View Full Version : Exodus I: Assirra Asuran

Assirra Asuran
11-07-06, 07:28 AM
Daylight was only a distant glow over the swerving sand banks of the desert horizon, the wind carved dunes rising and eventually sinking into a flat plane of fine dust on which the mighty Temple of Spirits resided in its solitude. Like a lost monument in the sands of time, greeted and known only by the sun and its protectors, the weathered stone face of a monk greeted the sunlight with a smile as the dawn broke over the cold sandstone, the first rays of light caressing the architecture of the desert colossus like a mother gently stroking her childs head. A single ray of light penetrated the darkness of the grand entrance to the temple to reveal the slender figure of a young man, dressed in a modest scarlet tunic with healthy white skin that seemed to glow in the touch of the new morning light. His bright smile widened as the sound of beating wings phased in over the morning breeze, and the silhouette of a dragon eclipsed the sun.

"Raol! Down here!"

The dragon, who at first appeared a giant in the dawn light but now only seemed of human adult proportions as it grew closer, perched itself on a broken sandstone overhang in front of the entrance of the temple, and lowered its head in respect of his master. Its scarlet scales gave off an almost metallic shine in the growing morning light, each seperate one gleaming with a polished radiance that reflected speckles of light onto the temple's stone face, whilst its golden eyes focused on the approaching youth. The young Terran Garra stopped before the overhang, returning the bow, and raised his arms to the sun in celebration.

"A beautiful morning. Fallien gifts us with some of the greatest dawns on Althanas, truely."

Raol, snorting to remove excess sand from his powerful lungs, voiced his first words of the morning.

"It is true Assirra. There are few countries in the world that could emulate the beauty of the desert. Did Solomon the Wise have much to hold council about? You were very quick for someone with so much to say."

Assirra Asuran sprinted forward, leaping from stone to stone with impressive altheticism as he navigated the ruins over the overhang, and eventually perched himself next to the desert dragon. He rubbed a gentle hand against Raol's smooth scales with affection.

"He wants me to come back again tomorrow. Something has come up, apparantly."

Raol tipped his scarlet head forwards. "That's unexpected. What's happening then?"

Assirra looked towards the sunrise nonchalently, swinging a loose foot over the side of his stone perch. "I'm not sure. I think we'll head back to Terragaia for now, though. I have a lot to mull over. Besides, its been hours since any of us have eaten or drank and its going to get hot soon. Where's Rekiula?"

"Back in the village, probably asleep I imagine." Raol responded.

"Good..." Assirra responded as he slung a knapsack over Raol's back, preparing to mount the dragon. "...she's a lot more friendly like that."

"Whatever you say Assirra. Are we off?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Assirra Asuran
11-08-06, 07:20 AM
Despite miles of blinding sandstorms seperating the Temple of Spirits, the massive desert colossus, and the town of Terragaia, it only took the powerful and agile Raol a mere number of minutes to reach his destination, his powerful wings and tough scales providing the perfect deterrent against the harsh conditions. It was assumed that such conditions had been put in place by the Great Spirit in order to protect His sanctuary from potential invaders, and moreso from those whose hearts and minds were too weak to be impressed by such a fountain of knowledge and wisdom. Why then, Assirra thought, would he of all people be allowed into His grace?

It puzzled him. A young lad like himself had no reason to be the receipitant of such honour. It was true that he worked hard at the small jobs he could manage, farming for spices in the caves east of Terragaia, waking up each morning completely focused and dedicated to the day, practicing his ever improving archery skills. But these tasks were selfish. Assirra had done little to contribute to the Great Spirit's cause, rarely had the time or patience to practise prayer, although he was a religeous boy by birth. As he pondered this small network of thought, Raol's gritty voice broke through the whirling winds and caught his ears.

"Is something troubling you Assirra?"

Assirra, his head wrapped in spare cloth to mask his face from the cutting sand, looked down at Raol from the mount.

"Not really. I just don't know why I was summoned to the temple, that's all. Why would the Great Spirit want me?"

Raol grunted. "I have served as the Temple Guardian for centuries. Around the temple there are many venomous storms of whirling sand, and the area is surrounded by deadly pitfalls. If the Great Spirit, The Spectral Marquis, did not wish for you to come here then you would have not survived the gauntlet on the way, and you would have joined the skeletons of those who had tried and failed. Is that testament to the faith enough for you?"

Assirra kept his head low as the pair broke through the remains of the storms, and a clear blue stretch of sky erupted from beneath the grime. For miles and miles around, an ocean of almost tropical sand rippled out aghast the ruins of many old settlements and tribal colonies, yet central to all of these ruins were the houses and camps that remained the heart of the Terran Garra tribe.

Raol and Assirra were almost home to Terragaia.