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Cards of Fate
01-20-16, 10:25 PM
“How the bloody hell am I supposed to do that…”

Vincent Cain bit his lips as he sat large mahogany desk. Before him sat several scattered parchments filled with frantic scrawlings and blots of ink. His normally well kept hair was a tangled bird's nest of blonde. His deep sapphire eyes were clouded and bloodshot with dark sullen bags hanging under them. His skin was unusually pale, and his august robes were disheveled and messed up. Voices whispered a jumbled cacophony of a message in his mind's ear, leaving the scholar exhausted and with a killer migrane.

Yet he had finally figured out what the voices of Fate wanted of him, and it wasn’t a simple task.

Taking a deep breath the scholar leaned back and chewed on his lower lip as he contemplated the task before him. Curing the plaguelands of Raiaera would not be easy. Just as purging the Red Forest of Pode’s curse had taken countless heroes, Xem’zunds plague would prove increasingly more tenacious. It spread slowly across the land like a festering infection, being actively spread by the remaining forces of the proud necromancers cruel regime.

Vincent began to turn the problem at hand over in his mind. He would need samples of walking corpses, soil, bile, anything at all the could be carrying the plague. He would need a safe place to store everything without risking contamination of both the samples and the people dealing with them.

The last thing he needed was another outbreak.

Research aside, once he had a cure implementing it would be an entirely different animal. With such a large area to cover he would need a new way to disperse his solution. He would need soldiers armed to combat zombied during the implementation phase, each geared to prevent their own infection. In the end it boiled down to money he didn’t have, manpower he couldn’t dream of mustering, and resources he couldn’t afford.

How Fate intended to pull any of this off was a mystery, but the Cards seemed to feel particularly chatty. They murmured softly in his ear, clouding his thoughts and making it hard to think. Sighing, the scholar reached under his desk and pulled out a large bottle of cheap white wine. Uncorking it he began to raise it to his lips before there was a knock at his door. Scowling, the scholar stashed his drink away before answering.

“Come in.”

01-22-16, 04:52 PM
(Moderator Note: continued from: ~here~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?29742-Tarot-The-Forgotten-Escape-Pod-Closed) and is part of an ongoing series.)

Fate was a particularly interesting maiden indeed.

There were those who feared her, those who shunned her, and a few who embraced her loving contours close.

Then there were those like Creno and his people.

The Prime. A star faring race that heralded from a different part of Althanas's known universe. They traveled across the celestial heavens in their beautiful vessels oft called Star Chariots. Entire portions of their current civilization could fit into one of these several Star Chariots as they made their way across the farthest reaches of space. Creno, and many other Prime decided to stay on the planet Althanas herself. Thus, learning all they could about the natives, and learning how to survive in a harsh and cruel world. That was the nature of The Prime. They were a stalwart race of scientists and explorers. Researches of every known species in the universe.

That was the main drive of all Prime.

They were the ones who sought answers, no, they cherished the search for answers.

Creno Valour was a pure Prime, one of the sons of the stars. He was bourne on one of the few Star Chariots still travelling through the universe of Althanas. Then, when he came of age, he opted to take his research to the world of Althanas and called that planet his home. He then became an adopted son of Althanas. It was in recent moons, he'd discovered the location of an older Prime craft. An escape pod of sorts that had crash-landed in Salvar. There, Creno went with his friend Joseph and fought off a group of brigands to recover items of great important to both adventurers. It was the object that Creno had recovered for himself that he'd studied for many months since he returned back to his personal quarters in the Tarot Base.

He was a member of The Tarot, and was just searching for his place in the world.

His months of research on the matter that his superior, Vincent Cain, had discussed with him had planted a seed in Creno.

The seed grew and developed quickly. As Creno researched the prime crystal database, for the knowledge stored within it's many cells of information, he discovered something that could be of use to Vincent. The object in Creno's posession was a library of vast information. It was a sentient crystal, capable of storing untold amounts of information. The crystal itself was shaped in the form of a glowing purple amethyst crystal shard. It was quite large and capable of being held easily in Creno's big hands. The information was deep within the crystal that Creno needed to find for Vincent.

He'd spend the last two weeks confirming the information that he'd learned.

Once he was certain, he'd walked towards Vincent Cain's chamber in the Tarot's base.

The knock was simple and soon the familiar response came from his superior.

"I have the information we have been seeking." Creno said. His boss also looked as tired as Creno did. They both had worked non-stop for months attempting to solve one of the greatest challenges that Althanas had ever faced. "A similar event occurred on Planet-X23 Solaris. Althanas Quadrant 3. The planet was wiped out with a plague that was constructed from Fell Sorcery. My people, my ancestors studied that world for a long time. All though a cure was not found to reverse the effects of the plague, an interesting discovery was none the less made." Creno said.

The Prime were thorough researches and kept detailed notes of their findings across the various sentient species they came across. Creno moved forward and set the Prime information crystal on Cain's desk. After a moment of manipulating the files in the database, Creno pulled up the correct information node. Once that was done, the room was bathed in a warm light, as a figure made of pure light flowed out of the Prime crystal.

"Ah, young Masters. Good morning." The custodian of the information library said. "World A-366B. Code-named Althanas. Acknowledged. The figure of light moved so that it faced both Creno and Vincent. "I have the information that you have requested." It said.

Creno nodded. "Bring up everything you can on the Dark Infection."

"Acknowledged." It said in response. A few moments later, the light entity brought up the requested files. "The substances was engineered by a mysterious cult." The entity began. "At first it was believed the substance itself could be contained. But within the first year, half of the world's population was infected as it spread in increasingly effective ways. The substance developed it's own personality matrix and became self aware the second year of the outbreak. In a matter of five years, the planet was dead and the substance has been contained on that world." The entity continued. "Attempts at reversing the effects, or even curing the effects have proven impossible. The world was quarantined. But in recent times Elder Prime scientists have become studying the Dark Infection once more. This is their findings." A shaft of light spread out from the entity and landed on Cain's desk. It became a small fragment of the Prime Crystal containing all the known research the Prime conducted on Dark Infection.

For all purposes, Xem'Zund's end-game was likely to create a self aware plague.

Creno spoke once the entity was done talking. "Cain. On that world, a similar virus spread across the planet effectively killing off all life. We might be facing an outbreak here on Althanas with similar implications. We have to study this information. My people recently discovered a way, not to CURE the Dark Infection itself...but rather, learn to control it. The virus is self aware on that dead planet. We might have to deal with similar circumstances here on Althanas." Creno explained. Creno had not slept in days, and he was certain that Cain had been working equally hard. "We need to study Xem'zund's plague and find out a solution to it before it consumes the entire world." Creno's findings had a distinct sense of urgency in them. He did not like bringing such bad news to the boss. But perhaps...there was still time to perform a miracle. "We have to make something happen for the sake of all life on Althanas." Creno was ready to sacrifice his own life for the greater good if need be. That was the devotion and dedication he brought to the table.

The entity of light receded back into the crystal and the room returned to it's normal lighting.

Cards of Fate
02-01-16, 09:23 PM
Vincent sat there silently for a moment, chewing on his lip as he contemplated the monstrous amount of information dropped on his lap. For now, he figured he would play distraction until he had caught up.

Vincent hated being behind.

“Welcome back from your mission Creno!” Vince chimed somewhat snarkily as he reached under his desk and once again retrieved the fancy decanter and plopped it gracefully on his desk with a slight, THUNK. He nimbly fetched two smaller glasses and spun them on each of his index fingers before placing them down with a flourish. His saphire eyes glowed brightly as he motioned to the plush armchair before his desk. “Have a seat, perhaps a drink as well?”

The scholar uncorked the decanter and began to pour the two of them each a small glass. “Falleni Rum, bit of a heat to it but that ought to warm your bones right up after that chilly Salverian chil!” The Prime sat down and reached for a glass thinking it rude to refuse and clinked glasses with his boss.

“Cheers!” Vince exclaimed taking a sip of the amber liquid, his gaze never tearing from the mysterious crystal that he’d been shown. ‘Okay, so we have some alien technology way beyond current time, Creno can manipulate it. Sidenote, does this prove that this realm is infact another universe with planets and a cosmos? Recheck the stars for earthen constellations.’

After a brief moment of silence the scholar spoke.

“Sentient plague? Dark infection...” He straightened up and steepled his fingers together, tutting to himself for a moment. “Tell me, Mr. Archivist...thing. Do you by chance happen to have any schematics on...equipment they may have used to gather samples of this infection safely? Perhaps something they used to analyze it?” The figure in the light whirred for a moment before several complicated looking schematics were displayed in the air.

To the untrained eye it was all greek.

To the ex Hierophant, these schematics spoke volumes about the power and complexity of Prime technology, but also filled his heart with dread.

“Is there a problem sir?” Creno asked as he noticed the scholar’s brow furl.

“This is excellent information, but it’d take hundreds of years of technological innovation to be able to fabricate any of this…” The Emperor growled slightly before turning his gaze to Creno. “I have a new assignment for you, Creno. When you’re ready of course.” The prime raised an eyebrow before replying.

“What do you need sir?”

“I need hard copies of all these schematics if possible, backups in case of disaster. Then I need you to meet me back here, we have some complicated work afoot.”

02-04-16, 07:02 PM
Creno took a long pull of the whiskey.

It did have a rather strong kick to it, but Creno was a tough man. He could handle a bit of a kick to his drink, especially since he only drank when Vince was around or John. Creno closed his eyes for a moment as he considered the texture of the strong drink, his mind thinking of the various aspects of the drink. Where it came from, how it was distilled...it was all art to him. All Prime were scientific minds by nature and Creno was no different. He'd just not found his true scientific calling just yet. Creno observed both the archivist that still floated atop the large piece of amethyst, and then Vince. He intends to undo Xem'Zund's work...if we are successful... Creno considered everything that the archivist said, and everything that Vince said. It was all a lot to deal with...but if they could get it done... then they'd be remembered has Heroes for all time. Creno rubbed his chin thoughtfully and let Vincent's words hang in the air between for a long few moments. Creno was deep in analytical thought. To utterly defeat Xem'Zund's works...to free Althanas from this dread plague...could this be the purpose I have so longed for?!

Creno's eyes shown with a sudden ferocity they haven't had in a long time.

"I shall get you the information you requested as soon as I am able to record it for you." Creno suddenly said.

Creno stood up and looked at the archivist for a long moment. He used the technique needed to turn the amethyst crystal off. There was a warmth of light for a bit longer, and the archivist faded back into the crystal. The room's lighting returned to normal. Creno took a long pull of his drink, finishing it in one long gulp. He then set his chalice on the desk. Creno looked at Vince. The lancer had a serious expression on his face.

"We are about to embark on a dangerous journey aren't we, Vince?" Creno asked. "I won't lie...I'm scared. Xem'Zund had a plan for all Althanas, and the implications were not good. The fact that the Walkers even exist is a feat beyond most understanding. Men simply accept what happens without questioning things right you know. If Xem'Zund had the power to reanimate the dead...cause the fall out in The Red Forest...and forever marr our world with his darkness...then I must ask. What happens when Xem'Zund's mark fully incubates?" Creno continued his line of thought. "If his plague is indeed self aware....it might have it's own agenda completely different from Xem'Zund's original plans." Creno continued to hypothesize out loud. "And if the dark mark is in fact self aware...what of the Walkers?" Creno refused to believe the Walkers were entirely mindless. Creno considered many possibilities, but the boss had given him a job. "I will get the information for you. We have a lot of work ahead of us."

Could they truly contain live samples of The Dark Mark!? Creno shuddered as he thought of the implications.

"Do you need anything else, before I head off to get this stuff done for you?" Creno asked of Vincent.

Cards of Fate
02-29-16, 02:18 PM
The scholar stared blankly ahead and took a sip of his drink before answering. "While we have so much to think about in the long term, it is not worth getting bogged down now as we start our endeavor." he rose to his seat and stretched, his joints cracking. "Right now we need to focus on moving forward! Destiny awaits us Creno Valour, we are going to carve our names into history!" The scholar struck a dramatic pose pointing outwards, towards the great unknown beyond. After a moment the scholar broke pose and chuckled for a moment.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away..." He adjusted his robes and grinned sheepishly. "When you have the info you need I would like you to travel to Beinost and meet me at The Ace in the Sleeve Inn. When you arrive tell the barkeeper, Anvil, that you want your sheets to be Salvarian Cotton." The scholar strode forward. "I will depart ahead of time to procure resources and the like, we will also need a warehouse of sorts to turn into a makeshift lab. All easily obtainable with my connections of course."

With that the scholar disappeared in a burst of blue sparks.

03-08-16, 05:25 PM
Creno listened to his super officer.

The order at hand was a tall order, but Creno was a capable man and wanted to excel at his job.

Of course, the information that was being requested would take some time.

Once he saw his superior vanish off in a burst of strange light, Creno nodded to himself. He took a last pull of the drink that Vincent had offered him and stood up, retreating to his personal chambers. There was work that needed doing...and Creno had to take his place with the other members of The Tarot. Creno mentally reviewed the information that Vincent had given. The information was important, and he needed to go to Benoist once his part of the transaction was done. It would take several days, maybe a week or so, for him to gather all the detailed information in manuscripts. The lancer carefully prepared his thoughts. He knew it would require a lot of manual labor to prepare the great work. And so, Creno gathered parchment paper, ink and ink wells, and pens to write with. His room was well lit and he would not be disturbed from doing the great work.

As he sat down, he activated the archivist in the large crystal that Creno held in his possession.

"Young, master Creno Valour." The archivist said calmly. "Shall we begin the great work?"

"My superior has tasked me with compiling the information that our people have discovered. It will be critical in stopping a similar plague from spreading here on Althanas." Creno explained carefully. "If left unchecked, I fear that this dark mark can infect other worlds...and eventually be unstoppable. We must prevent this from ever happening."

Creno felt suddenly that he was on the cusp of history.

A mad Necromancer named Xem'Zund who placed a powerful and deadly plague on the world of Althanas, was destroyed by a group of Heroes.

The dark mark however, remained to threaten all of Althanas...and most importantly was spreading.

Creno had to stop it.

Creno looked at the Archivist. "I need to write the information in one gigantic manuscript. So as the information is all there. For others who will follow in our work." Creno said calmly.

The Archivist spoke. "Creno there is a way for me to transfer the information that you seek." The Archivist suddenly had a serious expression. "But your body will have to be used a Medium point between the information and the crystal." The Archivist continued. "Your brain will transfer the information directly from the crystal, from me, to the manuscript paper. The vast information will take approximately four days of pure work of your Althanas time."

"Four days, non stop you mean?" Creno asked.

"Four days, no rest, food, or water. The process cannot be interrupted. What do you say son of Clan Valour?" The Archivist asked.

Creno nodded carefully. "I accept your terms and conditions." He said plainly.

The Archivist's expression softened for a brief moment. Then he reached out and touched the side of Creno's head with his left hand. There was a burst of light...

Creno, half an hour later, began to suddenly write as a man possessed.

The writing was perfect and elegant common tongue for those who would view the great work...

Four days later...


Creno's hands ached from their grip on the pen.

He wrote down the information that passed through his brain like a man possessed.

Soon, he'd compiled a record of the entire library of information that Vincent had requested.

It was one of the most heroic events of his life.

No rest, no food, no water....only completely zoned out writing.

His eyes had a mysterious white glow to them as he wrote and he'd developed a rugged bead through the entire process.

His whole body ached as much as his hand ached, but he was finally at the last page of the great work.

Once he'd placed the last symbol on the final page, Creno mind was released from the trance. But the information was permanently memorized and engraved on his brain. Creno would be able to recite the data in pure Prime language ad verbatim. As he wrote the last symbol and his mind was released from the vast information transfer, Creno sighed heavily. He finished the last symbol with his hands aching, his muscles and body aching. He had a tremendously bad headache, likely a result of the information transfer. The Archivist accompanied Creno along the great work the entire time. Four days and nights, right to the last possible second. Creno had never felt more exhausted in his life.

The Archivist spoke about a half an hour after the last symbol was placed on the last page.

It had taken ten journals, each with about one thousand pages filled front and back.

Creno was breathing heavily.

"Checking life vitals..." The Archivist said calmly.

Creno was finally able to speak after not having said a word for four days straight.

"W-well..." Creno began. He coughed for a moment since his mouth was dry and his throat was sore. "Remind me never to do that again if it can be helped." Creno managed a smile and looked at the archivist. The glow in his green eyes, faded but only slightly. Creno kept looking at the Archivist.

"Your vitals are fair after you've performed the task. You should eat though as you're likely very hungry and need to recuperate your strength." The archivist continued to speak. "You should rest a time too. I'm certain that Vincent will be able to wait for you at the chosen destination."

Creno nodded carefully. "My head feels like shit, but other than that...I am actually pretty fucking hungry." Creno sighed. He'd changed somehow, the information that passed through his brain likely altered the physical make up of it. He had no idea what that meant. Only that his head felt like Hell. Creno stood up from his chair, or at least attempted to. His body did not react like it should have normally...he fell down for a moment, but managed to catch himself from bashing his face against the floor. He balanced with one hand, and his knee. The Archivist was unable to physically help Creno in that sort of way. The Prime technology was advanced, but since he was not on any of the Star Chariots, he could not get help from that one crystal.

Then there was a knock on his door.

One of The Tarot servants, heard Creno fall and approached his chamber.

"Mister Valour, are you well?!" Came a concerned yell from outside.

"The door's open, I could use some help Also...what do I have to do to get some food around here?" Creno felt a powerful rumble in his stomach, and did not see it when The Archivist shut himself down for the time being.

The servant entered, a young woman named Sandra Jacques. "Creno, you look absolutely famished, what have you been doing?!"

"Sandra...it's a long story. But help me stand here, I just finished a task for Vincent. Had a lot of work to get done. Now I'm hungry...I need to eat and drink...liquid of any sort. I'm just a mess right now." Creno admitted openly.

Sandra nodded, and helped Creno stand up and walk over to his bed.

Creno sat down on his bed.

"I'll get you what you've asked. Don't worry I will not be long." Sandra Jacques said calmly and went to get the items that were requested...

Cards of Fate
04-02-16, 11:01 PM
Four days…

It two days for Vince to travel across the plague stricken land of Raiaera, his home, leaving him to bask in the evils of the monstrous blight. Undead shambled aimlessly, rotten limbs barely able to propel themselves forward. Villages lay abandoned, cities sat in ruins, life seemed to be an abstract concept in so much death.

Yet it only steeled young Vincent’s determination.

Raiaera had stagnated for too long. It’s people were without hope, without direction, without life. The very kingdom seemed just like the walking dead that now ruled it, lifeless and without direction. What they needed was a spark, something to light the fire that would burn this rotten, festering plague from them. The land was sick and dying....

Vince would be their doctor.

He had been there when they had smote the Red Bitch who had stolen the lands beauty in a fit of jealous rage, he had been one of the five to put her down for good. Yet it seemed like the leaders of the land were willing to sit on their laurels, to waste the gift they had been handed from on high. The people were ready, they were willing, the would answer a call to arms.

A call that would not come.

Not if the Bardic Council had anything to say about it, they would build a new town outside of the Red Forest and wait, heads buried in the sand for the hungering dead to storm the buffet of innocents they had created. No army would stand in the way of the dead, no walls could reign this vile plague in, everything would fall to its endless ranks of the dead.

In these two days Vincent had seen all he needed to. He had committed his mind, body, and soul onto a course of action that would change history for the better. Before he had left the House of Cards, he’d had the foresight to draft several letters and sent them out via carrier pigeons, messengers bearing commands to every company under the Emperor’s control. As he had traveled assets had been purchased, collected, and transported from all corners of the world. Entire warehouses in Corone would be emptied and loaded into the youth’s armada of trade ships, all with one location.


The site of one of The Corpse War’s greatest tragedies would be the site of Xem’Zunds undoing. The ghost town would be rebranded, rising from the ashes of history as a glorious phoenix the would burn away the plague that had dominated the land for so long.

On the third day, Vincent arrived to find the cogs of his plans in motion. Forty men and women of all races, creeds, and color had assembled at a large warehouse at the very edge of town. Each of them had a story to tell, all of them united be one common theme. They had lost someone, something, to this plague.

And they wanted revenge.

The scholar found himself striding through the large oaken double doors to the massive building to find everyone hustling about moving supplies. Everyone stopped and stared at the scholar, cloaked in his usual purple cloak. The Emperor stood before his team, the corners of his lips slowly began curl upward into a grin.

This was going to be the start of something beautiful.

05-01-16, 07:38 PM
Creno arrived on the sixth day since the long journey started.

His boots crunched the soft of earth and his eyes studied the environment ahead.

He wore a serious expression on his face.

His muscles had recovered from the long, almost meditative like trance that he'd been subjected to a few days prior. Four days. For four days, Creno inscribed the text of that the single scholar embedded in the crystal he carried poured through his body. Creno felt a new sort of determination as he arrived at Beinost, he felt a deep pride in his chest. For the first time in his life, he had purpose. And it was purpose that defined all beings of Althanas and beyond. Creno greeted several guards that were posted at the city gates and walked right up to them. He carried with him, the tomes that he had written with his bare hands. Four days of work. Long, arduous labor that would forever alter their destiny and give them a fighting chance. Creno spoke with the guards for a long moment and found out that Vince had arrived some time before he had. He gathered the information he needed to Vince's location and proceeded to venture there with his packs. He'd traveled with merely his equipment, the tome, and his crystal. His expression was a serious one, and he'd grown a beard in the time that he'd worked on the tome.

The tome had been completed across several manuscripts.

It would take a time to read it all, with several scholars working on it.

It had taken Creno Valour four days to write it all.

The crystal of his people would be the key to undoing Xem'Zund's curse upon Raiaera. He made his way towards Vince's location and prepared to meet up with the fellow. Creno was a recognized member of The Tarot at that point, and thus, the proper connections made sure to allow Creno access to Vincent. Creno's long hair swirled in the afternoon breeze. There was an immediate buzz in the city as The Tarot member arrived. His arrival would mean a new hope was on the horizon. Something that the people of Raiaera had been without for far too long. Creno carefully made his way to Vincent and a guard spotted him.

"Sir Valour. Mr. Cain is expecting you." The guard said calmly.

Creno nodded as he looked up at the fellow. They walked towards Cain's position.

"Cain speaks highly of you. He says your lot will be able to cure The Rot." The guard said as they arrived at Cain's base of operation.

Creno looked at the guard and placed a warm hand on the man's shoulder. "Have faith." Creno said calmly. "The light will wash away the darkness." Creno said.

Then he went ahead to meet up with Vincent Cain, the leader of The Tarot.

Cards of Fate
05-20-16, 04:19 PM
Creno found Vincent standing in a large warehouse at the furthest reaches of the docks in Beinost. All around him people were scrambling to move resources and furniture. Several studious looking people sat gathered around several tables. All eyes were on Mr. Valour as he stepped in.

Vincent turned to greet his friend with arms wide open. “Well if it isn’t the man of the hour!” he cried out jubilantly. He strode across the warehouse and embraced the Tarot member. “Do you have what we need my friend?” The man nodded and gestured to his pack where he held all the manuscripts.

“May I?” Vincent asked as he reached for the satchel. Creno passed the satchel off and the scholar quickly set it on a nearby table, opening it to see several books. The scholar whistled slightly and fetched one out and quickly flipped through several pages. “This is going to be some complex stuff my friend…” he passed the book he was handling to a nearby seated scholar. “Help me get these passed out, we’re going to have as many eyes on these texts trying to gleam as much information as possible!”

He then turned back to Creno. “While we get this set up could I interest you in food, drink perhaps? We should get you settled in your new quarters before we dive head first into our studies.”

05-31-16, 12:47 PM
Creno Valour looked at the gathered scholars.

There were learned folks of many different skill sets, but all were there for the pursuit of knowledge.

Creno finished giving Vincent the large satchel and felt as though a tremendous weight was off his shoulders. Off his back. In a way, the future of Raiaera depended on their solving the greatest mystery of all. It wasn't just about how to defeat The Walkers once and for all. It was about how to return the land back to the state it was once. Creno thought about that for a long moment. A Raiaera without the curse of The Walkers constantly threatening it. A Raiaera where people could live in peace, and be at peace. Not just Men and Elves....but all races of Althanas proper. Father would be proud. This is my great work...long have I fought to find my own way in this life...long have I wanted a purpose. Now I have one. Together we will all save Raiaera and prevent another disaster... Creno did not answer Vincent right away. His eyes were distant and had thought in them. They had changed considerably after his long ordeal, but that simple and almost humble kindness remained. Creno looked at Vincent at that point and nodded carefully.

"I'm pretty tired." Creno said. "I would like to get situated in my quarters and get some sleep for a few hours. This manuscript here....is one I wrote on the way here. It details the organization system of the body of work. There are detailed organization markers. I tried to be as thorough as the crystal allowed me." Creno continued. "The Crystal has a detailed reference of information that we can use to double check everything with. But like I just said. I require a bit of sleep before I can continue to be of any use to our cause." Creno nodded with respect to Vincent and the other gathered scholars.

As he stood there, he thought about the trip over to Benoist from The Tarot's base.

Many images passed through his mind. But mostly he was just tired after the long ordeal he'd undergone.

Creno waited for Vincent to decide what would happen next.

But mostly, he just wanted sleep, good and solid sleep.

He had not slept in several days, almost a week by then.

However, if Vincent needed his services right away...the lancer would of course oblige.

Cards of Fate
06-03-16, 07:41 PM
The scholar clasped the lancer on the shoulder. “Come Creno, the task at hand can wait for now. I will show you to your quarters! Sleep will do you some good; I will carry on with the task at hand.” He guided the man out the door he had arrived through into the open Beinost air. The sun was beginning to set, and gray clouds threatened to bring an evening shower with the setting sun. The breeze carried the scent of salt and ocean as the two walked through the empty streets. The warehouse had been the closest to the shore, and the farther they got from the docks, the more crowded the streets became.

“I’ve been gathering people here for a while now, using the empty town as a staging center for my company works outside of Tarot interests. Now, I’m using my company’s profits to fund our current endeavor.” Several men and women hailed Vincent as the duo walked about. “As you can see, this place is no longer a ghost town.” By this point they had arrived to the town’s main plaza. Lights were ornately stung above, people were singing and dancing along with several men who idly played festive tunes. The entire town seemed to be filled with hope, hope of a new age about to dawn.

In the plaza, the largest building was a massive tavern, bearing a sign titling it as the “Aces High,” and the scholar gestured towards the door. The lancer entered first, and Vincent followed after him. Inside a plethora of people sat around, drinks in their hands and food on their plates. Several barmaids bustled about making sure people’s cups were filled and their spirits were high. A dwarf saluted Vince from behind the bar and tossed him a key from under the bar.

Turning over the brass key in his hands Vince eyed an inscription on its shaft. “Looks like you’re in room 12,” the scholar murmured handing the key to Creno. “Go ahead and make yourself comfortable, I’m going to grab a drink and head back to the warehouse to scour the manuscript for a bit!” He clasped the man on the shoulder once more.

“Good work, Creno.” He locked eyes with his underling and smiled. “You’ve practically handed us the key to solving this puzzle. Sleep well, and find me in the morning. There is much work to be done yet, and I fear that we have less time than we think.”

06-10-16, 02:24 PM
After a good night's sleep...

Creno awoke with a sudden thought.

He found himself thinking of his family back aboard the star chariot. I miss you guys. I sometimes wonder if this is all worth it. This great experiment to save the sanctity of life. Freedom is the right of all beings. Creno thought to himself as he envisioned what his parents and siblings would be doing aboard the great star chariot at that moment. Creno looked off to the distance for a moment and felt refreshes for the first time in a long time. We're about to start a great work. Mother. Father. I hope somewhere you guys are proud of me. He sat up and immediately got dressed. The sleep was needed to recharge his potent chi energy. The vast energy he needed actually empower his flying capacity.

Creno stepped out of the building a few moments later, greeting all those who greeted him.

They were aware that he was the one who'd brought them the information that would be so critical to undoing a mad Necromancer's dark work.

Someday they will remember as a Hero...someday... Creno thought to himself and allowed himself a smile for the first time since the entire ordeal began.

The crystal in his possession was a remarkable piece of Prime technology.

To think it would be an old relic like that to save this planet from a dark fate... Creno could not help but smile.

There were dark forces in the world.

Shadows that worked at all hours of the day and night to undo everything he loved about Althanas. I swore an oath to protect this world. And that's exactly what I am going to do. The young lancer looked at the gathered townsfolk. They were already bestowing great honour upon him. Creno walked up to them, and nodded to his newfound friends. "I need to speak to Vincent." He said to the gathered.

"I will guide you there." One of the male Elves said calmly and guided Creno over towards Vincent.

Creno entered the large building where they were gathered, working on the texts he'd written with his own hands. Creno spotted Vincent and approached the scholar.

"I trust the text was adequate?" Creno asked. Then he looked at Vincent. "We must prepared for The Great Work at hand. I swore an oath to protect this world. I intend to keep my end of the bargain. What is that we need to do now?" Creno asked of Vincent and waited for the man to respond.

Cards of Fate
06-13-16, 01:49 PM
Vincent looked up from the book at hand and smiled at Creno, his eyes red and bloodshot. “The text is more than I could have imagined so much technology and information all in one place.” He rose from his seat and clapped Creno on the shoulder. “This text will show us the way forward…” He guided the lancer to a window in his study. Outside several ships had arrived at the docks, men and women alike swarming through the docks with boxes in their hands.

“You’ve given the people hope! More than what we had when we cleared the Red Forest, you’ve armed us for the coming war.” The scholar paused. “Now we must press the advantage further.” He sighed. “I will stay with the scholars for now and help fabricate some of this new technology to the best of our abilities.” He gestured to the stacks upon stacks of books on his desk. “As you can see my work is cut out for me, so I need you to take charge of the field work my friend.” The scholar returned to his seat and quickly began scribbling a list down.

“I’m going to need samples of corrupted dirt, zombies both still walking and zombies that we’ve slain. I need to see what the plague has been doing to the wildlife, to the water…” the scholar droned on. “We need to figure out how it interacts with everything in the environment, if it can be spread by pests or bugs.” The scholar paused, “We need to know if it can be weaponized at all, not for our use, but for someone looking to cause trouble…we need a way to detect these things…” The scholar shook his head.

“But first, we need to gather samples. Get some of our best men, I’ve purchased Aleran hazmat suits that will protect you from the plague. I want you to lead a short expedition into the plague lands to observe and gather test subjects.” He stopped and looked up, “Be careful though, the last thing we need is more victims…”

With that Creno was gone, and Vince was left to his own devices. His eyes burned, screaming for the sweet relief of sleep. Yet he still had hours of work planned, and many months of hard work left. He turned his gaze back to an open text and sighed, such was the price of success.

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
06-14-16, 08:42 AM

Cards of Fate receives 1010 EXP and 115 GP!

Sir_Creno receives 485 EXP and 70 GP!

Shinsou Vaan Osiris
06-14-16, 08:47 AM
All rewards have been added!