Troy managed to plunge his saber into Karel's shoulder before the man moved like a blur again and appeared at Troy's left side.

Troy's side stung as Karel's blade ripped into his side. Troy swung about to compensate but Karel was already behind him moving far faster than Troy could possibly keep up with. Karel slashed at Troy's back and while Troy stumbled from the blow Karel appeared in mid-air before the man and landed a solid kick to Troy's face that sent the disgraced knight spiraling to the ground.

"Call them what you want. Regal couldn't overcome them and neither can you." Karel as Troy squeezed the hilt of his sword tightly. Red in the face he rose, his icy eyes locking onto Karel. Troy's lips broke into a slightly sickly grin.

"No, Regal couldn't overcome our friendship." Troy said as he sheathed his sword and began to wipe the mud from his clothes. Karel looked shocked, both from Troy's actions and his words.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Karel demanded, keeping his distance from Troy.

"It means Regal lost only because he cared for me. He knew my love for my sister and would not sacrifice her for the title. Ironic, no?" Troy said as Karel's face grew red. Forsaking his time magic Karel rushed at Troy with his katana. Troy whipped out Disillusioned at blinding speed and slashed Karel across the chest forcing him back.

"That madman cared for nothing but himself!" Karel shouted as the rain poured down upon the two, washing the mud from their clothes.

"His last wave could have connected, you know? But it would have plowed through you and into my sister. He arced at the last second, missing you and allowing me to pull my sister to safety." Troy said as Karel's face became red with rage.

"You lie!" Karel spat, this time using his time magic to appear at Troy's side. Troy drew and slashed with Disillusioned as fast as he could but even the extra speed from the draw could not make up the difference. Troy's arm received a cut as Karel blurred and appeared five feet behind Troy.

"What for? To play with your mind? How do you think my mind feels knowing my friend lost because of his love for me? Not that I am not thankful. I am eternally grateful for his sacrifice actually." Troy muttered as Karel blurred again.

"Shut up!" Karel shouted as he appeared at Troy's right. This time Karel forsook his sword and opted to simply punch Troy in the face. Troy reeled from the blow and moved to counter but The Saint Of Swords was already safely away.

"Be more careful with your accursed time magic! You can slow time to a crawl but apparently you still can't take the time to look was around! It is a poor lover who recklessly puts his love in danger Sword Saint." Troy spat as Karel blurred again. Another blow to Troy's side and Karel was safely away.

"I did no such thing!" Karel shouted.

"Give it up Troy! You're bleeding badly!" Rebecca screamed.

"It's over Troy! He's just too fast!" Sheex chimed in.

In response to everyone's shouts and pleas Troy just sheathed his sword and turned to face Karel. Troy held out his right hand as if he were offering Karel a gift. Magic began to swirl around that hand as Troy focused on gathering the magic around him together.

"I myself prefer swordplay. However, Karel, since you insist on using parlor tricks..." Troy let his sentence fade out as the magic that gathered around his hand turned dark. He saw Karel's eyes go wide as a box of the deepest blackness surrounded the Saint Of Swords engulfing all the man's vision in complete darkness.

"Bladed Coffin." Troy said slightly as he moved his other hand about. Seven crystal swords appeared around the coffin, all pointing at it. With a wave of Troy's hand each of the blades dived into the blackness. Each blade came from a different direction, each one aimed at a place Karel might move to.

"Slow time as much as you like. What does it matter if you cannot see where you are going?" Troy said softly as the black magic that surrounded Karel evaporated into the raining sky. Karel stood there drenched from the rain with two crystal blades impaled in him. The Saint Of Swords grunted in pain as the magic blades shattered and evaporated. He stumbled forward as Troy charged across the battlefield.

Disillusioned arced through the rain as Troy drew it from its scabbard. The rain splashed off the steel as Karel tried to parry the blow but Disillusioned moved to quickly. It cut Karel across the chest as Troy moved closer and stabbed at Karel's side. Karel blocked that blow but Troy weaved his blade about and cut into Karel's shoulder. Karel countered by moving to the side but Troy's blade was faster and already there to intercept him.

"What's wrong?" Troy asked as Disillusioned arced about; Troy's swordsmanship commanded the blade masterfully . It was obvious that Karel's wounds from the crystal swords were slowing him down and Troy would not waste his advantage. Troy's blade feinted low and as Karel moved to intercept it Troy arced it back up. Karel stumbled backwards as Troy advanced.

"So this is the best the Saint Of Swords has to offer? I'm at a lost for words." Troy said as he sheathed Disillusioned once more. Karel had by now grown accustom to Troy's lighting draw attack and instead of attacking Karel brought his blade back for defense. Troy smiled as he drew Karel's attention to his sword with a quick movement of his right hand to the hilt. As he saw Karel's eyes follow his hand Troy ran forward and shouldered tackled him to the ground.

Karel rolled away and ducked his head at the last moment to avoid Disillusioned as it came out of its sheath. Troy continued his attack; he never once paused to give the Saint Of Swords a moment to rest. A common flaw with most magic was that it required concentration to use. He was determined not to give Karel another chance to use his time magic.

Karel parried a blow and slashed into Troy's shoulder as a counter. Troy grunted as he took blow but his attacks never stopped. Nor were his attacks wild like Regal's. They were instead smooth and elegant, a completely different fighting style than the one Karel had previously faced.

Karla Garnet Raven and Disillusioned clashed with each other and both of the warriors immediately threw all of their weight behind their swords. Sparks flew from the steel as both blades tried to overpower the one before it. Karel and Troy locked eyes. Karel stared at the ice before him as a small smile crept across Troy.

Immediately Troy pulled back and to the side, the struggle abandoned. Karel fell forward, the weight he had been putting behind his sword forcing him to stumble when there was nothing left to force him back. Troy slashed as Karel moved past him and Rebecca let out a cry as Karel stumbled forward as blood seeped out of his side.

Karel turned just in time to see Troy stab at him with Disillusioned.

10-20-09, 05:06 PM
Karel felt the wind howl in his ears and his drenched eyes looked in time to see as the blade came in. No amount of time magic, speed, or instinct would allow him to avoid such an attack. The only thing Karel could do was brace for it and he kneeled falling backwards so the weapon wouldn’t pierce a vital part of his body.

The Saint of Swords shoulder erupted as if he was on fire, the muscles let out a shuddering spasm as the saber was retracted slowly. Karel cried out in pain and howled his frustrations as his free hand went to his shoulder. Troy looked down upon him and took a single step back to prepare another thrust. He slammed the Karla Garnet Raven upwards into Troy’s blade nearly knocking the weapon out of his hand with the impact. He dove inwards and snarled like a caged beast, each swing full of force as he tried to beat Troy into submission.

The knight took pained retreating steps, realizing the ground he was giving up was too much. Karel snarled and showed his teeth as he struck with each blow, his eyes full of poison as he slammed his blade into Troy’s. Each attack notched both blades heavily as he put all his strength behind each attack. Karel continued the vicious assault keeping up the pace slamming his blade and hammering it into Troy. The knight fell to one knee and nearly tripped onto his back. Karel kept the pressure upon his foe, no longer seeing Troy Priam as someone to spare.

“GET OFF OF ME!” Troy shouted, the magic surrounding him pulsing inwards and with one slash of his sword a shockwave erupted from the tip of the weapon hitting Karel square in the chest. He flew upwards into the air, far higher than a normal tumble and he looked to see the earth rapidly approaching. He would risk serious injury to his body if he didn’t do something to prevent his fall. Tapping himself with the flat edge of his weapon he whispered, “Light as a feather.” And his free fall ended with him weightlessly falling to the ground as if he weighed not more than a feather. The wind howled and he felt his body soaring forward like a leaf on the wind. Fate had thrust the Saint of Swords back into Troy and he continued his relentless brutal assault.

Thunder bellowed and a strike of lightening hit a tree off somewhere distant in the meadow. The two weapons collided sending off a spark that moved in time with the roar of the elements. Each warrior kept up a pace that would tire out lesser men, but in their insanity they both fought like savage beasts as they did everything they could to defeat the other.

Another strike of lightening hit the meadow, and thunder boomed behind Karel’s ears as Disillusioned slammed into the dirt deeply. Troy looked to Karel with a painful grimace as he no longer felt a weapon in his hand. Karel brought his blade up and down in an arc spraying blood over his clothes as Troy’s chest let out a stream of blood.

Rebecca’s cries hit a new pitch as she watched Troy struggle to stand before dropping to his knees looking woozy and failing to hide his agony. Karel stood above him and lifted the Karla Garnet Raven like an executioner and Rebecca inhaled with a shriek burying her face into Sheex’s shoulder who hid his own face in Rebecca’s.

The sword came down with the grace of an elf and it nearly sweapt Troy’s head off, but his cold eyes never stopped looking at Karel like he was an insect. Yet with his own cold demeanor, his own personality so unlike Rebecca’s his eyes were the same brilliant shade of blue, just like his sisters.

Karel saw not Troy in those, but Rebecca and his blade faltered dropping to the side where Karel looked upon Troy with deep regret. His adreneline stopped pumping furiously and he was fast becoming aware of his wounds. He struggled to stay standing as he looked down upon Troy with sadness.

“You are so weak.” Troy muttered lifting his hand in one deft motion to snatch his saber from the earth. He held it in a reverse position and brought the weapon in with a quick jerk to stab Karel in the chest.

Karel’s eyes widened and he shoved his blade forward. “Holy blades of saint Bartholomew” He cried out. Golden replicas of the Karla Garnet Raven spun around him in at a frightening speed repulsing the attack in earnest. Troy felt his wrist nearly snap to have his attack thwarted at such an un-opportune time. The blades howled against the wind of the earth and the two men looked to each other.

“If you cannot do it Karel, then I will just have to do it myself.” Troy said calmly. The way he casually lifted his hand made Rebecca scream to him in a hysterical state of mind.

"Troy you promised me!" She begged, tears mixing with the rain on her face.

“Knightfall…” Troy whispered in barely an audible whisper.

10-22-09, 01:20 AM
"What the hell was that?" Sheex shouted as Troy's blade turned red. Wisps of energy spouted off of the now blood-red blade as Troy moved at incredible speed. Within the next moment Troy was behind Karel and Sheex could have sworn that all Troy did was dash by. But then again, Sheex had never had an eye for swordplay.

Karel screamed as blood spurted from his chest and both of his knees. The Saint Of Swords collapsed to the ground and did not rise.

"You are so stupid. I told you a blade of hesitation could not best me." Sheex heard Troy say as the man sheathed his sword and walked a few steps away from where Karel lay bleeding. Troy didn't even bother to turn around and look at the havoc his attack had wrought. Instead the man simply walked up a slight hill so he could better see the moon. As if in a trance Troy just stared at that object in the sky, shining brightly despite the rain that fell in torrents from the clouds.

"KAREL!" Rebecca shrieked as she ripped away from Sheex's arms and ran towards her fallen love. Not to be out down Sheex too dashed through the rain to his fallen friend. Both reached Karel at the same time but Rebecca held back with her lip quivering as Sheex kneeled down to check upon the fallen Saint Of Swords.

"Sheex...is he...is he...." Rebecca stammered, unable to finish the sentence. Sheex just shook his head as he grabbed Karel by the shoulders and pulled his body up so Sheex could better inspect the man's wounds.

Sheex quickly checked Karel's pulse. Rebecca, unable to bear the painful wait, fell to her knees and started mumbling to herself quietly.

"Troy promised. He promised. He promised...he promised...he promised....he promised..." She repeated over and over again like a mantra. Sheex immediately turned his head and reached for her but then he remembered the wounded man that lay bleeding in his arms and turned his attention back to Karel.

"Karel! I know you're not dead so stop screwing around!" Sheex shouted through the rain as he reached into his coat. Ever the prepared one (not really), Sheex had the foresight to bring some healing tonic as well as bandages to this duel. He figured that the odds were good that someone that Rebecca loved would be needing them.

"Sheex? What...what happened?" Karel managed to spit out as his eyes fluttered open and looked about. Almost immediately the man's eyes focused on Troy who stood about ten feet away with his back to everyone.

"Knightfall." Troy whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear. "Six rapid attacks one after another. The targets are the armpits, the knees, the head and the heart. To simply survive it without being crippled is a feat in it of itself. To defend against it as well as you did is amazing. However, Karel Hector Raven, our battle is now concluded."

As Troy finished speaking he turned to face the trio. His white coat was stained with a mixture of mud and blood, his black clothing that his sister bought him were much the same. His brown hair was drenched and falling forward into his eyes but with one swift flick of his hand Troy had the hair slicked back. His eyes were as cold as ever.

"I can't...Sheex...I CAN‘T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Rebecca screamed as she stumbled forward towards her brother. Karel let out a moan of pain as he tried to reach for her but Sheex held the man down. Troy would not harm his sister and Karel was in need of immediate medical attention.

"BROTHER PLEASE STOP! NO MORE FIGHTING! I CAN‘T WATCH TWO PEOPLE I LOVE KILL EACH OTHER! I‘M JUST NOT STRONG ENOUGH!” Rebecca shrieked as if she was somehow to blame for what was happening. Her stomach rebelled against her as she ran through the rain and across the muddy field towards her brother and she stumbled slightly while clutching her stomach.

"God damn madness." Sheex muttered to himself as he wrapped one of Karel's wounds with bandages as Troy moved to help his sister. Yet his wounds were acting up as all could see, for the man who moved fast enough to bring Karel Hector Raven to his knees still could not reach his loving sister before she fell to her knees vomiting.

All the pain, all the anxiety, all the agony of watching two men she loved cut each other apart overwhelmed her. The dinner she had eaten with her brother and Sheex, a happy few hours that seemed long ago, came up in a mess of colors. She could not speak nor cry nor perform and action save remain sick on her knees and spew forth what remained in her stomach.

Troy finished crossing the field and kneeled down next to his sister.

“Brother...you have to...stop...please...I...” Rebecca vomited once more, barely missing Troy who didn’t even bother to try and move. All the man did was smile sweetly like he always use to at his sister and caress her cheek.

“Sorry sister.” Troy said. Sheex nearly cursed the man out then and there but the look in Troy’s eyes and the smile on his face had no malicious intent. Whenever he looked at Karel all of Troy was marked by his usual coldness. No, there was more than his usual coldness when Troy looked at Karel. Sheex was relatively certain Troy hated Karel. But whenever he looked at his sister Troy’s features held nothing but love and warmth.

“I didn’t mean to scare you and for that I beg your forgiveness. But I am done. This fight has reached is end. There is no point in continuing a duel when one of the fighters is on his back.” Troy said as he wiped a bit of vomit off of Rebecca’s chin with his coat. The minute Troy spoke those words Rebecca’s eyes shinned more brilliantly than any star that sparkled in the night sky.

“Troy! Thank you!” Rebecca sobbed as her tears switched from tears of pain to tears of joy. She flew into her brother’s arms and squeezed him tight. Troy just patted her own the back to assure her that all was well.

“Sorry for worrying you sister.” Troy whispered softly. Up he stood, pulling his sister with him. The two embraced as long lost sister and brother, both completely content with the rain, the world, and everything around them. Then fear found its way back into Rebecca’s heart.

“But what about Regal?” She whispered softly. She loved Troy as much as anyone and even though she wanted the fight to come to an end she still worried for her brother. Would this be another burden for him to bear? Another nightmare to keep him awake at night? Troy shook his head.

“Regal wanted the title ‘Saint Of Swords.’ All I wanted was to lay this title before him so he could rest in peace. I needed the title, I do not need Karel’s life.” Troy said back as he wiped a few tears from her eyes, no easy feet considering just how much the rain had drenched her.

“So go to your love. Go to Karel Raven and hold him tight. Spend your days with him not as warriors but as lovers. Live long and be happy sister. Unless of course you were only dating him for his title...” Troy’s last comment turned Rebecca’s face red as she gave him a playful punch. Well, she tried to punch him. It ended up turning into a hug instead.

“Don’t be mean to your future brother-in-law.” Rebecca whispered back. Troy grimaced at the thought of the man who killed his friend being part of his family but one look into his sister’s eyes shattered all resistance. If she was happy, he would learn to live with it. Troy gave her a kiss on the cheek and motioned for her to run to Karel’s side.

“I still think it’s madness.” Sheex muttered to himself as he wrapped up another of Karel’s wounds while Rebecca ran over to him and Karel. She knelt down and looked at Sheex with expectant eyes.

“He’s okay, right?” She asked already knowing the answer. After all, she had Troy’s promise. A promise she had not told to Sheex or Karel but the look in her brother’s eyes told her that the promise had been and would always be kept.

“Well I’m no doctor but I think so. He blocked the fatal attacks from Troy’s...whatever it was. Some rest and he’ll be fine.” Sheex told her and then paused and thought for a moment. Then his eyes shined their usual brightness and his face broke into its usually cocky grin. “That being said, I prescribe the tender love of a good woman! Know any?”

Rebecca quickly grabbed Karel from Sheex and held him close.

“It’s over my love! Troy has his title and us each other! BLESS YOU BROTHER!” Rebecca shouted the top of her lungs as she kissed Karel. Sheex just shrugged and stood up, giving the two lovebirds some room. As he walked a few feet away he reached into his pocket and touched the box that held the necklace Rebecca had given him for Leila. See ya soon. Sheex thought with a smile and a warm heart.

Troy Priam, the new Saint Of Swords, watched on with his ice blue eyes and smiled.

10-22-09, 02:42 AM
Karel’s body was rigid and cold as the blood of his wounds pooled around him. The healing tonic was covering the worst of his injuries, but the warmth of Rebecca was doing the real healing. Just to have her hold him Karel Raven was happy. He grunted softly and pulled himself upwards with Sheex’s help and the wanderer gave Karel a look of concern. Pushing him off the former Saint of Swords stood tall and looked to Troy.

The warrior was in his own world of pain. That was clearly evident. Troy was probably in worse shape than Karel was considering the wounds he took before from the previous day. Karel looked to his own wounds, and saw the bandages had already soaked a crimson color. Rebecca moved to hold him, but Karel lifted his hand to stop her. He gave Troy Priam a respectful nod that warriors do after a battle, but the motion felt more forced than anything.

Rebecca’s tender grip returned around his waist as she breathed into his neck. “I’m so happy this is over…” she whispered. “No more fighting, no more battles, no more title. We can be free Karel. The past can be left alone.” she sighed heavily in relief smiling into his jacket. Karel only grunted his reply. Her hands moved to his and she gripped his fingers tightly. “I love you so much Karel…now it’s just us. No more Saint of Swords to get in our way.”

“You know, Karel,” Sheex said softly, struggling as he looked for the right words to say. “You got yourself a whole new life! A life without swords and Vladimir and dragons! You have a life with no more sadness and pain. It will be hard man, I know it will.”

“I feel…” Karel spoke sadly. “I feel so empty…” Karel admitted. Rebecca just held him tighter.

“That’s all the madness that was just taken away. That’s all the hatred, the pain, and the horrible emotions you have been carrying around. Now you no longer have that to hold onto it‘s only natural to feel that way.” Rebecca kissed him softly.

Karel thought about it. Thought about what he would do. Maybe get a farm? Grow some corn and wheat? Raise chickens and milk…cows? He would marry Rebecca, that was no doubt. Everyday she would come to him, dressed in the most tasteful of clothing to tell him she loved him. He would say it back, and they would get carried away in their love. This was to become his life: Chickens, cows, and farms? He thought about it. It didn’t sound half bad.

“Without the title Saint of Swords your back to being a normal human being.” Sheex moved gently over to Rebecca and rubbed her arm softly. “But at least you got this beautiful babe to keep you company. Keep you warm on a colds night for the rest of your life.” Sheex clapped Karel on the shoulder.

He imagined a cold night just like this one. He would be in her arms. And she would cradle him. Keep him safe and warm. He would be with her forever. That didn’t sound so bad.

“And trust me, I know what that feels like.” He said hesitantly as he rubbed the back of his head. Rebecca looked to Sheex, and she smiled realizing the wanderer’s secret was about to be revealed. “You see, there’s something that you should know…I’m-”

“Shut up.” Karel said sternly in such a cold manner that the temperature in the air began to drop. Rebecca and Sheex both looked to Karel like he just slapped Sheex in the face. Even Troy gave Karel a casual glance.

“My love?” Rebecca said softly. “What’s wrong?” she ran one hand up his side, and Karel took one hazy step forward.

“I don’t want it…” Karel said in the quietest of whispers.

Troy’s hand softly lifted to his sword as his eyes narrowed in warning. “No…” Rebecca’s tears began to flow down her face again, masked by the rain. “No stop it!” she warned. Karel took another woozy step forward letting her go. His eyes began to narrow as he focused solely on Troy.

“Karel!” Sheex shouted. “Karel, what the hell man!” Sheex looked bewildered as the former Saint of Swords shambled like a zombie towards Troy Priam. “Think about what your doing!”

“Troy Priam…” Karel said full of venom ignoring the words of the wanderer. Rebecca shuddered as she looked to her brother who was holding his hand close to the hilt of his sword, his eyes looking ready to fight again.

“KAREL PLEASE!” Rebecca moved forward and in front of Karel, lifting her hands up to the side to block his path.

“I challenge you…” Karel continued, walking forward as if Rebecca wasn’t even there. Rebecca ran forward, grabbing Karel by the shoulders.

“Please…” she sobbed. “I beg you…” Karel looked into her eyes and his heart twinged in pain. Her hand ran up his chest and gripped the wedding band attached to the locket. “You made a promise to me…that you would marry me. Stop it Karel…let us be together forever and forget this awful excuse for a day…” Karel looked to her softly, his own eyes conflicted.

One eye was full of hatred, conviction, anger. The other eye was full of love, sadness, and regret. Yet they both told Rebecca the same thing.

Without hesitation Karel shoved Rebecca to the side. In a split second Sheex was upon Karel, gripping him tightly by the shoulders. Karel growled in irritation but Sheex just held on tighter. “No Karel, let it go!” Sheex said as if Karel were a child. The wanderer was upon his back in an instant, rubbing his jaw as Karel moved forward with determined steps.

Rebecca ran over to Karel and placed her arms around one of his legs, stopping him from moving. He looked down to her with confusion. “I can’t take anymore, Karel!” she sobbed. “I just can’t handle this anymore. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose Troy. I don’t care if you are the Saint of Swords. I just care about you! Please my darling, PLEASE think about that!” Sheex looked at Karel and the swordsman turned to look at the wanderer.

“Don’t do this man…” Sheex pleaded with a tear in his own eye. Karel gave him a sad look before he turned back to face Troy. Rebecca stood up and held Karel in a tight hug, holding him and whispering how much she loved him. Karel forced himself forward taking heavy steps to move with Rebecca in his way.

“Stand aside.” Karel said softly.

“No.” Rebecca whispered just as soft.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’s what you’ll have to do if you want to do this.”

“Do not force my hand.”

“You made me choose, and I am choosing you.”

“Then I will make my choice.” Karel pushed Rebecca out gently and with a deft hand he raised it to her prepared to slap Rebecca right across the face knocking her to the side. She cowed from him as Sheex shouted foul curse words in disbelief and Troy’s hand lifted up in the air as a blue crystal sword appeared.

The crystal weapon launched forward at Karel flying at impossible speeds, but the crystal shattered as it was intercepted by a golden sword that reigned down from the sky. Troy lifted his other hand as another sword launched forward, but it was intercepted as well. Golden swords fell to intercept blue crystals as the two shattered and exploded in the thunder of the meadow. This continued for a few more rounds until Troy stopped seeing Karel stalking forward as the golden blades began to lower from the heavens surrounding Karel in a demonic glow.

He was only a few feet away from Troy, who looked to Karel with the gravest of looks. His hands were prepared to unleash his saber in a moment and Karel stopped five paces away from him. The knight looked at Karel with such a twisted face of hatred. “Do not ever raise a hand to my sister again.” Troy breathed darkly.

“I want it back.” Karel replied just as darkly.

“Does it really mean that much to you?”

“Men would kill for a title such as that.”

“As you already have proven today.” Troy retorted glaring into Karel’s face. Karel’s face looked like he was in a trance.

“I studied, trained, and went to hell and back for that title. I want it back.”

“Do not be foolish, Karel.” Troy warned. “You are not in a condition to fight me anymore. Just go away and leave me be.”

“Troy Priam,” Karel said in a tone so dead set it made Troy’s blood feel like ice. “I challenge you for the title of Saint of Swords.”

“You are kidding me.” Troy said in amazement. “You are going to throw it all away…” Troy gave Karel a saddened look and with a heavy sigh he turned walking away. “Go clear your head before you challenge me, Karel.” he said dismissing him.

A golden blade pierced Troy in the upper left shoulder dropping him to the ground. Karel walked forward again stopping four paces away. With a motion of his hand the blade dispersed and returned next to him with the other holy blades of Saint Knu. “Does not any man worth his weight in pride get a shot at the title?” Karel asked heavily quoting Regal Burnswidth. Another blade shot forward and slammed Troy in the same injured arm. Troy shouted out in pain as he rolled onto his back.

His eyes never lost that sad look. Not even the pain, which Karel knew had to me immeasurable, was phasing Troy and making his face contort. For reasons he couldn’t really explain, Karel felt irritated with Troy. He wanted him to fear Karel; realize that he was in deep trouble for even thinking of fighting him in the first place. Instead Karel was now the one who was weak and was in trouble for even thinking to fight Troy.

He was weak again. He was weak when he couldn’t stop Vladimir in the mountains of Scara Brae. He was weak when he couldn’t hold his temper when he killed Xavier and Victoria Sigma with the forbidden sword arts he had sworn never to use. He was weak when he couldn’t stop his homeland from burning. And he was weak, now more than ever, when he couldn’t even best Troy Priam to protect his own title.

Karel was done being weak.

The rain and the wind howled around the two as the storm raged on around them. It was as if the elements were a reflection of the emotions stirring in the four that were gathered; Chaotic and uncontrollable.

“One more time,” Karel said determinedly. “I challenge you, Troy Priam, for the title of Saint of Swords.”

10-22-09, 04:44 AM
"Regal was right, you are insane! PIERCE HIM!" Troy shouted as he dashed across the field with Karel chasing after him. As Troy spoke two crystal blades appeared and flung themselves at Karel. Just as quickly two golden blades appeared and intercepted the crystal swords. Troy stopped his flight and raised his hand once more.

"Everything you could have wished for before you and this is your choice? STRIKE!" Troy screamed, losing control of his usually calm demeanor. Another blade appeared and flew towards Karel as Troy dashed behind the crystal sword and used it as cover for his advance.

"You have no idea what I wish for!" Cried Karel as he summoned another golden blade and launched it at Troy. Both magic swords passed one another; neither shattered by the other. Troy ducked low to avoid Karel's golden blade while Karel dove head first over Troy's blue one. Troy kept up his charge and met Karel halfway who slashed out with Karla Garnet Raven. Troy grabbed the hilt of Disillusioned and yanked it out of his sheath; the two swords clashed as the warriors past each other.

"Obviously not! I thought you wanted the love of my sister but I WAS WRONG!" Troy shrieked as he turned about and sent a slash towards Karel. Karel parried the blow and stabbed at Troy, wounding the man in the side which forced the man back. Karel stepped in and slashed across Troy's chest; an arc of blood went into the sky to mix with the falling rain.

"SHUT UP!" Karel yelled as he continued his attack. Again and again he found a way through Troy's defenses, the knight's wounds clearly slowed him down. Troy ducked and weaved as best he could but the former Saint Of Swords was one step ahead.

Then again, perhaps it wasn't the wounds that slowed the Saint Of Swords down. Perhaps it was fact that Karel had just broken his sister's heart and for all his hatred Troy was not sure if he should kill the man his sister loved. If this thought occurred to Karel, he showed no signs of it.

"I will not shut up! You are a fool Karel Hector Raven! And to think I would have suffered the likes of you, a man a cannot stand to even look at, as my family!" Troy shot back as he blocked a blow from Karel's sword. Troy grabbed his sheath with his free hand and shoved his sword downwards and away from him and Karel. Disillusioned took Karla Garnet Raven with it and Troy smashed Karel in the head with his sheath.

"And why...why would have done something like that?" Karel spat as he stumbled backwards. Troy put his sheath back into his belt and raised his sword, ready to defend against Karel's advance. But Karel paused as if Troy's words had struck a deep chord within him.

"Because it would have made her happy!" Troy snarled back, stomping his foot into the mud to release a bit of his anger. Karel just looked at him with hate-filled eyes. Hate for Troy and hate for someone or something Troy couldn't place .

"No..." Karel said as he gritted his teeth.

"Yes! I would have called you brother because that is what she wanted! I would have sacrificed my feelings in a heartbeat to see her smile but you, you could not even sacrifice a damn TITLE!" Troy shrieked at Karel. Both warriors bled freely now, their wounds weakening their bodies faster and faster. But the battle went beyond the flesh now, now it was a battle of wills and neither were willing to back down.

"SILENCE PRIAM! GIVE ME BACK THAT TITLE" Karel screamed as he flung himself forward. With a deft movement Troy stepped to the side and stabbed at Karel's leg while the man charged. It was a light blow but it was enough to cause Karel to stumble. Troy darted behind the man and delivered a swift blow to Karel's exposed back; more blood mixed with the water around him.

Now it was Troy's turn to press the attack. As Karel reeled about to face him Troy weaved Disillusioned about at Karel again and again. Yet no matter how much he struck the man, no matter how many times Disillusioned found its mark, Troy could not shake the sadness the weighed him down. In fact, it seemed that better Troy did the sadder he felt.

"The title! The title! Damn this title! It has caused you nothing but trouble!" Troy said as he crouched low and lunged at Karel's stomach with Disillusioned. Karel leaned back and batted Troy away then returned the favor with a slash by Karla Garnet Raven into Troy's shoulder.

"No! NO IT HASN'T!" Karel screeched as he closed in on Troy. Not one to back down Troy quickly closed the gap as well. The warriors slashed away at one another, some blows found their mark and others were dodged or blocked. The only thing that remained constant were the warriors' eyes. Both fixed on the man before them. Both filled with hate and sadness.

"It is a title bathed in the blood of hundreds! Everywhere you go there is always someone looking to be the best and to do that they must beat you! Earlier today it was Regal and now...NOW IT'S YOU!" Troy said as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Karel had landed a solid blow there. No matter, Troy had just plunged his own blade into Karel's right shoulder. An almost even trade.

"Nothing but fights and battles is what awaits the Saint Of Swords. And I...and I..." Troy's face grew cold as the two warriors clashed. The blades locked with one another and both warriors shoved with all there might against the swords. All that happened was the two warriors stood still, their faces inches away from one another.

"And you what?' Karel demanded. Troy looked at him with eyes filled with sadness.

"And I would have born it all! Every fight, every battle, every person out to make a name for themselves by killing the Saint Of Swords! I would have taken it all if you WOULD HAVE JUST LOVED HER!"



The stalemate broke as both warriors leapt back. Troy slammed Disillusioned into its sheath and glared at Karel. Karel responded by smirking and taking a step forward. Troy's eyes narrowed as he realized what Karel's next move with be.

Time magic.

Troy took a brief second to look around the field. The sky still poured rain and the trenches that Regal had made with his shockwaves had now become patches of mud. There was nothing but earth before him and Karel; Sheex and Rebecca were off to the right side and both trembled in fear of the sheer power and madness that was had been released before them. Troy took hold of his sheath where Disillusioned lay and removed it from his belt with his left hand and held it by his side. His right hand hovered over the hilt as it had so many times before.

Regal... Troy thought as Karel blurred before him.

Regal. The blur began to move forward.

Regal! The blur was coming straight at him.

REGAL! The blur was almost upon him.

"REGAL GUIDE MY BLADE!" Troy screamed as he gathered all the magic he could around his blade. With a firm grip Troy took hold of Disillusioned and quickly drew it from its sheath. A familiar laughter echoed in his ears as Disillusioned sang through the night sky; a gray shockwave released.

The former Saint Of Swords cried as the shockwave sent him tumbling to the ground with his time magic at long last broken.

10-22-09, 06:12 AM
Karel’s body tumbled end over end before it slammed upon the ground rolling to a stop at the base of a tree trunk. The howling winds echoed like a sinister laughter and his body ached in every joint. Rain splattered upon his face and he saw crimson droplets upon the tip of nose. He breathed out and bubbles formed from the pool in the mud he was in. He groaned getting to his knees softly and looked towards Troy.

He licked his lips tasting mud, blood, sweat, and rain. It was a unique mixture and he took another taste of it. His eyes fluttered as he felt light headed and he stumbled drunkenly forward. “Holy blades of Saint Bartholomew.” Karel muttered weakly as the golden blades began to swirl around him making a protective barrier as he regain control of his senses. Troy was standing a few yards from his blades looking down upon him with utter contempt and sadness.

“All you had was your magic. Now you don’t even have that.” Troy said darkly. “Yet despite all the obvious evidence that you are not in any condition to win this I can already see you are trying to fight on. Has nothing been heard by your ears? Is your mind in such a fog that you cannot comprehend what I am saying?” he looked down and spat blood out of his mouth.

“Holy blades of Saint Knu.” The blades rose into the air in a ready position.

“Bladed coffin.” Troy said lifting one hand up as the darkness swirled around him. Karel’s world went black again and he couldn’t make a move for fear of tripping. He brought his hands down and the golden swords all slammed into the crystal ones being made. A few managed to find purchase in Karel’s flesh and he cried out in pain. When the darkness subsided he saw Troy looking to him with wide eyes of shock and agitation.

“Strike!” Troy shouted pushing his hand forward. Crystal blades formed up around him and sang forward against the howls of the wind as golden blades shot out to meet them. Karel began to stumble forward before making himself jog. Troy ran at him as well as the crystal blades slammed into each other exploding all around them. The two hit a dead sprint as Karel’s blade dragged across the mud, Troy’s weapon held aloft to his side. Karel brought his weapon upwards, mud flinging from the tip into Troy’s face causing him to falter. Tucking inwards Karel slammed into his chest knocking him over. The crystal blades still came and the golden replicas formed around Karel spinning wildly to block them all. Before long all that remained of the magical blades was a single golden broken sword that shattered into golden dust as Karel breathed heavily looking towards Troy with hate filled eyes.

“My burden.” Karel said at last.

“It didn’t have to be,” Troy said defiantly. “It could have been over.”

“Redemption isn’t in my fate.” Karel spoke weakly, but assuredly. He laughed lightly for a moment. “At long last Troy Priam, I think I am starting to understand you. We are the same men. Each of us are in the same boat.”

“I am nothing like you.” he spat coldly.

“We both chose a path that no one else could travel.”

“Shut up.” he breathed. “You do not speak of matters you do not know about!”

“I see now why you ran…” Karel spoke softly. “It’s so much easier…isn’t it.”

“I stopped running Karel.” Troy said back with a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I stopped taking the easy way out.”

“My burden…” Karel said again. Troy shook his head irritably. “Vlad will come for me…” he lifted his weapon in a ready stance. “And I can’t be the reason another life is destroyed.”

“You have lost your mind, Karel.” Troy muttered as he looked to see Karel’s pain surface forward. He began to analyze it and his heart dropped sagging his shoulders. He realized at that moment he was looking into the same face that he himself wore after seeing Hector and all his friends dead. That same defeated face, that same defeated logic. Karel was losing himself much like Troy had years ago.

Karel looked around the battlefield and nodded once lifting his weapon to the ready. “I’m thinking we both have about enough energy to really go at it once last time. No more games. No more talks. Let’s finish this so I can have my title back.” Troy readied himself.

“Let’s.” Troy said at last, coming up with an idea in his head.

Karel’s hand lifted up and he opened his palm outward. Slowly from him an invisible bubble began to grow and everything inside it save himself turned black and white. It washed out forward and even the rain slowed in this time bubble. As it passed over Troy the mana within him glowed and absorbed the worst effects of the magic, allowing Troy to remain in this other dimension without hindrance.

“I shut out the world. I blocked out the rain, the noise, the cries, the screams.” Karel said at last. “I do love her, Troy.” Karel said lifting his weapon up. “I do love her, and cherish her.”

“Then stop.” Troy said with all the honesty in his heart. “Stop it and just go be with her.”

“No Troy.” Karel wiped his hand across the air. “She doesn’t deserve my burden. She doesn’t deserve me.” Troy sighed deeply. “I love her enough, to know when to let her go.”

“You are the biggest idiot I have ever met.” Troy said after a moment of tension. Karel charged forward, his weapon swinging wildly forward. Troy met the weapon with sharp attacks of his own. Each time the blades collided sparks erupted as the two danced dangerously close to each other. Troy’s weapon cut and lacerated Karel’s skin, and the few cuts that managed to land on Troy were deep and more than enough to equal the odds.

To the outside world it looked like two blurs; one blue and one white. The weapons sparks exploded like tiny fireworks as they came in and out of life. The rain surrounding them that fell was held up by the speed of their attacks. Both blurs moved apart for a moment and the rain splashed down like a waterfall drenching them both.

Karel was covered in lacerations and cuts, Troy was bleeding deeply from his arms and chest. Each warrior breathed heavily and panted before Karel opened his palm shutting out the world again in black and white. They ran at each other again beating their blades into each other in hopes the other would fall and die. At last Karel was able to drag his weapon inwards and pull up knocking Troy off balance so Karel could kick him and then swing his sword vertically up. Troy retreated back two steps and Karel gave him a disapproving nod.

“I’m sorry, my love.” Karel said weakly. “Forgive me.” he lifted his blade directly forward and his body glowed with a white aura before a wave of energy washed out towards Troy in earth eating rip. Troy looked to the blast and shot out another gray wave of energy, that familiar laughter echoing in the sky. But as the waves were about to hit Karel’s white shockwave erupted outwards into five points like a star before converging on Troy hitting him square in his body. He lifted up his own blade again and slammed down letting the shockwave hit his weapon pushing him back. He dug his feet inwards and then pushed the blast to the side using the last of his might.

Troy looked at the energy that was coursing around him with a fearful eye before he looked to Karel. The white swordsman marched forward in a wide birth of Troy, walking next to the knight without saying a word. When they were parallel Karel spoke softly looking towards the mountains.

“I’m sorry, Troy.” Karel spoke from the heart.

“What the hell did you do to me?” Troy tried to knock the fear out of his tone, but it hinted on the edges of his voice.

“Abscindo Venas,” he said lightly. “It means to cut off the vein.” Troy looked to him in confusion before a wave of understanding covered his face. With this revelation he sighed deeply and set his eyes on Karel’s.

“You never could grasp it Karel…you stuck up self centered individual.” Troy spat. Karel looked to him in confusion.

“Oh?” Karel replied. “And you weren’t? What were you doing Troy? What did you want?” Karel waited for a reply. Troy felt emotions stir within him, and at long last he exploded all his feelings out in a blood curdling cry.

“YOU IDIOT! I JUST WANTED YOU TO LOVE HER!” Karel looked away from Troy and sighed softly.

“I’m sorry, Troy.” Karel said after a moment walking forward. Troy kept his back to him as Karel lifted up the Serra Garnet Raven. He sheathed his sword in one fluid motion and as the hilt hit the sheath Troy’s body exploded all over in crimson rain as his howls silenced the wind.

Color returned to the world and Rebecca looked to see Troy fall upon the ground in defeat. She lifted her hands to her face and screamed out a mantra of the word, “No.” over and over again. Sheex ran to Troy and slid in the mud to reach him. Rebecca cried out as she ran towards Troy and she couldn’t contain herself as she collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

Karel lifted down to the ground picking up the Serra Karla Raven, noticing the rain drops on the steel like tears. “Stop crying, he’s not even family.” Karel said harshly as he sheathed the weapon. He walked over to the tree ignoring Sheex and Rebecca as he gently lifted the Zantetsuken strapping it to his back. He grabbed his bag and pulled out his usual blue fighter’s coat and wrapped it around his shoulders feeling the comfortable warmth the jacket gave.

He reached deeper into his bag for healing tonic and some bandages, wrapping it around the worst of his injuries before tossing it all into his pack looking towards the mountains. He looked to Regal’s body with contempt and then with a kick and a groan he began to walk towards the mountains. The Saint of Swords walked on forgetting the past just as he learned, looking up at the tip of the Horogen mountains with determination.

“I’m sorry Vladimir,” Karel whispered. “I’ve kept you waiting.”

10-23-09, 04:28 PM
Eighteen years ago...

A young boy with dark brown hair and light blue eyes stood with a bloodied lip. Across from him stood another boy with a black eye. The two were breathing heavily as a school teacher separated the two. A young boy with fiery red hair ran over to the boy with brown hair.

"You got into a fight Troy? Why?" The child with red-hair asked as the adult kept both of the boys apart. Troy Priam just shot a glare at the boy with the swollen eye.

"He called Rebecca a bitch." Troy said softly. The child with red hair raised his eyebrows.

"He did, did he?"

"Hector Vox get off of that boy!" Screamed the school teacher as Hector ran across and punched the boy who dared to call his friend's sister such a foul name.

Sixteen years ago...

"Troy! I messed up! Really badly!" A young Rebecca cried as she ran through the large Priam manor. The Priam family was rather well-off and although the size of the house made for enjoyable games of hide-and-seek it did lead to problems when someone needed to be found. Rebecca eventually found her brother practicing his swordplay with a wooden sword in one of the halls.

"Rebecca? What's wrong?" Troy asked as he stopped sparring with the imaginary opponent before him and turned to face his sister. Her eyes were red and she was out of breath, a sure sign of a mischievous young child.

"I was playing in the halls and I broke mother's favorite vase! When dad finds out he's going to kill me!' Whimpered Rebecca as she glanced around nervously. When she had last left the scene of the crime she had heard her father yell quite loudly. It wouldn't be long at all before he found the culprit.

"Rebecca! Troy!" Sarpedon Priam shouted as he stormed through the halls. Rebecca became even more worried as she crouched timidly behind her brother's back. Troy bravely stood his ground (although his knees shook terribly).

"That vase was hand-crafted from Fallien! I can't even begin to explain how hard it is to get imports from Fallien! If your not one of them it's near impossible..." Sarpedon then realized his children had no idea what he was talking. He sighed and put his hands on his hips. "Who did it?"

Rebecca trembled behind her brother and held him tight. No matter the child, a parent's reprimand was always something to be feared. Sarpedon and Helen loved their children with all their hearts but they were still human enough to be angry with them. That and Sarpedon loved his wife quite dearly, the destruction of one of her favorite objects would sadden her and therefore sadden him.

"I did father." Troy said softly. Sarpedon raised his eyebrows and looked at his son, who quivered in fear and stared at the ground. It was obvious he planned to protect his sister who stood behind him but Sarpedon played along anyway.

"You did, did you?"

"Yes. I was practicing and I swung too wide. It's all my fault. I deserve whatever punishment you decide upon." Troy whispered softly as he bowed his head. Rebecca quickly shoved him aside and ran up to her father.

"No he didn't! I broke the vase while I was playing! I'm the one who should be punished!" Rebecca shouted. Sarpedon frowned and scratched his head. Being a parent had so many dilemmas.

"You are grounded. Both of you, for two weeks. Rebecca for not listening when I told her to be careful and Troy for lying. No going out, no having friends over." Sarpedon said softly as both of the children nodded in assent. He turned around began to walk down the hall but paused after a few steps. A smile broke across his face.

"But! Since you are so determined to protect one another I'll make a deal with you. You can go out and have friends over under one condition. You go together and stay together, just as you did when I scolded you." Sarpedon said with a chuckle as he walked out of the hall. Perhaps, if he made use of all of his contacts and called in a few outstanding favors, he could have the vase replaced before the week's end.

"Me and some friends were going to see the new play about Zidane Cecil on Wednesday." Rebecca said as she turned to face her brother.

"Hector and I wanted to see the end of the sword tournament on Thursday.” Troy responded.

Both children broke into a smile.

“So I’ll go to the sword tournament...” Rebecca began.

“And I’ll accompany you to the play.” Troy finished.

Ten years ago...

“Whew.” Rebecca sighed as she tossed aside her wooden sword and sat down next to Troy. The cool wind of the beach rushed by her, alleviating a bit of her exhaustion. She was still tired though.

“Here.” Troy said as he picked up the jug of water he had brought with him and passed it to Rebecca. She took a big gulp of the water and then passed it back to Troy who did the same.

“How long are you going to be back for?” Rebecca asked as she gazed out at the ocean before her. It was a cool night with only a few clouds in the sky and the ocean spread before the siblings as far as the eye could see. Troy just shrugged.

“A little less than a week. I know I have the whole week off of school but there is some research I have been meaning to do about tactical theory. I need the school library for that.” Troy responded as he ran a hand across his forehead to wipe the sweat away. Even though he was on vacation from the military academy he still insisted on practicing swordplay everyday. Rebecca had offered to spar with him since she was interested in learning the art. At least that was what she told Troy; the real reason was that she wanted to spend as much time with her beloved brother as possible. If it involved sparring with wooden swords, then so be it.

“Less than a week huh?” Rebecca said with a sigh. Both had their own social circles now and both were grown-up (in their minds, not their parents’ minds ). Still, both of them still yearned to spend time together. Whether they talked about their lives, practiced swordplay, or went out to see a play, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that whatever activity they did they were doing it together.

Troy heard the sigh and smiled at his sister. He knew she didn’t really want to learn the sword and she only bothered with it so that she could spend time with him. It didn’t matter how much she tried to hide it, he could read her like a book.

“Afraid so. But, save for the day I promised to go riding with Hector, I am at your beck and call. Surely there is something you would rather be doing than this. What would you like to do?” Troy said as he rubbed his sister’s shoulder. She thought for a moment then looked at her brother. With a knowing smile she picked up her wooden sword.

“I would love to learn the proper way to parry.” She said as she stood up and assumed her fighting stance.

Seven years ago...

“Congratulations on graduating my boy!” Sarpedon said proudly as he smacked his son on the back. Troy had just returned from the military academy with a position in his kingdom’s army. His parents’ beamed with pride.

“We are so proud of you.” Troy’s mother, Helen, said as she gave her son a hug. As usual her hair was dyed bright purple (the normal color was brown like the rest of the family’s) and she wore a beautiful black silk black dress with a slit down on one side that revealed one of her knees. Helen had always shown with a beauty that made every man that met her envious of Sarpedon Priam. All the town thought the only way Sarpedon managed to keep a beauty like her tied down was by constant spending but Troy knew better. His mother loved her husband just as much as he loved her.

Troy knew this because his mother had once forgotten their anniversary. She ran throughout town the entire day trying to find a present for him and cried and begged at night for Sarpedon to forgive her when she couldn‘t find one. Troy had walked past their room at the time and as their door had been open a crack he had decided to sneak a peak. His mother’s eyes had never shown so brightly when his father picked her up into his arms and kissed her that night, forgiving all transgressions with that single action.

“Do be careful Troy. If something happened to you who would scare away all my dates?” Rebecca chided. The last boy she went on a date with still wasn’t talking to her.

“I would, naturally.” Hector said with a laugh and a wink at Troy. Sarpedon had given the entire staff the day off to celebrate his son’s graduation. Any servant who wished could attend the dinner he would be throwing in his son’s honor. Almost all the servant’s had attended and offered Troy their congratulations. Of course Hector had been invited as well.

“Son, have I ever told you that you have excellent taste in friends? By the way, I have a present for you.” Sarpedon said with a laugh as he handed his son a steel saber.

Five years ago...

“You’re leaving? Already? You’ve only been home for fifteen minutes!” Rebecca whined as Troy quickly donned his armor and saddled his horse. Hector was next to him, his horse already saddled and his armor already donned.

“A unit is in a bad spot. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news like this Troy.” Hector responded. Troy had recently been promoted to squad captain (his first act had been to make Hector his second-in-command) and the man’s family was planning to throwing him a party. The party would have to be delayed.

“Military life buddy. Did you even manage to see your sister?” Troy said as he finished putting on his armor and leapt onto his horse. Hector just frowned.

“No. The last time I left I told her I would take her out to get an ice cream cone when I got back. That ice cream cone just got upgraded to a huge sundae. By the way, can I borrow some coin Commander?” Hector said with a smile as he too leapt onto his horse. Troy just grinned and tossed his friend his coin purse.

“Hector. Watch over him.” Rebecca whispered softly to her brother’s friend. The man nodded.

“Always.” Hector replied as the two sped off to the front lines.


“TROY! GET DOWN!” Hector screamed as he tackled Troy to the ground, shielding his friend from the arrows in the sky with his own body.


“I can never return.” Troy whispered at the grave he made for Hector.

Three years ago...

“You’re just going to leave him?” A man with white hair who Troy had not known for even ten minutes shouted as Troy began to walk towards the door. A rather immoral owner of a prize-fighting ring had decided that it would be best to remove Troy as well as another man rather than pay them their dues. Together Troy and the other fighter had dealt with the man’s guards and now the man lay whimpering.

“There’s got to be a rule against that!” Regal shouted. “In fact, I think it’s in the Backstabber’s Handbook. Give me a sec, I have a copy in my bag...”

Two years ago...

Dragons soared through the sky, burning Black Isle to ash. Troy and Regal leaned against a crumbling stone wall, a huge dragon in the sky was about to unleash a shockwave upon the area where the two warriors hid.

“Regal. On my command, jump.” Troy whispered.

“What? Why? We can take this guy.” Regal responded.

“JUMP!” Troy shouted as the dragon released its shockwave upon them.


“Still alive?” Regal asked as he helped Troy to his feet.

One year ago...

“Regal! Catch!” Troy shouted as he burst into the cell where Regal was imprisoned. Pandarus Argives had a pistol trained on Regal but the man panicked as Troy broke into the room. His shot missed.

Troy tossed Regal Tenacity.

Six months ago...

“You wanted to see me Troy?” Noel Spero whispered as she walked into the room Troy was in. The girl was young, only about eighteen years old. Far too young to be in command of the army fate and bad luck had thrust upon her. Although Troy had been drafted against his will he had become her advisor as well as the unseen hand that guided the army; his training in the military once again being put to use.

Also Troy had broken his arm in a skirmish which reduced his combat efficacy as Regal had not hesitated to point out.

“Yes. I just wanted you too...” Troy stopped talking as Noel began to remove her military uniform.

“What are you doing?” Troy demanded as Noel’s face turned red.

“Regal said you wanted to...you know...” Noel sniffled as her face turned red, obviously embarrassed and nervous at what she was about to do. Her dress was halfway off and her white bra bare before Troy before he managed to slam his good arm into a nearby desk.

“No! That’s not why I wanted you here!” Troy shouted, red in the face with anger. Tears began to well up in Noel’s eyes.

“It’s because my breasts are small isn’t it? I’m sorry Troy! I really wish I had big breasts like other women! Or even regular size breasts but this...but this is the best I can do!” Noel cried as tears streamed down her cheek. Not only was she completely inept at command but she also cried regularly, which was not a good trait in a commanding officer. She was also horrendously self-conscious of her chest size (as if that wasn’t obvious).

“That has nothing to do with it! It’s just that Regal...” Troy shook with anger, unable to finish the sentence. Sending this young woman in here to have sex with Troy was definitely Regal’s idea of a twisted joke. Noel let out another cry.

“Waaah! You like Regal? Waaah!” Noel sobbed, “Actually, that’s still kind of hot...I just wished you would have told me...”

“I DO NOT LIKE REGAL! WHERE IS HE?” Troy demanded.

“Wow. Regal told me you liked being in control but...” Noel stammered out.

“REGAL!” Troy screamed as he flung open the door before him. Regal stood their grinning along with almost every other person who had been drafted.

“So how was she? I want all of the dirty details, don’t leave anything out!” Regal said with a laugh as Troy drew back his good hand.

He knocked Regal out with one punch.

Present day...

The rain had softened but it still came down. The storm would be over soon. Troy lay upon his black, staring up at the sky above him with his clothes drenched in his own blood. He blinked and tried to move his right hand. It obeyed, but very weakly.

Troy figured he had enough for three movements before his strength left him. He had better make them count.

“Sheex, I appreciate the help but give it up.” Troy said softly as Sheex drenched another bandage in healing tonic and slapped it on one of Troy’s numerous wounds. Whatever attack Karel had used had been a death-sentence and Troy knew Sheex was only fighting the inevitable.

“No no no! You’re going to live Troy! You have to live!” Rebecca whispered as she lifted her brother up and gently rested his head on her knees. Beside him she knelt, running her hands through his hair which had fallen forward into his face. She pushed the hair back so she could better see her brother's handsome face.

“Even if he stopped the bleeding the magic I used to restore myself will soon leave me. My body will not be able to handle the shock of it in this condition.” Troy stated softly. Both Rebecca and Sheex looked at him sadly.

“Personally, I would like to spend this time without having Sheex run his hands up and down my body. His wife might get jealous.” Troy joked with a smile. They laughed but he could tell it was forced laughter. He turned his head slightly to look at Sheex.

“Marshmallows huh?” Troy whispered. Sheex nodded.

“Yeah. Marshmallows.” Sheex whispered back.

“Be sure to roast them. They are at their best when they are all gooey and sticky.”

“Nami agrees.”

“Tell her hi for me when you bring her marshmallows.” Troy said with a smile at Sheex. Sheex turned his head away from Troy and looked at the ground.

“Yeah, well-” Sheex never managed to finish his sentence. Troy’s hand shot out and grabbed the man by his collar and pulled him close.

“No if, ands, or buts! Nami gets her marshmallows delivered by the father who I know she so longs to see once more. Do not disappoint the ones you love Sheex Deltin.” Troy shot at Sheex and whatever the man was about to say disappeared in an instance. Sheex only smiled softly and his eyes held a sparkle as he thought about his little girl.

Two moves left.

“Troy...don’t leave me.” Rebecca pleaded. He turned to face his sister. Her head leaned over him, his face protected from the rain that fell from the skies but not the tears that streamed from her face.

“I am sorry sister. I thought that I could take Karel’s title for Regal and remove from him the burden he carried so he could be with you completely. I thought it was a perfect plan. I should have known better. Not once has one of my plans gone right.” Troy said softly as he looked past his sister and onto the night.

The stars were beautiful. Troy bet Rebecca would have looked even more beautiful in her wedding dress.

“You wanted to make me happy, right?” Rebecca whispered softly. Troy turned his gaze back to her.

“For that, I would have given my life.” Was Troy’s only response. It didn’t even dawn on the dying man that he had just done that very thing.

“Well then listen up Troy Priam! Never in the history of the world has a woman been so lucky to have a brother like you! You got that Troy? Not a day goes by I’m not thankful you are in my life! Understand? NOT A DAY!” Rebecca shouted as she buried her head into her brother’s chest as she cried and held him tightly. Troy wrapped his arms around his sister.

One move left.

“Whatever did I do to deserve such a wonderful sister?’ Troy asked softly. Rebecca lifted her head and gave Troy a soft kiss on the cheek.

“You loved me. With all your heart.” She whispered into his ear. Troy felt his strength leave him as she backed away. His legs grew numb and his eyesight started to fade. Rebecca squeezed his hand tight to comfort him but Troy was not afraid. He closed his eyes.

As he told Regal once, Troy had already died once. This death, next to someone he loved, really didn’t seem so bad in comparison.

“Troy. Troy! Wait, I need to know...” Rebecca shouted shaking her brother back to conscious. Troy’s eyes opened faintly and he looked upon his sister one last time. There was something she needed to ask him and by the Gods, he would be around to answer it.

“Tell me Troy. Tell me this whole mess was worth it. All the pain, all the heartache, was it worth it to see me again? Because I would suffer through it all over if I thought it would buy me one more hour with you!” Rebecca cried softly. Troy just smiled his loving smile at her.

“A fool’s errand. That’s what Regal called it. Troy responded, “Hoping that seeing you would somehow put to rest even a little bit of my nightmares. A foolish hope, but one I nurtured anyway.”

Troy summoned all the strength and rose up. He reached around his sister and gave her one last hug.

No moves left.

“I ate dinner with you and your friend. We went window shopping. Your smile shinned on me once more. For this...for this I would die a hundred more times.” Troy whispered into her ear. Rebecca sobbed as she embraced her brother for the last time.

“For the first time ever, I am not afraid to go to sleep. My last hope was fulfilled by you. Thank you sister. I love you with all my heart.” Troy’s arms dropped to the ground. His body would no longer obey his commands. His eyes grew heavy.

“And I you! And I you! Rest well, my beloved brother!” Rebecca whispered back as she lay Troy’s head on the ground. Summoning all of her willpower she took a deep breath. All of her tears stopped instantly. She brought her head back and gave Troy the thing he desired most in this world.

His sister’s perfect smile, for him and him alone.

Troy cried, his tears lost amidst the rain. But they were not tears of pain or sadness. He cried, but for the first time in a very long time they were tears of joy.

Troy closed his eyes. The rain, Troy’s life, and all of Troy’s loneliness faded away into the night.

10-23-09, 08:30 PM

Karel Raven felt his adrenaline lower and his pains began to really ache as he groaned fixing his jacket a bit tighter. The rain was getting softer and softer as the worst of the storm was passing them. He took in a deep breath as the realization that the battle was truly and well over. He half expected Troy to somehow raise to his feet, glaring daggers into Karel’s head and challenging him again. He passed off the idea as an over acting imagination. Troy was upon the ground and dead.

Victory was Karel’s once more. He had one back his title and his pride with it. Everything he worked for in his life was back in hands. He was once again the holy and blessed Saint of Swords. He had proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he was more than a match for Regal Burnswidth, the Demon of Swords, and Troy Priam, the fallen knight. He looked to Troy’s lifeless body with a neutral expression.

Rebecca was sobbing over her fallen brother, crying hysterically as she held him in his arms. Karel felt his heart twinge in regret as he longed to walk over and hold her in his arms. He wished to whisper the words I love you into her ear. He was unable to, however. He had lost that right when he became the Saint of Swords.

When he had killed Kai Atari, his mentor and previous owner of the title Saint of Swords, he had felt a deep seeded emptiness in his heart. He had felt like he had done a great misdeed, but in the end it was Kai’s wishes to fight together to the death for the chance at his title. This time, the death to reclaim the title hurt him in more ways than just the one.

Karel Raven felt like he lost. He lost the fight he wanted to win. He envied Troy when the man took the title for himself. He did it without bloodshed and even showed Karel up. Rebecca and Sheex both praised him for the Saint he was. Karel instead stood jealously on the side. He envied him so much he demanded to have his title back that instant. His blindness made him kill a man he envied.

Now in Troy’s death Karel felt more envious and jealous than he ever had before. Rebecca held him tightly, whispered her love into his ears. Sheex looked to him with a deep respect that the wanderer held for those he only truly cared for. Karel wanted that. He wanted to have Rebecca, he wanted the respect. He had killed a man who had all that for the burden, thinking in his mind that he would get the respect back, the love back. In his heart of hearts he knew he was just being stupid.

He turned his back on the scene, his heart unable to bare the burden he thrust upon himself in madness and looked to the Demon of Swords body. Even he, the idiot that started this, made Karel envious. His life was worth sacrificing, his death was worth risking everything for. Karel felt his mind grow foggy with all these emotions.

He looked back to Troy with a small look of envy, but mostly a look of deep regret. Karel Raven had been both victorious and soundly defeated in the same battle. He had his title back, but he lost his warrior’s pride and more importantly he had lost Rebecca. How N’Gash must hate him.

“Was it worth it?” Sheex said in barely a whisper. Karel looked over to the wanderer who was drenched in the rain. His jacket was no longer offering any real protection from the elements and he was covered in blood and mud. “You got your title back.” the amount of sarcasm oozing from his lips made Karel’s shoulder sag.

“It wasn’t his burden to bare.” Karel said. Sheex sighed deeply, a sigh that made Karel sigh back as well.

“You really are a unique person, Karel.” Sheex said with growing irritation. “You’ve had Rebecca and I this entire time, carrying your burden and then when someone comes to take it all away, the pain, the misery, the hate, you throw a temper tantrum and act childish in a madness to get it all back.”

“Knock it off Sheex.” Karel warned. Sheex instead took one challenging step forward.

“Or what? You going to kill me too?” Sheex laughed to himself in sarcasm. “Guess in this madness it’s my turn to challenge you. You going to kill me too, Karel? You going to fight me your holiness?” Karel just turned his back on Sheex and began to walk towards the mountain again. “Is nothing getting to you, Karel?” Sheex shouted to him. Karel just ignored the wanderer as he moved onwards. Sheex ran forward, sliding in the mud and turning to look Karel right in the eye. “You’re going to walk away from her after all this? Your just going to ruin her life and then leave her to pick up the pieces alone?”

“She has you.” Karel whispered. “She doesn’t deserve me.”

“For once, Sword Saint, I agree.” Sheex admitted. “But that’s not my choice.” Karel moved forward again, brushing past Sheex. “You’re not even going to talk to her?” Sheex said in his most defeated tone. His disappointment was clear as day in this foul weather and Karel only narrowed his eyes.

“What do I tell her, huh wanderer?” Karel challenged. “Look around Sheex. This place used to be a beautiful meadow near a beautiful little town. Now the lands been raped by shockwaves and blasts, blood stains the green grass and two men lay dead upon what should be a serene place. Do I look her in the eye and say, hey Rebecca, I’m sorry I murdered your brother. Can you forgive me? Sheex snorted at him in disapproval.

“I never thought of you as a coward Karel, but today is just full of surprises.” The two looked at each other a bit longer before Karel sighed looking towards Rebecca. She still cradled Troy’s head on her knees as she sobbed into his chest. His hand in instinct went to his chest and he gripped the ring underneath his shirt. He pulled at the chain and rubbed the ring softly with his fingers before he pulled tightly letting the chain snap off his neck. He tossed the ring to Sheex and the wanderer caught it with a confused look.

“Do me a favor and give that to her. It’s the only goodbye I can give her.” Sheex shook his head but pocketed the ring all the same. “Make sure you take care of her, Sheex. Make sure she gets home safely for me.”

“I’ll do it,” Sheex said honestly. “But I’m not doing it for you.”

“Just as long as she’s safe.”

“You really going to just walk away?” Sheex asked, giving him a sincere look. Karel looked back to the mountaintops with determination.

“I am. I have unfinished business that I need to attend to.” Karel walked out towards the mountains with Sheex looking back at him in disbelief.

“Hmph…” Sheex looked a few more moments at Karel as he walked away and turned back to Rebecca softly strolling and keeping a few respectful paces away. He was close should she need him, but far enough so she had privacy. The entire time in silence he kept thinking about what Karel had said, and with another snort of irritation he muttered,

“I can’t believe you’ll run from love, run from freedom, but charge forward into misery, and slaughter anyone who dares threaten to take that away.” he watched as Rebecca cried deeply into her lost brother’s chest. “You’re a bastard for making her cry, Karel.” Sheex whispered.

10-25-09, 05:30 AM
The ship rocked softly. It wasn't scheduled to leave port for another few hours but Rebecca didn't exactly have anywhere else to be. In the little room she had purchased she sat, her arms were wrapped around her legs and she pulled them close to her chest. Curled up on the bed she felt as if she wanted to cry but she denied that emotion.

With help from Sheex she had buried both her brother and Regal in the meadow where they had fallen. Afterwards she had told Sheex she intended to book passage on the first ship away from this place. She wasn't sure where she was going but anywhere was better than here.

Sheex had told her to wait for him, he had something he had to check up on. Rebecca assumed it was something to do with his family and told him not to worry about her. She told him to head home to the people that loved him and that she would be fine by herself. He told her it would only take about fifteen minutes and then he would be back to at least see her off. She didn't wait.

Denying another tear she reached into her pocket and pulled the out the ring that had been Karel's farewell to her. All the promises that ring had held now lay shattered. All the dreams she had, the days she would spend by Karel's side, were now things that would never be. Dreams of spending days with her brother, laughing side by side and visiting their parents once more, those dreams too would never come to be. She squeezed the ring in her hand tightly for a moment as if she was trying to stop another promise from escaping it, but she knew all the promises were already gone.

Rebecca's feelings grew cold. She cursed herself for having feelings for Karel Raven, the man who killed her brother. Karel slew Troy all because of a stupid title that had brought their relationship nothing but misery. She snarled in rage and turned towards the one window in her tiny room. With a curse she flung the ring out of the window and into the blue ocean. She then punched the wall.

Rebecca's feelings grew even colder. Why did Troy have to interfere? At least when Karel had his title he and her were still together. If Troy hadn't brought Regal into the picture than everything would have been all right! And why did Troy have to go and challenge Karel? Troy should have just minded his own business! Then he wouldn't be dead and Rebecca wouldn't be alone.

Again she punched the wall. Each blow was an attempt to shove away the pain in her heart but with each blow the pain increased. Why? Why did it have to be this way? Was it her fault? She remembered her arrogance to Karel when he proposed. No man can resist my charms. What utter foolishness. What rash hubris.

The pain in her heart grew and grew but she would cry no more. When she had first met Sheex he had called her an Ice-Queen. Completely cut off from all emotions, no happiness and no sadness. Sheex had been right. Troy had vanished and she had pulled a sword on her parents in order to find him. All though she would not dare tell a soul, Troy's abandonment had cut her deeply. Better to feel nothing than to suffer through all that pain she had told herself.

And so it would be again she swore. Karel had nearly hit her. Screw him. Troy had vanished again. Forget him. Sheex had a family loving him. Good for him. Let him go be with Leila and leave Rebecca alone. Again.

"Why? Why do all the men who say they love me abandon me?" Rebecca whispered softly. A last bit of emotion, a last bit of pain. She closed her eyes as a single tear fell from her cheek onto the little bed beneath her. She sobbed her last sob and swore to never let herself be hurt like this again. Then she heard a familiar voice from behind.

"You've still got one." Sheex whispered softly. Rebecca turned to see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his eyes upon her. His eyes looked so sad. Rebecca ignored those eyes and sat up on the bed.

"Sheex. I thought you had things to take care of." Rebecca said softly. Her voice was cool and even.

"Yeah. I took care of 'em. Then I had to track you down. Did you really think I'd let you go without saying good-bye?" Sheex said with a smile. It was a sad smile. Rebecca ignored that smile too.

“Good-bye Sheex. Thanks for everything.” Rebecca said softly as she turned to gaze out the window. Or at least she tried to. One of her eyes still lingered on her friend. He just stood against the wall, saying nothing.

“Something else you need Sheex?” Rebecca asked as she turned to face him once more. He just leaned his head to the side and studied her.

“Been awhile.” Was all he said.

“Been awhile what?” She asked.

“Been awhile, Ice-Queen.” Sheex said softly. Instantly Rebecca’s face turned red, an urge to slap him across the face raced through her mind but she stopped herself. No doubt that was what he wanted; a spark of emotion. With but a little spark Sheex could light a fire. He had done it before. She would not let him do it again.

“Good-bye Sheex.” Rebecca said softly. Sheex didn’t budge.

“I asked you to leave Sheex.” Rebecca almost pleaded. He still didn’t move.

“Leave me be Sheex!” She demanded. Still nothing.

“Damn it Sheex! Get out of here!” She screamed at him. No reaction.

“For God’s sake wanderer! GO AWAY!” Rebecca cursed as she sprang of the bed and glared at him. Sheex simply stopped leaning against the wall and uncrossed his arms. He looked at her.

“Do you remember the first time we met?” He said in a soft and kind voice. Rebecca was instantly on guard. Sheex could work magic with that voice.

“Black Isle burned. You ended up being stuck in a school. A college actually. An all girl college. There were other women with you as I recall. I, being the man I am, rushed to save those women.” Sheex began. Rebecca back away from him.

“With all the noble intentions of a pervert.” She spat. Sheex just grinned a bit. Rebecca retreated another step.

“Yup. So I get there and I’m flinging open door after door trying to find these lovely ladies that are in desperate need of a hero, right?” Sheex said in a playful tone. It was a tone he used often when he told a story. Rebecca took another step back and held up her arms as if she was trying to defend herself from him.

“Eventually I find the room where all the babes are. Dragons are scorching the place so I’m in a hurry. I don’t take time to knock, I just fling the door open like a madman.” Sheex continued, his voice picking up and taking a almost joking tune. He was in story-telling mode now and he had learned long ago that the story teller always approaches the story with a smile. That way the audience smiled with him, which was the goal of any good storyteller.

“Then SLICE! A sword comes at me! I duck low, ready for anything! My right hand shoots out, grabbing the assailant! To my surprise it’s a real good-looking woman.” Sheex said as he acted out the motions while he told the story. Rebecca’s lower lip trembled.

“I thought you were a dragon or something. I did apologize.” She muttered softly, adding a piece to the story.

“That’s right! So I quickly dash forward and sweep this girl off her feet. I look her in the eyes and say ‘I’m so sorry that I scared you! It’s a sin against God that I made such a pretty girl cry! I’ll do anything make it right and put a smile right back where it belongs, on your beautiful face!” Sheex said with a laugh. Rebecca had run out of room to retreat. Now she just tried to shrink herself away in the corner.

“Of course you slap me and call me a pervert.”

“Stop it Sheex!”

“I shrug, it happens all the time.”

“I don’t want to talk about this!”

“A dragon shows up! The other women are terrified! I tell you guys to go, I’ll buy you some time!”

“Please STOP!”

“You escape! I get flung out a window!”


“I land! The girls surround me! I play off my injuries! ‘I need a hand’ I say! The girls give me five!”


“You get pissed! Call me a perv!”

“I’m sorry Sheex! I didn’t mean to!”

“I snap! I just fought off a dragon to buy you time to get away! I scream back at you! ‘What’s your deal? Can’t you say thank you, Ice-Queen?’ You give me a funny look.”

“You scared me.”

“The girl apologizes.”

“The guy says it’s all right and he‘s sorry for yelling.”

“And the two of them are friends forever.” Sheex finished. Rebecca was sobbing softly now. Sheex just gave her a sad look and then pointed his finger at her.

“Rebecca Priam...” Sheex began.

“I just don’t want to be hurt anymore.” Rebecca moaned quietly.

“Rebecca Priam, you can yell at me, you can curse me, you can hit me, you can even take a swipe at me with that sword of yours. But there’s not a damn thing you can do to me that will stop me from crossing this room and giving you a hug!” Sheex said in the most determined voice Rebecca ever heard. Rebecca tried to shove all her emotions away but it was to no avail. Sheex had once again found a way to melt the ice that she had tried so desperately to surround herself with.

“SHEEX!” Rebecca bawled and he was across the room in an instant. She fell sobbing into his arms, tears flowing freely with Sheex’s strong arms wrapped around her to give her comfort.

“Sheex! My brother’s dead! I want my brother back! I want him to walk me down the aisle on my wedding day and hand me to Karel and say ‘Break her heart and I‘ll break you!’” Rebecca cried as Sheex held her tight.

“I love the man who killed my brother! I’m a terrible person!” Rebecca screamed as Sheex just looked her in the square in the eye.

“You are not a terrible person! You are one of the most kind, lovable, beautiful woman I have ever met! This story may have had a shitty ending but, damn it all Rebecca! That doesn’t mean it’s your fault! You did everything you could! You brought peace to Troy Rebecca! Remember what he said?” Sheex asked as he held her tight.

Rebecca nodded softly. My last wish was fulfilled by you. Troy’s dying words echoed in her ears. She smiled slightly.

“You brought a man who suffered for four years every night the peace he dreamed of. Any one who can do that it’s a wondrous person. Don’t kid yourself Rebecca. You shine brighter than any of use. Now...now it’s time to fulfill your wish.” Sheex said as he stood up. He moved towards the door.

“Sheex? What, what are you going to do?” Rebecca said as she chased after him.

“I’ll go after him. I’ll go after Karel.” Sheex said seriously. Rebecca just shook her head.

“No matter how much I love him we cannot be together. I could never be with the man who killed my brother.” Rebecca whispered softly. Sheex just placed a hand on her shoulder.

“I know. But that doesn’t mean your not worried about him, right?” Sheex asked. Rebecca sniffled and then nodded her head.

“So leave it to me! I’ll track him down and make sure he’s not dead in a ditch somewhere. And you, you work on fulfilling your wish.”

“Which is?”

“To be loved. Unconditionally, as you love in return.”

Again Rebecca fell into Sheex’s arms and again he held her tight, offering her all the condolence that neither Karel or Troy were there to provide. She looked up to him with her blue eyes as he smiled down on her.

“Why Sheex? Why do this for me? You want to go home, I know you do.” Rebecca said as she pulled him close, reveling in the comfort he provided. He just kept smiling at her.

“Because I’m Sheex Deltin! I’m no knight or Saint Of Swords and I can’t fight worth a damn but I’ll always help my friends! You want peace of mind? You want to make sure Karel didn’t go and kill himself because of regret? Then I’ll do it! I’ll do it for you!” Sheex said as he released Rebecca and bounced atop her bed. She laughed as he struck his best hero pose.

God, it felt so good to laugh.

“I’ll show you Rebecca Priam! I’ll show you that there are still people who care for you! People who still want you to be happy and people who want you in their life! Wherever you go Rebecca, Sheex Deltin has got your back!” He cried as he leapt off of the bed and landed before Rebecca. He brushed his hair back and flashed a heroic grin at her as he flexed his muscles like a superhero of some sort.

Rebecca laughed again and again. Sheex waited for the laughter to stop before he looked her in the eyes and held out his hand.

There he was again. The wanderer who had saved her life on Black Isle. The man who had introduced her to the man who had become her love. The friend who would watch out for her, forever and ever. Just like when she danced with him several days ago, his hand was outstretched and it offered to guide her to some far away place. She took his hand and gave him a big hug.

“And I’ll do it because I love you Rebecca Priam, and I always look out for the people I love.” Sheex said as he leaned over and kissed her forehead. She squeezed him tight.

“And Leila?” Rebecca asked.

“That’s the beauty of love Rebecca. She’ll wait for me. She promised she would and I know in my heart that’s a promise she’ll keep just as she knows in her heart that I shall return.” Sheex answered back. Rebecca nuzzled her head against Sheex’s chest.

“Because Sheex Deltin always keeps his promises.” She said softly.

“That he does. I may not know much, but I do know that.” Was Sheex’s only response.


Rebecca’s boat sailed away as she waved to him. He stood on the docks and waved back. The two friends gazed upon each other with smiles as they faded from each others eyesight. Sheex watched her fade away, off to seek her happiness. He took out the necklace Rebecca had given to him and stared at it for a moment.

“I’ll be back Sheex. Give me a week to think about things and come find me. No, better yet I’ll come find you! Just tell me how.” Rebecca had asked and in response Sheex had pulled out a worn map. Highlighted in red was the path to his home where his family waited.

“Follow the path. That’s the way to my family. If you don’t find me on the way, you’ll find me at the end. I guarantee it.” Sheex had responded. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

“I love you Sheex.”

She would be all right. It would take time to heal, time to recover from the tragedy she had just suffered. But she would heal. Sheex knew it in his heart. In the mean time, he had a former friend to catch up to.

On the way he stopped by a fountain. Several coins glittered underneath the clear water, wishes made by those who passed by. Sheex paused and pulled out a coin from his pocket. He spun it about his fingers as he began to think.

Rebecca told Sheex that Troy had made a promise to her before he had fought Karel. He had promised his sister that no matter what happened he would not take Karel’s life. Troy had kept that promise though it had cost him his own life in return.

“Watch over my sister for me.” Troy had asked of Sheex. Sheex had promised that he would.

“Make sure you take care of her Sheex.” Karel had asked of Sheex. Sheex had promised that he would.

“I don’t know why neither of you are here. I still can’t understand why you two left her alone and gave the responsibilities of a lover and a brother to me. But,” Sheex said softly to himself as he raised the coin into the air. “But I will fulfill my promises!”

Sheex flicked the coin high into the air and watched it spin over and over. The morning sun sparkled off of the coin; the light of a new day reflected by the metal. Sheex smiled as the coin fell from the sky and landed perfectly in the water before him.

“A wish for you Troy. Rest well, I shall do all that you asked of me.” Sheex whispered as he turned and began to walk. He soon stopped and turned to the fountain. He reached into his pocket and pulled out another coin. He tossed that one into the fountain and smiled as it landed next to his other coin.

“And one for you as well Karel. Not the Saint Of Swords, just Karel Hector Raven. My good friend, may you find what you’re looking for. I shall do all that you asked of me as well.”

“This I promise.”

10-27-09, 01:07 AM
Somewhere far away...

A young girl with dark black hair and green eyes slowly carried a large package up the three steps that led to the door in front of her. She set the package down and knocked on the door. It took several seconds for someone to answer but eventually a woman dressed in black pants with a simple blue tunic answered the door. Her hair was a fiery red color and her eyes sparkled like emeralds.

"Are you Leila? Leila Deltin?" The delivery woman asked softly. The woman just let out a chuckle and crossed her arms as she tossed her hair about with a flick of her head.

"Hey now! It's bad luck to call me by that last name until it's official!" Leila said as she smiled. Being called by the last name of the man she loved did not offend her in the least. She then thought for a moment.

"How'd you know about my marriage anyway? We haven't told anyone. We're going to surprise the kids when Sheex gets back." Leila asked. The other woman just pointed to the large package she had set down.

"The package is addressed to Leila Deltin." The woman with black hair said softly. Leila instantly picked up the package and studied it. The smile that shown on her face when she saw the sender’s name was something the other woman would always remember.

"Men! No respect for tradition! I guess that means you haven't seen Sheex." Leila joked as she hugged the package as if it were Sheex himself. The other woman began to rub her arms nervously.

"Actually I did meet him once." She said softly. Leila eyes went wide and she quickly set the package inside and ran up to the delivery woman.

"Is he okay? Where is he? How is he? He's fine right? Do you want to come in? You look thirsty, want a drink or something?" Leila asked amongst a thousand other questions; an obvious need to hear about Sheex was in her voice. The woman just shook her head.

"No thank you, I have other things I must deliver. But Sheex is fine and I know he misses you. I’m sure there’s notes in the package that will tell you more than I can. But, when you see him, tell him something for me." The woman with dark hair spoke in a soft voice. Leila simply nodded and smiled; the day a thousand times brighter now that she had heard that the love of her life was okay.

"Tell her a little Nightingale says thank you. He'll understand." Claire said softly as she gave a polite bow to Leila and walked away. Leila waved good-bye energetically and Claire heard her run through her house as she searched for her kids. Claire smiled as she reached a horse loaded with several more packages.

"I can see why he loves her. She’s so sweet." Claire said as she pulled out an old and very tattered book from her coat’s pocket. Pandarus's journal, given to Diomedes who gave it to Sheex who had given it to her. She flipped through the pages with a blank mind as she thought about what Sheex had said to her.

Claire had been sitting alone in a room at the inn when he had knocked. She didn't intend to answer the door but the whoever was there just kept knocking. Imagine her surprise when she flung open the door and saw Sheex there.

"Come for a rematch? Or maybe to gloat? Go away, I don't want either!" Claire had snapped as she stormed back to where she had been sitting. Sheex just silently entered the room and put his hand on her shoulder. That had taken her by surprise.

"I only have fifteen minutes or so then I have to split. I have a friend who needs me but I figured you needed this." Sheex had whispered as he pulled out Pandarus's journal. Claire's eyes were wide with shock as he handed it to her and she took hold of it as it were a priceless treasure.

"I was in town when I heard of a pretty girl with your description staying at the inn. All the girl did was stay in her room, supposedly crying at night." Sheex said as he stared out a nearby window.

"I wasn't crying!" Claire lied. In truth she had felt very, very lost without Diomedes around. She missed his smirks and his jokes, his kind smile that he favored her with whenever she had done well. She missed N'gash and his solemn attitude towards life as well. She had felt so alone ever since she had learned both were dead.

“Right. Well, Diomedes gave that to me before he passed away. I thought it was to repay a debt. Maybe if I had bothered to read it earlier I would have known what Troy was feeling and would have been able to stop the duel between Regal and Karel. Maybe.” Sheex whispered softly as he turned to leave. Claire watched him go and noticed his shoulders sagged a bit more now than they did when the two had first met. He turned and smiled at her.

“But now I’m thinking he gave that to me for a different reason. Maybe he had one last little wish left to be fulfilled. Back of the book’s the best part.” Sheex had said as he walked away.

She studied the back of the book now as she did then. Unlike the rest of the pages in the journal the last page was brand new. It was a beautiful sketch of her and Diomedes watching a sunset. She had never seen it before but she stared at it longingly. Then she had found the note.

To my little Nightingale,

If you’re reading this, I didn’t make it. I’m not even sure this will even make it in to your hands but if it somehow does be sure to thank the person who gives it to you. They fulfilled my very last hope.

Everything I own I give to you with one last order. Go be happy. Find a life worth living and live it. Don’t worry about me, if you’re reading this I’m with my brother. We’ll have a drink with you once you reach us.

Oh, and this part isn’t an order but a bit of request. Think of me fondly from time to time Claire. I know that I’ll always think of you.

With Love,
Diomedes Argives.

Claire smiled brightly as she closed the book and put it away carefully. She quickly leapt up onto the horse she had bought and undid the ponytail she usually wore so she could better feel the wind through her hair. She glanced about as she petted her horse.

“Which way Diomedes? We’ve lots to do and plenty of time do it!” She said with a laugh as the horse reared up and chose the direction for her. Claire had decided that racing about Althanas was much more fun than hiring herself out as a mercenary. As a child she had always wanted to see the world so that was exactly what she was going to do. It was pure chance that she had taken a job at a post office (where she always requested the longest journeys) and had found amongst the deliveries the one to Sheex’s beloved Leila. She had rode hard and fast to deliver that package as quickly as possible.

She would live a long life and when she passed away she would have that drink with Diomedes and his brother. She would walk up to the man she had loved with a smile, proud that she had fulfilled his last order flawlessly. She knew he would then smile that loving smile upon her once more.

He would also most likely chuckle and say something along the lines of “You named your horse after me? I always knew you wanted to be on top.”


“Just a little further Guy! I almost got it!” Nami whispered as she strained her hand a bit more.

“Geez Nami! You could have taken off your shoes!” Guy muttered back. Nami stood precariously balanced on his shoulders while he himself stood precariously balanced on a chair.

In the Deltin house, the marshmallows were always kept on the top shelf of the pantry.

“Almost got it! Almost got it!” Nami shouted with joy as her fingers touched the soon to be open bag of marshmallows. Guy took a deep breath and with all his might he pushed Nami up a bit higher. With a shout of joy she grabbed the bag and leapt off of Guy’s shoulders, a huge smile on her face when she hit the ground.

Nami was dressed in a white shirt with a with a little black skirt. Guy was dressed in a dark blue tunic with matching pants. Both of their outfits were covered in a bit of dust and Guy’s shirt had shoe marks all over it.

Naturally none of this mattered to them as they tore open the bag of marshmallows.

“Heehee!” Nami giggled as she reached into the bag. She then hesitated as she looked at Guy who was just smiling at her. She suddenly felt a little guilty; Guy had done most of the work.

“You want the first one Guy?” Nami asked in the sweetest voice as she held the bag out to him. Guy just shook his head.

“Nah. Go ahead.” Was Guy’s response. Not one to be told twice when it came to eating marshmallows Nami grabbed the biggest one she could find and plopped it into her mouth. Guy’s face suddenly turned a dark shade of red.

“Uh-oh.” Guy gasped as he spied Leila leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Nami turned and tried to say “Uh-oh” as well but her words came out as a garbled mess of marshmallow chewing.

“Uh-oh’s right. Sigh. I guess I’ll just have to keep those things in a safe or something.” Leila said as she played with her hair a bit. She tried very hard not to let her kids see her smile. Sheex and her always loved it when they worked together, which was actually quite often. Especially when it came to marshmallows.

“It’s my fault mom! I wanted the marshmallows and talked Nami into helping me!” Guy quickly said in an attempt to cover for his sister. Nami had by now finished her marshmallow and ran up to her mother.

“Nu-uh! I asked Guy to help me! My fault! My fault!” Nami shouted loudly as she simple refused to let her brother be scolded. Leila just shook her head and smiled.

“My fault!”

“No, my fault!”



“Well it doesn’t matter whose fault it is! Your father sent us a package but he said we could only have it if you two were behaving! Now we have to send it back! OH MR. POSTMAN!” Leila shouted as she turned around and headed towards the living room where the package lay. The marshmallows were forgotten in an instant as the children chased after her.

“No no no! Don’t send Daddy’s stuff away! We’re really, really, REALLY sorry!” Nami shouted as she caught up to Leila and clung to her leg. Her delay allowed Guy to run on ahead and fling himself in front of the package.

“Yeah Mom! We’ll be good! I’ll do the dishes for a week!” Guy pleaded as Leila did her best to stifle a laugh.

“Yeah! I’ll, um, clean toilets? Yeah! I’ll clean the toilets for a week too!” Nami pleaded as Leila burst out in a fit of laughter. Guy and Nami traded smiles. In this house laughter was always a good sign.

“Okay, okay! We’ll keep the package! Let’s see what he got us!” Leila said as she sat down on a couch as the kids immediately began to tear into the package. At least, they tried to. The massive amount of tape that wrapped the cardboard package thwarted their best attempts.

“Oh shoot. Guess we’ll have to send it back!” Leila joked as Nami and Guy just looked at each other with determined faces.

“Guy! Let’s use our teeth!”


Leila leapt of the couch just in time to stop the children from biting down into the no doubt filthy cardboard that ruthlessly guarded whatever Sheex had sent.

“Joking! Joking!” Leila said as she pulled the two away from the package. Nami’s face turned red as she began to pout.

“Mommy! You shouldn’t joke like that! It’s soooooo mean!” Nami said as Leila picked her up in her arms. Guy, on the other hand, began to scan the room for something sharp.

“You’re right. I’m sorry Nami. Kiss and make-up?” Leila asked as she held Nami before her. The little girl quickly smiled and kissed her mother as the two embraced, the sweetness of family enough to overcome anything. Meanwhile, Guy had found a letter opener and slashed away at the tape before him with a ferocity that would have made both the Saint of Swords and the Sword Demon jealous.

“Got it!” Guy shouted as he victoriously tore open the package. Inside were three more packages with names on each of them. Guy began to pass them out.

“This one’s for Nami. Sweet, I got the big one! Oh, here’s yours mom. Feels like clothes.” Guy said as he turned his nose up. Like any other child his age he thought clothes were the worst gift ever.

These packages were much more delicately wrapped than the one that carried them. Instead of tape each one was gift-wrapped with bow on it. Leila took a moment to smile while the kids just laughed and tore the wrapping from their presents.

“Awesome awesome AWESOME!” Guy screamed as he grabbed hold of the sword Sheex had sent him and held it high so that the sun that shined through from the windows could glint off its shining steel. Leila just rolled her eyes.

“Oh thanks Sheex. That’s a headache and a half waiting to happen.” Leila said under her breath. But as she watched Guy prance around screaming out different sword attacks (none of which she had ever heard of) she could not help but smile. A headache and a half maybe, but at least it came with a dozen smiles.

“Wow.” Nami whispered in a voice so soft Leila had to strain to hear it. The child’s hands shook as she held the ocarina Sheex had sent her and Leila could have sworn she saw a tear well up in one of Nami’s eyes. Leila set down her gift, which she had yet to open, and wrapped an arm around Nami. Nami nuzzled her head into Leila’s chest as she tightly clung to the gift her father had sent her.

“Oh, if you could just see this Sheex.” Leila whispered as she held her daughter tightly. Guy had stopped shouting about and he too walked over and put a hand on Nami who had started to cry as she held the first present she ever received from a father.

Neither of the children were Sheex’s by blood but unlike Guy, Nami was not Leila’s actual child. She was actually the daughter of one of the former town council members who used to live next door to Leila. The man was wealthy and powerful, so when Nami hid her bruises and told her teachers she had fallen down the stairs none dared to call it abuse. Not a soul, Leila included, had the courage to stop what they knew was wrong for fear of what would happen to themselves or their loved ones.

Then Sheex had been forced to live with Leila while the court determined if he was Guy’s father or not.

All it had taken was one cry in the night. One little girl’s scream and Sheex had stormed over to that house in the darkness. Leila knew not what had happened but Sheex had returned with a few bleeding cuts across his body and Nami in his arms. The child clung to Sheex tightly and he to her.

The last time anyone ever saw that council member was as he fled the town in the middle of the night. Sheex later told Leila what had happened.

“After we fought for a bit I told the guy I would be watching over his daughter. He told me that he was a member of the town council and he would make my life hell. Told me he could take everything from me. I told him a wanderer doesn’t have much he could take.” Sheex’s eyes had then grown dark.

“Then I told him I’d kill him if he set eyes on Nami again.” Sheex said softly. Her husband-to-be was quite a pacifist but Leila honestly believed that Sheex would have done it to protect the child who cried in his arms. From that day on Nami was part of the family and everyday that passed was another day she was showered with the love she had been previously denied.

Nami may have loved her marshmallows but the child worshipped the ground Sheex walked upon.

“Look at the swans Mommy! What do you think they’re doing?” Nami asked as she sat up on her mother’s knees. Across the sky blue ocarina the two swans flew side by side. Leila paused to think but Guy already had an answer ready.

“I think it’s a dad and his daughter.” Guy said as he hugged his sister.

“Me too. Look how the dad swan is soaring across the sky with his daughter, keeping her sheltered with his wing.” Leila said softly as Nami’s eyes sparkled magnificently. She clutched the present and whispered softly.

“Thank you Daddy.”

“Hey Nami. You got a note. I did too.” Guy said as he passed Nami a small card that had come with the ocarina. The ocarina itself had a small leather loop attached to it so it could be worn around the player’s neck. Nami used that strap as was intended as she read the note.

To my darling daughter,
Wherever I go, your songs are always with me.

“That’s sweet. What does yours say Guy?” Leila asked as Nami finished reading her note. Guy picked his up and showed it to Leila and Nami.

To my brave boy,
We’ll have a match when I get back. That’s a promise.

“A match?” Nami asked, not sure what was meant by that word. Leila just rolled her eyes as Guy sprung back and started swinging his sword about.

“Yeah! A sparring match! I’ve got to practice so I can beat him!” Guy shouted as he began naming off more sword attacks. Nami slowly got off her mother’s knees, still clingy tightly to her ocarina.

“I should practice too! Can you help me Guy?” Nami asked as Guy dashed about the room. Both children were smart but Guy had always stunned everyone with his intellect. When it came to reading, whether it was books or music, Guy was always able to figure it out quickly. Perhaps that was why Nami always asked Guy to help her practice her ocarina.

“Ultimate attack! ZANBATO! Wait, what?” Guy froze during the attack (which appeared to be nothing more than a standard stab) and looked at Nami. All the little girl did was stare at her brother with hopeful eyes. Leila could easily see that all that Guy wanted to do was run outside and practice so he could best his father when he returned. Leila opened her mouth to speak but to her surprise Guy just put his sword back into its package.

“Sure. We should see what Mom got first though.” Was all Guy said. Nami quickly turned around and gazed at her mother with a smile so beautiful that Leila wished she could freeze time so Sheex could see it. Leila than hefted the package and frowned.

“Ummm. That may not be such a good idea.” She muttered. It was definitely clothes of some sort, and given who Sheex was it could very well be the type of clothes that were meant for him and her. Alone. In the bedroom.

“What’cha get Mommy?” Nami said as she bounced up and down. Guy too was staring at her expectantly. Leila shrugged and opened the package, although she was prepared to send the children upstairs if something racy came out.

It was beautiful. The dress was the darkest of blue and made of fine silk. The length of the dress would stop just short of her knees, which would allow her to take it to nice events as well as turn a few eyes. Of course, the only eyes she was really concerned about turning was Sheex’s.

“It’s really pretty!” Nami exclaimed as she ran her had over the dress, careful not to leave a single marshmallow stain upon it.

“Yeah. Dad’s got good taste. What does the card say?” Asked Guy. Leila glanced down at the note that was attached and read it.

See you soon.

Leila hugged the dress close to her body as the children turned red in the face. Nami realized it was time for Leila to have a moment alone and headed upstairs to practice. Guy followed but hung back just long enough to look once more at his mother. She gazed upon him as he smiled at her.

“That was really nice of you Guy. Helping your sister instead of going out to practice.” Leila said softly. Guy just smiled and shrugged.

“It’s what he would want.” Guy responded softly. He then shrugged his shoulders and began to head upstairs.

“Extraneous circumstances.” Guy said quietly; the remark immediately caused Leila to chuckle. “Extraneous circumstances” was Sheex’s excuse for whenever he had to go out of his way to help a pretty lady. Guy was not above using that excuse as well. Before he headed upstairs he looked once more at his mother and his eyes shined with an intelligence belied by his age.

“He’ll be back Mom.” Guy said softly. Leila just looked at her son and blushed.

“I know that silly.” Was all Leila said.

Guy had watched his mother chase down many a different man, and each time she had claimed the man was his father. Even to this day Guy did not know who his actual father was, but he knew in his heart that Sheex was his father. Perhaps it was that Guy had been forced to watch his mother cling to each man and watch each man before Sheex leave her that gave Guy his intelligence, but when he smiled and spoke his mother knew the boy told the truth.

“He’s the one Mom. It took awhile but you found my father at long last. Our Dad does not break his promises.” Was all Guy said as he headed up the stairs before him to help Nami practice. Leila glanced down at the note in her hands.

“I love you Sheex.” She whispered as she clutched her new dress.

“Don’t forget to read the back!” Nami shouted from upstairs. Leila looked up to see her two children staring at her. Guy immediately covered Nami’s mouth and the two blushed as it became obvious that they spied upon their mother. Both scrambled away as Leila flipped the note over.

“I love you too.” Was all Sheex had written there.


It would be two months before Sheex returned to his family. During that time he would have many more adventures; both joyous and sad. But those adventures are tales for another time. In the end, the only thing that will matter to Sheex will be that he will fulfill all of his promises. Every last one.

Two months from now, Sheex will walk towards his house. It will be raining hard and he will be soaked to the bone. Nami and Guy will see him first and scream for their mother to come see. Leila will run out into the rain to greet him. The children will want to go with her but they will smile at each other and remain still; each will know that the moment ahead will be for their parents and their parents alone. They will wait their turn to receive their father’s loving embrace and bask in his warm smile.

Leila will dash towards her love, the rain will soak her clothes and ruin her make-up. She will not care. Sheex will be cold and tired but he will dash ahead to meet her halfway. The two will embrace and kiss passionately and the world around them will cease to be. Instead, at that moment in time, the world shall consist of only two people.

Leila and Sheex.

“That’s it.” Sheex will whisper into the love of his life’s ear, “There’s no more. That’s the end of my wandering.”

Leila will cry and hold him tight. Sheex too will shed tears of joy as the two are reunited. The two will then go inside, both will stain the floor with mud and the children will leap upon them elated to have their family back together. The first thing Sheex will do after he embraces his children will be to sit near the fireplace and roast marshmallows with his family.

And, as cliché as it may be, they will all live happily ever after.